The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 07, 1910, Image 8

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In World-Herald Endurance Run
Defeated two Buicks, a Maxwell, a Stoddard-Dayton-Courier,
a Columbia, Kissell Car, a White Gasoline, a
Chalmers, a Cole, a Mason and a Franklin, some of these
cars costing over $3,000.
The Ford Cars we entered had alroady beem
driven No. 17 5,000 miles and No. 20 3,000
miles, and made the trip of 100 miles to Omaha
the same day they started in the race.
While the other cars were new, tuned up for the occasion, and in
the hands of expert drivers.
. The FORD was never late at controls, and made as
good time as the larger cars. The FORD was in the 18
mile an hour class, but performed as well, or better, than
the cars in the 20 mile an hour class.
Below we give the total penalties where more than
one car of the same make was entered. The FORDS'
average is better than any other team.
4 Buicks total penalties 1189 points or 297 per car
5 Chalmers total penalties 1177 points or 235 3-5 per car
2 Maxwells total penalties 369 points or 189f per car
2 FORDS total penalties 224 points or 122 per car
To the Buick and Chalmers penalties should be
added the road penalties that caused them to withdraw,
which would make their total penalties considerable
Ask youself this question, "Why ty $2,000,
or more, for a car when the FORD
at $1,000 is proven better?'
Gottberg Auto Co.
"Watch the Fords Go By"
SyaopulM of Ibr I'rocredlaKM of I he
Hoard of Supervlaor.
Columbus. Nebraska. August 23. 1910.
Tin board of equalization of Platte
county, Nebraska, met in adjourned
session at 9 o'clock a. in.
Hon. Louis Sihuarz. chairman, and
John Graf, cleric.
Hoi I called and following members
Supervisors dottier. Goetz, Peterson,
Smith. Wilson, Chairman Schwarz and
County Clerk Graf.
Absent. Supervisor Scliure and
County Assessor Chirk.
The minutes of tin session of the
board of equalization of August 2, 1910,
were now read and approved.
Supervisor Scliure being absent, the
chair appointed Supervisor Peterson to
act as a member of the committee on
levies, instead.
The alleged illegal assessment of the
cattle of John Ileany. of Walker town
ship, was reported back as follows:
We. your committee on complaints,
would recommend ttiat 1-0 head of cat
tle be stricken from the original sched
ule of John Ileany and a reduction of
$500.00 from the assessed valuation be
made, as we 11ml on evidence that num
ber of cattle were assessed in Loup
county. C. A. PETEHSON.
On motion same was adopted.
The following was presented:
To the Board of Equalization of Platte
County, Nebraska:
Gentlemen: Your committee ap-,
pointed for the purpose of submitting
the levies necessary to defray the ex
penses of the county for the ensuing
year, would report that we find the to
tal assessed valuation of the county
for the year 1910 to be $T.7ri3.S9S, and
we recommend the following levies to
be made:
County general fund 3 S10 mills
County road fund 1 S10 mills
County bridge fund 1 S10 mills
County poor fund T.10 mills
Soldiers relief fund 110 mills
Total levy S mills
We also recommend that a levy of
1 7 10 mills upon the dollar be made
upon all the taxable property In Col
umbus township for the payment of the
Interest and part payment of the prin
cipal of the $3,500.00 outstanding Col
umbus township bridge bonds (Loup
Uiver Bridge Bonds), and also that a
levy of S'lO mills upon the dollar be
made upon all the taxable property In
Columlius township for the payment of
the interest on the $5,000.00 outstand
ing Columbus township bridge bonds
(Platte Hiver Bridge Bonds).
Hespectfully submitted.
On motion of Supervisor Goetz same
was adopted.
The following was presented:
To the Board of Equalization of Platte
County. Nebraska:
Gentlemen: Your committee ap
pointed for the purpose of submitting
the levies necessary to defray the ex
penses of the cities, villages and town
ships of the county for the ensuing
year, recommend the following levies
be approved and made:
City of Colaaabiia.
