i K : l s i 'I " 5 It ilft a . r" M Columbus Journal STROTHER STOCKWELL. Pubs! COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. BRIEF NEWS NOTES FOR THE BUST MAN MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK TOLD IN CONDENSED FORM. BOUND ABOUT THE WORLD Complete Review of Happenings of Greatest Interest from All Parts of Che Globe Latest Home and For eign Items. PERSONAL. CoL Theodore Roosevelt was an all night guest of Governor Stubbs at the letter's home In Lawrence, Kan. P. Augustus Helnze, the Montana copper magnate, and Mrs. Bernlce Golden Henderson, the actress, were married in the apartments of Rev. Dr. Handel of the Protestant Episcopal church, Brooklyn. Samuel D. Cronk, whose wife and eon Abner committed suicide in Chica go. Identified the body of the young woman who took her life in Detroit as his daughter Alice. Miss Rose Buckingham of San Fran cisco was killed and her companion. 3Iiss Agnes Roos of the same city, se verely injured in Munich, Germany, by being run down by a runaway auto. Theoiihilu fleuther, formerly a direc tor of the O'stermann Manufacturing company, testified in the Illinois Cen tral car repair fraud trial that Henry C. Ostermann, president of the Oster- mann company, had threatened to kill him if he (Reutber) told the story of the defrauding of the Illinois Central out of $1,000,000 though car repairs. When Miss Marguerite Barbey of New York becomes the wife of Gil bert Compton Elliott, near Geneva, Switzerland, 6he will display among her wedding presents a Farman bl :plane. This was sent by Miss Bar .Ley's sister, the Baroness Andre de Neuflise. Israel Brandt, an engineer on the Pennsylvania railroad, saved his train load of sleeping passengers as he was entering Pittsburg, when he stuck to his post and closed the throttle after a cap in a steam pipe had blown off. He suffered burns. J. Dolores Estrada, to whom Presi dent Mudriz turned over the adminis tration of the Nicaraguan government before fleeing from the country, re tired from the presidency in favor of Gen. Luis Mena, who was designated by him as acting president of the re public Jiayor Gaynor was declared "out of tlu' doctors' bands" at his home In St. James, L. I., to which he had been re moved from the Hoboken hospital. CENERAL NEWS. Novelty, with Schilling up, won the Futurity classic at Saratoga in 1:121-5. distance six furlongs. Bashti was second and Love Not third. The race netted 23.800 to the winner. Glenn H. Curtiss established a new world's record for aeroplane flying, when he flew 60 miles along the shores of Lake Erie in one hour and nice minutes. ' The Farmers' and Merchants' bank of Mount Pleasant, Mich., is closed, Cashier E. C. Vermillion is missing, the vault is locked, with no means of opening unless experts can solve the combination and the officers believe it conceals a shortage. Colorado E. established a new world's record for three-year-old trot ters at Readville, Mass., for a single 'heat and for two successive heats, by going the first in 2:06 and the sec ond in 2:07. Naming of Edward Hull of Peoria in -connection with an alleged request telegraphed from Springfield, for $60, 0C0, two days before the election of Senator William Lorimer, caused a sensation at the trial of Leo O'Neil Browne at Chicago. Charles A. White, recalled by the state In rebuttal, made the statement concerning Hull and the $60,000 fund. Savannah, Ga., in two days has ex perienced the heaviest rainfall In its history. The precipitation for one day was 8.57 inches. One death has been reported. Thirty witnesses were subpoenaed to appear before the coroner's jury, which began taking testimony at Du rand, Mich., relative to the Grand Trunk wreck last Wednesday. Detectives Tobin and McGrath of the Chicago police force were threatened by a mob on the Iowa state fair grounds at Des Moines, after the for mer had fractured the skull of Joseph Nlte, whom he was trying to arrest At the meeting of the American Bar association George W. Chamlee, coun sel for James R, Watts of New York, brought charges against Joseph h! Choate, former ambassador to Eng land, and asked for his expulsion from the American Bar association. He is charged with unethical conduct. Three men were killed and two seri ously injured by the overturning of a steam derrick at the cement mills in Speeds Station. Ind. G. W. Merchant. Jr.. a wealthy stockman near Carlsbad, N. M., was killed with an ax by a negro ranch band. Officials of the department of Jus tice at Washington announced that the government will sue 40 members of a kindling-wood trust, doing a busi ness of $25,000,000 a year. The whirlpool inclined railway