The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 20, 1910, Image 1

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Farm Property ;
in the
Im 43 I
ulUlb 4
Wheat, new 88
Corn yellow 50
White corn 52
Hogs, top f?.40to$7.75
i e
Files of the Journal July 18, 1877.
John Williamson of Boonu Co.. on
last Friday narrow escape from a had ac
cident. He attached his tf am to a har
vester and the horses became frightened,
ran off with the machine, throwing Mr.
Williamson from his seat indicting some
injuries, and smashing the machine into
small pieces.
Jo. Gross tells us of a method of treat
ing scab which may be valuable to some
sheep growers The shepherd carries
with him a vial of turpentine. If be
notices a sheep scratching or biting it
self, with his crook the shepherd im
mediately catches the sheep, examines it
thoroughly, and if the Bcab, in any stage
of the disease, is found, the skin is
abraded with a knife, and a small quan
tity of turpentine jwured into the sore,
and thus the disease so destructive to
sheep is prevented from spreading.
Capt. Miles Warren of llutler county
says that crops in his neighborhood in
Butler county are looking line corn a
little backward because of the heavy
and frequent rains, but is climbing along
at a rapid rate. The small grain, he
says, is tilling belter than he ever knew
it before, lie is decidedly in favor of
painting trees, and thinks the box elder
and the ash will take the lead. Walnut
does well, hut is a slow growth. Of
course he has planted other forest trees,
besides different varieties of fruit trees,
the latter protected from winds by the
former. He will boon have wood enough
to answer him for fuel.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in tbe post oflice at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing July 20, 19K):
Letters A 1' Aikin 2, Lem Copple,
John S Downing, Miss Minnie Kaufman,
Alevin Klug, Mr and Mrs J F Myers,
Mies Hose Oshorn. Mrs Maud Stutts,
Fred SwanBon 2.
Cards Mrs Jessie Coleman, JoeCryan,
Miss Erinti (Taurine, Miss Edith Hodges,
A Moore, Charles McDonald, Mrs Eliza
Smith, Miss Amy Stoddard, Mrs Gallic
Wood, Chick Wells.
Parties calling for any of the above
will please say advertised.
Caw. Kkamek, 1. M.
I now have in my employ a No. 1
baker, and can make all kinds of goods
to order, such 86 Hard rolls, Coca cream
rolls, Bohemian rye bread. Kisses, and
in fact a full line of bakery goods. Try
a loaf of our Butter Cream Bread.
Cleanest baker' in the city.
Wji. Pocsrn, Proprietor.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanfeing
and Decorating:
Sip Writing a Spatially
In response to a request from the com
mittee, the city council granted tbe use
of Fourteenth Btreet, between the Y. M.
C A. building and Frankfort park, for
the use of the Chautauqua, beginning
Wednesday of this week. A petition
for a six inch water main, to extend 477
feet north of Eighteenth and Platte
streets, the petitioners to pay the cost of
same, was granted. Tbe proposition of
Dr. G. D. Evans, to donate four and
three-fourths acres of ground for park
purposes, was referred to tbe committee.
A. B. McQuown applied for tbe position
of city scavenger, and his application was
placed on file. Mrs. M. Brugger, J. C.
Heeder and Mrs. Henry Hockenberger
were appointed members of the library
board to succeed themselves, their terms
having expired, Secretary of tbe School
Board E. II. Nauman presented an esti
mate of the expenses of tbe schools for
the coming year, which was read and
placed on file. In order to provide for
an emergency, tbe city employed Dussell
& Son to connect tbe steam plant of tbe
Columbus Light, Heat and Power com
pany with 'the old steam pump at the
city water works, bo that it could be
operated if necessary, and the committee
reported the work bad been completed
and found entirely satisfactory, aud tbe
steam pumps worked as good as they
ever bad, and recommended that tbe bill
of Dussell & Son for tbe work be allow
ed. An ordinance to amend Section :t
of an ordinance entitled, " An ordinan
ce to establish the limit of the business
aud residence districts of tbe city of Co
lumbus. Nebraska, and to fix the dis
tance between the curb line of streets in
the residence districts of said city," was
presented and read the first time. This
ordinance is to provide for tbe widening
of Eleventh street between tbe curb, as
at present it is too narrow, and tbe pro
perty owners desire that the change be
Filing for tbe August primary was
completed last Saturday, no one taking
advantage of tbe extra day of grace.
