The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 03, 1910, Image 4

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Columbus Journal.
Oolambua. TNeVbr.
Consolidated with the Columbus Times April
1. 19M; withtte Platte County Argaa January
Cot nd at the PoatoAca. Colambaa. Nabr.. m
icond clan mall amattar.
rust or auaaoaiprioa:
Jaa yaar, bj mall, poataja prepaid $LM
Hz moataa .78
raraaawtka.. -. 40
8TBOTHEB & COMPANY. Proprietors.
BkNKWAI Tea data opposite your name on
you paper, or wrapper ahows to what time your
eabecription la paid. Tbna JanOS show that
pennant Laa bean raoeWed np to Jan. 1,1906,
ffabOB to Fab. 1. 1806 and ao on. When payment
la made, tne data, which antwera aa a reneipt,
anil be chanced aooordinsly.
DldGONTlNDANCEH-Beeponaible euUcrib
era will """Hum to receive thia Journal nntil the
publishers are notilod by letter to discontinue,
hen all anearaaaa mnat be paid. If yon do not
enah the Joaraal costumed for another year af
ter the time paid for baa expired, yon ahonld
prerioaaly notify na to diaoontinne it.
CHANGE IN ADDHKSS-When ordering a
jhance la the address, subscribers ahonld be anre
to ci" their old aa wall aa their new addraaa.
The newspapers, some months ago,
printed advertisements which solicited
the public to buy 40,000 shares of the
stock of the Arizona Metals company
at 82.50 per share (par value, So.)
The advertisements set forth hopes
and prospects in the manner common
to such solicitations, but the larger
type was reserved for the legend.
"Senator Charles Dick, president,
Washington, D. C."
There is nothing uncommon in a
senator's being an investor in a mining
company witness ihe cases of Pen
rose and Guggenheim. But where
Dick differs from the others is this:
There is no similar recent records of a
senator publicly lending his name and
office as a lure to small investors to
buy stocks. Some of the others might
do in secret things much more gravely
improper, but they would hardly do
what Dick has done in this case.
Incidentally, a few weeks ago, the
advertising agent who put out these
announcements sued for the amount of
his bill; as a part of the suit, the fur
nit ore in the company's office was
attached, whereupon it appeared that
the office furniture didn't belong to
the company, hut had been loaned to
it. One curious episode in this history
was Senator Dick's violent protects
when the advertisement was placed in
the Cleveland Plain Dealer. What
was the reason? Was he willing to
allow the use of his name outside of
Ohio, but not before the eyes of his
own constituents? Or did he object to
the revenue going to a newspaper
which is opposed to him political!)?
Either would be possible and charac
teristic in the case of a man of Senator
Dick's caliber. Somehow the very
smallness and cheapness of the things
that make this senator objectionable
seem the less compatible with a state
like Ohio. Editorial in Collier's.
Going into a small custom tailor shop
to learn the price of clothes, I was told
that a suit that last year cost me S"
would this year cost me $40.
When I protested at the increase
the tailor replied: "I must get that
for wool clothes. Otherwise I ask
you less and give vou cotton and
He took from his shelf some small
strips of cloth. To my eyes they were
of excellent texture. He frayed the
edge of one, aud, drawing from it a
thick thread, untwisted it. It showed
a dusty, short fibre stuff which signified
nothing to my untutored eyes until he
explained that this was a mixture of
cotton and shoddy. Shoddy is uoth-
mg more nor less tban old clothes
ground up. They are ground into
powder and are first blown and then
rolled into the "woolen" cloth. The
shoddy in the strip of cloth the tailor
was showing me made a kind of dust
on his fingers. The test of the cotton
came on touching a lighted match to
the frayed part. It burned freely.
A purely wool fiber shrivels up rather
thin burns.
"Either people pay the higher prices
for woolen clothes," remarked the
tailor, "or else they pay the former
lower prices and get cotton and shoddy
mixed with the wool. Such clothes do
not wear; they turn rusty and get
weak and rotten."
