The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 07, 1910, Image 5

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Better Plumbing
1VT ANY homes should have better bath
- A than they now have. We have
tried not only to do better
plumbing than we ever did &
before, but better than any
body else can do. The vol
ume of work we are now
doing shows how we are suc
ceeding. We use only genuine Slndsnr
plumbing fixtures and employ only
experienced workmen. Our repair
inn service is prompt and reliable.
From llio Hand.
Anion Sunders is engaged in puttinpin
a ir.2 ton mlo for David Lea at his farm
southwest of town. Silos art: a scarce
thing in this community, and we hope to
hear another year of Mr. Lee's experi
ence with hin.
Saturday evening last was a sad time
for Frank Bump. It is the first time in
yeura that he has had a day oil from
labor, and he is kicking about that. As
he was driving west by O'Connors farm
his horse was frightened by thti bright
light of an engine from behind and start
ed to run. He stopped it Buddeuly by
a jerk on tho lines and a bolt camo out,
releasing one side of the shafts from the
buggy and they bumped onto the
hordes hind lege, then the horse
bumped Hump out of the buggy onto
Mother Earth and broke his right arm.
Then the horse humped on home and a
short time after kind Samaritans helped
Bump home where a doctor dressed his
wounds. We are sorry for Bump and
wonder if his name had been different if
Ins bumps would have been lesssr or
From tlio World.
A. Klopped got badly hurt by tripping
and falling down before a blind horse
that would not stop when told but
walked right over him stepping on his
back and breaking three of his ribs.
While very painful it is not dangerous.
In District court, Henry B. Peitzmei
er has sued the county of Colfax and the
county commissioners of Colfax county,
alleging that while crossing a bridge
across the Maple Creek on Aug. 1, 1910,
with his steam engine and separator, the
bridge gave way and he was thrown
with his machine and engine into the
creek. He figures his damage at $3,000.
lie further alleges that he sustained
a broken leg. and a lacerated and bruis
ed jaw and many other injuries worth
Sin. 000. He also puts up a claim of
S2,(MK for work lost this fall on account
of his wounds and destruction of his
threshing outfit. John Marek, who was
tho engiueer running said engine filed
his suit, alleging that he suffered dam
ages in the sum of .f,000. Joseph
Deppe, who was the helping hand also
claims damages in the sum of $5,000 on
account of injuries sustained and loss of
time and wages.
From tli I'oft.
The barn on the John Bodemic farm
10 miles northeast of here burned Sat
urday night. His live horses and all his
harness ami hay wns destroyed in the
tire. It isn't known how the tire was
Last Friday a very interesting encoun
ter occurred not far from thia place.
Following is the way it was reported to
us While pitching bundles into a wagon
Jack Tashner and John Diesburg mixed
it, first using pitchforks and then after
deciding to lay the Turks to one side,
they finished it by scratching and the
former using his pocket knife. The lat
ter got a little knife wound in one of his
Gents9 Furnishing Goods
405 11th Street,
legs and his face slightly scratched.
Tashner was arrested and fined $5 and
costs. The charge was assault.
While returning home fronvtown last
Friday evening Peter J. Scbmitz had an
accident which caused him to receive a
badly broken leg. He and his hired man
had been to town and were returning to
the farm two miles east of here. When
they had reached the big hill going ont
on the Second street road the shaft came
down causing the horse to get fright
ened. Mr. Schmitz, in trying to stop
the running animal got one foot fastened
in the wheel, breaking the leg just below
the knee. The "hired man" got dumped
out of the buggy without getting a
From tho Gazette.
lluth Harling of Pine, La., eleven
years of age, was married Tuesday to
Wm. Brand, aged 19. The bride can
go up head. We believe ehe is the
youngest bride on record.
The storm which visited this vicinity
abdut seven o'clock Sunday evening did
bnt little damage. About 2 inches of
rain fell. Corn was considerably flat
tened in many fields but with dry
weather it will again straighten up.
Over in Polk county the storm was more
severe. A dispatch from Osceola to the
World Herald says that G inches of
rain fell; that the Union Pacific track is
under water for three fourths of a mile
on either side of the station and all
trains are tied up. Lightning struck
the residences of U. N. Powers and 11.
A. Mills, causing considerable damage.
It. Walker's barn and J. Timra's granary
were struck by lightning and burned.
