! i I' :; & i'ii I ft ri n Columbus Journal STROTHER & STOCKWELL. Pubs. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. i OFA i I WEEK'S EVENTS i Latest News of Interest Boiled Down for the I Busy Man. a PERSONAL. King Alfonso and Queen Victoria have fled from Spain. The young king, dismayed at the bitter enmity shown towards his queen by the clericals, sud denly left with her for England. There she will be safe during the dis orders which soon likely will rend that kingdom. Governor Mann of Virginia signed a commission appointing ex-Gov. Claude A. Swanson of Chatham to succeed the late John W. Daniel to the United States senate. The appointment is for the unexpired term, which will end on March 3 next. Colonel Roosevelt traveled 150 miles through 15 of the mining towns in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania. He mingled with people of all stations of life, from the breaker boys, who earn a few dollars a week, to the society women who are spending the Bummer at Glen Summit springs, an aristocratic resort above Wilkesbarre. The colonel had the same smile for them all. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, accompa nied by Laurence Abbott, son of Ly man Abbott, editor of the Outlook, of New York, is in the anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania Inquiring into the social conditions of the people of mining towns. GENERAL NEWS. With the departure of half of the National Guard on riot duty. Mayor Marshall issued a formal call on the men of Columbus. O., for 1.000 special policemen to serve during the street car strike. President Taft dedicated the big monument to the Pilgrim Fathers at Provincetown. Mass. The presidential salute was fired by 14 battleships, the oration was delivered by Dr. Charles W. Eliot and Ambassador Hrice, the minister from the Netherlands and other noted men took part in the cere monies. Jacob Hammon. former national Republican committeeman from Okla homa, was named by Senator Thomas P. Gore as the man who offered a bribe of $25,000 in Washington in con nection with legislation affecting the Iudian land deal that is now being Investigated by a congressional com mittee at Muskogee. Senator Gore also declared that Hammon told him Vice-President Sherman, Senator Cur tis of Kansas and Representative Mc Guire of Oklahoma were Interested in the deal. ' I An insurrectionary movement has . started in the Basque provinces of Hiscay. Alava, Guipeuzcoa and Navar ro. The Spanish government has dis patched troops to the scene of the trouble. The government has learned that a priest in one of the Masque villages is distributing arms to the populace. Revolution is rampant in the Span ish Honduras republic. Uprisings have broken out in a hundred largo towns and cities in all parts of the rountry and American interests in the agricultural districts are in jeopardy. Arrest of a sailor at Portland. Ore., is expected to vindicate John Devine of the charge of train wrecking, for ; -wnicn he served six years in the Canon City (Col.) peniteniiary. De vine, who died in prison in 1903. was known as the "man of silence." be cause of his refusal to discuss ihe case. Four lives were lost In a fire in a SIM three-story frame dwelling at We?t quest be sent to Mrs. Nicholas Long Hoboken. N. J. The victims were Mr. I worth asking her to give up her al- ana .Mrs. l.ouis Hiassetti and their children. Paul and John, eight and four yeais old. Champagne may become a greater luxury this year because of the ravages of mildew anion:; the vines of the ' Rheims district of France ihan it was' made by the imposition of a higher duty in the tariff law. . m I Another general clothing strike is , under way in New York city. Fifteen ' thousand coat tailors, of whom 6.0rt are women, quit work in ::0 factories. demanding a titty-n.ree-!,or working week and an mcrea , ttslRPS. J anoriiy aner ne was indicted 111 New York on the charge of con spiracy in using the mails for fraudu lent purposes. Col. C. c. Wilsen. presi dent of the Fnited Wireless Telegraph company, sixty-nine years old. mar ried his stenographer. Miss Siella Lewis, eighteen years old. By the apprehension of a Japanese boy. Henry Yamagachi. for whom a vigorous search is being made. Sono- ma county officials hope to obtain the key to the murder of Enoch Kendal.! Mrs. I'ra Kendall, his wife, and their son. in their canyon home just north of Santa Kosa. Cal. Col. F. George Cooke. 