The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 03, 1910, Image 2

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A Billing Dowi of tbe More lm
ptrtut Events Here and There
Rear Admiral Thomas H. Looker,
a veteran of the civil war and for
many years paymaster general of the
navy, died at his home here at the
age of eighty.
An outbreak of typhoid fever on
three Japanese battleships in
Oriental waters has been reported to
the public health and marine hos
pital service.
A safety device which had been
tested and found true, but failed in
one particular instance, was the
cause of the gun explosion in Dattery
De Russy at Fort Monroe. July 21.
when eleven artillerymen were
The application of the supposeaiy
financial ruling of President Taft on
what constitutes whisky, may be
suspended for some time as the re
cult of Louisiana courts acting on a
petition Oi representatives of the so
called whisky trust.
President Taft has approved the
appointment by the interior depart
ment of J. A. Ockerson of St Louis,
to Investigate conditions in Imperial
valley. Cal., where serious damage is
threatened by the Colorado river
breaking its banks.
To the failure of a safety me
chanism to operate when a sudden
powerful pull was given by an ar
tillerymen In attaching the Lanyard.
Is now laid the responsibility for the
accident which cost the lives of
eleven men at Fort Monroe. Va.. dur
ing the batt!e practice. Such Is the
conclusion of General Crozier, chief
cf ordinance.
The crop report for Germany which
gives conditions up to July 15 has
just been made' public. It shows a
slight depreciation since June 15. but
winter wheat is considerably better
than the average conditions during
past ten years.
Herr Dalwitz. Prussian minister of
the interior, on recommendation of
tbe political poMce. has signed orders
for the expulsion of twenty-one
Mormon missionaries, most of whom
are Americans or Englishmen. They
were conducted to the frontier.
France appears to be on the eve of
one of the most colossal strikes, that
the country has witnessed in recent
yeara. The engineers and firemen af
filiated with the national railroaders'
union are to meet to reach a final de
cision on the action of the central
committee of the union, which has al
ready decided on a general strike.
The workers demand an increase in
Lydle Lopoukhova. her brother.
Feodor. and Alexander Volinine. the
famous Russian dancers who have
been engaged by Charles Frohman
for an American tour, sailed for New
York on th Oceanic. Their first per
formances will be given at the Em
pire theater in New York. Lydic
Lopoukhova. although she is but
eighteen years old, has established a
reputation throughout Europe and in
Et. Petersburg she is looked upon as
the only rival of the famous Pavlova.
President Taft is pleased with the
result of the Ohio convention.
Senator Kristuw says Kansas Is not
taking Speaker Cannon seriously.
Nebraska republicans in state con
vention strongly endorsed the Taft
Severe fighting among the tribes of
Liberia in the vicinity of Cape
Thomas has broken out again.
The government Intends to break
up the practice of railroads selling
foodstuffs spoiled in transportation.
Prof. Samuel Rosswin. dean of
Princeton university from 1S99 to
1903. died at his home In Princeton.
The third raid on Chinese res-'
taurants within three weeks, made in
Bt. Louis, resulted in the seizure or
opium worth $18,750 at retail.
Cleveland voted to issue $2,000,000
worth of bonds to abolish grade
crossings throughout tbe city.
Census returns Issued show that
Brownsville, the southernmost city in
Texas, increased its population 6S.3
per cent in the last ten years. Its
population Is now 10,517, as compared
with 6.305 in 1900.
Five hundred employes of the Long
Island City plant of the New York
Sugar Refining company went on
strike in sympathy with the strikers
at the Williamsburg works.
The Tesurel Maru, plying between
Kobe and Dairen, sunk off Chindo.
Korea. The steamer had 246 passen
gers aboard, of whom forty were
At Fort Crester. N. Y.. eleven
thousand volts of electricity passed
through the body of Michael Foley
and although he is frightfully burned
he still lives and there is a chance
that he will recover.
Washington will have one of the
first experimental rostal savings
banks to be established under the
postal savings bank bill.
