The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 13, 1910, Image 8

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Continues Until Saturday, July 23, 1910
Seasonable flerchandise swept
by the broom of Little Prices
Ladies' black hose ou
Flaxon Wash goods, plain and fancy colors 19 i 0i
permanent finish ""
36 in linen in plain colors, worth 20c, at 12 1-2C
Amoskeag dress ginghams, worth 12 12c C
Elbow length, black or white silk gloves, price.
Elbow length, black, white or colored silk lisle
gloves, at
Ladies9 Underwear
Gauze Vests at
Ladies9 Jersey ribbed union suits at 6
25c Ladies' lisle vests at "M
Extra size ladies' union suits at "Q
27 in. Seco silks, plain color silks, at 29c
27 in. Fancy Jackard silks at 35c
One lot of silks worth up to 75c 42c
10 yds bleached muslin, 10 yds to a customer 69c
36 in. Percales and French cambric, worth
up to 18c, at... 12 12c
36 in. Irish linen suitings, worth 60c, at 25c
90 in linen suitings at 79c
Foulards, taffetas, fancy mesealing, worth up to
$1.25, sale price -69c
lfc Silk ribbons, all colors at 5c
15c Silk ribbons, all colors, at lc
2ic Silk ribbsns, all colors, at 15c
Pure linen Torchon lace, clean sweep price 5c
Val laces worth up to ltc 5c
Childrens knit waists at He
Chilerens muslin waists at . 12c
Turkish bath towbs at !. --5c
Large size bath towls at 12 l-2c
15 Ladies' street hats worth up to $, clean sweep price. 98c
Corset Givir Eibnidtry at Clean Sweep Prices
50c Corset Cover Embroidery at 39c
75c Corset Cover Embroidery at 59c
$1.00 Corset Cover Embroidery 79c
$1.25 Corset Cover Embroidery. . - 98c
20Oyds Black taffeta ribbon at 25c
15c Shell Side Combs at 10c
15c Shell Back Combs at 10c 10c
Nickle Plated Safety Pins at 5c
Black Diamond Hair Pins at lc
Spring Hoooks and eyer at lc
Shelf paper, 3 for 10c
Cube pins 3c
500 yds of Embroidery, worth up to$2.00
short lengths at 12 l-2c
75c Ladies' pure silk hose, with lisle top and
sole 59c
Staple and Fancy
We can supply every want in this
line, and if it something new on the
market, you will find it here.
We have the best the market affords
which includes the leading brands.
Fruits and Vegetables
If they are to be had in the city you
can get them at the
When Dreams Came True.
An English magnziiie records two
dream storie. In one n lady, having
lost an itiiKriant key while walking
in a wood near her house in Ireland,
dreamed that she saw it lying :il the
root of a certain tree. Nest day she
found it there. She supposed hei eye
must have seen it after it dropped,
though her conscious mind had not in
stantly noted it.
lust the same was the theory ot a
barrister who went out late at night
to post his letters and iiikjii undressing
missed a check for a large amount le
ceived during the day. He dreamed
he saw it curled round an area railing
not far from his door, woke up.
dressed, went out and found it exactly
as he had dreamed. The mind regis
ters at times what it does not instantly
Something Wrong.
Au Australian auctioneer who was
reputed to have more education than
professional ability was endeavoring to
sell some cattle to an audience of farm
bands. "Gentlemen." he began. "1
have a particularly nice lot of heifers
and bullocks, and 1 may say that the
heifers predominate."
He was interrupted by a very agri
cultural voice from the crowd. "I
thort there was something wroug with
'eui." it said, "or you wouldn't have to
sell "em."
A Timely Trip.
Little Brother (who has just been
given some raudyi-If 1 were you 1
shouldn't lake sister yachting this
Ardent Suitor Why do you say that.
"Well. I heard her tell mother this
morning that she feared she'd have to
throw you over. .Lippiucott's.
There Is Hope.
Spellbinder tun the stump) Gentle
men, in all my career 1 have uever
been approached with a bribe!
