The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 27, 1910, Image 2

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A foiling Dowi of toe More la
fortut Eveits Here tod Tbere
1 Chico llaca, who was one of
'Aelaj-a's closest supporters, has re
signed as minister general of the
Madriz cabinet in Nicaragua, accord
ing to advices sent to the state de
partment. "William Pittman, the American en
gineer captured by Madriz and con
fined in a prison cell in Managua, is
reported by American Consul Olivares
at Managua to be III with malarial
fever, although his condition is said
not to be serious.
The application of the supposedly
financial ruling of President Taft on
what constitutes whisky, may be
suspended for some time as the re
sult of Louisiana courts acting on a
petition 01 representatives of the so
called whisky trust.
Unless futher neglect and mistreat
ment is shown by the Madriz gov
ernment toward William Pittman, the
American engineer now held in
Managua as a prisoner of war, the
state department will leave his case
in the hands of United States Consul
Olivares in Managua.
The interstate commerce commis
sion announced Monday that the re
cently filed tariffs making advances
In the freight, rates on cattle and
dressed beef between Chicago and
New York had not been suspended.
The matter arose through an in
quiry from an important New York
business house as to the proposed
The elaborate funeral given King
Edward cost the nation $202,500, as is
shown in the supplementary financial
Dr. Leslie Dodd Ward of Newark, N.
J., vice president of the Prudential
Insurance company, died in London.
Dr. Ward was not in good health when
he sailed from New York and his con
dition gradually grew worse after his
arrival in London.
At Cracow, Galica. a great three
day's national Polish festival in
celebration of the 500th anniversary
of the battle of Tannenberg, in which
the Polish and Lithuanian army de
feated and broke the power of the
Teutonic order began with the unveil
ing of a monument to King Ladislaw
The Glasgow board of trade return
shows that during the live months
ending May SI, no fewer than 2!,535
passengers left the Clyde for places
out of Europe. Of these 41,401 were
bound for the United States and 15,
055 for Canada, thirteen for Aus
tralia, and sixty-six for other places.
In the month of May alone 4.C0S left
for Canada and 2.SS7 for the United
Prosecutions against manufactur
ers of ice cream cones containing
borax are to be instituted by the gov
ernment under the pure food law.
Large seizures of cones were made
recently in different parts of the coun
try by inspectors of the department
of agriculture. Analysis of the cones
seized disclosed the presence of
borax, a property which has been
held to be deleterious to the human
Military aviators engaged in a
mimic aerial battle at Vincennes. The
Blues, representing the attacking
force, beat the Reds, the defending
force. Both forces carried guns to a
heicht of 100 meters (about S25 feet).
Mutsuhlto. emperor of Japan, has
telegraphed to President Taft that it
was a great pleasure to him to have
the opportunity of seeing Jacob M.
Dickinson, the American secretary of
war, on his recent visit to Tokio
vhen the secretary was shown every
courtsey by the Japanese officials.
Senator Bristow says Kansas Is not
taking Speaker Cannon seriously.
President Taft has taken the con
servation policy in his own hands.
Miss Katie Tomara of Chicago. 21
years old. was seriously wounded af
ter a struggle with a burglar whom
she discovered in her bedroom.
W. F. McCarey. postmaster, at Le
gate, Love county. Okl.. ended his life
by drinking carbolic acid. A post
office inspector told .NJcCarey that he
would go through the office records.
When he went to the office he found
McCarey dead.
In this day war becomes a new
problem by reason of the achieve
ments of aeroplanes.
Witli the purpose of contributing to
the development of Northwestern
California, the department of agri
culture has offered to sell about 1.
000.000.000 feet of timber in the
Trinity national forest in that state.
President Woodrow Wilson of
Princeton unversity announced that
he would accept the democratic nomi
nation for governor of New Jersey if
he were convinced that a majority of
the party sincerely desired him to
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
Kagel and Attorney General Wicker
ham are going to Alaska to find out
whether the Guggenheims or the
United States own that territory.