For general fund 14 1720 mills
For city park purposes.. 520 mills
For maintaining public
library 1 1720 mills
For improving the water
works 3 mills
For Interest on water
works refunding bonds 1 1020 mills
For interest on Loup
river bridge bonds 1 IS20 mills
For Interest on Platte
river bridge bonds 1 420 mills
For Interest on city hall
For interest on water
works extension bonds
For sinking fund water
works refunding bonds 3
For sinking fund Loup
river bridge bonds 2
1420 mills
1020 mills
320 mills
220 mills
Total levy 31 mills
Village of Hasaparey.
For general fund 10 mills
For street light fund 5 mills
For sinking fund water
works bonds .m 4 mills
For water works fund 6 mills
Total levy 25 mills
Village of Platte Crater.
For general fund 10 mills
For water works fund 10 mills
For interest on water works
honds 2 mills
For sinking fund village of
of Platte Center bonds 6 mills
Total levy 28 mills
Village of Crestoa.
For general fund 10 mills
For Interest on water works
bonds 7 mills
Total levy 17 mills
Village of Lindsay.
ror general fund 10 mills
or water works fund 10 mills
'or electric light fund 2 mills
For sinking fund village of
Lindsay bonds C mills
Total levy 28 mills
Village of Coralea.
For general fund 5 mills
Village of Taraev.
For general fund 5 mills
Village of Meaiwe.
For general fund 10 mills
For water works fund 20 mills
Total levy 30 mills
Colaatbaa Township.
For general fund a; mills
For road fund 2 mills
For bridge fund i mill
Total levy 3 mills
Illaauirk Township.
For general fund 3 mills
For road fund 2 mills
For bridge fund 2 mills
Total levy 7 mills
Sarnaaa Township.
For general fund 6 mills
Creatoa Township.
No levy.
Shell Creek Tewashlp.
For general fund "y. mills
For road fund li mills
For bridge fund 1 mills
Total levy r. mills
Graad Prairie Township.
For general fund 3 mills
HaMsarey Towaaala.
No levy.
Ilatler Tewaahlp.
For general fund 1 14 mills
Leap Township.
For general fund mill
For road fund 24 mills
Total levy 3 mills
Oeeaee Township. .
For general fund 9 mills
Lost Creek Tawasalp.
For general fund 4 mills
Barrows Township.
For general fund 1 14 mills
For road fund A mill
For bridge fund 14 mill
Total levy 214 muis
Graavllle Township.
No levy.
Monroe Tevraafcla.
For general fund 7 mills
Jollet Tevraafcla.
For general fund 5 mills
For road fund 2 mills
For bridge fund 2 mills
Total levy 9 mills
St. Bernard Tawasalp.
For general fund I mill
For road fund 1 mill
For bridge fund mill
Total levy 2 mills
Waadvllle Tawasalp.
For general fund mill
For road fund 1 .
For bridge fund :. 34 mills
Total levy 8 mills
Walker Tawaaalp.
For general fund 24 mills
Respectfully submitted.
On motion of Supervisor Smith same
was adopted.
The following was presented:
To the Board of Equalization of Platte
County. Nebraska:
Gentlemen: Your committee ap
pointed to submit the levies necessary
to defray the expenses of the school
districts of the county respectfully re
port that we find that the officers of
the several dlstlrcts have filed with the
county clerk their certificates showing
the amount of money needed to defray
the expenses of their respective dis
tricts for the current year and accord
ance therewith would recommend the
following levies be made in mills:
Dlst. Dlst. Bond
No. Tax. Tax.
1 17 3
2 13
3 4
4 0
5 3
6 9
7 2
8 6
9 2
10 6
11 4
12. 7
13 8
14 7
. 8 .
.12 .
. 6.
. 1.
. 4.
. 6 .
. 4.
.14 .
. 514.
. 5.
4M... ..
. t
. 6.
.16 .
.15 .
. 8 .
. 8.
. 2.
. 5.
40 4
41 ., None
42 7
1 ........
50 None
K1 rtL
55 7
56 None
57. ..... 1y
V Om
if aFa '
62.. ...........
U" (
4 "
6 ;.
6 .......,
1 t . .