Monday, allowed by the secretary of
state. Platte county bas one aspirant
for Congressman Latta's seat, Henry
Hockenberger, who will be the prohibi
tion candidate. For state senator from
the Twelfth district comprising Platte
and Colfax counties, each party bas a
candidate. Judge I. L. Albert for tbe
democrats and Edwin Hoare for the
republicans. For Uoat representative
from Platte and Nance counties, the
democrats hnve but one candidate, R. C. ,
Began of Platte and tbe republicans two
candidates, Frank Schram of this city
and Wm. Webster of Monroe. For rep
resentalive from Platte county the
Twenty-fifth district, Cbas. Scbuetb,
who bas filed as a democrat, will have
no opposition, as no republican has filed.
'For supervisors John Goetz in district
No. 1, M. E. Clother in district No. 5
and Louis Schwarz in district No. C and
7 have no republican opposition, but in
district No. 3 O. A. Peterson, the pres
ent republican member of the board has
filed, and Henry Scbacber has filed for
tbe democrats for tbe same position.
For county attorney there are three can
didates on the primary ballot, and tbey
are all democrats, so that tbe nomination
means election. Those who have tiled
are the present incumbent, W. N. Hens
ley, and also Wm. O'Brien and August
Last Friday morning, about live
o'clock John Munter of Monroe was
found on tbe front porch of the room
ing house, west of the Clother hotel,
in an unconscioim condition. At first
it was thought that be was under
tbe intluence of liquor, but later it de
veloped that he was in a dying condition.
A physician was called and he at once
said there was no hope for him, as he
had taken poison. Munter lingered un
til about 2p.m., when he died and the
conditions surrounding his death were
such that an inquest was decided on,
and acting Coroner Burke impanelled a
jury, who returned a verdict of suicide,
it being developed during tbe inquest
that he had drank whisky and carbolic
acid. Undertaker Gass took charge of
tbe remains and Saturday afternoon
they were shipped to Monroe, where tbe
funeral was held, and he was buried in
the Friends' cemetery, near Genoa.
John Munter was horn fn Sweden, but
came to this country when a small boy
with his parents, who located at Mon
roe in the eighties. Here he made his
home most of the time, but of late he
has been out west. Several years ago he
was married to Mrs. Tillie Hart, from
whom be was divorced. He leaves one
brother, a resident of Dakota, and his
mother who resides at Monroe.
Columbus Eagles were decidedly in
evidence at tbe state meeting of the
order at Ohadron, and tbe delegates,
Fred Platb, H. C. Lachnit and W. L.
Boettcher. returned tbe first of tbe week,
after having secured the 1911 convention
of the order for Columbus. And not
content with this they secured a state
office for a Columbus man. Fred L.
I'lath being elected chaplain of the state
aerie.. Besides attending the convention
the hoys took in Hot Springs for a day,
a special train being run from Chadron
to that resort for tbe delegates. They
also report that Chadron entertained the
visitors royally, and left nothing undone
that would add to the pleasure of their
Grab's Clean Sween Sale con
tinues until Saturday, July 23.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St.
Try Leavy'a Laxative Lozenges.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building.
Wm. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone
Try a refreshing dish of pure ice cream
at Leavy'a.
Four room house for rent. Elliott,
Speice & Co.
Henry Gasa, jr., is in Chicago on a
business trip.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Mrs. F. Strother.
Dr. C. A. Allenburger,
oHo in new
State Bank building.
Mrs. J. F. Magill was an Oraah visitor
Monday and Tuesday.
Dr. L P. Caretenson, Veterinarian, In
lirmaiy, 11th and KummerSts
Miss Minnie Gaetb of Schuyler is a
guest of Miss Florence Hagel this week.
(ray's Clean Sweep Sale con
tinues until Saturday, J uly 28.
J. E. Nichols of Omaha arrived Tues
day for a visit with his daughter, Mrs.
Ed Morrow.
Obas. W. Pearsall of Omaha was tran
sacting business and visiting relatives in
the city this week.
Mies Emma Smyera of Monroe was a
guest at the home of Miss Magill,
Thursday and Friday.
Miss Mazie Magill returned Monday
noon from Monroe, where she has lteen
visiting friends a few days.