Mrs. Marion Mayo of Augusta. Ga..
reputed to be wealthy and of social
position, who took passage on the
steamer City of Columbus from Sa
vannah, jumped into the ocean and
was lost.
Another Central American revolu
tion is imminent This time Honduras
!s to be the battle grounl and Presi
dent Davila is to meet In combat his
old opponent and former president of
the republic, Manuel Boaila.
Theodore Roosevelt has bo desire
to pose as a political dictator.
President Taft has taken the con
servation policy in his own haadi.
Ohio republicans selected Mr. Har
ding for governor, the Taft following
thus winning out
Senator Cummins declares Cannon
and Aldrich are driving the country
toward socialism.
The mayor of Columbus, O., made
an appeal to the governor for troops
to cope with strikers.
The explosion at Fortress Monroe
is believed to have been due to a de
fective device on the gun.
The supreme court of Oklahoma
says the capital must remain for a
time, at least, at Guthrie.
Twenty-five persons perished In a
flood that followed a cloudburst at
i the town of Dees, Hungary.
At Clinton. III.. Chief of Police John
Struble was shot about midnight by
an unknown man and died in a short
Daniel Kinet. the Belgian aero
naut who fell when the rudder of his
aeroplane broke, died from his in
juries. Mrs. Margaret Barcha. a bride of
less than a year, was found shot to
I death in her home at Chicago
Cardinal Gibbons was 7C years old
Saturday. He spent the day at the
country home of a friend near West
minster, Md.
The Baltimore Eastern League base
ball club has sold Pitcher "Lefty"
Russell to the Philadelphia American
League team for $12,000.
Nonconformists were successful In
the British commons in having ex
punged an obnoxious clause in the
pending king's accession bill.
The French government has accept
ed a bronze copy of Houden's statue
of George Washington, which was
presented by the state of Virginia.
Plans for the establishment of a
bureau of railway economies at Wash
ington. D. C. by the railroads of the
country were announced at Chicago.
At Hamburg Thirty-five thousand
ship yard workers united in a de
mand for an increase of 10 per cent
in wages and a fifty-three-hour week.
The forest service Is engaged in
cruising the national forests in the
south and southwest for the purpose
of determining the stand of saw tim
ber. Copious rains which fell over the
Central and Southern sections of
Iowa, those portions of the state
which needed it most, saved the corn
President Taft has approved the
appointment by the Interior depart
ment of J. A. Ockerson of St. Louis to
investigate conditions in Imperial val
ley, Cal.
Major General Frederick Dent
Grant has left Chicago to assume
command of the Department of the
East, with headquarters at Governors
Island. N. Y.
In an automobile ac;dent at West
hampton, L. I., Desmond Dunne, jr..
son of Desmond Dunne, former com
missioner of public work in Brooklyn,
was instantly killed.
Laura Jeanne Libbey the author of
"When His Love Grew Cold." "Lovers
Once, but Strangers Now." and more
than fifty other similar novels, will
make her debut on the stage.
William Tubbert. 62 years old, and
William J. Tubert. 48, cousins, died
at Syracuse. N. Y., within a half
hour. The former was one of the
best known sporting men in Central
New York.
Eleven men were killed at La
Taqua, Quebec. One of the men was
opening a can of powder with an ax
when an explosion occurred which set
fire to a train of powder leading to
a tunnel in which fifteen men were
At Pittsburg, Pa., a federal food In
spector armed with legal papers and
a clothespin clapped over his nose
seized 125 cans of Nebraska eggs,
which were marked "canned fancy
mixed and frozen." and yet guaran
teed pure and fresh."
A motion asking for a new trial in
the bleached flour rase in which a
jury recently returned a verdict favor
able to the government, was filed in
the United States district court at
Kansas City by attorneys represent
ing the Lexington Mill & Elevator
company of Lexington, Neb.
Chalmers No. 5, which was driven
by Bill Bolzer. was the winner of the
Glidden trophy. The contest board of
the American Automobile association,
'n session at Detroit, fully sustained
the protest of the Chalmers Motor
company against the entry of the
Premier Motor Car company of Indi
anapolis, and awarded the Detroit car
the classic trophy of endurance con
test. The Glilden tor- victor was a
$1,500 Chalmers "CO."