at Niagara Falls, N. Y., was destroyed by fire. A clean towel and a wash cloth for each patron were advocated at a meeting in Pittsburg of the National League of Barbers. Russian sturgeon, which supply caviar, are reported to have been dis covered in the Gulf of Mexico. The .migration is unexplained. Ten Brooklyn (N. T.) firemen and policemen almost lost xhelr lives be cause of the prank of children, who said one of their number, a little girl. had fallen into a sewer. The men went Into the bis pipe and were over come by gas. sweeping reductions In express rates'Within the state of Illinois were made at Springfield by the Illinois railroad and warehouse commission. Existing tariffs were slashed la two in many instances and on small pack ages the reduction is in excess of SO per cent. The reduction is made ef fective October 15, and the companies are preparing for a finish fight. The audit of the $42,500 election ex pense account of Joseph C. Sibley. Re publican nominee for congress front Pennsylvania, has been postponed un til September 13. I Harry M. Daugberty of Columbus Is- i sued a formal statement declaring his candidacy for the United States sena torship from Ohio. The Roosevelt, Commander Robert E. Peary's ship of discovery, narrow ly escaped serious injury from fire at Weehawken, N. J. Scientists on the leper Island in the Hawaiian group, it Is reported, have discovered a bacillus that will soon cure the disease. The Kansas insurgent Republicans bad a good working majority in the party council at Topeka and carried everything by storm. The standpat ters, realizing the overwhelming vote of the primary, decided not to make any effort to oppose the Insurgents. Senator Curtis was the only one who even made an attempt to stem the tide. He tried to get an unqualified indorsement of President Taft into the platform, but failed. Charles A. White was recalled to the stand in the Lee O'Neil Browne trial at Chicago in an effort of the de fense to lay the foundation for im peachment of his testimony. He was asked one question and was followed immediately by a witness who de clared that White's reply was false. The Central Boxboard company plant, owned by Armour & Co. at Ster ling, III., was destroyed by flro with a loss of $150,000. ) At New York the bull leaders in the cotton market have issued a state ment predicting the greatest cotton famine the country has known since the Civil war, a crop of not more than 4 12,000.000 bales, and 20-cent cotton. August cotton sold at 20 cents a pound on the New York cotton ex change, establishing a new high record for the staple, not only for this move ment, but also marking the highest price at which cotton has been sold since 1873. A mob of 2,000 people battled with the Columbus. O., police and militia when street car rioting broke out with fresh fury- Struck down by the clubs of policemen, four were seriously In jured, one, a deputy sheriff, mistaken for a rioter, may die. Fiftv rlntorc were arrested and locked in the city prison. Vice-President James S. Sherman. In an address at Decatur, I1L, on "The' Gospel of Republicanism." failed tc follow the lead of President Taft In advocating a gradual revision of the tariff in accordance with recommenda tions of the tariff commission. Salt Palace, a structure built on salt, and one of the scenic features ol Salt Lake City. Utah, was destroyed by fire, entailing an uninsured loss oi $25,000. Defective wiring was the cause of the blaze. With three companies of state mi litia under personal command of Adjt. Gen. Eliott on guard and a machine gun in front of the county jail at Huntington, W. Va., no further rioting is anticipated by the mobs which for two successive nights stormed the jail in an effort to lynch John Wayne and Charles Clyburn, alleged negrc murderers. A letter from Godhaven, Greenland, received at Copenhagen, says It I certain that Dr. Frederick A. Cook ir on his way to find the records whicr he claims to have left near the North Pole. The letter says everybody ir Greenland still believes that Dr. Cook reached the North Pole and that som day he will return with the proofs. Hawley H. Crippen. the American dentist, and Ethel Clare Leneve, his typist, were accused of the murder of Belle Elmore, the former's wife. In the formal charge read to them In the Bow street police court, London. After the introduction of some evidence they were remanded until September C, without having pleaded. Neighbors discovered that burglars had ransacked the home of Harr Morris, In Putnam avenue, Brooklyn while he was on vacation. One of the thieves wore a silk hat and frock coat The police were notified. President