Voice Prom the Rear Cheer up. old
man! Your luck may change. Brook
lyn Life.
bCv aaVaaSt-x?-'
The highest ideal of the platform
is found in this man. He is "differ
ent." You will do yourself an injus
tice not to hear Dixon at the Chautauqua.
Eccentricities In Palaces.
The, Russian Empress Anne built a
great palace of ice and on occasions
when the fancy seized her punished
several of her dainty courtiers by com
pelling them to pass the night in this
great chamber of state, where they
were almost frozen to death.
The Czar Paul coustrui'ted a room
formed entirely of huge mirrors where
he spent hours walking to and fro in
full uniform a singular taste for the
ugliest man in Russia.
One of the native princes of Java
cooled bis palace by making a stream
fall in a cascade over the isiteway.
and the Indian destiot Tippo Sahib.
placed beside his dinner table a life
size ligure of a tiger devouring au
Euglisb officer, tbe roar of the beast
aud tbe shrieks of tbe victim being
imitated by hidden machinery.
Saving the Oil.
ln Cairo." said a journalist, l
beard a queer yarn about tbe fella
bin. Tbe fellahln are tbe native ru
raiists. They are very poor. Well,
when the British built tbe Egyptian
state railway tbe officials were as
tounded at tbe enormous quantities of
train oil that disappeared. They knew
that all this oil couldn't be used for
lubricating purposes, so they made an
Investigation and found that It bad
become tbe staple food of tbe poor
fellahin. Tbe railroad detectives re
ported that tbe fellabln all over
Egypt were using the Egyptian state
railway's train oil as their chief sup
port. They buttered tbelr bread wltb
train oil. They fried tbelr flsh In train
oil. Tbey made a kind of suet pudding
wltb train oil us a base. Tbey drank
train oil heated as a flesh producer or
builder up. So tbe railway officials
mixed castor oil wltb tbe stuff; and
tbe fellabln after a year's torturing
and vain effort to acclimate tbelr sys
tems to tbe mixture decided to give
train oil up."
The Giant Bible.
There Is In tbe Royal library at
Stockholm among other curiosities a
manuscript work known as tbe giant
Bible on account of Its extraordinary
dimensions. It measures 90 centime
ters in length and Is GO centimeters
In breadth that is, about 35 by 10
Inches. It requires three men to lift
It There are 309 pages, but seven
have been lost Tbe parchment of
which tbe book Is composed required
the skins of ICO asses. There are two
columns on each page, and tbe book
contains tbe Old and New Testaments,
with extracts from Josephus. Tbe
Initial letters are Illuminated. The
binding is of oak, four and one-half
centimeters in thickness. Tbe book
narrowly escaped destruction in tbe
Are In the royal palace of Stockholm
In 1C9T. It was saved, but somewhat
damaged, by being thrown out of a
window. London Globe.
The English Manor House Bathraom.
A writer In tbe American Magazine
gives the following directions by which
a visitor may always find the house
bold bathroom In an old English man
or bouse:
"The household bathroom may be
reached by descending tbe narrow
stone steps from tbe second floor back
of tbe uortb battlement Follow the
fall In a southeasterly direction until
you come to tbe armor gallery, then
turn sharply to the left and follow tbe
corridor to tbe top. Open the door at
tbe end of thi3 long ball and take a
half flight of stone steps (Oliver Crom
well once kissed a serving maid In this
dark passage) on the right and pass
into tbe open ball at tbe end. Ion will
easily discover tbe bathroom, because
It is tbe fourth door from the mulllon
window, a beautiful piece of glass of
Charles IL's time."
.EsbY VflJVI
Didn't Like Course Dinners.
A colored woman, native of the
south, had been working for a Vflat
dwelling family of moderate meansUn
the east end. but resigned recently to
accept a place bringing higher wages
with a wealthy family who live in a
large bouse ou Euclid heights and
have their dinner served in courses
every night just as if there was com
pany. This colored wmman had been
brought up to put everything on tbe
table at once, wltb tbe exception pos
sibly of tbe dessert aud did not take
kindly to the course system. A few
days ago her former mistress met her
on tbe street and inradred how she
liked her new place.
