tt !l i fA r a-il AN INSURANCE HXCEPTION. HJvvtPa mm mmWcmmmmmam' "Now," said the chronic quoter, "a nan is known by the company he keeps." "Say, I'm an Insurance policy hold er! Please don't class me with the company I keep." SCRATCHED SO SHE NOT SLEEP COULD 1 write to tell you how thankful I am for the wonderful Cutlcura Rem edies. My little niece had eczema for live years and when her mother died I took car of the child. It was all over her face and body, also on her head. She scratched so that she could not sleep nights. I used Cutlcura Boap to wash her with and then ap plied Cuticura Ointment I did not use quite half the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, together with Cutlcura Re iolvent. when you could see a change and they cured her nicely. Now she Is eleven years old and has never been bothered with eczema since. My i .v. , V " '" Jr. b . ' the baby -was cured by Cutlcura. 1 , , . . , . "" 'uu you a picture initen wnen sne was about 18 months old. "She was taken with the eczema when two years old. She was covered with big sores and her mother had all the best doctors and tried all kinds of Balves and medicines without effect until we used Cuticura Remedies. Mrs. II Kiernan. KC3 Qulncy St. Brooklyn. K" v Car ? iono Clever Joke of Kind Kino. Klnrr Edward's n.-t,,r .. ti. 'ustrated the other night by a London correspondent at the Press club in New York. "The king." paid the correspondent "was visiting Rufford Abbey, and one morning. In company with his host. Lord Arthur Savlle, he took a walk over the preserves. "Suddenly Lord Arthur, a big burly man, rushed forward and seized a ehabby fellow with a dead pheasant protruding from the breast of his coat "'Sir.' said Lord Arthur to the king, 'this fellow is a bad egg This is the second time I've caught him poaching.' "Hut the king's handsome face Superintendent Hurkett Miss Fergu beamed. and he laughed his gay and ' son was for a number of years assist tolerant laugh. :lIlt to former Superintendent Mow - "'Oh. let him go.' he said. 'If he ' ,,ian when he held the office in I-m-really were a bad egg. you know, he , caster county. She will now hold the wouldn't poach'" office until November, when a superin A Protection Against the Heat. "When you begin to think it's a per gonal matter between you and the sun to see which is the hotter, buy your self a glass or a bottle of Coca-Cola. It is cooling relieves fatigue and quenches the thirst. Wholesome as the purest water and lots nicer to drink. At soda fountains and car bonated in bottles Zc everywhere. Send 2c stamp for booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola" and the Coca-Cola Baseball Record Book for 1910. The latter contains the famous poem "Casey At The Bat." records, schedules for both leagues, and other valuable baseball Information compiled by au thorities. Address The Coca-Cola Co., . Atlanta. Ga. , i In the Night School. ! Teacher (of night school) What do j you understand by the terms "life j sentence?" Give an example of one. i Shaggv-Haired Pupil I pronounced ! you husband and wife uue. Chicago Trib- , The only way to learn to do great things is to do small things well, pa tiently, loyally David Starr Jordan Ir. Plerc" Pellets. ftmnU. Mipnr-costea.eav to &ike as I'anijT. n-ulat ami luvloruic stoiuaco. er and bowels. lu not tripe. A naggin wife makes her husband i forget his other troubles Lewis Single Binder cigar in nerer iooed only tobacco in its natural state, No other man appreciates a helping hand Ilka a man In trouble. f IT IS REALLY ABSURD to think that you can cure your -weak stomach and get back your health again by dieting or ex perimenting with this or that remedy. You need Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters and nothing else. For over 57 years it has been making people well I and keeping them so and it will do as much f or you. Try a bottle today for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Cramps, Di arrhoea and Malaria, Fe ver and Ague. It never fails. STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice quality; red and roan, white faces or angus bought on ordera. Tenij oti Thousands to telect froai. Satisfaction Guar anteed. Corre-pondence Invited. Come and see for vourtelf. National Live Stock Com. Co- At either JkasasCtty.Mo.. St. Joseph. Mo.. S.O-aaaB.Kek PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClMSMt and besJiM th hafc. m Irmnirt growth. Nerer Talla to Better Gray Hair xo ita inuuu vwi. Can alp diMBM bur tellaa OcaadSLOOat Pratt! :BBpSH