The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 20, 1910, Image 4

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alumbus Journal.
Columbuii Nebr.
Consolidated with the Columbus Times April
1, 1901; with the Flatte County Argus January
Kniitredai the Paatottoe.Colambaa.Nbr..u
'ond-eUM mail matter.
Use rev, by audi, poetaae prepaid gl.t0
six TTinathe .76
rree mostha 40
WKONK8DAY. JULY 20. 1910.
8TKOTHKK &. STOCKWrXL, Proprietors.
JUtNKWALH-Tba data opposite your name on
roar paper, or wrapper ahows to what time your
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if made, the data, which answers as a moeipt,
ml be changed aooordinj-ly.
Did(XNTlNDAMCJH-Kesponaible subscrib
ers will oontiaoe to receive this journal until the
publishers are notlied by letter to discontinue,
hen all arrearages mast be paid. If yoa do not
wish the Jooraal oontinaed for another year af
ter the time paid for has expired, yoa should
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CUANUK IN ADDUK8H-When ordering a
change in the address. kabecri bars ehoald be sure
t o gi e their old ea well ae their new address.
Rip.Micai GiHRty CinvintiiH. i
The republican electors of Platte co
unty, Nebraska, are hereby notified to
meet iu delegate convention at the
Maennerobor ball, in Columbus, Nebr
aska, at 2 o'clock Monday, July 25, l'.HO,
for the purpose of electing delegates to
the republican state convention, select a
county central committee, and transac
ing f ucb other business aa may properly
coma before the convention.
The republican electors from the var
ious wards and townships arc requested
to hold cauouses at their usual voting
places Saturday. July 2.', 1910, from fi to
8 p. m., to elect delegates to the county
Representation is based on the vote
cast for William H. Tart for president
in 1908, giving each precinct and ward
one delegate at large and one for each
fifteen votes or major fraction thereof,
cast for said candidate.
The various wards and townships in
the county are entitled to the following
Columbub, Ibtward
Columbus, 2d want
ColumbuD, 3d want
Columbus, 4th ward
Columbus twp
(rand Prairie
Iust Creek
Ocouee-Mnn re
Hhell Creek
Jit. Bernard
. I.
. 4
. i;
Platte County Central
It. S. Dickinson,
The republicans of the state of Nebra
ska are hereby called to meet in conven
tion in the city of Lincoln on Tuesday.
July 26, at 12 o'clock noon for the pur
pose of adopting a platform and select
ing a state central committee and for the
transaction of uch other business as
may properly come before the conven
tion. The convention shall be made
up of delegates chosen by the republi
cans of the respective counties of the
state at the regular delegate county con
ventions, in the manner provided by law,
apportioning one delegate for each 150
votes, or fruction thereof, cast at the
liWS election for . C. Hell, republican
nominee for presidential elector. Said
apportionment entitles the several coun
ties to the following representation in
said convention:
AiUuis 13 .lohnMn ;
l Antelope n Kearney 7
Manner 1 Keith
Blame 1 KeyaPaha :i
U Kimball 1
BoxBuMo 4 Kuox 12
HJ"d fi l.ancH8ter W
SrowP 4 Lincoln 10
Buffalo 17 !xfaui 1
guf " I 1-oup 2
Butler 9 AlcPherton a
J,8? tii Mudibon 14
tdar U Merrirk s
4 liase :i Morrill i
l-nerry 7 Nuure 7
Cheyenne 3 Nemaha 11
J;1' :1 Nuckolls 10
-, S Oloe ir.
;umui? Pawnee 10
ueter 1W Perkins
Dakota ' Plieliw 10
C l'i,.ve 7
Hawu - Matte 11
J?uel I I'oik s
J"a 8 Ked Willow 8
J1? It' Itichardettn II
i Douelas i itock ::
"u? 3 Saline 14
I EIUm9r 12 Sarpy t".
j Jrankhn 7 Saun.lerH if,
( Frontier. 7 Sc.ItV Blufl. f.