So was George Horst's granary. Mrs.
Fred Shank was compelled to llee from
her home, wading through water up to
her shoulders with her child in her arms.
A dispatch from Brunir.g Neb., dated
Aug. 27. U'lo, says that several people
were injured, two fatally anil two Bever
ly, when a wind mill tower sixty feet
high, on which were perched thirty
spectators of a picnic performance
party collapsed throwing the ocenpants
to the ground, fatally injuring two and
severely injuring two. John Knutzen
had his hack broken and cannot live.
John Schrock sustained what are de
clared to be fatal internal injuries.
James Meyer was badly bruised and cut.
Henry Rasher was badly bruised and
his leg broken. Others were but slight
ly hurt. John Knutzen, it will be re
membered, formerly lived in Bell wood.
His many young friends will regret to
learn of the sad accident that happened
to him. Knutzen was taken to a hospi
tal at Omaha where five doctors admin
istered to his wounds.
oure oign.
"How do you know they're mar
ried?' "Can't you see? He's making her
bait her own fishhooks." Detroit
Free Press.
The Added Part.
Church Does your neighbor 'play
that cornet without notes? Gotham
Yea, but not without comments.
Yonkers Statesman.
1 1 Xa- rH
' - , J2a"BBBBaP-rI-
From the Republican.
Miss Helen Schram retnrned Wednes
day after a short visit with Miss Marie
Raamuesen at Fremont. She was accom
panied by her aunt. Mis. Loosing, of
Arlington, Neb.
E. L. VanAllen retursed from Neligb,
where he rented a farm for the coming
year, and will move his family in the
spring, lie expects to rent his house
and land east of town.
H. L. Smith, who recently purchased
the C. VanAllen residence, is getting
ready to remodel and fix it up. As soon
as this work ia completed Mr. Smith
will move into it and make it his home,
and rent his home farm.
A. M. Work was called to Hastings
last week to attend the funeral of hia
nephew, who died in old Mexico. He
said the body had to be brought over
land ninety miles before a railroad was
reached, as he died up in the mountains.
Mr. Work retnrned from Hastings Sat
urday morning.
Clias. Kelley, who has the contract
for putting up the new school building,
has commenced work and the place for
the foundation has been prepared. He
will order his cement b'ocJrs this week
and begin the work of construction at
once. The board is anxious to have
the work completed as soon as possible
as the room will be needed as soon sa
school opens.
During the last week three Monroe
properties changed hands, two resi
liences and one store building. 1). H.
Gipe traded the building occupied by J.
E. Erekine to W. . Rohrich of Co
lumbus for a stock of qneeosware and
notions in that city, and Ed Farmer
bought the Lenon residence property.
The third transaction was the sale of
the W. W. Frank residence to J. A.
Baker, who will move into Monroe.
A miatake in filling an oil can came
very near resulting in a bad accident for
Mrs. E. R. Dack Saturday. In some
way their kerosene was Oiled with gaso
line by mistake, and when Mrs. Dack
poured, what she supposed to be kero
sene, in the stove to start the Are, there
was an explosion when she attempted to
light it. She was burned on the face
and hands, but not severely, but taking
it altogether it was a very narrow escape.
Emil Sallacb, formerly a resident of
this locality, died in an Omaha hospital
Thursday ob a result of an operation.
For the last several years he has been
in poor health, and this was the third
operation, Prior to ten years ago Mr.
Sallach lived in this locality, first on a
farm north of Monroe, and later coming
to Monroe and building the residence
now owned and occupied by John Gib
bon. He was taken to Albion Saturday
for burial. Resides his wife, he leaves
two son9 and one daughter, and one
brother, J. E. Sallacb, all of whom re
side in Albion.
Here is a new way of conveying a
gentle hint to a yonng man who goes to
sec his tieat giil and apparently forgets
what time it is. A yonng man who does
not live far from Monroe was calling the
other evening and when the hour be
came late the young lady was wonder
ing how to give him a hint to leave. Bnt
the girl's mother solved the problem, in
a new way. She started the alarm on
the clock, and as soon as the young man
heard it he made a hasty exit. The joke
was too good to keep and somebody told
it, so the young man has to stand con
siderable good natnred joshing from his
From tho Times.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Willard returned
from Oklahoma last Saturday where
they spent several days. Mr. Willard
says the part of Oklahoma he visited is
developing rapidly and land is increasing
in value. The peach crop was immense
this year. Large peaches retail for 50o a
bushel. Small peaches are fed to hogs,
as there is no demand for them on the
market. Mr. Willard has planned to
return to Oklahoma the last of Septem
ber and contemplates spending the win
ter there.
