The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 20, 1910, Image 7

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Hints For Hostess
Ml W0, for Those Planning Seasonable
g Entertainments
Open Air Card Parties.
Like Tennyson's little brook, "bridge
apparently goes on forever." With
these warm days morning parties are
quite the thing, with a luncheon
served at one, the party beginning at
eleven, or the luncheon is served at
one, the game following on the porch
ir lawn. For these outdoor affairs
camp chairs are used, rugs are spread
and Iced drinks are served at intervals
during the game.
It Is a pretty fancy to use cards with
outdoor scenes or "landscape" backs,
I believe they are called, different
styles at each tahle.
At one outdoor party the prizes
were all rustic baskets filled with
flowers and fruit; at another the host
ess gave each guest a Japanese flow
er holder in metal, and the were
green pottery bowls; just the thing
for the holders. It is now quite the
thing to carry out one scheme in dec
oration, and prizes; a definite color
scheme, or prizes and favors to corre
spond. At one porch party of four ta
bles, the hostess gave each guest a
dainty apron and the four prizes were
f lahorate hand-made aprons. Hanging
baskets and wall receptacles add much
to the beauty of the porch, when filled
with seasonable flowers.
A Cup-and-Saucer Shower.
Oup-and-saucer showers are not new,
but this one was conducted in an un
usual manner. It was given by a
card club of which both the bride
and bridegroom elect were members.
The saucers were passed to the men,
the cups to the girls. When matched
they were partners, the hostess pla
cing them all on a tray, which was
presented to the bride at the close of
the game, as her prize.
Novel Bazar Feature.
The ice cream cone is here to stay,
the children love it and on the quiet
so do the grownups. At an open air
bazaar given for a "settlement" there
were all sorts of attractions, but the
North Pole grotto was by all odds the
favorite, lhiilt of white materials,
covered with "sparkles," with "Teddy"
bears of huge proportions, and ones of
smaller size clambering up the sides,
while on the very tip top a big white
bear loaned by an obliging fur house,
held the American flag. Inside, clad
in snowy apron and cap. a man made
the cones while an assistant filled
them. A per cent, was paid the own
er of the cone outfit and still a large
sum was realized for charity.
Luncheon for Nurses.
This may not appeal to very many
of our readers, but It certainly was an
unusual affair. A daughter of a prom
inent family in her home town, tired
Frocks for
i HE dress at the left is a one-piece
wash dress of blue zephyr. The
skirt is encircled with three tucks
to provide for the rapid growth of
ome of these little folks, and also
or the shrinking of the material. The
blouse is also tucked at the sides and
forms a box plait in front. It is
rimmed yoke fashion with swiss em
jroidery in which white satin ribbon
Is run. The full sleeves are finished
with cuffs made like the yoke.
The little girl in the middle is wear
ng a dress of blue linen made with
The Bride's Bouquet.
At a recent wedding the bride car
cd a beautiful shower bouquet made
six sections. When she went up
tairs to prepare for going away she
stood on the landing, loosened the
rowers, and threw them over the rail
ing to her maid of honor and five
maids. Three of the sections had the
typical gifts often concealed in the
redding cake, viz.: a coin (in this in
stance a gold dollar), a charming little
fnrer ring, and a golden thimble.
;-:ophesying to the winners respect
ively, wealth, marriage within the
:?ar. and single blessedness. The at
tndfats were all debutantes, and this
1 tie episode created much merri
ti out.
To Find Partners.
This pretty way to find partners was
u fixed by a young hostess v. ho was
,'ver with her brush. It was to be
ilnral card party, so she pa'nted a
,wer on the cards for the ladies and
ote the name of that flower on a
ril. for the men. Partners we'
. md Lv matching name and flower.
of the pomps and vanities of this
wicked world, determined to take a
course in nursing. Much to the sur
prise of herself, friends and family,
she continued to the end and gradu
ated with honor. This surprise lunch
eon was arranged by an elder sister.
The table was covered with blue chain
bray, exactly like the hospital uniform,
the centerpiece and plate doilies were
of white linen, each having a red cross
embroidered in the corner, the oppo
site corner had the guest's monogram.