Taft's keynote letter ad dressed to William B. McKinley of Illinois, chairman of the Republicar congressional committee, and wag given out by the New York headquaR ters of the committee, in it the presi dent defends the Payne tariff law, but acknowledges that there are parts of It which may be amenable to change xne treaty between Japan and Korea, by which, the Hermit kingdom is annexed as a sovereign part of Japan, with its name changed tr "Chosen," was made public at the state department at Washington. Twenty-eight new cases of Asiatic cholera, or of suspected cholera, were reported in Berlin and Spandau, a suburb of some 70,000 people, nine miles west of Berlin. The health au thorities state that, in all, only three cases have been definitely established to be true Asiatic cholera; of these, one died In Berlin and one died in Spandau. Judge William McSurely and other Chlcagoans narrowly escaped death 'in a hotel fire in Muskegon. Mich. Marie Colombier. an actress, who ac companied Sara Bernhardt to America; died In Paris. Alfred G. Ray, chief special agent of the Great Northern railway, shot and killed Charles P. Welch, a former sub ordinate, at St Paul. Minn. Chance alone saved Ray's life and perhaps other lives, for Welch had first fired four bullets at Ray and then hurled at him a bottle of nitre-glycerine, which failed to explode. Solomon J. Hirsh, president of the Hirsh-Wickwire company, clothing manufacturers of Chicago, committed suicide in the Hotel Knickerbocker. New York city, by cutting his throat with a razor. Continued ill health was the motive for his act 'ESfV&MMttk pvmsm w 7jjcff. 2fi-L 0yiyufcK i(44 '!,fni Bi''?i''a' 1ST Mil I MMmMBIi ! TiT I HIpfanGK CB 91 I m Care for the brood sow. Hay Is scarce this year. In a fairly cool spot sow some peas for September use. The only way to be sure of good dairy stock Is to raise it The food of the duck Is both vege table and animal In nature. A thrifty growth of the plants now means better fruit next year. Muttons sheep give the best returns when fed for that purpose when young. Extra feed increases growth, if of a suitable kind, and makes larger ani mals at maturity. A hard collar is not as hard upon tho shoulders of a horse as one that Is unevenly padded. Never offer a pound of poor butter for sale.- Better take it right out and bury it in the back lot If your sheep get scab, better clean them all out and begin over. It is the best way to cure that disease. Money makes the mare go, but you have got to hustle around and get the money, or the mare will stand stilt Clover bloat can usually be pre vented by keeping the cattle off the clover when It Is wet from dew or rain. In pruning do not forget that, sum mer pruning induces fruit bearing, ind wood growtn is promoted by win ter pruning. Too much onions, fish scrap and stale meat often cause eggs to have bad odor. It is unsafe to feed stale food to hens. Half bushel picking baskets, each provided with a light iron hook, will bruise the apples much less than when picked Into a bag. When a cow once falls off In milk production it Is more difficult to bring her back to her full flow than to so feed her as to keep her as near her capacity as possible. Butter-making can be readily re duced to a system, and should be. It Is the slip-shod way that causes so much poor butter to be sent to mar ket Horses under five years of age are more likely to suffer from "sunstroke" or overheating than are those which are more mature and more seasoned to work. The care that trees receive during the summer will help materially to determine the number and vitality of the fruit buds which will be formed this season for next year's crop. Pigs should be sorted as to size and each lot kept by itself. This is not much trouble and will enable the lit tle fellows to stand a better show at the feeding trough. Keep the surface of the soil as loose and fine as possible and the soil will not lose moisture by evaporation. A good hoeing is often as beneficial as a good rain In dry weather. The man who thinks It a woman's work to keep a garden going was not built on the right lines. The garden should be considered as Important as any other part of the farm and treat ed accordingly. To produce milk economically we should use the roughage of our farms wherever It Is possible, for by so do ing we not only save the labor of haul ing bulky material, but will also build up the fertility of our land. There appears to be some complaint about getting the ewes with lamb when they are allowed the run of a clover pasture, and therefore many think it best to cut and cure the clover for the Iambs and provide oth