The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 20, 1910, Image 3
r M I -k X T "er WMVMLLPARMSII AiffxwaFfiosfufPrworfzicfff trc. - SYNOPSIS. Tli( story o; ns with tlie Introduction -f John Sl 1' iiv. al nturer. u Masa rhuotts man m.tiootK-d liy authorities at Valp iraii-o. lil- H ins; interested In minim? i;M-raiiiis in Holuia. ho was de ii(Min i, "lnl- as an insurrectionist ami .is a ( onsHjiu nci- was hiding At his liotel lus attention was attracted bv an Krmlislimaii and a youm; woman Stephens res mil the vouns woman from ft druiiKfii otllrer He was tiianked by lir Admiral of the IVrmian n.iy oon Vronted Stephen, told him that war had lii-eri l.-el.irel between Chile and Peru nd offend him the otli e of eaptain He desli, that that niqht the Hsmeralda. a (Mlili.ili e-s. 1 vlioulil be c.iittured Stephens anted tlie commission Stephens met a motlev crew, to which he vas assigned He pave them in Htrnetlons Tliev l.fiarded th essel They h'leeessfullv raptured the essel supposed to he the I'srm r.ihl.i. through strati kv. "apt Stcphi ns K.ui- directions for the de li irtnre of the craft. He ntrcd the cah iii and dicoered the Knxlish woman and her maid Stephens rpiicklv learned the wronj; rsl had been captured It was Lord Partington's private vaclit. tlie lord's wife and maid beins ahoird He -p!aind the situation to In r ladv liip Tlun first Mate Tuttle J .id l.tre the plot. s.iins tint the S a Jueen had fteen taken in ord r to jjo to the Antarc tic eir le Tuttl. explained that on a former I, had learned that the Ponn.i Isil.. 1 was lost in 17V. He had found it fri7-n in a hime case of he on an island .md contained much sold. Stephens i (indented to be the captain of the pdition lie told l,adv 7arlinton She was greatly alarmed. I tut expressed ontidence in him. The Sea Queen eneounlf red a e:sel in the fo Stephens .att tnpted to communicate. This caused a fien struggle ami he was overcome Tuttle ilnallv sijuarln the sit uation. Then the Sea Quern headed south iiKain 1'iuler Tuttl 's guidance the es sel mnde progress toward Its ko.i1. lie Nov a. the mate, told Stephens that he l!ieetl Tuttle. now acting as skipper. Insane le a use of his tiecr a t inns Stephens was awakened hv rashing of glass. He saw Tuttle in the grip or a ftp ism of r tigious nuni.i and .rcame him Tlie sailor upon regaining his senses was taken ill Tuttle onimitted suicide ly shooting I'pon ote of the crew Stephens assiimtd the leadership and the men !. idcl to ontmue tlie treasure hunt, the islands h ing supposed to he onlv Xni miles distant Tuttle was buried In the s a lidv Utrlingtou pronouncing the servnc Stephens awaking from .liep saw the ghost, supposed to have formed the basis for Tut tie's religious m.iiii i I'pon advice of Iidv I'arlington, Stephens started to pro-he the gliost. lie ciiiie upon Lieut Ram In z. the drunk en officer In had humbled in Chile. He found that at SanrlMV Inspiration. En gineer McICnight plaved "ghost" to scare the men into giving up the iu st. Steph ens announced that the Sea Queen was at the spot win re Tilt tie's quest was sup posed to be The crew was anxious to go on in further sarch Do Nova and Steph ens oumi. ied tin m in a fist fight. I.adv Htrhngton thank d him The Sea Queen started northward Sin- was wrecked In a fog Stepln ns lie Nova. I.adv Darlington and her tn ml being among those to set out in a life boat Ten were rescued. Stephens saw onlv one chance in a thou sand for life I-lv Darlington confessed her love to Stephens and he did likewise. IjhIv Darlington told her life storv how she had been bartered for :t title, her yearning for absent love. She revealed lierself as the school chum of Stephens' sister She x pressed a wish to die m the sea rather than face her former friends mid go bai k to the old life A ship was flighted The craft proved to be a derelict. Tliev boarded In r She was frozen tight Willi hundreds of xears of Ice The ves sel vvas the Donna Is ibel. lost in 17.13. IX xears precious Tlie fto7-n bodies of the former crew wen- r moved Tliev read the log of the Nib 1. which told how the Sp lniards had died fnim cold, one bv one I.adv D irhngton sang to prevent the men it om becoming moody. The crew (ommein-ed the hunt for treasure. Tliev found the iron chest, s ml to contain a part of "SOitinini p.