This indicates the situation with
woolen clothing throughout the coun
try. As prices go up, the material
deteriorates. This has been the obvi
ous tendency for the past twenty years.
The figures for the last decade are not
accessible, but it is a plain, bald fact
that our woolen mills used one-tenth
less wool in 1900 than in 1SH0. while
they used 2 million pounds more of
cotton and 15 million pounds more of
shoddy. Heaven and the protected
woolen manufacturer know how much
less wool and how much more cotton
and shoddy are being used in "woolen"
clothes in thiB year 1910 tban were
used in 1900. Henry George, jr., in
the New York World.
'As a result of the general disgust
over the recent uprising at Reno, in
which the alleged hopes of the white
race made a pitiful exhibition of
senility, there is a nation-wide move
ment against pugilism, and it is evi
dent that the end of the ring, as an
institution, ia in sight.
Among those who support such a
movement are many sports who were
fight fans in times past, some of them
as recently as a few weeks ago. That
they have lost interest in the game is
not entirely due to the outcome of the
Reno fight, or to the fact that a black
man whipped a white one. This has
happened before, on several occassions.
Dixon,Gans and Langford.all negroes,
whipped many whites in the course of
their eventful careers, and there was
no race feeling about it
For a couple of weeks before the
fight there was a crowd of gifted writ
ers at Reno, and they produced
"literature" by the bushel, showing
what a fine creature the trained fight
ing man is; how he is at once an object
lesson and an inspiration to a people
who are becoming anaemic, and a
great deal more flapdoodle of the same
kind. That sort of stuff would have
been acceptable to the early days of
prize fighting, when champions fought
lor "lory more than for monev. . The
old time fighter would enter the ring
for almost any kind of a purse, aud
the winner took the purse, which was
right aud proper.
The Jeff'eries-Johnson mix-up was
a commercial transaction. The loser
left the ring with a larger fortune than
the ordinary hardworking man can
accumulate in a lifetime. Every
body interested in the business was out
for the money. There is no sport in
this sort of business. When fighting to be a sport, in the proper
meaning of the word, it becomes a
graft, and there is no reason why peo
ple should defend a graft.
The fine writers at Reno gave the
people such an overdose of it that the
people are sick of prize rings and re
ferees and abysmal brutes and the
whole boiling.
It is claimed that Jefieries will in
sist upon meeting Johnson again, and
ifhedoesit may be hoped they will
tight it out in a box stall in a livery
barn, with only enough witnesses pre
sent to see that neither man uses an
axe. A scrap of that sort might re
store public confidence iu the game to
some small extent. Emporia Gazette.
A Place (or Theodore Roosevelt
Henry Watterson in Louisville Courier-Journal.
There is no unseemly haste in Wash
ington to establish postal savings
banks. On the contrary, the official
program is oue of infinite deliberation.
The board of trustees has appointed
a committee to draft a plan or organi
zation and adjourned until its repoit
is readv. This will be some time next
When the plan has been thorough
ly formulated a few offices are to be
designated as postal savings depositor
ies. There will be a dozen or so of
them. All are to be located in the
larger cities.
Then the experiment is to be watch
ed. If successful it is to be gradually
extended. Otherwise, amendments to
the plain will be made. After awhile
however, uuless there is some revulsion
in public sentiment, the country will
have postal savings banks.
The delay may be entirely justified.
Perhaps the caution is commendable.
A postal banking system is not to be
formulated off hand. The blanks and
other machinery for the business re
quire time. It is safe, too, to try out
the system before fixing it upon the
Of the final establishment of a sound
and progressive postal savings system
iu this country there can be no doubt.
Reforms do not move backward. At
the same time, oue could wish for
greater evidences of earnestness on
the part of those now charged with in
augurating the system, despite defects
in the enabling law, which this paper
has already pointed out. (Newark
Japan's Giant Wrestlers.
