f! V i I Columbus Journal STROTHER & STOCKWELL, Pubs. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. "caaaC A frilifl? Bewi el the More Ib fortut Ercits Here aid There Washington. The government's official "trust buster" W. S. Kenyon, the assistant to the attorney general, left here Sun day for Chicago to resume charge of the case against so-called trusts. Modesto Barrios and Sebastian Salinas, special ambassadors of the Madriz faction in Nicaragua, paid an official call at the state department end presented their credentials. Three letters in Spanish addressed to Secretary Knox were also present ed. These were turned over to trans lators. The contents are not known. General Sebastian Salinas and Dr. Modesta Barrios, representatives here of the Madriz faction in Nicara gua, had an interview at the state de partment with Huntington Wilson, acting secretary of state. They pre sented a formal representation which If accepted would, in their opinion, bring about a settlement of the trou bles in the Central American republic. More regiments of infantry, a gen eral senice corps and a system of re tirement for aged employes of the war department are the recommenda tions to the adjutant general by Brig adier General C. L. Hodge, command ing the department of Dakota. Troops returning from the tropics should have at least four years in this coun try to recuperate. General Hodges says, and he beliet'es there is no probability that it will be possible un less the infantry is Increased. Foreign. The Austrian and German health administrations are pursuing com mon measures against an invasion of Russian cholera. Medical agents from both governments stationed in Russia report the scarcity of physi cians. The suggestion of a new treaty be tween the United States and Canada, and the establishment of a joint tribunal in the nature of an interna tional traffic commission as the means of effiective control of through railroad traffic between the two coun tries, was made at a conference In New York. The Chinese government has de cided to employ no foreign diplomatic adviser for the future, a decision which has come as a surprise and to some extent a disappointment to the foreign communities of the far east. The Wai Wu Pu, the foreign govern ing board, will depend in the future oiv the views and opinions which are held regarding foreign affairs by those of its own people who have had long ex perience in the diplomatic and consu lar services abroad. Thousands of people In Paris for sook its bed and remained in the Btreets to watch the conclusion of the great aviation race, which was won by Le Blanc in a Bleriot monoplane. Auburn, also in a Bleriot, took second prize, finishing a short twenty minutes behind the winner, although bis total time in completing the course was somewhat longer. Le Blanc left Amiens, sixty miles away, at 5:03 and descended at Issy. in the suburbs of Paris, 1 hour and 28 minutes later. General. Secretary Ballinger favors opening the lid on coal lands in Alaska. Ballinger reached Portland and re ceived calls from prominent republi cans. Policemen of Columbus, O., went on strike in sympathy with street car men. The International Typographical Union will meet next year in San Francisco. Senator Aldrlch replied to the charges made against him by Senator Bristow of Kansas. In their state convention Oklahoma democrats endorsed the administra tion of Governor Haskell. Representatives of the Madriz fac tion in Nicaragua called on the state department at Washington. Secretaries Wickersham and Nagel are keeping out of the Alaska quarrel while visiting the territory. Louis Paulhan. the French aviator, has won the London Daily Mail's prize of 15.000 for the longest total of cross country flights made. The national association of sheet metal workers, in convention at Phi ladelphia decided to hold its next an nual meeting in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Woolf. who left Kansas City to walk to New York on May 2. arrived at the New York city ball Monday afternoon. At Charleroix. Belgium. M. Lesnyn. an aviator, fell with his aeroplane from a height of one hundred feet and received injuries that probably will prove fatal. The forest service has called on the war department for aid to fight the forest fires in Montana. General Leonard Wood, chief of staff of the