The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 03, 1910, Image 5

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PLATTE ME Ho. 1834. F. 0. E.
Sunday, August 1, 1910
fit Steven Grove,
Two miles west of Columbus, Nebraska.
Amusements: Ball Games, Blue Rock
shooting, Tug-of-War, Boat Riding, Fish
ing, etc. Everybody welcome.
From llm linzi'tli'.
(iranilpii Meinyer died at Hastings
Momliiy IIih Imdj arrival in l.illwond
Tuebdiiy cveniiiK ami wuh tnken to bio
btnB home in Alexis township, where
tin- funeral whs held WedneHilay nfler
noim roinliuMeil ly Itov. Jackson
The HiiinftlitM .;'. Kpotter tliat Uoeccil a
number of onrlioHoiitof i'2't or":Oeurli
labt fall, was in I Sell wood Tin-mlny ami
or courne. everybody kepi mum. I'roni
Hell wood Iih went to ColnmbiH ami
tiuite likely will c-ill luruin, at n tune
wlii-ii un inuii ltnoweth Therefore it is
better to "keep jour lamp trimmed."
Little Willie went to Sunday school
the other morninn. ami while he was in
lna clat-B the teacher asked him, "What
is the first thing your papa says when
he aits down to the table?" Little
Willie thorn-lit a moment, then eame the
reply, cnup and iiul:. "lie Hays, c
light on the butter kulf. iL'b -JO cents a
From tl:e Hull.
Henry Kasper living west of town met
with a severe accident the first of the
week He was working with a thresh
ing engine taking oil' the ily wheel when
it slipped ami fell upon him breaking
his leg in two places between the knee
and hip Dr Woodward reduced the
fracture and he is getting along as well
as could be expect d
Joe KubiU had I he misfortune to lose
one of his driving hoive-, hint week, while
the animal was standing m the barn, it
got its head caught in such a manner as
to strangle to deuth or break its neck.
This la quite a loss to Joe. but as the
horse lost its life in the barn of ltern
ard Slick and as one or his children had
been caring for the horses and had tied
it with too long a rope, Mr.Miek roplared
it by giving Joe a young horse which he
was breaking for Mr. Mick. Not many
would of been so generous as he and
Joe certainly appteeiatea his kindne.-s.
1 1 i;n.
From tin Win lit.
Oarl Aoche- oats yielded !." bushels
per acre .by iiiea-uie, which is certainly
good for enrlj outs lhi jear. and it
is of the very bet quality
Win. Alberts shipped a car of hogs to
Omaha Momhy night Mr. Albert has
shipped a car of porkers every month
this Hiiiniiier and it don't take an adding
machine to figure out that he is fast be
coming ii millionaire.
The afternoon fieight Wednesday :-et
tire to a number of fields between here
and CreMon and also to the stork jards
at Hill Siding. A number from here
went up in autos and etmguished the
i - . .
Gents' Furnishing Goods
405 11th Street,
by the
tire before the entire yardfl were consum
ed. Here is an example of what Nebraska
real estate will do Home foiiryearflugn
Henry Wragge. " Howells, purchased
1(I acres of the Wisherd ranch paying
S."(( an acre for the same; about a year
ago he sold the same for SO an acre to
Frank l'rucha also of Howells. and last
week Mr. l'mclm s.old it attain, receiving
illO per acre.
From Ilit- KiiliTins'.
While threshing on the Henry Gorgan
place Wednesday a spark from the en
gine set fire to the separator which was
burned to the ground with about sixty
bushels of wheat. The machine belong
ed to Louis Grotky.
While driving to town last Saturday,
Min Dora Mangleeon. met with quite a
bail accident. As she was driving into
town the' team was frightened at an
automobile and ran away upsetting the
vehicle at the Catholic church. Mias
Mangleson was badly hurl and was carri
ed into the Misses Peoples residence and
a physician called. Upon examination
it was found that no bones were broken.
She was taken to her home Tuesday of
this week. The buggy was completely
From the Advance.
Monday evening this vicinity was. vis
ited by a heavy rain with sonic wind and
a little hail. The telephone lines were
badly damaged by lightning and wind
and outbuildings and wind mills were
blown over and in some neighborhoods
the crops were badly damaged.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Clark and daugh
ters, the Misses Liura and Frances
Clark, left Wednesday for San Jose,
California, where they will make their
home. Mr. Clark has been a resident of
this community since the memory of
man runneth not to the contrary and
during that time has become recognized
as one who has had much to do with the
building up of this purt of the country
as well as becoming one of its most well-to-do
farmers We are sorry to see Mr.