1 s. A., re tired, is charged at a court-martial at Fort Lawton, near Seattle, with bor rowing from enlisted men and civili ans. The annual convention of the Illi nois State Hotel Clerks association began in Decatur. Intimation of the formation of a new labor union of national scope, comprising the Western Federation of Miners, the United Mine Workers of America, and the steel workers of the country, was given by President Charles H. Mover of the Western Fed eration of Miners at Denver. Tariff protection. If unmodified, coos will bring the trust problem to a men acing crisis in the United States, de clared Benjamin Ide Wheeler, presi dent of the University of California who is in New York after a visit to Germany. The members of the Ohio legislature gathered at Cedar Point, O., for their yearly reunion. Lee O'Nell Browne must undergo another trial on the charge of bribing Representative Charles A. White with $1,000 to vote for United States Sena tor Lorimer. Declaring that the con tentions of the defense, if upheld. would render the bribery law fruitless. Judge Kersten at Chicago denied a motion to quash the indictment against Browne and ordered the ac cused to trial. The resolutions as adopted by the Iowa Republican state convention at ! Des Moines dismiss consideration of the president with the clause, "We in dorse such efforts as President Taft and his advisers have made to fulfill the promises of the national platform." They do not recognize the revision of 1H09 as a satisfactory fulfillment of the party promise and therefore favor the creation of an independent non partisan tariff committee to secure facts regarding imports. Reports from Dad, Fla.. say thai four negroes have been lynched thus far because of the killing of Bessie Morrison. Posses are hunting two more negroes who are thought to have knowledge of the murder. Without a dissenting voice the four Christian Endeavor societies of Fair bury, Neb., voted that a public request be sent to Mrs. Nicholas Longworth asking her to give up the cigarette habiL The "progressives" made almost a clean sweep in the Kansas primary. Six of eight "insurgent" congressmen were nominated. Their majorities run from 500 to 3,500. The investigation of charges by Sen ator T. P. Gore that he and a member of the house of representatives each had been offered bribes of $50,000 to foster a scheme whereby the Indians of Oklahoma were to be deprived of $111,000,000 profits due them through the sale of coal and asphalt lands in this state, was begun at Muskogee, Okla. While 100 miles from Gary. Ind.. i nine of the crew of the ore-boat Doug las Houghton. Capt. John F. Parke, mutinied and were quelled only after two men had been shackled with ball and chain and confined in the dunnage room of the vessel's hold. During the fight a party of frightened, screaming women passengers returning from a i lake trip crowded into a cabin behind ' locked doors. j The British parliament adjourned i until November 15. During the recess ' the conferences between the leaders j trying to settle the constitutional dif- ! ferences of the house or lords and the ; house of commons will be continued. Loss of $400,000 was suffered by ' the Northwestern railroad through the destruction of its roundhouse and shops at Chadron. Neu.. by fire. Italy is entitled to an extension of time if extradition of Porter Charlton is desired, according to a statement issued by the state department at Washington. The 40 days' limit has expired and no demand has been made for the wife slayer. Oakland (Cal.) police accuse Frank Rowland, formerly a conductor, of swindling diners on the Southern Pa cific railroad out of $4,000 by a sys tem of counterfeit checks for food. A conspiracy is alleged. Rowland is under arrest. Joe Henson. a mountaineer, living near Wood. N. M., was shot and killed by Rev. W. R. Wright, a Baptist min ister of Alamogordo. The trouble was due to a family feud. Meager reports from Kansas pri maries indicate that the Insurgents won a decisive victory over the regu lar Republicans so far as the state ticket is concerned, and that at least two of the "standpat" congressmen have been defeated. Governor Stubbs. avowed "Insurgent," has been renomi nated. The police at Vigo. Spain. Inter vened to disperse rival demonstra tions, the members of which came to blows over the dispute between Spain and the Vatican The Capucines were marching in procession, acclaiming the pope, when they were attacked by thq anti-clerical elements of the populai tion. Without a dissenting vote the four Christian Endeavor societies of Falr- miry. Aeo.. voted that a public re- leged cigarette habit. M. Lee Hagle. former banker of I.a pier. Mich., was sentenced to serve from twelve to fourteen years in Jack son prison following a plea of guilty to a charge of forgery. Dr. Hawley II. Crippen has friends l?,, i .,.,., n.'hn iuii..v t... .11.1' .... t .