HMMwiHMriaMMiMMMiiiiiiHBIl Jl Better I 1V4" ANY homes should have better bath rooms x A than they now have. We have always tnea not only to do better plumbing than we ever did before, but better than anv- body else can do. The ume 01 work we are doing shows how we are suc ceeding. We use only genuine 9taadwl plumbing fixtures and employ only experienced workmen. Our repair inn 'service is prompt and reliable. 1 A. DUSSE-LL, Columbus, ITEMS OF INTEREST HKr.IVVOOD. From tho (lazuttx. D. C. Jordan, seventy-nine years old. a retired merchant or David City. Nohr. dropped deadJJl'liurMlay of last week of heart dieeane in tho EiiKlewood etution of Chicago, Hock Island .V I'aciUc rail road. Jordan, with hit? wife and daugh ter Laura had arrived on a train for a brief stop on their way west. On the (ith of next month grandad Freeman will be lt) yeara of age lie "goes to lied with the chickens," gets up with them, in ub lively as some men of 40 und has rained the lest garden in Heliwood this summer. He yet Iiiib the appearance of a man that will cross the century line and never had a birthday party in his life. o:i:oi.a. From tho Kccnnl. In the btorm last Saturday morning lightning struck the Lutheran church spire und ripped the shingles oil the roof on the north side. Some minor damage was dona along the line of the electric wires in the building, but with the exception of the steeple the damage is not great. This is the third building that has been struck by lightning in Osceola this summer. The long looked for soaking rain came Saturday morning, and before the leak could be stopped, two inches of water hud fallen and eoaked up the ground in good shape. That the corn has been greatly damaged, there is no doubt, yet there will still be n good crop. It is probably hard to make nn estimate of the damage jib some Gelds appear to have suffered considerably and others but slightly. Fall plowing will now be on in earnest ami everything wears th appearance of contectment. HECTICAL CITT. From tho Nonpareil. "Kill" Karnes in nursing a very sore hund as the result of an injury received some time ago. He scratched it nlightly while handling a box and after several days blood poisoning set in so tha hi is unable to use the member. U. W. Sutter, who lives on the Harris farm just northwest of town, i- minus a good barn, several tonB of hay, a good horse, several sets of harness and con siderable other property as the result of a lire that occurred Friday forenoon. He hud jut,!, stinted for town with his family in see tin sham buttle and hid got about a mile from home when he happened to glance bark and saw smoke risiut: from the vicinity of the buildings. He tinned about and raced back but by the time he got to the barn the tlamiu were pouring from the windows jind he was unable to save anything. The loss will run well into the hundreds of dol lars. He does not known how the lire started unless it was caused by spontan eous combustion in the alfalfa that had just been stored in the mow. The hay was a little green ami as it heats very easily in that condition Mr. Suiter thinks perhaps it caused the blaze. The loss is a serious one, whntever was the cause of it. 4. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, SslM Plumbing vol- 3p now & SON. Nebraska ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES ALBION. From tho Nowh. Mrs. Phoebe Stewart, formerly a resi- 1 dent of this county, died at Fremont last week and the body brought here for burial Thursday. She was seventy years of age and leaves Ave sons and four daughters to mourn her death. The funeral services were held in Fre mont. John Peters was taken very suddenly with a hemorrhage from the nose last Saturday forenoon which is was feared for a time would result fatally. The local doctors, assisted by Dr. Martyn of Columbus, who happened to be in town, worked all day trying to subdue tho How, und Dr. Bridges of Omaha was summoned. A special train from Col umbus brought him in the night. By the time he arrived here the patient was in better condition, and has continued to improve since. The loss of so much blood naturally caused him great weak ness, and it will require some time to re gain his strength. PLATTE CENTER From the Signal. Mrs. A. . Campbell, whose illness was mentioned in the Signal several weeks ago, is reported still very ill. She has been in Columbus undergoing treatment for some time, but has found little relief. The heaviest wheat we have heard of this season was some that Paddy Langan marketed in Tarnov last week. It test ed G5 pound?, and was raised on a field that was not disked up last spring be cause it was supposed to be winter kill ed, only for the lack of time. Married, at Fremont, on Monday, August 14th Miss Etta Uoare, of Platte Center, and Dr. Bert Lamb, of Albion. Miss lloare is the only daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Hoare. She was born and reared in this community, and be cause of her estimable character is loved by all who know her. Dr. Lamb is a son of G.N. Lamb, and was also born in Platte county. He is a dentist by pro fession, and is established in Albion, where the home will le. Miss Katherinc E. Gentleman and Dr. G. V. Townsend were married at the Catholic church in Kearney, at lO.'