PZSSESmW Thimpstn' Ey Witw LINCOLN lirmwi State to Enforce Irrigation Law. Assistant Attorney General Ayrei has gone to North Platte for the pur pose of asking a judge of the district court to dissolve the restraining order issued by the county judge of Scotta Blutf county. The county judge has issued a temporary order to prevent the state board of irrigation from closing the headgate of the Gering Ir rigation company. As Scotts Bluff county and Lincoln county are in the same judicial district, a district judge in the latter county has jurisdiction over the subject matter and has power to dissolve the county judge's order, in Lincoln county there is situated the North Platte I-ind and Improvement company, which under the state law is claimant No. 1 and has priority over all other claimants for water from the North Platte river. The state board, comprising Goi'ernor Shallenberger. Attorney General Thompson and Iand Commissioner Cowles. recently or dered claimants for water to close their htadgates and take water from the rier in the order of their prority This order v. as deemed ne'-essar on account of the scarcity of water in the North Platte. Nebraska a Leading Shorthorn State. Only three states in the union will receive as high as $1.7,00 from , ., , , - .. j shorthorn breeder.-, association the to ward the shorthorn exhibits of the country this year. The states are Ne braska. Iowa and .Minnerota. Cpon investigation it was shown that Ne braska was entitled to as much ((! deration as a shorthorn state as any state in the county, and so she was placed this jear among the top notch ers Those who attend the differeir ! srtate fairs of the count v have beo j aware of this for some yerrs, hu : I ""as not until this voir that the bin of directors of the shorthorn;:i- i lion could be made to see the 'position in Nebraska has beer placed in former e::rs. rnd the n'W board promptly changed the re ord 1 so that this state is plated in the firs class. Visitors to the state fair this year. Septen.ber "i to !'. will prob-ibl see the advantage gained in the in creased exhibits of shortiioin cattle. To Fill the Vacancy. Miss Rilla T. Ferguson has been appointed to till the vacancy of county superintendent left by the death of tendent will be elected to fill the v.i j cancy until the term expires Janu:.: 1. li 1 2. Will Be the Greatest. Secretarv Mellor sas the -late fair to be held September ." to 0 promi?s to be the greatest not only m the history of the fairs of Nebraska, but of any fairs which have been held in the west. The entries in all depart nients have been large and will crowd the space allotted. It is feared bv the management th'it unless better facili ties are added thev will, in j-ome caser he Mnable U accommodate all ex hibits. Has the TiRie of H?s Life Jack Rest of the state university. who is enjoying a vacation at his old home in England, writes Dean ('. E Ressey that he is having the time of his life He leels as lively as when a boy roaming through a forest that is now l'enge recreation ground, a most beautiful spot, a? shown by a picture sent. He .s v inning his brother, who just reached his eight -seventh birth day. Will Go to Louisiana. Professor Albeit T. Hell, professor of botany in Nebraska Wesleyan imi- versity for the past eight or ten ear. has been appointed professor of bnt- anv in the Ijouisiana state university , at Haton Ilonge. He succeeds Profes- I or Ernest A. Hesse, who goes to the Michigan state agricultural college at ' Lansing, t State Fair Railroad Rates. i Secretary W. R. Mellor has received , I notice that a round trip rate of one j I and one-half cents has been granted ' by railroads for the Nebraska state fair. This rate is to be given by all j of the leading roads for stations where ' the fare is more than one dollar. The state railway comitii-"ion has issued an order requirins the Lincoln Traction company to gixe to the citv of Havelock after September 1.".. the t , same rate that is given on all other ' J suburban lines of the company, a siv i for a quarter fare, or five cents for a single fare. j Lots of Automobiles. j The number or automobiles re turned by county assessors to the state board of equalization will he ( double the number returned in i:to;. I In that year there were returned o.Oll. I while with six counties not yet report-! eJ. there has been returned a total of t.4Sl. April 1 when the assess ment as made there were registered in the office of the secretary of state a total of i.iG machines, and the ear ueiore a total oi .. The assessment of hogs and pig , came up before the sate board of i assessment. In some places a ow is , assessed at so much and no account j . ium-ii oi me miie pigs, in omer , inuces a certain vaiue is piaceu on a sow and eleven pigs. As a result, the average valae of pigs in the various counties shows a great variation and the .