Furnas Sewnnl 13
(i;"!f;v - Sheriilan ft
.orfield 2 Sherman :.
Warden sious 3
J;lr a Stanton ft
, " 1 Theyer 11
! u u ' : Thomas I
:: 1;' Thurston r.
t Hamilton n Valley 7
i Harlan 7 Washington 11
"?- 2 Wayne
Hitchcock 4 Webster y
"oU. " Wheeler
Hooker. 1 york ir,
Howard 7
Jefferson 13 Total sV.
i: It is further recommended that no
proxies be allowed, and that delegates
present from each of the respective co
unties be authorized to have the full
vote of their delegation. In accordance
with the rules of the republican stnte
committee, credentials of delegates to
the convention should be tiled with the
secretary of the state rommittee at least
five days before the date of said conven
tion. The members of the county central
committee for each county, who are to
conduct the 1910 campaign, must be
chosen at the delegate county convention
which elects delegates to said state con
vention, and reports at once to the state
(Signed) Clyde Baknard, Seo'y.
Myron L. Learnkd, Vice-Chairman.
Dated Lincoln, Neb., June lfi, 1910.
For the greater part of Its life a
book Is an article of furniture and
itands upon the shelf to decorate the
ibrary with Its patch of color and
glow of kindly associations, but from
time to time there occur those crises
of lis existence when it is taken down
and read. London Athenaeum.
While political parties declaim in
their platforms on any subject they
choose, the question of county option is
not, and should not be, a party issue in
Nebraska. All agree that the sup
pression or regulation of the liquor
traffic is strictly a local matter de
tending upon public sentiment in each
community, and that where public
sentiment favors license the most
strenuous effort to enforce dryness is
bound to miscarry and invite law vio
lation. It is seldom, also, that com
munities divide on party lines on the
liquor question, and it is recognition
of this fact that leads the temperance
and anti-saloon organizations to prose
cute their work, not in any one politi
cal party, but irrespective of parties.
If county option is really a local is
sue and not a party issue, no good
reason exists for injecting it into the
party platforms and attempting t
make its support or opposition a test of
fealty to political parties built upon
principals of government and devoted
to the execution of broad policies for
state and nation. Every candidate
running on the republican ticket in
Nebraska this fall, for example, wants
the votes of every lepublican whether
he believes in county option or opposes
it, and us many other voles as he can
legitimately get. Any action calcula
ted to drive away a large body of re
publican voters di.spo.sed to stay with
the ticket, is not only uncalled for, but
bad politics. Whether we get county
option or not from the coming legisla
ture deeudd entirely on the action of
the eope in selecliug law makers for
their respective legislative districts
iu other words, it must in any event
be fought out as a local issue. "
So far as Nebraska republicans are
concerned it may be well for them to
remember that the only lime the party
allowed itself to become entangled iu
the liquor question it .suffered its first
serious defeat tltatlnt it control of the
state government in which it had been
entrenched for more than twenty
years. Omaha Bee.
Odd Street Names.
In Clcrkciiwcll. Knxlainl. there is a
street called I'icklttl K?k walk. It
takes its name from Pickled Egff tav
ern, which formerly stood there and
made a specialty of serving pickled
eggs. An interesting Loudon thorough
fare is Hanging Sword alley, which
Is mentioned in Pickens' 'Tale of Two
Cities." Loudon has also Pickleher
ring street. In I.einster is a street
culled the Holy I tones and another
called Gallows Tret; Gate. Hull has
a street with the extraordinary name
the Land of Green Ginger. Corydon
has a street named Pump Pail, and
there some years ago lived Peter Pot
tle, a dealer in furniture. The most
daring of farce writers might well
have hesitated to invent a combination
of name and address so improbable as
that which really belonged to Peter
Pottle of Pump
Pail. SL .lames' Ga-
Noted Writer to Lecture
at Chautauqua
Harold Morton Kramer knocked
about as a cowboy, a lumber jack and
a miner. His friends discovered that
he had genius as a writer, so he went
to school, secured an education, and
became a newspaper man, later a sue
cessful novelist.