.JO last Saturday morning, Father Daily olllciating. Only the bride's mother and a few Kearney friends witnessed the ceremony. After the nuptial mass th?y went to the home of Mr. and Mm. C. C. Carrig where a breakfast was served. In the evening a six course dinner was given by the Kearney ball team, of which Dr. Townsend is manager. He is a graduate of the Creighton medical col lege and his native state is Iowa. The bride, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Gentleman, was liorn and grew to womanhood in Platte Center, moving to Omaha with the family two yearB ago. She has a host of friends who wish her all kinds of happiness. Dr. and Mrs. Townsend will locate in some town in Nebraska as soon as his contract with the ball team expires and Dr. Townsend will take up the practice of medicine. Columbus. 1 jrV-v ,J2) idT -ffSaffV' Hi HRfcT 1 HOXROX. From the Republican. John Keeler received word that his brother, Joe Keeler ot Hastings, Michi-gan,-was not expected to live. Mrs. Sax Percy and children, Maade and Charley, retnrned to their home in Valley on the noon train Tuesday. Miss Susie Ziegler returned home Tueedny from Hartford, Kansas, after spending six weeks with her 6ister. Alra, Fred Truelove. P. E Lindblad is now tanning the ('nuinuri-iul htl. having succeeded Albert Carper, who moved to Columbus where he is working in a barber shop E O. Glinee, one of the early settlers of the alts villi: neighborhood, died in Omaha from the effects of an operation, and his son, A. 1 , took the remains to Grand Island for burial. Miss Neva Steinbaugh, who has been the guest of friends here the past three weekp, left Monday for Columbus where she will visit a 6hort time before return ing to her home in Council Bluffs. The village board is again after those who persist in riding on the sidewalks with bicycles, and also a number who drive on the walks. They have issued a warning to these and are going to enforce the ordinance in the matter. Mrs. Wm. Webster and children left Friday for Los Angeles, Cat., where they expect to remain some time with the hope that the change will be beneficial to Mrs. Webster's health. She has been in poor health for some time, and the doctor recommended a change of climate. Jake McNeely, who could not be found when Sheriff Lscbnit was in town last week, went to Columbus voluntarily last Saturday and appeared before Police Tndge O'Brien. He asked fur a contin uance and the case was postponed until August 19, anil he was released under a $100 bond. The beautiful home of Anna L. Smith, the old home of the J . It. Smith family, was one of the liveliest and most up-to-date family reunions now on record, when the Nebraska branch ot that famous old family celebrated one of their old time anniversaries. Frank Smith of McCook was the only one absent. The marvelous and never to be forgotten musical part of the doings executed by Anna and Lois of Monroe. Earl and George of Fullerton and Mrs Frank Smith ot McCook, who is an accomplished musician, were quite lively in their efforts to make it pleasant for all. The three days feasting and fasting finally came to a close when they de parted to their several homes to await the approaeh of the next one of these happy occasions. Tuesday's primary election, so far as this voting place was concerned, was qnite interesting from a democratic standpoint, and in fact this was true all over the county The fight here, as well as other polling places, was between Shallenberger and. Dahlman. for gover nor, the other candidates taking a back seat. The Shallenberger workers made a good showing, allowing Mayor Jim only three votes, to twenty for the gov ernor. Whoever the three were ought to lie recognized by giving them the three principal others in the Dahlman club, but some of the governor's friends insist that these were cast by republicans, which, of course, is permissible under the open primary law foisted on the state by tho last