er pasturage or soiling crops for the breeding ewes. Winter radish seed are mixed with the turnip at the time of sowing the latter in the fall. The radishes will grow with the same treatment that is given the turnips. They are harvest ed and stored together for winter use. The radishes keep well and rj-e excellent for use In winter. For the first weete of a pig's life the mother's milk is its drink as well as food, and therefore in caring for suckling sows it should be the ain: to so feed thorn that milk of only medi um richness will be furnished instead of a limited supply of that which is extremely rich, the latter being less healthful and more liable to cause thumps, scours and unsatisfactory growth. Sanitary care of the feeding boxes for the show animals should be care fully studied, for the neglect will oft en cause a fastidious appetite Instead of a healthy robust one, and many a time an animal is blamed for being a delicate feeder, and often ailing, when in reality the fault is with the man agement in not having attended to these two things. Study sanitary car of feed boxes. Grade your honey systematically. A nervous cow stolid on. la preferable to a Keep the spray pump going In the potato patch. Hard coal ashes make a nice cool mulch for currant bushes. Too many fanners sacrifice quality for mere sis in tb selection of a ram. la order to realize the most for wool, there must be a uniformity of condition. An animal that Is only fed enough to be kept alive is of no practical value to the owner. When the lambs have just been weaned they require the best possible care and need good pasture. Phosphoric acid tends to Increase frultfulness. but a liberal supply of potash Is of almost equal importance. The grain for calves should be fed first while the calf Is quite small with a little bran to aid In learning to eat A few hens carefully watched and liberally fed are more profitable than a large number forced to forage for their living. When-you see many bees hunting around nooks and corners, you may be sure there Is robbing going on somewhere. A good horse used in a common sense manner should live to an old age and be in condition to perform good work at all times. During the hot weather the garden should receive very frequent cultiva tion to keep down the weeds and conserve the moisture. There is no reason why a man with an acre patch of potatoes should not spray for blight the same as a man who has ten acres or more. Cultivation should not be continued too late In the season, or the wood will not harden by the time winter sets In, and the trees will be Injured. As a rule, no cultivating should be done In the orchard during the next two months. If the soil is in good tilth and clean of weeds ft is best not to disturb in hot dry weather. The cowpea will thrive under unfa vorable conditions of soil preparation. It Is, however, a plant that responds most readily and profitably to thor oughly deep breaking and pulveriza tion of the land. The difference between the dairy farmer and the exclusive farmer is usually the difference between a monthly milk check and a monthly grocery bill. Asparagus is subject to the attacks of a number or fungi, the most wide spread and destructive being the rust, a fungus long known In Europe, but observed here within recent years. Good ventilation and good drainage are absolutely necessary in keeping calves, or indeed any other animal, healthy, but more particularly young stock. Asters suffer from root lice, which invariably kill them in a short time, if undisturbed. These lice also at tack chrysanthemums, clematis, and like plants. Where those pests are at work, there will be ants also. Young animals make a much more rapid growth In proportion to size than older ones, and the ratio Is de creased as they approach maturity: but they eat much more In proportion to live weight and tho flesh contains much more water. It is a law of nature that all plants must have a season of rest from ac tive growth. In the tropics this is done in the dry season. No plant can be forced Into continual growth without weakening it and finally kill ing it A good many farmers who have cows are now aware of what a splen did investment of time and money it would have been had they sown a plot of ground to peas and oats last spring to supplement the pasture that is now getting parched by the extended drought A few one-year-old hens and a flock of young early hatched pullets well cared for and carefully culled will yield more winter eggs than a flock twice the size consisting of a mixture of old and young hens, late and early hatched pullets, some half moulted, etc As the sire