Miss Kills Hoemer arrived Thursday
evening from Chicago for a weeks' visit
with the family of- her uncle, J. B.
Miss Grace Curtis left Tuesday even
ing for Denver, where she will join bcr
sister, Miss Nettie, who has been there
for some time.
Miss Gusta Kauffiuan left last Thurs
day for Weeping Water. Neb., where
she will visit with friends and relatives
for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Guss Blaser and son, accompan
ied by her mother. Mis. Theodore Schup
bach of Omaha arrived in tbe city Mon
day for several weeks' visit with friends
nnd relatives.
Dr. T. H. Trainnr, accompanied by his
mother, of Chicago, arrived Thursday for
a sojourn nt the f . F. Belford home,
north ' of the city. Dr. Trainor is a
brother of Mrs. Belford.
Lost Between tbe Union Pacific depot
and residence of Jonas Welch, child's
gold necklace with cross. Suitable re
ward will he paid for return of same to
the Commercial National Bank.
Bev. D. I. Uoueh leaves Monday for
Chicago, where he will spend his sum
mer vacation at tbe Chicago university.
Mrs. Uoueh und son Paul will also be out
of the city for a month, and visit with
Mrs. Rouen's sister at Boulder. Colo.
In district court D. K. Peaslee has
filed suit for divorce from Clara Peaslee,
alleging abandonment. The couple were
married in this city in 1903, but of recent
years Mrs. Peaslee has been studying
music in the east and is now on the pro
fessional stage.
Chief Schack is still after the auto
speeders and whenever he spies one re
ports his name to Police Judge O'Brien.
There have been one or two seeming
violations of this ordinance, but tbey
are getting fewer and speed regulations
are observed belter than ever.
Wednesday of this week the Chautau
qua opened for an eight days' session,
tbe tent being located on Fourteenth
street, between tbe Y. M. C. A. building
and tbe park. This is an ideal location,
and no one objects to the action of the
councilmen granting permission for the
use of tbe street for this purpose.
Several applications for the position
of general secretary of the Y. M. C. A.
have bsen received by the boird of direc
tors of that institution and tbey confid
ently expect to secure men for both posi
tions in the near future, the position of
physical director being vacant at present
and Mr. Putnam's term as general secre
tary expiring September 15.
Wednesday morning the men's chorus
of the Columbus Maennercbor left for
Omaha to attend the Saengerfest which
is being held in that city three days of
this week. The chorus has been re
hearsing for this occasion for tbe last
several months. Besides the members
of the Maennerobor many other Colum
bus people are attending the saengerfest.
Several members of the Columbus fire
department are making arrangements to
attend the state tournament to be held
at York next week, among them being
Chief Bert J. Galley, Assistant Chief
Emil Kumpf and William Plageman.
As this is not a regular convention, dele
gates are not elected, every member of
tbe department who wishes can attend
the tournament.
After August 1 Dr. H. J. Arnold will
be located in his new office, two south
rooms in the Meridian hotel annex.
Landlord Toderihoft is having these
rooms fitted up especially for tbe doctor
and they are centrally located. In
speaking of the probable occupant of
tbe larger room, Mr. Todenboft said he
had ceveral applicants for it, but that be
had not yet closed any contract for it.
Six room house, small barn, lo
cated 7 blocks from the park. A
first-class place for the money.
Price $1,600
Elliott-Speice-Echols Co.
Post Office Block Columbus, Neb.
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
Dre. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. Vallier. Osteopath. Barber block.
Bed Oxide barn nnd roof paint at
Dr. Chan. II. Campbell, oculist and
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
Dr. W. R. Nenmarker, office with Dr
O. D. Evans, west side of Park.
Columbia indestruclihln phonograph
records at Itohrich's, Eleventh street.
(ray's (Jleaii Sweep Sale con
tinues until Saturday, July 23.
Jndge J. G. Heeder left Monday morn
ing for a week's business trip in tbe
Mr. A. J. Smith was in Omaha last
week, the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. W.
Judge and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan of Oma
ha have been tbe guests of Columbus
relatives the last week.
Sam McFarland nnd family, who have
been living in the western part of tbe
state, have returned to Columbus to re
side. For Sale Six room bouse and two
lots, well located and good shade. Price
S1.K0O. Mrs. A. J. Si.;:th, Ind. phone
2;01, Colnmbno.