4 14
. 6
. 6
. 4
a 4
a O )
s w
78 None
79 None
Respectfully yours.
On motion of Supervisor Peterson
same was adopted. s
Remaining in session until 12 o'clock
noon the board of equalization then
adjourned, reconvening at 2 o'clock p.
The minutes of the proceeding of the
board of equalization were now read
and approved.
Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the
board of equalization now adjourn sine
die. Motion carried.
Columbus. Nebraska. August 22. 1910.
The board of supervisors of Platte
county. Nebraska, met In adjourned
session at 2 o'clock p. m.
Hon. Louis Schwarz. chairman, and
John Graf, clerk.
Roll called and following members
Supervisors Clother, Goetz. Peterson,
Schure, Smith. Wilson and Chairman
The minutes of the previous session
of the board of supervisors were read
and approved.
The petition of Christ Hamllng and
others for the location of a public road,
40 feet in width, commencing at the
northwest corner of section 18. town
19. range 1 east, and running thence
east on section line one-half mile and
terminating at the northeast corner of
the northwest quarter of section 18.
town 19, range 1 east, was presented
and read and. on motion, referred to
the committee on roads and bridges.
The following resolution was Intro
duced by Supervisor Schwarz:
Whereas, on the 12tn day of July,
1910. there has been paid out of the
1909 count)- general fund to the Stand
ard Bridge company the sum of $8.
000.00 with the understanding that
said amount be repaid and refunded to
said fund as soon as the $25,000.00
bonds of the city of Columbus in aid
of Platte county in repairing and re
building the wagon bridge over the
Platte river, south of Columbus, con
necting Platte, Butler and Polk coun
ties, have been sold, and
Whereas. The city of Columbus has
now sold bonds In the sum of $23,
000.00 and the proceeds paid over to the
county treasurer, and the same placed
to the credit of the consolidated county
bridge fund and in order to repay and
refund said amount of $8,000.00 paid
out of the county general fund to the I
Standard Bridge company, therefore, I
Resolved, That this amount of $8,- I
Price Sale
I have recently pur
chased the Notion store of
W. E. Rohrich, on Eleventh
street (Seth Braun's old
stand) and in order to
clean up our stock we will
make special prices on all
Tinware, etc.
September 10th
000.00 be and hereby Is transferred
ferred from the consolidated county
bridge fund to the consolidated county
general fund.
On motion of Supervisor Goetz same
was adopted.
All bills on file with the county
clerk were, on motion, referred to ap
propriate committees.
The following bills were, on motion,
allowed and the clerk directed to issue
warrants In payment of same on the
county road and county bridge funds:
Standard Bridge company, ac
count Burrows township $223 50
Standard Bridge company, ac
count Shell Creek townsnip.. 172 00
Standard Bridge company, ac
count Lost Creek township.. 928 20
Moved by Supervisor Clotherg, that
the board of supervisors now adjourn
until August 24. 1910. at 9 o'clock a. m.
Motion carried.
Columbus, Nebraska. August 24. 1910.
The board of supervisors, pursuant
to adjournment, met at 9 o'clock a. m.
Hon. Louis Schwarz. chairman, and
John Graf, clerk.
Roll called and following members
Supervisors Clother. Goetz. Peterson.
Smith. Wilson and Chairman Schwarz.
The following was presented:
To the Boanl of Supervisors:
Gentlemen: We. the undersigned pe
titioners, would respectfully ask your
honorable body to order the road in
Columbus township running north and
south in section 15. township 17. range
1 east, to be surveyed and drained of
the storm waters of Lost Creek which
floods this said road, causing great
damage to the land owners adjoining
the same and making dangerous and
unfit for public use. or entirely vacate
this flooded section of said road by lay
ing out a new road and buying the nec
essary land from the owners adjoining
and thereby put this road in safe con
dition for public use.
Signed by F. G. Stenger and 21
On motion same was referred to the
committee on roads and bridges.
