The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 21, 1910, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
Other Matters of Interest Con-
tensed From the Mora
Important Telegrams.
Frank M. Couden. cashier in the
office of the surveyor of customs at
Cincinnati, whose name was promi
nently mentioned in the Warriner
embezzlement scandal in the Big
Four railroad, was discharged from
the government service.
While about to board a southbound
suburban car into the city where she
intended to purchase the final ar
ticles for her trousseau Mrs. Eliza
E. Williams, who was to have been
married soon to Warren K. Jessup, of
Los Angeles, CaL, was struck by a
northbound trolley car and instantly
If Governor Hughes is to be made
chief justice of th" supreme court of
the United States he will be pro
moted from a associate justiceship.
Reports that the nomination of the
governor a?, an associate justice
would be withdrawn and his name
sent to tb" senate as chief justice
have been put to rest by arrange
ments that the New York executive
has Lon making to take up his
duties on the bench the second Mon
day 1.1 October.
Pearls are growing on cocoanut
trees in the Malay peninsula and the
noVfel discovery has been made the
subject of a special report from Con
sul General Dubois to the department
of commerce and labor. The pearls
are said to be not unlike those of the
oyster, containing calcium carbonate
and a little organic matter. Certain
concretions form just beneath the
stem of the cocoanut shell, and the
result is a pure white pearl which
brings a high price.
Viscount Arasuke Sone, privy coun
cillor and former resident general in
Korea, died at Tokio.
A bull fight under novel "conditions
took place in Geneva. As the police
would not allow the wounding or kill
ing of the animals, the toreadors
used glue to stick their darts, and
the chief toreador used a wooden
A Berlin householder brought an
action against a tenant for the dis
turbance caused by the ' latter per
mitting his cook to whistle and sing
while at work. The magistrate de
cided that it is legal for servants to
whistle in the kitchen.
The agitation against the restric
tions placed on the importation of
foreign meats to Germany based on
the inadequacy of the domestic sup
ply, is increasing. Baron Schorlemer,
Prussian minister of agriculture said
he recognized the seriousness of the
situation throughout the country.
The annual meeting of the perman
ent committee of the Young Egypt
party opened at Geneva. Switzerland,
and afforded an opportunity, of which
several Egyptians availed them
selves, to attack former President
Roosevelt because of his speeches at
Kharton and London. Among the
epithets applied to the colonel were
"vulgar blusterer" and "self adver
tiser." General.
This year's wheat yield of the
world will be above the average.
Another revolution in Hunduras is
indicated by intelligence from that
Former President Roosevelt will
make a political speech at St. Louis
October 11.
Assistant Commissioner Abbott
says Indians are making progress in
industrial education.
The independent democrats en
dorsed the republican candidate for
governor in Tennessee.
The next cucharistic congress on
this continent will be held at New
Orleans, probably in 1914.
The Right Reverend Joseph Cliar
trand was consecrated as bishop co
adjutor of the Indianapolis diocese.
The voters of Shreveport, La., de
clared in favor of the commission
form of government at a special elec
tion. The Canadian Northern planning
to cross Rockies at most northern
point, may result in new route to
Pacific coast.
The revolutionists of Honduras are
counting on the aid of several thou
sand followers of General Juan Estra
da, who recently overthrew the
Madriz government in Nicaragua.
The volume of business of the coun
try is improving, but the margin of
profit is materially lessened.
Julius Caesar Burrows, a veteran
of the senate from Michigan, will
soon pass into political history.
Dispatches from Bellingham. Wash.,
stated that the brush fires that had
wrought great havoc in Whatcom
country are under control and that
the loss was estimated at $300,000.
The streets of Santa Monica, Cal.,
were sprinkled with cinders carried
by the wind from forest fires in the
Santa Monica mountains, ten or
fifteen miles to the west.
The minority members of the Bal
linger committee made a report de
claiming him unfit for a cabinet of
fice. The farming districts of Manitoba
aro so over-run by bears that have
been starved and driven in bj- forest
fires that thirty bear dogs are to be
imported by farmers to exterminate
A mass meeting was held at Monro
via. Liberia, recently, at which resolu
tions were passed thanking all the
American friends of the republic for
the aid rendered that state during the
recent critical period of its history.
Solicitor General Lloyd W. Bowers
died at Boston.
There were 100 Rockefellers in
Newburg, N. Y., for a reunion.