Quite n number of Columbus fans
went to (Jrnnd Island last Thursday to
root for the Columbus team, making tbe
trips in automobiles.
Miss Minnie Glnr, and Messrs. T. F.
Askew and Max Scherror were gueetJ at
tbe home of E. J. ErnBt, near Duncan
Saturday and Sundaj'.
C. A. Peterson of tbe First National
bank, who has been at Calmar, Iowa, on
account of the serious illness of his
mother, returned home last Wednesday.
Columbus Public Library, open every
morning during tbe summer from 8:30
to 11 o'clock. Also Saturday afternoon
and evening. Hours from 2 to 5:30, and
from 7 to SJCl.
Bev. Father Eugene of Teutopolis,
III., is holding a retreat for the Francis
can monastery. Father Marcellinus,
priest in charge at St. Bonaventura's
church, is in Illinois for a few weeks.
W. M. Burton, who bas been main
tainor on tbe Union Pacific block signal
system east of this city, left Wednesday
morning for Mr. Burton's old home in
Kentucky, where the will make their
home in the future.
John Grossnicklans, of north of the
city in Shell Creek township, bas been
having some trouble with his hogs, and
has been unable to determine what tbe
nature of the disease was, so Saturday
he made a trip to Lincoln to consult
with those in charge of the state agricul
tural farm.
On account of having my building
moved into tbe street, I will offer my en
tire stock at cut prices. Some goods
are sold at cost or even below cost.
Eleventh Street Jeweler.
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We have been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
f-? Gil ?TBfc0BBBBW
Fred Roberta, who left a few days sgo
to take a position at Blair, bas returned
to this city and is now employed by Max
Sunday moraing Chief of Police
Schack picked np Ralph McDonald, who
had ran away from tbe Boys' industrial
school at Kearney, and notified the
officers of tbe school, and that evening
Superintendent Manuel arrived and
took the boy back to the school with
Mr. and Mrs 8. C. Pcderson arrived
from Norfolk this week, where Mr.
Pederaon resigned bis position in a shoe
store. They are enroute to Sidney where
he will open a shoe store and repair
shop. Mrs. Pederaon will visit a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
E. Marty, before going to their new
Tuesday of this week editor . A.
Ilarms purchased the Journal building
of R. G. Strother. tbe consideration
being $4,000, and will remain in bis
present location, where be expects to
launch a German daily and also install a
job office in connection. The building
is being repainted and will he remodeled
to suit the purpose of the new owner.
Last Friday the police call was sound
ed by W7 Brown, who lives westof-the
Clother hotel, and upon investigation it
was found that someone had broken into
his residence, and also into the bouse
occupied by some of the Clother house
help. So far no lots has been reported,
and it is supposed that they were dis
covered before tbey could take anything.
It is tbe opinion that the work was done
by local talent.
During the last week a force of men
have been dismantling the old electric
light station and getting the machinery
ready to ship to Omaha. As soon as
orders to this effect were received from
the Omaha office work was commenced
and now a greater portion of tbe mach
inery is ready to lad onto tbe cars. Jnst
what will be done with the building has
not as yet been decided, but it is under
stood, that they desire to dispose of it.
Miss Elizabeth Hoffman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoffman of this
city and Leo Schonlau were married at
the home of the groom's parents in
Omaha last Saturday evening. The
wedding was a quiet one, only relatives
and frienda being present. The groom
is well known in this city, having charge
of the milk routes hi tbe city. Mr. and
Mrs. Schonlau returned to Columbus
Tuesday evening and are at home at the
corner of Meridian and Fourteenth
Supervisor Schwarz, who is overseeing
tbe work on tbe Platte bridge, reports
Ave spans completed Wednesday. There
is a alight delay on account of the non
arrival of steel, but as this has been
shipped it is expected every day. While
tbe bridge is nnder construction Super
visors Schwarz and Smith each take a
week about looking after tbe work, and
give a good portion of their time to this.
They report a very satisfactory job, and
say that the contractors are living up to
tbe letter of tbe contract.
This week M. Vogel purchased the
Platte county territory from tbe Pioneer
Crnde Oil Burner Co., and will take
charge of the business in this city. The
local representatives had made all ar
rangements to provide storage, locating
their tank on tbe Burlington tracks, and
tbia will be completed by Mr. Vogel,
who will, in addition to selling the burn
er, handle tbo crnde oil for all consumers.