- ! III - T 1U lll'l f 1 his wife. Uelle Elmore, and thev are willing to pav a lawver to defend him ! wnMI he is ,rif.,, (,;re for nilinIer. He received proof of this when his Que. 1 iM,n j-nier in,.i.i hi... .. .m.,...-.. from :i Loll(IoI solk.,lor conta;ning tha !nrrmnlion A suit to recover $::ni.flnn has been " started against the Security Invest- J ment comiianv. a Oeorce West in e- house concern, by stockholders of the great electrical works. Wreckers ditched a Delaware & Hudson passenger train. lUMlClllf IXIf 44te- ( w nearly four hundred persons. 1" miles north of Schenectady. N. Y. Freder it'K f,hfrTllsf-hrtf.i firam-in n'9C cu. verely hurt Sie vmin , , , , d' , L , L r T " - - ... ass a e; - " i-swii, near Munich, by the capsizing of a I baige in a storm. F:ir of their com panions were saved by Ishermen. ' J. O. B. Wise, a farmer living near Longmont. Col., claims the record "harvest" of grasshoppers. He gar nered 125 bushels In three days' work. Reuben Todd of Drybrook, Ulster county. X. Y.. better known as Rip Van Winkle to photographers and art ists the country over, is dead. He was found drowned in Dry Brook stream. Nels Thompson of Milwaukee fell overboard from the schooner Jura and was drowned in Lake Michigan off Kenosha Sunday. Thomas Peterson, the vessel's cook, was nearly drowned j In trying to rescue Thompson. THIS IS THE PIATFOMTIiliilJf ' E LMER J. BURKETT, at the hands of the His record in Congress and one term in the United States Senate is so well known to the people of Nebraska that comment here is unnecessary. He has a record of doing things, and while it has not always been possible for him to get just exactly what he wanted, he has certainly done all in his power to advance the material interests of the people of Nebraska. The State has never had a representative in the National Congress who has ac complished more, nor attained a higher standing in the councils of the nation. He is probably entitled to more credit for the passage of the Postal Savings Bank law and the extension of rural free delivery tnan any other man in Congress. The positions he has attained to upon important Senate Committees, especially on the appropriation Commit tee, is an asset to the State that can be attained only by experience and length of faith ful service, something that a new man would not reach except by the same strenuous route traveled by Senator Burkett in his long years of service. Nebraska can hold her own and come to the important place she deserves in national affairs only by retaining her tried and true representatives. Every voter should remem ber this, and under the Primary System it devolves upon each individual voter to go to the polls and see that we lose no advantage already gained through the efficient service of our senior senator. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16th. EVERY VOTER WHO BELIEVES IN ELECT ING A SENATOR BY THE DIRECT VOTE OF THE PEOPLE SHOULD BE SURE TO RECORD HIS VOTE. DO NOT DELEGATE TO SOMEONE ELSE THIS DUTY YOU OWE AS A CITIZEN. The old veterans appreciating the service rendered by Senator Burkett have made a platform for him specifying some of the things he has al ready achieved and shows something of his ability to accomplish what he undertakes. The Senator stands squarely on the Platform of the Republican party, which is progressive in every particular, and insists always that lines must be sanely drawn, but be in keeping with new ideas and necessities. He is in the prime of life, clean morally and politically, honest and able, a hardworking, painstaking and faithful public servant, and deserves the support of every true Nebraskan. ROOSEVELT MAY WRITE STORY. Studying Industrial Conditions in An thracite Region. Scranton.