-tate board of equalization is in danger, according to the assessors protesting, of making unwarranted changes in an attempt to equalize vhat appears to be widely dispropor tonate values. (wrasr nosiUw ojo MORE HOMESTEAD LANDS. Thousands of Acres Will Be Open far Entry in Fall. Washington. Thousands of acres of unappropriated lands which were eliminated from the national forests and restored to the public domain by recent proclamation of President Taft will be thrown open to homestead en try this fall. The lands are located in Colorado, New Mexico. Washington. Oregon, I'tah, Idaho and Wyoming. The sec retary also has restored to settle ment on October 22. and to entry on November 21. about y,22 acres in the Great Falls (Mont.) land district, formerly withdrawn. The dates of opening the former forest lands, to gether with the extent of the areas are as follows: Colorado, subject to settlement Oc tober IS and to entry November 17; White River National forest. .7'G acres in Rio Blanco and Garfield counties, all of which is chielly un appropriated; Battlement National forest KI.of.2 acres in Mesa and Del ta counties, about SC per cent, of which is unappropriated; Gunnison and Montrose ouuties, all of which is chielly unappropriated; rncniiiuah gre National forest. 4f.4Sr acres in San Miguel and Montrose counties, about 47, per ce: t of whii li is unap propriated; Coch.'topa National For est. ji.i4 acres in Saguache county, all of which is chielly unappropri ated; San Isabel National forest. !!.- !;." acres in Saguache. Fremont Ciis- ter. l-is Animas and Muerfana coun ties, about two-thirds of which is un appropriated. New M.icn. subject to settlement J October 22. and to entry November 21; Lincoln National forest. ;s:MS teres in Torrance and Lincoln coun ties, and Datil National forest, !d.l78 acres in Socorro county. rtah, subject to settlement Octo ber 22. and to entry November 21; Minidoka National forest 2:5.170 acres in Box Elder county, all of which is chielly unappropriated. SLUMP IN THE AUTO BUSINESS. Bottom Seems to Have Dropped Out Notwithstanding Booosting Ef forts of Manufacturers. New York. Indications point to the i imiioiii niiMiiu laneu oiu oi zue au tomobile business. The manufactur- i ers. it is reported in trade circles, are ' ' making strenuous efforts to keep up I i show of continued prosperity, but it I is also said that they are not scll- ing their product, but are storm;; ina- ; "bines throughout the countrv at I their various agencies to prevent the public realizing the true condition of r i the market Several large concerns are laying 'iff men and giving all sorts of rea sons for so doing except the state ment that they are overstocked. Two I Dr three of the largest lactones re- cently clo.-ed entirely, ostensibly for Mie purpose of taking inventory, but the workmen were not given any tit f- ' inite time at which to again report j for work, and it is not expected that ' factories will again be in oper- ttion tliis year. A well-known automobile agent of Miis city said recently that all cars would undoubtedly be selling at from 2."J per cent, to .".0 per cent, less than present list prices within the next wn or three months. He added: "The trouble with the automobile tuuu-hS is that the fanners and peo , ule of the smaller cities ami towns have not taken as kindly to the idea ix- was anticipated. The fanners find that the cost of keeping tiiein in re nair and operation is more than the ost of keeping horses to perform the same work, and while there was. for a time. :i tendency among the farmers t' invest in the machine, the demand for cars from this class of buyers has practical! stopped, and I venture to say we will not again sell to the farmers to any extent until prices are materially i educed." Japanese Poacher Is Seized. I Washington. The sei.ure of an 'other Japanese schooner, poaching in the IJering Sea. was reported to the treasury department by Captain Folev of the revenue cutter Tahoma. j which is guarding sealing fields in 1 ' that section. Dogs 7.1 ust Be Muzzled. Washington. Iogs in the national , canital will have to run around with ' - muzzles on for the next year. In ' Jan effort to stamp out rabies in the District tif Columbia, the commission- ' ers haxe sentenced all dogs, of both low and high pedigree, to submit to this indignity to their feelings. Vegetarian Company Totters. Washington I'eaniu rteakc nut chops and other protein preparations hae not proved profitable substitutes for the i-ood. old-tashioned meats and 1 vegetabb s. nccordins to Ada I.. Clark and a number of tuber .