army, has directed that a batalion of the American Lake camp, Oregon, be ordered into service. The population of Syracuse, N. Y., Is 137,249, an Increase of 28.S75, or 26.6 per cent, as compared with 106, 374 in 1900. The population of Kansas Cky, Mo.. Is 248,381, an increase of S4.629. or SL7 per cent., as compared with 3333,752 in 1900. The Panamas congress at Buenos Ayres approved a resolution recom mending all governments of America to create a Panaman commission and the application of the decisions of the third congress relative to the natunl resources, commerce and monetary systems. NEWSNOTES CONDENSED There is fear of loss of life in the forest fires of Idaho. The standpatters were badly defeat ed by the insurgents in Kansas. Uncle Joe Cannon says he will sgjtin be a candidate for the speaker ship. Lawyers have reaped a harvest at the expense of Oklahoma Indians. The mayor of El Paso, Tex., 'was killed by a falling wall during a fire. Exposition buildings at Brussels burned, entailing a loss of 3)6,000,000 to $10,000,000. President Taft is to get rid of his political Jonahs, beginning with Bal linger September 15. Great Britain's new battleship, the Lion, is to be the biggest and fastest naval fighter in the world. If Mayor Gaynor recovers he will probably be the democratic nominee for governor of New York. Fire in the warehouse district ol Jersey City, New York, caused dam age estimated at $1,000,000. Fire in the warehouse district of Jersey City, New York, caused dam age estimated at $1,000,000. The speech of Speaker Cannon at Cissta Park, 111., contained little of his oldtime vigorous statements. President Taft is s."termined that Speaker Cannon be relegated, and Vice President Sherman coincides. Moissant, the American aviator, made a daring flight across the Eng lish channel, carrying a passenger. David Rankin, jr., who recently gave away his fortune estimated at more than $3,000,000 died at Atlantic City. Colonel Joseph B. Hughes, former head of the Continental Tobacco Co., was declared insane by a snerm a jury The population of Canada on March 31, last, was 7.489.781. according to the estimate of the census depart ment The interior department is prepar ing data for President Taft In regard to the five civilized tribes of Okla homa. The independent democratic state committee of Tennessee has called a convention of the party to-be held in Nashville on September 14. The governmental naval bill to be laid before the Reichstag this autumn will ask for an appropriation to build three battleships and one battleship cruiser. Four hundred Punjabis and Hindus have sailed from Calcutta for San Francisco, according to advices which reached the department of commerce and labor. Deputy Sheriff Fred Heiseke of Granite City, 111., shot and killed Samuel Morgan, a man whom he had arrested by mistake in an attempt to quell a disturbance. The population of Pittsburg, Pa., is 533,905, an increase of 82,393. or 18.2 per cent, as compared with the com bined population of Pittsburg and Al legheny of 451,512 in 1900. American trade with Japan may be seriously affected, in part at least, when the duties in the new Japanese tariff law will go- into effect This fear was expressed in a statement by the state department The coal lands in North and South Dakota, amounting to about a million acres, which were recently with drawn from the public domain by President Taft, have been opened to homestead settlement. One of the principal reasons for the slump in the sale of automobiles in the rural districts is that the farm ers begin to realize that the upkeep of machines is many times more than what was represented by salesmen and dealers, and only recently rubber tires have advanced 20 per cent, and the promise of still anotheradvance, in fact, there is no limit scarcely ex cept a prohibitive one to what tires can be advanced under the Rubber Trust. One agent says. "I venture to say we will not again sell to the farm ers to any extent until prices of ma chines and supplies, in the manner of upkeep, tires, etc., are greatly re duced." Four persons were killed and three were seriously injured when a south bound passenger train on the Lake Erie & Western railroad struck an automobile at a crossing one mile east of Rochester, Indiana. Mrs. Judith Ellen Horton Foster, noted throughout the country