Japanese wrestlers are not to be con
fused with Japanese exponents of jln
jltsu. The wrestlers belong to the
older school. In which weight is a par
amount quality. It is a remarkable
thing that a race which Is on the av
erage four or five inches under the Eu
ropean standard in point of height
should have produced a special cult of
wrestlers who are giants in stature
and strength. The leading wrestlers
of Tokyo or Osaka or Hiogo are all
men at least six feet in height and
weighing perhaps 300 pounds. They
are a race apart. Wrestling is an oc
cupation which has been handed uown
from father to son for many genera
tions. And the explanation of their
prowess is that they have always been
meat eaters, while the rest of Japan,
either from choice or necessity, have
been In the main vegetarians.
' Not So Absurd.
"How absurd!"
"What's absurd:"
"Five years are supposed to have
elapsed since the last act. and that
man Is wearing the same overcoat."
"Xothln absurd about that He's
takin' the part of a married, man. Isn't
In all the English language fitter
words could not have been chosen
than those employed by Theodore
Roosevelt to express his sense of home
coming. It was a wonderous reception. Noth
ing like it was ever known before.
The height on which it leaves him is a
dizzy height. How shall he maintain
his footing there?
"Above Bleeker street, still in the
downtown district," we quote the re
port, "a man with a megaphone yell
ed: " 'Who will be our next president?'
"And, as though by prearranged
signal the crowd answered "Teddy! in
one stentorian shout."
There we have the false note in the
spirit of our age; the materialistic for
cing its way through everything; the
bird-in-hand the common aim. To get
rich no matter how to get office, no
matter why, represents the average
point of view. As a consequence the
thing we have named "graft" has be
come universal. The halls of con
gress, the state legislatures, the city
council, the municipal boards aud
commissions reek in it. Its local ha
bitation is everywhere. It has no poli
tics. Scarcely one, indeed, of the
mammoth private fortunes, of which
we hear so much, could bear the light
of investigation.
"No man could receive such a greet
ing," we quote the admirable words of
Theodore Roosevelt, "without being
made to feel both very proud and very
humble," and then he said:
"I am ready and eager to do my
part so far as I am able in helping
solve problems which must be solved
if we, of this, the greatest democratic
republic upon which the sun has ever
shone, are to see its destinies rise to
the high level of our hopes and its op
portunities. This is the duty of every
citizen, but it is peculiarly my duty;
for any man who has ever been
honored by being made president of
the United States is thereby forever
aftei rendered the debtor of the Ameri
can people and is bound throughout
his life to remember this as his prime
obligation, and in private life, as much
as iu public life, so to carry himself
that the American people may never
have cause to feel regret that once
they placed him at their head."
The first and greatest of all our
problems is the purification of the pub
lic service. We may as well admit
that our two party system is on this
side a failure. The grafter gets in
his work with equal facility upon both
our parties. As suits his purpose he
is by turns a democrat, or a republi
can; the alternate maker and creature
of party spirit.
Third-party movements, for all their
good inteutious, have proved futile.
Party spirit has been too much for
them. They have fallen as betwixt
two stools. What we need is a body
of independents taken for special ser
vice from each of the two parties; a
middle court of arbitration; thoroughly
orgauized and permanent.
The refusal to seek, or to take office
must be a requisite, to membership.
The right to be, and to be considered,
a republican, or a democrat, in gener
al political walks aud ways according
to individual conviction, should be
conceded. The aims upright, the
spirit disinterested, the brotherhood
would in time grow strong enough to
protect its own and to compel the re
cognition and respect of both parties.
Such a scheme may seem sublimat
ed. It may, in truth, be in advance
of the time. But, short of it, we shall
have no real, or lasting reform iu the
transaction of the public business.
No party in possession was ever
known to reform itself. Driven from
power because of its shortcoming, it
first sulks, then conspires and finally
pretends to be good. Meanwhile, its
victorious successor, scarcely warm in
its seat, begins to practice the selfsame
wicked arts which it condemned and
on which it rose. A century of this
oscillating between rank professions
and broken promises has developed a
class of professional politicians, many
of whom are little better than public
plunderers and all of whom hold to
gether under the party compact and
label, on either side recalling the con
dotteri of the middle ages, who pillaged
friend and foe alike, wearing whatever
colors were most available to their
ever chauged service and purpose.