Auother Central American revolu
tion is Imminent. This time Honduras
Is to be the battle ground and Presi
dent Davila is to meet in combat his
old opponent and former president of
the republic. Manuel Bonila.
Eugene Ely. an aviator, in his third
attempt to fly between Winnipeg and
Portage La Prairie, fell a distance of
several hundred feet and was picked
i' j" vummm vn iuw ati 1. J
I Hoosevelt will afd Senator Dover-
I Idir. ?
idge in his fight for re-election.
The health of the German emperor
is said to be greatly impaired.
A strike of conductors and train
men was called on the Grand Trunk
line. v
It is said the nexxt lower house is
not necessarily lost to the republi
cans. The Oklahoma crop situation
shows an improvement of 75 per cent
over any previous year.
There will be no strike on the
Pennsylvania railroad, the dispute be
ing settled by a conference.
The convention of the American as
sociation of Ad clubs opened in
Omaha with 500 in attendance.
Rhode Island shows increased
population, but not enough to give
the commonwealth another congress
man. At Clinton, 111.. Chief of Police John
Struble was shot about midnight by
an unknown man and died in a short
Daniel Kinet. the Belgian aero
naut who fell when the rudder of his
aeroplane broke, died from his in
juries. A Lincoln, Nebraska man has in
vented a bucket which may revolu
tionize methods of excavating and
The crop report for Germany,
which gives conditions up to July 15,
shows a slight depreciation since
June 15.
Prince John Charles Francis, the
youngest child of King George and
Queen Mary, celebrated his fifth
Drouth In the northwest Is seriously
affecting the cattle men, threatening
them with great losses and possibly
with financial ruin.
The Baltimore Eastern League base
ball club has sold Pitcher "Lefty"
Russell to the Philadelphia American
League team for $12,000.
Congressman George W. Norris of
the Fifth (Nebraska) district had his
name filed as a candidate for renoml
nation on the republican ticket
Plans for the establishment of a
bureau of railway economies at Wash
ington, D. C. by the railroads of the
country were announced at Chicago.
The Wisconsin prohibition platform
contains clauses denouncing both
local and county option as not being
a settlement of the liquor problem.
An aeronaut named Andrews fell
100 feet when his balloon burst at
Lake Manawa, Iowa, but was saved
from death by falling into the
branches of a large tree.
At Enid, Okla.. guests or the City
Hotel fled in their night clothes when
the hotel and an adjoining structure
was destroyed by fire. Several of the
guests were slightly injured.
At Omaha Samuel C. Dobbs was re
elected by acclamation president of
the Associated Advertising Clubs of
America and after a gruelling fight
Boston was awarded the next conven
tion. Chico Baca, who was one or
Aelaya's closest supporters, has re
signed as minister general of the
Madriz cabinet in Nicaragua, accord
ing to advices to the state depart
ment. Colonel Roosevelt, as well as Gif
ford Pinchot, has been asked to be
in Atlanta. October 7, when a meet
ing will be held for the purpose of
organizing a state conservation as
sociation. Officials of the Iowa State Teach
ers' association announced that
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt will
speak at the meeting of the associa
tion in Des Moines Friday night, No
vember 11.
For the first time since he returned
to Kansas. United States Senator
Joseph L. Bristow, in a speech at
Oiathe. Kans., referred to the fact
that he has been denied patronage by
President Taft.
Edward A. Thompson, who Is
charged by his former fiancee. Miss
Warren of New York, with disappear
ing on October G, 1909, the day set for
their wedding with $1,780 of her
money, was arrested in Minneapolis.
At Hamburg Thirty-five thousand
ship yard workers united In a de
mand for an Increase of 10 per cent
in wages and a fifty-three-hour week.
President Taft was highly pleased
when he received a letter from Secre
tory of the Treasury MacVeagh,
stating that the splendid showing of
federal finances announced on June
30 last, had been improved by revised
returns showing additional receipts of
about $5,500,000.
To race with the British expedition
under Captain Scott to the south
pole, a Japanese sailing vessel of 200
tons carrying Lieutenant Shlrase and
the Japanese expedition to the Ant
arctic will leave Tokio bay on
August 1. The expedition will pro-
cced via Benin islands and Australia.
declares he
Cannon declares he Is In the
speakership fight to stay.