as a temperance lecturer and writer and advocate of missions and philanthro pby. died in Garfield hospital in Washington. All the indictments returned last year against Jafet Lindberg, the Alaska and California mining mil lionaire in connection with an alleged false affidavit made by one of his miners, have been dismissed. For nearly three hours President Taft and Vice President Sherman talked over the defeat of Col. Theo dore Roosevelt by the New York state republican committee and the selection of Mr. Sherman as tem porary chairman of the Saratoga con vention. Personal. The slayer of a wealthy California ranch woman was captured and made a full confession. President Montt of Chile died sud denly at London. Speaker Cannon has opened his speaking campaign in Illinois. A letter received at New York threatens four court judges with death. Hiram Johnson, insurgent, is proba bly the republican nominee for gov ernor of California. Speaker Cannon refuses to become a political corpse or to credit the story sent from Beverly. Mrs. and Miss Katharine Elkins stopped at Geneva. Switzerland, on their way from Baden Baden to Vichy. Colonel Roosevelt is not yet ready to give bis full endorsement to the policies of the Taft administration. F. N. Brown, president of the Na tional Railways of Mexico, has been appointed vice president in chief of maintenance ane operation of the Pan American railroad by President David E. Thompson of that road. Rev. Daniel Hayward, pastor of a Methodist church at Oxnro, Wis, has resigned his pulpit because he was told by Superintendent S. H. Ander son of the Oihkosh district that he would either rave to give up his pul pit or cea?c talking politics. I. DUN BUT THERE IS STILL SOME DOUBT AS TO GUBERNATORIAL OUTCOME. MAY TAKE OFFICIAL COUNT TO DETERMINE Both of the Democratic Candidates are Claiming Vic toryNo Doubt About the Nomination of Aldrich By the Republicans. Outlook Saturday Morning. With more than 80 per cent of the total vote in the recent democratic primary accounted for Mayor Dahl- man has a lead of 1,294 over Govern or Shallenberger for the guberna tonal nomination. This figure is shown in complete returns from sixty counties, partial returns from twenty- five counties, including 1C4 voting precincts, and unofficial majorities BfS -aSBBBaTiryetf x G. M. HITCHCOCK, Democratic Nominee for U. S. Senator from two counties. Chase and Stan ton. The counties from which no re turns have been received are Blaine, Sioux, Garfield. Hayc:- --d Hooker. the vote of which can i ..: L a small figure in the final result. On the basis of the newspaper re turns with private advices from a few counties from which incomplete returns have been given T. J. Flynn. chairman of the Dahlman campaign committee, issued a statement claim ing the nomination of Dahlman by 1,500. Hope, however, has not yet beeen given up at the Shallenberger headquarters. The Latest Figures. Omaha. Returns from forty-eight counties complete, 22?. scattering pre- ELMER J. BURKETT, Republican Nominee for U. S. Senator cincts and majorities from three other counties give Mayor Dahlman a lead over Governor Shallenberger for the democratic gubernatorial nomina tion of 1.G51. In the forty-eight counties from which complete returns have been re ceived including Douglas and Lan cas ter. Dahlman has a total of 19.599 and Shallenberger 16.373. The 223 pre cincts additional give Dahlman 4,552 and- Shallenberger 5,815. Chase, Phelps and Stanton counties give Shallenberger a majority of 312. Both candidates continue to claim the nomination, though it is admitteed by Governor Shallenberger that it will be a close shave. In a statement, made in Omaha last night, he cut down his claim of 1,500 majority to 1.000. He bases his estimate on pri vate returns received at his head quarters, where he says all but twelve counties of the state have been heard from. Crippen Murder Mystery. London. The spectators who filled the little coroner's court at Islington, where the investigation of the Crip pen murder mystery was continued, in the expectation of hearing sensa tional discoveries in connection with the remains, supposed to be those of Belle Elmore. In a cellar of the Crip pen residence in Hilrdrop Crescent, were disappointed. The officials in in charge of the cose were responsible for the disappointment, having