Automobile dealers who have been
predicting that the growing demand for
autoa would put the horse out of busi
ness to a large extent, have another guess
coming. According to the government
census reports, there are twenty-one mil
lion horses in the United States. Great
as has been the development of the auto
mobile, the horse still holds h9 own.
What is more remarkable, horses are
worth on an average ten dollars more a
head than they were a year ago. The
horse thus shares in the general pros
perity. Ang. Smith was 81 years old last Fri
day, and in order to properly celebrate
the event his children got together and
invaded the home in the evening, giving
their aged parent a happy surprise.
Sixty-two years ago Mr. Smith was a
soldier in the German army fighting on
the side of the government in the Re
volution of 1S48. Later he came to
America, and in 1861 enlisted in defense
of the Union, serving in the army of the
Potomac. Near the close of the war
he was taken prisoner, and spent sever
al months in a Confederate prison.
After the war Mr. Smith came west and
assisted in building the Union Pacific
railway. In 1868 he hired out ss a farm
hand in Platte county. In the family
of the man he worked for was a young
daughter. She is Mrs. Aug. Smith now.
The Tws Period.
The career of every successful man
may be divided into two periods first,
when be Is not given credit for what
be knows and, second, when he Is giv
en credit for what he doesn't know.
Do not talk about disgrace from a
thing being known when the disgrace
Is that the thing should exist Falconer.
From the Uecord.
"John," the famous 14 year old dog
of O. G. Gylling was found dead this
moraine having been poisoned. Mr.
Gylling feels very badly over his loss"
as the dog wss a great favorite or the
Gylling folks, however Mr. Gylling be
lieves that the poisoning was accidental
having been put ont for some other
purpose. The dog has been very useful,
at one time giving an alarm that pre
vented a bad fire at the Gylling home.
The body of Ed Grossnicklaus wss
found hanging in his barn this morning
at his-home twelve miles southeast of
this city, where be committed suicide
by hanging. 'No cause is given at this
time for the act. Sheriff Ware and
Coroner Anderson were notified and
proceeded to the scene of the tragedy.
It appears that Mr. Grossnicklaus did
bis morning work as usual and after
wards went into hia barn and ended his
life. He is well known here ss a bard
working and industrious farmer. He
leaves a wife and two daughters, the
elder being the wife of George Chapman.
Forty- four years ago in July, Mr. M.
A. Mills of this city, who was then pros
pecting out in the Rockies took his de
parture from that part of the then worth
less west back to civilization, leaving
some companions, among whom was one
N. E. Schriver. Mr. Mills had pros
pected and found little and left a bole
which he had been working to bis com
panions. Mr. Schriver and others kept
on with the hole and finally struck pay
dirt in good quantities. He did well at
mining and afterward went back east
and Mr. Mills never saw or beard from
him afterward till last Friday, when the
gentleman who was visiting in Nebraska
located Mr. Mills and came to see him.
It needs no remarking that these two
gentlemen are having a very enjoyable
visit, Mr. Schriver is now in the stock
business at ML Ayr, Indiana, and is do
ing very welL
From the Advance.
Nels Olson purchased the Shel Clark
farm north of St. Edward last week and
having sold his farm at Waboo will move
bis family here in the spring. Mr. Ol
son owns the 100 acres adjoining Mr.
Clark's farm on the north where he
lived some six or seven years ago before
going to Wahoo.
While on the road returning from the
Fnllerton Chautauqua last Sunday in
his automobile, Henry Crosier ran his
car into a deep ditch, upsetting the ma
chine and throwing himself and family
into the mud, but happily no one was
injured The accident occurred during
the heavy rain which fell that night and
at a point about four miles from any
place of shelter and the party was com
pelled to stand in the drenching rain
until Geo. Rrisben who happened along
picked them up.
Mrs. I. Heberling came very near be
ing gored to death by a mad runaway
bull last evening at 'the home of her
daughter, Mrs. F. F. Abbott south of
town. C.F. Peterson living northeast
of St. Edward had received a number of
choice cattle on the evening train and
when they were being nnloaded at the
stock yards one of them broke away and
ran south to the Abbott farm. Mr.