Democrats of the country are very
much encouraged over recent state
stale elections.
Relations between the United States
and Nicaragua are to be readjusted.
D. E. Thompson, late minister to
Mexico, has sold his interest in the
Lincoln (Neb.) Star.
Congressman G. W. Norris of Ne
braska, returned from Wisconsin
pleased with insurgent victory.
From eight to ten thousand people
listened to the speech of Ex-President
Roosevelt in Omaha.
The financial showing of the govern
ment for the second month of the fis
cal year is satisfactory.
Serious defects in the army are
pointed out in a report made by In
spector General Garlington.
Secretary Nagel is the latest man
to be mentioned in connection with
the supreme court vacancy.
Alaska gold to the amount of $57,
500 was stolen from a steamer strong
box wliile en route to Seattle.
President Taft may take a personal
part in the campaign in order to in
sure the return of a republican house.
The rapid growth of cities shown
by the census returns is due in a
large measure to enlarged railroad
An unconfirmed report has been
received that live negroes were
lynched near Carlton, ten miles east
of Athns. Ga.
Governor Shallenberger of Nebras
ka, denies that there is any truth in
the report that he will call extra ses
sion of the legislature.
Conard Vandelsen. a centenarian,
for many years a vessel owner and
captain on the great lakes, died at
his home near .Toliet, 111.
The state department officials are
not quite sure that I hey fully compre
hend the decision of the Hague
tribunal in the fishories rase.
Capt. T. D. Bloom, head of a cod
fish company, was found in the park
in Tacoraa with his throat cut. It is
believed a robber attacked him.
Canada's total wheat crop this year
is 122.785,000 bushels, according to
the estimate of the Canadian govern
ment statistics officially announced.
Whether or not the former earn
ings of the railroad companies were
excessive is now a pertinent question
in the controversy on the fixing of
Thirty lives were lost when Pere
Marquette car ferry No. 18. bound
from Ludington to Milwaukee, went
to the bottom of Lake Michigan half
way across the lake.
Dr. Hawley H. Crippen, jointly ac
cused with Ethel Clare Leneve of the
murder of his wife, has suffered a
nervous collapse and was removed to
the hospital ward of Brixton jail.
Locked out of St. Andrews Protest
ant Episcopal church, Brooklyn, of
which he had been rector for sixteen
years, the Rev. William N. Ackley
conducted the regular services from
the front steps.
The plant of the Rubber and Cellu
loid Harness Trimming company at
New York, with which is also as
sociated the Rubberset Brush com
pany, was swept by a fire with a loss
estimated at $250,000.
Great progress generally is being
shown bj- the American Indian to
ward gaining a footing with the
whites in the matter of civilization.
according to Assistant Commissioner
Abbott of the bureau of Indian af
fairs. Captain T. D. Bloom, prominent in
.shipping circles and -head of a codfish
company, was found in a park in Seat
tle in the heart of the city with his
throat cut. It is believed a robber J
attacked him.
Mrs. It. B. McCoy, wife or Judge R.
R. McCoy of Sparta. Wis., was killed
and Dr. Carl Beebe. sr.. of Sparta,
was dangerously injured when the
touring automobile in which they
were riding plunged into the river.
Franklin B. Coleman, who described
himself when arrested as a mining
promoter of Kansas City, now living
at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York,
was held for trial in $1,000 bond
charged with passing a worthless
Paris has just seen Its first auto
mobile funeral. Not only the hearse,
but all the carriages following it to
the cemetery were gasoline-driven,
and many have been the comments,
some half-mournful, many wholly
cynical, at the innovation.
In order to increase interest In the
breeding of thoroughbreds in Ger
many and thus better provide the
best possible mounts for his cavalry
the kaiser has overcome his opposi
tion to horse racing, and is consider
ing the question of owning a few
rifce horses himself.
President Taft may decide to give
up bis trip to Panama.
Congressman Dalzell is to have op
position in his own parly.
Senator Burkett has entered upon
his campaign in Nebraska.
The progressives dominated the re
publican state convention in Califor
nia. Ten high officials of Chicago pack
ing companies were indicted.
Indicted beef packers of Chicago
gave bond for their appearance.
A change is to be made in the
diplomatic representation at Washing
ton. There-was a shakeup in the admin
istration forces in the treasury de
partment. Tennessee democratic regulars have
made overtures for peace to inde
pendents. Dr. Rucker. health commissioner of
Milwaukee, has quit his job under
serious charges.
