4 1 CHAPTER I. I Go to Pittsburg. McKnJght Is gradually taking over the criminal end of the business I never liked It, and since the strange case of the man In lower ten. I have been a bit Bqueamish. Given a case like that, where you can build up a network of clews that absolutely In criminate three entirely different peo ple, only one of whom can be guilty, and your faith in circumstantial evl dense dies of overcrowding. I never ee a shivering, white-faced wretch In the prisoners dock that I do not hark back with shuddering horror to the strange events on the Pullman car Ontario, between Washington and Pittsburg, on the night of September 9. last. McKnight could tell the story a great deal better than I. although he cannot spell three consecutive words correctly. But. while he has Imagi nation and humor, he is lazy. "It didn't happen to me. anyhow." be protested, when I put It up to him. "And nobody cares for second-hand thrills. Besides, you want the un varnished and ungarnlshed truth, and I'm no hand Tor that. I'm a lawyer ' So am I. although there have been times when my assumption In that particular has been disputed. I am unmarried, and Just old enough to dance with the grown-up little sisters of the girls I used to know. I am fond of outdoors, prefer horses to the afore said grown-up little sisters, and with out sentiment ("am" crossed out and "was" substituted. Ed.) and com "plctely ruled and frequently routed by my housekeeper, an elderly widow. In fact, of all the men of my ac quaintance. I was probably the most prosaic, the least adventurous, the one man In a hundred who would be likely to go without a deviation from the normal through the orderly pro cession of the seasons, summer suits to winter flannels, golf to bridge. So It was a queer freak of the de mons of chance to perch on my un susceptible 30-year-old chest, tie me up with a crime, ticket me with a love affair, and start me on that sen sational and not always respectable Journey that ended so surprisingly less than three weeks later In the firm's private office. It had been the most remarkable period of my life. I would neither give It up nor live It again under any Inducement, and yet all that I lost was some 20 yards oft my drive! It was really McKnlght's turn to J make the next Journey. I had a tournament at Chevy Chase for Satur day, and a short yacht cruise planned for Sunday, and when a man has been grinding at statute law for a week, he needs relaxation. But McKnJght begged off It was not the first time! he had shirked that summer in order to run down to Richmond, and 1 was Burly about iL But this time he had j i new excuse. I "I wouldn't he able to look after the ! business if I did go." he said. He has' a sort of wide-eyed frankness that j makes one ashamed to doubt him. "I'm always car sick crossing the j mountains. It's a fact. Lollie. See-i jawing over the peaks does it. Why. ! crossing the Alleghany mountains has i the gulf stream to Bermuda beaten to a frazzle." So I gave him up finally and went home to pack. He came later in the evening with his machine, the Can nonbail. to take me to the station, and he brought the forged notes in the Itronson case. "Guard them with your life." he warned me. "They are more precious .nan honor. Sew them In your chest protector, or wherever people keep valuables. I never keep any. I'll not be happy until I see Gentleman Andy doing the lockstep." He sat down on my clean collars, found my cigarettes and struck a match on the mahogany bed post with one movement. "Where's the Pirate?" he demanded. The Pirate Is my housekeeper. Mrs. Klopton. a very worthy woman, so labeled and libeled because of a fe rocious pair of eyes and what Mc-J Knight called a bucaneering nose. 1 quietly closed the door Into the hall. "Keep your voice down. Richey." I aid. "She Is looking for the evening paper to see if it Is going to rain. She has my raincoat and an umbrella wait ing in the hall." The collars being damaged beyond repair, he left them and went to the window. He stood there for some time, staring at the blackness that represented the wall f the house next door. "It's raining now." he said over his shoulder, and' closed the window and the shutters. Something In his voice made me glance up. but he was watch ing me. his hands idly in his pockets. "Who lives next door?" he Inquired in a perfunctory tone, after a pause. I was packing my razor. "House is empty," I returned absent ly. "If the landlord would put It in some sort of shape " "Did you put those notes In your pocket?" he broke in. "Yes." 1 was impatient. "Along with my certificates of registration. baptism and vaccination. Whoever ' wants them will have to steal my coat to get them." "Well. 1 would move them. If I were you. Somebody in the next house was confoundedly anxious to see where you put them. Somebody right at that window opposite." I