- Ia. Theodore Roosevelt spent several days among the work ers in the heart of the Pennsylvania anthracite region. It is said he in- tends to write a story descriptive of ihe coal fields. He met and talked wi,n the nu'n ttlm ,,is t,,e roal aS lhe came from the mines black with ffime. ta,Ue1 i!h ,,IW" am,nI their homes, their children and their SOIL CONSERVATION PROBLEM. ! ' Intelligent Efforts Toward Fertiliza tion a Most Imoerative Necessity. Washington. "The loss of the I thousands of finished American farm- I CI .-. 3 who are pouring into Canada every 1 1.- ia curiniK jfl.T-nfT.'.-; nf v.':isle- ' "fill exploitation and the failure to con-j serve this country's natural resources, especially the soil. The fertility of vea OUT SOU lias ueeii ivuiuru ici iiir pidnt of profitable production in many ... ... .. I.. , t l..tn... .l. Esperanto at Washington Washington. The sixth interna tional congress of Esperanto will be in session nere during the week be ginning August 14. This will be the first time that the congress has met in the western hemisphere, its pre vious meetings having been in Europe. Esperanto will be spoken in Wash ington during the week of the con gress by clergy in the pulpit, by ac tors in a Shakespearian play, part of the police force and in all the proceed ings of the congress. Furthermore. for the first time, probably in the his- J STANDS- GNiHIS-RECORD v aa, i - iiLiviini . ': MADE FOR United States Senator from Nebraska, is asking a nomination republican voters of the state for manner of living and learned from their own lips how they look at life. He climbed to the top of a coal breaker and spent half an hour there in the stifling coal dust, so that he might see what the boys who work there have to do. Many of the toilers had no idea of the ex-president's identity., which he took care to conceal. Mr. itoosevelt later lert the village t and motored to l'eekville. a hamlet four miles further north. There is a ! silk mill in I'eeUville ami Colonel Itooseielt went through it. talking ' of our communities, and people m- stead of remuiuing at home and build- ling up impoverished farms, are 1111- to the farmers of America and show grating in search of virgin land." them the need f restoring and main This explanation of tiie Canadian taining the produt tivity of the soil. movement made by . .1. pillmau. the expert on farm management brought into the department of agri- , ulture by tik- rli-iti Secretary Wilson a little eight years ago and now chief of an important branch of the department which has done much to- ward bridging the chasm between sci- j .- 1 l i ( til ence iim prut'iiciti i.tiiuiii. .111. .-miiii- man thinks that the stream of mi.ir.i- lory of the world, it will be ued at a baseball game; and several of the local newspapers are considering printing a daily story in Esperanto about the work of the congress. Restricts Export of Wood Pulp. .Vew York. Information has oeen received here that the government of the province of Quebec has prohibited the exportation of pulpwood from lands held by settlers on ticket. vVhere full payment for lands has been made and ownership passes to the buyer the prohibition does not apply. TIE OLD VETERA SENATOR BUBKETT a second term. with the young girls, who spend their days winding silk thread on spoois. After he had removed the dust at his hotel he met John .Mitchell, for mer president of the United .Mine workers or America. Colonel Itoosevelt said: "I have been interested in the conditions in the mining towns of Pennsylvania. When I read two articles in a maga- zine written by .li. Sanville and .Mis Cochrane of the ronsnmers league of Philadelphia. I got in toinh with them and arranged to visit the mining . towns and talk v:li the people." Hon wlni ti is Mowing over the north ern borders should aet as a warning home of the American emigrants are taking up the lands in .Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan, where there is almost a stampede to estab- hsh farms on the virgin soil, in the 'belief that the fertility of the land Is' -inexhaustible. Experience has proven ' that no soil is inexhaustible unless: . 