The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 07, 1910, Image 1

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7, 1910.
in the
or the
German Fire
Bye fiO
Oata 27
W lion ly HOW 4
WbeBt,old 90
Corn yellow 49
White corn 48 $8.25 to $8.G0
if mi
Files of The Journal September 5. 1877.
During the month nf August, 1877;
the rainfall was 1.55 inobes and the
temperature for the month was 72:12
degrees. There was slight hail on the
16th and 20th of the month.
J. C. Echols returned to thiB city
irom Meorgia on Sunday last, tie says
the southern people preferred Tilden
for president, but they seem to be con
tented under Hayes1 administration.
F. Brodfuehrer began the removal of
his business and dwelling Iioubb on
Saturday and will leave it on the pub
lic square until he completes his new
business building on the site of his old
Milton Brown is home again from the
Black Hills, and is fully satisfied that
this "neck of woods" can not be excelled.
Columbus, he think, is far ahead of any
town between here and the Hills, for
business and general enterprise.
Wheat was 72 cents a bushel last Fri
day at York; at Clarksvilln 70 cents;
at Grand Island 75 cents. It is suppos
ed that Grand Island dealers have
special rates to enable them to compete
with buyers at Hastings, on the B. & M.
Congregational Church.
In the most conspicuous place of one
of our city papers there appeared last
week this sentence in large leaded type
"Your money is your best friend." Men,
is that true? Have we reached the time
in our American civilization when we
admit that money is the greatest good?
Money at best is only a meanB and un
der certain conditions is devoid of value.
The great seer beheld gold so common
that a city was paved with it. The love
of a pure woman, the caress of n little
daughter, the joy of a manly son, the
"snuggling up1' to a true man, a clear
conscience, a christian character, a love
trellised on Jesus are so far beyond gold
that a comparison is distasteful. Xo
wine man questions the value of money,
but tLe one great man said "money is
the root of all evil," while Christ pointed
to a man's possession as "these things."
The Congregational people invite you
to come to their church next Sunday
morning, 11 a. in. and 8 p. m., where
you will hear shout man's best friend.
The morning sermon will be from the
subject: The Master's Way; the evening
from the subject: An Universal Desire,
or The Possession of True Greatness.
William L. DimU'E, Minister.
See the window at Gray's for
new plaid silks and plaid dress
goods. All new arrivals.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specialty
While taking the chain oil a car that
was coupled in hie train, Brakeman Ed-J
wards came very near losing his life
early Monday. The accident occurred
just east of the passenger depot, where
Edwards was removing the chain whioh
had been pat on in place of the broken
draw head. He had given the engineer
a signal to back up bo the chain would
oe loosened, ana was between tne cars
at the lime. When the train came back
it was with much more force than be
expected, and be was caught between
the two cars and squeezed. As soon as
the man was caught the other brakeman
signalled the engineer and he moved the
train ahead. The injured man was tak
en into the depot and later to the hospi
tal, and for a time it was thought his in
juries were serious, but at present he is
resting easy and there is every prospect
of his recovery
About the only important matter be
fore the city council at their regular
meeting last Friday evening, outside of
the routine business was the appropria
tion for the ordinance for the year com
mencing the first Tuesday in May and
ending August 11, 1911. The total
amount required for the expenses of the
city for this period is $41,091.10, divided
into the several funds. For the general
fund the amount is 822,47050. The
library fund will take $2,000, and the
water works $8,165. It will require
$10,350 to pay the interest on the bond
ed indebtedness of this city, which in
cludes the Loup and Platte river bridge
bonds, and the water works sinking fund
and also the extension bonds. For the
last Gscal year the total receipts have
been $46,620.54, while the disburse
ments were $55,946.97.
Carl Schubert, jr., writes from Odessa,
Oregon, to his father in this city, telling
his experience in fighting forest fires in
the mountains near that place. He says
the fire is the worst known in fifty years
and the loss of property something
enormous . Fighting fire for the govern
ment is the same as enlisting in the
army or until the fire is put out. The
pay is four dollars a day, and you pay
one dollar a day for board. The hardest
part of the work is olimbing the moun
tains to reach the fire. Carl says there
is plenty of game in the mountains
where he is deer being especially
numerous and not hard to get within
shooting distance. The mountain cli
mate agrees with him, and he is enjoy
ing the best of health.