Clark and his esteemed family leave this
community but the best wishes of all
follow them to their new home.
The Proper Tree.
Curious- Charley Do nuts grow on
trees, father? Father They do, my
son. Curious- Charley Then what tree
does the doughnut grow on? Father
The "pantree." my son. Purple Cow.
Never Good.
Fog That's a bad cold you have,
old man. Fenderson Did you ever
hear of a good cold, you idiot? Bos
ton Transcrint.
From the Signal.
What do you think of a man who
hangs bis coat up in his auto stable,
takes the machine ont, enjoys a good
long ride, comes hack and spends good
hard earned money in advertising said
coat lost? Ought not such a case to be
referred to the committee?
Her. O. L. Luescbei, pastor of the
Evangelical Lutheran church, at the
Kolweit corner, in Grand Prairie town
ship, died at his home at 12::i0 last Sun
day morning. He hail been in poor
health for some time and recently had
been afflicted with rheumatism. Satur
day evening he took an overdose of
morphine and died before medical aid
could reach him. Rev. Luescbei bad
been with this congregation some three
years. lie was a few days less
than 49 years of age. He leaves a wife
and nine children. The funeral was held
on Tuesday, and remains buried in the
cemetery at the church.
The Signal mentioned several weeks
ago about one of Harney Eibausen's hens
coming to town with bim one morning
under the buggy seat. Well, when Bar
uey went home that day biddy wasn't
ready to go and Barney went home with
out her. Last week one day he was in
town and discovered his ben under one
of Clodowski'a implement sheds with a
line brood of chickens depending on her
for support. He came down that even
ing and moved the whole family back to
the farm. It would be just like those
chicks to strut around among the balance
of the flock and boast that they are not
of the common, ordinary barnyard stock.
From the Washington Times we learn
that Dr. Wulter A. Bloedoru was marri
ed in that -city last Monday, July 25th.
The Times eays: "The engagement of
Miss Howard and Dr. Hloedorn was an
nounced some time ago. but the date for
the wedding could not he definitely fixed
until the arrival of Dr. Bloednrn. who
was detained at bis post at the naval
hospital at Las Animas, Cal., awaiting
bis successor. Afler an extended bridal
trip, Dr. Hloedorn will take bis bride to
Mare Island, Cali., where be will lie
stationed for two mouths, and later
they probably will go to the Phippines."
Waller Hloedorn was born and reared
nearly to manhood in Platte Center,
leaving here with the family live or six
years ago. He graduated from the
Creighton medical school at Omaha two
years ago, with high honors, and short
ly after received an appointment as sur
geon in the navy.
From llieTiiap.
Miss Gertrude M. Nelson, aged 22, died
at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Charles
Anderson in Council Creek, last Friday.
Miss Nelson had been sick for several
days, but it was not until three or four
days before her death that her condition
was considered serious and a Columbus
doctor was called into consultation with
the local physician. Appendicitis was
the cause of her death. The funeral
was held at the Anderson home Satur
day afternoon. Interment was in the
Genoa cemetery.
Charles Kuseell, colored, proprietor of
the Genoa Shining Parlor, sneaked out
of town last Thursday night leaving
several unpaid bills. Early Thursday
evening Kussell sold a light spring
wagon to Art Little for $l.r. The wagon
was the property of Ferdinand Voigt.
Kussell claimed he acted as Voigt's
ageut in the deal. Voigt says that Kus
sell bad no authority to dispose of the
property and appropriate the money to
his own use, and on Saturday commenced
an action to recover the wagon. Kus
sell has been stopping at Neil Cart
wright's house during the latter's
absence in Iown, and has been very in
dustrious in decreasing the number of
chickens on the place. When Oart
wright returns and takee an invoice of
his movable property, it is possible that
ho will find other things missing besides
Peter Adam Young, aged about '50 and
the son of John Young, a very wealthy
farmer living iu the south half of Madi
son county, went to Omaha the other
day and returned with a high priced
automobile. The family was amazed
because they didn't know that he had
any money. He refused to explnin.