Heberling had gone out to the mail box
and wss returning to the bouse and
when half way to the house the animal
turned into the yard and made straight
for her. She wss knocked down bnt
managed to get to her feet again and
ran to the fence in a hope of getting on
the other side and ont of the animal's
reach. She was only about half way
through the fence when the bull rushed
at her again and this time butted her
through the fence with such force that
her lower limb was broken. She is now
lying in a critical condition as the re
sult of her injuries.
From the Outlook.
Miss Mable Nicholsen of Monroe.
Nebr., and Miss May Hoppeck of Ful
lerton, who have been visiting at the
Realty home, returned to their homes
During the rain Snnday night Charley
Young lost sixty fine, young chiokenp.
The chickens were moating in boxes on
the ground and the water raised up into
the boxes, drowning the lot.
While returning home from the Fi.l
lerton chautanqua last Sunday night,
Mr. Larson and wife and two children
came near losing their lives by the ma
chine running off a 20-foot bridge. The
scene of the ancident was near the old
Battenhorst place, about three miles
south of Cedar Rapids. The night wss
dark and rainy and the roads were very
muddy from the all day's rain. The
road leading to the bridge at this place
makes a sharp turn and when the auto
struck the bridge no doubt the machine
skidded off to the side. The machine
and four occupants went off the bridge,
to the ground 20 feet below. Mrs. Lar
son was very badly injured, having six
or eight ribs broken, also her collar
bone. The rent of the party received
but few bruises.
From tho New.
Of course, those merchants of Albion
who paid their money to an Iowa con
cern for the insertion of their ads in sn
advertising circular, fully endorse the
practice of ordering goods from foreign
catalogue houses. This ahonld be due
notice to the local papers to cease their
campaign for patronizing home indus
tries. Many citizens wonder why, when a
new building is to be erected, and there
ia ample vacant room on the rear of the
lot, that it is not used to pile the build
ing material upon instead of occupying
the street. Of course everybody is will
ing to pnt up with inconvenience and
"eye-sorts whea it is necessary, but it is
not slwsys necessary.
O. D. Moon of 8L Edward, suffered a
fractured arm last Thursday at the Old
Settlers' pioato while plsying ball. He
waa playing with the Boone nine and
was batting when the ball struck him on
the forearm fracturing it A doctor wss
summoned at onos snd the broken arm
was sst. Friday morning he returned
hoaae. As soon ss he game was over a
purse of $10 waa raked for Moon's bene
fit Mr. Moon has played ball for sev
eral years on local teams.
Native Reserve snd Conservatism
Keep Them Apart From Whites.
Even among the Five Civilized Tribes
there still remain many communities
wholly full blood. These people drift
together, following their own Ideas of
life, speaking their own language and
retiring before the whites with the
same strange reserve and pride that
characterized them in their wild state.
Although claiming the name of sev
eral Christian denominations and fol
lowing certain beliefs with devout
ness, their ways of thinking, their dis
like of Innovation and their aversion
to work have made them withdraw
to the mountain districts. Whether
this so called reserve comes from pride
or a distrust of the white man or ti
midity or merely a stubborn conserva
tism, it produces the same result; the
backward and nonprogressive Indian.
There Is, too, a certain mystic quality
that holds the Indian aloof, says tho
Southern Workmana quality that we
do not understand and with which
there Is little sympathy In our every
day life. He Is so much of a philos
opher that he looks upon our strenu
ous life with some contempt, dismiss
ing our efforts for personal comfort
and material advancement with the
remark that "the white man Is heap
trouble to himself.' While people call
him lazy because ho docs not core to
exert Maif for those things which
seem Important to whites, yet to
some religious ceremonial or some ar
tistic expression his application is per
sistent, and the -patience of an In
dian has passed into a proverb.
the Jsined Card Club In Order to
Forget Her Work.
An Atchison woman who found the
monotony of dishwashing, cooking and
laundry work proving too much for
sanity was urged to Join a card club.
"It will take your mind off your
work," she was told, and so she Joined.
In order to attend she had to get up
that morning an hour earlier to get
her work done; a neighbor girl was
hired to stay with the baby, and when,
flustered, nervous and tired, she left
the house fifteen minutes late sho was
followed by the screams of her three
children because they couldn't be
token along. But she bad her mind
taken off her work at the card party.