Republicans and populists of Ne
braska declare for county option.
Louis D. Cole, a prominent con
tractor living near Mount Pleasant
Mlrh.. was killed when his automo
bile overturned.
Theodore Roosevelts first speech
of a political nature since his return
to America, may be delivered in St.
Louis. October 11.
Erwin Wilder is being sought by
the police in conection with the dis
appearance of bonds from the
Russo-Chinese bank.
Prof. A. Harry Thurston Peck of
Columbia university is being sued for
breach of promise by Miss Esther
Qinn of Cambridge. Mass.
Because they wanted to be "bad
men." John Warner and Ray Metcalf.
each 11 years old. of Columbus.
Ohio., committed COO burglaries.
President Taft has put himself on
record as subscribing absolutely to tbe
principle that a president of the Unit
ed States should not talk politics.
Young Roosevelt's honeymoon is
over and he has begun his duties as
carpet making expert.
Colonel Roosevelt will be a visitor
in Kansas City from noon until mid
night on September 1.
John S. Overton, an o!d-time actor
who played with Edwin Booth.
Lawrence Earret and other famous
stats, died in St. Louis at the age of
u'j years.
At Ridgway, Va., former Mayor A.
H. Bousman, was assassinated by s
dnamite bomb which was thrown
from the street under a hammock in
which he was lying.
National Guard Orders.
General order No. 14, Issued by Ad
jutant General John G. Hartigan re
quires all officers and men of the Ne
braska national guard who desire to
be excused from the tour of duty at
Fort Riley maneuvers to make appli
cation for such leave to the adjutant
general through military channels.
a:h application will fully set forth
the l.nsons for such desire. Appoint
ments and assignments by the ad
jutant are as follows:
Captain Emile C. Underburg, as
sistant surgecn, is appointed surgeon,
with the rank of major, and assigned
to the First regiment infantry. Major
Underburg will report to the com
manding officer of the First regiment
in person.
First Lieutenant James S. Taylor,
assistant surgeon, is appointed assist
ant surgeon, with the rank of captain.
and assigned to the First regiment in
fantry. Captain Taylor will report for
duty to the commanding officer. First
regiment infantry, by mail.
First Lieutenant G. P. Hall, assist
ant surgeon, medical department, is
assigned to the First regiment In
fantry, for duty, and he will report to
the commanding officer. First regi
ment infantry, by mail.
It is now reported that when official
scores are tabulated the Aurora com
pany will be given second prize in the
company rifle team contest at the
state rifle range. The scores are so
close that the official record only will
disclose the winners. The scores are
now being tabulated by the adjutant
Governor Appoints Delegates.
Tbe following delegates have been
appointed by Governor Sballenberger
to the second national conservation
congress to be held at St Paul. Minn
September 6 to 9: Prof. G. E. Condra,
Lincoln; A. Hull. Alma; Jesse Fouts,
Diller; Lew Deets, Kearney; James M.
Dunkle. Grand Island; W. H. Lanning.
Hastings; J. C. Canady, Minden; S.
R. McKelvie, Lincoln; G. W. Hervey.
Omaha; J. B. McDonald, North
Platte; Charles A. Morrill, Scotts
Bluff; W. S. Ridgell. Alliance; James
Coffey, Chadrcn; Jack Walsh. Hum
boldt; John P. Thiessen. Jansen.
The governor has also appointed
Dan V. Stephens of Fremont and Emil
Wolbach of Grand Island delegates to
the international road congress wbirh
will be held in Brussels, July CI ij
August 8.
The following delegates have been
appointed by the governor to repre
sent the state of Nebraska in the
fourth international conference of
state and local taxation to he held in
Milwaukee. August 30 to September
2: H. A. Edwards. Grand Island; Al
bert Watkins, Lincoln; J. F. Costin,
Willow Island.
State Rejects Canned Goods.