"Uu. not vey well." suetreplled. "I
don't like tbls bynh way of su'vln"
things in cou'ses. The's too much
S shlftin' o tbe dlshenfo' tbetfewness o
tbe vlttles," Cleveland l'lato Dealer.
Airy Persiflage, ,
Passenger on Aeroplane Wbaf ki
that dingdonging noise 1' Can) It be
the cowbell, on the -Milkyway? T Avia-
tor No: that's onlv Katan'Marlnvs
Prosperity leads of tea to ambition j
and ambition to disappomtsaant ..
It is just simply out of
the question for a young
fellow to find such clothes
as those known as "Col
lege Chap" unless he comes
to us.
The shoulders, the grace
ful waist, the delightful
lapels, all proclaim them
the clothes "de luxe" for
men who know cleverness
when they see it. Are you
one of these men? We
want to know you.
Columbus, Neb.
or THE-
No. 5180,
At Columbus, Nebraska, at the Close of
Business, June 30th, 1910.
Losas sad diaooBBta
Overdraft, secured and unsecured.
U. 8. Boada to secure circulation....
Boads, Decuritiaa. etc
RankiBg boose, faraitore and axtnres
Dae fronsDDroved raaervaasBnta...
Checks sad other cash iteraa
Notes of other National Banks
Fractional paper carreac-, nickels
Specie 17,545 25
Legal tender note ?,55 00
Total cash.
Redemption rand with U.
8. Treaaarer (5 per cent.
of circnlation)
087,969 05
12,SW M9
90.000 00
9.382 00
10,000 oa
3, 14
84 77
25,130 35
1.500 0
Total- $322,&B6tS
Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00
rJarplaa fond 26,000 00
uaaiTiaea proais, leaa expenses ana
0,124 K
90.000 00
S.l9 01
2S0.Stt 73
National Bank notes oatstandins;...
va 10 oiner national nana
Individual deposits subject to check
Denand certtScatM of deposit
Time certificates of deposit
Total $522.W3tK
State or Nebraska,
County of Platte, t"
1, Daniel Hcfaram, Cashier of the abore named
bank, do solemnly swear that tbe above state,
meat is true to the best of my knowledge-and
Daiokl Scbbah. Cashier.
AbxoldF. H.Okhlbich. )
Josus Wklcb, V Directors.
Hbbsux P. H. Gbhuucb.)
. Sabaeribed and sworn to before a this 7th
day oT July, 19M.
W. M. CoBxixrcs,
, , , , NotaryPabllc.
CoiiJMioB expires Jaaaary a. 1811.
Ths Gsntrous Arab.
"Oca day when In our wanderings
we happened to camp near some roll
ing country tbe sheik and I rode off
In search of gazelles." says a traveler
In Arabia. "We found a large herd,
and, being mounted on good horses, we
managed to ride them down, throwing
ourselves off our horses for the shot,
then galloping on again. We killed six
gazelles iu about an hour and rode
back to camp with enough meat for a
big feast. It is the custom that who
ever kills game should provide u feast
for all his friends. On the occasion of
these feasts 1 noticed that there was
always a crowd of hangers-on waiting
at tbe end for u scrap of food, half
starved looking boys and ragged men.
These were orphans whose parents
bad been killed or men whose herds
had been 'lifted' by other Arabs, and
as n result they were destitute, for the
law of tbe Bedouin is "survival jf tbe
fittest' In Its strictest setr. But the
sheik supplied foot'-' liberally, and 1
noticed that be 'always looked after
the poor ami' fed tbe hungry."
A .Life Saving Order.
Many years ago tbe American war
ship Delaware came near foundering
off the coast of Sardinia while luffing
through a heavy squall during a morn
ing watch. The "unauthorized letting
go of the fore sheet" alone saved tbe
ship from going down with 1.100 souls
on board. The first lieutenant, after
ward Commodore Thomas W. Wyman.
with difficult climbing succeeded in
reaching tbe quarterdeck, where.
snatching the trumpet from tbe officer
In charge, his first order, given in a
voice heard distinctly fore and aft.
was, "Keep clear of tbe paint work!"