-tockholders of T,, Vegetarian .Meat Company of t,,is l5,.v- Iiit-li was cited to appear in court to show cause why the company should not be dissolved and a receiver appointed. Investigation of Meat Packers. Chicago The federal investiun tion being conducted into the affairs ' of the Chicago meat packers is to ! be turned to Denver, and the alleged acquisition of three independent pack- . ing concerns in that city in"''l Tacking company. by the Na Five wit- neSM's from Ienver arrhed here and are expected to testify before the grand jury. That the Waterman i wheat deal on the Clucasn board of tr:nle mav be investiuated bv the .AV3nil JMrv was intimated by W. S. k.enyon. pictures Draw Ft f Jeffries-Jhnson - . t ,-, hnvo Wn sw;r in pria the entire week Mayor E x Woodruff hav ing granted license for the public display of the films. Small crowds have been in attendance at the performance, and while the pictures aie excellent reproductions of t!: fight, little interest has been given by the public to them. There has been no demonstration of any kind between the whites and the blacks, the only opposition shown be ing by the local ministers. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR HOLD TRIENNIAL IN CHICAGO Great Conclave Presided Over by Acting Grand Master Melish Wonderful Parade Through Elaborately Decorated Streets Is the Most Spectacular Feature. Chicago. Marching to the music of forty-two bands and the almost equal ly melodious cheers of hundreds of thousands of their relatives, friends and admirers, some 50.000 Knights Templar took part August 9 in the greatest parade ever held by the or der. Their waving plumes and fine uniforms were fittingly set off by the beautiful decorations of the streets and buildings, and the scene was one that will not soon be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to witness it This magnificent parade was the climax, in a spectacular way. of the thirty-first triennial conclave of Knights Templar, which opened here on Sunday. Aug. 7. In accordance wj,j, in the time honored custom of the nd encampment the doings of the week began with divine service. Begin With Divine Service. The sir knights selected Orchestra hall for this purpose and entirely filled Acting Grand Master Melish. , the body of that hall to listen to a . sermon on "Templarlsm" delivered by j Rev. Dr. George H. MacAdnm of Madi son. Wis., In the absence of Sir Knight George C. Rafter of Cheyenne, Wyo.. ; very eminent grand prelate of the grand encampment The music was in charge of the grand organist of the grand commander of Illinois, the choir consisting of several male quar tets belonging to the order in this state. The Grand Kncampment of the Cuited States marched to the ball es corted by sir knights of the various oommanderies of Cook county, com- 1 uianded by Henjamin S. Wilson, chair man of the escort committee. In many of the leading churches of the city special services were held which were attended by visiting knights and their t families. 1 .Monday was devoted mainly to the receiving of the grand and subordinate commanderies and escorting them to their hotels. It Is estimated that fully 100.000 visitors came with the knights i and that about 300.000 other excur sionists have flocked to the city this week in consequence of the conclave. Of course every hotel was thronged ' and thousands of the visitors found quarters in private residetices. On Monday evening all the local I and visiting commanderies kept open j house at their respective headquar 1 ters. and many of the visitors found , their way to the various amusement parks and the theaters. Parade of The Knights. ' The "grand parade" of Tuesday was the largest parade of Knights Templar ever held. The preparations were elaborate and Michigan boulevard was most elaborately decorated. The sir knights formed In line of march on the boulevard south of Thirty-first street, and signal to move was given by the guns of Battery II. I. X. G.. the detachment for the purpose being composed of Knights Templar all of whom are members of the battery The same detachment fired the salute to the