democratic legislature. For county attorney, Uensley was beaten two to onr by Wagner. Not much interest was taken by the republicans, Aldrich receiving ten votes to three for Caily, Hurkett 8, Wheedon 4, Brian 10 nnd Boyd .'1, while Wm. Webster received 1!) votes to one for bis opponent, Frank Soliram. OENOA. From the Time. Mrs. Ruth Burton Pruitt. aged 3. died at the home of her daughter, Mra. C. D. Williams, last Friday afternoon at :i p. m , after a year's illness with can cer of the liver. Astronomers have discovered another comet approaching the earth. But since the passing of Haley's comet they have become wise and have not yet predicted what time the celestial visitor will come in contact with the earth. Tony Merrick, formerly a clerk for E. M. Spear Co., who left Genoa fourteen months ago to accept a josition with a Spalding firm, was found dead in a bath tub at that place Wednesday morning. The remains passed through Genoa Thursday for Schuyler, where the par ents of the deceased reside. The Woodmen Accident Association, in which a score of people in and around Genoa carry insurance, has refused to pay H. M. McFayden for the time lost on account ot the accident which de prived him ot the use of his arm for several weeks. The company based its refusal for carrying out contract with the insured on the ground of an alleged technicality. The Woodmen Accident Association has no connection with the Modern Woodmen, as its name would imply, but is a separate and distinct company, although one of the members of the Grand Lodge of Modern Wood men draws a salary from the Accident Association. wen suppuvu. An inveterate wit and punster asked the captain of a craft loaded with boards bow be managed to get dinner on the passage. "Why." replied the skipper, "we always cook aboard." "Cook a board, do you?' rejoined the wag. "Then I see you have been well provided with provisions this trip, at all events." London Tit-Bits. Getting Evan. Howard When Dr. Incision operat ed on me he left a pair of surgical scis sors in my anatomy. Can I sue him for damages? Lawyer Better Just end him a large bill for storage Life. LEIGH. From the World. If the crop ot pigs is any indication, there will not be much corn hauled to market only in the shape of fat hogs. It is wonderful bow the alfalfa fields have changed since the rain. Where there was absolutely no show for a third crop there is now an immense growth coming on. J. li, Jenny is in the chicken basiness for all there is in it. To accomodate his flock he Iihb just built the fourth chicken house. The poultry business is one of Nebraska's mam assets and one that any one can make piy. We are told by the thresher men that the grain hichis yet in the Held has sprouted since the general rain last Fri day night and unless it dries off soon so that it can be rashocked or threshed it will be greatly damaged. A sad accident occurred Monday eve ning when August Newhous and son Fred were struck by the local freight at the crossing two miles east of town. Just how tho accident happened will probably always lie more or less of a mystery. Mr. Newhaus and his boy were driving along in a wagon and it ap pears that they did not notice the on coming train nntil it was almost upon them when the train whistled and probably-frightened the horses so that they attempted to cross the track. The en gine caught the hind wheels of the vehi cle and in the crash Mr. Newhaus re ceived a badly fractured skull and the boy an ugly scalp wound. CF.DAU RAPIDS. From the Outlook. A Mr. Clark, formerly ot Colli mbup, has opened a short order and lunch room in the building next to Farley's hardware, and expects in the near future to carry a full restaurant line. There is a good opening here for a first class lunch room and we predict Mr. Clark to do well. P. C. Peterson and daughter Anna, took their departure Friday for New York, anil from there will sail for Den mark on the 18th. It has been thirty years or more since Mr. Peterson landed in this country, and it is his first visit to the Fatherland in all those years. Both Mr. nnd Mrs. Peterson have a number of relatives in Denmark and the visit is sure to be full of joy for all. They ex pert to lie gone three months. Another very happy, but quiet wed ding occurred last Tuesday at Schuyler, when Mr. Carl Parsons and Miss Char- lotto Mathews were united in marriage. The young couple returned that evening and are now comfortably located in the cosy home owned by the groom. The bride is one of Itoone county's most suc cessful school teachers, having taught in this vicinity during the past year. She