-sos. firtulv itnlx-ddcd In lee I.adv Darlington expressed tlie belief that It would nevr b nelit tie men. for she said the Donna Is ib. 1 would never reach poit The men got i lust for gold. Stephens ju lied It bv whipping one. The Donna Isabel showed indications of sink ing Tliev prepared to depirt with what tieasure had h on found The next morn ing the. dep irted Stephens went back to try to res no Cole a gold -crazed negro, who 'was hunting treasure in the hold. Stephens plungi d into the icv s-a a mo ment before the Doii'ia Isabel sank. His mates rest tied him. the negro being lost. CHAPTER XXIX. Continued. If .anytliiiij; the women managed to hear tip ltetter than the men. hut whether this was because of their dis positions, or failure to comprehend ful ly the desperation of our situation. I am unable to say. Yet outwardly they seemed to retain courage longer. However, their eyes told me plain ly enough how heavily the hours rested upon them. I saw comparative ly little of Celeste, as she chose a po sition near the foot of the mast, and remained thete much of the time, wrapped warmly in blankets, minis tered to b De Nova, who sat beside her. Hut Doris remained aft with me, resting when I was off duty, but sit ting wide awake, her head touching niv knee whenever it was my trick at j the tiller. It seems a strange thing to sty. ?t I believe it was the very cer tainty of death which kept her strong, self-ieliant. almost happy. Not for one instant did she consider our final res cue as possible. She lived in her love for me. utterly insensible to the drear surroundings, and merely anxious (o ptolong our life together. It was a revelation to me of a woman's heart, a woman's constancy. May I never forget the clasp of her hand, the ten der lovelight in her gray eyes, the words of faith and hope on her lips, as we tat thus through those long hours battling against the sea. the motionless forms of the blanketed sleepers alone evidencing other hu man life within the boat. It was her presence, her love, her inspiration, which stiffened me to the continued .Vrformance of a labor growing harder with each day. It became easy to see what this meant to us all. It was neither hun ger nor thirst, although I felt it safer to put all upon short rations from the beginning, but rather the awful, con tinuous strain of hopeless loneliness in that vast desert of ocean. The con templation of it maddened us one mo ment Into frenzy, and depressed us the next into profound melancholy. "We could not shake it off: awake or in dreams it held us to slavery. Every where, everywhere the same eternal swell of the seas, the same eternity of clouded sky, the same dull, dead monotony of scene and motion, hour after hour, day after night. It drove us mad, crushing down upon the brain as though it was a real weight, merci less, agonizing. The air remained frosty, the southwest wind chilling, the spray which slapped into our faces LAST VOYAGE OF T ISABEL 7 She Still Sat at My Knee, icy cold. Our fingers stiffened with cold, our bodies shook from the chill; only beneath the warmth of the blankets could we find comparative comfort. Hour after hour the men lay, curled up and motionless, only crawling forth reluctantly to take their turn on watch. Our greatest effort was to keep the straining cord age free from ice. and to prevent its formation along the gunwale or at the bows, over which spray dashed in constant shower. Rood God. how those hours dragged, with the same heartless scene with out, the same hopeless faces within! Most of us continued to live n'rely because we could not die. Indiffer ence took the place of hope, and we performed our simple tasks automatic ally, almost unconsciously. Johnson, De Nova and I took our tricks at the helm, with one man always awake forward to manage the running gear, and only once during those first six days were we compelled to lower our sail or take a reef in the jib. Then a fierce squall came tearing down upon us from out thenorthwest, a swift, .sharp blow, heralded by a blinding snow flurry which kicked up an ugly sea, lashing us with heavier stinging spray, and coating every thing with ice. For seven hours we fought in a blinding smother, every man awake, crouching beneath blank ets, the women stowed away under the thwarts, and De Nova and I at the tiller, tlie huge surges pounding against our backs, as we thus kept them from sweeping the laboring boat fore and aft, and swamping her. I never believed we could weather it, the increasing waves tossing us about like a cork, yet, as the dawn broke, we succeeded in broaching to, with canvas drag holding her, and the very moment I realized she would ride safely I fell forward dead asleep. Either Doris or one of the men cov ered me with blankets, my icy cloth