grand master. Marching northward In Michigan boulevard, the parade passed, near Hubbard court, beneath an entrance arch built In the form of an ancient battlement with Its towers and tur- r-ts. This was intended to represent the entrance to the city, and as th coiumn passed under it. buglers sta tioned on its heights heralded the ap proach of each grand division. Next the knights came abreast or the first grand stand, one-half mile In tuc umin awn niiR wprvpr int. si ii w n..fc wwii bii j Why tne Cool, Pure Northwest Breezes Are More Invigorating Than Those From the East. The east winds hug the earth more closely and gather moisture, dust and bacteria. They are cold and humid, altogether forming an enervating in- ' fluence on human and animal life and rendering it susceptible to the dis ease germs which the winds carry and disseminate. The cool, pure northwest winds come from a region of dry. highly electrified a'r where ozone exists in ' comparatively large quantities. They are invigorating. The framework of nerves In the human being Is like a delicate electrical apparatus. the nerve3 ,he w,res and braJn and ganglia receiving and dlstribut- ing centers. Every one knows that a telephone works better on a clear, dry day than on a wet. muggy one. The moist at mosphere lessens vitality. The nerve wires grow flaccid and heavy. The messages become confused. Hence ftsfcf $ il'fViimtl' mmmmmIm mTmW r&wMg SfiffT' ummmn mrri lMKI3MKUag ' length, and this needed no decora tions, for it was filled to Its capacity mainly with ladies whose beautiful -.ummer costumes made It like a vast garden. About 50,000 persons were in this immense stand, as at its center was a gorgeous throne on which sat the acting grand master. William Hromwell Melish of Cincinnati, who became head of the order on the re cent death of Grand Master Henry W. Rugg of Providence. R. I. Mr. Melish will be regularly elected grand master before the close of the conclave. Just north of the Art Institute the parade passed before another review ing stand in which were Major Husse. the city council and the park commit si oners. Beautiful "Templar Way." At Washington sttcet the marchers tuined west to State, where they en tered on the "Templar Way." This stretch extended from Randolph to Van Daren street and was made beau tiful by a handsome arch and massive Corinthian columns of pure white erected thirty-three feet apart on both sides of the street Festcons of natur al laurel connected the columns, ani the bright red cross and the shield and coat of arms of the order were prominent in the scheme of decora tlon. j Moving south to Jackson boulevard, the knights again turned west, and ; near the federal building passed be i lore yet another reviewing stand j which accommodated Governor Dcneen and his staff. Marching north on La Salle street, the parade passed be neath the grand commander arch of pure white which spanned the street at the La Salle hotel, the headquarter of the grand commandery of Illinois This was a beautiful structure de signed by one of Chicago's most fa mous sculptors. Upon Its top stood the figures of mounted knights four-' teen Teet high. At the new city ball on Washington street the parade was dismissed, after marching forty-three blocks. Care For the Marchers. Everything that could be thought of fur the comfort of the paraders and the spectators was done by the local committees. In uearly every block along the line of march were station ed physicians who were also knights templar, with trained nurses and equipment for emergency cases. In addition, emergency hospitals to be kept open day and night during the conclave were established at many points in the center of the city, and at the West Side ball park which was selected as the place for the competi live drills. Wednesday and Thursday were the days set apart for the drills for which handsome trophies are awarded, and band concerts, sight seeing and many receptions were on the program. tntrancing -scenes ai wigm. Ttio si'pnp In the street!