The centerpiece was a tall glass used
for measuring in the diet kitchen and
laboratories and was filled with mar
guerites. The candles were white, in
glass holders, with red cross decora
tions on the shades. Tiny white mor
tars held olives and nuts, and water
was poured from large medicine bot
tles. Wee bonbons in shape of pel
lets, were in pill boxes labeled with
directions for taking. These were
very funny and the girls, all in uni
forms, caps and aprons, entered heart
ily into the fun. On regular hospital
report sheets each nurse found her
name with laughable remarks as to
her condition; a small skeleton
(found) at the favor counter, stood on
top, supposed to be the ghost of a
"first case" come hack to haunt its
stern persecutor. A delicious menu
was served with all the accessories
that money, thought and love could
produce. Needless to say, the memory
of this happy day will while away
many a trying hour in the days tc
come, when these splendid girls are
on real duty with their "first" cases
long in the past.
Old gold silk for afternoon and eve
ning wear is being combined with
chantilly lace.
Moire waists of the Gibson style are
In vogue. The only trimming is self
covered buttons.
Tucked yokes are not used as much
now as are plain ones of either fancy
striped or dotted net.
Upstanding bow loops of ribbon are
used on the brimless hats, trimmed
with tiny satin rosebuds.
Belts and girdles feature all dresses,
varying in design and materials to
harmonize or to provide contrast.
Yards and yards of shaded or
changeable ribbon are devoted to the
hats in enormous loops, bows and
Some of the summer hats in white
Tagal are wreathed with red roses
resting lightiy on clusters of dark blue
Little Folk
groups of tucks at the sides. It is
ornamented with buttons and white
silk embroidery and has a black pat
ent leather belt. The guimpe is of
white linen with tucked collar and
cuffs edgeJ witli lace.
The sailor suit, always pretty for a
child, is of cheviot serge. The skirt
is plaited, and the blouse is in regula
tion sailor style, with collar and tie.
The white shield is embroidered with
the anchor With it, of course, should
be worn the sailor cap, to make the ef
fect complete.
Hand-Run Lace.
et laces run iiy nam! are in very
-. i
good style and they may be copied
even without a definite lace pattern
by using some simply designed lac?
and darning in the cotton, linen or
silk floss upon the net. as nearly like
the original as possible.
Also there is a way to make your
I own lace patterns. Any old pitce of
I lace spread out upon a sheet of m.v
nila paper may be successfully traced
by the aid of a pencil or tracing wheel
j or by laying between the two a sheet
j of carbon paper and then carefully
1 defining the carbon tracing with a
hard pencil.
Over this paper pattern the net or
wide footing is basted and the design
worked out in whatpver floss is cho
sen. -Silver threads among the
gold" both of these metallic strands
upon black or white produce excel
lent results.
The English and French piques In
"ite and the nvet shads ef plair
rs are smart for tailored skirt.'
i ccttuuies.
Mexico's President Has Had
Many Thrilling Escapes.
Near Death on Battlefield Many
Times Swims Through Shark
Infested Water to Safety
on American Steamer.
Mexico City. The career of Sir
Porfirio Diaz, who has Just been re
elected president of Mexico, forms a
veritable romance of adventure and
thrilling escapes from death.
Perhaps his narrowest escape from
his enemies, however, was in 1875,
after he had led a futile insurrection
against the government. At that time
Diaz was running for the presidency
ngainst Juarez. The people wanted
Diaz, the politicians Juarez, and Diaz
finally took the field with his sup
porters, determined to fight it out. He
was defeated, driven from Mexico,
nnd took refuge in New Orleans. He
then communicated with his friends,
and decided to return and continue
the fight.
With this end in view he took pass
age secretly on the City of Havana
under the name of "Dr. de la Doza."
Unfortunately, when the vessel
reached Tampico a large b)dy of
troops were taken on board. As It
happened, the very man who had re
cently defeated Diaz and his men was
among them. It is assumed that Diaz
j thought he was about to be captured.
' At all events, he slipped off his
j clothes, rushed from his sateroom
j and plunged overboard, beginning a
plucky swim, through bad. sharky
I water, for some American vessels ly
i ing in the distance. A boat was low
ered, and the unfortunate general was
rescued and brought back to tho
He was a striking figure, and as he
stepped on the gangway soma of the
President Diaz.