His platform work is highly success
ful and his time is much in demand at
summer assemblies all over the land.
I. Weisa Egery Musicians
The leader is the most sensational
and sympathetic violinist in America,
and is as ; well known in the European
music schools as in this country. The
Chaatauflws rnattagtnSent can get no
greater artist. Jtyss Tucker is a cellist
of renown and Miss Dora WeiBs is a
"divine" pianist. At 32
bbWPK " - -?' o'bH
aaBftUav 2. - . 'LbH
bbbbbbV . - - Vl.;
July 11, 1804 10C years ago tomor
row two men of national reputation
faced each other, pistols iu hands, at
Weehawken on the Jersey Shore
across from New York. ThV two men
were Alexander Hamilton and Aaron
Burr. Those present differ as to
which man fired the first shot. Ham
ilton's second was confident that Mr.
Hamilton did not fire first and that he
did not fire at Burr at all. Burr's sec
ond was just as confident that Hamil
ton did fire the first shot and that he
fired at Burr. However that may
have been, Hamilton was mortally
wounded and died the next day at 2
o'clock in the afternoon.
Since that day Burr has home a
weight of obloquy and calumny such
as has been heaped upon no other man,
and unlike many another man, in his
lifetime he never by voice or pen made
answer to charges made against him
nor presented either to friends or foes
anv arirument or evidence to refuse
Only in recent years has it come to
be recognized that history has done
Aaron Burr a gross injustice and that
he has been the victim of revengeful
power and of studied and persistent
duplicity. For an hundred years the
makers of school books have denoun
ced him as an assassin and murderer
and instilled into young minds a pre
judice which only research and study
in after years can effectually lemove.
It is now settled that on the field of
Weehawken, Burr only revenged cruel
wrongs inflicted upon him by Hamil
ton iu a period of thirty years, accord
ing to the rules of a code of honor
then recoguized a code which Hamil
ton himself recognized and restorted
to on several occasions. Hamilton
was second to Laurens in his duel with
Gen. Charles Lee and wished to be a
principal. Hamilton challenged
Commodore Nicholson of the United
States Navy to fight him a duel and
was only prevented because friends in
terfered. In 1797 Hamilton challen
ged James Monroe to fight a duel.
Monroe invited Burr to act as bis sec
ond. Burr decliued, but volunteered
to act as eacemaker, and after much
difficulty reconciled the parties and
.prevented the duel. So that Hamil
ton was not forced into a practice
which was at all abhorrent to him.
The Burr-Hamilton duel followed
the defeat of Burr for governor of
New York, which was brought about
by a coalitiou between Jefferson, Ham
ilton and DeWitl Clinton. Jefferson
not only proscribed every man who
dared be a friend of Burr, but turned
loose every place-man of the govern
ment to calumniate him. Clinton
subsidized a portion of the press to
manufacture and publish falsehoods
against him. Hamilton pursued a
course far more dangerous he turned
loose the whole Federal party of the
state upon Burr. It was this and this
alone that defeated him. In any con
test inside his own party Burr had
nothing to fear from either Jefferson
or Clinton, or both combined. At
Hamilton's suggestion the Federalists
put up no candidate, but supported
the Clinton faction iu opposition to
Burr. Iu a written statement of the
reasous why the Federalists should not
put up a candidate of their own,
Hamilton declared that Burr's election
as governor of New York would cer
taiuly be followed by his election to
the presidency; that Burr "is more
adroit, able and daring chief man than
Jefferson;" that he would, "if placed
at the head of his party, not only re
unite the scattered fragments of the
Democratic party," but would also
draw to it "a strong detachment from
the Federalists." He declared that "a
further effect of his elevation" will be
"to present to the confidence of New
England a man already the man of the
Democratic leaders of that country,
and towards whom the mass of the
people have no weak predilection,1
thus declaring the great popularity of
Burr with the leaders and the body of
the people in those states.