Monday the father went to look for
$5,000 in $20 gold pieces that be had
kept in a metal pot in the bouse for some
time. The money was gone. Tuesday
the son was seized and searched and
some of the missing S20 gold pieces
found on him. The father came to town
late in the afternoon nnd swore out a
warrant against the son. The father is
one of the wealthiest farmers in Madison
county. He is of rather a miserly dispo
sition. Some years ago be was brought
before the board of equalization and bis
tax assessment raised. Norfolk News.
Not to Be Fooled.
A certain magazine ouce took to ad
vertising by means of personal letters.
A. critic got this letter:
Dear Brown Have you seen article In
this month's Trash Magazine? Heavens,
can It be true? X.
But the critic, not to be fooled, sent
to the editor of the Trash in an un
stamped envelope, so that double
postage would be charged this
Dear X. 1 have seen one previous num
ber of the Trash Magazine, ami with
heart and soul 1 hope never to see an
other. This Is quite true. BROWN.
your boy getting on
"First rate." answered Farmer Corn
tossel. "He's goln to be a great help
on the farm. He knows the botanical
names for cabbage an' beans already,
an' all he has to do now Is to learn to
raise 'em.' Washington Star.
Too Much of a Target.
Brown How did you feel. Jones,
when the burglar had you covered with
his revolver pretty small, eh? Jones
Small! Great Scott, uo! 1 felt as big
as the side of a house. Boston Tran-
We invite all who desire choice
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other meats to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish and
oysters in season.
Telephone No. I. Columbus, Neb.
From the Itopublican.
The Illand boys wheat on II. L.
Smith's farm went .50 bushels per acre.
J. T. Smith nnd E. L. VanAlIen are
building a large new house for Edmund
Kingsley Thurston spent Sunday with
friends in Council Hluffa, returning
home Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm. Sigea left last week for
Cams, Neb., their former home, where
she will visit. She was accompanied by
Leone Head
Will Talbitzer and family returned to
their home in Alliance, Neb, on the noon
train Thursday after an extended visit
with the home folks.
Mies Dora Neumiester, formerly of
Monroe, spent a few days with friends
here last week, returning to her home
in Columbus Saturday.
Mrs. J. F. Griflin nnd daughter Miss
Olie of Grand Junction, Colo . were the
guests of Mr. ami Mrs. A. C. Loucka
Monday evening, and departed on the
noon train Tuesday for Des Moines, la.
Mrs. Fred P. Uornbostel, mother of
Mrs. D. W. Ziegler. died at her home in
Chicago .inly II, nged 711 years, nine
months and eleven days. Mrs. Uorn
bostel was for many years a resident of
this county, having resided with her
husband on their farm two miles north
west of Monroe. After they sold this
place they moved to Chicago to be near
their two sons, who were also former
residents of this vicinity.
A Threat That Always Brings Eng
land's Upper House to Terms.
To override the veto of the bouse of
lords by n wholesale creation of peers
is n plan that has been often threat
ened. but hardly ever put into prac
tice. It certainly places the king in a
very unenviable predicament so much
so that in 1710. after a crisis of the
kind. George 1. caused to be intro
duced into the lords a bill for limiting
the power of the sovereign to create
peers, n sort of royal self denying or
dinance. The measure was twice passed In tbo
lords, but twice rejected by the com
mons, which was lucky, for had it
been carried it would have made the
house of lords an almost unchangeable
body, entirely beyond the control of
king or minister or commons.
The nearest approach that was ever
made to "swamping the lords" was In
1S32, when the fate of the great re
form bill trembled In the balance. Over
and over again the measure had been
passed by the commons, only to be re
jected by the lords. The country was
furious. Payment of taxes was re
fused. Klots broke out everywhere.
The prime minister. Lord Grey, went
to the king nnd begged bim to create
new peers to carry the bllL His maj
esty refused, and the ministry re
signed. The king, however, presently
changed his mind and, fearing a revo
lution, agreed to the creation of a hun
dred new peers, "or more If necessary."
Then, very reluctantly, the upper house
gave way. nnd the bill became law.
London Family Herald.
A Murder Case In Which They Re
turned a Just Verdict.
The German emperor some time ago
presented to the nohenzollern museum
the "death dice" with which one of
his ancestors decided a difficult case
In the seventeenth century. The his
tory of these dice is generally given as
A young girl had been murdered.
Suspicion fell upon two young soldiers,
Ralph and Alfred, who were suitors
for her hand. They both denied their
guilt, and even torture foiled to ex
tract n confession from cither.
