7 '- i -. i! ii i' H w i! !i I! Vs ! -i J i ll I" f If COLIMBUS JOURNAL tTROTHER ft tTOCKWBJU COLUMBUS WURAtKA, FROM BAY TO M GENERAL NEWS AND NOTES FRESH FROM THE WIRE. II WIDE AHEA IS COVERED Kmftracing a Condensation or events la Which Readers Generally Ars Interested. Washington. Eleven captains and commanders In the navy have applied voluntarily for retirement and their applications have been granted. Freight rates on lemons from the producing territory In southern Cali fornia to eastern destinations were reduced by the interestate commerce commission from $1.15 to $1 a hun dred pounds. Members of the senate committee appointed Senator Day to Inevstigate the charges made by Senator Gore re lating to Oklahoma Indian land con tracts have discovered that the com mittee was not provided with funds to defray the cost of the inquiry. In waging their warfare for the con trol of the next congress both the re publican and democratic congres sional committees will have head quarters in the east and west where will be done the work of directing and sending out literature and spell Binders. 1 The president has signed several proclamations eliminating nearly half a million acres of land from the na tional forests and adding a little more than 100,000 acres to the reserves. The lands taken out are more suit able to agriculture than to forest pur poses and later will be open to settle ment ' A commission has been made out nt the treasury department for the ap pointment of Fremont Leidy, of Leon, Kas., to the position of collector of In ternal revenue for the district of Kansas, but it is being temporarily held in abeyance to await the expect ed resignation of James M. Simpson, who now holds the position. If this is not forthcoming very soon Mr. Leidy's commission will be issued to him. Foreign. The announcement of the opening of Port Arthur to the shipping of all nations commencing July 1, is pub lished In the official gazette at Tokio. Anna Sutter, the leading singer In the Royal Opera at Stuttgart, was shot and killed in her bed by Alois Obrist, a former conductor of the opera, who then killed himsel.. Ob rist, although a married man. perse cuted the singer with his attentions. Lebouef. the Apache who killed a policeman several months ago, was guillotined in Paris. The socialists had attempted to get a reprieve for the assassin, but this failed and a violent manifestation by the revolu tianary socialists occurred at the scene of the execution. The two groups of Ruthc-nian anl Polish students of the University of Lemberg clashed and before the po lice had separated the combatants many officials and students bad been seriously wounded. The feud, born of racial Jealousy, is as old as the university itself, and periodical fights have occurred. General. The bleached flour case was decided In favor of the government. Former Governor John H. McGraw of Washington, died at his home in Seattle. The petition for a re-hearing In the Missouri river rate case was filed by the railroads. The socialists-democrats of the fifth congressional district of Wisconsin announced the nomination through referendum of Victor L. Berger, candidate at the fall election. Officers of both the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies said that the sending of fight news out of Reno broke all telegraph records for a single day's work. More than 800,000 words were sent at an average cost of 2 cents a word. Mayor Gaynor of New York sent to the board of aldermen a message charging that politicians were exort Ing money in sums of from $5 to $500 from persons seeking aldermanic per mits for licensing news stands, fruit stands and bootblacking stands. Hon. W. J. Bryan, in a recently Is sued statement, says: I shall do my duty In this (Nebraska) campaign as I have tried to do it before, and I be lieve it to be my duty as a citizen and as a democrat to do all in iuy power to save the democratic party from the domination of the liquor interests and their allies." At Chicago Richard T. Sweeney, a mail collector, is under arrest, ac cused of the theft of nearly $100,000 In securities belonging to W. O. Ford, a manufacturer. President Taft has designated George Otis Smith, director of the geological survey, as acting chief of the new bureau of mines recently authorized by congress. Unless Porter Charlton, held in Jer sey City, on the charge of murdering his wife at Moltrasio, Italy, is sur rendered to the Italian government for