- :if nlpht I was especially beautiful, for all the arches, festoons and columns of the decorative scheme were brilliantly Il luminated, and on State street, in ad dition to the "Templar Way." the mer chants had put up decorations that transformed the great shopping dis trict into a veritable fairly land. Undoubtedly the most spectacular feature of the night display was the i wonderful electric set piece erected' in Grant park on the lake front, re-' producing in colossal size the official emblem or badge of the conclave. It was ZQ feet hich and Its 5.000 power ful electric lights of varied colors brilliantly illuminated all that part of the city. Much of tl: success of the conclave must be attributed to the efforts of John D. Cleveland, grand commander of Illinois and president of the tn pnnial executive committee. Arthur MacArtbur of Troy. N. Y.. Is the very j eminent grand generalissimo of the grand encampment and W. Frank j Pierce of San Francisco the grand I captain general. Among the most noted of the visit ing masons from other lands are: The Right Hon. the Earl of Huston, pro grand master of the great priory of England and Wales: the Lord Athlum i ney. past great constable: Thomas j Fraser. great marshal: R. Newton Crane, past great herald: F. C. Vat. Pnzer. past great standard bearer. II. J. Homer, acting grand master ban i bearer: John Fergueson. past pre -eptor of England and Wales, and th.. , nicht Hon. Luther II. ArcnlbaM most ominent erand master of tb -xe.v r.rtorv of Canada, and official staff, j M" spirits. melancholia, distorted niental outlook, faulty assimilation and disease. I The opposite effects flow from the northwest winds. The west and northwest winds keep the mucous membranes of the body in good work ing order. The coating or moisture which Is always present with the east wind disappears. Absence of any wind If long continued has a bad ef fect on the human body and mind. A prolonged calm means lack of ven tilatlon on a great scale. The winds serve to mix in normal proportions the gases which compose the atmos phere and In this way they are coo ! duclve to health up to a certain point. Beyond about 20 miles an hour their influence begina to be un favorable. t Driven Out. Bacon I bought my wife a horse and carriage, and she drove me out every day. Egbert Well. I bought my wife a piano, and she drives me out every day. Yonkera Statesmen. ANNUAL LOSS IS ENORMOUS Two Hundred Million Dollars a Year Might Be Added to Wealth of Country. Computing that there are In the United States at least 300,000 indigent consumptives who should be cared for in charitable or semi-charitable sana toria and nospitals, the National As sociation for the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculosis estimates that the annual cost to the country for the treatment of these persons would be $50,000,000 at the rate of $1,669 per day per patient. At the lowest pos sible estimate the country loses $200.- 000,000 a year from the incapacity of these indigent victims of tuberculo- sis. This would mean a net savins of $150,000,000 a year to the United States if all victims of consumption who are too poor to afford proper treatment In expensive sanatoria were cared for at the expense of the munici pality, county or state. And this an nual gain does not include the enor mous saving that would accrue from the lessened infection due to the seg regation of the dangerous consump tives in institutions. THEY ARE ONE AND A HALF. Henham The paper says that In Norway married people can travel for a fare and a half. Mrs. Uenham Married people aren't one, even in Norway, are they? RESTORED TO HEALTH. After Suffering With Kidney ders for Many Years. Disor- Mrs. John S. Way. 209 S. Sth St.. Independence, Kans., says: "For a number of years I was a victim of disordered kidneys. My back ached sage of the kidney se constantly, the pas cretions was irregu lar and my feet and ankles were badly swollen. Spots often appeared before my , eyes and I became very nervous. After using numerous remedies without re lief I was completely cured by Doan's Kidney Pills. This seems remarkable when you consider my advanced age." . Remember the name Doan's. ' For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y. Mathematical Request. T.ltttf tnrv cpvnn venr rtlH n-nc ......- .(. ,... ,--... w.. ...... saying her prayers. "And. God." she I petitioned at the close, "make seven People who know CASCARETS" i times six forty-eight." lvalue buy over a million boxes a I "Why. Mary why did you say that?" ; month. It's the biegest seller be I as.d hcr ,V,ot.l,etr: f . ' cause it is the best bowel and liver "Cause that s the way I wrote It in ,. - . -. .. , .zaminatjon !n srh00l today, and want it to be right." I.ippincott's. Hedging. Clergyman Will you take this wom- t an until death? Prospective Bridegroom Isn't there any minimum sentence? M r. Winnlowi Sooitiinc Syrup. Forchilurrn t--U.inir. of,Tit,M-numrlucMlri-ILmiuntiouilUjsDuiD.curaiWiiidculic Soa LotUtx Many a budding genius has devel