Then Elector Frederick William de
cided to cut the knot by means of the
dice bos. The two soldiers should
throw for their lives and the loser
should be executed as the murderer.
The event was celebrated with great
solemnity. Ralph bad the first chance
and threw sixes, the highest possible
number. The dice bos was then given
to Alfred. He fell on his knees and
prayed. Then he rose to his feet and
threw the dice with such force that
one of them was broken. The whole
one showed sis, the broken one also
gave sis on the larger iwrtlon, and
the fragment split off showed one.
This was a total of thirteen, one be
yond Ralph's throw. The audience
held its breath in amazement.
"God has spoken!" cried the prince.
Ralph, appalled by what he regarded
as a sign from heaven, confessed his
guilt and was sentenced to death.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Biblical Instruction.
"What does exegesis mean, father?"
"I can never remember long what it
iocs mean. It is something theolog
icalprobably :i combination of Exodus
and Genesis, about like Deuterouomy."
Couldn't Talk.
De Style You say that loving pair
of deaf mutes were sitting In the parlor
nnd didn't carry on a conversation?
Gunbusta They couldn't, for they wew
holding hands. New York Press.
I never knew an early rising, hard
lrorklng. prudent man, careful of hla
earnings nnd strictly honest, who com
plained of bad luck. Addison.
From the Nonpareil.
While working around a threshing
machine at W. H. Kuhn's last week
Joy Mohr got one of his hands too close
to the band cutter and received a very
serious wound, one of the knives strik
ing him on the wrist and cutting into the
joint. It is possible that the injury may
leave the wrist stiff, although it will
take time to determine that.
Thomas Lindley is carrying his right
arm in a sling all because an automobile
engine that he was trying to crank kick
ed him. The accident occurred Sunday.
He started to crank the engine in tbe
Dayton machine that baa been at tbe
Gilbert Implement Co. for the past week
and the engine "kicked" backward, cat
ching his arm in such a way as to frac
ture one of the bones in his forearm.
The fracture is nut necessarily a serious
ene and in a few weeks Thomas will be
able to drive another auto.
Two jars of paste intended for the lo
cal post office mussed up a sack of mail
in great shape Friday. The sack was
thrown from No. 9 and the paste jars
were not able to stand such rough usage
The paste was smeared over the papers
and packages and tbe force at the oflice
had a merrv time nnllinir tbe narceln
apart so that they could be distributed.
Some day Uncle Sam will discover that
perishable packages cannot be throw ii
from a train running at the rate of forty
miles an hour without breaking them.
From the News.
Jim Forey threshed oats for O. W.
Oalver and A. Rogers last week and
reports forty-five bushels to tbe acre.
Another Boone county pioneer has
gone to his long rest. Abel Smith died
at his home three miles down tbe valley
last Saturday at noon He bad been
sick for a few weeks only, although his
general health has been declining for
several years.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Day and son re
turned last Friday from their trip to the
Pacific coast. They were gone about
two months, and visited many points in
California, Washington and Oregon.
Like most old Nebraska citizens, to tbem
the verdure of tbe landscaie looked good
after spending a few weeks in the dried
up sections. Nor did the much praised
climate impress them as being anything
superior to tbe Nebraska brand.
Mrs, J. W. Riley, one of Boone coun
ty's oldest residents, died at her home in
Albion, Thursday afternoon. July 21st.
She had been ailing for two or three
days, but was able to be up and aronnd
some all the time. She had some heart
trouble that caused her sudden denth.
She leaves a husband, five daughters and
two sous to mourn her loss. Two daugh
ters. Mrs. Gunther and Mrs. Pittenger
are now on a trip to Europe, but all the
other children were here.
Go Out Into the
Union Pacific Country
Where there are greater opportunities
and less competition; where nature is
generous in both climate and soil.
It is in this section that thousands will
find homes in the next few years.
Low Homeseekers' Fares
First and Third Tuesday of Each Month During 1910
To Many Points in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and
For information relative to rates, routes, etc.,
call on or address
B. G. BROWN, Agent, Columbus, Neb.
From the Journal.
A few days ago John Stauek marketed
a load of winter wheat of his 1910 crop
at the Howells mill that tested 64
pounds to the bushel. Tbe field from
which tbe grain was threshed made an
average yieut or 'js uusneie per acre,
while Mr. Stanek's oats made 51 bushels
per acre.