While temporarily deranged, Ed
(irossuitikiaus, one of the pioneers of
Polk county, and a resident of Hack
berry precinct, took his life last Thurs
day. A few years ago Mr. Grossnicklaus
suffered from sunstroke, which was
followed by a siege of typhoid fever, and
this affected his mind, so that at times
he was not responsible for his actions.
He fully realized his condition and often
warned his family to watch him, as he
feared that sometime he would attempt
to take his life, but evading their watch
fulness be succeeded in committing
suicide by hanging hioiBelf. Mr. GroBS
nicklauB was one of the inlluential and
respected men of his localit'. He leaves
besides his wife, two daughters, both of
whom reside at home.
Four years ago James Porter and three
companions made an unsncessfnl at
tempt to rob the Bank of Monroe and
were caught and sentenced to the peni
tentiary. The term of Porter expired
last week, counting his good time, but
when he was discharged from the peni
tentiary be was arrested by a United
States marshal for breaking into the
poet office at College View, Neb. At
the time of the robbery four years ago a
post office inspector came to this eity to
take a look at the fonr robbers, as he
thought they were responsible for the
College View job, and the arrest of Por
ter is the result of his investigation.
Last Wednesday evening Albert New
man, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs,
Ed Newman met with an accident that
may cost him his life. He was
running in the rear of A. M. Gray's
buggy and just as an auto, driven by
Mattie Abts, passed the buggy he jump
ed in front of the machine. He was
struck on the head by the fender and
for a time it looked as though he was
not seriously injured, but later develop
ments indicated internal injuries, and
since then he has been in such a condi
tion as to require a trained nurse.
Sunday morning a small wreck just
east of the Loup river bridge blocked the
westbound main line track of the Union
Pacific the best port of the day. The
train was No. 1G. and when at the point
the wreck occurred the engineer applied
the air and a box car containing an auto
mobile truck buckled and broke into,
one end going down the side of the bank
and the other remaining on the track.
After the local sertion men had worked
on the wreck all morning, the wrecker
was sent out from Grand Island and
cleared the track by 5 p. m.
Between 5 and 7 o'clock Snnday morn
ing, Jonas Welch was stricken with
paralysis, which affected the right Bide
of his body and deprived him of bis
speech. At first bis condition was con
sidered very serious, but later reports
indicate a slight improvement. On
account of bis advanced age the attack
will no doubt confine him to his bed for
some time. His two sons, W. J. and R.
M. of Monroe, were called to bis bedside
Dr. Naumann. Dentist 13 St.
Try Ijeavy'a Laxative Lozenges.
Dr, Morrow, office Lueschen building.
Wra. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone
Try a refreshing dish of pare ice oream
at Leavy'a.
Four room house for rant. Elliott,
Speice & Co.
Show cases for sale cheap D. H. Oipe,
403 11th street.
Dr. C. A. AHenburger, oSoe in nsw
State Bank building.
All s Milliner goods to be clos
ed out at Gray's.
Dr. L P. Carstenson, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and Kummer Sta.
A goodly nurnlter of people from this
vicinity are attending the state fair at
Lincoln this week.
Chester Magill went to Genoa Satur
day to visit a few days with friends at
that place and at Monroe.
L. U. Leavy has been practicing with
a pair of crutches the last few days as a
result of a badly wrenched ankle.
Don't forget the moving
pictures at the North theatre,
e?ery night except Sunday.
Will Lehman arrived last Thursday
from Kansas City for a few days1 visit
with relatives and friends in this city.
Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Harkness return
ed last Thursday evening from Kimball,
S. D., where they have been visiting for
the last Bix weeks with friends and rela
tives. I own two good level quarters of hay
and farm land near Bassett. A fine field
of corn and lots of good hay, price $20
per acra Address Owner, Box 23, Bas
sett. Nebraska.
P. J. McCaffrey left Sunday evening
for a short western trip. He will visit
relatives at Cheyenne, Laramie, Denver
and Colorado Springs, expecting to be
gone fifteen days.
A break in a water pipe Saturday
night damaged the platform paving at
the Union Pacific and workmen had to
take up a section of it and replace the
damaged water pipe.
Dr. U. E. Ludwiok of David city
spent Sunday here with his wife, who
has been visiting at the J. F. Magill
home. Mrs. Ludwiok will go to Creeton
Tiitua tu viuil olulirco.'