Mr. Burns, who bas been here since the
office was opened in tbe city, will remain
for a short time with Mr. Vogel.
Tom Branigan was in tbe city over
Sunday on bis way to tbe southern part
of the state where his horses were en
tered in tbe race meets. In speaking of
tbe performances of Denver Dick be
said that be made a mark o' 2:16, going
guideless, and that it was one of tbe big
features of the meet. His other horses.
Belle Tolna and King Lorin were at
different points during the last few
weeks, but that they will be in tbe same
meets for seme time. He says they are
going fully as good as they did lastyear,
and ha expects to bring them home with
better marka than ever before.
On The Diamond.
Columbus has been playing faster ball
and tbe local fans are expecting to see
Columbus get nearer tbe top in the per
centage of the clubs. Beginning with
Saturday of this week the club returns
home for twelve games, Hastings being
tbe first team on the schedule. Thurs
day and Friday Oolumbus plays at Hast
ings before returning borne.
The two transferred games to this
city last Saturday and Sunday, Colum
bus won the first and losing the second.
Monday was an open date for tLe home
team and Tuesday tbey played at Red
Cloud losing to that team. It was an
errorless game, but luck was on the side
of the Red Cloud bunch.
Ray Haley, the new catcher, arrived
here Monday and joined tbe team before
tbey left for Red Cloud. He will play
in the field and relieve Agnew, when ne
cessary. Magee of Sidney, who was
signed as an emergency catcher, was rep
leaded when Haley arrived. Another
new player named Pickerell will be here
this week, and play in the Saturday
State League Standing.
Fremont...... .......
(irantl Ittlaud
Itel Cloud
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
Forty-three new members have taken
ail vantage of the special short term
membership already. The price now is
$2.50 for men and $1.25 for boyp.
Ladies who wiab to use the Y. M. C.
A. tennis courts will please call at the
Y. M. O. A. nnd nay the fee of 50 cents
for the privilege. This money will be
used for tbe improvement of the courts.
The social committee of the Y. M. O.
A., is planning for a big picnic to be
held at Stevens' grove, August 5tb. All
tbe members of tbe Association, their
frienda and families will be invited to
participate and help to make a big crowd
and a big time. Further announcements
will be made later.
This tennis tournament is still in pro
gress but will be finished this week
The singles were finished Tuesday even
ing when Arthur Linstrum defeated L.
P. Putnam in the final game. Sixteen
men entered the singles and the same
number are entered in tbe doubles which
are beginning now. The singles played
were ns follows: North Evans defeated
Carl Rhode, C 2, C 2. Clifford Galley de
feated Fred Babcock. C 3. 6-1. Putnam
defeated Hugo Toddeuhoft, 6-2, 0 2.
Heme Babcock defeated Abts, 6-2. 6-1.
8. B. Gregg defeated L. Weaver, 6-4,
G-l. Arthur Linatrum defeated Cro.ier,
6-:!, 6-4 to 0 4. John Neater defeated
Ned Janes, 0 2, 6-2. Nauman defeated
Kd Weaver, G 3, 7-5 to C-4. Galley defeat
ed Evans. 6 3, 6-3. to 6 2. Putnam de
feated Heme Babcock, 6-2, 6 2. Linatrum
defeated Greeg, 6-2, 6-1. Neater defeat
ed Nauman, 0 2,0-0. Putnam defeated
Galley, 7-5, 6-1. Linatrum defeated
Neater, 6-3, 6-1. Linstrum defeated
Putmau in the final games.
Route No. 4.
Beginning with Wednesday the carrier
is taking a ten days' vacation.
Mrs. Homer Harlan returned last Sat
urday from Lincoln, after a weeks' so
journ in the capital city.
Will Ebner, who was reported sick
last week, developed a case of typhoid,
and is confined tn bis bed.
Misr Minnie Mayberger arrived last
Saturday from Kansas City, where she
is a trained nurse in St. Luke's hospital.
1). F. Donogbue is putting up a trolly
mail box. He lives one-half mile from
the box and in order to save this trip he
has the box arranged on a wire so that
he can bring it np to the house and send
it back to tbe road, just as he. wishes.
Route No. 1.
The home of Herman Gigax has been
quarantined for scarlet fever.