Is half the flock in the sense of his influence upon the lamb crop the few extra dollars required to purchase a pure-bred animal of the breed which may be favored by any sheep owner is a small consideration as compared to even a slight improve ment in the lamb crop. Some one has said that the measure of the corn crop depends not so much on the fertility of the land as on the available amount of moisture during the growing season. This is a truth which many of us fail to realize, and we are oftentimes found blaming the poorness of our corn land when w ' ought to be blaclae out own lack of industry with the cultivator. The importance of plenty of shade cannot be overestimated. Stock may be housed during the day, if neces sary, in darkened stables through which air may pass, where the ani mals will be less annoyed by flies. An ample supply of water is also an es sential, and the water supply should be well protected even though It costs considerable labor to haul water from a distance. Good food is also essen tial at this time. Green feed is pref erable, although dry hay may be used without serious result IS NEXT TO LOUDON NEW YORK SECOND LARGEST IN THE WORLD. POPULATION OVER 4.766.000 Census of Chicago and Philadelphia, the Nxt Largest Cities, Soon to Be Announced. Washington Greater New York has A population of 4,766,883 under the thirteenth decennial census, accord ing to figures issued by Director, of the Census Durand. This makes New York the second largest city in the world and as large as any two foreign cities, excepting London. Since 1900 the population of the metropolis has increased by 1.320,681, or 38.7 per cent, as compared with 3,437,202 under the last census. The borough of Bronx showed tie greatest Increase in the greater city. Queens. Brooklyn. Richmond and Manhattan following next in order The figures for these boroughs, to gether with the increases, are as fol lows: j Bronx. 430,980, an increase of 230,- 43, or 114.9 per cent Queens. 284.041, an Increase of 131, 042, or 85.6 per cent Brooklyn, 1.634.351, an increase of 467.769, or 10.3 per cent Richmond borough. 85,969, an in crease of 18,943, or 28.3 per cent Manhattan borough. 2.311.524. an increase of 4S1.449. or 26 per cent New York City contains only 164. 649 fewer people than the combined fourteen cities of more than 200.000. the population of which has already been announced, namely: Pittsburg St. Louis. Detroit Buffalo. Cincinnati. Newark. Milwaukee. Washington. In dianapolis. Jersey City. Kansas City, Providence, St Paul and Denver. The aggregate population of the cities named is given as 4,931,532. The city of New York, as constitut ed prior to the act of consolidation effective January 1, 1898, had a popu lation in 1890 of 1,515.201. .a? com pared with 3.437.202 in 1900. showing an apparent increase of 1.921.901. or 126.8 per cent for the greater city. It is expected the census figures for Philadelphia, the third largest city in the United States, will be issued Thursday. The population of Chica go, the second largest city in the country, probably will be announced about the middle of this month. NATIONAL DEBT UP A NOTCH. Complete Turnover of Four Millions from Month of July. Washington. With an increase of $3,273,325 in the public debt and a to tal deficit of $17,371,468.08, the United States treasury closed the second month of the fiscal year, keeping on an even keel, all circumstances con sidered, with a working balance of $30,826,057.23 on-hand and the general fund down to $89,523,207.59. The increase In public debt, which is a complete turnover of four millions in round numbers from the month of July, is due largely to an excess of na tional bank deposits over redemp tions. The general rule of excess of expenditures over receipts during July and August is also a contributor. Total receipts in the month of August were $34,969,253.54, roughly five millions more than for the same month last year. This brings the re ceipts for the year over the $113,000. 000 mark and five millions better than those of tho preceding year. Opened to Settlement Washington. Approximately 679. 