The following resolution was intro
duced by Supervisor Schwarz:
Whereas. AH the working sections
of the Carrig and Jewell drainage
ditch have been let and the costs and
expenses of the location and construc
tion of said ditch have been ascer
tained and fixed at about the sum of
$12.S50.00. although the compensation
and damages Incident to' the construc
tion of said ditch have not been fully
determined, on account of the appeal
of Patrick J. Gleason and others from
the findings of the board. And
Whereas. The board of county super
visors of Platte county, Nebraska, have
determined that the cost of such im
provements is greater than should be
paid In a single year, but should be
paid In five different years, now, there
fore, be it
Resolved. By the board of county
supervisors of Platte County. Ne
braska: Section 1. That the amount of $12.
850.00 or so much thereof as may be
necessary to complete said ditch and
pay all expenses and damages con
nected therewith is hereby levied
or THK-
No. 5180,
At Columbus, Nebraska, at the Close of
Business, Sept. 1st, 1910.
Loans sad (Uscoaats $36767 98
Overdrafts, aerated mad aaaeearad. V35
U.H.Boada to secure circulation....
Bonds, rJecaritias. etc
raialriag aoe, f araitare aad axtana
Dae froa approved reserve aaata.. .
Cheeks aad other cash itoaw
Note oT other NaUoaal Banks
Fractional paper carnecy. nickels
sad seats
90.000 00
10,000 OS
2,632 9s
900 00
130 27
Specie . 11.787 39
uegai teaosr notes a,aoa w
Total cash. lt.72 30
Hedenptioa faad with U.
8. T11 arar (5 per cent.
of drcafaUioB) LMOOO
Total $530,511 81
Capital stock paid ia S 50,008 00
Hondas faad 50,000 09
Undivided proits, less expenses aad
UaXOS CMUfl VSaaJ If a
NatioasiBsBk notes oatstaadiac.... 39.080 00
Dae to other National Baaks 40120
ladividosJ deposits sabject to cheek 127.087 21
Demand earUicatse of deposit S.0M 00
TiBttcertiacatea of deposit. 2a9,2M 52
Total $530,511 SI
State of Nebraska. l
Coaaty of Platte. I . . , ..
I, DsaielSch ram. Cashier of the above aamed
bank, do soteaalr swear that the above state
ment is tree to the best of av knowledge aad
belief. . ,
Daxtex Soavaa. Cashier,
f Comet-Attest:!
HsaMAM P. H. OsaxaicB.
A. D. BacKza. Directors.
Kbilarf aswanTto before mm this 6th
day of Septeaiher. 19M.
Coauaiaaioa expires Jaaaary 21, 1ML
against the lands benefitted thereby to
be taxed and proportioned against
them In the ratio determined by the
amended report of the surveyor ap
pointed by the hoard and on lie in the
office of the county clerk of said
Section 2. That the whole of said
$12,850.00 shall be levied against said
lands at once, but one-fifth thereof
only, to-wlt: The stun of $2,670.99 and
Interest as hereinafter provided shall
be collected each year until the cost of
such Improvement Is paid In full.
Section 3. That the first Installment
of said gross sum shall be collected as
part of the 1919 taxes and the other
Installments shall be collected as part
of the 1911. 1912. 1913 and 1914 taxes.
Provided that 7 per cent annual Inter
est from September 1st. 1910, to the
time it shall become delinquent and
the legal rate on delinquent taxes
thereafter shall be added to the
amount of each installment to be col
lected as part thereof, but the war
rants Issued on the fund so raised shall
draw Interest from the time they are
presented to the county treasurer for
payment only, and warrants for the
full amount of said work and all ex
penses shall be Issued and delivered to
the persons entitled thereto as soon
as they are entitled to their pay by
the terms of their contracts. All
moneys collected as aforesaid shall be
kept in a separate fund to be known
as the Carrig and Jewell Drainage
Ditch fund of Platte county, Nebraska,
and all warrants drawn for the work
and expenses of said ditch shall be
drawn against said fund.