Commandant Eli Barnes of the sol
diers' and sailors' heme at Grand
Island has refused to accept canned
goods from a contractor and Land
Commissioner Cowles as chairman of
the state board of public lands and
buildings has directed the return of
the gooJ3 to the wholesaler who deliv
ered them at the Institution. The
gcods are said not to be equal to the
quality called for in bids, which called
for 20 per cent syrup in canned black
berries and raspberries. "It is
watered and mighty poor watered
goeds at that." said Mr. Cowle3 after
he tasted the juice.
Land Commissioner Cowles has ad
vised Superinttndent Stewart of the
state schcol for deaf not to pay the
city of Omaha $28 fcr a permit to
build a building on state land. He be
lieves the state should not be required
to pay any fee when it desires to erect
buildings en Its own lands. The insti
tution is within the city limits of Om
aha. Mr. Cowles opposes paying the
fee asked for or any other fee and has
written the superintendent that if he
is arrested and put in jail in Omaha
he believes the governor will parden
him. A $50,000 building is to be erect
cd ct the school for deafs.
. Adjutant General Hartigan will not
send a state rifle team to Camp Perry
this year, but after the Nebraska
troops are on their way to Fort Riley
he will make a short trip to Camp
Perry himself. Major Phelps and
Major submitted reports last
year en the national rifle shoot in
which considerable criticism wes in
dulged in.
Ccurt torse bonds from Phelps
county to the amcunt of $35,000 havo
been delivered to the state treasurer.
These tmds were contracted for
many months ago when the state had
plenty of meney to be used for the
purchase cf bonds.
Compromises With Ben Hur.
State Auditor S. R. Bartcn. who has
contended that all fraternal Insurance
organizations doing business in Ne
braska must have a representative
form of government has about effect
ed a settlement with tbe supreme
Tribe of Ben Hur. The auditor has
contended that no one but delegates
elected In- local lodges have a right to
vote in the supreme body of fraternal
organizations. The Ben Hur alleged
that it had complied with the auditor's
ruling requiring a representative form
cf government
The State Fair.
The state fair management has se
cured Signor Lombardo's great Italian
band cf forty-four pieces and twenty
four grand opera singers. Daily con
certs in tbe auditorium will be open
d the public every day. The great
st field of horses ever assembled in
he state will compete for the $13,600
purses offered in the speed ring.
The management feel certain that
here will be three hundred horses in
the speed barns when the fair opens.
wipj pj I Vsj I
Charged With Theft.
Madison County. Peter Adams
Young, aged 30. the son of John
Young, one of the wealthiest of North
Nebraska farmers, was arrested In
this county on a warrant by his
father charging theft
Boundary Line Fence Cut.
Kimball County. A dispute grow.
Ing out of a boundary line resulted in
J. A. Simones fence being cut to
pieces. Simones had his land sur
veyed recently, and the survey cut
into E. J. Peters' farm. Simones has
sent for bloodhounds.
Want Postmaster Job.
Colfax County. The contest for the
office of postmaster at Schuyler is
fairly on although the term of the in
cumbent does not expire until Febru
ary. 1911. Postmaster McLeod wants
a third appointment, while George
Watson thinks he should have the
New Church.
Polk County. About forty-five
members who withdrew from the
Swedish mission church here last
spring, have bought grounds and
will begin the erection of a new
church. They have organized a new
society called "The Swedish Christian
Free Mission church."
Nebraskan Dies In Jerusalem.
Richardson County. Mrs. J. W.
Stump of Verdon has received word
of the death of her brother, Dan
Yantiss. at Jerusalem. Palestine, from
indigestion, followed by apoplexy. Mr.
Yantiss was formerly a farmer near
Verdon. and a few years ago his
family and several others of certain
religious order went to Palestine to
Sentenced to Penitentiary.
Dodge County. Gilbert Hart, who
stole a horse and buggy from the
Fremont brewery barn a few nights
ago. was sentenced by Judge Hollen
beck to two years and six months In
the state penitentiary. Hart is fifty
two years of age. He is a paroled
convict from the state penitentiary in
Record Yield of Wheat
Nemaha County. Alfred Aldrich
threshed and delivered to L. L.