trial, he will be adjudged guilty of murder by proxy. A report is to be framed by the BallinT:r-Pinchot committee at a meting In Minneapolis in September. Charles A. White, scientific asso ciate of the late Professor Lanseley of the Smithsonian institute, memher of many scientific societies In this country and Europe, and author of numerous scientific publications died in Washington. The Illinois supreme court decided that religious exercises, consisting of the reading of the Bible, singing and prayer cannot be held in Illinois pub lis schools during the time pupils are required to be in attendance count Zeppelin Is disappointed but not discouraged over the wreck of bis airship. Joseph Wendling. alleged slayer of Alma Killner. the Louisville girl, has, been located on a ranch near Houston,' Texas. Dr. Hyde of Kansas City has been sentenced to the penitentiary for life. J. F. McMurray declares he Is ready to disprove the charges made by Sena tor Gore. Senator Norris Brown has expressed himself as satisfied with the work of congress. Extensive rate reductions were or dered by the interestate commerce commission. Politics enter Into Germany's pro test against the disparagement of the evangelical faith. A surprisingly good showing Is made in the yearly statemeat of the treasury department Senator Burrows, as the man who must act is bothered over the bribery case of Senator Lorlmer. The postoffice department Is ar ranging the details for the inaugura tion of postal savings banks. Jeffries' wife became hysterical when she learned that her hubby had been bested In the prize ring. A cry has gone forth that Roose velt take the leadership of the .-"publican reform forces in New York. Roosevelt denies that he Is en deavoring to have Hughes keep in the race for ogvernorshlp. The state department has sent a sharp note in reply to the representa tions of President Madriz. Mr. Bryan calls off his boom for senator from Nebraska, saying he can do more for the party as a citizen. Jim Jeffries has gone back to his alfalfa farm very much crestfallen and determined to do no more fight ing. A whirlwind campaign to raise $100,000 on the Sioux City Y. M. C. A.. ended with all the money needed sub scribed. Grace McKinley, alias Grace Mack of Indianapolis, was arrested in Se dalia, Mo., charged with wearing men's attire. J. R. Wilson, youngest brother of Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, ditd last week of stomach trouble at Ex celsior Springs, Mo. Mr. Roosevelt. Gifford Pinchot and James R. Garfield are declared by the Oyster Bay Pilot to be forming a new national party. The Louisiana legislature, which Is now in session, is expected to select Governor Jared Y. Sanders for the United States senate. It is stated that $2,000,000 of gold purchased for Germany which has ar rived in London, has been engaged for shipment to New York. The New York World says It has reliable information that Helen Kelly Gould, who divorced Frank J. Gould in May. 1909. will be married July 15. It was announced that 25.000 loco motive engineers employed on forty nine railroad ss'stems. west of Chi cago are formulating demands for in creased wages which will be pre sented to the managers before August 1. Peter Smith, a husky young tannery worker In Newark. N. J., drank seven teen jiggers of whisky in succession, thereby winning a bet of $1. As he pocketed the money he fell to the floor unconscious and died soon after in a hospital. Freight rates on lemons from the producing territory in Southern Cali fornia to certain destinations were re duced by the Interstate Commerce commission from $1.15 per 100 pounds to $1.00 per 100 pounds. The big mill between Jeffries and Johnson took place at Reno. Nev.. July 4th and was won by the latter, the negro Knocking Jeffries out in the fifteenth round. A tremendous crowd was in attendance and hundreds of thousands of dollars changed hands. Jeffries was badly bruised, while Johnson was apparently unhurt and showed no marks of the contest Be fore the rounds were half covered the inevitable outcome was foreseen. The first bale of cotton of 1910-11 was sold at auction in New York and brought 50 cents per pound last week A feaure of the celebration at Springfield, Mass., was the presence of ninety confederate veterans of Pe tersburg, Virginia, who came a? guests of the Grand Army. An estimate that the total number of immigrant aliens admitted at all ports of the United States during the past fiscal year reached 1,025,515 was made by Commissioner General Keefe. Personal. Jack Johnson declares he will not fight again for a year. Chief Justice Fuller served twenty two years on the bench. Anti-negro demonstrations in the south followed news of the first re sult David Starr Jordan denounced foot ball before educators at Boston. Congressional campaign committees are planning to wage vigorous war fare. Rickard says Jeffries was disquali fied, which was the reason he was not counted out W. J. Bryan Issued an extended statement defining party duty. President Taft has taken the con servation policy in his own bands. Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller ol the supreme court died at his summer home at Sorrento, Me. When Jack Johnson arrived at Og den youns toughs at the depot tried to get him into a brawl. Secretary Ballinser visited the pres'dent at Beverly, but it was not to tender his resignation. Representative Poindexter of Wash ington received comfort and en couragement at Oyster Eay. Roosevelt preliminary survey on the field of battle has been completed I.ige a goo-1 general, he has nothing to say of his plans. A dynamite cartridge hanging from a tree at a height where a covered automobile would strike, and prcbably exp'ode it. was found above the road over which the Harriman automobiles travel. The sudden death of Chief Justice Fuller makes a change in a majority of the surreme court of the Unite' States during the first term of Presi dent Taft a possibility, if not J certainty. MELVILLE WESTON FULLER t fy-J --JjtBSSsfBSSSMBSsffsg gWgP"?5yl'f? CWA. C-r. ft3fc Fr'W-saw-sasasarBsasasasasWistsaTi TV ' iiy JiiM -'i5t7 IsssVaW bp" jKjj m arsJaiBBBff5aiBBBBBBL ?SBasssfc'7i'yjF Va- T5Jt -jft T EIiKBsssssssFJa JfcfswSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiflSjL 4 JVnVBBBBsESasEaW KrBBBBBaVBBBBBBBBB fJCKSBBBPBBSIVJVJBBSSBMBBBk 4 C . VBBBBBff"TxBBBBPiBBP VftBKS'BBBBBBBBKr?s4flEBBBBBBBBBSr7KVQiBSBBBBft 5. BBBBB-! fBBBBT JB' -"PBBBBBBBBBBBBsiSpr?T1 " rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaJfBsffBllMalSTf ttdQTJjOl .f ? t sawSPS bbbbscILSt aTSbbbS VbT wSjlsff f 4 Aged Jurist Passes Away Suddenly at Sorrento, Maine. Bar Harbor. Me. Chief Justice Mel ville W. Fuller of the United States Supreme court died from heart failure at his summer home in Sorrento at six o'clock Monday morning. The death of the chief magistrate was unexpected, as he bad been In fairly good health lately, and there had been no premonitory symptoms of any kind of trouble. Sunday he at tended church as usual, and when he retired at night he was to all appear ances in his customary health. Death came about six o'clock Mon day morning. His daughter, Mrs. Na thaniel Francis, and Rev. James E. Freeman, who was a guest of Justice Fuller's at his Sorrento cottage, "Main Stay." were with the Jurist when he died. The funeral services will be held at Sorrento and the interment will be at Chicago. For many years the chief Justice had spent his summers at Sorrento, a summer colony located on French man's bay, five miles from Bar Har bor. A Great American. To Chief Justice Fuller fell the honor of third rank for length of serv ice as presiding justice In the highest tribunal of the American government For 22 years be was chief justice of the Supreme court of the United States. Chief Justice Marshall pre sided over the court for 34 years and Chief Justice Taney for 28 years. With the future rests the determina tion of his rank among the eight chief justices of history for ability and accomplishments. Before Grover Cleveland sent his name to the senate on April 30. 1888. for confirmation as chief justice, he was practically unknown except to members of the legal profession. In Maine, where be was born on Febru ary 11, 1833, he had been known as a well-behaved, rather scholarly lad. He had gone to Bowdoin college, and, Incidentally, there won most of the prizes for elocution. He had gone down to Harvard law school for one year. His Great Argument From 1856 to 18S8 he lived in Chi rntro. hut attracted little attention out side bis Immediate circle of friends and associates at the bar until he undertook the defense of Bishop Cheney on a charge of heresy. His knowledge of ecclesiastical history and procedure astonished those who conducted the' case, and his argument of the cause of the bishop before the Rurreme court of Illinois Is referred to still as a forensic effort seldom If ever surpassed In that court He was a delegate to the national J conventions of the Democratic party In 18G4. 