scoffed at the idea, but neverthe less I moved the papers, putting them in my traveling bag. well down at the bottom. McKnight watched me un easily. "I have a hunch that you are going to have trouble." he said, as I locked the alligator bag. "Darned if 1 like 55MAN ijowmi hy- MAKT ROBERT? RINE1 JLJTICU& OT THE CIIMULA32 CTAniAK ILtlJrRAriONS bjr M.G.KETTNER COWR.I&MT ly flOBBS "Guard This starting anything Important on Fri day." "You have a congenital dislike to start anything on any old day." I re torted, still sore from my lost Sat urday. "And if you knew the owner of that house as I do you would know that If there was any one at that window he is paying rent for the privilege." Mrs. Klopton rapped at the door and spoke discreetly from the hall. "Old Mr. McKnight bring the even ing paper?" she Inquired. "Sorry, but I didn't. Mr. Klopton." McKnight called. "The subs won, three to nothing." He listened, grin ning, as she moved away with little irritated rustles of her black silk gown I finished my packing, changed my collar and Tas ready to go. Then very cautiously we put out the light and opened the shutters. The win dow across was merely a deeper black in the darkness. It was closed and dirty And yet, probably owing to Richey's suggestion. I had an un easy sensation of eyes staring across at me. The next moment we were at the door, poised for flight. j "We'll have to run for it," I said in i a whisper. "She's down there with a package of some sort, sandwiches ' probably. And she's threatened me with overshoes for a month. Ready row!" I had a kaleidoscopic view of Mrs. Klopton in the lower hall, holding out '..... .- .. ., ,., , an armful of such traveling impedi-! ment-i as she deemed essential, while beside her. Kuphemia. the colored housemaid, grinned over a white wrapped box. "Awfully sorry no time back Sun day." I panted over my shoulder. Then the door closed and the car was mov ing away. McKnight bent forward and stared at the facade of the empty house next door as we passed. It was black, staring, mysterious, as empty build ings arc apt to be. "I'd like to hold a post-mortem on that corpse of a house." he said thoughfully. "By George. I've a no tion to get out and take a look." "Somebody after the brass pipes." I scoffed. "House has been empty for a year." With one hand on the steering wheel McKnight held out the other for my cigarette case. "Perhaps," he said; "but I don't see what she would want with brass pipe." "A woman!" I laughed outright "You have been looking too hard at the picture in the back of your watch, that's all. There's an experiment like that. If you stare long enough " But McKnight was growing sulky: he sat looking rigidly ahead, and he did not speak again until he brought the Cannonball to a stop at the sta tion. Even then it was only a per functory remark. He went through the gate with me, and with five min utes to spare, we lounged and smoked in the train shed. My mind had slid away from my surroundings and had wandered to a polo pony that I couldn't afford and intended to buy anyhow. Then McKnight shook off his taciturnity. "For heaven's sake, don't look so martyred." he burst out; "I know you've done all the traveling this sum mer. 1 know you're missing a game to-morrow. But don't be a patient mother: confound it I have to go to Richmond on Sunday. I I want to see a girl." "Oh. don't mind me." I observed politely. "Personally. I wouldn't change places with you. What's her name North? South?" "West." he snapped. "Don't try to be funny. And all I have to say. Biakeley. is that if you ever fall In love I hope you make an egregious ass of yourself." In view of what followed, this came rather close to prophecy. The trip west was without incident I ,ithaii.i. conPATty with Your Life." I played bridge with a furniture deal- I er from Grand Rapids, a sales agent for a Pittsburg Iron firm and a young professor from an eastern college. I won three rubbers out of four, finished what cigarettes McKnight had left me and went to bed about one o'clock. It was growing cooler, and the rain had ceased. Once, toward morning, I wakened with a start, for no apparent reason, and sat bolt upright I had an uneasy feeling that some one bad been looking at me, the same sensa- i tion. I had experienced earlier In the J evening at the window. But I could i feel the bag with the notes, between me and the window, and with my arm thrown over it for security, I lapsed again into slumber. Later, when I , tried to piece together the fragments of that journey. I remembered that my coat which had been folded and placed beyond my restless tossing, had been rescued in the morning from i. heterogeneous jumble of blankets, evening papers and cravat, had been shaken out with profanity and donned with wrath. At the time, nothine oc curred to me but the necessity ofne ale ror breakfast and did not cat writing