1 r . .. I. .... .1 - I tuieii mr iiunei au iiJJMveu system of farm management. Forest Opened for Grazing. Washington. The Heartooth na'.ion-i al forest in .Montana has been opined ' to the grazing of 17.000 additional head of sheep. The original limit was 24.000 head. The action was taken in response to an appeal of the stock men that the government throw open the reserve to their herds on account of the drouth conditions. Santiago. Cuba. A strong earth quake here caused much alarm. The city was severely shaken, but the dam age was slight. A DENIAL BY HAMOH OKLAHOMA SENATOR TAKES THE STAND IN DEFENSE. NEVER MADE A BRIBE BFFER For Four Hours Hamon Enters a Son- tinuous Series of Denials to Charges. Muskogee. Okl With United States Senator Thomas P. Gore reasserting his charge that he had been offered a bribe of fio.OOi) or $:0.000 to inlluence his action in congress, and with Jake L. Hamon. accused by the senator ot having offered the bribe, denying he had ever done ny such thing, the in vestigation of the Oklahoma Indian lands deal by a committee of the house of representatives simmered down to a mass of denials. Chairman Iturke of the investigat ing committee authorizd a statement that Vice President Sherman would not be summoned to appear before the committee. It was said that no evi dence had been introduced to show that Mr. Sherman could throw any light on the investigation. For four hours Hamon. former chairman of the Oklahoma republican fctate committee, entered a continuous series of denials relative to his al leged relation with what are known as the McMurray contracts by which, according to Senator (lore. $.:.0U0.00i pr 10 per ent of $30,000,000 to be real ized from the sale of Indian lands to a New York syndicate, was to be di verted from the Indians in the shape of "attorney fees." Hamon also answered Congressman C. E. Creager with a denial. Replying to the congressman's charge that Ha mon had suggested that an "interest" In the contracts might be available to the congressman if the latter helped remove opposition to congres sional approval. Hamon testified: "It was just this way I was down here in Oklahoma attending to my business, when a friend told me Crea ger had said I Mad approached him improperly in regard to the McMur ray contracts. So I hopped on a train and went to Washington. I got hold of Creager and said. "Look here, you know I never said any such thing.' "Then Creager said: 'Now Jake, that certainly was the impression I got that you suggested I might get an interest in the contracts.' I replied. "You certainly are mistaken. Then Creager said: 'Well, if you said I shouldn't. I won't go before that in vestigating committee down at Mus kogee and testify that you approached me.' " Among Hamon's denials were the following: He denied that he ever at any time had been closeted with Senator Gore in the senator's office at Washington to urge the approval of the contracts. He denied he had ever mentioned Vice President Sherman. Senator Charles Curtis of Kansas or Congress man Is. b. Moisture ot Oklahoma as beinii "iiit.M-estrd" in the contracts as charged bv Senator uon He denied lie had ever spoken of a hrihe to anvhody about any I.'gisla - tion or that ho ever was interested in the .Me.Murray contracts. I A STEAMER GOES DOWN. Eighty Passengers and Crew Saved by Being Taken Off In Boats. . ,. , ,, .. ,. Juneau. Alaska. The ( anadian I'acitic Steamship. I'rinerss .May. which li-ll Skagway. Al.v-ka. south bound for Vancouver with eighty pat-.-.engers and a crew of sixty-eight, .-.truck the north reel of Sentinel l.-le at I o'clock in tiie morning 111 tiie dark, but not foggy weather, and in a sniojth sea and .-:.nk two hours later. All the pas-sens-ers and their bng gajie were taken to the lighthouse on Sentinel IIe whence they will be bni'.ight to .luneui by steamers that have gone to their relief. Tiie light keeper did everything in ids power to make the castaways comtortable. ! None of the passengers or crew were , injured. 1 t Soldiers Break Record. I Tacoma. Wasii. In the maneuver camp at American lake, twenty-three hospital tents, five officers" tents and all the medicines, instruments and . other appliances that would be need- ed to care for the wounded of three t regiments after a hard battle, were 1 never marry?" knocked down, packed up. loaded on ' "I don't know about that. But they wagons and moved out of camp in 2:: ' should be very careful about compos minutes. inK Iove letters unless they Intend to." Population of St. Paul Washington. St. Paul, Minr.. has t a population of 214.7-14. according to , the thirteenth census. Jimires made public Friday by Census Director j IJuranu. I his is an increase 01 .i. 1 I K79 or ::i.7 per tent over l'.'OO when ' ' the population was lt:.'