I'' CONSERVATION DECLARES Members of National Congress at St. Paul Find Him ThorougLly in Accord wzlh Their Ideas His Speech. St. Paul. Sept. 5. The National Conservation congress listened with deep interest to President Taft's ad dress today. The chief executive spoke substantially as follows: Gentlemen of the National Conservation Congress: Conservation as an economic ami po litical trm has come to mean the preser vation of our natural resources for economical use. so as to secure the great est Rood to the greatest number. The danger to the state and to the peo ple at large from the waste and dissipa tion of our national wealth is not one which quickly impresses Itself on the peo ple of the older communities, because it mot obviouK instances do not occur in tiieir neighborhood, while In the newer part of the country the sympathy with xnansion and development is so strong that the danger is scoffed at or ignored. Among scientific men and thoughtful ob server, however, the danger lias always been present: but it needed some one to bring home the crying need for a remedy of this evil so as to impress itself on the public mind and lead to the formation of public opinion and action by the repre sentatives of the people. Theodore Roose velt took up this task in the last two years of his second administration, and well did he perform It. As president of the I'nlted States I have. :is It were, inherited this policy, and I rejoice in my heritage. I prize my high opportunity to do all that an ex ecutive can do to help a great people realize a great national ambition. For conservation is national. It affects every man of us. every woman, every child. AVhal I can do in the cause I shall do. not as president of a party, but as presi dent of the whole people. Conservation is not a tjuestion of politics, or of fac tions, or of persons. It is a question that affects l lie vital welfare of all of us of our children and our children's children. 1 urge that no good can come from meet ings of this sort unless we ascribe to Uiom- who take part in them, and who are apparently striving worthily in the cause, all proper motives, and unless we Judicially consider evety measure or method proposed with a view to itseffec tiveness in achieving our common pur pose, and wholly without regard to who proposes It or who will claim the credit for its adoption. The problems are of very great difficulty and call for the calmest consIdertfJon and clearest fore sight. Many of th questions presented iiave phases that at new in this coun try, and it is possible that in their solu tion we may have to attempt first one w and then another. What I wish to emphasize, however, is that a satisfac tory conclusion can only lie reached promptly if we avoid acrimony, imputa tions of bud faith, and political contro- ersy. The public tlomain of the government of the fnlted States. Including all the cessions from those of the thirteen states that made cessions to the United States and including Alaska, amounted in all to about l.K.v)X0 acres. Of this there is left as purely government property out side of Alaska something like 700.000.or) of r,erc. Of this the national forest re er;es in the I'nlted States proper em brace 144.000.(100 acres. I shall' divide my discussion tinder the heads of (1 agricultural lands: (2) min eral lands that id. lands containing metalliferous minerals: (3) forest lands: (i) cial lands: o) oil and gas lands; and (6) phosphate lands. Agricultural Lands. Our land laws for the entry of agricul tural lands are now as follows: The original homestead law. with the requirements of residence and cultivation for five years, much more strictly en forced than ever before. The enlarged homestead act. applying to nnairrigable lands only, requiring five years residence and continuous cultiva tion of one-fourth of the area. The. desert-land act." which requires on the part of the purchaser the ownership ' r a water right and thorough reclama tion of the land by irrigation, and the payment of $1.25 per acre. The donation or Carey act. under which the slate selects the land and provides for il reclamation, and the title vests In the settler who resides upon the land and cultivates it and pays the cost of the reclamation. The national reclamation homestead law. requiring five years' residence and cultivation by the settler on the land Ir rigated by the government, and payment by him to the government of the con of thft reclamation. The present congress passed a bill of great importance. se-erlng the ownership f coal by the government In the ground irom the surface and permitting home stead entries upon the surface of the land, which, when perfected, give the settler the right to farm the surface, while the coal beneath the surface is re tained in ownership by the government and may be disposed of by It under other laws. There is no crying need for radical re form in the methods of disposing of what are really agricultural lands. The pres ent laws have worked well. The en larged homestead law has encouraged the successful farming of lands In the seml arld regions. Reclamation. By the reclamation act a fund lias been created of the proceeds of the public lands of the United States with which to construct "works for storing great bodies f mater at proper altitudes from which, by a suitable system of canals and ditch es. Iht- water is to be distributed over the arid and subarld lands of the government lo le sold to settlers at a price sufficient to pay for the improvements. Primarily, the projects are and must be for the im prAirment of public lands. Incidentally, wliero private land is also within reach of the water supply, the furnishing at cost or profit of this water to private . owners by the government Is held by the federal court of appeils not to be a usurpation of power. Hut certainly this ' might not to be done except from sur plus water, not needed for government ' land The total sum already accumula ted In the reclamation fund is S60.2T3. 