New England was the stronghold of
the Federal party, but Hamilton in
sisted that if Burr were not defeated
iu his home state, aud thus prevented
from reaching the presidency, "it will
give him fair play to disorganize New
England" to the detriment of the Fed
eral party. Hamilton also pointed
out that Lausing, the Democratic
candidate whom he urged them to
support, was of such personal charac
ter that "it is morally certain that the
Democratic party, already much divi
ded and weakened, will molder and
break asunder more and more."
Hamilton's enmity to Burr began
when Burr defeated Hamilton's father-in-law,
General Schuyler, for the office
of United States senator. From that
time forward Hamilton began a cam
paign of secret detraction against Burr I
and kept it up for thirty years, al-
though during all that tune he
a Centum After
tinued to maintain social relations
more or less close with Burr and even
professed personal friendship for him.
It was' not until Burr's candidacy
for governor of New York, when some
of the mote widely known Federalists
came to his support, that Burr receiv
ed from them the first intimation he
ever had of Hamilton's duplicity to
wards him. Burr went frankly to
Hamilton for explanation. Burr
knew so little that Hamilton soon per
suaded him that he had done nothing
but what was fairly proper between
opponents. Burr accepted his ex
planation, and they parted professedly
as friends. Thus it remained until
proof positive was furnished Burr that
Hamilton was then and had been for
years pursuing him with calumny and
detraction. From that moment Burr
regarded him with utter contempt.
Burr taxed Hamilton with uttering
certain opinions derogatory to his hon
or and demanded a prompt and un
qualified acknowledgment or denial.
Hamilton evaded. Burr replied to
Hamilton's letter, sayiug, "I regret to
find in it nothing of that sincerity and
delicacy which you profess to value.
Political opposition can never absolve
gentlemen from the necessity of a rig
id adherence to the laws of honor and
the rules of decorum. I neither claim
such privilege nor indulge it in others."
A challenge and the duel followed.
Hamilton was killed and Burr retired
to private life.
Burr's defeat and the duel ended bis
political career. Speaking of the New
York gubernatorial campaign of 1804,
Henry Adams, the historian, says:
"Never in the history of the United
States did so powerful a combination
of rival politicians unite to break
down a single man as that which ar
rayed itself against Burr."
Jefferson's animosity towards Burr
began after Jefferson's election to the
presidency, and was born of Jefferson's
jealousy of Burr's popularity and the
fear that Burr might supplant him as
the leader of the party and make him
a "one termer."
In the matter of the election of Jef
ferson to the presidency history has
doue Aaron Burr another great injus
tice. In that matter Burr is disclosed
as a patriot and a man of the highest
sense of honor. He has been deprived
of the credit, aud Alexander Hamilton
has been exalted as an unselfish states
man who, with the gift of the presid
ency iu his hands, preferred the good
and great Jefferson to the wicked and
profligate Burr. The simple truth is
that Burr, had he desired it and con
sented to pay the price demanded,
could have been president of the Uni
ted States instead of Thomas Jefferson.
Burr refused. Jefferson agreed to the
terms which Hamilton and a few Fed
eralists made and he was elected.