1872. 1876 and 1880. The nomination of Mr. Fuller, then fifty-five years of age. was followed by a memorable contest in the senate. Inducing a Sneeze. Probably everybody has experi enced the displeasure, if not actual pain, which comes from missing a sneeze. There is an easy way out of this if one happens to be out of doors at the time an dthe weather is cleai Just glance at the sun. There Is some thing about the brightness of It that supplies the missing irritation, or whatever it is that Is needed, and nine times out of ten if the sneeze has not got too far away it will come back. New York Sun. Well Answered. A man advertised for a wife and requested each candidate to inclose her "carte-de-vlste. A spirited young lady wrote to the advertiser In the following terms: "Sir. I do not in close my 'carte.' for though there la some authority for putting a 'cart' be fore a horse. I know of none for pot ting one before an ass." Lectures for Country Pastures. The Maine Agricultural college pro poses to establish lectures especially for country pastors. The Judiciary committee, with Its Republican majority, to which the nomination was sent April 30, held up the appointment until July 20. Then the committee reported it to the senate "without recommendation." For three hours that body debated In executive session whether to con firm or reject the nomination. The attack on Mr. Fuller was led by Sena tors Edmunds, Evarts and Stewart, Senators Cullom and Farwell defend ed him. The reports that he had been a "copperhead" during the Civil war and that he did not possess the re quisite ability as a lawyer were gone over. His Great Victory. Finally, by a vote of 41 to 20. bis nomination was confirmed. Since that day the entire court as it then existed has passed away with the single exception of Justice Har lan. Of those prominent in the fight over bis confirmation only Senator Cullom remains, and President Cleve land, who thus honored the Illinois lawyer, has thus gone to his grave. Throughout his service Chief Jus tice Fuller was noted for the dignity with which he filled the position. He preserved that manner on the bench or off. Although small of stature, not more than five feet seven Inches, his wealth of silvery hair and classic features made him a commanding figure wher ever he appeared. Chief Justice Fuller leaves an In delible stamp on the laws of the coun try. Among his most famous opinions are the following: His Famous Decisions. The Income tax decision, in which the income tax law was held to be un constitutional. The Danbury hat case, by which la bor unions were held to be amenable to the Sherman anti-trust law. The Western Union Telegraph com pany versus the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In which the state was denied the right to tax telegraph mes sages, except when interstate. The Bank of Washington versus Hume. In which the Insurable Interest of the wife and children in the life of the husband and father was recog nized as distinguished from the claims of creditors. Inman versus South Carolina Rail way company. In which the railroad was denied the power to exempt It self from liability for its negligence in the shipment of goods. Moore versus Crawford. In which married women were made to bear lia bilities, such as those growing out of the fraudulent sale of land, as well as the legal rights. Leisy versus Haddin. In which the, state was denied rights over original packages of liquor in interstate com merce, an opinion which led to the passage of the Wilson liquor law. Climatic Differences. On the coast of southeastern Alaska the average annual precipitation Is about ninety Inches and trees grow to a large size; In the central plateau, the precipitation Is less than fifteen inches, including the melted snow, and the average size of timber is small; while on the arctic slope, north of Rocky mountains, climatic condi tions make forest growht altogether Impossible, and those vast tundras are covered chiefly with moss, sedges and a few small shrubs. Valuable Pointer. In commenting upon the fact that Kansas stands at the bead In raising moles, we wish to add that Is the only safe place to stand. It also is best to keep as near the bead as possible when nutting the harness on. Ways of the Wise Rat Careful experiments have proved the troth of the ancient belief tbat by letting down Its