. New York, and that he was a brick
men thought they recognized Dial , avor uv trade
ana suouieu ins name, uui uicKiiy a
woman who was a friend of the gen
eral's saw the situation and, seizing
a sheet from the stateroom, rushed
down the gangway and threw the
sheet over his head, so that he passed
uirougu ine ituhu auu so reacneu 013 t
Capture seemed almost certain. The
soldiers who had seen Diaz come
aboard had reported to the crsonel,
who prompted looked into the matter
and found that the supposed Diaz had j
come aboard as "Dr. ds la Roza." He
at once went to the captain and de
manded the surrender of Diaz. The
colonel could not speak English, and
the captain could not speak Spanish.
so Mr. Coney, the purser, was sent '
Now, Mr. Coney, who. for the Im-
portant part he played in this exciting
episode, was afterward rewarded by
the grateful Diaz with the post of con-,
sul general of Mexico at San Fran '
cisco, had seen Diaz in the stateroom. I
.i 2 . . .
in response in a .Masonic signal ,
of distress which Diaz made, had de
cided to aid the fugitive to his utmost
Coney himself being a Mason
Therefore, when, having translated
the colonel's demand to the captain,
the latter said he could not deliver
up the supposed Diaz, but if the i
colonel liked he could place sentries '
at the door so that Diaz could not es-
Then as the sentry wrnt reeling tc
leewaru. coney suddenly opened fhe
door of the stateroom, and Dia '
walked swiftly forward and safely
reached Coney's storeroom. Here he '
a as at once put in a clothes press.
Each night Conej took Diaz out ol
his wardrobe in order that he might .
exercise his cramped limbs, putting
him in his own bed and locking him
up in the wardrobe agiin early in the
morning. Thus did Diaz elude the '
suspicious colonel and he was still In
the clothes press when the vessel
reached Vera Cruz. Here Coney com-
municated with General Enriquez. and
Diaz, with his face besmeared with
coal dust and disguised as a laborer.
was smuggled ashore.
Diaz was obliged to skulk through
the forests from Vera Cruz until he
had rallied his forces, which he did
with such success that the next bat
tle placed him in the Mexican "white
Ore Sort of Tourist.
"His recollections of Europe are not
rery edifying."
"No. Naples, for instance. Is tho
place where he lost his umbrella, and
Pisa is where he got his pocket pick
ed." Waifs of Fortune.
"How are things in PlunkvilleT'
"Not very good. It's a race between
the weekly paper and the local hotel
to see which can undergo the most
changes of management."
Fire Drill in the
The word was passed around
among amateur firefighters of the gov
ernment printing office one afternoon
recently. The fire brigade is said to
:onsist of about a dozen laborers.
Really there was no fire about the
big printing office, save in the engine
room furnaces and under the smelting
Some one high in authority at the
printery had read a newspaper ac
count of a disastrous conflagration in
the wesi. The story of the blaze put
tho notion in his head to resurrect a
"general order" of several years
standing which provides for a fire drill
at intervals.
It was near to the hour for closing
down "the works." 4:"0 o'clock, when
the edict went forth that the fire bri
gade was to assemble quickly and
from the new building attack an im
aginary conflagration in the old struc
ture across the alley, which separates
the new from the old.
Upon the receipt of the order from
the front office the amateur firemen
got busy without delay. There was a
dragging forth of hose and other ap
paratus for fighting "the red demon."
A tall man, who seemed to be in su
preme command of the firemen, gave
tho orders in cool, confident tones.
"Con" Men Find Virginian Easy Mark
fYOl BETfcSgl
i YM'iM
jr. am
.Mflll J
A STORY told at police headquarters
by Clarence Davis of Glenallen.
Va., recalled to older members of the
i force the day when confidence men
had full sway here. The Virginian
related that tiiree men had inveigled
him into matching twenty-five-cent
pieces in a room at the Raleigh hotel,
and that they had disappeared, one of
them taking $45S belonging to him.
When Davis reached the city and
' he registered at a hotel near John
Marshall place and Pennsylvania ave
nue, he was seated on the coping at
the northwest corner of Pennsylvania
avenue and 7th street when a strang
er spoke to him. He did not hesitate
to tell the stranger he was from near
Richmond, and the latter said he was
acquainted with people in Richmond.