O. C. Shannon returned last Saturday
evening from Bonlder, Colorado, accom
panied by his daughter, Mrs. W. B.
Kenney and three children of Trinidad,
Colorado, who will remain here some
time visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stires, who have
been visiting relatives in Columbus and
vicinity, left last Thursday for their
home in Baltimore. They expected to
remain n week longer, but Mr. Stires was
compelled to be in Baltimore the first of
the week.
Last Thursday evening Mrs 0. E.
Devlin received a message telling her of
the death of her mother, Mrs. Amis, at
Conemaugb, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Devlin
had just returned from a visit with her
mother and they did not go to attend
the funeral.
Emil Schwarz came down from Kear
ney last Saturday to visit with his par
ents until Tuesday. He waB accom
panied by Paul Hoppen, who is inter
ested with him in a moving picture show
in that oity. He reports good business
and says that they like their location
very well.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Feaster, accom
panied by Mrs. Feaster's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Lewis of Sedalia, Mo., re
turned last Saturday from their 1,400
mile automobile trip in the west. While
absent they took in the Frontier Days at
Cheyenne, and from there to Denver
and Colorado Springs, returning through
Kansas. They made the trip in one of
their Reo machines.
Platte county rural mail carriers were
honored by two places at the state con
vention, held in Lincoln Monday of this
week. H. R. Reed, who has been vice
president of the association for the last
year, was elected president and Mrs.
Ruth A. Kenyon of Monroe was elected
as alternate to the national convention
of the national association, which meets
in Little Rock, Arkansas.
J. W. Apgar of Woodville was in the
city Tuesday, enroute to Julesburg,
Colo., where he owns some land. Mr.
Apgar has decided to quit farming and
rented his place in Woodville township
for the coming year. He is thinking of
moving to Colorado, should he make up
his mind to leave Platte county, but it
is quite likely that he will conclude to
remain here and move to Columbus.
Last Saturday J. N. Umland bought
the interest of A, C. Boone in the Boone
Umland company and will conduct the
business alone. Mr. Umland will still
continue to take charge of the machinist
and automobile end of the business per
sonally, and has hired a man to do the
blacksmithing for him. Mr. Boone has
not decided what he will do, but for the
present will not leave the city and may
remain here permanently.
New silks in plaid and Per
sian patterns at Gray's.
Four Room House
Good repair. Full lot, barn and
shade. Located on Washington Ave
nue, near Eleventh street.
Price $1,500
160 Acre Farm
Improved, 6 miles east of Columbus
$50 Per Acre
Elliott-Speice-Echols Co.
Post Office Block Columbus, Neb.
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Red Oxide barn and roof paint at
Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist! and
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
Dr. W. R. Ncumarker, office with Dr
O. D. Evans, west side of Park.
New Fall goods arriving daily
in all departments at Gray's.
Wanted To buy single driving horse
for city. Call at Ernst & Brock's barn.
The City Band will render their regu
lar concert at the park Friday evening.
Mr&G. M. Hall and daughter Cora
returned Monday from a ten days visit
at South Omaha.
S. Bordy, who has been in an Omaha
hospital for the past ten days for an
operation, returned home Tuesday.
Found On the road north of the
Oatbolio church on Tuesdr.y, a small
bundle of merchandise. Call at Journal
John Early left last week for Colorado
Springs, where he will remain for about
a month taking treatment at one of the
In district court Victoria 'frelsou has
filed suit for divorce from J. W. Nelson,
and asks for alimony and the custody of
their six children.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. North left last
week for their new home in Omaha,
where Mr. North has a position in the
government service.
Earl Douglass and sister, Rispab, of
Lincoln, children of former Union Pa
cific freight agent J. A. Douglass, arrived
in the city last week for a short visit
with friends.
Brodcslowa Modelska, infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Modelska, of
Duncan, died Tuesday and was buried
Wednesday, funeral services being held
at the Duncan Catholic church.
Miss Fannie Matson was a guest at
the home of her uncle, G. M. Hall on
Monday, while enroute to her home in
Carlton. She was accompanied to this
citv by Miss Mablc MoWilliams of
Helen Rosno, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Rosno of near Duncan, died
Tuesday at St. Mary's hospital. She
had been taken there Monday for an
operation for appendicitis, but died be
fore an operation could be performed.
Funeral services will be held Thursday
t the Catholic church in Duncan and
burial will be in the parish cemetery.