It is believed that in a hundred
years Indians will be entirely ab
sorbed by the whites.
Mr. Roosevelt kept his word to be
gin a light on the New York bosses
with his return home.
The Hamilton club, Chicago, was
much wrought up over the Roose-velt-Lorimer
R. O. Marsh has been relieved of
the duties of secretary of the Amer-
ican legation in Panama.
William Boldenweik, assistant
United States treasurer at Chicago,
has resigned and will leave his of
fice on September 17.
Offers His Services to State Commit
tee in Behalf of the Whole Demo
cratic Ticket.
Lincoln. Governor Shallenberger
has conceded the nomination of
James C. Dahlman for governor on
the democratic ticket, has filed his
declination of the populist nomination
and has offered his services to the
democratic state committee.
The governor came to his decision
not to go into court to contest the
nomination of Dahlman after the con
clusion of the recount in Douglas
county and after a conference with
some of his friends there. Several of
the executive's close advisers insisted
even up until Friday that he go into
court, and there is every reason to be
lieve several days ago he had about
determined to take such action.
When the official returns were re
ceived at the office of the secretary of
state they showed that Dahlman had
secured the nomination by 304 vote3.
Before the State Canvassing board
had an opportunity to meet the gover
nor asked that the votes be recounted
in fourteen counties. When he heard
of this Mayor Dahlman asked that the
vofts be recounted in forty-two coun
ties and invited the governor to join
with him in asking for a recount of
the entire state. The invitation was
not accepted.
The canvassing board began its
work while the Douglas county re
count was in progress, and the gover
nor, with the assistance of Attorney
General Thompson, secured several
adjournments in order to wait for the
final report of that county. Three
members of the board insisted that
county boards had no authority to re
count the ballots and signed the elec
tion tabulation, while the governor
and attorney general withheld their
names. Then came the decision of
the Douglas county district court that
the recount was legal. Since that
time the State Canvassing board has
taken no further action.
By the recount in the various
counties Governor Shallenberger
gained 107 votes.
His statement which is a letter to
Chairman J. C. Byrnes of the demo
cratic state committee, follows:
"Dear Sir Since the recount asked
for by me in certain counties has
shown that Mayor Dahlman has been
chosen as the nominee of the demo
cratic party of Nebraska for governor,
under the primary law of the state. 1
write to inform you that in conformity
with my statement made at the time
the recount was asked for. I shall
proceed no further in the matter and
am ready to do all I can for the suc
cess of the democratic ticket and the
good of the party in the future. While
a recount of the forty counties which
Mayor Dahlman ask.d for might have
given me the nomination, the time is
loo short and a longer delay can but
result in injury to our party and to
the benefit of our opponents, the re
Standpatters Successful in Most of
the Districts.
Chicago. Insurgents were victori
ous in three out of twenty-five con
gressional districts of Illinois in the
primary election.
Henry S. Boutell. standpatter re
publican, who has represented the
Ninth, a Chicago district, in congress
for twelve years, was defeated by
Frederick H. Gansbergen. who con
ducted his campaign on an out-and-out
insurgent platform. Gansbergen
was supported by the regular repub
lican organization.
Gansbergen's vote was 3.5S4. Bou
tell. 2.59S. Arthur West, the third
candidate, received 1.134 votes.
In the Eleventh district Colonel Ira
C. Copley, the first man in Illinois to
come out as an insurgent candidate,
won the republican nomination over
George W. Conn, who classed himself
as a progressive conservative.
Fowler Beaten for Congress.
Plainfield, X. J. Judge William X.
Runyon of Union county was nomin
ated for congress by the republicans
of the Fifth congressional district,
defeating Charles N. Fowler, a mem
ber of the present congress.
Counterfeit $10 at Large.
Washington. There is a new coun
terfeit ten-dollar national bank note
at large. It is a poorly executed
photo-etched production, printed on
two bits of paper, with a few pieces
of silk thread distributed in it. It
is drawn on the Home National bank
of Staunton, Tex.
To Dissolve Sugar Trust.
New York. Plans for an action to
be brought by the United States gov
ernment to dissolve the American
Sugar Refining company, as a com
bination in restraint of trade, were
the subject of a conference between
Attorney General 'Wickersham and
United States District Attorney Hen
ry A. Wise, here on Friday. A com
plaint has been in course of prepara
tion by Mr. Wise for more than a
year and an amended draft of it will
be filed, it is now understood, within
a few days.