Farmers have about finished cutting
tbeirsmall grain, and stacking is now in
NiokAdamy is threshing this week,
and the machine is tbe first one on tbe
route this year.
There was a sarprise party at the
home of Frank Aerni last Thursday eve
ning, and a good time was reported.
Seeing is Believing.
Karr& Newlon, have the best land
proposition, which I have ever seen.
They do not tell what can be done. I
went with tbem to Cheyenne county,
and was surprised at the beautiful, rich
land and fine crops. I was in a wheat
field where the grain stood three and one
nan leei nign. anu omer gram was
equally as good. Anyone who wishes to
buy good and cheap land should go
with Karr Newlon and sec for them
selves I believe that tbe land in Chey
enne county will in a short time, be as
valuable as Platte county land.
S. . Maktv.
Wm. Webster of Monroe, who had his
hand injured by the premature explosion
of aroraan candle on July 4, is still
nursing tbe injured member. Tbe bnrn
is rather a severe one and does not yield
readily to treatment, but he now has no
fears of say complications.
-The best poison in the
world for
and other pests
Starr's Poison
Sold under a positive
PRICE, 75c
Tbe Druggist on tbe Corner
Oolumbas, Nebraska
E H. Chambers is in Colorado on
business this week.
Mrs. J. E. North lert lsst Thursday
evening for a visit with relatives ia
S. J. Ryan left last Friday for Port.
land, Oregon, to attend the national
convention of the Anoient Order of
Hibernians in that city.
Miss .losie Belford who ia stenograph
er for R. P. Drake at Humphrey, ia vis
iting at home this week, she will also
visit at Lincoln before she returns.
Mrs. Elvira Jane Youug, aged 67 years,
died last Saturday morning at her home
northwest of the Burlington depot.
Mrs. Young was born near Belleville,
Ontario, Canada, May 1, 1843, a daugh
ter of Henry and Hannah Jones (nee
White). Mrs. Young had four brothers
and four sisters, only one of whom is yet
living Mrs. Annie Briokman, near Belle
ville, Ontario. Mrs. Young moved from
Canada in January, 1874, and settled on
a homestead fourteen miles north of
Columbus, Nebraska. Later bought and
moved to the farm one mile north of
town and for tbe past five years has
resided in this city. In October, 1909, it
was necessary for her to undergo a
severe surgical operation for internal
troubles, brought on. by a saver cold,
but tbe operation was too late to repair
the ravages of disease. Her last days
and death were cheered and comforted
surrounded by her six children George
II. Lawrence, It. U. Lawrence, Mrs.
Ernest Mayes, Winifred, Ray and Ruby
Young. Mrs. Young was a cousin of the
late M. H. White aud Dr. Samuel A.
Bonesteel, former residents of this city.
Funeral services were held at tbe home
Sunday afternoon, being conducted by
Rev. D. I. Roush of tbe Methodist
church, and burial was in the Columbus
cemetery. Canada papers please copy
County Assessor Shell Clark's annual
summary of the work of bis deputies al
ways contains interesting information,
as it gives approximately tbe aiuouat
and value of the personal property of
the county. For instance tbe report
shows that on April 1 there were but 128
automobiles in tbe county, and this will
no doubt show the largest change of any
item in this list next year, judging from
the number of cars being sold. Sixty
two threshing machines and eight corn
shelters are required in the county, and
1481 dogs of all descriptions are owned
by residents of Platte county. There are
12,:r0 horses of all ages, 743 mules and
36,0J0 cattle. Some one listed one ton
of broom corn, which shows a valuation of
$0. But eight bushels of 1I in tbe
county would indicate that the day of
raising flax in tbe county had long since
passed. Corn on hand ehows up tbe
largest, tbe total being 1,303,105 bushels.
Sheep and goats are not very plentiful,
there being IMC, while Platte county
farmers had on hand 33,961 hogs to re
port to the assessors. Five hundred
and sixty-seven pianos are listed, and
what diamonds those who oan afford to
have are valued at $1510. Tbe actual
value of improved lands is $21,038,235,
which seems a pretty good figure, and
the actual value of town lota is $1,065,250.
We have the agency for the
famous Mnnsing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on tbe market Prices in men'a
from 91.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75o, $1 and $1.25.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Buy
early while tbe sizes are complete.