Of that there Is no doubt, for when
she made a mlsplay her partner, a
perfect lady, walked right over her,
then picked her up and shook her, and
then chewed on her for fifteen min
utes. 8he became so frightened that
the little wits she had under her hair
fled, and she made another mlsplay
with another partner, and this woman,
also a perfect lady, talked to her in a
way the woman should have been
ashamed to talk to a dog. It was more
than she could endure, and, weeping
like a sprinkling cart she got up and
went home.
"It did even more than It promised,
she told her husband. "Nothing has
ever happened to me In all my life that
so effectively took my mind off my
work. Why, there were times when I
even forgot I had you and all the chil
dren. Atchison Globe.
Athtstles and the Unfit.
Those who are unfit should not In
dulge In athletic games Is a warning
by Dr. Woods Hutchinson in Outing.
A boy, for instance. Is a little weak
site; a mild attack of infectious fever,
pneumonia. Influenza or tonsllitls, and
his heart is beating faster and more
violently than it should on exertion.
But the team wants him or be wants a
record, or both, and away he goes Into
"Suddenly one day the heart can no
longer drive on its overload of blood,
and down goes the runner or oarsman
in an attack of heart failure." and ath
letics get all the discredit
The same danger lies when there is
no training, the sport being purely In
formal. It lies also where the girl just
convalescent persists In taking part In
a long anticipated dance. Only that
phase of common sense which Is mani
fested In common prudence is neces
sary to avoid such perils.
His Other Name.
The candidate for the placeiof coach
man had been weighed and was not
wanting, according to his new mis
tress' lights. Then the question of his
name, which was Patrick, came up.
The mistress objected to it in'her heart,
so she explained that It was her cus
tom always to call her coachman by
his family name. Hadihe any objec
tions? "Not the slightest, ma'am' x
"What Is your last name.fPatrlckr
"Fitzpatrick. ma'am." (
A little chap four years off age mei
with tho misfortune to haveihls hat
blown Into the river. When hefreacbeT
home his father saldito him:
"It's a wonder yovtdldn't blow over
board too.
"I couldn't wasfthe qulclaresponsc.
! was fastened totmyfeet!"
Acute Sensetof Hearing.
CammeClarenceJ Isn't so diffident
when be talks to) you through the
phone. Is he? Estetle Isn't he? Even
through the phones! candiear his heart
flutter. Exchange.
a wee- arty.
Judge Why dldjyou burntyour barn
down jsst after getting It Insured?
Farmer Your honor. a.poorman like
ase csjB't afford toi have a bom and in-
tace tiM-Mefl-cenO-jrxer tuaoer.
To UTS Jon Kite
,tO llTt
It First Came Inte Use In the Four
teenth Qentury.
Female costume In the tenth century
was classical in its simplicity. The
women wore long, loose, flowing skirts
reaching to the feet and a draped
"cote," or upper garment. Chaucer, who
died in 1400, when Henry IV. was king,
frequently uses the word cote. In the
"Canterbury Tales" he depicts the ser-gcant-at-ktw
as wearing a "medley
cote," which no doubt means a coat
of many colors, while the miller he
describes as wearing "a whyte cote."
It was in the fourteenth century that
the word "gown" first came Into use.
An anonymous author In no mild
words finds fault with the fashion of
his days. He writes that "the com
mons were besotted in excess of ap
parel. In wide surcoats reaching to
their Ioyns, some In a garment reach
ing to their heels, close before and
strowting out on the side, so that on
the back they make men seem women,
and these they call by a ridiculous
name gown."
As early ns the twelfth century wom
en's cotes were made with trains, and
In the first quarter of the thirteenth
century a bishop moralizes early on
their vanity for wearing trained cotes,
some of which contained seven ells
and a half." Westminster Gazette.
Its Waters Are titerally Swarming
With Ferocious Sharks.
Less than three thousand miles from
the city of New York and about a
third of that distance from San Fran
cisco there Is situated, in the upper
reaches of the gulf of California, a
small island, worthless even for so
mean n puriose as the raising of goats,
but nevertheless n center of attraction
for the ethnologists and nrchneolo-"
gists of the old and new worlds for
many generations.