2JS.?2. ad T'that all but 16.191 .51.31 has been expended. It became very clear to congress at Its last session, from the statements made by Kperts. that these !W projects could not be promptly com pleted with the balance remaining on hand or with the funds likely to accrue hi the near future. It was found, more over, that there are many settlers who have been led into taking up lands with the hope and understanding of having water furnished in a short time, who arc left in a most distressing situation. I recommended to congress that authority lie given to the secretarv of the Interior to issue bonds in anticipation of the as He Was Mistaken. "This country would be all right." said the traveler in a heathen land, "but it isn't civilized." "That's where you go lame, stran ger." rejoined tho native. "Two per cent, of the population owns 90 per cent, of the land. What more civiliza tion do you want?" A Pull Somewhere. H So you finished the novel 1 brought you. How did it come out? She The author must have had a pull; I can't see any other way A DUTY, PRESIDENT TAFT sured earnings by the projects, so that the projects, worthy and feasible, might be promptly completed, and the settlers might lie relieved from their present In convenience and hardship. In authorizing the issue of these projects, congress lim ited the application of their proceeds to those projects which a board of army en gineers, to be appointed by the president, should examine and determine to be feasible and worthy of completion. The board has been appointed and soon will make Its report. Suggestions have been made that the I'nlted States ought to aid In the drain age of swamp lands belonging to the states or private owners, because. If drained, they would be exceedingly val uable for agriculture and contribute to the general welfare by extending the area of cultivation. I deprecate the agi tation in favor of such legislation. It Is inviting the general government Into contribution from its treasury toward en terprises that should lie conducted either by private capital or at the Instance of the state. In these days there is a dispo sition to look too much to the federal government for everything. I am liberal In the construction of the Constitution with reference to federal power: but I am firmly convinced that the only safe course for us to pursue is to hold fast to the limitations of the Constitution and to regard as sacred the powers of the states. We have made wonderful prog ress and at the same time have pre served with judicial exactness the re strictions of the Constitution. There is an easy way in which the Constitution can be violated by congress without Judicial inhibition, to-wit. by appropria tions from the national treasury for un constitutional purposes. It will ! a sorry day for this country If the time ever comes when our fundamental i-ompact shall lie habitually disregarded in this manner. Mineral Lands. Hy mineral lands I mean those lands bearing metals, or what are called metal liferous minerals. The rules of owner ship and disposition of thes lands were first fixed by custom In the west, and then were embodied in the law, and they have worked, on the whole, so faifly and well that I do not think it is wise to attempt to change or better them. Forest Lands. Nothing can be more important In the matter of conservation than the treatment of our forest lands. It was probably the ruthless destruction of forests In the older slates that first called attention to a halt In thp waste of our resources. This was recognized by congress by an act authorizing the executive to reserve from entry and set aside public timber lands as national forests Speaking generally, there has been reserved of the existing forests about seventy per cent-, of all the timber lands of the government. Within these forests (Including 2J.noo.(K acres in two forests in Alaska) are 192. OuO.OdO of acres, of which 1&J.OO0.OU) of acres are In the United States proper and Include within their boundaries some thing like S.roO.W) of acres that belong to the state or to private individuals. We have then, excluding Alaska forests, a total of about 144.OW.C01 acres of forests belonging to the government which is being treatinl In accord with the princi ples of scientific forestry. TIi Rovtrnment timber in this coun try amounts; to only one-fourth of all th timlier. ihe rest being In private own ership. Only three per cent, of that which Is in private ownership Is looked after properlv and treated according to mod ern rules of forestry. The usual de structive waste and neglect continues in the remainder of the forests owned hy private persons and corporations. It Is estimated that fire alone destroys J30.000. 000 worth of timber a year. The management of forests not on public land is beyond the jurisdiction of the fed eral government. If anything can be done by law it must be done by the state leg '.slatures. I believe that It is within their constitutional power to require the en forcement of regulations in the general public Interest, as to fire and other causes of waste in the management of forests owned by private individuals and c orporatlons. I have shown sufficiently the conditions as to federal forestry to Indicate that no further legislation is needed at the mo ment except an increase in the fire pro tection to national forests and an act vesting the executive with full power to make forest reservations In every state wher. govc rnment land is tlmber-covennl. or where the land Is needed for forestry purposes. Coal Lands. The next subject, and one most Impor tant for our consideration, is the disposi tion of the coal lands in the United States and In Alaska. First, as to those in the United States. At the beginning of this administration they were classi fied coal lands amounting to 5,476,0.0 acres., and there were withdrawn from entry" for purposes of classification 17. S67.000 acres. Since that time there have lieen withdrawn by my order from entry for classification 77.C4S.001 acres, making a total withdrawal of 95.513.000 acres. Meant' me. of the acres thtfs withdrawn. 