Ex-Vice President Fairbanks ad
dressed the association of ad clubs at
Jack Johnson, the pugilist, was ar
rested in New York for automobile
It is rumoredthc the investigating
committee has decided to exonerate
President Taft does not care to mix
in the politics of the different state
William Flege was arrested at
Wayne. Neb., charged with the mur
der of his sister.
Major Manuel Costa has been ap
pointed military attache to the Argen
tine legation at Berlin.
The Lorimer scandal will be the
paramount issue In the campaign in
Illinois this summer and fall, acord
ing to politicians from that state.
The death at New Orleans t J.
Parker Harrison, removes a figure
known for many years as one ol the
leading turf operators of the conti
nent James E. Clay, a descendant of the
"great commoner," Henry Clay, and
one of the most prominent breeders of
running and trotting horses in Ken
tucky, died last week.
Rear Admiral Cowles. brother-in-law
of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt is
now prominently mentioned as a pos
sible candidate for governor of
Connecticut on the republican ticket
this fall
8heep at excellent farm cleaners.
The bruise oa an apple Is injurious.
Lice and mites corns
with warm
Tie the grape Tines to the trellis
wires before the vines begin to run.
No well bred farmer ever contents
himself with scrub stock or poor crops.
It Is a sad mistake for a man to
make a good crop of grass Into poor
Pure fresh air, day and night. Is
one of the prime essentials for keep
ing fowls In good health.
Most separators do their best work
with the milk at a temperature of
from 85 degrees to 95degrees Fahren
When the cream has been held at
churning temperature for a period of
two or three hours, it is ready to be
A good way to keep manure for the
garden Is to fill a large box, turning
It over with a fork about once a
week and keeping It moist
The government Is sending out ex
perts to various parts of the country
to teach fruit growers the best meth
ods of spraying their trees.
When shrubs are first planted they
should be beaded back one-half or
more, but after they become estab
lished they should be allowed to
branch at wHL
One of the prominent symptoms of
shoulder lameness in horses Is a dif
ficulty of lifting and extending the
limb, which is particularly noticeable
when the patient is urged to trot
The flea beetle is a small, metallic
blue insect which is destructive to the
fruit both as the larva and the adult
Spraying with arsenate of lead or
paris green is generally effective.
Some of the amber honeys are
made from the aster, goldenrod, bone
set, queen of the meadow, heartsease,
wild sunflower. Spanish needle, su
mac, magnolia and marigold.
The earliest sown lettuce shoulrl he
of some of the loose growing varieties.
For summer use plant cabbage lettuce,
or heading varieties, as the leaves
during the warm season will be whiter
and more crisp.
Soy beans shed their leaves before
the grain begins to ripen; therefore
when hay Is desired the plants must
be cut when half or more of the pods
are fully grown, but before the beans
begin to harden.
In cutting rape for soiling It Is best
to crt about four Inches from the
ground. It Is advisable to arrange
the cutting so that each day's product
will be consumed within that time, as
the foliage soon wilts and Is then not
relished so much.
The sitting hen mu?t not be dis
turbed. If eggs are laid In the same
nest with those that are hatching it
Is often difficult to toll the fresh one
from the others, hence partly hatched
eggs are taken out Instead of the
fresh ones.
It Is a well known fact among
farmers pnd fruit growers that black
berries Improve the physical nature
of the soil through their root action.
When they are removed from the ap
ple orchard the soil Is left in ideal
condition for the outer feeding roots
of the apple trees.
While it Is conceded that permanent
maintenance of sMi fertility without
live sock h possible. It Is not prac
ticable as a statewide policy, because
It Is not the highest type of agricul
ture and because few farmers can be
induced to comply with all the condi
tions necessary to make it effective.
Plant cannas one to two feet apart,
depending altogether If they be dwarf
or the tall-growing sort They like
very rich soil and plenty of waler
during the growing season. A mulch
cf straw manure will help to con
serve the water that Is given them.