Section 4. That any person or cor
poration liable for the payment of any
assessment due as hereinbefore pro
vided may pay the same at once, or at
any time hereafter, and shall only be
liable for interest up to the time of
such payment. Provided, that upon
the receipt of any moneys to pay any
of the above assessments the county
treasurer shall apply It to the out
standing warrants in the onler in
which they have been presented to him
and shall immediately, upon the re
ceipt of such moneys, notify the person
entitled thereto; and the amount which
is or may be so applied shall not draw
interest after It is available to be so
applied and payments less than the
face amount may be endorsed on any
such warrant. No payment less than
the yearly assessment and interest due
thereon, and multiples thereof, shall
be accepted from any person or cor
poration. Provided further, that if
it should appear after the completion
of said Improvement and the termina
tion of all litigations with respect
thereto, and after all costs, compensa
tion, expenses and damages have been
ascertained, that the assessment so
made at this time Is too high, then and
in that case there shall be refunded to
any person or corporation who has so
paid the full amount of his assess
ments In order to stop interest on the
same, the total amount which he has
so paid in excess of the amount which
he should have paid.
Section 5. That the proper county
officers are hereby empowered and di
rected to do all acts and things neces
sary to earn the provisions of this
resolution into effect.
Section 6. That the making of the
assessments herein referred to shall
not prevent the hoard from making
other and additional assessments in
the future should tney be necessary,
or from modifying, changing, or wip
ing out any assessment made pursuant
to the terms of this resolution should
the future progress of said work or the
result of pending or future litigation
make such course necessary.
Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the
resolution ntroduced by Supervisor
Schwarz be referred to the county at
torney for Ills written opinion. Motion
Moved by Supervisor Wilson that the
sum of $5,000.0 of the 1910 levy of the
county bridge fund be set aside and
taken from said bridge fund prior to
Its apportionment to the several town
ships of the county to be used In re
pairing and rebuilding of the Platte
river wagon bridge. In accordance with
the resolution adopted by this board
at their session of March 17. 1910. Mo
tion carried.
Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the
clerk of this board be and hereby is
directed to apportion the 1910 levy of
the county bridge fund, less $5,000.00
set aside to be used in repairing and
rebuilding the Platte river wagon
bridge and apportion also the 1910 levy
of the county road fund to the city of
Columbus and the several townships of
the county according to the assessed
valuation of each for the year 1910. Mo
tion carried.
The following bills were, on motion,
allowed and the clerk directed to Is
sue warrants in payment of same on
the 1909 county general fund:
II. P. Coolldge. election board.
city of Columbus $ 6 00
Leopold Plath. election board.
city of Columbus 6 00
C. K. Early, election board, city
of Columbus 6 00
Leopold Jaeggl. election board.
city of Columbus 6 00
John L. Plttman. election board,
city of Columbus 6 00
Heny Nikolaizak. election board.
city of Columbus 6 00
Wm. Kurt, election board, city
of Columbus 09
L. H. Leavy. .election board.
city of Columbus 6 00
Jos. Gutzmer. election board.
city of Columbus 6 00
Isaac Brock, election board.
city of Columbus
J. R. Meagher, election board.
city of Columbus 6 00
C. W. Freeman, election board.
city of Columbus 00
G. W. Elston; election board.
city of Columbus 9 00
W. W. Novell, election board.
city of Columbus 09
G. E. Wlllard. election board.
city of Columbus 6 00
J. D. Stlres. election board, city
of Columbus '00
J. R. Brock, election board, city
of Columbus - 00
Arnold F. H. Oehlrich. election
board, city of Columbus 9 00
Jonas Welch, election board.
city of Columbus 6 00
Eugene A. Clark. election
city of Columbus 00
Wm. Schrelber, election board.
Columbus township 00
S. K. Rapp. same 00
S. P. Drinnln. same 00
T w. Reed, same 4 00
J. F. Belford. same -
Adolph Frese. election "board,
Bismark township - 0
John Saalfeld. same 4 00
A. E. Krumland. same 4 00
Louis Heiden. same 1 4 00
Rudolph C. Mueller, same 1 00
Henry Deyke, election ooarur
board. Sherman township.
Phillip Schroeder. same
Julius Hemd. same :
Herman G. Lueschen. same.
I 4 00
f 4 00
Oscar Bakenhus. same.