555 acres of land in Arizona and New Mexico, eliminated from the national forests by President Taft as being chiefly valuable for agricultural pur poses, have been opened to settle ment under the homestead laws by authority of the secretary of the in terior. The lands will become sub ject to settlement November 22, but not to entry until December 21. Submit Case to Roosevelt. Pittsburg. Pa. The legal and in dustrial entanglements of the miners and operators in the Irwin and West moreland fields will be submitted to Theodore Roosevelt when he visits this city on September 10. This was announced by District President Francis Feehan of the United Mine Workers of America, after he had been arrested with five other local officers in connection with the actions brought in the county courts against eighty-seven miners. A Negro Lynched. Amory. Miss. Nick Thompson, a negro accused of criminally assault ing a 17-year-old white girl at Jack son crossing near here was taken to thp scene of the crime by a mob and lynched. Curtis Beats Fast Train. Cleveland. Racing with a fast Lake Shore train. Glenn Curtiss. the Ham mondsport. X. Y., aviator, drove his biplane over the water from Cedar Point to Euclid Reach, an air-line dis tance of sixty miles, completing a 120 mile rounding an unquestioned world's record for over-the-water flights. In cidentally, he heat the train into Cleveland a full seventeen minutes. Encountering contrary air currents. Curtiss was unable to maintain a high rate of speed. Insurrection in Philippines. Manila. P. I. An" uprising against the government is reported in the province of Xueva VJzcaya. A con stabulary force is hurrying to the scene and a battle is expected hourly. Tho rebel movement i3 headed by Simeon Mandac, former governor of the province of IIocos Xorte, who has long been a fugitive from justice. Hoke Smith for President. Atlauta. Ga. A resolution indorsing Hoke Smith for president of the United States in 1912 was adopted by the democratic convention. , UiOi OF THE MELTING POT Yale College Has Honor Itself In Its Proper Recognitlen f Jan AcMania, Boston. Yale university, one cf our conservative institutions, has broken Its precedents to confer upon Jane Addama the degree of master of arts. This not very rotmat little lady, says Current Literature, was fighting ear-, nestly a few years ago to be mad, garbage Inspector of her ward In Chi cago. She used to rise at six hi the. morning in order to follow the garbage) carts around from alley to alley and then to the dumps In order to see that; the work was not skimped. A short time ago she took her seat unostentatiously on the platformiav Miss Jane Addama. Woolsey hall with Theodore Roosevelt and Governor Hughes and J. Plernont Morgan ami James J. Hill, clad In an academic rohe, to receive an honorary degree, while the classic alls re sounded to the applause of an appro ving multitude. Jane Addams, master of arts the very title shows how wo are twisting the language in order to fit the old academic customs in which men alone figured to the new order of things in which women are recog nized as having other capacities than those of the sweetheart and the house wife. The Idea of settlement work, which Jane Addams has done so much to ex pand and vivify and popularize, is a new and potent kind of melting pot Its idea Is to create a mutual under standing between different classes of the community and between different races. Hull house, which Miss Ad dams and Miss Starr started in Chica go more than twenty years ago. has been a pioneer to a new realm of ac tivity for thousands of men and wom en and a place where, as one writer puts it Mrs. Flahrity of the Lake Shore drive and Mrs. Flaherty of Ewing street meet and find the human being In each other, to their own great surprise. For while Hull house does its work In one of the poorest districts of Chicago, it "has never ceased to be the rage among people of the "upper class. "In the final estimate." writes Graham Tajflqr in the Review of Re, views, "what she has done to re-attach to their rightful part and lot in the life of the community the classes Isolated by the conditions of their la bor or their poverty may not prove to be a greater service than what she has done to help the financially and socially resourceful classes out of .their detached class-life into the strug gle to make good their claim to a name and place among all their fellow men." 1 KAISER'S MOTOR KITCHEN How the German Emperor Is Fed When Out With His Armies in the Field. Berlin. This rather novel-appearing automobile is the field kitchen which supplies the German kaiser with food at the military maneuvers. In the forward section of the vehicle is an The Motor Field Kitchen. alcohol-heated stove having five open ings In the top and fitted with a boil er. Underneath are two ice boxes, to one side are lockers for edibles and on the other side are cupboards for the imperial plate. The openings shown on each side of the door in the illustration contain tables. The canopies on each side fold against the car body when not in use. BITTEN BY KITTEN'S SNAKE Pennsylvania Man's Life May for This Copperhead's Par tiality. Pay York, Pa. A