Cut off all the seed pods as they
Root plants may be transplanted,
but It is not advisable unless It were
la the case of extra early beets start
ed la the hotbed or turnip-rooted rad
ishes lifted out at thinning time. The
roots are usually 111 shaped, yet their
table quality is not Injured. Long
varieties always become distorted and
are not i"rVptnhIa
Marvelous Sense of Smelt
Remarkable Agencies and Forces
volved in Extraction of the
Fragrance of a Rose.
What a oarvelousb delicate mi
sslnery Is set in motion when we
txnell the fragrance of a rose! Simple
cs that pleasurable sensation seems
( us. It involves the activity of most
remarkable agencies and forces. K
has keea shows that the mlauto cell
properly beforo caw
Thero Is
scarcity of good dairy
The cherry tree should be headed
Feed all of the hens aU they will
eat of wheat and other nourishing
A very Important part of dairying
Is to make It profitable all the year
Preventive and destructive meas
ures are both necessary ia combating
hog lice.
The number of hogs per acre de
pends on the stand of clover, the sea
son and the earliness of turning in.
In order to keep fowls healthy we
must breed for health just as ws
would for any other desired quality.
For feeding lambs to be used for
breeding purposes preference should
be given to bran, oats and linseed
When the young poults begin to get
their long wing flight feathers, they
require extra care and attention.
For two or three years after plant
Ing, the ground among ornamental
shrubs should be spaded and the sur
face cultivated to keep down weeds
and grass and to conserve moisture.
Some states prohibit the Importa
tion of dairy and breeding cattle until
they are tuberculin tested, but permit
as yet unrestricted sals of stock with
in Its boundaries.
Rape Is especially valuable for
breeding ewes in midsummer, when
the pastures begin to fail, as tbe suc
culent feed keeps up the supply of
milk for the lambs.
Never overfeed or red pepper or
other condiments to the hens you ex
pect to furnish eggs fov hatching. If
you do, infertile eggs and weak chicks
will be the result
The Wisconsin experiment station
finds lime Is deficient in much of the
grain ration fed to dairy cows and
hogs. Hogs fed on phosphates and
bone mash, made consistent and profit
able gains.
Tbe table value of both lettuce ana
radishes depends largely upon a quick
growth under moderately cool condi-1
tions. For this reason the soil should
be very fine of texture and fertile to
stimulate the most rapid growth.
Do not put more than 50 chicks
In one brooder, or one compartment
and better results will be secured with
a smaller number. Overcrowding Is
the cause of many deaths in the
A grape vine to bear well must be
cultivated and carefully pruned each
year, cutting back to two. three, or
not more than four canes, and care
fully pinching off surplus
shoots during the summer.
There is something In suiting the
corn to the soil. Trying to suit the
soil to the corn is a tough proposi
tion, as many a man who has tried
corn adapted to bottom soil on thin
ner upland has found to his sorrow.
The poultry products of the United
States are just on a par with wheat
and hay. The combined value of the t
three last year was around two bil
lion dollars, an average of over 671
millions each.
Do not oppose the cow's appetite.
She knows what it takes to make s
balanced ration better than any feed
ing standard. If she does not like
bran and corn, give oats and corn. If
she Is tired of fodder by all means
try a little clover bay.
It has become an accepted fact gen
erally that it Is better to tend a small
piece of ground well than to plant
large field3 and give them only half
cultivation. Intensive farming mans
simply making the utmost of what
ever you work with.