Coryell at the latter's elevator in
Glen Rock wheat that went forty-two
bushels to the acre and tested sixty
three pounds to the bushel. Mr.
Coryell states this is by far the best
whent he has ever bought during a
period of sixteen years of grain buy
ing in Nemaha county.
Prisoners Attempt Escape.
Hall County. A desperate attempt
at jail-breaking was made at Grand
Island by prisoners Frank Martin
dale, in for horse stealing and at
tested at Gandy about two weeks
so. and Albert Tracy and Orin
Young, serving sentences of six
months for the burglary of a number
of farm homes along the St. Paul
road. When Jailer Schroeder was
about to deliver the supper to the
prisoners, and just as he bad opened
the cage door, he was struck a
vicious blown on the head by one of
the men.
Stockholders Guaranty Deposits.
Burt Comity. Something new in
the way of bank guaiantec was
projected at Lyons by the Farmers
Bunk of Lyons. An agreement was
entered into among the stockholders
whereby they waive the protection of
all laws favoring corporations am'
place behind their guarantee all their
private property. In an interview
with the vice president he says they
think it Is all right to pass a guaran
tee law. but all wrong to make one
bank pay for another's failure, hence
the bank's stockholders volunteer to
put all they are worth behind it
The Farmers Organize.
Cuming County. The farmers In
the southeastern portion of Cuming
county have organized an associatioa
for the purrose of handling for them
selves tbe products of their farms
and to buy farm necessities. They
think that by combining they will be
able to obtain better prices for their
products and buy at a less price than
at present
State Horticultural Society.
Gage County The annual summer
meeting of the Nebraska state horti
cultural society was held at Wymore
July 20 and 21. While the meeting
w.i3 not largely attended on account
of this being a busy season with the
farmers, much Interest was shown. A
number of very interesting and in
structive papers were read and the
discussions following each paper
brought out many good points. A very
interesting paper entitled "The Home
Beautiful" was read bv Mrs. J. A.
Reuling of Wymore. The importance
of planting hardy and inexpensive or
namentals about the home was em
phasized. Wheat Thirty Bushels.
Otoe County. The first threshed In
this vicinity was that of Ed McKes.
which averaged thirty bushels per
Pawnee Yields Bountifully.
Pawnee County. Charles W. Eur
nett who lives some five milc3 south
of Table Rock has just threshed
1.17G bushels of fine oats from a
field of twelve acres, which makes
the yield ninety-eight bushel3 per
acre. A half bushel of these oats
tested eighteen pounds.
Bonds for School Building.
Polk County. The officers of the
school board of Stromsburg have just
completed the issue of $18,000.00
bonds and have sold them to a
broker in Lincoln for face value, the
bonds bearing 5 per cent
Wheat Destroyed by Fire.
Nemaha County Bert Engles o!
the Nemaha County bank lost about
fifteen acre3 of wheat by fire on
Saturday morning. The fire caugnt
from a passing Missouri Pacific
engine. The wheat had been stacked
Nation's Chief Executive Cancels All
Fall Engagements, but Will Make
the Trip to Panama.
Beverly, Mass. Senator WInthrop
Murray Crane of Massachusetts, who
occupies in the senate a position simi
lar to that of the republican "whip"
in the bouse, was summoned to
Beverly Friday by President Taft and
had a long talk with the chief exe
Senator Crane was asked by the
president to make a trip through the
west in the near future, going as far
as Seattle. He will inquire into
political conditions in the states
through which he travels. The pres
ident is said to desire this informa
tion first-hand. He has the utmost
confidence in Senator Crane's poli
tical sagacity. The senator is noted
for the quiet manner in which he ac
complishes the most difficult tasks
During the last session of congress
Mr. Taft relied absolutely upon the
junior senator from Massachusetts,
and often made bim the means of
communicating the administration's
views to the upper branch of con
gress. In selecting an emissary to
the west, the president naturally
turned to Senator Crane.