ing drying on my body. But it was Doris who welcomed me back to life again, as a little glimpse of westering sun grew barely visible through a rift in the dun clouds, with the mainsail again spread, and the longboat leaping to the foaming summits. Oh. but it was worth all suffering just to read the confession of her eyes, and to feel her bend down over me in sudden tenderness! I am not ashamed that the tears dimmed my eyes so I could scarcely see her dear face or that my voice choked so I could do no more than whisper her name. She must have understood, for her soft hands touched my cheek, and so we rested for a long time, scarcely exchanging a word between us. It was later that same day, just at the edge of twilight, when Kelly called, "A sail!" pointing eagerly out over the port quarter. Then, some upon knees, some standing, we all saw it, a misty, white reflection, show ing vague against the darkening hori zon. I know not what it really was a gleam of canvas, a speck of cloud, or the pinnacle of an iceberg but as we swept toward it, the night dropped down over the waters blotting the last faint vestige from view. Yet we hung on desperately, the man staring out into the black void, grumbling and cursing, until the long night wore away with no reward. That was about the last I recall clearly; afterwards all grew indis tinct, commingled, confused. It was like a dream rather than reality. I performed my work as before, the In stincts of a seaman leading me right ly, and out of the mist numerous in cidents arise to memory proving that I observed and thought. Never can I forget the sight of that narrow boat, tossing about on the crests of great -q v ilNr V" II Vi -y" ;n Yielding Me New Courage. seas, or plunging down into the black hollows; the green water pouring in cataracts over the gunwale; the con slant bailing; the wet, soggy blankets; the moaning of wind through the icy cordage; the flapping of the sail; the gray masses of water curling over us in continuous threatening; the awful expanse of ocean revealed by day light; the black loneliness through which we swept at night. We ceased to talk, to think, even, growing more and more sullen, moody, dull-eyed, cramped of limb and benumbed of brain. We sat silently staring into the smother, forever beholding themirages of distorted minds. Men would spring to their feel, yelling out some discov ery, only to sink back' again, with ghastly faces buried in their hands. II was all illusion; the waves, the clouds mocking us. even our voices sounding unnatural, our faces growing unfa miliar. Only Doris; Doris did not change not. at least, to my eyes. Ay, she be came whiter, weaker, the shadows growing darker beneath her eyes, yel she still sat at my knee, looking up into my face, yielding me new courage out of her heart of hearts. God knows I believe she saved me, saved me from going mad, saed me with the power of her love held me sane, held me steadfast, when the very soul in me had given way. I think of those other faces now with a shudder. It scms as if all that was human had gone out of us; we were no longet men, only things. We crawled about We growled rather than used articu late speech, bruised by the constant buffeting of the sea, sore with th smart of salt water, chilled through by the icy wind, we snarled like v.ild beasts, our eyes bloodshot, our faces haggard and unclean. 1 know not how long it endured. I lost all track of day and night. 1 merely remember this and that out ol the mist, Doris' gray eyes ever upon me, her hand clasping mine; Celeste lying motionless day after day under the blankets; De Nova rocking back and forth, striving to sing, or creeping aft to the tiller, with his body shaking as though he had a palsy; Johnson, never moving, his head sunk into his chest, his gaze out over the bows; Mc Knight curled up as a dog lies, some times cursing fiercely, only to break off and cry like a child. I remember when the boom swung about, pitching Sanchez headlong and breaking ils leg; how we pulled it back into posi tion with a sickening snap, binding it there firmly, while beads of perspira tion told the Chilean's pain. I recall that other day when Dade suddenly stood up, his eyes staring dully out into the fog-bank which wrapped us about, extended his hands, smiling, and said: "Sure, I'm comin'. ol' pal," and stepped overboard. We grabbed for him, but he went down and never Not a Corporeal Delight Real Nature of the Kiss, as Viewed by a Writer Who Has Clearly Studied the Subject. It Is the fashion of the more