big copperhead was the queer bedfellow of a litter of kis itens in a barrel at the home of Wil liam Beck, a store keeper of Cone wago township, and Beck made the discovery-only at the expense to him self of a bite from the venomous rep tile. Going out after dark to the barrel In which the kittens were nesting, the storekeeper reached in. As he groped he felt something strike his fingers, but thought the blow dealt by one of .the kittens in play. A moment later a similar blow struck his palm, fol lowed by a severe pain, and Beck pro cured a lantern. Colled about the kit tens he found the copper colored ser pent, which he killed, and then had a physician dress his Injury. Whether thts snake was fondling the kitten3 in anticipation of making a meal of one of them later, or had actu ally conceived an affection for the warm, furry creatures, is not known, I hut the kittens were unharmed. ' J99sSflfia--- -sjsa ' t jitfip Sr 2" jttaseSffjs ejesseseenri Lflca. vtHBasBflBrarpBsssssw ll but the kittens were unharmed. urprls "I have succeeded In tracing my an. eestry back through ten generations." "Without coming to a nenagerier1 Many who meed to now bay Lewis Siac! eaeefce N eiaan aen ar self- and others are wife-mad. A fool can always as4 another fast to adaiir hint WORTH MOUNTAINS MOLD Dwfrj Change of Life, says Mrs. Chas. Barclay .GranttevUle, Vt "I wm paling theCbangeoflJfaaiklsejrerea trosm swrtnjjMii andotkjeraiuMTlnf symptom and I can tally say that Vegetable Com pound has fjroved worth negus tains of gold to ass. salt restored my health and strength. I never forget totell my friend what LvdiaRPinkham'a Vegetable Compound has donerfor me luring this trying period. Complete restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffer ing women I am willing to make m v trouble public so you may publish this letter." Mns. Coas. Babclat, U.r'.u.,uraniteviue, vc. If o other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and un qualified endorsement, ft o other sled. icine we know of has such a record of cures of female ills as has Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compotcnd. For more than SO years ft has been curing female complaints sjich as inflammation, ulceration, ioeal weak- nesses, fibroid tumors, lirigsjlailtfas. penoaie pains, Dackach. mugwaen and nervous prostration, ana It -is unequalled for carrying womea safely through the period of change f Mfe. It costs but little to try Xydla X. Pinkham's Vegetable CmtpoakC and. asMrs.Barclaysays.it is "worth ntecn teins of gold " to suffering wusssa, The Wretchedness of Constipation Cm ickly U wwiw by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS. PWJy HiHilils iyaM Can rW- TWrsmbM Mha 8igntnr W. L. DOUGLAS HAND-SEWED QUOrQ process onuco MOTS $2.00. S2J0, 93.00, tSJO, S4.0, WOO wohzsts vzjo,as,3.50,t SOTT 92.00. S2J0 tt, S3.00 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS They are absolutely the awst popular and bestshoes for the wka ia America. They are the leaders every- whert because they bold taeir aaape, at oetter, look better aad wear lea ser taaa ether make. , They an certaudv the I neat eceaearicalahees for yea t hay. W.X.. Doartas aaawaat retail trice are atasBedea the hottest vatae gaaraateeeVraMCWtecf rM TAKE NO UnSrriTUTEl If year dealer aeeeiy yea wnte for Man Otier Ca Catalog. w. a. DOUGLAS.! The difference it may save your life. Cathartics, bird shot and cannon ball pills tea spoon doses off cathartic medicines all depend on irritation of the bowels anta they sweat enough to move. Cos cards strengthen the bowel muscles so they creep and crawl aataraiSy. This means care and only through Coscarets can you get k quickly aad aatarally. m Caecareti -Me box-week's trea ateac ADdncalsts. BJaseatseSar atthawodd-aalllloaboa aioath. to work with aaa taaa usee. Nebraska Directory WWWWM MWW AAMAMWW JOHN DEERE PLOWS AretheBeat. Ask jroarteeal dealer or JOHN DEERE HOW CO, Otlw. lUb. CBJITRAL TIRK A RUallR CO. Ole Hlbner. President BethPaosee. U3?ranaaSt,Ossaha M. Spiesberger at Son Co. Wbeltsalt Millinery The seat la the West OMAHA, NEB. TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS 151? hejas St., (HUM. DEI. Kcliatte Dentiuiyat SMerate trice RUBBER GOODS fcy ssll at eat prices. BerA for fre catalogs MVCnS.PlU.OM DRUG CO.. Omaft. Nab. IILURD HOTELS? Imarfoan sa.OO per tfey ana newarJe. i skew per aey " Memo MAM Take Oodc sweet at Union Depot. B 4 IJ C " ILLER bm vbvbpv mbi yjvMBB7 ssbjbbsbvsssbjrj ear Miai It im mmmut .mTto TC rif nrt TslliM Tier a if anaieS s"-1? bbB Em I ffffMTvSlwF?'! i ffrnww i BSssssSyaiwgssi .BBSBSBmw' aiMalfc teKM mSSBSKT M PA as- J m i Baa1 Shew see . ', A r H 1