7 50
Scat. 2Ztk to Oct. Sth. IMP
Imi sWftef! MiMmrs Em
V. F. Palmateer. election board.
Creston township 4 00
31. W. Spence. same 4 00
A. J. Patterson, same 4 00
L. Westcott, same 4 00
T. F. Plagemann, same 8 20
Louis Bakenhus. election board.
Shell Creek township 4 00
Ed. Asche, same 4 00
Adam Behle, same 4 00
Herman Kluever. same 4 00
Henry Bargmann, same 6 75
D. L. Bruen, election board.
Grand Prairie township 4 00
John Vonbcrgen, same 4 00
Fred Becher. same 4 00
W. E. Lawrence, same 4 00
Wm. Hoeffelmann, jr.. same 7 50
Ferd Fuchs. election board.
'Humphrey township 4 00
Joseph Felk. same 4 00
H. W. Krentz. same 4 00
Oliver Alderson, same 4 00
Sidney Smith, same 8 70
Wm. W. Smith, election board.
Butler township 4 00
Albert Gerber. same 4 00
D. H. Harrington, same 4 00
J. P. Sokol. same 4 00
Mike Blaser. same 6 90
John J. Eisenmann. election
board. Loup township 4 00
Ernest Rupp. same 4 00
Emll Blenz. same 4 00
Hec Blaser, same 4 00
George Tladen. same 7 70
W. E. Beckwlth. election board.
Oconee township. Oconee 7 00
R. H. Tolles. election board.
Oconee township, Monroe 4 00
Hugh Hill, same 4 00
W. T. Strother. same 4 00
Isaiah Lightner. same 4 00
W. J. Welch, same 7 40
William Pinson, election board.
Lost Creek township 4 00
Henry Clayburn. same 4 00
Wm. P. Schelp. same 4 00
John Molfett. same 4 00
F. G. Rellly, same 7 50
Andrew Jaworskl. election
board. Burrows township 4 00
Frank Lamb, same 4 00
Wm. Nansel. same 4 00
Henry Albers. same 4 00
Peter Schmidt, same X 00
Henry Kersch. election board.
Granville township 4 00
Win. Weber, same 4 00
Wm. Gietzen. same 4 00
Joseph Bender, same 4 00
R. P. Drake, same 8 CO
Paul Gertsch. election board.
Monroe township 4 00
George LIndauer. same 4 00
J. T. Gleason. same 4 00
Fred Jernberg. same .- 4 00
W. M. Pollard, same 8 00
W. R- Lewis, election board.
Jollet township 4 00
W. D. Jones, same 4 00
T. H. Regan, same 4 00
Watson Thomazin. same 4 00
II. J. Finch, same 12 00
John Purtzer. election hoard.
board. St. Bernard township. 4 00
Wm. H. Deegan. same 4 00
P. A. Carlson, same 11 So
W. B. Irwin, election board.
Woodvllle township 4 00
William Zlmmermann. same... 4 00
Claus Johnson, same 4 'Hi
Paul Greiff. same 4 ou
Frank Kiernan. same 9 xo
Joseph Borfr. election board.
Walker township " 00
Albert Fredrickson, same 4 oo
C. J. Jacobson. same 4 oo
Herman Otterpohl. same 4 00
C. J. Christenson. same 12 50
Marius Nelson, constable elec
tion. Walker township
John J. Ducey. constable elec
tion, etc.. St. Bernard twp..
Louis Jones, constable election,
Jollet township
Barney Sllva. constable election,
Burrows township
2 00
I. E. Bacon, constable election.
Lost Creek township 4 oo
F. J. Beckwlth. constable elec
tion. Oconee township 4
Jos. F. Muff, constable election.
Humphrey township 4
Otto Heiden, constable election,
Bismark township 4
Ellert Brackenhofr. rent school
house, election. Grand Prairie
township 5
Chas. Kopletz, rent for building,
election. St. Bernard township 5
Fred Sueper, posting election
notices. St. Bernard township 1
Myron A. Rice, posting notices
and preparing booths. Shell
Creek township .- 3
Fred Cattau. posting notices
and preparing booths, Bis
mark township 3
Louis Jones, preparing booths.