.oi;f. I Hyde Case Papers Missing. j Kansas City. .Mo. .More important , papers in connection with the (! of t Dr. H. C. Hyde have disappeared. At- ' ' tdrnatv frir fh.. i!afon.i :i.T(ff! fh.tt t"r--vs for lh defence the chart ot .M'".-s I'earl Keller, tiie nurse who cared for Colonel Thomas H. Swope during his last illness, he iunie ov tfrthe" S ''"jissKe Pr!,'c" or " 'ct! ' ..' ri0ft ers,a"s,e e le fr4rIl"',,.,rt 5, the h to ill' llr-.w k.Atr.i. i..-w wi v..- - .. ..... -- .. not be permitted to delay the defense in filing its appeal for a new trial with the supreme court. Roosevelt Is Consulted. ( New York. Theodore Roosevelt talked over the approaching state j campaign with Assemblyman George Green of Brooklyn, on of Governor Hughes 3taunchest supporters In the assembly. Mr. Green, who is one of the men who stood sponsors for the beaten Hinman-Green direct nomina tion bill, went to see Colonel Rooae vlt largely to talk of primary re form. He said he received assurance that the colonel was in sympathy with 'he men who are working for a direct -lominationa plank ta tha platform. Nebraska Directory JOHN DEERE PLOWS Are the Bf I. Ask jemr leeal dealer er JOHN DEERE PLOWCOOntki, Nd W ELDI NG this process alt broke parts ot aiacainery made good a new. Weld sect iron, east steel, aluminum, copper, brass a any other metal. Expert aatoaaobile repairing BKRTSCHV MOTOR CO.. Council Bluffs M. Spiesberger U Son Co. Wholesale Millinery Ik gest In the West OMAHA, NEB. WB sf ) af (YfffepA i Tire Repair and 1 111 I.M IIH It I HtTtre Supplies or Tire Supplies oi nUnest iuaU.tr. CENTRAL. TINE A RUBBER CO. Ole Hibner. President Beta Phones. S127 W ansa St, Oamaasx TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 DMtlK St., OHARI. NEI. Reliable DeasUtxytt aMerateHce. RUBBER GOODS by mall at cut prices. Bend for free catalogs MVERS.DILt.ON DRUG CO.. Omaha. Nab. For Sale or Exchange 40 acres fine land adjoining Stanton. Neb.. on which is located a good set of improve ments and 200.000 capacity brick yard fully equipped and operating. Bargain. Writa for details. This ad will appear but once. W. H. HYLAND. Stanton. Nebraska MILLARD HOTEL 2T-. ensarloan.-aa.OO mmt day and upwards SUOO mt ua aaa ueweraa. 0UASIA Taka Dadgja Sweat 1 at Unlen Depet. ROME MILLER &iteiw m & A.vmw& GO, t;J Get the best Your dealer can supply urn with our brand. Your loss of hj will core than pay. 03IAHA TENT ft AWNING CO. N. W. Cor. 11th Harney Sis. Omaha. Nak. "PLAY WITH THE CHILDREN Fabled Fountain of Youth Could Not Be More Potent Than Association With Little Ones. "Play with the children!" was th recurrent advice of a wise and suc cessful man. "This will keep your heart young, your viewpoint fresh, your wit sparkling. The child heart Is at once the purest and the happiest In all nature; the child tongue is a ! transfiguring power." I Something of this indulbtable power , attaches to good stories of those nalv ' and innocent "little ones" scrlpturally i declared specially blessed acd potent, ' Te. child mind transforms, the child 'touch lifts to glad laughter Incidents. ! aJ accidents not otherwise worth noting. Witness this little tale of the- careful mother to whom came a tiny t s a" aSS ovsr the acquirement of new and forbidden knowledge. .... .. ... , , K .kiu v-k eyes shining, baby cheeks glowing, "do you know what Til be hornswog gled" means?" "No. dear." said the mother, sol emnly, seizing the opportunity to im plant a lesson. 'Tin sure I do not." "Well. I do." was the ecstatic an swer, the suggested lesson being ut terly Ignored. "It means Just tha same as Til be gol-darned!'" A Real Argument. They were talking about arguments, not in the abstract, but a3 applying to domestic happiness. "What do you think is the most unanswerable ar gunient you ever heard?" one bach e!or asked a married man. "That's very easy." he replied. "When your wife says: "If they can- afford it. we can.' there Is no flaw In that and never will be." Youth's- Campanlon. - Literary Note. "Do you think that poeta shou!c Hungry Little Folks find delightful satisfaction in a bowl of toothsome Post Toasties When the children want lunch, this wholesome nour ishing food is always ready to serve right from the package without cooking, and saves many steps for mother. Let the youngters have Post Toasties superb sum mer food. Poatara Cereal Co.. Limited. Battle Cieek. Mica. Mn-tnJ .atts&BBHaaBBBBaEaS A A H ! ii i