11.371.000 have been classified and found not to contain coal, and have been re stored to agricultural entry, and 4.3M.000 acres have been classified as coal lands: while 79.7SS.O00 acres remain withdrawn from entry and await classification. In addition 336.000 acres have been classi fied as coal lands without prior withdraw al, thus increasing tlio classified coal lands to 10.168.000 acres. Under the laws providing for the dispo sition of coal lands, the minimum price at which lands are permitted to be sold is $10 an acre: but the secretary of the Interior has the power to fix a maximum price and sell at that price. By the first regulations governing appraisal. ap proved April 8. 1907. the minimum was $10. as provided by law. and the maximum was $100. and the highest price actually placed upon any land sold was $75. Un der the new regulations, adopted April 10. li09. the maximum price was Increased to $3. except In regions where there are large mines, where no maximum limit Is fixed and the price Is Getermined by the estimated tons of coal to the acre. The highest price fixed for any land under this regulation has been $606. The ap praisal value of the lands classified as coal lauds and valued under the new and old regulations is shown to be as follows: 4.503.9J1 acres, valued under the old regu lations at $77.fi44.329. an average of $1S an acre, and 5.S4.702 acress classified and valued under the new regulation at $7)4. 203.24J. or a total of 10.1CS.C23 acres, val ued at $471,847,571. For the year ending March 31. 1D09. 227 coal entries were made, embracing an area of 35.331 acres, which sold for $S. 020.1. For the year ending March 31. 1910. there were 17C entries, embracing an She Was Settled. I Mrs. Uppson I don't want another giddy girl. Can't you get me a setttoS woman? Employment. &ssni r think I can. ma'am. I mow of one ba has had five husbands, and doesn't want any more. A Pleasant Memory. The veteran pulled at his pipe and stared thoughtfully into the glowing embers. "Yes." he said, "we made the enemy ran that day. But, thank heaven, they didn't catch us." area of 23.413 acres, which sold for $3C3. 813: and down to August. 1310. thsre wer but 17 entries. With an area of 1.720 acres, which sold for $B.9l'i.. mailing a dispo sition of the coal lands in the last two years of about 60.000 acres for $1,303,000. The present congress, as already said, has separated the surface of coal lands, either classified or withdrawn for classi fication, from the coal beneath, so as to permit at all times homestead entries upon the surface of lands useful for (ag riculture and to reserve the ownership in the coal to the government. The ques tion which remains to be considered Is whether the existing law for the sale of the coal in the ground should continue In force or be repealed and a new method of disposition adopted. Under the present law the absolute title In the coal be neath the surface passes to the grantee of the government. The price fixed Is upon an estimated amount of the tons of coal per acre beneath the surface, aad the prices are fixed so that the earnings will only be a reasonable profit upon the amount paid and the Investment neces sary. But. of course, this Is more or less guesswork, and the government parts with the ownership of the coal in the gt.;rd absolutely. Authorities of the ge ologtvv.! survey estimate that In the United Statr today them a supply of about three thousand billions of tons of coal, and that of this one thousand billions are in the public domain. Of course, the oth er two thousand billions are within private ownership and under no more control as to the use or the prices at which the coal may be sold than any other private property. If the government leases the coal lands and acts as any landlord would, and Imposes conditions In Its leases like those which are now Imposed by the owners in fee .of coal mines In the various coal regions of the east, then It would retain over the disposition of the coal deposits a choice as to the assignee of the lease, or of resuming possession at the end of the term of the lease, which might easily be framed to enable It to exercise a limited but effective control in the disposition and sat of the coal to the public. It has been urged that the leasing system has never been adopted in this country, and that Its adoption would largely Interfere with the investment of capital and the proper development and opening up of the coal resources. I ven ture to differ entirely from this view. The question us to how great an area ousrht to lie included In a lease to one Individual or corporation. Is not fret from difficulty: but in view of the fact that the government retains control as owner. I think there might be some liberality In the amount leased, and that 2..VW acre would not be too great a maximum. By the opportunity to readjust the terms upon which the coal shall b held by the tenant, either at the end of each lease or at periods during the term, the government may secure the benefit of sharing In the increased price of coal and the additional profit made by the tenant. By Imposing conditions in respect to the character of uork to be done In the mines, the government may control the character of the development of the mines and the treatment of employes with reference to safety. By denying the right to transfer the lease except by the written permission of the go ernmental authorities, it may withhold the needed consent when It Is proposed to transfer the leasehold to person interested in es tablishing a monopoly of roa! production In any state or neighborhood. The change from the absolute giant to the leasing system will Involve a good deal of trouble In the outs!, and the training of experts In the matter of making proper leases: but the change will bo a good one and can be made. The change Is In the interest of conservation, and I am glad to approve it. Alaska Coal Lands. The investigation of the geologic! sur vey show that the coal properties in Alaska cover about 