Emil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kumpf,
died Tuesday afternoon, after a two
weeks' illness, aged three years, seven
months and twenty-two days, death
being caused by a complication of dis
eases. This is the only child, Myron,
their other son dying September 90, 1909.
Funeral services will he held Thursday
from the home and be conducted by Rev.
Roush of the Methodist church.
aaaT aBH B aaa
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We have been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
On The Diamond.
Columbus has so far been exceeding
the expections of the most enthusiastic
fans, now having a good lead for second
place. After Fremont took two games
from them they went to Seward, where
they took both of the games from that
team. This tied them with Grand
Island for second place, and as the next
two games Saturday and Sunday, were
with the Islanders they came here with
the expectation of taking one and pos
sibly two games from the locals. But
they did not suoeeed. even if Welch of
Omaha was with them, and instead of
taking a game, they lost both to Colum
bus. The games were both played Sun
day and the first one lasted fifteen in
nings, and for a time it looked as though
the visitors would take it, but the locals
scored in the ninth, making the score a
tie, and again succeeded in crossing the
plate in the fifteenth, winning the game.
The second game was won by the locals
in the first two innings, they crossing
the plate three times. Grand Island
scoring but once in the seventh.
Columbus won both games, Monday
and Tuesday, from Seward, and utill re
tains her bold on second place. In both
the Seward games Columbus played ex
cellent ball.
Wednesday and Thursday Fremont is
here for two games, and then Columbus
goes to Grand Island tne the two flowing
The race for second place in the state
league will result in an exciting finish.
Grand Island and Columbus are both
trying to secure this, as Fremont has
the pennant beyond all doubt. So far
both Columbus and Graud Island have
been winning every day, and with the
two teams closing the season at Grand
Island the finish will be close.
Last Friday an exhibition game was
played at Shelby and McBetb, whose
home is in Shelby, was in the box for
Columbus. He succeeded in holding the
Shelby team down to one run, while Co
lumbus crossed the plate seven times.
The boys reported a good crowd and a
good time, but the trip over muddy
roads in autos was not all that could be
State League Standing.
Won. Lout. Pet.
Fremont til 41 XM
(VilumbuH .19 4.4 JU1
(J rand Ittlantl r7 M ZXi
Kearney. 57 SO .5X1
Huperiiir 52 51 .1U1
RmI Cloud 47 58 .4IH
toward 47 tio .439
Hastings 41 G! .JW8
Route No. 3.
All the schools on the route
menced Monday morning.
Rev. Henry Koch has been visiting in
Iowa and Kansas the last ten days.
Mrs. Henry Gleason, who has been on
the sick list, is reported as improving.
Wm. Snyder and 'daughter Ona are
visiting friends in Lincoln and Syracuse
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Saalfeld are the
proud parents of a baby girl, born last
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wille returned the
latter part of last week from their visit
in Illinois.
Anton Trinies'Route 1, Platte Center,
moved on to the old Kreiger place
September 1.
The Short Creek Athletes were de
feated by the Goering Grand Prairie
team, the score being 0 to 5.
Fred Tbeilen and Theodore Johnson
of Oldenbush and Jno. Saalfeld of Route
1 visited at the J. W. Albers home Sun
day. Route No. 4.
John Ebner and family went to Lin
coln Wednesday to attend the state fair.
Roy Coffey and bride moved on to the
Winslow place and will farm it the com
ing year.
Mr. and Mrs. Dodds went to Lincoln
Monday, returning Wednesday. Misses
Grace and Anna Dodds accompanied
them home.
E. C. McCombs of Oskaloosa, la.,
arrived last Thursday with a car of
household goods and farm implements,
and will farm one of the 8heldon farms
the coning year.
Firemen's Day.
Monday did aot look promising for
observance or Firemen's Day, and for a
tim it looked as though rain would
interfere as it did a year ago. But
weather cleared by the time set for
exercises, and there was nothing to
the pleasures of the day.
The parade, which was headed by the
Columbus City Band, was composed of
the Painters and Carpenters' union and
the fire department. After marching
through the business part of the city
the parade reached the park, where the
exercises of the afternoon were held.
The program, as arranged, was carried
out, the address by August Wagner be
iog the main feature of this part of the
After the exercises in the park were
concluded, the sports, which took up a
gooo portion or tne afternoon, were
pulled off and the following is a list of
those who were the successful contest
ants: Boys foot raoe, 12 years and under.