Policeman Kills a Woman.
Kansas City. While chasing two
negro chicken thieves, at whom he
fired eight times. Patrolman Charles
Cook, a negro, is believed to have
shot and killed Mrs. Karl B. Schaefer.
in the washroom of her home. In
trying to stop the fleeing negroes
Cook fired in the air and it is thought
that it was then that Mrs. Schaefer
was killed. Her dead body was dis
covered by her husband when he re
turned from work three hours later.
Cook was arrested but ordered re
leased by the prosecuting attorney.
For Women Visiting Omaha.
Women who may be visiting Omaha
during Ak-Sar-Ben week from any vi
cinity are especially invited by the
management of the Young Women's
Christian association at Omaha to
make a point of visiting their beauti
ful new building. Cars passing the
depots up town may be left at
Sixteenth street, where a walk of
a block or two will bring one to this
building, which stands at the corner
of Seventeenth street and SL Mary's
avenue. Luncheon is served in the
cafe on the top floor at quite the most
moderate prices to be found in Oma
ha, and a rest room and reading
room offers attractions for those who
are weary.
In the Domestic Science kitchen of
the Young Women's Christian associa
tion hundreds of girls and married
women are taught proper and help
ful methods of preparing foods. If
girls coming to Omaha in search of
situations would take this course in
cookery, they could command at once
the best of wages. This interesting
room, where visitors or girls arc wel
come, contains twenty gas stoves
with complete Ta? fits for each. It is
presided over by Miss Mary Coffin, a
graduate of Columbian Normal Train
ing school of New York city.
The Young Women's Christian as
sociation also maintains an employ
ment bureau, where girls can always
be directed to homes where help is
wanted, and also has an officer at the
depot to assist travelers.
On the same floor of the Domestic
Science department are two fine light
rooms, where anyone wishing may
join classes and learn to cut and
make their own dresses and trim hats.
In one or these Y. V. C. A. dressmak
ing and millinery departments a
young bride recently made her own
Classes in cookery every day in the
week, classes in sewing every day but
Friday. Visitors always welcome.
A Fiddlers' Contest.
Otoe County. Another fiddlers'
contest is to be given in Nebraska
City in December under the direction
of E. D. Marnell. J. II. Sweet and
Charles Rolfe. Already they have
secured a number of entries. Mayor
James Dahlman of Omaha has
promised to come down, and aside
from his party of friends will bring
eight contestants. Some large prizes
are to be hung up.
Fired on Hay-Makers.
Colfax County. Sheriff Kunkle
and his deputy arrested Mrs. Vincent
on an island in the Platte river south
of McAllister's lake. The woman
lives on the north bank in Colfax
county. Dr. Hewitt of David City
owns some hay land on the island.
His men were making hay on this
land. Mrs.. Vincent walked over to
them with a goed 38 caliber gun and
opened fire, claiming a right to pos
session of an old house pn this land
which she and her husband once
owned. There were a number of men
in the hay gang. They managed to
get hold of her and tie her up; but
in the scuffle, she shot George Shel
don throuch the ankle, making a
sever wound.
Can Play Sunday Ball.
Otoe County. The criminal charge
of playing base ball on Sun
day which was filed early in the sea
son by four of the ministers of Ne
braska City against the members of
the local M'nk league team was dis
missed by the county attorney. This
case has been hanging before the
county judge since it was filed.
What Nebraska Corn Did.
Washington County. McCormick &
Koopman shipped a car of hogs to
Omaha Monday evening and topped
the market on Tuesday, getting $9.50.
which was 10 cents higher than any
other hogs bought.
To Erect Soldiers' Monument.
Buffalo County. The soldiers'
monument which was bought by
Kearney two years ago and which
has never beecn erected has at last
been resurrected and the contractors
will complete the work before winter
sets in. The city council ordered
them to appear before it recently and
show cause why their contract haa
not been fulfilled. They stated that
the big shaft had been broken twice
at the quarry and that the work was
further delayed by a strike. The next
day hoisting apparatus was placed on
the grounds where the monument is
to be erected and word was received
that the stone has been shipped.
Tries Murder, Kills Self.