This rocky peak, rising from the
quiet waters of the gulf, is known ns
Tiburon Island. Tlburon Is a Spanish
word which, translated into English,
means "shark." Tlie waters around the
islet arc literally swarming with these
tigers of the sen. and the inhabitants
of the island are said to be no less fe
rocious than the sharks. Tiburon Is
peopled with a handful of Indians, the
only aborigines of their kihd in the
world, known as Seris. They are re
puted to bo cannibals, to be so fierce
that none of the mainland tribes of
Mexican mlskins ever dare invade
their shores and to possess the secret
of manufacture of a peculiarly deadly
poison with which they prepare their
arrows before battle. Wide World
The Dragon Fly.
The oldest extant poem about a drag
on fly is said to have leen composed
1,440 years ago by the Eniieror Yuria
ku of Japan. One day. while this em
peror was hunting, say the ancient
records, a gadfly came and bit his arm.
Therewith a dragon fly pounced upon
the gadfly and devoured it. Then the
emperor commanded his ministers to
make an ode in praise of the dragon
fly. But as they hesitated how to be
gin he himself composed a poem in
praise of the insect, ending with the
Even a creepins insect
Walts upon the creat Lord.
Thy form It will bear,
O Yamato, land of tho dragon fly!
And in honor of the dragon fly the
place of the Incident was called Akit
suno, cr the moor of the dragon fly.
"A Japanese Miscellany."
"But why are you in mourning?"
"Ob. for my sins."
"Gee I didn't know you'd lost anyr
-Cleveland Leader.
Some Wisdom Left.
"You didn't tell the barber you were
In a hurry."
"No. I didn't want him to know It."
Pittsburg Post.
Columbus to
in California. Idaho,
Oregon. Washington
Stasiar Real ef tho West
Low Ome Way Colonirt Fares
To California Aug 25 to Sept. 9
. Oct. 1 to 15, 191
Electric Block Signals. Dustless, Perfect Track. Excellent
Dining -wars
For literature and information relative to fares, rontee, eta, call oa
or address
ELLIS O BROWN, Aceat, Clmxahma. Met.
l BjgW
Electric Light
r - '
Always Ready
Have your house wi
Colnmbas Light,
Heat & Power Co.
We invite all who desire ohoios
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other meats to oall at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish aad
oysters in sew on.
Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Neh.
Tho right party cam
mcure an excellent nUioa, salary
or rummix'ton for Colnmba and vi
cinity. Htateaice, former owpatioa.
ana ! reference. nuuiw m&
IIU.V 43n, lancoiu, mu.
mm Mane
Mo. 11 .. .
No. 13....,
No. 9 .....
No. 17.....
No. 15
No. 3
No. 21
No. !....
No. 7 . . .
... 8:10 ant
.... 138 am
... 10:28 am
... 3:05 pm
... fiiJUpm
... HAOpm
... 11:35 pm
.... 11:10 am
.... 1120am
... 8:38 p m
... 235 pm
No. 4 4:32 am
No. 12 UfcCTpm
No. 14 5:34 am
No. 2.-4Spm
No. 16 2:lpm
No. 10 3:05 pm
No. 18 5:57 pm
No. 2 HAlpm
No. 22 1:20pm
No. 20 3:00 pm
No. 24 7:12 am
No. 8 :Wpm
No. 31 pas ..dlJOpm
No.32paa ..aiasspm
No. 80 mxd..afee p m
No.77mxd (17:20am
No. 29 pas ..d 7.00pm
No. 30 pas ..a 1:10 pm
No. 78 mzd..a 8 JO pm
Daily except Bandar.
No. 1,2, 7 and S are extra fare train.
Nos. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local paeaeacera.
Noa. 58 and 59 are local f reicnta.
Nob. 9 aad 16 are mail trains only.
No. 14 dae ia Omaha 4:45 p. m.
No. 6 da in Omaha 5 p. m.
e. i. i .
TIm Table
N'C 22, Fuse, (daily ex. Bandaj)leaTe....;:25a
No. 32, KtU-A. Ac. (d'y ex. Saturday) U.SiBO p i
No. 21, lVa. (daily ex. Sunday) arriTe.-BJa) p i
No. 31. Frt. & Ac. (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..605 i
Many Points
To Idaho, Oregon, Washington
Sept. 5 to Oct. 15, 191t