In view of this home coming, the
Courier-Journal some two months ago
asked the press of the country to con
sider without passion or levity certain
distinct propositions which it then and
there submitted. The time had come
as we pointed out, "for the people of
the United States to consider Theodore
Roosevelt as they have never consider-
ously than they have even taken him;
to realize that he is altogether the
most startling figure who has appear
ed in the world since Napoleon Bona
parte, a circumstance not without
significance and jKirteiit."
If any reader doubted this the Sth
of last April, he can not doubt it now.
Everywhere and notably at New York
on Saturday the ex-president showed
himself, as we described him, "pre
eminently a man who fits the words to
the act, the act to the word, and does
the thing which, however provocative
of controversy, redounds to his advan
tage." The man with the megaphone, on
Broadway, and the answering throngs,
not ouly echoed the words of the may
or of Rome and the thought of all Eu
ropethat Theodore Roosevelt is
again to be president of the United
States but he and they uttered the
idea that has made its lodgment in the
minds and hearts of myriads of un
thinking Americans who are blinded
by the concrete in hero worship to the
spiritual; good aud honest people who
vainly imagine that the disease of
graft which ails the body politic may
be cured by oue doctor, and only one
doctor, using a single remedy and a
remedy that never yet worked a single
cure; the strong man invested with
power more or less absolute and arbit
rary. We venture to reproduce the fol
lowing fromthe Sth of April, apropos
of the ex-president's reception in the
Eternal City.
uc ugmiug punusupner, me
mayor of Rome describes him. That
flatters the vanity of human nature.
We rejoice in the man of battle who is
a man of thought. 'Third after Wash
ington and Lincoln,' said the mayor of
Koine. Washington the 'creator,
Liucoln the 'consolidator, Roosevelt
the 'purifier.' Finally, 'We look again
to see him at the head of the great
republic,' said the mayor of Rome.
That is the keyuote. And it will con
tinue to be the keynote wherever he
goes. Thus he will come back to us
the Eur jpeau nominee for president of
the United States.
"Let uo one fancy this an unmean
ing, or an idle compliment. Taken in
connection with what appears to be the
hopeless breakdown of the Taft admiu
istratiou, it constitutes an event of the
first consequence. With the Waterloo
which seems certain to overtake the
republicans in the fall elections, the
cry for Roosevelt in 1912 as the only
mau who cau save the party will come
up from every side, aud it may prove
irresistible. Hence the candidacy of
Theodore Roosevelt for president iu
1912 may be regarded from this time
onward as so probable that the people
should begin seriously to consider it.
"If we are to return Theodore Roose
velt to power let there be no mistake
about the terms of the new commission
which is to be issued to him."
Mark the current proceedings in
fulfillment. It gives emphasis to what
followed in the same article. Taking
the philosophic conclusion of most of
the great speculative historians and
idealistic doctrinaires from Plato to
Gibbon for a cue, that is that "the best
of all government is a wise and benev
olent despotism," we continued as
"If the government of the United
States under our written constitution
of checks and balances be a failure
as many think it and if there be
needed for its executive head a strong
man, having the courage to take all the
hulls of corruption by the horns, and,
regardless of obsolete legal restraints,
to shake the life out of them, then,
indeed, Theodore Roosevelt would
seem one fitted by temperament, edu
cation and training for the work. He
is a patriotic American with humani
tarian proclivities. He is an incor
ruptible man. He has shown himself
fearless of consequences. If the people
are sick and tired of the slow processes
of constitutional procedure; if they
want in the white house a president
who, disregarding the letter of the law,
will substitute his own interpretation
of its spirit aud iutention; if they think
that the reign of hyjocrisy and cant
and graft which marks our professional
politics may be ended by the absolu
tism of a ruler who, as Roosevelt puts
it, 'translates his words into deeds,'
and who, charged with the cleansing
of the Augean stablyes by an election
putting the seal of the popular appro
val upon conceded excesses in the use
of power and bidding him to go for
ward and apply the same remedies to
a disease otherwise incurable, then
Theodore Roosevelt fills the bill to
perfection, for he comes directly from
the family of kings of men and is a
descendent of Caesar and Cromwell."
something of an uproar. All sorts of
meanings 'and motives were ascribed
to them. Eveuts have verified the
conclusion that great masses of the
people look to Theodore Roosevelt for
prodigies of performance.