to the Pullman Company and asking them if they ever traveled in their own cars. I even formulated some of the letter. ( I was more cheerful after I had had a cup of coffee in the Union station. It was too early to attend to business. and I lounged in the restaurant and hid behind the morning papers. As 1 i" B " visit and its object On the first pace was a staring announcement that the forged papers in the Bronson case had been brought to Pittsburg. Un derneath, a telegram from Washing ton stated that Iawrence Blakcley of Biakeley & McKnight had left for Pittsburg the night before, and that, owing to the approaching trial of the Bronson case and the illness of John Gllmore, the Pittsburg millionaire, who was the chief witness for the prosecution. It was supposed that the visit was intimately concerned with the trial I looked around apprehensively. There were no reporters yet In sight and thankful to have escaped notice I paid for my breakfast and left At the cabstand I chose the least dilapi dated hansom I could find, and giving the driver the address of the Gllmore residence, in the East end, I got in. 1 was just in time. As the cab turned and rolled off, a slim young man in a straw hat separated himself from a little group of men and hur ried toward us. "Hey! Walt a minute there!" he called, breaking Into a trot But the cabby did not bear, or per haps did not care to. We jogged com- NO ESCAPE FROM THE TUNAS Flying Fish and Sardines Rounded Up In Schools and Devoured by Hundreds. I have observed some curious scenes at sea, but never have I seen fear so forcibly expressed as by a school of flying fishes exhausted and at the mercy of the voracious tunas, declares a correspondent of the Out ing Magazine. I have bad them gather about my boat and cling to Its keel as closely as they could, while the air was full of leaping tunas and soar ing flying fish. At such times when a school of sardines la rmindad tin that fishes are so terrified that mea have In hriinMi nl ioKSs wH fortably along, to my relief, leaving the young man far behind. I avoid reporters on principle, having learned long ago that I am an easy mark for a clever Interviewer. It was perhaps nine o'clock when I lsft the station. Our way was along the boulevard which hugged the aid or one of the city's great hills. Far below, to the left, lay the railroad tracks and the seventy times seven looming stacks of the mills. The white mist of the river, the grays and blacks of the smoke blended Into a half-re vealing haze, dotted here and there with fire. It was unlovely, tremen dous. Whistler might have painted It with its pathos. Its majesty, but he would have missed what made it In finitely suggestive the rattle and roar of Iron on Iron, the rumble of wheels, the throbbing beat, against the ears, of fire and heat and brawn welding prosperity. Something of this I voiced to the grim old millionaire who was respon sible for at least part of It He was propped np In bed in his East end home, listening to the market reports read by a nurse, and he smiled a little at my enthusiasm. 1 can't see much beauty la It ay self." he said. "But It's our badge of i prosperity. The full dinner pail her I means a nose that looks like a lac Pittsburg without smoke wouldn't be Pittsburg, any more than New York prohibition would be New York. Sit down for a few minutes. Mr. Blakcley. Now. Hiss Gardner. Westlnghouse Electric." The nurse resumed her reading tn a monotonous voice. She read liter ally and without understanding, using Initial and abbreviations as they came. But the shrewd old man followed her easily. As the nurse droned along, I found myself looking curiously at a photo graph In a silver frame on the bed side table. It was the picture of a girl in white, with her hands clasped loosely before her. Against the dark background her figure stood out slim and young. Perhaps It was the rather grim environment, possibly It was my mood, but although as a general thing photographs of young girls make no appeal to me. this one did. I found my eyes straying back to It By a little finesse I even made out the name written across the corner. "All son." Mr. Gllmore lay back among his pillows and listened to the nurse's listless voice. But he was watching me from under bis heavy eyebrows, for when the reading was over, and we were alone, he indicated the pic ture with a gesture. "I keep It there to remind myself that I am an old man." he sad. "That Is my granddaughter. Alison West" I expressed the customary rollte surprise, at which, finding me respon sive, he told me his age with a chuc kle of pride. More surprise, this time genuine. From that we went to what ior itincnoon. ana men 10 nis reserve power, which at 65 became a matter for thought And so. In a wide circle, back to where we started, the picture. "Father was a rascal." John Gll more said, picking up the frame. "The