bilious moralists to put kissing among the gross pleasures, with eating, yodllng, snoring and the use of tobacco; but, as a matter of fact, it is not a corpor eal delight at all, says a writer in the Baltimore Sun. Its sole physical ac companiment, indeed, is a sensation of suffocation, and this, as all will ad mit, is scarcely agreeable. No; the insidious charm of the pastime must be sought in its psychic effects la Ita iummfmBfBtmuh caMarAatsGwK4& m came up again. McKnight was the first to speak. "He had his pockets full o' gold. I saw him takin' it las' night." There was a fierce storm of oaths, the faces of the men wolfish and sav age as they glared down into the wa ter; but Kelly fell on his knees and began to pray. It almost seems to me that this was the last, though it could not have been. There were hours after that, perhaps even days and nights, when I lived without really knowing that I lived. It was a period of fancies, phan toms, dreams, weird and fantastic, haunting horrors that left all reality blank. I know that Johnson helped me at the tiller while De Nova lay prone in the bottom of the boat, some times talking to himself, occasionally lifting his head to peer over the side. What he said had no meaning, just a jumble of French words, and he smiled like that dead Spaniard in the cabin of the Donna Isabel. I know that Sanchez, who had brave ly done all he could in spite of his broken leg, fell into the deliri um of fever, screamed for hours that he was dying, and had at last to be bound fast in his blankets. I know Kelly came creeping aft with a knife in his hand, imagining he had been robbed, and I had to knock him flat with the tiller-bar, the boat falling off into tlie trough of the sea and nearly capsizing before I could get her bead about again. Doris was bending over Sanchez, who seemed to have an in terval of sanity at the moment that was the last I remember; then, I think, I pitched over against Doris when she came back to me, and every thing went dark. CHAPTER XXX. In Which We Come to the End. I was lying between white sheets in a rather wide berth when I came again to consciousness, a yellow glow of sunlight streaming in through an open port, and the clanking sound of machinery in my cars. I closed my eyes again, wearily, my head reeling yet from the delusions of the past. No, this was real a steamer, rising and falling on the swell, but pushing stead ily forward to the rapid revolutions of the screw. I could hear the tramping of feet on deck, even the slush of the sea without. I opened my eyes again, watching a curtain wave to the fresh air rushing in through the port, and then I turned my head on the pillow. Doris sat on a low stool gazing out through the aperture on the sea, her face partially turned away. She looked pale, careworn, her eyes heavy and sad. Suddenly she turned her glance in my direction, and sprang up with a glad cry. "Oh, Jack, you have been lying there so long unconscious!" I could only clasp her bauds and gaze into the depths of her gray eyes. "I have proved rather a poor speci men of a man, I fear, dear," I con fessed at last, ashamed of my weak ness. "How long?" "It is three days since we were brought on board, and we were a day and night in the boat after you lost consciousness." I endeavored to think it out, to com prehend. She leaned farther over, her lips touching my cheek. "Don't worry about it. Jack; every thing is all right now. Johnson took your place at the tiller, and and we were picked up." (TO BE CONTINUED.) Terms for Ineoriety. According to Hottcn, some of the terms denoting inebriety are as fol lows: Beery, bemused, boozy, bosky, corned, foggy, fou. fresh, hazy, ele vated, kisky. lushy, moony, muggy, muzzy, on, screwed, stewed, tight and winy. In an intermediate class stand podgy, beargered. blued, cut, primed, lumpy, plowed, muddled, obfuscated, swipey, three sheets in the wind and topheavy. "But the acme," says the same authority, "is only obtained when the disguised individual 'can't see a hole in the ladder, or when he is 'all mops and brooms.' or 'off his nut.' or 'with his main-brace well spliced,' or 'with the sun in his eyes,' or when he has 'lapped the gutter and got the gravel rash.' or 'on the ran tan,' or 'on the re-raw.' or when he Is 'sewed up,' or 'regularly scammercd.' Camphor Cures Colds. Take gum camphor and dissolve In kerosene, having enough so that there is always a little camphor undis solved in the bottom of the bottle. Rub the lame parts thoroughly and often with this and you will have