Our wandering Ulysses is home
again. He has spoken. He has
spoken like a man. He has spoken
like a patriot. He has spoken like an
American, We do not believe that
he has the remotest thought of ever
again becoming a candidate for office.
What could office do for such a man
except to consign him to the category
of the vulgar herd and lower him in
the estimation of half his countrymen?
But there is a great place for him
and a great future. Let him but de
clare his independence of machine
politics and proclaim himself chief
justice of the high court of political
arbitration, and he will be so accepted
by the enlightened and the progressive
of all parties; its purjose the purging
of the public service; its jurisdiction
wherever the need arises; its authori
zation and authority, perfect disinter
estedness and transparent procedure,
master of itself, equally free and fear
less of the handmade statesmen and
tin-born engineries of both the demo
cratic and republican parties, where
they run counter to the public honor
and welfare, to justice aud integrity;
such as we are seeing at this moment
in Mr. Roosevelt's owu state of New
York aud iu the state of Illinois.
In tha Tents of the Roving and
Eloquent Bedouins.
"By living with the Arabs, doing
as they did aud moving with them in
their migrations." writes Douglas
Carrntbers In the Geographical Jour
nal. "I obtained an insight Into their
mode of life and customs. Things
move slowly lu the east, and I spent
fourteen days iu buying three camels.
But the time was not wasted. I
studied Aral) manners, learned more
or less how to oat with my bands,
how to wear the Arab costume with
some comfort, now to drink coffee
a la Arab. and. most ditlic-ult of all.
how to sit still all day long doing
nothing. I round this last most try
ing, more especially because it was
told. A Bedouin tent is a drafty place
at the best, but In midwinter it is
almost unbearable. On two occasions
there was snow on the desert,
"We used to feed out of a huse
round dish, ten of us at a time. The
fare was camels milk and bread in
the morning, and in the evening we
geuerally had meat aud rir cooked
with an enormous amount ot fat. Dur
ing the day we nppeasr-d our huiiger
by sipping strong black cot'Vt- At
night there was always a large group
of men in the tent ot the sheik, and
the talk was carried on far into the
"Eloquence is a highly prized talent
among the Bedouins. und not only
would they recount their stories in
the most beautiful manner, but on
occasion, to the tune of a single
stringed violin, they would sing ex
tempore songs for hours ou end."
Unusual Business Methods of a Mer
chant In Western Canada.
In the Bookkeeper Is recorded a case
which clearly comes under the tiead of
"unusual business methods." lu a
thickly settled prairie district In west
ern Canada, not far from Moose Jaw.
a few Canadians had opened up a coal
mine, the product of which they sold
to the surrounding fanners. Settlers
would come in wagons and sleighs aud
load their own winter's fuel, which
cost them from SI to S'J a ton. accord
ing to the run. It was early winter
when I first made the acquaintance
of this mine and Its remarkable "su
perintendent. and my first reception
from this Individual was a fierce yell
on his part, with the. frantic brandish
ing of a long stick and the words:
"What the devil are you doing? Can't
you see? Are you stone blindV"
I was literally walking through his
books! Since morning and this was
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon he had
been keeping a record of outgoing
sleighs and wagons of coal in the snow.
About twenty farmers were drawing
that day. With his stick he had writ
ten the initials of each in a clean spot
In the snow and with that same stick
had registered the number of tons they
had taken away. I had spoiled one
half of his "books.' aud It was an
hour before he became at all affable.