1.140 rjuare miles, and that there are known Jo be available about 15.000.ono.000 tons. This Is. however, an underestimate of the coal in Alaska, liecause further developments will prob ably increase this amo'ir.t many times; but we can say with considerable cer tainty that there are two fields on the PaciCe slope which can be reached by railways at a reasonable cost from deep water in one case about fifty miles and in the other case of about 1C0 miles which will afford certainly C.bOO.oon.000 tons of coal, more than half of which Is of a very high grade of bituminous and of anthracite. It is estimated to be worth, in the ground, one-half a cent a ton. which makes its value per acre from $50 to $500. The coking-coal lands of Penn sylvania are worth from $S00 to $2,000 an acre, while other Appalachian fields are worth from$!0 to $3J an acre, and the fields In the central states from $10 to $2,000 an acre, and In the Rocky moun tains $10 to $5C0 an acre. The demand for coal on the Pacific coast is for about 4.7.n0,O0 tons a year. It would encounter the competition of cheap fuel oil, of which the equivalent of 12.000.000 tons of coal a year Is used there. It is estimated that the coal could be laid down at Se attle or San Francisco, a high-grade bf tuminous. at $4 a ton and anthracite at $5 or $6 a ton. The price of coal on the Pacific slope varies greatly from time to time in the year and from year to year from $1 to $12 a ton. With a regular coal supply established, the expert of the geological survey. Mr. Brooks, who has made a report on the subject, does not think there would be an excessive proPt in the Alaska coal mining because the price at which the coal could lie sold would be considerably lowered by conijH tition from these fields and by the pres ence of crude fuel oil. The history of the laws affecting the disposition of Alaska coal lands shows them to need amend ment badly. On November 12. KiK. President Roose velt issued an executive order with drawing all coal lands from location and entry in Alaska. On May lfi. 1907. he modified the order so as to permit valid locations made prior to the withdrawal on November 12. 1906. to proceed to entry and patent. Prior to that date some SCO claims had been filed, most of them said to be illegal because either made fraudu lently by dummy entrymen in the Inter est of one individual or corporation, or because of agreementsjnade prior to lo cation between the applicants to co-operate In developing the lands. There are 33 claims for 160 acres each, known as the "Cunningham claims." which are claimed to be valid on the ground that they were made by an attorney for 33 different and bona fide claimants who. as alleged, paid their money and took the proper steps to locate their entries and protect them. The representatives of the government in the hearings before the land office have attacked the validity of these Cunningham claims on the ground that prior to their location there was an understanding letween the claimants to pool their claims after they had been perfected and unite them in one com pany. The trend of decision seems to show that such an agreement would in validate the claims, although under the subsequent law of May 2S. 190$. the con solidation ofueh claims was permitted, after location and entry. In tracts of 2.360 acres. It would be. of course, im proper for me to Intimate what the re sult of the issue as to the Cunningham and other Alaska claims is likely to lie. but it ought to le distinctly understood that no private claims for Alaska coal lands have as yet lieen allowed or per fected, and also that whatever the result as to pending claims, the existing coal land laws of Alaska arc most unsatisfac tory and should be radically amended. To legin with, the purchase price of the land is a flat rate of $10 per acre. r.S p i though, as we have seen, the estim; of j ttic agent ot uie geoiog-cai suv---v woulC " DiffcVtfift Matter. Vrsttf Daughter But, papa. I don't see why you should be so down on Harold. He is willing to die for me. Papa Oh. well. I don't object to his doing that. I thought he wanted to marry you. Yellow. Friend I suppose there Is a great deal of money in contributing to the leading magazine? Author Yes, but there's a great deal more in contributing to the misleading ones. Puck. csrry up the maximum of value to $500 an acre. In my judgment It Is essential In the proper development of Alaska, that these coal lands should be opened, and that the Pacific slope should be given the benefit of the comparatively cheap coat of fine quality which can be furnished at a reasonable price from these fields: but the public, through the government, ought certainly to retain a wise control and Interest in these coal deposits, and I think It may do so safely If congress will authorize the granting of leases, as al ready suggested for government coal lands in the United States, with provi sions forbidding the transfer of the leases except with the consent of tho government, thus preventing their acqui sition by a combination or monopoly and upon limitations as to the area to be in cluded In any one lease to one Individual, and at a certain moderate rental, with royalties upon the coal mined propor tioned to the market value of the coal either at Seattle or at San Francisco. Of course such leases should contain condi tions requiring the erection of proper plants, the proper development by mod ern mining methods of the properties leased, and the use of every known and practical means and device for saving the life of the miners. Oil and Gas Lands. In the last administration there were withdrawn from agricultural entry 2.820. 000 acres of supposed oil land in Califor nia; about a million and a half acres in Louisiana, of which only 6.500 acres were known to be vacant unappropria ted land; 75.C00 acres in Oregon and 174.- 000 acres in Wyoming, making a total of nearly 4.M0.00Q acres. In September. 1909. 