re lief. Do not bandage it on. as it will blister if used that way. This is also an excei'nt remedy for cold in throat or lungs. Rub it in well. marvelous and delightful interference with the normal processes of ratioci nation. A man kissed is a man trans figured and transmogrified. Let him be the worst of misanthropes before the sweet impingement of nose upon nose, and he may yet emerge from the turmoil a philanthropist One kiss, properly stage-managed, Is enough to transform a pirate into a poet, a poli tician into a philosopher, or vice ver sa. One small kiss, indeed. Is suffi cient to turn a proud, heaven-kissing bachelor into a servile married man the most stupendous, antipodal and lamentable transformation possible, at this writing, in a mere human being. I IHE AVIATORS MEET GREAT EVENTS IN OMAHA, JULY 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27. AEROPLANES APPEAR IN RACES Curtiss, the Noted Aviator, Will Contest With His Pupils, Giving an Interesting Exhibition. The Mid-West Aviators Meet will be held in Omaha, July 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27. The interesting events of the four days will be under the aus pices of the Aero club of Nebraska, and the Omaha Commercial club of Omaha, Nebraska. Glenn H. Curtiss, J. C. Mars, Eugene Ely, and other noted aviators will participate, thus assuring an interest ing an entertaining occasion. This is the first western meeting in which Curtis himself has taken part and is the only western meet in which he will appear this year, a fact, no doubt, that will tend to draw many who might not otherwise favor the meet with their presence. Mr. Curtiss will use the same aeroplane in which he made the flight from Albany to New York a few weeks ago, and which brought out so much favorable com ment from the press and public. His presence at the Mid-West Meet will be the signal for drawing thousands from near and far. The committee having in charge all arrangements are: T. R. Kimball. J. J. Deright, Gould Dietz and Clark G. Powell, the latter being also man ager of .the meet. The government has promised as sistance by the loan of a number of baloons at Fort Omaha. By this and other aid it is hoped to make this the largest meet in this country, being in keeping with the international ex hibition at Los Angeles. There will be spherical and dirrig ible balloons as well as heavier than air machines. Aviators will make at tempts to lower existing records in rapid flight, altitude flights, quick starting, skillful alighting, etc. Will also have some races. The committee has arranged for a seating capacity of 6,000, the grounds will accommodate 20.000 and the auto mobile park will be able to take care of five hundred machines. Speaking of the coining event, the Omaha Bee says: "First of all Curtiss will endeavor to lower his own world's record for quick and short starting in an aero plane during each day of the meet. In addition to this he will seek to re duce his record for a mile on a circu lar track, which now stands at fifty eight seconds. "Curtiss will race Ely and Mars separately around the circular course, giving them a handicap in seconds for the difference in horsepower in the machines. "The feature of the meet will be the aeroplane races between Ely and Mars, weather permitting. There is a great deal of good natured and friendly rivalry between these two Curtiss aviators and each one tries to outdo the other on all occasions. Roth aviators will drive the same horse powered machines during the meet here and are about equally matched in nerve and daring. "The course on the aviation field will be laid out by v-nite signal flags and the United States army signal corps men will be placed around the infield of the course to see the avia tors do not cut corners. "The army spherical balloon in charge of Lieutenant Haskell of the signal corps will be anchored in the' center of the field, where observa tions can be made on the work of the aeroplanes and dirigibles. Atlantic City. N. J., July 12. Glenn Curtiss today tossed oranges as mim ic bombs within three feet of the decks of the yacht John F. Mehrer II, used in place of a battleship during the sham battle arranged to demon strate the utility of aeroplanes in coast defense. The mock "bombs" were dropped from a height of about 300 feet and Curtiss purposely failed to strike the deck of the yacht for fear of injuring the officials and pas sengers gathered on her decks. Visiting experts agreed that the ex periments showed that a fleet of aero planes armed