Platte County. A colored man
named Goon, attempted to kill his
wife by cutting her throat with a
razor and when he thought he had
succeeded took carbolic acid and died
in a short time. The act was com
mitted at the home of Mark Lowery.
a colored man. in the south part of
Columbus. Mrs. Goon will recover.
Struck by a Train.
Cherry County. Mr. and Mrs. Lee
residing near Brownlee, were struck
by passenger train No. 1 at WooJ
Luke. Both wen? badly injured, the
woman probably fatally.
Scarlet Fever at Sutton.
Clay County. An epidemic of scar
lot fever has broken out in Sutton
?mong children, mostly in a mild
term. There Is such a large number
of cases that the board of education
is seriously considering the necessity
of closing the schools.
South Dakotan Tries Suicide.
Seward County. H. B. Roscnbery.
who is a traveling man from South
Dakota, attempted to commit suicide
in Seward by shooting himself with a
38-caliber revolver.
Complete Model Road.
Merrick County. The mile of model
road being constructed in this county
under the direction of N. P. Dodge,
the government expert detailed for
the work has been completed and is
exciting a great deal of favorable
State's Monthly Expense.
At the last meeting or the board of
public lands and buildings, as shown
by the records of l.and Commissioner
Cowles, vouchers to the amount of
$45,966.22 were allowed by the board
to cover expenses of state institu
tions for the month of August.
The total amount allowed on main
tenance funds for the eleven state in
stitutions was $24,415.90; $7,702.65
from cash funds of Institutions; $12.
061.23 for salaries and wages; $564.14
for repairs, and $1,322.30 Tor other
purposes, a total of $45,966.22. The
penitentiary and the asylums at Lin
coln and Burkett sell a good deal of
live stock and produce that brings in
a good cash fend. This fund Is de
posited with the state treasurer and
is drawn out upon orders of the board
of public lands and buildings. The
cash funds or the institutions are used
for the maintenance of the institu
tions to which the funds belong, but
by this method of handling the money
a check is kept upon the cash re
ceived and the cash expended and for
what purpose expended.
The cash fund expenditures last
month were as follows: Lincoln asy
lum. $1,571.5: Norfolk asylum.
350.62: Hastings asylum. $500: peni
'tentiary. $1,022.50: asylum at Bur
kett. $1,930.77; industrial school at
Kearney. 1.352.22: industrial home
for women at Milford. $755.52.
State Fair Receipts.
The net receipts from this year's
exposition are not exactly figured out
as yet. but it is estimated that after
all expenses are met the state board
of agriculture will have left in the
neighborhood of $35,000. It started
the present year with a balance of
$19,000. The cost of preparing Tor the
fair and expenses while it was in pro
gress aggregated from $60,000 to $65.
000. The total amount taken In was
about $80,000. which added to the
previous balance, made $99,000 for the
board to go on. Deducting from thle
sum the estimated expenses, there
remains on hand something like $35.
000. This is just about the same
amount as was realized from the fair
in 190S.
Has Appointed Delegates.
Six hundred Nebraskans have been
appointed as delegates to the thirtieth
annual session of the farmers' na
tional congress, by Governor Shallen
berger. It is expected that 1.800 or
2.000 delegates from over the entire
country will attend the session, which
begins October 6 and lasts until Octo
ber 11. Because of the great size nnd
importance of the congress it was
thought especially needful that Ne
braska be strongly represented. From
the 600 delegates appointed it is ex
pected that a crowd of several hundred
Nebraskans will appear on the floor
of the congressional sessions.
Boxing at State University.
Boxing will be part of the work o!
the students of the university inter
ested in physical education this year
For the past three years a large class
of the men of the school, nn(Jr the
direction of I. P. Hewitt and iJack
Best, has been trained in the art ol
boxing. These men will have charge
of the work again this year if present
plans materialize. Preparations foi
the work have commenced, and shortlj
after the opening of school the class
will be organized.
Courtmartial for Guardsmen.
National guardsmen of Nebraska
who. without leave, failed to attend
the army maneuvers at Fort Riley, oi
who left the camp or left the troops
while en route, are to lie tried by
court martial. Whatever punishment
may be found necessary will be meted
out to the men who in any way were
guilty of desertion or refusal to obej
orders to attend camp.
Gifford Pinchot will probably ht
present at the annual meeting of the
Nebraska conservation congress which
will be held in Lincoln next month
It is also possible that Theodore
Roosevelt will be secured as a
Warden Smith has turned into the
state treasury $771.62 gate receipts at
the state penitentiary during fair
week. Visitors without passes paid
10 cents. Over 8,000 paid admissions
were received, bat the warden paid
out $100 or more for extra ushers.