First prize, knife, by Rothleitner Jt Ox,
Charles Schueth; second, shirt, by Grei
sen Bros., Eddie Randall; third, watch
chain by Carl Frocmel, Louie Gutzmer;
fourth, pair rubbers by Wat. Schilz, Joe
Uinsching; fifth, pocket book by L. H.
Leavy, Clarence Newman; sixth, ball
bat by Purity Drug Store, Harry Lef
flngwell; seventh, merchandise, value $1,
Gray Dry Goods department, Joe VrubeL
Boys foot race, 15 years and under.
First, catcher's mit, by U. A. Pbillipps
Co., Arthur Thomas; second, fielder's
mit, by F. H. Rudat Co., Paul Dickey;
third, ten tickets to the Lyric, Floyd
Casein; fourth, ball bat, by D. H. Gipe,
Frank Hentges; fifth, merchandise $1,
by M. B. Rogers. Joe Kniefel; sixth,
shirt, by S. Bordy, Donald Sloan;
seventh, cash, 50 cents, by G. W. Vier
gutz & Co., Walter Hewitt.
Girls egg and spoon raoe. First, brace
let, by A. Brodfuehrer, Georgia Dietriob;
second, box oandy by Wm. Poesch, Cora
Brown; third, olive set, by Johannes &
Krum!and,RosaHeckmann; fourth, bot
tle perfume, by C. H. Dack, Ada Spei
cher; fifth, merchandise $1, by Fitzpat
rick's, Ida Brock and Helen Hewitt.
Ladies nail driving contest. First,
box candy, by Columbus Candy Kitchen,
Mrs. Gust a Randall; second, ladies hand
bag, by Pollock & Co., Mrs. Fred Novell;
third, box candy, by M. Gold, Mm
Henry Albers; fourth, petticoat, by D.
Helphand, Mrs. H. A Poeeckel; fifth,
bottle of perfume, by Carl Uinsching.
Mrs. A. J. Mason.
Firemen's foot race. First, rocker, by
Henry Gass, Charles Uirscbbruner; sec
ond, pair shoes, by J. H. Galley, Anton
Vogel; third, hat, by A. M. Gray, Otto
Merz, jr.; fourth, pair dress gloves, by
Gerharz-Flynn Co., Ed Branigan; fifth,
500 pounds Rock Springs coal, by Speice
Coal company, O. . Shaw; sixth, mer
chandise $1.50, by Columbus Mercantile
company, Joseph Haney; seventh, 200
business cards, by the Telegram com
pany, Wm. Moersen.
Officers race, fire department. First,
one ham, by F. A. Brenn. Chas. Hirsch
bruner; second, one bam, by S. E. Marty
& Co., Wm. Dawson; third, one ham, by
Otto Merz, Louis Maier, jr.; fourth, 60
pounds of flour, by Brunken & Haney,
Clarence Pittman; fifth, 50 pounds Red
Seal, by Elevator Mills, Wm. Moersen.
Free for all race. First, umbrella, by
Friedhof & Co, Charles Hirschbruner;
second, merchandise $1, by the Tribune,
Bob Ferris; third, whip, by L. W. Wea
ver .t Son, Anton Vogel; fourth, whip.
by F. H. Rusche, Otto Merz; fifth, whip,
by Herman Person. Guy Ball; sixth,
whip, by Albert Klug, Ralph Drake.
Firemen's relay race, first, three boxes
of cigars, W. L. Boettcher, Wm. Bacher
and Sam Gass, one each. Pioneer Hook
and Ladder Co. No. 1, Vogel, Brenn and
Boettcher. Second, two boxes of cigars
Henry Uerchenban and Wass & Stenzel,
one each. Hose Co. No. 1, Kauffman,
Merz and Rector. Third, one box of
cigars, Vogel .t Moschenross, Hose Co.
No. 2, Moersen, Boettcher and Meier.
Union labor race. First, one case can
ned grapes, by H. W. Abts & Co , R. E.
Ohadwick; second, 1,000 pounds of coal.
byT. B. HordCo.,A.AuIenbaok;third.
one knife, by Gray Hardware depart
ment, George Grubb; fourth, merchan
dise $1.50, by Echols Jk Kumpf, M. Moul-
son; fifth, merchandise 50 cents, by Louis
Lutjebarms, Wm. Dietrich.