Jollet township 3
Telegram Company, supplies
and publishing proceedings... 210 29
Nebraska Blene. publishing
proceedings 15 83
Klopp & Bartlett Co.. election
supplies 162 36
H. C. Lachnlt. auto, delivering
ballots 12 00
John Graf, county clerk, pre-
pralng ballots 25 00
M. C. Calto. canvassing board... 5 00
C. E. Early, canvassing board.. 5 00
John Graf, county clerk, can
vassing board 5 00
Henry C. Lachnlt. stirelff. sal
ary. July and August 250 00
Mark Burke, deputy sheriff,
salary for August 70 00
Fred Lecron. county superin
tendent, ralary for August.. 116 65
Fred S. Lecron. county superin
tendent, cash advanced 3 63
John Graf, county clerk, cash
advanced 24 25
John Graf, county clerk, record
ing official bond 100
John Graf, county clerk, part
payment preparing tax list.. 200 00
A. Dussell & Co.. repairs at
court house 18 80
R. Y. LIsco. assisting county
assessor 3 00
City of Columbus, water rent.. 29 65
Columbus Light. Heat & Power
Co.. electric light for July... 4 60
Platte County Independent Tel-
enhone Co.. telephone service 15 20 i
laf If I. S. Ugt Imps.
Nebraska Telephone Co.. tele
phone service 40 95
Jacob Tschudin. special com
missioner 5 40
Henry C. Lachnlt. sheriff, board
ing prisoners 11 00
Henry C. Lachnlt. sheriff, costs.
state cases 25 95
C. M. Gruenther. C. I. C. sal
ary, 1st and 2nd quarters, etc. 230 25
C. M. Gruenther. C. D. C. cash
advanced 22 22
Wm. O'Brien, justice peace.
costs in state cases 26 50
Krunken & Haney. merchandise
for court house 1 75
The claim of P. J. Schaecher. $2.50.
for notarial work for judges and
clerks of primary election, was. 011 rec
ommendation of the judiciary commit
tee, rejected by the board.
(1'ontianed aext week.)
Marriage Licenses.
Alois A Wembnff. Hampbrey 23
IdaS Henen, Humphrey 19
Blichhol Saltier, Ceutral City 7u
Bertha A. Dress. Iowa City, Is 40
HarryB. Ronton, Beatrice 21
Anna it. Boawell, Wymore 18
Louis J. Dnger. St. Bernard 23
Eva K. Drieruret, St. Bernard 31
Simon P Itainler, Humphrey 22
Sabine E. Abler, Humphrey 18
Jacob Mohr, Monro 23
Emma L. Ooehry. Monroe IB
Cbas. II. nooning. Osceola 27
Sopbia PrerioliB, Osceola 20
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining; in the post ossce at
Columbas, Nebraska, for tbe period and
iog September 7, 1910:
Letters H P. Atkinson. W. V. Car
son, P. H EidMin 2. Felix Luscbe. J. W.
Cards Swan Atkinson, J. W. Griffi. ,
G. J. Jobnsoo. Dean Lehr.
Parties calling for any of tbe above
will please say advertised.
Carl KkasTku. P. M.
Rote No. 1.
Joseph Frenzer, of Omaha, trade of
Mm. Henry Rieder, arrived last Satur
day for a visit.
School commenced Monday ia the
aaburban district with Miss Edaa Bear
sley ss teacher, aad ia tbe Heibei dis
trust with Miss Mary Welch as teacher.
On account of having my bailding
moved into tbe street, I will offer my en -tire
stock at cat prices. Some goods
are cold at coat or even below cost.
Eleventh Street Jeweler.
Seeking Information.
Miss Yankle And what has Lord
Chichester done that you think so ia
teresting? Lord Defendus He wou u
Derby, y know. Miss Yankle How
lovely! On mi election bet?
lrata, Kiscais A Cs. Clttho.
JDVEN the most critical
college man cannot
but like our two button
models. They have an
elegance of tailoring and
smartness of style which
will force the attention of
anyone having any ideas
about clever style.
lo .
fM iWMk Elm