happiest day of my life was when I knew he was safely dead in bed and not hanged. If the child had looked like him. I well, she doesn't She's a Gllmore, every Inch. Supposed to look like me." "Very noticeably," I agreed soberly. I had produced the notes by that time, and replacing the picture Mr. Gilmore gathered his spectacles from beside it. He went over the four notes methodically, examining each care fully and putting It down before he picked up the next Then he leaned back and took off his glasses. "They're not so bad," he said thoughtfully. "Not so bad. Rut 1 never saw them before. That's my unofficial signature. I am inclined to think" he was speaking partly to himself "to think that he has got hold of a letter of mine, probably to Alison. Bronson was a friend of her rapscallion of a father." I took Mr. Gilmore's deposition and put It into my traveling bag with tho forged notes. When I saw them again, almost three weeks later, they were unrecognizable, a mass of charred pa per on a copper ash tray. In the in terval other and bigger things had happened: The Bronson forgery case bad shrunk beside the greater and more imminent mystery of the man In lower ten. And Alison West had come Into the story and into my life. (TO BE CONTINUED.) I rowed np to them and scooped them In by the pailful. 1 have stood In a boat when the air seemed literally full of fish, the tunas coming up with a rush from below, and endeavoring to catch the flying fishes with tremendous leaps. Some times they take them In midair; again they strike and knock them higher, bleeding or dead, or miss them altogether. But whatever the result the tuna Is never displaced: It makes the same spectacular Jump, utterly unlike that or the swordttsb. shark. or tarpon, returning to the sea bead first with a graceful curve. Doings tfTTHE CPITL Odd Answers to WASHINGTON. One of the princi pals la the Washington public schools has been telling her friends of some amusing Incidents of the final examinations before the close of the schools for the summer. Among the questions she gave to the children In the third grade was: "Name the five races of man." Imag ine her surprise when one tot an swered: "Automobile races, horse races, airship races, foot races and bicycle races." Another question was: "Name some of the organs of men." To this one child replied: "Mouth organ, hand organ, pipe organ." The spinal cord was defined as a string running from the back of the head to the bottom of the heels. "Ears." said one. "are just as Impor tant as good clothes and should he taken care of just as well. Don't let bugs crawl Into your ears, but If one should get In there syringe your ear with soap suds and afterwards drop some molasses into It" "Poison," wrote another, "should be doctored at once and not allowed to run on as it is dangerous. Don't treat poison rough It Is liable to run Into blood poison. If anyone should take poison It Is a good idea to keep It as high up out of reach as possible." "You ought to keep poison in a little W j SBB. aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBir 23VHaft3 Rural Free Delivery Is Growing Fast THE rural free delivery service of the United States means the dis tribution of nearly 3.000.000 letters and parcels annually along the highways and byways of every state and terri tory from Maine to Alaska. A force of 41.000 carriers dally go over the routes assigned to them, says a writer in the Bookkeeper. Bringing the mall to the farmer now costs the nation I3C.000.000 a year In salaries for the carriers, expense of rxamining new routes, maintaining postoffices. payments of Inspectors, special agents, clerks and chiefs of bureaus. To secure Information to make changes In routes and carriers, where deemed necessary, to establish new routes and to record and tabulate statistics and data for the postmaster general as well as for the public, a force of only 110 persons Is required in Washington, in spite of the great amount of office work and correspond- , ence that must be finished daily. 1 More than a million letters are re ceived and answered by the depart ment of rural free delivery in a year. I Many of those received are merely ad- . dressed to the department To save Baseball and the WASHINGTON had a "safe and sane" celebration of the national birthday. In years gone by the na tional capital has been noted for the noisiest Fourth of July celebration of any city in the union. Last year they adopted the "safe and sane" Idea. Day fireworks and a parade in the morning with speechmaking on the plaza fronting the city buildings. In the afternoon a motor parade and, at night, an Illumination of the Monu ment grounds and more fireworks. The "safe and sane" Idea took well it first and Washington determined to stick by the modern form of celebra tion this year. Therefore the celebra tion last Monday began with the read