Painters and carpenters raoe. First,
merchandise 82, by J. E. Hayes, A.
Aulenback; second, box of cigars, by F.
Sobnltz, R. E. Chad wick; third, Back of
Hour, by H. F. Greiner, George Grubb;
fourth, knife, by Boyd & Ragatz, Wm.
Dietrich; fifth, shirt, by A. Lavine. M.
Ladder climbing contest. First, ten
pounds of butter, by Columbus Cream
company. Charles Hirschbruner; second,
umbrella, by Friscbholz Broe Anton
Vogel; third, cash 51.50, by Columbus
fire department, Fred Brewer; fourth,
traveling cup, by E. J. Niewohner, Ed
Branigan; fifth, box cigars by C. Wun
derlicb, Wm. Plageman; sixth, pair
wooden shoes, by C. A. Lutz, Clarence
Tug of war. First, three boxes of
cigars, by M. r . tsiuner, J . titnkleman
and Emil Gotzwiller, Engine company
No. 1; second, two boxes of cigars, by
Charles Sturek and Charles Micek, Pio
neer Hook &. Ladder company and W. Y.
Bissell Hose company.
Don't forget the moring pie-
tares at the North theatre,
every night except Snnday.
Sending Money
by Mail.
A bank draft is the cheap
est, safest and most con
venient way to transfer
money by aaafl.
For travelers we
checks that you can
any place without the trou
ble of having yourself idea
titled, yet are perfectly safe
to carry as no one can cash
them in case of loss.
Foreign money orders are
given especial attention.
Colimkns State Buk
Capital Bwrmlaw. 8ft.000.0O
. Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The Columbus association is to have
a foil page ia the November Association
Men. This page will be taken up chief
ly by pictures of the local association
and its work, with just a paragraph
telling about it.
FredBabcock. who has assisted so
well in the Y. M. C. A. this sanaaer haa
resigned in order to attend school, and
now aspires to become editor of a great
publication, the official organ of the
student body ofthe Columbaa High
school. The employed foaoe at the Y
M. C. A. wish him greatest saocess in
this and all his future enterpr
Mr. S. L. Whitney who haa been
elected general secretary of the Oolam
bua Y. M. O. A. will arrive to take
charge of the association work about the
middle of September. He ia a mighty
fine yoang man. if you dont believe it
go and look at hia picture. It ia ia the
Annual of the Inatitate aad Training
School of Chicago where be gradaated
this year.
Mr. O. B. Anderson of Beloit. Wis
consin, who has been secured aa physical
director for the Y. M. O. A. will arrive
Friday or Saturaay to take charge of the
work here. In the mean time the boys'
gymnasium classes will be carried on ac
cording to the following schedule by
Mr. Putnam assisted by Psul Becker
who has volunteered to help. Boys
between 10 and 13 years of age, MoBday
and Wednesday at 4:00 p. m. and Satur
day at 10:30 a. m . Boys between 13 and
16 years of age, on Tuesday aad Thurs
day at 4:00 p. m. and Saturday at 9:00
a. m.
It will soon be time to open the boys'
religious work and the Bible study work
of the boys' department which was quite
successful last winter. There should
be even more enthusiasm and greater re
sults than last season because our ex
periences should advaace us in know
ledge and courage. The boys have de
monstrated their ability to handle their
end of the association work with credit
and there is not a boy that will shirk hia
duty when called upon to do strenuoas
committee work this winter. The me
thod of carrying on this work may not be
the same as it was last season for there
must be many better plans than what
has been tried here. The thing for the
members of the boys' department to do
is to rally about the men, Mr. Whitney
and Mr. Anderson, who are to lead them
this winter aad make things move some
how. Prof, and Mrs. Royal P. Jarvia of
Knoxville, Tenn., are guests at the Q.
8. Elliott home this week, Mrs. Jarvia
arriving last Friday aad Mr. Jarvia Wed
nesday of this week. They are enroute
home to Knoxville after an extended
trip in the west. Mr. Jarvia is profes
sor of engineering in the University of
Tennessee at Knoxville, and Mrs. Jarvia
was formerly Miss Florence Elliott, a
neice of II. S. Elliott.
We have the agenoy for the
famous Mansing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market Prices in men'a
from 11.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys' from GOc, 76c, II and $1.35.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 60c to 92. 60 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes are complete.