Omaha will send 225 young people
to the University of Nebraska this
year, according to an article printed
in the Bee. this being twice the num
ber of students going from that city
to all the other colleges of the coun
try. Governor Invited to Texas.
Governor Shallenberger has re
ceived an invitation from the Texas
Shorthorn breeders association tc
judge Shorthorn cattle at the state
fair at Dallas, Tex.. October 26. The
invitation says they realize that the
governor is very busy, but they sug
gest to him that he may desire a lit
tle vacation .and surcease from politi
cal cares and official duties. Governor
Shallenberger is a breeder of Short
horn cattle and is a member of the
board of directors of the American
Shorthorn association.
Want an Appropriation.
At a meeting of the Nebraska state
swine breders association at the
state fair grounds Tuesday evening a
resolution was passed by that body
asking the state legislature to pass an
appropriation of $5,000 to erect a
building at the state farm for prepar
ing the serum for the treatment of
hog cholera and $20,000 for the pur
pose of preparation and distribution.
The resolution followed a lecture by
Dr. W. B. Nilcs of the bureau of ani
mal Industry at Washington. D. C.
I Mil 1 7 VI i
FFfFfcwSUi o
.'Pack my trunk. Miranda, for my eyea 1
gettin red
An 1 Rot ull tti symptoms of a bail cold
In my head.
Taint no use o sayln' I been settln In a
'Argutn about it only helps to drive me
Drat them cussed ragweeds! Got a sniff
o them Just then.
An h!sh-ty whlsh-ty whoosh-ty-choo!
Hay Fever's come again!
-Who brought in these flowers? Don't
you know they're bad for me?
Lord! My" eyes are burnin till it seems
like I can't see.
'Huh? It's all a. notion, an I bring It on
Nope, you needn't vex met with them
cures there on the shelf.
Been a-fooUn with them every year sence
.llish-ty! Whls-ty-whooeh-ty-choo! X
knowed 'twould come again.
.What? You heard that Perkins had a
splendid cure this year?
.Humph! He's always cured-up till hay
fever time is here.
Ain't I tried his sure cures, by the bottle
an' the box
All th time a-sneexin till I nearly stop
ped th clocks?
Listen! Perkins's sneezln' ! An he sneezes
like a hen
JHlah-ty whoosh-ty whtsh-ty-whoo! It's
startin in again. '
iPack my trunk. Miranda an don't sym
pathize with me.
Nothln' sets m sneezln like a lot o sym
pathy. Yes. I've got blue glasses, an some pow
dered stuff, an salve
.An that ragweed starts me into showln
' what I have!
Nose as red n blazes an' swelled up as
big as ten
Hoosh-ty whoosh-ty hlsh-ty CHOO!
Hay fever's come again.
The Hat.
The custom or men wearing hats
Originated In the days when they wore
;helmets. These helmets were usually
made of Iron or brass or some other
durable material and were Intended
to prevent the head of the man be
ing whacked off by some enemy.
It was a great deal like our present
day method of builuing navies. Some
,ono would invent a helmet that could
not he carved with a sword and then
.some one would invent a sword or bat
'tie ax that could send the helmet to
jthe scrap pile.
Finally the Iron hats became so
.heavy and hot that genucracn refused
to wear them, and when an enemy ap
proached they called the police.
So today we have the derby hat. the
:silk bat and the straw. Also the (fold
ling or collapsible opera bat. which was
invented for the use of vaudeville
comedians. A man in ordinary life
may snap his opera hat all he likes,
and never get a smile, but let him
.go on the stage and do it and he Is
encored four times and paid $500 a
The silk hat is worn by politicians
and physicians. However, any poli
tician south of Missouri and west of
Mississippi wearing anything but a
black slouch hat is sent to congress
to get him out of the country.
The straw hat Is so deftly con
structed that it is easily blown from
the head, thus enabling us to scatter
gladness throughout life as we rush
in pursuit of the haL
Hats are removed when ladies are
present. This is for a display of man
.ners, and not to exhibit the contour of
the cranium.
Business Enterprise.
"How is everything going?" asks
the manager of the department store
of the superintendent of his res
"Good business in everything excepi
the hashes and stews." answers the
.superintendent. "I can't understand
why we don't have more demand for
"Advertise 'em." advises the man
ager. "Advertise a great remnant
Willing to Oblige.