Where manure Is accumulated in
stables and lots, and Is properly saved,
it goes on the land mere evenly, as a
rule, which Is an impottant considera
tion where a man is endeavoring to
keep up the land's fertility and get as
much out of It as possible at the same
The floor and walls of the dairy
barn where the cows are milked must
be free from dust and dirt: the cows
must be brushed and their udders
sponged orr witn a damp cloth pre
vious to milking and the milker him
solw must have cleaa bands and
Always market your butter regu
larly at current market prices. Give
your customers pure, sweet, fresh
butter and your reputation as a good
butter maker will soon be established
When your butter is held until it is
old and stale it Is not wanted and
your reputation suffers as well as
your pocket
A foal may be raised on cow's milk
if the latter Is sweetened with sugar
or molasses at the rate of two tea
spoonfuls per pint and three table
spoonfuls of lime water are, added at
first Give a cupful every hour at
first and gradually' Increase amount
and decrease meals to six and then to
at the ends of the olfactory nerves In
the nose bear the most delicate little
hairs, and It Is believed that these
hairs are the active agents In produ
cing the sense of smelL i
Yet when we come to Inquire Into
the manner of operation of these cells
asi hairs, we find that It is more
wonderful than the delicacy of th
mechanism itself.
Chief Executive Leaves Everybody
Happy and Rejoiced Over His
Bar Harbor. Me. President Taft
brought his stay in Bar Harbor to a
close Friday. He left as a member
of a merry coaching party headed for
Seal Harbor, eleven miles away.
The Mayflower steamed around to
Seal Harbor to meet the president.
The yacht afterward went to North
east Harbor and anchored there for
the night with the presidential party
on board. Sunday morning it will
steam across Frenchman's Bay to the
Mount Desert ferry, where Mr. Taft
will take a special train to Bangor.
After visiting that city for two hours
and making a speech be will proceed
by special train to Ellsworth, the
home of Senator Eugene Hale, to be
the latter's guest until Sunday after
noon. Mr. Taft will also make a little
speech at Ellsworth.
The president left everybody in Bar
Harbor happy. He met the towns
people on the village green and made
a little speech to them. He spoke
of the value of vacations and won
much applause by saying that two
weeks no longer sufficed for summer
rest, but sixty days seemed the
proper time in which to recuperate
from the nerve-exhausting work of
the winter. The president congratu
lated the people of Bar arbor upon
living in such a delightful climate. He
said the summer air was like "cham
pagne in a prohibition state." and
that the severe winters tended to
build up a sturdy and never sur
rendering race.
As soon as the president finished
his speech he mounted the coach
which was tooled by Philip Living
ston of New York and with a flourish
of trumpets was away for Seal Har
bor. Arriving there he and his party
were entertained at luncheon by Mrs.
Mark Hanna. In the evening the party
was entertained at lunch by Mrs.
Charlemagne Tower at her place two
j miles from the harbor,
J Mr. Taft is adhering strictly to his
determination to keep away from
, politics on this trip. There was not
a suggestion of politics in his speech
He said in part:
In behalf of myself and the party
who have accompanied me here I
wish to return a grateful acknowl
edgement for your very cordial recep-!
tion. The presence of the national
colors and the flags on the various
buildings here indicate to me what I
know, that this reception is for the
president of your country, and that
it is more for the office than for the
person who for the time being oc
occupies the office. Nevertheless the
person who occupies the office enjoys
the reception all the same. One of
the things which forces itself upon
the minds of one visiting such a
country as this is the fact that the
American people have learned a good
deal in the last generation.
In my father's time he thought, al
though a hard working lawyer, that
two weeks was ample vacation time
during the entire year and when I
came to the bar he suggested that if
i stayed at home miring the summer
months I would make a good deal
more, money than if I went away.
Congressman Fined.
Boston, Mass. Representative Jos.
O'Connell of the Tenth Massachu
setts congressional district was con
victed In the Dorchester court of
violation of the election laws of the
state and fined $20.
Sharp Break in Stocks.
New York. The stock market
showed extreme weakness Friday, al
though the decline was not accom
panied by the excitement sometimes
seen at such periods. The cut in the
dividend on National Lead which
irprist'd" the speculative community
yesterday was the ostensible cause
for the weakness. That stock broke
to 48, which was 3 points lower
than the low price yesterday. United
States Steel broke into new low
ground for the year at CG and the
same was true of American Smelt
Charged as Knowing Something
the Death of Rawn.
Chicago. II. Ernest Hoffman, a
negro chauffeur, formerly employed t
by Mr. Rawn. was arested here late
riday as a suspect in connection
with the railroad president's death.