1 directed that all public oil lands, whether then .withdrawn or not. should be withheld from disposition pending con gressional action, for the reason that the existing placer mining law. although made applicable to deposits of this char acter. Is not suitable to such lands, and for the further reason that it seemed de sirable to reserve certain fuel-oil deposits for the use of the American navy. Ac cordingly the form of all. existing with drawals was changed, and new with drawals aggregating 2.75O.O0O acres were made in Arizona. California. Colorado. New Mexico. Utah and Wyoming. Field examinations during the year showed that of the original withdrawals. 2.170. 000 acres were not valuable for oil, and they were restored for a?ricultural entry. Meantime, other withdrawals of public oil lands in these states were made, so that July 1. 1910. the outstanding with drawals then amounted to 4.550.OW acres. The needed oil and gas I.tw Is essential ly a leasing law. In their natural occur rence, oil and gas cannot bo measured In terms of acres, like coal, and It follows that exclusive title to these products can normally be secured only af:r they reach the surface. Oil should be disposed of as a commodity In term of barrels of transportable product rather than In acres of real estate. "This i. of course, the reason for the practically universal adoption of the leasing system wherever nil land is In private ownership. The government thus would noi lie entering on an experiment, but simply putting Into effect a plan successfully operated in private contracts. Why should not the government as a landowner ileal directly ith the oil producer rather than through the intervention of a middleman to whom the government gives title to the land? The principal underlying feature of such legislation should be the exercise of beneficial control rather than the collec tion of revenue. As not only the largest ouner of oil lands, but as a prospective large consumer of oil by reason of the Increasing use of fuel oil by the navy, the federal 'government is directly con cerned both in encouraging rational de velopment and at the same time Insuring the longest possible life to the oil sup ply. One of the difficulties presented, espe cially In the California fields. Is that the Southern Pacific railroad owns every other section of land In the oil field, and in those fields the oil seems to be in a common reservoir, or series of reser voirs, communicating through the oil sands, so that the excessive. draining of oil at one well, or on the railroad terri tory generally, would exhaust the oil in the government land. Hence it is im portant that If the government is to have its share of the oil it should begin the opening of wells on its-own property. It has been suggested, and I believe the suggestion to bo a sound one. that per mits be issued to a prospector for oil giving him the right to prospect for two years over a certain tract of government land for the discovery of oil. the right to be evidenced by a license for which he pays a small sum. When the oil is dis covered, then he acquires title to a cer tain tract, much In the same way as he would acquire title under a mining law. Of course if the system of leasing Is adopted, then he would be given the benefit of a lease upon terms like that above suggested. What has been said In respect to oil applies also to government gas lands. Phosphate Lands. Phosphorus is one of the three essen tials to plant growth, the other elements being nitrogen and potash. Of these three, phosphorus Is by all odds the scarcest element In nature. It Is easily extracted In useful form from the phos phate rock, and the United States con tains the greatest known deposits of this rork in the world. They are found In Wyoming. Utah and Florida, as well as in South Carolina. Georgia and Tennes see. The government phosphate lands are confined to Wyoming. Utah and Florida. Frior to March 4. 19(0. there were 4.000.000 acres withdrawn from agricultural entry In the ground that the land covered phos phate rock. Since that time. 2,322.000 acres of the land thus withdrawn was found not to contain phosphate In profitable quantities, while 1.K7S.O0O acres was classi fied properly as phosphate lands. During this administration there has been with drawn and classified 437.000 acres, so that today there is classified as phosphate rock land 2.115.000 acres. This rock is most Important in the composition of fertilizers to improve the soil, and as the future is certain to create an enormous demand throughout this country for fertilization, the value to the public of such deposits as these can hardly be exaggerated. Cer tainly with respect to these deposits a careful policy of conservation should be followed. A law that would provide a leasing system for the phosphate depos its, together with a provision for the sep aration of the surface and mineral rights as Is already provided for in the case of coal, would seem to meet the need of promoting the development of these de posits and their utilization In the agri cultural lands of the west. If It i thought desirable to discourage the expor tation of phosphate rock and the saving of It for our own lands, this purpose could be accomplished by conditions In the lease granted by the government to its lessees. Of course, under the consti tution the government could not tax and could not prohibit the exportation of phosphate, but as proprietor and owner of the lands In which the phosphate is deposited It could impose conditions upon the kind of sales, whether foreign or do mestic, which the lessees might make of the phosphate mined. Water-Power Sites. Prior to March 4. 