gradnated from the Columbus High School in 1907, and is a neice of Mrs. Al. Wilcb, living near Cedar llapids. The groom is one of Cedar llapids' most en ergetic young men, a hard worker and a friend to everybody. May their life be one of sunshine and happiness through out. nuurnREV. From the Democrat One of our fellows who poses as one who is wise above that which is written, recently answered the following adver tisement in an eastern 25 cent paper: " We will send 11 cents for1902 penniea" He scraped around nntil he got fifty of the 1902 mintage and forwarded them in a registered letter. He received im mediate reply saying that when he sent 1852 more pennies, sufficient to make up the number 1902 he would receive his 11 cents. The Democrat is pleased to give space to the following from last Sunday's Omaha Bee, which will be of interest to the many friends ot Mrs. Dickinson in Platte and Madison counties: "The United States Daughters of 1812, state of Nebraska have now five real dangh teie. Mrs. L W. Dlckinsca of Humph re. Neb, hnving recently presented her papers. These have lieen approved and confirmed by the national board and are now held by Nebraska's president and state organizer, Mrs. Herbert W. Gates awaiting the first meeting ot the society, when Mra Dickinson will be admitted to membership. Nebraska is exceedingly proud of her possession, of five real daughters, as there are not many in the United States. suEi.ur. From the San. This section of the country has been blessed with about four inches of rain during the past week and some ot our farmers are beginning to talk about hav ing fifty bushels to the acre. The con dition of the corn crop in the vicinity ot Shelby has improved materially in the past two weeks and nothing but an early frost will prevent a good crop. A telegram was received here last Saturday from Frank Dunning, who with his son Frank, have been nut at Sterling, Colo., for several weeks, an nouncing the serious illness of the son. Mra. Dunning, accompanied by her son, Albert, and daughter Josephine, left for Sterling on the evening train. The two latter returned home Monday and report their brother down with an attack of typhoid fever, but ray that they have the fever checked and that he will probably be able to be brought home this week. At first it was thought that the young man's illness was due to injuries received by being thrown from a horse. Caustic The Girl Whafa your opinion of women who imitate men? The Man They're Idiots. The Girl Then the imitation Is successful. Cleveland Leader. Peevishness covers with its dark fog even the most distant horizon. Blotter. HIS EDITORIAL POLICY. Mark Twain Made a Clean Breast of It to His Readers. Mark Twain took the editorial chair on the Buffalo Express in August. .1809, and this is the paragraph In which be made the readers acquainted with his new responsibility: MI only wish to assure parties hav ing a friendly interest in the prosperity of this journal that 1 am not going to hurt the paper deliberately and inten tionally at any time. I am not going to introduce any startling reform or in any way attempt to make trouble. I am simply going to do my plain, un pretending duty when 1 cannot get out of it. 1 shall work diligently and honestly and faithfully at all times and upon all occasions when privation and want shall compel me to do so. In writing I shall always confine myself to the truth, except when It is attend ed with inconvenience. 1 shall with eringly rebuke all forms of crime and misconduct, except when committed by the party inhabiting my own vest I shall not make any use of slang or vulgarity upon any occasion or In any circumstances und snail never use profanity except In discussing house rent and taxes. Indeed, upon second thought. I will not even then, for it is inelegant, un-Ohristian and degrading. I 8hall not often meddle with politics, because we have a political editor who Is already excellent and only needs a term in the penitentiary to be perfect I shall not write any poetry unless I conceive a spite against the subscrib ers." TWO WORDS DEFINED. Difference Between a Sanitarium and a Sanatorium. The words "sanitarium" and "sana torium" are popularly understood to have the same meaning and are gen erally used interchangeably when des ignating or describing places of ref uge for sick people, but there is, in fact, quite a distinction between the meaning of the two words. In answer to a correspondent on this subject the Literary Digest says: "The distinction between these words lies in the fact that they are derived from two different Latin roots. 