ing of the Declaration of Independence in front of the city buildings. Ten o'clock was the hour set, but. as luck would have it the same hour tho Bos Ion Red Sox and the Nationals crossed bats. The Washington Post and the Washington Time? have of fices opposite the city building. A crowd of about 1.000 people had gath ered for the ceremonies. At the news paper offices the megaphone men bad been connected by wire with the base- J ball park. Why Burton Didn't SINCE Senator Burton took his con gressional Investigators or Euro pean waterways abroad be has been relating this one. The senator was in Switzerland. In front of the hotel at which he was stopping a mountain climbing party was arranging for a start to the top of one of the lesser lplne peaks. The guide was as busy as a bird dog nosing around, and giving limitless advice and Instruction in what to do and bow to do It "Is he a thoroughly skilled climb er?" asked the Obioan of the bote! proprietor. "Ah. zat he eez," exclaimed the bonl face. "He have lost two partes of 7 tw ' JfcPF Teachers' Questions room under lock and key In a Ilttlt bottle and the cork in so It can't bt got out and hide the key and havt skeleton on the bottle and not let no body go In there." "A good anty dote for poison," saM one, "Is to take a teacupful of soai suds every ten minutes to make yot vomit till the doctor comes." (It it awful to think of the doctor's belnj delayed several hours.) A class of six-grade pupils wen asked to write a short blographlca sketch of Longfellow. One membei of the class proudly submitted tht following: "H. W. Longfellow was a granc man. He wrote both poems and poetry He graduated at Bowdoln and after wards taught the same school when he graduated. He dldnt like teachlnf and decided to learn some other trade so bis school furnished him money tc go to Europe and learn to be a poet He wrote many beautiful poems foi children. He wrote "Billy, the Black smith." The following brief but pithy com position was banded In by a young ster who had been asked to write ot his favorite holiday: "I like the Fourth of July best 'caust it's the day America was dlscov ered." A hasty look into a dictionary U presumed to have conveyed to the mind of one embryo cynic that "chart ty" means "alum" Instead of "alms. "Ambush" was defined as a kind oi bush and "habitation" was judged tc refer to one's habits. It was also de elded that a "patriarch" wears feath crs "same as any other bird." time of opening and reading mlsslvet not properly directed Is a part of thi work of the mailing section. It In dudes a private postofflce througl which every letter received or sen relative to rural delivery must pass. Every one of the half-million ant more letters sent from this depart ment Is copied for record by a ms chanlcal system which saves the labor of a hundred copying clerks evei where the band copying press or tht carbon method has been employed, J force of only seventeen clerks Is need ed In this section, yet In addition t handling and copying mail they keex a dally record of all the outlay foi postage expenses of the department and sort and examine the hundreds nl letters daily received which must be returned to the postofflce where they should have been directed. What the service does In recelvinf applications for new routes, petltionr for carriers, decisions of the depart ment, the payments and receipts, la told by the postofflce newspaper. The esprit de corps of the rural free delivery is best shown by the last an nual report During the year it-statea that out of the 41.000 in the service the total dismissals for cause were only 165, less than the total number of deaths. The reasons for the dismissals wer principally Incompetence and failure to obey instructions. No dismissals whatever for stealing from the maiU or other dishonesty were on the re ords. Declaration Promptly at ten o'clock a baldhead ed man in a frock coat arose on the flag draped stand in front of the city building cleared his throat and be gan: "When the course of human ev " Across the way the megaphone man Interrupted with: "Milan is at the bat Ball one!" "vents It becomes necessary," con tinued the baldheaded reader. "Foul 3trike one," roared the megaphone. The masculine portion of the listen ers became restive. Their attention turned in the direction of the mega phone man and their backs toward the baldheaded patriot "for one people to dissolve the poiit " "He hits to left For two bases Lellvelt at the bat By this time 794 male members of the Independence day audience had dashed madly across to Newspaper How. Of the original audience or the "safe and sane" celebration. 