de cided to withhold the scientific evi dence of this nature. Land Grabbers Organised. Sulphur, Okl. Details of a scheme by which "land grabbers," organised systematically to enrich themselves at the expense of minor Indiana were re lated by several witnesses at tha con gressional inveetkjBtJoR Into Indian land affairs. In one instance, It was asserted, tho cost of ilhisssfBg of the property of an 18-year-old Indian was $20.75 more than the property brought and the condition which permitted this and similar deals was declared to be a disgrace to Oklahoma" not to be tolerated. r tVftRBBBBi lRaSv Jh$ wasaVaH'f ' $. HL. -liiMaBBaBBT ' HAS THE LEAD THE Mayor Dahlman and his friends are equally confident. They feel certain that Shallenberger cannot possibly cut down the lead which the Ombaa mayor has maintained with probably three-quarters ot the vote of the state in. . With three precincts missing Doug las county gives Dahlman 5,322 ma jority and Lancaster gave him a majority of 534. Aldrich will be the republican nom inee without doubt. Returns from thirty-nine counties complete have cut down the Cady majority of nearly 2,700 in Douglas county to 654. Ad ditional scattering precincts indicate that Aldrich will carry nearly all of the remaining counties and win the nomination by several thousand votes to spare. In thirty-eight counties Burkett has a total of 19,849 to 8.G29 for C. O. Whedon for the republican indorse ment for United States senator. In forty-one counties the vote of Hitchcock for senator Is 15.740 to 4,839 for Metcalfe and 2.810 for Reed. "We are depending upon the news papers for our figures on returns, but J. C. DAHLMAN Democratic Candidate for Governor from our knowledge of conditions in the counties from which returns are incomplete, we do not believe it pos sible for Mayor Dahlman's lead to be wiped out," said Thomas J. Flynn, chairman of the Dahlman campaign committee. "There is no doubt in my mind but that he will come through with a safe majority." "With practically complete returns from all but twelve counties received at my office before I left Lincoln, and conservative estimates from those. I feel certain of my nomination by a majority of 1.000." said Governor A. C. SHALLENBERGER Democratic Candidate for Governcr Shallenberger last evening at the Pax ton, where he was stopping for a few hours, being immediately called upon by a party of bis political advisers here. "I had to run against the democrat . the republicans, the socialists and the Fighting Forest Fires. Kalispell. Mont. With the best or ganized and largest force of fire fight ers that has been mustered for the war against the fires that 'have in vaded several valleys of the Glacier national park, the Flathead and Blackfoot national forests and the Flathead reservation, officials in charge of those portions of the na tional domain will begin anew a cam paign against the flames. The new fortes comprise three companies of the Twenty-fifth Infantry for the pork and the Flathead forest In One Pulpit 64 Years. Berlington, la. The Rev. Dr. Wil liam Salter, believed to be the oldest active minister in point of eontlnoous service in the United States, died Tuesday morning at his home at the advanced age of 88 years. He was born In Brooklyn, N. Y.. November 17. 1821, and came to Burlington in 1848. He preached his first sermon here, beginning his work in the ministry as pastor of the First Congregational church, and serving continuously ever since, making sixty-four years in one pulpit j BaaBaflaCveli'tteVaaBBaB) HDx?!$3'SBPaBBBBal jssBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnPvasvaBBBw bsbbbbbbbW "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbsV SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW bbHLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsw. islH fV eSbBBBBBBBBBB bbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEZEbX3b. bbbbbbbbbb prohibitionists, and yet I have won by over a thousand, so I feel gratified over the results. "I am on my iray to Ames, la., to deliver an address Friday mad will re turn in the evening to begin my cam paign for election Saturday morning." The Fourth District. Judge B. F. Good of Wahoo, candi date for the democratic nomination for congressman in the Fourth, in an swer to a telephone call, gave these nearly complete figures from