The senator already has made a
few quiet trips of observation. an1
discussed what he had learned with
tbe president The senator's visit
was surrounded with the greatest
secrecy. Not until the senator was
seen was it admitted at tbe executive
office that he had been anywhere in
the vicinity of the president's cot
tage. It was denied that Mr. Crane's
visit to the president bad anything to
do with the Balilnger-Plnchot con
troversy. It is stated with authority
that the president never has con
sidered, and never will consider, ask
ing Secretary Ballinger to retire from
the cabinet
Another significant move made by
the president, and of almost equal
Importance with the proposed mis
sion of Senator Crane, was the an
nouncement that Mr. Taft has can
celled all of the engagements, tenta
tive and otherwise, that he bad male
in different parts of the country for
this fall. Important affairs of ad
ministration, it was said, would keei
the president busily engaged at Be
verly and Washington until Novem
ber. In November, it was announced, the
president will make a three weeks'
trip to the Isthmus of Panama to ob
serve the progress of the work on the
big canal. Whether the cancellation
of the numerous engagements for the
fall means a reversal of the presi
dent's travel policy or not could not
be learned. Political consideration
may have had a great deal to do with
the president's decision. It would b'
difficult for the president to trave?
through the doubtful states in Sep
tember and October without bein
drawn ino the camnalpn. or at least
having his speeches construed into
political utterances. In a srecch at
Rockland. Me., the other day Mr. Taf
said he did not believe a pre-ident of
the United States had a right to talk
Preacher Jumps His Bond.
Ottawa. Kas. The Rev. Wallace M.
Stuckey. convicted on a charge of ab
ducting Lorena Sutherland, 10 years
old. in Williamsburg. Kas.. last Janu
ary, has disappeared.
Three Regiments of Kilitia Do Not
Protect Service.
Columbus. O. Presence of three
regiments of the Ohio National guard
did not deter Columbus rioters and
Friday night proved to be the worst
since the car strike began. A score
of imported emploves of the Colum
bus Railway and Electric Light com
pany were Injured by stones, bricks
and other missiles, and by 10 o'clock
car service, which had been resume!
at 4:30. following the return at noon
of Governor Harmon to the city, was
suspended and cars were taken to the
barns for the night
Mayor Marshall late at night said
he was disappointed in the aid lent by
troops. Promptly on his arrival. Gov
ernor Harmon had declared that the
militia could not be used for police
duty. He declared they should re
main in their camps unless sum
moned to points where rioting broke
out. The result was that when night
fall came the union sympathizers be
gan attacks on cars in all sections of
the city.
Te Erect Statue of Twain.
Heidelberg. The American colony
here has decided to erect a statue of
Mark Twain in Heidelberg where he
conceived the Idea of writing "A
Tramp Abroad." The necessary funds
for the statue already have been sub
scribed. Miss Kerens Engaged.
Vienna. Announcement was made
Friday of the marriage engagement of
Miss Gladys Keren3 of St. Louis. Mo.,
daughter of Richard C. Kerens. Am
erican ambassador to Austro-Hungary
and George H. Colkct of Philadelphia.
President Will Have Two Justices to
Magnolia. Miss. Associate Justice
William H. Moody, of the Unitea
States supreme court, has definitely
stated he will announce his retire
ment from the bench prior to the ex
piration of the enabling act passed
In his behalf by the last congress.
This act expires in the middle of No
vember. The president now faces
the responsibility of appointing twd
associate Justices
Some Suggestions to Lighten the Bur
dens ef This Most Strenuous sf
the Housekeeper's Days
Cushion for the Feet
First, dress comfortably. A loos
and thinner blouse than usually wont
Is of much advantage in keeping cool.
When the work Is completed don the
usual apparel, and the chilly, uncom
fortable feeling so common after a
day's ironing may be avoided.
If there is a big day's work, have
an old cushion upon which to stand.