I was still more astonished when I en
tered the "superintendent's' little
board office. The walls were black
with pencil marks, figures and names
A fire would have burned down his
"book of two years past.
Two months have intervened. The
words above repeated occasioned
Where Microbes Thrive.
The alimentary canal is the most
perfect culture tube known to bac
teriological science. No part of the
body Is so densely populated with
micro-organisms. It Is estimated that
in the alimentary canal of the average
adult about microbes
come Into existence every day. They
crowd this region so densely that sci
entists originally believed that they
were ludisieusable to human life. Ac
cording to a writer In McClure's. Pas
teur, who first discovered them, main
tained this view, but recent investiga
tions have rather disproved it. There
are many animals that exist in perfect
health without any intestinal bacteria
at aiL Polar bears, seals, penguins,
elder ducks, arctic reindeer these and
other creatures in the arctic zone have
few traces of these organisms.
An Exception.
Smith (dogmatically There Is no
rule without an exception. Brown
Ob. yes. there Is! There is no exception
to the rule that a man must always be
present while being shaved.
ed him before; to take hiui more sen- throughout the press of the country
Clap an extinguisher upon yourlroay
If you art unhappily bleated with
rein of tt. Lamb.
We carry the late styles and up-to-date
designs in Furniture.
If you are going to iur
nish a home, or just add a
piece to what you already
have, look over our com
plete line.
Need a Kitchen Cabinet?
See the "Springfield.'
21-21-23 West 11th St.
Columbus, Neb.
Got What She Wanted.
"I can stand for some things, but
uot for everything." said the clerk as
he watched a stylishly dressed young
woman leave the store.
"What Is the matter?" asked th
proprietor, who bad walked up unob
served. "That woman who just left hustled
up to the counter and asked to set)
men's shirts. I showed her every
style and color we carry. After In
specting the entire stock she rose
and thanked me sweetly, adding: l
didn't wish to purchase any. You
see. 1 am making my husband some
shirts, and I wanted to be sure I was
doing them right. .My husband I
very particular about the finish of his
shirts. And they say married women
are so considerate."
The boss smiled and walked away.
Boston Traveler.
Well Trained.
Mr- lNc-iis- Mr Meekman Is a
spk-itdid i::t!i:.lf nf what a man ought
to I).- Mr i:..-vs-Xjt at all. He's a
splendid example of what a wife, two
sisters, a grownup daughter and a
inotlter-in-lav.- think a man ought to be.
"Aw. come on!" the little boy was
heard to remark. "I5e a sport. I'll bet
yer any .1 mount o money up to ."
cents." Harper's.
True Happiness.
About the happiest mau in the world
should be he that, having a ftid. is abls
to make a living at It. Chicago Record-Herald.
The arrow that pierces the eagle"
breast Is often made o his own feathers.
.". .M-V
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,2v- isol'-JsJi'- !ZXs!73&zea&aamn4'MWi
- " 0 P'VOV'1frlkaS taaaaBT jfsf rmt3ll&'yJiBKnKBJKBBHEM
Aflpt Rate Bulletin
TO THE EAST: Besides every-day special tourist rates to
eastern cities and resorts, as well as diverse route tours of
the East, including an ocean coast voyage, there are
special rates, August 4th to 7th inclusive, for the Knights
Templar Conclave at Chicago, and from July 23th to the
31st for the Knights of Pythias Encampment at Milwau
kee, and on September 13th to the 17th inclusive for the
Grand Army Reunion at Atlantic City.
ESTES PARK, COLORADO: Just north of Denver, Colora
do's finest recreation region soon to be a National Park.
Ask for full descriptive booklet.
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to
West and Northwest localities. Get in touch with the
undersigned and let us help you plan the most attractive
and comprehensive tour at the least cost.
b. F. REGTOR. Ticket Agent.
Columbus. Nebr.
L. W. MAK&LE.Y. Gen'l. Pjssener flfflnt. Omaha. Near.
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