tall and licking tbe end tbe rate extracts oil. milk. wine, molasses, etc.. from deep or narrow necked vessels. FALL OF AEROPLANE MADAME DE LA ROCHE DROPS FIFTY FEET AT RHEIMS., IS PERHAPS FATALLY HURT Arms and Legs Broken and Other Injuries of a V9ty Serious Character. Betheny Plain. Rheims. Baroness de la Roche, tbe first French womaa aeroplanelst was seriously, perhaps ratally. Injured here Friday by falling front a height of fifty feet The Baroness de La Roche had flown around the field once at a height of fifty feet when suddenly while la front of applaoding tribunes, she ap peared to become frightened and con fused at the approach of two other aeroplanes. She started to descend but while still fifty feet from the ground, lost control of the machine. The aeroplane turned over and fell like a log. The baroness' legs and arms were broken. Her mangled body was removed from the wreckage and conveyed to the hospital. While momentarily conscious the baroness explained that the rush of air from a motor passing over her head had frightened her. whereupon she lost control of the machine. Examination shows her skull is not fractured. This is the second fatal accident at this meeting. Wachter having been killed last Friday. Two aviators broke the records for 150 kilometers at the meeting here Friday. Hubert Latham covered the distance in two hours one minute six seconds and afterward the Bel gian. Olislazer. did it in one hour, fifty-three minutes, twenty seconds. The performances of Baroness De La Roche on a Voison machine have been much talked of in Paris. This ac cident was not her first On January 4. last, she was serious'y injured at the Chalons aviation field. In circling the course she made a wide turn and crashed into a tree, being unable to elevate her machine quickly enough to dodge it She fell from a height of twenty feet and was taken to the mil itary hospital unconscious. Her right shoulder was dislocated and internal injuries were feared, but she re covered soon. In February last the French Aero club gave Baroness De La Roche an air pilot's license for ber feat in flying four times around the aviation course at Heliopolis, a distance of twelve miles. The baroness was one of the pioneers of aviation. She had also driven motor boats in races and auto mobiles at exhibitions and as soon as flying became practicable, she turned to them. There are several other women aviators in Paris. Kermit to Go Abroad Again. New York Although he was abroad nearly fifteen months with his father and has been home less than a month, Kermit Roosevelt is going abroad again. He will sail on the Hamburg American liner Amerika with Paris as bis objective point Breaks a Record. Salt Lake City. Utah. A world's bicycle record that has stood since 1895 was broken here when Jackie Clark reduced the two-thirds-mile un paced professional record of 1:4114 made by Walter Sanger at Denver to Roosevelt in Kansas. Topeka, Kas. Governor Stubbs has received a telegram from Theodore Roosevelt definitely fixing the date of his one speech in Kansas this sum mer at August 31. Colonel Roosevelt will speak at Osawatomie during the John Brown celebration. NOW IN THE GRAVE. The Late Justice Fuller Is Burled With Honors. Chicago. The body of the late chief justice of the supreme court, Melville Weston Fuller, lies beside that of his wife in Graceland ceme tery. The special car in which the flower strewn casket rested arrived from Boston at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon. In the car were Governor Hughes of New York and Justices Lurton, Holmes. White. McKenna and Day of the supreme court. The body rested in state at the Virginia hotel, where the late justice made his home on his visits to this city, before being taken to St. James' church. Justice Fuller, when a practicing attorney, followed his vocation here for twenty-one years and hundreds nf persons who knew him in the old days visited the hotel. In his sermon. Rev. James F. Free man paid high tribute to the life and works of the jurist. DR. COOK WANTED AS WITNESS Court at Berlin Orders Rudolph Francke to Produce Explorer. Berlin. The provincial court, which is hearing the case of Rudolph Francke against Commander Peary to recover $10,000. ordered Francke to produce Dr. Frederick A. Cook as a witness. Francke. who was associat ed with Dr. Cook in north polar ex ploration, demands $10,009 in return for a collection of furs, walrus and narwhal teeth, which