134 wom en 22 children, a salubriously Intoxi cated cab driver and the police guard remained. "Lellvelt sacrifices Elberfeld singles Milan scores." "Hurrah! Wow! Wow!" bel lowed the crowd and the remainder or the reading or the glorious docu ment was interspersed with "Good boy. Doc!" "Oh. you Gabby Street!" for 14 hot Innings. But Boston won. Climb Mountains toureests down zee mountalne side, and boze times he have come off wlzout so mooch as zee one leetle scratch." Burton did not climb aay mountains during bis sojourn. Representative J. Harry Covington of Maryland represents that section of the Terrapin state known as tht Eastern Shore. The Eastern Shore Is famed for producing not only the highest living In all America, but It numbers among Its population many of the highest livers. "The most notable Instance of gour mandizlng which our section has pre duced," said Mr. Covington to a group of newspaper friends, "is oM Joe Nicholson of Talbott county. One of Joe's friends asked bim If he liked turkey. " 'Sure I like turkey.' responded Old Joe. 'But a turkey Is an inconvenient sort of a bird. It's a Ieetle too much fer one and not enough fer two.'" LEADING MISTAKES IN LIFE Writer Has Recorded Ten, ef Whisk Meet ef Us Assuredly Have Our Share. Some of as may be glad to he tola that there ere only tea life mistakes, for there seen to be ee may mors, but a recent writer has eatatoguef them. Perhaps these are only the tea. leading ones from which tas smaller errors arise. Let's look over tas list and see how many of these are oars: First, to set up our owa standard of, right and wrong aad judge people a cordlngly; second, to measars tas sa joyaieat of others by our ewa; third, to expect aaif ormlty ef sissies la tats world; fourth, to look fer Judgment sad experience la youth; arte, to sa dsavor to mold all dtepssttloas alike;, sixth, to look for aerfestloa ai sa ewa actions; seventh,0 to worry ear sslvss sad others with wast saaast, be remedied; eighth, to refuse to yield la Immaterial matters; ninth, to re fuse to alleviate, so far as It lies la oar power, all which needs allevia tion: tenth, to refuse to stake allow- aacs fer tas laanalUss of EPIDEMIC OF ITCH IN WELSH VILLAGE -la Dowlals, South Wales, aboat 1 teea years sgo, families were strich sa wholesale by a dlsssss knowa ss the itch. Believe me. It Is the most terrible disease of Its kind that I know of, ss it Itches sll through your body sad makes your life sa Inferno. Sleep is out of the suesUoa sad yoa feel ss if a mlllloa mosaultoes were attacking yoa at tho seats time. I knew a dotea families that were ss sleeted. "The doctors did their beet, bat their remedies were of ao avail what? ever. Then the families tried a drug gist who was noted far sad wide for his remarkable cures. People cams to him from all parts of the country for treatment, but his medicine mads matters still worse, ss a last resort they were advised by a Mead to ass the Cutlcura Remedies. I sm glad to tell you that after a few days treat ment with Cutlcura Boss. Ointment and Itesolveat, the effect was woeder ful and ths result was a perfect can la all cases. "I may add that my three Brothers, three sisters, myself sad an ear fas Hies havs beea users of tas Catteara Remedies for flfteea years. Thomas Hugh. 1CM West Haroa PL, Chicago m, Jaas if. IMS - ASY TO ANSWER. Ths Teacher Who was it that climbed slowly np ths ladder of sue cess, carrying his burden with him as hs went; who, when ho reached the) top gazed upon those far hsaeath him. and The Scholar Caged I) I know ma'am. It was Pat OTtourke, press dent of the Hodcarriers naloa, A Knowing Girl. When young Lord Stanlelgh earn to visit an American family, the mis tress told the servants that la adi dressing him they should always aj "Tour Grace." When the young gea tleman one morning met one ot th pretty house servants la ths hallwaj and told her that she was so sttrao tlve looking he thought he would Um her, she demurely replied, clasping, her hands on her bosom sad looktaf up into his facs with a heatlflo ea pression. "O Lord, for this blesslna we are about to receive, we thank thee." Llpplncott's. Mere Serious. "Mathilda Browne was very rude ts sn overdressed old womsa she met es the street the other day." "I know the story. The old woman turned out to be Mathilda's very rich aunt, and now she's going to give all her money to a hospital for decrepit dogs." "Nothing of the sort. la fact, It'r worse. The old woman was ths Brownes' new cook and sow they haven't any." The Horns of the Cod. There Is just one other great cod bank In the world besides those off Newfoundland. It lies off Cape Agul has, which Is the southern tip of Af rica, and south of the Cape of Good Hope. The Agulhas plateau Is said to be almost a duplicate la size and rich ness of the north cod hanks. But this Is too far off, so there is little promise of Its appeasing the hungry appetite of the world for cod. For Breakfast Post Toasties with cream tr milk The smile that follows will last all day "Ths Mcasiy Uaf nM Sold by Crecers. Pkss.lOesad IS tOSTUX CEKKAX CO.. US. Bul Crack,: yt jtf