with bombs of high ex plosives could wreck any warship be fore guns could be trained on them. Curtiss was flying about forty-five miles an hour when he dropped the "bombs" and officials on the deck of the yacht declared that he was with in accurate distance for rifle fire less than a half minute. Colonel William Allen Jones, re tired, formerly of the United States engineer corps, who is an advocate of aeroplanes for coast defense, stated after the trials his belief that the air machine has proved its efficiency. Activity at Fort Omaha. Omaha. Fort Omaha is throbbing with activity preparatory to Its part in the Mid-West Aviation meet. The Baldwin Army War Dirigible No. 1 is being overhauled by a force of men. who are putting the gas bag in shape for inflation, while other soldiers of the signal corps are working on the great hydrogen generator and tank. The grandstand of the Creighton field Is already assuming proportions and is being erected so that the spec tators will have a clear sweeping view of the course at all times. All Kinds of Flyers. Omaha. With the receipt of a wire from General Allen, chief signal offi cer of the United States army, stating that a spherical balloon would give exhibitions at the aviation meet. July 23 and succeeding days, it is now certain that all kinds of bird ma chines will be in the air the aero planes, one possibly two, dirigible ballooons, and the spherical balloon. Now, with the exception of Paulhaa. who will not be here, the meet will be just as large a one as that held at Los Aageles soma time ago. CLIMAX FOR GREAT TENOR Caruso Approaches Finale In "Marital Entanglements Through Divorce Suit Against Woman. Florence. Enrico Caruso Is ap proaching a climax In his "marital" en tanglements. It will be remembered that during bis first two seasons in New York at the Metropolitan Opera iie was accompanied by a woman whom every one considered to be his legal wife. This woman was really Mme. Gine Oetti, the wife of a Florentine mer chant, who under the name of Mlmt Giachettl had achieved a certain suc cess on the operatic stage, and who Mme. Caruso. j Is a sister of the better-known lyric soprano of the same name. A year or two ago Mme. Giachetti-Bett-Carusa was reported to have eloped with her chauffeur. Now the Florentine merchant, BettI, Is suing her for divorce and names Caruso. Mme. Caruso, as she Is still generally known, has written a letter to the press In which she states that she endeavored to seek a divorce from BettI ten years ago, but he re fused his consent. It was then that she went to live with the tenor. Since that time she declares she has lived with Caruso as his wife, and has had two children by him. She often saw Rett!,, who never seemed to resent the fact of her alli ance nor care one way or the other. She denies having eloped with the chauffeur and says Caruso left her penniless at Mont Charles on the very spot where they first met and where he persuaded her to forsake her ar tistic career for his love. Mme. BettI deplores her unhappy married life with both men. whom she accuses of having failed to contribute to her support, although she admits that Caruso gives her $100 a month a mere pittance, she says, considering that he draws the highest salary ol any tenor on earth. The famous trial will be held In Florence within the next few weeks, and the star witness will be Caruso. NO SHAVE SINCE CIVIL WAR Michigan Man Has His Whisker That Reach to the Floor Photographed. Oxford, Mich. Alex Guiles of Or tonville, whose hirsute appendage be gins at his chin and trails on the ground, was In town recently to have his bid for fame recorded by a local photographer. Although Guiles keeps his elongated beard done up In aa neat a manner as the coiffure of a so ciety lady until nothing unusual would be noticed at a casual glance, his ad- Alex Guiles. vent here to have his whiskers "took1 by a photographer created no little excitement. Guiles is the proprietor and opera tor of a saw mill at -Drtonville, and 'tis said he locks steps with that trail ing streamers of whispers as he winds his devious way in and about the swiftly humming inachinery, indif ferent to the wind that whistles mer rily among this luxuriant growth of human foliage. He has not had a shave since war times and does not expect one, striving earnestly to pro tect what be claims Is the blue rib bon winner for length, in whiskers. He prides himself on having the longest whiskers in Michigan. And the residents of Ortonville, who have seen that winding trail of wispy, stringy whiskers floating about the saw mill over humming saws and buz zing set screws, give Guiles credit for as much courage as be has hair. Fully Qualified. The Invalid was on the road to re covery and the physician had just pre sented his bill for $700.