he alleges Peary required him to surrender. Roosevelt Coming to Omaha. Lincoln. Neb. Theodore Roosevelt will speak in Omaha September 2. The details of his visit, the hour at which he will arrive, the manner in which his reception will be handled, at what hour he will speak are yet undetermined. Senator Burkett re ceived a telegram from Colonel Roofcvelt saying tbat he could be la Omaha September 2. and the senator is now awaiting a letter in which Colonel Roosevelt will Indicate what he wishes to have dose regarding the reception and speech. ALL OYER NEBRASKA THE MIDWEST LIFE. The selling of life Insurance .Is be coming to be profession, and to at tain the greatest success professional training is required. Tbe day is past when men who have failed in other lines can with profit to themselves or a company take op life insurance. The Midwest Life has an opening in the city of Lincoln for a bright cap able man from 20 to 24 years of age who wishes to prepare himself for a position as one of its general agents. The company will pay his tu ition fee for two courses In salesman ship, one general (Sheldon school) and the other special (American School of Insurance), both of which can be completed in a year; also a nominal salary for the first twelve months. For the first year, office work one-half time, other half solicit ing life Insurance on a commission basis; thereafter full time soliciting wholly on a commission basis. Here Is a splendid chance for one to make his way from the start There is no other business which a young man of energy ability and good character can enter where the opportunities to make money without the previous in vestment of capital, is so great Ap ply or write to The Midwest Life, No. 119 South ICth Street, Lincoln. .Geneva Man -Insane. Fillmore County. Ernest Shuster was adjudged insane by the county board and taken to Hastings for treatment, Schuster is about 20 years of age and has lived here all his life and until a few months ago was considered mentally sound. Wheat Harvest in Progress. Hall County. The harvesting of wheat is in full progress in Hall county. Estimates run from eighteen to thirty bushels per acre. The re cent heavy rain throughout the country, farmers declare, will bring a much heavier oat yield than was expected. Alleged Horse Thieves. Richardson County. James Smith, arrested recently by Sheriff William T. Fenton and Police Chief Samuel Marts of this city, near Mound City. Mo., and later brought here charged with the theft of the Martin Jones team of horses on June 12. was given a preliminary hearing before County Judge John Gagnon, and was bound over. Interurban Franchise Voted. Dodge County. An ordinance granting the Nebraska Transporta tion company a franchise to build an Interurban road through Fremont passed the city council. An amend ment to the original ordinance was introduced imposing a 4 per cent tax on the gross earnings of the com pany within the limits of the city after the year 1922. Adopts tnitative and Referendum. Pawnee County. Table Rock helJ I a svcuii eii:v-'.un. ana voieu on uiu folowing proposition: "Shall the village of Table Rock adopt the in itative and referendum as provided by the laws of the state of Nebraska, being chapter thirty-two (32) of the Nebraska session laws for 1S97." It was carried. Killed by His Auto. Cuming County. Albert Toelle. one of the managers of the auto mobile garage, was killed while run ning his machine with several friends. He started for a ride and when but a short way from town Mr. Toelle lost control of the machine in some manner and it turned turtle, fastening him underneath. He diei after a few hours without regaining consciousness. Mangled by a Mower. Johnson County. One of the de plorable accidents that attend the harvest season occurred in the west- I era part of Johnson county. Kermit J Beatty. the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Beatty, was so severely injured that it Is feared he cannot live. He was asleep in the clover and was driven over by a mower. The Murderer of Miss Flege. Dixon County. The coldb'ooded murder of Miss Ixiuise Flege, aserl 20 years, on a Dixon county farn northeast of Wayne. Neb., has aroused the whole countryside to ef forts to capture the slayer. Miss Fleses's body was found in tie farmyard with a bullet in the bo'y and a bullet In the head. She had been home alone during the after noon, her brother having gone to Ponca in an automobile. When