In the election of 1800 Jefferson and
Burr each received seventy-three elec
toral votes and the election went to the
house of representatives. The Feder
alists had a small majority in the house
and it was compelled to choose between
Jefferson and Burr. Although the
Federalists had a majority in the house
the vote was by states, and the Feder
alists did not control a majority of the
states. On the first ballot Jefferson
received the votes of eight states, Burr
six and two voted in blank. Notwith
standing the opposition of Hamilton,
the Federalists preferred Burr to Jeff
erson. A scheme was arranged by
which Burr could certainly have been
president. It was to deceive one man
and buy two others. But this could
not be done without Burr's approval,
and that they failed to gain. Burr
would not enter into a contest for the
presidency against Jefferson. In a
letter to Gen. Samuel Smith under
date of Dec 1G, 1800. Burr wrote:
It is highly improbable that I shall
have an equal number of votes with
Mr. Jefferson; but if such should be the
result, every man who knows me ought
to know that I would utterly disclaim
all competition. Be assured that the
Federal party can entertain no wish
for such an exchange. As to my
friends, they would dishonor my views
and insult my feelings by a suspicion
that I would submit to the instrumen
tal in counteracting the wishes and
expectations of the people of the
United States. And I now constitute
yoa my proxy to declare these senti
ments if the occasion should require.
If there be doubt in the mind of any
man that Burr refused the presidency
and positively refused to enter into
negotiations with the Federalists to
make himself president in the place of
Jefferson, and that Jefferson did bar
gain with them and pledged himself
to maintain certain Federalist prin
ciples aad to retain in office cer
tain Federalist office holders, aad that,
through this bargain, Jefferson was
elected, let him read the life of Alex
con-ladder Hamilton, written by his own
ton, John C. Hamilton.
But, even then, on the final ballot
on which Jefferson was elected, of the
fifty-six Federalists in the house, only
four consented to barter the presi
dency. Fifty-two of them voted for
Burr, one voted for Jefferson and three
others failed to vote, thus giving their
states to Jefferson. In all this Burr
played the part of the man of honor,
notwithstanding the temptation was
about the greatest that can be offered
to an American.
It is not the purpose of this article
to discuss the Burr conspiracy and his
trial for treason. A jury of his peers
selected by his enemies found him not
guilty, although they rendered a
Scotch verdict. But at this day no
historian will venture to assert thit
there was any conspiracy at all, or
that Burr was guilty of any act even
remotely resembling treason. That
prosecution was a persecution, and it
must be remembered that it failed on
the government's own evidence and
that Burr was not required to take the
testimony of a single witness of the
multitude of them he had summoned
in his defense.
The whole "conspiracy" was cooked
up by Jefferson, who refused on the
trial, to produce letters which, Burr
claimed, contained evidence that would
acquit him. In 1800 Jefferson was
smarting under the exposure by .fames
A. Bayard of the deal by which Jeffer
son became president, aud he believed
that Burr had iustigated it, abd he
determined on revenge. Accordingly
he tortured an enterprise which was
patriotic in its purpose into an act of
treason, and although he failed of a
conviction, he cast obloquy on a great
Burr's enemies were not content
with attackiug his public life, but
maligned bis private character, called
him a libertine and a debauche.
Of this, Farlon says:
Aaron Burr was a man of gallantry;
not a corrupter of virgin innocence,
not a desMiler of honest households,
not a betrayer of tender confidence.
He was a mau of gallantry.
Curtis, in his life of Jefferson, says
of Burr:
He was probably no more immoral
than Franklin, Washington or Ham
ilton, or other men of his time. He
was neither a St. Anthony nor a Don
Juau. Judged by the standard of his
generation, his vices were those of a
gentleman and such as did not deprive
him of the respect and confidence of
the community.
Burr's married life, which lasted
twelve years, was of the happiest sort.
He was a devoted husbaud and father.
On his daughter, Theodosia Burr, he
lavished his affections. From her
earliest years he hail educated her with
a care to which we look in vain for a
parallel among his contemporaries.