1909, there had been, on tho recommendation of the reclama tion service, withdrawn from agricultural entry, liecause they were regarded as useful for water-fearer sites which ousht not to be dl?t?te1 of as agricultral .lands, tracts nreitlng to about four million acre-. he withdrawals were hastily and included a great deal of land that y3 not useful for power sites. Tliev were intended to include the power sites on 2 rivers In nine states. Since No Comparison. The portly dame in the back seat cf the hotel back waxed impatient. "He's the slowest driver Iever saw!" she exclaimed. "That only shows, ma'am." said the imperturbable jehu, speaking in his own behalf, "that you've never seen a pile driver at work." Never Can Live It Down. "They say she is a woman with a past." "Yes. Once In a game of bridge she failed to play the heart convention." that time 3.473.412 acres hare been rs storert for settlement of the original four trillion, because they do not contain pow er sKes; and meantime there have been newly 'withdrawn 1.245.&C acres on vacant public land and 211.007 acres on entered public land, or a total of 1.454.899 acres. These withdrawals made from time to time cover all the power sites Included In the first withdrawals, and many more, on 125 rivers and In 11 states. The dispo sition of these power sites Involves one of the most difficult questions presented In carrying out practical conservation. The statute of 1S91 with Its amendments permits the secretary of the Interior to grant perpetual easements or rights of way from water sources over public lands for the primary purpose of Irriga tion and such electrical current as may be incidentally developed, but no grant can be made under this statute to con-' ceras whose primary purpose is gener ating and handling electricity. The stat ute of 1901 authorizes the secretary of the Interior to Issue revocable permits over the public lands to electrical power companies, but this statute is woefully In adequate because it d'es not authorize the collection of a charge or fix a term of years. Capital is slow to Invest In en enterprise founded on a permit revocable at will. It is the plain duty of the government to see to It that In the utilisation and de velopment of all this Immense assouat of water power, conditions shall be im posed that will prevent monopoly and will prevent extortionate charges, which are the accompaniment of monopoly. The difficulty of adjusting the matter Is ac centuated by the relation of the power sites to the water, the fall and flow of I which create the power. In the states where these sites are. the riparian own er does not control or own the power in the water which flows past his land. That power is under the control and with in the grant of the state, and generally the rule is that the first water user Is en titled to the enjoyment. Now. the pos session of the bank or water-power site over which the water Is to be conveyed In order to make the power useful, gives to Its owner nn advantage and a certain kind of control over the use of the water power, and It Is proposed that the govern ment In dealing with its own lands should use this advantage and lease lands for power bites to those who would develop the power, and impose condition on the leasehold with reference to the reason ableness of the rates at which the power. when transmuted. Is to be furnished to the public, and forbidding the union ot the particular power with a combination of others made for the purpose of monop oly by forbidding assignment of the leas- save by consent of the government. Serious difficulties are anticipated by some In such an attempt on the part of the general government, because oi the sovereign control of the stnte over the water piwer In Its natural condition, and the mere proprietorship of the govern mnt in the rlpar'an lands. It is con tended that through Its mere proprietary rh;ht In the she. ch central govcrn.t.vsd has no power to at'ompt to exercise po lice Jurisdiction with reference to how the water power In a river owned and controlled by the 3tate shall be used, and that it Is a violation of the state's rights. I question the validity of this objection. The government may Impose any condi tions that It chooses In its leus-t of Its own property, even though it may have the same purpose, and in effect accom plish Just what the state would accom plish by the exercise of its sovereignty There are those and the directoe ot the geological survey. Mr. Smith, who has given a great deal of attention to this matter, is one of them) who Insist that this matter of transmuting water power Into electricity, which can be conveyed all over the country and across state lines, is a matter that ought to be re tained by the general government, and that it should avail itself of the owner ship of these power sites for Che very purpose of co-ordinating In one general plan the power generated from ihtse government owned sites. Arguments Against Idea. On the other hand. It Is contended -that it 'would relievo a complicated situation If the control of the water-power sits and the control of the water were vested In the same sovereignty and ownership, viz.. the states, and then were disposed of for development to private lessees un der the restrictions needed to preserve the interests of the public from the extor tions and abuses of monopoly. Therefore, bills have been Introduced In congress providing that whenever the state au thorities deem a water power useful they may apply to the government of the United States for a grant to the state of the adjacent land for a water-power site, and that this grant from the fed eral government to the state shall con tain a condition that the state shall never part with the title to the water power site or the water power, but shall lease it only for a term of years not ex ceeding ffty. with provisions In the lease by which the rental and the rates for which the power Is furnished to the public shall be readjustr-d at periods less than the term of the lease, say. every ten years. The Argument Is urged against this disposition of power sites that legis lators and state authorities are more sub ject to corporate Influence and control than would be the central government: In reply it is clnlmed that a readjustment of the terms of leasehold every ten years would secure to the public and the state just and equitable terms. I do not express nn opinion upon the controversy thus made or a preference as to the two methods of treating