(Hoffman was discharged December
last and as late as last May is de
clared to have threatened Mr.
Rawn's life.
Prisoners for Harvest Fields.
Georgetown. Ky. A novel method
to save the wheat crop of Scott coun
ty was resorted to Friday when a
number of farmers appeared before
xue cuuuij juugt- -. ,.-. urc i.u ,
ot ten prisoners in iuc jaw m uiuei
to get help to harvest the crop.
Hosmer H. Keith Dead.
Sioux Fall3. S. IK Hosmer H
Keith, speaker of the last territorial i
legislature, and one of the best '
known attorneys of this state, died
Friday, aged 64 years.
High Price for Fish Dinner.
Deadwood, S. D. It cost John Cow
gill of Terry and Dave Neely of Lead
$70 each for a trout breakfast in
Spearflsh canyon a few weeks ago.
This breakfast was made on nine
teen fish which the men had dynamit
ed out of tbe stream and had been
detected in the act They were
followed up by Game Warden Peter
non. who caused their arrest and a
rubsequent fine of $50 and costs
each in a local Justice's court. A
(bird man. Floyd V. Dunn was also
arrested and Jailed.
Charged With Sister's Murdsr.
Dixon County Charged with the
murder of his sister, Miss Louis
Flege, at their home seven miles
north west of Wayne on June 30 last.
William Flege was arrested and
placed in the county jail at Ponca.
DetecUevs working on the case at
tribute to Flege the desire to get his
sister out of the household, where she
bad lived with him as housekeeper
for years, in order that he might
marry Miss Ida Hendricks, a beautiful
young wonian who lives on a neigh
boring farm.
The case was most mysterious and
baffiing. William Eichtencamp. 18
years old. was employed on the farm.
It was said that he came in from
work in the evening of the day of the
murder and found the young woman
in the door yard with a bullet in the
base of her brain and another in her
Flege was arrested on a confession
secured from Eichtencamp, who it is
said, asserted that he had been forced
to tell the story that he bad found
the young woman under penalty of
death by the brother. W. C. Daven
port of Sioux City, a detective, has
been working on the case. He said
that until the confession by Eichten
camp no suspicion had been pointed
at the brother.
The prisoner has been most assidu
ous in the search for the murderer
and put up $500 of the $2,50 reward
offered by the county and relatives of
the murdered woman. He worked with
the officers every day.
Catholic Church Burned.
Greeley County The Catholic church
at Scotia was totally consumed by
fire. It was a brick edifice and was
quite old. and in rather poor condi
tion. The fire broke out in the altar
Cattle Struck by Lightning.
Pawnee County. An electrical
storm passed over the vicinity of Ta
ble Rock, during which time about
an inch of rain fell. Three head of
cattle, standing under a tree in a
pasture just south of town, were
instantly killed, when the tree was
struck by lightning.
Enrollment is Large.
Buffalo County It is a case of
general remark that the present sum
mer school at the Kearney normal is
the best in the history of the school.
The enrollment is the largest and
more students are working for credit
on the regular courses than in any
previous session.
C. C. Dudley Dies at Ruskin.
Nuckolls County News was re
ceived at Nelson of the death of ex
County Treasurer C. C. Dudley at his
home at Ruskin of typhoid fever. Mr.
Dudley had been cashier of the
Ruskin bank since the expiration of
his term of office three years ago. He
leaves a wife and infant child.
A Woman Attacked.
Adams County. Mrs. Menno Lay
was attacked by an unidentified man
in her home near Paulina. Her hus
band had gone to town leaving Mrs.
Lay and her baby alone. The
stranger attacked her in the kitchen,
threatened to kill her and tied her
hands with a dish rag. She lost con
sciousness and did not recover until
half an hour later when she tele
phoned her husband. The assailant
was not apprehended.
Dedication of Fair Building.
Lancaster County. Secretary Mel
lor of the state fair board is sending
out hundreds of postal cards bearing
pictures of the new colliseum on the
state fair grounds asking recipients
to be present at the dedication of the
building. September 5. The funds
for the buildings, a glass, steel and
brick structure, were provided by the
last legislature.