On Monday night of laat week the
hones on the John Basal farm, nine miles
northeast of Clarkson was destroyed by
ore. About eleven o'clock John and
his wife were awakened by tbe smell of
smoke and the crackling of burning
wood. Upon getting up they discover
ed the roof of their home in Hames. By
quick work they were able to save a
part of their fnrnitnre but tbe house
was soon t educed to ashes. There was no
insurance on either the building or con
tents and John estimates his loss at
about $700.
One of the board of trustees of St.
John's church has requested us to give
notice to the young couple who do
their courting on the church steps from
bed-time nntil tbe early hours of the
morning that the priest who lives in the
adjoining parsonage delights in perform
ing marriage ceremonies but very much
dislikes to have his rest disturbed by
their presence, giggling and talking; or.
if they so prefer, go elsewhere and have
the ceremony performed and uot con
tinue to make a public nuisance of them
selves. In this connection we might
fay that there is a whole lot of good
wholesome advice that could be given,
especially to the young girls of our town
who meet the trains and are causinir
much comment not at all complimentary
to themselves. Girls, and boys too, are
ofttuucR thoughtless concerning the ap
pearance of their actions, and we trust
that this bit of friendly advice will be
received in the same spirit in which it is
System Kaquirad.
Clerk May 1 have a day's leave to
morrow, sir? It is my mother-in-law's
funeral. Employer My dear Iluber,
this mustn't occur again. Last week
your wife died, and now your mother-in-law's
going to be buried. You must
arrange things better in your family
and see that they happen iu tbe holi
days. Lustige Itlattcr.
Unkind. '
Medical Man Johsoii has doue the
meatiest thing I ever heard of. He
came to my hoiis the other night, ate
a big dinner, got indigestion and then
went to another doctor to lie cured.
Sl.'iO monthly. Kstra roiiiiiihttion anil office ox-
M'nwN. Kf"vt-nt:ititt tuat hate cutficient
ciu-li to cnriy ttck to iiily tin ileiuanil creat
ed liy Ncr I.-ium and other condition. Send
rvfervnrw). Position mtiii nii-nt. Kaiil wl
ianctnu'iit to kmkI man. Aihhwt Sturii
Tlinjur, Sales Dirwtor, IU) National ibuik t'oin-
nit'im Huililini. Minnt-njioli-', Minn.
jhithbzlsI I a
"The Safe Road"
Electric Block Signals
Dining Car Meals and Service
"Best in the World"
Electric Light
Always Ready
Have your house wired
Columbus Light,
Heat & Power Co.
The rif at party caa
tHscoru au cxcalleat poaitioa, salary
or commitioa fur Cola-ate and vi
cinity. Bteteagv, former oecapauoa
ml giv reference. AddneeLOCK
BOX 438, Lincoln, Neb.
No. 4 4:32 a m
No. 12 10::i7p-B
No. 14 SuMam
No. S 2Htpa
No. Ill 2:16 pm
No. 10 I:OBpa
No. 18 5:57 pm
No. 2 H30pm
No. 22 1:20 pa
No. 20 3:00 pm
No. 24 7:12 am
No. 8 0:15 pm
No.Slpaa ..dlJOpm
Nu.32paa ..al2:S0pa
No. 80 mxd..a 78 p m
Daily except Monday.
Nob. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare traiaa.
Noa. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local paa gara.
No. 58 and W are local freikt.
No. and IS are mail traiaa oaly.
No 14 doe ia Omaha 4:45 p. m.
No. Sum in Omaha 5:00 p.m.
c. 1. 1 a.
No.22.Paae. (daily ex. Hunday) leafe....':2Sa m
No. 34, Frt. & Ac. (d'y ex. Saturday ) 1.5:00 p m
No. 21, faae. (daily ex. Soaday) arxie..:20 p m
No. 31. Frt. &. Ae. (d'y ex. Saaday) ar. ..645 a m
No. 11 M.-to am
No. 13 !3rtani
No. 1 10:2 am
No. 9 11:25 am
No. 17 3.1)Spm
No. 15 8:23 pui
No. 3 n-Uptu
No. 5 H2 pm
No. 21 ll:1Uam
No. IV 1120am
No.-- J8pm
No. 7 U:3p m
No.77mxd d 7:20am
No.2!)pn ..d 7 0ilpm
No.SU pa ..a 1:10 pm
No. 78 mill . . a :10 p m