water power sites. I shall submit the matter to congress and urge that one or the other of the two plans be adopted. I have referred to the course of the last administration and of the present one In making withdrawals of government lands from entry under homestead and other laws and of congress In removing all doubt as to the validity of these with drawals as a great step In the direction of practical conservation. But it Is only one of two necessary steps to effect what should be our purpose. It has produced a status quo and prevented waste and Ir revocable disposition of the lands until the method for their proper disposition can be formulated. But It is of the ut most Importance that such withdrawals should not be regarded as the final step In the course of conservation, and that the idea should not be allowed to spread that conservation Is the tying up of the natural resources of the government for indefinite withholding from use and the remission to remote generations to decide what ought to be done with these means of promoting present general human com fort and progress. For. if so. It Is certain to arouse the greatest opposition to con servation as a cause, and If it were a correct expression of the purpose of con servationists It ought to arouse this op position. As I have said elsewhere, the problem Is how to save and how to util ize, how to conserve and still develop: for no sane person can contend that It is for lhe common good that nature's bless ings should be stored only for unborn generations. I beg of you. therefore. In your delib erations and In your informal discussions, when men come forward to suggest evils that the promotion of conservation is to remedy, that you invite them to point out the specific evils and the specific remedies : that you invite them to come down to details In order that their discus sions may flow Into chanels that shall be useful rather than into periods that shall tie eloquent and entertaining, without shedding real light on the subject. The people should be shown exactly what is needed in order that they make their representatives in congnss and the state legislature do their Intelligent bidding. Behind the Times. Lettice Denby But this Is bo sud den! Uppen Dewing Sudden! It's near ly two weeks! Young lady, don't you know that the modern, up-to-date. Robert W. Chalmers period of court ship is only two minutes? ' Sign of Quality. "I'm suro that thero is some won derful quality In my daughter's voice." "What makes you think so?" "None of the neighbors have or jected to her practising." ALL OVER NEBIASKA Cost of Farmers.' Institute. The Omaha Weekly Trader is now and has been for some time past in teresting Itself in the work of fann ers' institutes throughout Nebraska. We quote its words on the subject: "We thoroughly believe in the kind of work they are doing and the way in which it is being done and we believe that across the length and breadth of this state its people, city people or country people, have only to be well informed as to results to bring about a thorough and complete support on their part of those de voted citizens who hare this propaganda nearest to their hearts. "Our readers are aware, of course, that the state is virtually conducting three separate kinds or institutes, regular farmers' institutes, boys and girls' institutes or contest and farmers' institute schools. These di visions have been an outgrowth of the urgent requests from com munities anxious to obtain help from the .ate university. Here is the graded summing up of results: Regular Farmers Insttiutes: Two-day meetings 124. one-day meetings. S3. total 137 Total number of ses sions 57S Average attendance, per sessions ISO Total attendance per ses sion .. ii.ii4 Average cost per Insti- titute $"9.30 2SI days, cost per day 32.30 55X sessions, cot per scs- "ion j 9i" Average cost, per person .09 Total cost of 157 nlstl- tutes $9,210.61 Boys' and Girls' Insti tutes (or contests): Total number of Insti- Total attendance 6.9 3 Average per session 259 Cost per session $39.f! Average cost, per child.. .15 Total cost of 27 insti lutes $1.0t7.S3 Farmers" Institute Schools: Total number schools l .short course) S Total nttend'ince 1.9S3 Cost per school or per week $270.2: Aierago cost tier person. .St Total cost of 6 schools... 1.621.61 Total cost of all Institutes $12,000.03 Average cost per person. 11.2c "In figuring the attendance of regular institutes the above figures do not show actual number of per sons in attendance. The system of adding attendance per session to the total attendance is recommended by the National Association of Farmers' Institute workers, and is uniform throughout the state. Our readers will notice from these figures the average cost of each of the different lines of work is 9 cents per person attending regular farmers' insti tutes and 81 cents per person attend ing farmers' institute schools. The average cost of carrying instruction to the 105,504 people was 11.2 cents. It may be well to observe that those registered for the short course work receive six days instruction, which would make the cost If. 3 cents per day or practically the same as for the regular institute work. These figures reveal wonderful economy of administration, small ex penditures securing tremendous re sults, and are worthy the careful study of everyone interested in the future of this commonwealth. The agricultural possibilities of Nebraska will be increased rapidly and four fold under such educational ad vantages as these institutes are giv ing to the farmers." Young Woman Commits Suicide. Otoe County. Miss Clara Kuen ning. 2C. residing four miles north of Syracuse, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuenning. became despondent and during the absence of the family from the home Sunday morning, committed suicide by hang ing herself wtih a towel, tied to a nail and holding up her feet until she had choked to death. She was a very popular young woman and the caiiFe of the suicide is said to be brought on by brooding over a