Monroe Man Found Dead.
Platte County John Munter o:
Monroe, was found on the porch of s
rooming house in Columbus dying
from the effects of a dose of carbolic
acid, taken with suicidal intent. He
died from effects of the drug.
Llent. Bridges on Furlough.
Johnson County Lieutenant T. W
Bridges, who recently graduated
from the national military aeatlemj :
at West Point, is visiting at the home
Bridges, in Sterling. He is enjoying
a three months' furlough, at the end
of which time he expects to be as
signed to duty either in the Philip I
pine islands or in Alaska.
Killed in a Wreck.
Daves County Burlington train No i
96 collided with an extra freight be
tween Belmont and Crawford. Fire
man Keenan and three tramps, whe
were beating their way, were killed
Engineer McWade was scalded badlj .
on tne legs, ana uaggagoman isaugh
i man had both legs broken and heac
! and face cut badly.
Elevators Destroyed by
Red Willow County In a
broke out at McCook after
smoldering ali night, the
fire tha'
Grain company's elevators and coa
shcas enUreiy destroyed
York Wheat Marketed.
York County The first load of 19!
wheat has been marketed hero. Th
quality is No. 1, although "graded Xo
2. and weighed sixty-two founds tc
the bushel. The average yield is fron
twenty to twenty-seven bushels pei
acre in this county.
Fourth of July Victim.
Butler County. A 10-year-old son
of B. G. Chapman of Superior was
burled as the result of an early cele
bration of the Fourth. He was wound
ed with a blank cartridge, resulting
in blood poisoning.
Ponca Farmer Kills Himself.
Dixon County. Theodore Rahn. a
prominent and wealthy farmer, com
mitted suicide in Ponca by shooting
himself through the head. He had
been despondent for some time be
cause of ill health.
1 thought you told mo job
something original la this libretto.1
aid the manager, scornfully. "Here
at the very outset you have a lot of
merry villagers singing, We are kaa
py and gay!"
"You dont catch the Idea at UP
replied the poet, wearily. The 'g at
soft. It should be pronounced happ7
and Jay."
May Be Obtained In On Night
For preserving the hands as weS
aa for preventing redwess. roughness,
and chapping, and imparting that veV
vety softness and whiteness much de
sired by womev Cutlcura Soap, assise
ed by Cutlcura Ointment, Is believed
to be superior to all other skin soaps.
For those who work la corrosive
liquids, or at occupations which tend
to Injure the hands. It Is invaluable.
Treatment Bathe and soak the
bands on retiring In a strong, hot,
creamy lather of Cutlcura Soap. Dry
and anoint freely with Cutlcura Ola
sent, and In severe cases spread the
Cutlcura Ointment on this pieces of
old linen or cotton. Wear during the
eight old. loose gloves, or a light ban
dage of old cotton or linea to protect
the clothing from stain. For red,
rough, and chapped hands, dry, fle
sured. Itching, feverish palms, and
shapeless nails with painful finger
ends, this treatment in most effective.
Cutlcura Remedies are sold through
out the world. Potter Drug ft Chen,
Corp.. sole proprietors, Boston.
His Big BUI.
Guest How long Is this
lease of
your hotel to run?
Hotel Clerk What lease?
Guest The one I Just gave you the
money for.
Sfre. Wtartow! Soothlaff Qyrvfh
Foreblldrrn tevthimr. MjftrnataegniiiB.redaeeetate
IUamialUn.alljiu.curwwmqcuUo. Staebttttie,
Many of us have cause to be thank
ful for what we don't get
Dr. Pierce Pellet:
take aa canilr. rnri
a. email, tavar-eoetea. aeav is
- .. 1-. . ..- . Z
aver and bowelaaad cute connl.
o m& vujy. irgiimiv anti lUTiaurae
Lots of marriage merely de:
strate that misery loves company.
The process of digestion
and assimilation depends en
tirely upon the condition of
the stomach. If yours is
weak take a short course of
the Bitters. It prevents
Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Cramps and Diarrhoea.
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