oped into a blooming idiot. Lr-.i Sins'' IJimlr .V equals "n lality mo-t 10c Tips you set are almost as worth loss as tliosM vou give. The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach A sua wha ha a weak aad iapaired stomach aad who does act properly digest his food will tooa fad that his blood has hccoaie weak aad impoverished, aad that his whole body is improperly aad iasuficieatly nourished. Dr. 1EMCE3 COLDEM MEDIC3L DISCOVEMT makes tkm sfmmc mtrmmg, mrmmmtem tmo tlmw aUiestfra Imlces, resfrea tkm imst mppmtHm, mmk MsmimUatlmm perfect, lavltmratea tkm liver mm mmrUlea aaaT emrickea tkm klmm. wMearn'mmiimer aam reatmrauvm mtrmmm tm mmmy, acuta ta mala ThSa "Discovery" is a pure, glyceric extract of America medical rooted absolutely free from alcohol aad all injurious, habit-foraua draft. Allka Mtredieats are printed oo its wrappers. It has no rehtioaship with secret "J.""- very nredient endorsed by the leaders in all the schools of medicine. Don t accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-Droves. remedy of known composition. Ask you NEinHtoas. They must know of auay cures made by it during past 40 years, right in yoor own aeitfhhnrluwwl World's Dispensary Medical Associatioa, Dr. R.V. Pierc?, Pre?, SXo, nTy! mmwawnXRBnmamamamammwmmmwmmmmamam aarnma mv mmmmmmmmmnl' vTLf Tke Rayo Lamp U a kg grade lamp, soM at a lew priea. Theraar. tamps t bat etMt mora, bat IN- Is no better lam Dmadfntan pr'w. fon.f meted of solid brats: nickel ptated-iVtl ?aVS ?cln'an ornament t.,anr roornlnanr bor-v,. There? rhln2kroSni uV t"'"r 2.. m'I-ni-l' a-M to the vuli - ot the. HA VO I amp ai iTahu iTlPir ilerlre. Kery dealer eTerywher.-. If not at Jour, wrltn fu descriptite circular loth nearer anevo. tEe STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) snAarmWmm. aMZ!mmmmmmV WANTS HER LETTER PUBLISHED For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills ' Minneapolis, Minn. "I as a threat sufferer from female troubles which causeu a weasuess and broken down ;i! condition of tha system. 1 read so muchofwhatLvdia E. rinkham's Veg etable Compound had done for other suffering" women I felt sure it would j--: help me. and I must say it aiu neip ma wonderfully. My rains all left me. 1 fire-v stronger, and within three months 1 was a perfectly well woman. "I want this letter made public to show the benefit women may derive from Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetabla Compound." Mrs. John G. Moldax, 2U5 fcecond St., Xortli. Minneapolis, Minn. . Thousands of unsolicited and genu ine testimonials like the above prove the efliciencv of Lydia E. Pinkham'a I Veeetable Compound, which is made 1 exclusivelv from roots and herbs. "Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should ! not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability or r,yc!ia js. i-mKhama Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you want special advice write to Hits. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Maxi, She will treatyourletterasstrictly confidential. For 20 years she has been helpin? sick women in this way, free of charge Don't hesitate write at once. FREE Send postal for Free Package of Paxtine. Better and more econoarieal than liqald antiseptics FOR ALL TOILET USES. fmTA Gives on a aweet breath : clean, wfciaa. gtrahftet teeth aatuepbcally claaa awMtk aad throat marifies tha breatk after iwoldnK diapeUaMtikagretaWa peraaaratioa aad body odors and predated by da-at woasea. A for aora ayes aad catarrh. A bile Paxtae powder i solved ta a cbat of hot wi nukes a defakful aadtepac ae- KTB-icidal aad beaU aaj power, aad anoulely bans leta, Try a Saaspla. 3Uc lar-eboxatlrusriAsorbyBtaiL laiLl THC PAXTON TOILET CO.. BoaroM. Ha Millions Say So When millions of people use for . . . . . Yearaamemangw proves us menu meurcuie ever mauc. iu maucr what you're using, just try CAS CARETS once you'll See. to CASCARETS S)c.a box for & week's treatment, all drucgists. Biggest seller 1b Uw world. MillioB boxes a raostk. DAISY FLY KILLERfi;;-rit lal.c'totn-ftt.rtfte LU All . M --- a f iui-ftt ran no I piil or tipwr. vil n-. t i I r injure aav thin. itranirrtr fcuv-.orlldafr. or mm ni pcrtt-I P ?Ut-t HIROLD-MIIUII i;l Urkalb . BrtMiltja . Yvfft PATENTS YataaR.rot-nan,',Var inston.It.C Ituukttn-e. Hil. eat letetracea. Heat nauita. 1 W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 32-1910. It la tkm great ftJwoeV merrm tmmte. it makmm am cat fa K':aBB5i'; BW 4a Sfc WJ " J4cXc.-isSl2: fffc?afc"r-?-rfn WAT XM(bbbH K0nE3B'i2ttBB t I