nine of the eleven counties in the district: Goood, 2,000. Bailey a little over 1.200, Miller 1,200. Gilbert 800, Bailey 800. The two remaining counties are Fillmore and Thayer and Bailey is expected to gain sufficiently in those countiesto make him easily the sec ond man, though not in the least dis turbing Judge Good's claims to first place. CONGRATULATES HAYWARD. Nominee for Congress Receives Tele gram from President. Lincoln, Xeb. The following mes sage was received from President Taft congratulating Will Hayward, C. A. ALDRICH, Republican Nominee for Governor. secretary of the national republican committee and a personal friend of the president, upon his nomination for congress in the First Nebraska district: My heartiest congratulations on your triumph; may your hunting trip be sucessful. WILLIAM H. TAFT. Reports From Lincoln. Lincoln. Primary returns on the Tuesday election are being made very slowly except-from the cities of the state. Present indications are that in surgent republican candidates have made very considerable impression. G. W. Norris was renominated with out opposition. A. L. Sutton, prosressive, wins in the Second district. Boyd, progressive, leads Brian, standpat republican, in the Third dis trict. Senator Burkett has won a renomi nation over C. O. Whedon, insurgent candidate for United States senator. 4-by a margin of a founn of his vote. G. M. Hitchcock has defeated R. L.: Metcalfe, democratic nominee. 3 to 1. 1 It is probable that Governor Shallen-', berger was defeated for the demo-1 cratic nomination by Mayor Dahlman , of Omaha. This is in doubt, however, i There appears to be no question that Aldrich, county option candidate for governor, has defeated Cady for the nomination. The liquor question, primarily en tering the guvernatorial fight, forced an unusual crossing of party lines ( and affected every part of both , tickets. The Vote in Douglas. James C. Dahlman goes out of Douglas county with an approximate majority of 5.400 over Ashton C. Shallenberger for the democratic nomination for governor; G. M. Hitchcock goes out of the county with an approximate majority of 6, OCO over Richard L. Metcalfe, his next nearest rival for the democratic senatorial nomination, and about 200 still better over Willis E. Reed, the third man in this particular race; Addison E. Cady goes out with a majority of approximately 2,700 over Chester H. Aldrich, for the republi can nomination for governor; and Elmer J. Burkett goes out with a ma jority of approximately 1.500 over Charles O. Whedon, his next nearest rival for the republican nomination foor senator. Burkett's Vote in Lancaster. Senator Burkett will carry Lan caster county by about 400 votes. Thirty-eight precincts give Burkett 1.507 and Whedon 1.091. Adams re ceived 106 votes in these precincts. In the same thirty-eight precincts Aldrich received 1.7C9 votes as repub lican nominee for governor, against 935 for Cady and 238 for William Elmer Low, road overseer at West ern. American Citizen Murdered. Washington. News of the murder in Bolivia, more than two months ago of Gustav A. Rist, an American citizen, reached the state department on Thursday. Only the bare an nouncement of the murder is made. The news came from Mr. Combs, the American minister at Lima, Peru, who, acording to the state depart ment, reports 'that Gustav A. Rfst. an American citizen, was murdered near Puyupoyo in Bolivia by one Au gustin Hunf on the 11th of July. Claimant to Swope Estate. Kansas City. Another claimant to the fortune left by Colonel Thomas H. Bwope, for whose murder Dr. B. Clark Hyde was sentenced to life im prisonment, has appeared in the shape of Adam J. Srope of Kowoka. Judge Latsbaw of the criminal court received a letter from Adam today, in which the Canadian stated that he was a son of Levi Swope of Pennsyl vania and believed he must be a nephew of Coloael Swope. Judge Latscaw said he never heard of a J.evi Swccs. bbbbbbbbbsKi-N bbbbbbbBbV-- - MBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRHF) BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaEBBBBBBJr K$F ykt ark. .8aBaM;vTSBBBBBSBBB ' BBk. aBBBBBBBBBsl9BBBBR'-.BBB bbbbbbbbbbbbbIIJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbm aaawSaNalaaVaNBBBEi. -rf SBSBBl CHOLERA NGREASES THE ASIATIC PLAGUE IS ING VIRULENT. BECOftt PEOPLE FLEE FROM THE