little love affair. Two Candidates Will Speak. Gage County. The Gage County Fair association have arranscii to have James Dahlman and C. H. Aid rich, candidates for governor, to speak during the fair. Mr. Alriricii will speak on September 21 and Mr. ; Dahlman the day following. Douglas County Complete. Douglas County. The county can vassing board has completed the canvass of votes for Douglas county and it only remains for the totals to be cerified. According to the figures now in. which will be little changed in the verification. Dahlman's ma jority in Douglas county is .!.n:,), against 5.291 on the first returns. Custer County Fair. Custer County. The Custer county fair of 1910 will open September I?,. Large sums of money have been ex pended on improving the grounds, while the new $2,000 tables have sheltered, for some time past, a line of tine running and trotting stock in training for the fair. Burned to Death. Adams County. As a result of burns received in an attempt to make a smouldering fire burn by aiding it with coal oil Mi's. E. E. Wither of Hastings died after suffering intense pain all day. Lexington Man Killed by Horse. Buffalo County. The horse which Camille Giltett was ridinc became frightened at an automobile. The animal reared and ten. felt backwards on top of young Gillett. knocking him unconscious. He died soon after. Ten Cars Are Burned. Box Butte County. A fire that originated in an empty stock car in a string of cars loaded with ties at Orelta station resulted in the total destruction of ten cars and contents representing a loss of about ?G,000. Safe Blown at Virginia. Gage County. Burglars broke into the general store of II. J. Nicholson at Virginia, blowing open the safe with dynamite. Entrance was secured through one of the rear doors of the store building. No money was kept in the safe. Hfl Til HHE EVE KID V IWBitWtsA.V.WsiaryEjssa-J f GJUUUJlJtTEDEYEUDS I DoeA'tSssat-tUSctiieaEyePain r.Usa Sc.yi KT BOOKS AND ADVKS RIB BT HAH. FASTIDIOUS. CTJ'C'-jmr "Lady, can youse give ma a littla rasollne? "Per the land's cake! Tou don't lrink gasoline, do yon?" "No. lady. I wants ter clean rloves wit it." me Deafness Cannot Be Cared if local appUeatloaa, as taey eaaaot resell the dhw Md portion at tbs csr. Tacts to only one war to niro deaiocas. sad taat at r coaaUtuUesat rcsiedlea. fni is caused by aa tesaated coadKan ot tbm aucous llDlnc ot taa Eustachian Tata. Waca Una aba is taOaaiad you aavs a runbUac saaed or ba jertrct bearing, sad wbaa ft la anUrety tiosrd. Deal uaa to tt rcaalt. aad naJeaa taa tonammation caa.be Mkaa oat and Urte tuba restored to lis normal coddl ta. BaattBC U1 daanotd fartrer: saw cava iii of ue ara caaaad by Cattrrk, wale to aotaiac lit aa toaaawd ceadmoa ot tfcs arenas asrSwca. Wa wtt gtvs Om Huadtsd DeHan ft say aats.af -Paataasa (caused by oatartU.ttas iaaan-W curat V Hairs Gaiina Cats, esad lar rtcalsm tree. F. t. CHEMET A CO. Toiado. Ok Bald T Drasstota. TSe, 7aka llaU-a FaaOly rffls t Lemons Curs Malaria. Lemons are said to be an Infallible :ure for malaria. This Is the method jf preparation: Take one leawn. wash thoroughly with a brush and hot wa ter till all germs are gone, cut In very small pieces, using skfo. seeds ind all; cook In three glasses of wa ter till reduced to one. and take this while fasting. A cure Is generally iffected within a week. Tit fer Tat. "Mb? Brags." stammered the young nan. "I called on you last sight did I otr "What aa odd question! Of coarse, rou did." . "W-w-well. I Just waated to say that if I proposed to yos I was droak. To ease your nrisd. I will say that if I accepted yon I was crazy.' Jadge. English so She Is Spake. Chinatown Visitor John, sabee. see screen how muck sabee want for him? The Chlnamanr-Whafs the matter with you? Can't yoa speak Eaglish? Judge. Net to Overdo It. Lily I'se gwlne to a a'priss party tonight. Miss Sally. Miss Sally What win yon take for present? Lily Well, we dldn' cal'late on rnkin' no present. To' see. we don't a an to s'prise 'em too muck. The Witching Hour. Claire Jack told me he waated to toe you the worst possible way. Ethyl And what did you say? Claire I told blmtocome to break- 'lust soma morning. How many of us have cravings that never will be stilled, though we do not talk about them. Dr. Robertson Nicooll. If a man amounts to anything Is a mall town he soon begins to think he would amount to mora In a big town. LACK OF MONEY Was a Geesens In This Caaa. It Is not always that a lack of mosey Is a benefit. A lady of Green Forest. Ark., owes ser Health to the fact that sheceuld ot pay la sdvsaca tka fea demaad Ti by a specialist 'to treat her for Itomaca troable. la telling of her caaa she says: ' 1 had been treated by four differ ent puyaldsas dorlag It years of stomach trouble. Lately I called oa another who told ma ha couM sot cure ma; that I had neuralgia of the stom ach. Then I went to a spadallst who told ma I had catarrh ot the tamacs sad said ha could euro ma la fear months hut would havs to have hi money down. I could act raise the necessary sum aad la my extremity I was lad to quit coffee aad try Postum. "So I stopped coffee and gave Poet am a thorough trial aad the result iave been xnaglcaL I bow sleep well at night, something I had not done fjr a long time; the pain In my stom ach Is goas aad I am 'a different woman. 1 dreaded to quit coffee, because every time I had tried to stop It I suf fered from severe headaches, so I con tinued to drink It although I had rea son to believe It was Injurious to me. and was the cause of my stomach trouble and extreme' nervousness. But when I had Postum to shift to it was different. "To my surprise I did not miss cof fee when I began to drink Postum. "Coffee had been steadily and sure ly killing me and I didn't fully realizo what was doing jit until I quit and changed to Postum." Kver read the abova letter? A nr-n ac appenra front time to tlaae. Tb-y are crania.?, true, aad full of buaaaa laterrMt. SA 5I V V: S m KSmx sBssB3sm VbsssssbKbW t L 'tlsnASBm vvVSlHatw'fl ii i" yTr Sy V t , 4 iV ,v