The Virginian informed the strang
er that he was thinking of going to
"So am 1 a bricklayer," the stranger
said, "and I'm out of work."
Army of Bees Sting
4 TEAM of horses, stung by a couple
r of bees, plunged madly into twen
ty hives, upsetting them, releasing an
army of 80.000 angry bees, which
stung the horses to death, a few days
ngo, over on the Virginia side of the
Potomac river,
The negro driver, who ran at the
"rst alarm, did not escape unwonnded.
Thousands of bees pursued his flight,
and ne w;s terribly stung, but lives,
A dozen or more Irresponsible bees
. !.:. i .i i . .
WC1C "juji muui wie gruunas at ine
borne or Dr. Reginald Munson. on the
Columbia pike, near Arlington, where
he has forty hives. The horses, at
tached to a coal wagon, worried by
their humming, slapped at the bees
wiln their tails. The bees retaliated.
stinging the horses,
Tne horses, wild with alarm, at the
nnsual attack, plunged madly about
the yard, upsetting twenty hives and
rekasl"S some ten bushels of bees
Fervid Vocabulary
HE lone policeman who stands
guard by the District building in
1 Washington was making his rounds
placidly when there dawned upon his
horrifiei mind the fact that a horbe
was standing with his fore feet upon
, the District building's own sidewalk.
The horse was hitched to a two
'seated surrey. Upon a seat of the
ft .j2WC.- J -.-..-
surrey sat a gentleman with a broad j kf'ral, the price of his profanity,
black hat. J It was not until the frantic, hatless
"Get that horse eff the sidewalk," j n? il estate ageut had reached No. 1
said the roliceman. j on the telephone did il become known
"If you want this horse to get off J that the horse and buggy were his.
that sidewalk you put him off your- "Well, how diJ you come to get In
self, you" The remainder of the it?" asked the policeman who had ef
ser.tcnce was more in the way of ex- fected the capture.
pletive than explanation.
"You better shut up and get tha:
horse where it belongs." the police-;
; man pursued.
And then there followed a contro-
versy. it was heated, to use a well-1
worn but perfectly good phrase, anl
in the end the roliceman hopped into
the buggy and took the broad-hatted
gentleman around to police station
No. 1. where it became evident that
the prisoner was a southerner and
Innumerable hose lines were con
nected with fire plugs in the new
building. Nozzles were aimed at the
venerable structure across Jackson al
ley. As the streams of water began
to play and the 6pray was rising In
clouds, like the mist from Niagara
Falls, the printers, bookbinders, wo
man folders and other workers began
to file out of the buildings.
There Is an order that the exit ol
the workmen and workwomen must be
through the side doors along the al
ley and G street. Consequently, as
the head of the line of workers reach
ed the doors on the alley and wit
nessed the deluge of water crashing
against the walls of the old building
and flying back in foaming masses,
they tried to force thier way back in
to the new structure.
Hundreds of toilers behind, not
aware of the conditions in front,
pressed forward and forced the front
rank out into the alley and Into the
torrents of flying water." The ensued
a scene of excitement.
More than 103 employes, drenched
to the skin nnd looking like drowning
rats, yelled and fled precipitately from
the merciless streams. The wet ones
were naturally indignant at being
"thrown overboard" in such a ruthless
manner, as a compositor expressed it.
and hurried home to shed their wet
In the summing up of tho fire drill
it was noted that about $100 worth of
paper was so badly damaged by water
that it cannot be used for printing Pur
poses: approximately 100 employes
were drenched with water, and tvelve
or such like amateur firefighters had
tome experience and considerable fun.
"Come to New York with me." Da
vis told him. "and I will see that you
get a job."
Soon a second man. a red-haired in
dividual, who said he was an English
man, appeared and was introduced. A
drink was suggested. The men had
one in a saloon on Pennsylvania ave
nue. Davis said he would go back to
Richmond and draw his money from
bank in order that he might have
funds enough to see him through his
trip to New York. Accompanied by
Smith, the man who first accosted
him, Davis went to Richmond, drew
his money and returned the next day.
The red-haired man and a friend met
them and the quartet went to the ho
tel where the alleged swindlers had
taken a room.