No one knows how much it will rest
the tired feet, unless they have tried it
The irons should be clean and
smooth. The board should be covered
with a cloth in which there are bo
seams or patches, as these make shiny
streaks or creases In any garment
pressed over them, which Is especially
undesirable in fine flannel or wool
goods. An old flannel sheet is a very
nice covering to tack to the board,
and a light cotton one for a removable
cover, as it can be washed easily.
A piece of beeswax tied up in a rag,
to rub quickly over the bottom of the'
hot flatiron. will keep it smooth, and
the Iron will glide over the clothes'
much more readily, especially if they
are starched ones.
In pressing any goods or clothes
where it Is customary to place a cloth
over them before ironing, use a news
paper Instead; it gives a gloss to rib
bon or silk, leaves no lint stiffens
cambric. If it be slightly damped, and
when scorched can be thrown away at
no loss and a fresh one procured.
If seams are pressed over a broom-,
stick or any rounded edge, with care
In keeping them straight there will
be no shining streak to mark their
length, as Is often the case when the
pressing is done upon a flat surface,
as nothing can strike the wood but the
point of the seam.
A bosom-board for line shirts should
be very smooth and but thinly cov
ered; some advise a marble slab, but
we cannot all afford that
Fond of Trips? Try This.
Italians sre extremely fond of tripe
and prepare It In a variety of appetiz
ing ways. It is most digestible and is
usually served with Parmesan cheese.
Wash in cold water two pounds of the
honeycomb tripe and put it In a sauce
pan with two quarts of boiling salted
water. Simmer gently for ten minutes,
drain and dry with a clean cloth. Cut
in fine strips about an inch in length.
Put In a saucepan three tablespoons
fuls of olive oil. and when hot add two
tablespoonfuls of white onions cut In
thin slices and cook until a golden
color. Add the tripe, cook slowly for
15 minutes, season with salt pepper,
a dash of cayenne, a tablespoonful of
parsley and a tablespoonful of tomato
conserve. Serve with grated cheese.
Both the cheese and the conserve can
be purchased in any Italian store
much more reasonably than can be
procured elsewhere. The conserve
comes in little tin cans, five cents
a can. and last indefinitely, since a
spoonful is quite sufficient for season
ing. Surprise Nuts.
A delightful addition to a party for
young people may also afford a pleas
ant occupation for a rainy day. Get
some of the small brown nuts called
"Spanish." saw them carefully apart.
remove the meat and utilize it for
sandwiches: then line the empty half
ehell with waxed paper and fill that
with some confection cream, fudge,
.etc.; glue the halves together and
serve them as ordinary nuts. They
will delight the children, because they
will be so unexpected. One suspects
walnuts but these little brown things
do not often deceive. Mottos might
be put In every tenth nut and the
hard shell outside marked with a tiny
bit of color. The preparation of both
mottos and shells will often fill up a
dull afternoon very pleasantly. j
Boiled Fish.
"If you always fry fish try boiling
them for a change. Cut three pounds
of fish Into thin slices and sprinkle
with salt One quart of water, one
fourth whole pepper, one tablespoon
chopped onion, one tablespoon chopped
celery and one tablespoon chopped
carrot will be required. Clean tbe fish
and let it stand in salt for an hour, at the time, but a few days later, while
Put the vegetables in tbe water and reading one of bis articles In print
boll until the water is well flavored. ' the found something to criticize,
then add the fish and let It simmer un-1 "Horace." she said. "I am surprised
til the fish leaves tbe bones. Place on to see you using the phrase. 'elf-evi-a
platter and serve with slices of lemon dent' "
and narstev. A white sauce mar be .
used. Flavor the sauce strongly with
lemon. j
Scallops and Fried Onions.
To prepare a fine dish of scallops
and onions slice, as many onions as
desired and put over the fire in a
sauce pan with melted butter. Whrn
t they begin to soften add scal'ops that
bave been wished, drained, ulpcd dry
and dredged with salt, repper nnd
cracker dust and cook until scallops '
and onions are a golden brown. Have
ready finger pieces of buttered toast
and arrange in paranei rows on eacn
side of a hot platter. letting one piece ,
everlap another. Place scallops and J
nnfnno hotnronn them fitiff corva I
Peeling of Pineapple.