"Give me the cry hall, please," said
the lady to the conductor of the
street car. t
"I should be glad to do so. madam."
replied the conductor, who was a new
man. and had been greatly impressed
by the rules or the company, which
insisted upon employees being cour
teous and obliging. "I should indeed.
'.be glad to do so, but the lady over
there with the green feather In her
hat asked me for the city hall be
fore you got on the car. Is there any
other building that would suit you
just as well?"
Nothing to Brag Of.
"I only know that I love you!"
breathes the ardent swain, reaching
for the lily white hand of the beau
teous damsel.
"That's nothing to brag of," replies
the beauteous damsel, putting her lily
white hand out of his reach. "Ev
erybody in town knows that. The
really bright man is one who knows
something that few others know."
M y- SKi Masai
ivy A
The kidney secretions tell it disease
la lurking' In the system. Too fre
quent or scanty urination, discolored
urine, lack of control at night. Indi
cate that tho kidney
are disordered.
Doan's Kidney Pills
cure sick kidneys.
J. F. Hlynie. 7th
St, Forest Grove.
Ore., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills saved
my life. I was in bed
for weeks, passed
blood an was in terrible condition.
Doan's Kidney Pills removed my trou
ble and I have not had an attack fas?
over a year.
Remember the name Dean's.
For sale by all dealers. 60 eeats m
box. jToster-Milburn Co, Bsfala. M. T.
The Enemies.
Apropos of the enmity, bow aapsCj
buried, that used to exist between
Minneapolis and SL Paul. Senator
Clapp said at a dinner in the former
"I remember an address oa careless
building that I once heard in Minne
apolis. " 'Why.' said the speaker In the
course of this address, 'one Inhabitant
of SL Paul Is killed by accident in the
streets every 48 hours.'
"A bitter voice from the rear of
the hall interrupted:
" 'Well, it ain't enough,' It said."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of (
In Use For Over SO- Years.
The Kind Tou Have Always BoughL
Remarkable Young Lady.
From a feuilleton: "Her voice was
low and soft; but once again, as Janet
Fenn withdrew from the room and
Closed the door after her. the fiendish
gleam came into her odorless eyes."
If we hear any more of Janet we
will let you know. Punch.
Good for Sore Eyes,
for 100 years PETTITS EYE SALVE hat
positively cured eye diseases everywhere.
All druggists or Howard Bros.,Buffalo,N.Y.
We reduce lire to the pettiness of
our daily living; we should exact our
living to the grandeur of life. Phillips
Mrs. Wladoirt Soetntar Syrnav
JbrrMUtrnn twthlnif. softens terminm. r.-UuceslB-SajajuaUoollftj'SDam.curett
wind colic ScitbuUla.
Keep your face always toward the
sunshine, and the shadows will fall
behind you. M. B. Whitman.
Lewis Single Binder cigar. Original
Tin Foil Smoker Package, 5c straight.
The gentleman exists to help; he
has no other vocation. T. T. Munger.
He Compound Cured tier
Knorville, Iowa. "I suffered with
pains low down in my right side for a
year or more and was so weak and ner
tous that I could not do my work, i
1 wrote to Mrs. Pink
ham and took Lydia
. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
and Liver Pills, and
am glad to say that
your medicines and
kind letters of di
rections have done
more for me than
anything else and I
bad the best physi
cians here. I can
do my work and rest
well at night. I believe there is noth
ing like the Finkham remedies."
Mrs. Clara Franks, R.F.D., Ko.3
Knoxville, Iowa.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkhsm's
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others; and why should it
cot euro yon?
If yon -want special advice write
It la free and always bclpf uL
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine timet m a wKea the Ever rig uV
acoeacn aaa ooweia are c
el lazy totf w mmm r wrr-fi
Heaiacfce, aaJ Distress after Eatia.
" na. aawa uom. Till ttnea
GfAQiMMbaK Signature
Saw POL SmtM Oom. SmmQ Priem
The best investment pcssible is a
rtonwttt a ftrror.ta! rroxth.
!T5 yall to rto.-o Orsy
iK- .--ill
' Li
doiadatv. .aTSSSSSSBSl
t CroCsv,BTawaBnnw HITTLC
tipatMa. mWmmY BtVPP
-Tser. js