'San atorium' is derived from the late Latin sanatorias, meaning health giving. The term relates specially to 'an institution for treatment of disease or care of In valids, especially an establishment em ploying natural therapeutic agents or conditions peculiar to the locality or some specific treatment or treating particular diseases.' On the other hand, 'sanitarium is derived from the Latin sanltas, from sanus. meaning whole or sound. 'Sanitarium' relates more specifically to 'a place where the hygienic conditions are preservative of health as distinguished from one where therapeutic agencies arc em ployed." Ilence it is the province of a "sanitarium' to preserve health, that of n "sanatorium' to restore It. Care should be exercised in combining the proper vowels In these two words in order to indicate correctly the deriva tion." Teaching the Cutpurses. Stow in his account of London be tween 15G0 and 1590 depicts an inn kept by a kind of Fagin of the time of Queen Elizabeth: "One Wotton kept an alehouse near Billingsgate, and in the same house he procured all the cutpurses about the city to repair. There was a school set up to learn young boys to cut purses. Two de vices were hung up. The one was a pocket the other was a purse. The pocket bad in it certain counters and was hung about with hawk's bells. and over the top did hang a little scar ing bell. The purse bad silver In It And he that could take out a counter without any noise was allowed to be a public foyster. And be that could take a piece of silver out of the purso without noise of any of the bells was adjudged a judicial nyppcr, according to their terms of art. A foyster was a pickpocket; a nypper was a pickpursc or cutpurse.' Tricks Any Husband Can Learn. To tell yellow from green in match ing silk. To wash the dishes without breaking more than two. To keep quiet when he's spoken to. To face the cook when she's angry. To find out what alls the gas range. To stand In line an hour for two trading stamps. To set up his wife's brother in busi ness. To get up winter nights to In vestigate "robbers." To smile when bis old sweethearts pictures arc burned up. To prefer halma at borne to billiards at the club. To drop his old friends because they arc "vulgar." To give up coffee because it disagrees with his wife. Puck. The Old Man's Schedule. When they asked the Billville young ster what the "old man" was doing now he replied: "Well, wheu be ain't talkin' bis head off 'bout breakfast bein' late he's a raisin' Cain wi&b the hired hands, an' when he ain't a-doin of them things he's n-diggin' fcr bait an' fisbin' In the river an' a-doin" of nuthin' per ttekler." Atlanta Constitution. I he una condition. Lady Pertly What did father say when you asked him if you could marry me? The Honorable Gussie He didn't absolutely refuse, but ho made a very severe condition. Lady P. What was it? The Hon. G. He said he would see me banged first! London Mall. Nat Enthusiastic "My boy's back from college." "How does he take holt on the farm? T hain't seen him make no cane rush for the wood pile." Kansas City Journal. look up. We dig and toll, we worry and fret and all the while close over us bends the infinite wonder and beauty of na ture, saying: "Look up. my child! Feel my smile and be glad!" G. S. Mer rlam. Vary Different. Mis. Bronson My husband is plain spoken. He calls a spade a spade. Mrs. Woodson So does mine, but I must de cline to repeat what hecalfe the. lawn mower. Boston Globe.. FREAKS OF A GENIUS. The Man Who Smashed Glasses In a London Tavern. One day a bulky, tall, pale faced gen tleman with busby, restless eyebrows entered a London tavern. The waiter did not ask him for bis order, but im mediately brought him a plate of bread and cheese nnd a glass of ale. Having consumed his lunch, the guest sat up right in his chair for awhile, leaning his hands on a heavy walking cane and staring blankly at the opposite wall as if in a dream. Of a sudden be gave a start. He seized the empty glass and dashed it to the floor with all his might smashing it to atoms. He then reflected for a moment laid a coin on the table, got up and left the inn without a word to any one. After bis departure another guest had the curiosity to ask the waiter wheth er the gentleman who had just gone out was not wrong in his head. Quoth the waiter: "Oh, no, sir! That's nothink un usual with Mm. sir. 'E's broke maybe a 'undred glasses since 'e's been a-com-In to this 'ouse. 'E don't seem to know it when e does it "E just gits a-thinkin and seems to git hangry at somcthlnk 'e's thinkin about It's the great Lord Macaulay, sir." St James' Gazette. Rice In the Orient. Rice is kept for use in jhe orient in its husk, just like horse oats or un thrashed wheat It is called "paddy" and is beaten or thrashed for daily use. But pure husked rice is too rough nnd unattractive looking for world mar kets, so it is polished in revolving cyl inders with French chalk to make it pretty, pearly and smooth. But this robs it of its outer layer and most val uable food qualities. Polished rice is regarded as poison in Japan and is known to produce the dreadful epidem ic disease beriberi in Japanese who live too exclusively on a rice diet and eating little or no meat Exchange. Cats and Dogs. According to a French investigator, domestic animals have n certain amount of reasoning power, often act upon relies notions and can associate ideas from which they draw infer ences. Dogs, und still more so cats, he says, learn to imitate the voice and movements of their masters or mis tresses, lie has noticed old watchdogs which when they barked had ieciiliar intonations which resembled the voices of their masters. Cuts try by the way in which they cry to make their mis tresses understand exactly what they want. The Turkish Soldier's Fatalism. The lethargy of mind which Is the meutal habit of the Turkish soldier the personal expression of fatalism is a most valuable quality in its way. for it means that its possessor is always cool and collected, grumbles little nnd has marvelous endurance. It is alien to all forms of panic, just as it is alien to a conspicuous elan. If the Turkish soldier never goes very fast he never goes very slow. Except by the best trained or most dashing troops he is bad to beat London Spectator. Appropriate styles. "That elocutionist believes in dress ing the part for any recitation." "How do you mean?" "Why. when she read the story about the sailors deserted on the lonely is land she wore a costume of maroon, nnd at her lecture on Celtic wit her dress was trimmed with Irish point" Exchange. Bad Combinations. Itambo I have a pair of glasses at home that make me see double. Bald win Yes; I've seen you using them. One is a beer mug nnd the other Is a whisky tumbler. Chicago Tribune. The Particular Sex. A blind girl lately discarded her af fianced lover because a confidential friend informed her that the young man squinted. Philadelphia Ledger. Ft -v.-Citff- lSl: --aBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBMMBKl'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsLbbbB BBBBBBBBBLBBBBBi2ff;9BftlHsW $25 Columbus to Many Points in California, Idaho, Oregon. Washington ' VIA UNION Low One Way To California Auk 25 to Sept. 9 Oct. 1 to 15. 191 Electric Block Signals. Dustless, Perfect Track. Excellent Dining Car Meals and Service For literature nnd information relative to fares, routes, eto., call on or address ELLIS O- BROWN, Ac. Colaalnu. . Electric Light Always Ready Brilliant Clean Safe Have your house wired Columbus Light, Heat & Power Co. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very beet cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish aad oysters in sea on. S.E.MABTT&Cib. Telephone No. I. - Colamhus.Neh. I rfXMiro nil rXCMIPBl pwilinn, oaiarj or coiumiwiou for I'olunibai and vi cinity. Htateaw, r.rmrr occupation ami Kivi refenoct. AuiIimh IXJI& llOX -13X. I.incolu, Neli. TIKTMLE WKHT BOUNII. ... 8-10 am .... liWam ...10:2 am ...llTtnia ... 3:05 pm .. lUtpm ... 1150 pm ... II Al p ra ...ll:H0am ...1120am ... HSfii pni ... L'jr. pm BAST BOD1CD. .... 4"J2am No. 11 . . No. 4 . No. 12. Nil 13 No. 1 .... iu:.i pm .... 5:34 am 2:4ftpm 2:ttfpm .... 3:0.1pm ..... 5:57pm H4lnM No. 14.... No. .... No. 17 No. IS.... No. a No. 5 No. ft No. 1ft.. No. 10... No. 18.... No. 2 .... No. 22.... No. 20.... No. 24.... No. 8 .... No. 21 1:20 pm 311 pm 7:12 a m :l.r p m No.l No.i No. 7 BBANCBKS. NOBFOLK. HPALDIHO ALBION. No.79msd..dS.-00aBE No. 31 pas ..d 1:30 pa No. 32 pan ..al2J0ps No.M)mxd..a7)pB Xo. 77mxit d 7:20 am No. 211 pas ..il70Opm No. 30 pan ..a 1:10 pm No. 78 mxd..a :10 pin Daily except Sunday. sow: Nob. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains. Noh. 4. S, 13 and 14 are local paoacagOT. Nob. 58 and 50 are local freights. Noa. 9 and 18 are mail trains only. No 14 due in Omaha 4:45 p. ra. No. ft dn in Omaha 5:00 p. ra. e. 1. 1 f. TiM Tablt .. m ii .i.:i u.aA iu. - .r . . No. .'!. Frt. & Ac. (l'y ex. Saturday) lr..r:0u p m No. 21, raw, (daily ox. Sunday) urnTe..V-0 p m iif. rru v nr. ii j ?-. tnuinjv at. .". w PACIFIC Colonist Fares To Idaho, Oregon, Washington Sept. 5 to Oct. 15, 191 IWANTEDI , , I I The riirht nart can fl I f3ftfw !4l