Pll il-o hnlil nf tli rin tnn
give it a turn and draw it out. Trim
off the end s, it win not hurt ,he
hand. It aim g:ve? a place to start
from. Ho'd the apple stem end down
on the table Start reelirg irom tne ,
top down to lower end. When ail are
ntfTnl int tn rmnrtrrt; rnr ami
,......... . ... . . ,
slice. I find this much easier and less
waste than any other way of prepar
ing them.
Jelly Tumblers for Picnics.
Jelly tumblers with tight fittins
covers are most useful articles for i
the picnic basket. They serve as j
butter crocks, sugar bowls, gelatine .
pudlirg moulds and receptacles fcr
meat or vegetable salads and devilled
eggs. Plenty of oiled paper Is essen
tial, and one must always remember
to separate articles with strong odors
and tastes such as pickles, bananas,
coffee or spiced things.
The best SU
sad Uver Fills knows
aad a positive ase)
speedy care for Coav
sttpstloa, Xadlgestlea,
Jaundice. BWousaessj
Sear Stomach. Head
ache, and all ailment
arising frees a disor
dered stomach or slug
glsh Uver. -They con
tain In concentrated-
farm all the virtues and values of Mua
yon's Paw-Paw Tonlo and are made
from the juice of the Paw-Paw fruit
I unhesitatingly recommend these pills
as being the best laxative and cathartts
ever compounded. Send us a postal ef
letter requesting a free package et'
Munyon's Celebrated Paw-Paw Laxa
tive PUIs. and we will mall same free
of charge. MUNYON'S HOMOEO
and Jefferson St. Philadelphia. Pa.
Choice elltj; rde m4 roue,
white fecee er bras
enters. Teas ef Tkemaeada te
eeleet freak Satlefecttoa Gear
aMcS. Ceneeeeadeace laviteS.
Coae aae eee far yeenelf.
HafcMaal Lit Stock
T nhr.M-.H.
Janitor I know the water Is tumeA
eff. I'm sorry, but It Isn't my fault
Tenant I know, and I guess that's
why you'ro sorry.
Try This, This Summer.
The very next time you're hot. tire
er thluty. step up to a soda fountain
and get a glass of Coca-Cola. It will
cool you off, relieve your bodily and
mental fatigue and quench your thirst
delightfully. At soda fountains or
carbonated in bottles 5c everywhere.
Delicious, refreshing and wholesome.
Send to the Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta,
ita.. for their free booklet "The Truth
about Coca-Cola." Tells what Coca
Cola is and why It Is so delicious, re
freshing snd thirst-quenching. And
tend 2c stamp for tbe Coca-Cola Base
Ball Record Book for 1910 contains
the famous poem "Casey At The Bat,"
records, schedules for both leagues
and other valuable baseball Informs
lion compiled by authorities.
Tit for Tat
Being of a literary turn and having
elenty of leisure, both Mr. and Mrs.
Oiupplns contributed special articles
occasionally to two different newspa-
pers in the town where they resided,
One day Mr. Glupplns picked up a
manuscript his wife bad Just flnlsned.
snd proceeded to look It over.
"That's very good. Bertha." he said,
after completing his inspection, "but
I see you use the phrase, 'well-known
fact.' I wouldn't do that"
"Why no:? she asked.
"Well. If a thing is well-known, why
mention It?"
His wife said nothing In rejoinder
" w hat's the matter with that?"
I "Wtiv If m ti(n 1 .cl.,iM.n
what Is the use of calling attention te
Horace looked at her barply over
his glasses, but made no verbal re
sponse. Youth's Companion.
There's Vitality, Snap and "gO
f tee
and cream.
In wheat and barley
. The Potassium Phosphate
In Stch form as tO
Noufish brain and ncrves
The food expert who originated
Retained this valuable
Element in the food.
a-pt,---V Piconn
L nCfC S f Kcaon
Read the famOUS little DOOK,
"The Road to Wellvillc."
Found in Packages.
n.itlrtJrcek. Mielilgao.