A game of matching quarters was
indulged in and Davis lost what silver
change he had. It was then necessary
for him to get out his roll of bills. It
was the first time Lawrence and Hop
kins, as the two "con" men were
known, had seen the roll. At the sug
gestion of one of the men, Davis
handed his roll to Hopkins to hold.
Lawrence then said he wanted to get
a check cashed, and it was while he
.-as pretending he was looking for a
man to cash it that those in the party
became separated.
Horses to Death
about $0,000 in all.
J These bees immediately attacked
im; iiuisci, suiifciug uitMa so oaaiy
that both animals died within an hour.
Dr. Munson has long been an en
thusiastic apiarist. His hives are lo
cated in the yard at one side of his
The coal wagon, driven by George
! Low. drew up in front of the olace
about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Low
was a little dubious about venturing
inside. He could plainly hear an oc
casional buzzing that was not alto
gether music to his ears.
A black swarm of buzzing bees Im
mediately flew toward the horses and
Low. The latter went scampering
down the road with his hands up to
his face, brushing away a thousand or
more of the insects which had gath
ered about him.
The frightened horses were almost
instantly covered with the insects.
They started to turn toward the road,
but sank limply in the traces, whin
neying wildly with pain.
The entire neighborhood was In
stantly aroused. A crowd collected
at a safe distance to watch the un
usual event. No one dared at first
to go to the rescue of the horses.
Cause of Arrest
was being charged with profanity
and lots of it. varied, variegated. lurid,
personal and original.
The southern gentleman kept it go
ing to some extent even while he was
being examined at No. 1. but he did
quit in time to let them know that he
was not the owner of the horse.
About this time a hatless, breath
less' real estate agent rushed out of
the District building.
"Somebody's run off with my horse
and buggy! Where did they go?" he
Meantime No. 1 had managed to
cool the southern gentleman to a state
where he would disgorge $j as col
"You see. it's this way, sah. In mj
town, siih. when we see a horse and
buggy standin like this was, sah, out
j side the co'thouss, why, we natchally
r,.v- ....... ... uiiiuu lo iudiuc, IUU
a tourist, sah. like myself, sah, gets
Into the vehicle and waits for thf
driver to appear, sah. I was about tc
offer the driver a dollah, sah. to driv
me around, sah, when you interfered
sah, with my personal liberty, sal
Gooi-day, sah."
The Mighty Traveler Goes Buoyantly Through
Long, and Trying Reception-Parade, Showing
Lively Interest in Everything American
The White Company Receives Unique Compliment
for the Sturdy Reliability of Its Steam Car
From Mr. Roosevelt and Family
Theodora Baa aevelt and
After fifteen months' absence, exact
ly as scheduled. Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt disembarked from the Kal
terin Augusta Victoria, Saturday morn
ing, June 18, at 11 a. m. To the keen
disappointment of a large group of
newspaper correspondents, Mr. Roose-
relt absolutely refused, as heretofore.
to be Interviewed or to talk on politi
cal subjects, but his rapid fire of ques
tions showed the same virile interest
In public affairs as before.
If the welcome tendered by the
vast throng may be considered a
criterion upon which to base a "re
turn from Elba," surely there was no
discordant note In the immense reception-parade,
iior In the wildly clamor
ous crowd which cheered at every
glimpse and hung on his very word.
The incidents of the day in New
York were many, but perhaps none
better illustrated the nervous energy
and vitality of the man, the near-mania
to be up-and-dolng. which he has
brought back to us. than the discard
ing of horses and carriages for the
swifter and more reliable automobiles.
The moment the Roosevelt family and
Ilk TKbbbbbbIbU JmbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBM
BsRtKlJ bbbHBp
CaaHMary IMe: Besare If k
w you set this atove see ?
thmt the name-plats
reads New Pecfcctioa."
Oil Cook-stove
Gfaes no outride teat, no smell, no smoke. It will cook the biggest dfonef
without heatin? the kitchen or the cook. It is immediately lighted and Immedi
ately extinguished, it can be changed from a slow to a quick fire by turning a
handle. There's no drudgery connected with it, no coal to carry, no wood to chop.