-' "Doctor," said the patient, "you missed the opportunity of your life. You should have been a nerve special ist," Her Way. Mrs. Green Yes; I can get any thing I want out of my husband. I can use a few persuasive words and go right through his heart. Mrs. Bibb I prefer to go right through my husband's pockets. Exchange. iH s8?i JaaHflaHal vMaiaHHHHaaH JpL A BAD THING TO NEGLECT. Don't neglect the kidneys when yon notice lack of control over the secret tions. Passages become too frequent or scanty; urine is discolored andsedb ment appears. No medicine for such troubles like Doan a Kidney Pills. They quickly remove kidV ney disorders. Mrs. A. E. Fultoa, 311 Skldmore St. Portland, Ore., says: My limbs swelled terribly and I was bloated over tkm stomach and had puffy spots beneath the eyes. My kidneys were very unhealthy and the secre tions much disordered. The dropsical swellings began to abate after I began using Doan's Kidney Pills and soon I was cured." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. Controlled Newspapers. The Atchison Go&esays that no ad vertiser has ever tried to control its ed itorial policy, the remark being occa sioned by the charge often made nowa days, that the big advertisers direct the editorial policy of newspapers. The experience of the Globe is the experience of most newspapers. The merchant who does a great deal of ad vertising Is more interested In the cir culation department of a newspaper than In the editorial department, If a dally paper goes to the homes of the people, and Is read by them, he Is satis fied, and It may chase after any theory or fad. for all he cares. He has troubles of his own, and he Isn't trying to shoul der those of the editorial brethren. There are newspapers controlled by people outside of the editorial rooms, and a good many of them, more's the pity; but the people exercising that control are not the businessmen who pay their money for advertising space. The newspapers which are established for political purposes are often con trolled by chronic offlceseekers, whose first concern Is their own interests. There are newspapers controlled by great corporations, and the voice of such newspapers is always raised la protest against any genuine reform. The average western newspaper usu ally Is controlled by Its owner, and he Is supposed to be In duty bound to make all sorts of sacrifices at all sorts o times; there are people who consider It his duty to Insult his advertisers, just to show that he Is free and Inde pendent If he shows a decent respect for his patrons, who pay him their money, and make It possible for him to carry on the business, he Is "subsi dized" or "controlled." The newspaper owner Is a business man, like the dry goods man or the grocer. The mer chants are expneted to have considera tion for their customers, and they are not supposed to be subsidized by thi man who spends five dollars with them, but the publisher Is expected to demonstrate his courage by showing that he is ungrateful for the patron age of his friends. It is a funny com bination when yon think it over. Emporia Gazette. HE'D HAD SOME HARD KNOCKS. "Fortune knocks ones at every man's door." fortune Is a knocker, all right" He Rose to It "Do you know," said a little boy of five to a companion the other day. "my father and I know everything. What I don't know my father knows, and what my father don't know I know." "All right! Let's see. then." replied the older child, skeptically. "Where's Aslar It was a stiff one, but the youngster never faltered. "Well, that" he answered coolly. "Is one of the things my father knows." Harper's Bazaar. j Compound Interest comes to life when the body feels the delicious glow of health, vigor and energy. That Certain Sense of vigor in the brain and easy poise of the nerves comes when the improper foods are cut out and predigested GrapeNuts take their place. If it has taken you year? to run down don't expect one mouthful of this great foo4 to bring you back (for it b not a stimulant but a rebuilderJ Ten days trial shows suck big results that one stick to it. "There's a Reason" Get the little book, "The Road to WeUville," in pkgs, naHsfvl vftMaia BSBBBBBBS- BBS V BB1BBBBBBBBBB "k. t, "";v.v. S&W. 7. T 'rrJ Fy I ft 1 vW SI B FOSTU3C CXBSAX. CO.. LTD, Battle