She grew up, iu consequence, no ordi
nary woman. Beautiful beyond most
of her sex, accomplished as were few
women of that day, she displayed to
her family and friends a fervor of
affection of which not every woman is
capable. The character of Theodosia
isurr has loug been regarded as we
would regard 'that of a heroine of
romance. Her love for her father
partook of the purity of a better world;
holy, deep, unchanging; it reminds us
of the affection which a celestial spirit
might be supposed to entertain for a
parent, cast down from heaven, for
sharing iu the sin of the "Son of
His love for her was as great as hers
for him aud when he learned of her
death at the hands of pirates he fell
down before her picture uttering that
famous cry of pent tragedy:
"By this blow I am several from the
human race!"
Burr was a gallant soldier and on
the field at Quebec carried the body of
the dead Montgomery on his back to
the American lines. He fought brave
ly four years for American independ
ence and liberty.
Burr was a great lawyer and it is
said never lost a case to which he gave
his personal attention, albeit these are
not arguments.
His public life was without a stain.
He never betrayed a friend or spoke
ill of an enemy. With great ambition,
he put aside the presidency of the
United States rather than do a wrong
to his party chief, or disappoint the
wishes of the people yet he has been
denounced for a century as a mau
without integrity or sound principle.
Such is theinjustice of history. Sam
uel T.Seaton.
You Will
Save Money by
Season Ticket
Buying a
Seven full days
and flow of soul,
of the nation will
a feast of reason
The greatest men
be on the program
Thts boya are real boys, but they
can ingjMHl pjayjdivinely
We carry the late styles and up-to-date
designs in Furniture.
If you are going to fur
nish a home, or just add a
piece to what you already
have, look over our com
plete line.
Need a Kitchen Cabinet?
See the "Springfield.'
21-21-23 West 11th St.
Power of Imagination.
"The imagination is wonderful." said
a college professor. "1 know a Chi
cago man who went last summer to
Asbury l'ark. He in a quaint way
proved my point. He didn't reach As
bury Park till 10 o'clock at night, and.
very tired, he turned iu at once. As be
settled his bead comfortably on the
pillow be said to his wife:
" 'Listen to the thunder and hiss of
the surges. Maria. 1 haven't heard
that glorious sound for forty years.
No more Insomnia now!'
"And. indeed, for the flrst time in
three months the man slept like a log.
.DUl WUVU UK uatr IU IUK wmwh "c
'.- .1 - . ..A I.. ..1 Inll.iil
jouuu iuui me uinmr wunu uu ""
him to sleep was the noise of a garage
in the rear of the hotel. The sea was
over a mile away." Detroit Free
You can make an eastern trip any day at very low rates
lower than ever before. There is such a variety of rate
tours embracing so many sections of the East that it is im
possible to describe them here. Consult with us.
If the East does not appeal to you, try a Pacific Coast tour
or a vacation in Yellowstone Park or in Colorado.
The Wyoming extension has been completed to Thermo
polis, where Eighteen Million gallons of water at a tempera
ture of 130 degrees flow daily. This beautiful resort is des
tined to become one of the most attractive and effective health
restoring localities in the country.
Call or write, describing your proposed trip, and let us
help you.
L. F. RECTOR. Ticket Agent
Columbus. Nebr.
L. MT. MTflKbLfcY. Can'l. PMaaar flfans. Omaha. Nskr.
Old Books
In fact, for anything in the book
binding line bring your work to
Columbus, Neb.
Fir.dtn.j Him Out.
Iudiu:iiit m-iiliieiil This in the
fourili i hoe I liavf railed to see the
I senator by :i'iininieut null rouuu uiui
out every liut Private Secretary (or
eminent stntesuinio-Ob. well. I would
not nnike a tust uboiit that. Accord
lug to what th psiiH'i-s say. everybody
Is liuditi him out.-Chieugo Tribuue.
Own Up.
A man hoiill never be ashamed to
awn be has iteeu in the wroug. which
Is but sayiug. in other words, that be
Is wiser today than he was yesterday.
A Guesa at It.
Teacher tot -iass Iu graioman
What o,ynii understand by "(tarts of
sneeeh?" Tommy It's-it's when a
man stutters.-riiieago Tribune.