You don't have to wait fifteen or twenty minutes till its fire gets going. Apply a
light and it's ready. By simply turning the wick up or down yon get a alow or aa
Intense heat on the bottom of the pot, pan, kettle or oven, and nowhere else. It
has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot, drop shelves for
coffee, teapot or saucepan, and even a rack for towels. It saves time, worry,
health and temper. It does all a woman needs and more than she expects. Made
with 1, 2, and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner sizes can be had with or without
Zitxj dealer trtrrwber: If sot at yom.wTlU for
An Exception.
Caller Is Mrs. Brown at home?
Artless Parlor Maid (smiling confi
dentially) No. ma'am she really is
bat this afternoon.
Mrs. Wlaslow'e Seat bIbb; 8yrap.
ForehUdrrn trethinir. oftnstb" (turns, rmaeesla
CiiiiiUonllijipaia. cure wind cuile ScatwiUe,
To greet misfortune with a smile
is decidedly a one-sided flirtation.
OraMtpmttoa cmim BMity Prions atiMSa. Ik
It thoroughly cared by IXKtor I'Irrc' Mauul
FUu. OBalautlT,taTMforcmtamrUc.
Many a man enjoys a pipe because
his wife hates IL
rtAICV CI V VII f m ton4i
"w r aval irirvu-t.aiia.aii
? a . r..n s
lU.OT'Ur.t.ckr., Laria All ".
M tilstljiiul
pi I r u p r. iU
-mb t srs.i4 htShv
Party In Whita Steamer.)
Immediate party landed, they werv
whisked away in White Steamers te
the home of Mrs. Douglas Robinson at
433 Fifth avenue. A little later, whem
the procession reached the corner of
Fifty-ninth street and Fifth avenue.
Colonel Roosevelt again showed his)
preference for the motor car in gen
eral and the White cars in particular,
when he, Cornelius Vanderbllt and Col
lector Loeb transferred from their car
riage to White Steamers, which war
in waiting for them.
After luncheon at Mr. Robinson's
house, the entire party. Including
Colonel Roosevelt, again entered White
cars and were driven to Long Island
City, where they were to take a spe
cial train to the ex-President's horn
at Oyster Bay.
The supremacy of the White cars
with the Roosevelt party was again
demonstrated on Sunday, when the
party was driven to church In the
White Steamers, and a group of some
forty prominent Rough Riders wers
taken In a White Gasoline Truck to a
clambake at the Travers Island club
house of the New York Athletic Clua,
Many Women
.who are
Splendid Cooks
dread having to prepare an elatr
orate dinner because they are
not sufficiently strong to stand
over an intensely hot coal
range. This is especially true
in summer. Every woman
takes pride in the table she sets,
but often it is done at tremen
dous cost to her own vitality
through the weakening effect of
cooking on a coal range in a
hot kitchen.
I It is no longer necessary to weas
yourself out preparing a fine dinner.
Even in the heat of summer yon can
cook a large dinner without being
worn out
DeaotpUre Ctieate to Uwi
ret tat
Cgr Compaay
Sick Feeling
that follows taking a dose of castor
oil, salts or calomel is about the
worst you can endure Ugh it
gives one the creeps You don't
have to have it CASCARET9
move the bowels tone up the
liver without these bad feelings.
Try them. m
CASCAKETS loe a tea for a
treatment, all Jnmlti h..m atia
am tbe world. Muuoa be a aMata,
Choice quality: red and rotes,
white faces or angus bought on
orders. Tens of Thounandr to
elert from. Satisfaction Gosr
auteed. Crrepocdenr Invited.
Come ud sec for youretL
National live Stock Con. Co.
At cither
KassasCihr.Mo.. St. jMab.M. S.Osvaka,Hsk,
F!n colors, odd tortus. S abaUs. each adiSaraM
arif'r. forSc. Stampataken. Largo .bow- ablfi
n,l curios for fairs. harm baxar.. on comiolsstoa.
Writs tue. J. I. I'UWCLL w"'-- -. i'IIbbII
DAVC Send 10c for the latest tafaa
DW I O out. It's a wonder. FIVTUIO
out of sight and returns. Agents wantaaV
EASY HONEY made while at play.
AEKlAa.jirO.CO.. 704 St Sfc. WaaKlXO
nOCH Id Price BOB. Profits SO. !
l'rtreBJll. Hmflnsat !.. iwV
rltory. ORN 81
140 Massaa btroet
Mw York etc
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. -1tl4V.