the hired man came in from the field he found the dead body near the house. Apparently Miss Fleae had been ' murdered while en route from the garden to the house. Wheat Crop Generally Good. i Gage County. John Scheve, a Ger man farmer living northwest of the cily. began harvesting his wheat crop. He says that In some places the grain has been damaged by rust. Editors to Take a Rest. Scottsbluff County. The editors of Scottsbluff county are wo-king on a scheme to c'ose up shop for a wea'c and all take a trin to Colorado to gether, chancing the date line and number of the papers anJ running them over again. Indians in Knife Fight. Cherry County. Tom Whitehat stabbed Sam White in the back while quarreling. White after he was Rtabbed turned around and hit White hat in the face. Both the fighters are Indians from Rosebud. An Old Settler Dead. Platte County. John B. Geitsraan. one of the old timers in Nebraska, died at Columbus, after a protracted Illness. Mr. Geitsman settled in Fremont In 186C and came to Columbus twenty Tears ago. TUMOR OF YEARS GROWTH Removed by Lydia E Pink ham'sVefetaWeCompoaod Holly Sprints. Miss. "Words ar Inadeqoato for ma to txpis what TOQrwonasrnuMo dues hire tec for me.Tbs) doctors said 1 had a tumor, and I had an optcatloa. tratvsssoooMbad agmiiiasTtr.I wrote toTonforadvtea.aasl bcantotakL9dia E. PinklAM's Vf- BHIUW VUMf usw u yon told bm to do. I am glad to n uv m wm and reel to well that mj rnsnds keep asking me what baa helped ma a much, and I gladly recommend your Vegetable Compcund." MjuvWuxii Edwabdb, Holly Springs, Miss, One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia . Finkhaa's Vegetable Com pound is the conquering of woman's oread enemy tumor. If you hare mysterious pains,inflammatlon,ulcera tion or displacement, don't wait for time to confirm your fears- and go through the horrors of a hospital opera tion, but try Lydia . Finkham's vege table compound at once. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standardremedy for female ills, and such unquestion able testimony as the above proves the value of this famous remedy, sod should give everyone confidence. If yon would like special advlcw about your case write a coBDaea tial letter to Mrs. Plnkbsum. at Lynn, Mass. Her advice U and always nelaf oL THE BIGGEST. She "What Is the biggest flah story you ever heard? He Jonah and the whale. Up to Date Milking Scune. "What's going on around here?" asked the surprised visitor. "Is this ' hdSpUair "Ob, no," answered the tall mac In the silk hat; "this is tbe stage setting for a New England farm drama. The next act will be the milking scene." "But I thought tbe young lady In the antiseptic apron was a trained nurse?" "Oh. no; she Is the milkmaid. The young man In the rubber gloves tbat you thought was a doctor is tbe farm boy. As soon as they bring in the ster ilized stool and the pasteurized palls and And the cow's tooth brush the milking scene will begin." L-egrees of Misery. Two young ladles were talking the ether day about a third who had just become engaged to a widower wba plays tbe cornet and has four children. "What could be worse." exclaimed one. "than four children and a cor net?" "Nothing." said the other, "ex cepting, perhaps, six children and a trombone." Dangerous Job. Kind Lady Here Is a rhubarb pie, my poor man. How did you get that wound on your arm? Tired Tim 1 was a lookout, mum. Kind Lady Ah, a lookout on a steamer ind there was a collision? Tired Tim No. mum. a lookout for a second-story man an' de watchman winged me. mum. A Serraus Jlunder. "Yes." said the drug clerk. "I am called up occasionally to compound prescriptions at night." "Isn't a man apt to make mistakes working in semi-darkness?" "You bet be Is. I took a plugged quarter once." Penalized for Holding. Maud Do you believe In palmistry? Ethel In a way. I've known it to work splendid as a starter when the young man was shy. A Pleasing Combination Post Toasties with Cream and Sugar. Adding strawberries or any kind of fresh or stewed fruit makes a delicious summer dish. The crisp, golden-brown bits have a most delightful flavour a fascination that appeals to the appetite. Tlie Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers, Pkgs. 10c and 15c POSTUM CEREAL CO.. LTD. BtiueCnek. Mick, jHksIil IiCbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbsbsbHrTSH k$iBBBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK? LLiBBBBBBBVSjMfT7& jfii wFl jf, svi "1 V j- A