TQWH On Week's Records in Russia Show 23,944 New Cases and 10,723 Deaths. Bar!, Italy The epidemic of cholera Which has broken out in southern Italy Is steadily showing an increase in the districts affected, particularly In the town of Trand. where the number of deaths already is more than thirty. The latest official reports Friday -night gave twenty deaths at Trani, showing the rapidity with which the disease is increasing there. The epidemic is a virulent type and the death rate is high. Even graver danger is anticipated from the fleeing population of the in fected district, who may bear the germs of the disease to regions not yet involved. Trani seems almost de serted as a result of panic, 30,000 of the residents, fully one-half of the population, having fled the town. Ful ly as many have escaped from tho island town to Barletta. Rome. Rumors that the epidemic of cholera which has broken out in Apulia had spread to Rome are em phatically denied. There have been no cases here and the general health conditions in Rome are excellent, bet ter than at any time during the last ten years. Although the danger of infection i3 not felt here, the pope ordered the Lazareto of Santa Marta. built inside the Vatican by Pope Leo in 1885 dur ing the great cholera epidemic at Naples, but never used because of -the absence of cholera patients, made ready for any emergency. The influence of the church i3 to be used to assist the civil authorities in fighting the epidemic, the clergy having been instructed to use ail means to enforce compliance with the sanitary reguations on the part o their parishioners. No final decision has been taken re garding the proposed departure of King Victor for the cholera region. The king, it is said, has determined to proceed personally to the scene if conditions become more serious, in which case Queen Helena, it is feared, would insist on accompanying him. Premier Luzetti arrived at Rome from Turin for the purpose of invok ing a meeting of the cabinet of min isters at which the cholera situation in Apulia was thoroughly discussed. The premier learned the disease now seems to be confined to the few places where it first broke out. The cholera continues to be tho most severe at Trani. a seaport on the Adriatic, where in the last twenty four hours nineteen new cases and twelve deaths were reported. One week's cholera record for Russia shows 2.',944 new cases of cholera and 10.723 deaths, bringing the total number of cases in Russia this year to 112.985. Of these 50.287 ha-e died, the mortality pcrcentago being 44.5. Ncbraskans in Maneuvers. Junction City. Kan. The entire command at the Fort Riley camp of instruction was out Friday studyins the defensive problem. The sixth field artillery flanked by the Fourth and the Thirteenth regiments of art:l lery, repulsed the attack of an imagin ary fee. The First and Second regi ments of Nebraska participated ia the maneuvers. GAYNOR IS ABLE TO SIT UP. Surgeons Assure Mayor's Secretary That He Is Practically Safe Now. New York. Propped up with pil lows. Mayor Gaynor sat up in bed for an hour Friday, reading and talking to his 7-year-old daughter. Ruth. Af ter a most satisfactory day marked by the last blood test that will be taken. Robert Adamson. the mayor's secretary, said tonight that the sur geon had assured him that the mayor was practically out of danger. Omaha's Population 125,009. Washington. On what the Omaha Bee correspondent considered most rerliable authority it is learned that the census of Omaha, which is nor practically tabulated, will show an In crease of about 22 per cent over tho preceding census population. aAs tho census of 1900 gave Omaha 102.555, this will figure out a census popula tion for 1910 in round numbers of 125.000. It m8y be announced, al though not officially, that Omaha wilt be listed a little above or below this figure. No Reply as Yet. Beverly. Mass. Xo disposition haa been shown here as yet to make even an informal or an official reply to the stories that recently have ''ome irora uysrcr tay ieuiu$ ui ti sitiuus ( break between President rait ana . Colonel Roosevelt. The president and Mr. Morton absolutely efie to dis cuss the matter officially or uno.'I! cial'.y. There is a general belief in Beverly that Colonel Roosevelt's at titude, if it has been correct! repre sented, is based