This command to hundreds of human
beings packed In tbe lee scuppers like
sardines In a box instantly restored
them to order and prevented a panic.
they naturally feeling that if at such a
time, with n line of battle ship on ber
beam ends, clean paint work was of
paramount importance their condition
could not be a serious one.
Pioneer Grade Oil Burner Company
Incorporated under the laws of Oklahoma Capital Stuck $20,000.00
Read these Testimonials.
Columbus, Neb., July 13, 1910
Pioneer Crude Oil Burner Co.
Gentlemen After using one of your Burners for 6
drys, all I have to say is that it has furnished me the
most even, the cheapest and cleanest fire I have ever
used. I do not beleave any one would regret giving these
burners a trial.
MRS. F. A. GORES 909 W. 18th Srreet.
. Pioneer Crude Oil Burner Co.
Gentlemen As stsied. last week, your burner is
giving the best of satisfaction,! afn givingjta strong
test, as I am cooking and baking for eleven people.- J am
running it on less oil than I did at first and it is proving
far cheaper than coal.
MRS. E. J. SNODGRASS 304 19th St.
The Baby Stare.
Have you ever sat opposite in bus
or train to n baby, say. from one to
two years old? If you have you have
been compelled to notice It. And un
less you are a misanthropical person
I guess you nave caught yourself feel
ing uncomfortable under Its wide eyed
scrutiny of you. I think there is noth
ing more disconcerting than to be re
jected by u baby after full aud open
cross examination. Babies and very
young children have no humbug about
them. 1 believe they see more than
grownups. 1 believe they rend our
characters down to the very ground.
While tbe young mother Is interested
to find that her baby is being admired
that baby Is reckoning up both tbe
mother and the admirer, and when tbe
Jerky turn of the head comes tbe man
that has music In his soul feels small.
London Scraps.
The River Tinto.
There Is In Spain a river called tbe
Tinto, which has very extraordinary
qualities. Its waters, which are as
yellow as a topaz, harden the sand and
petrify it in a most surprising manner.
If a stone falls Into the river und rests
upon another tbey both become per
fectly united and conglutinated in a
year. It withers all the plauis on its
banks as well as tbe roots of trees,
which It dyes of the same hue ns its
waters. No fish live In its stream.
A Creature From the Fire.
Aristotle believed that some crea
tures were capable of supporting life
even though confined to tbe devouring
element. He says: "In Cyprus, when
tbe manufacturers of cbalcitis (lime)
burn It many days In tbe fire, a winged
creature something larger than a great
fly Is seen emerging from tne-tone
and leaping and walking about iu the
fire. These creatures perish Immedi
ately upon being removed from the
Life and a Living.
Many a man has made a good living
who has made a poor life. Some men
have made splendid lives who have
made very moderate and even scant)
A Hard Task.
. "Now. sir." said an Irish barrister
,witii severity to a loquacious witness,
'"hold your tongue and give your evi
dence clearly T
"Do you enjoy hunting?"
"Perhaps yon have never had favor
able opportunities for enjoying tuu
sport. What have you bunted mostly?"
"Before I was married I generally
hunted for a boarding place. Since
then most of ray hunting has been for
flats." Chicago Record-Herald.
Happiness consists largely in being
too busy to be miserable. Sheldon.
Violinist of Eurfopean Schools
saTaTaTaTIfaTaTaeiisa--tDBpaia f TleMTP
LbMHLbLbI hp
laTrQK'aSPRaiBiBiBiBiBiBH Vm
Better Plumbing
Miss Minnie Annette Cedarfreen
Eminent Chicago Violinist with Nell
IT Bunnell Trio at
TVTANY homes should have better bath rooms
- than they now have. Wc have always
tried not only to do better
plumbing than we ever did
before, but better than any
body else can do. The vol
ume of work we are now
doing shows how we are suc
ceeding. We use only genuine MMewsT
plumbing fixtures and employ only
experienced workmen. Our repair
ing service is prompt and reliable.
Colvaftbm, Hermka
" ss.