on an entire misap prehension and misunderstanding. The Castros Ousted. Washington.Tne entire Castro fan ily apparently has been ousted from Venezuela. A dispatch to the stato department today from the American legation at Caracas stated that forty sf relatives of former Presifient Cas tro bad been expelled from Venceue!a and sailed today for Porto Rico. Late in 1D08 President Castro left Ven ezuela for Europe. What was the oc casion for the latest outburst against the Castro family was not explained in the brief dispatch to the department. T Try Hits, This Summer. The very next time you're hot. tired or thirsty, step' up to a soda fountain and let a glass of Coca-Cola. It will cool you off, relieve your bodily and. mental fatigue and quench your thirst delightfully. At soda fountains or carbonated In bottles Sc everywhere). Delicious, refreshing and wholesome. Send to the Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, Ga., for their free booklet "The Trutk About Coca-Cola." Tells what Coca Cola Is and why It Is so delicious, re freshing; and thirst-quenchlsg. AM end 2o stamp for the Coca-Cola Base all Record Book for 1910 contains Iks famous poem "Casey At The BaV records, schedules for both league tad other raluable baseball infom tlom complied by authorities. Another Tradition Exploded. Two Englishmen were resting at the "Red Horse Inn" at Stratford-oa-Atob. Oae of them discovered Mint picturing a low tumbling build ing underneath which was printed! The House In Which Shakespeare Was Bora." Turning to his friend la mild surprise he pointed to the print. His friend exhibited equal surprise, aad called a waiter who assured them ol the accuracy of the Inscription. "Ton my word," said the obserr las; Englishman, shaking his head dubiously, "I thought he was bora la a manger!" Success Magazine. One' Side Enough. Senator William Alden Smith tells of an Irish Justice of the peace out In Michigan. In a trial the evidence was all in and the plantlfTs attorney, had made a long and very eloquent argument, when the lawyer acting for the defense arose. "What are you doing?" asked the 'justice, as the lawyer began. "Going to present our side of the "I don't want to hear both sides ar gued. It has tlndency to confuse the coort." Waabingtonlan. Included Her. "Why did she get angry at the stranger in town?" "She asked him if he had seen her daughter and he answered that he aad seen all the sights of the place." Jr. War Heaaaae, ffrtlef flrat nut nfln tea. Taw imlM aad tavljDnte stomach. Uver laafcswau. ftiaar-mttedUarcraaBlea. A woman tells her troubles to a doc tor; a man tells his to a lawyer. Lewis Single Binder gives a man what he wants, a rich, mcDow-taatins agar. Better a nagless wife than a horse less carriage. Its great merit alone has enabled the Bitters to con tinue before the public for over 57 years. You really ought to try a bottle for Poor Appetite. Indiges tion, Headache, Cramps, Diarrhoea and Malaria. AUeB'aUlelatlklT0eareCbroalelJIrs,JtoB Vie dale UlffJiemtnJnm PI w-VmImwo UlreraJn iMtVIew ean.ll Mrcrtolinpra.WkltHwaU- JfUklC rwtfWBWM'nimm. mwmM J.F.AIJNJtovCAi.BLPftuUllaa. r ! 4 If AH I til Jy:FjiiU Uootfi 1 qalrwt. Samples Prae Solicitor. H3i reference! ra- qalrwL HmdIcs Pim. "Kartoe M fry VW .W . ... J ,...w, --- ST S sEjtWat Nebraska Directory JMMWWWWWWWMWiWM 00t JOHN DEERE PLOWS ArtBest Aak jamr local dealer or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO, Onaha, Nik UafaTl fBi(AUTS 6ES0US) By ffCltUIIIVI this Dfocewall broken aarta of aiacaiatry made good as new. Weld mat iron, caac steal, aluminum, coprer. brass ot aar other metal. Eioert automobile repairing. MUTSCHV MOTOR CO.. Ceuncil Bluffs. tssETgS CENTRAL TIRE RUBBER CO. Ola Hlbaer. Prraident Beta Piloses. XW Farnam SL, Omaha M. tplesbcrger V -Son Co. Wholesale Millinery j agj a u jyui OMAHA, NEB. S5)TlrTS DEHTAL ROOMS i-i&f '." 1 . ":""7"T "- iZL Bailable Dentistry at Moderate Prices, RUBBER GOODS fcr anil at cot price e, Set d for Irr catalogna MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO.. Omaha. Nab. ILLARD HOTELS? ra.OO mmr say en nawaraaw Bi.se) par t ana npari &BBai$i&f Take Oedsa Sfraat Bar at Union Depot. ROME MILLER the keystone to health bbbbbbY IS IHOSTETTERSl STOMACH I 1 BITTERS I BBa SBBVRBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIrBBBBBBBBBBmV sV K s M