The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 29, 1910, Image 3

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    Eg: :H"E1:e
Through the Pantry Window
Tli" m.rv pn wuli t!i Intrutlurtinn
rT Jithn St"j.ti. us. .-tcju-ntiiirr. si M issu--hti..'::j
imiii i'uir.(iii'I ly ainlioritifs at
Valjiaratw. Onlf K-iiik itit-r-st- in
mining op rations in Bolkia. In- was di
nntirii'! J.v "hile :is an insurrectionist
and ns a .ns"n.-n, was t!li'l. At Ids
lioto: tj .in.nJK.n was nttraftrd 1" an
Kni'lisiiirar. atnl a youn woiimn
St"ji(i'-ns r-M-iii I tlip vnunc woman from
ii drunken nJIic-i-r !! was th:ink-l iv
lir Almir-sl of tho I'.-ruvian navy -'in-tronS'M
Hi-j. lions, told lihn that war lisul
lio.-n .! l;ir-il lotvo-n iill and IVru
nnl orr-fMl him tho ollieo of r-ajtain lit
0ir-fl that that niKiit tin KiwraWla. a
lill-:tn g,,l. ?tiould b captured
St'ph-ns T-rcptfd tho ctiintnlH'lon
Stop!.-!" m-t a inotloy crew. t wiili h ho
was ass'xwd Ho i;.i thorn linal in
Ktruotlons TJiov hoardod th- vosol Th'v
mi' sfujiv oapJiiroil tho v"ss..l suppuod
t lw tlio nmoralda. through stratov
"ait S"-phf ris Ka dirootions for tlio do-Iartui-
i.f tin- -raft. Flo onor-d tho rail
in aul Ii.-.ivorol tho Knljsli
iind lior inaid. Ktoplit-ns tpiiokly loarnod
tho v. rinir r-sol had lo-on npturod
It .ii Lord Ia:hni;ton"s prlvato yai-ht.
tli- luril's wifo and m:iil 1' inir aho.tnl.
Il xfd.'inod tho :ituatiin to hor lady
slilp '!"( I'irst Mali- Tnttlo laid haro
tiio dot. Kavmi; that tlio S'a Jii"on had
lioon tat- ii in urdi r to ro tfi tho Antar -tic
i tr o Tnttlo explained that on a
former ..vne ho had N .irn-d that tho
lonna Im'-I was lost in 13 M had
foiind it f-'zeii in a h'i"' i as" of i
on nn llanl and contain' d tniicli cold
Stephens - tited to ho the inptain
of tho . .(..-.llllr.n 1. told I'ldV
Mitlitivton She was reatlv alarmoii,
!it -.r"v. eontideni in him. Tho
Koa '.on is mr-imtorod a vessel in the
fK Slepii. ns attojiiptefi to communicate
This caii.-d .i fieri o smicle and lie was
ovejeome Tnttlo finally sun.irins tho sit
uation Tl en tho Se-l Queen headed south
nualn I'ndor Tutth-s euidnm-o tho vos.
jol made progress toward its t;oal
lo Xitva. the mate, told Stephens that he
ledliieil Tuttle now acting as skipper.
Insane liocatiso if his ipioer actions
Stophons was awnkonod lv crashing of
lass Mo saw Tnttlo in tho prip of a
spasm .f tehf;iotis mania and nwrraim
liltn. The s.nlor upon roKalnlns his senses
was t:il. n ill Tnttlo -omtmtted suicide
liv -hootlns l'Kii vote of the crew
St-phetis assumed the leadership and tho
men eelded to ontiniio th treasuio
hunt, the Islands lioinc supposed to ho
onlv 'J miles distant Tuttle was hurled
li the sea Iidv Partington pronouncinK
the sr.r-, , Stephens uwakins from
sleep saw the chost. suppos-il to have
formed t!io hasls for Tuttlo's rollKious
mania. I'pon advice of Ijidy IVirllnuton.
Stejihens started to prohe the ghost.
He came upon I.lout. Sanchez, tho drunk
en officer he had hunihleil in Chile. Ho
found flint at Samdioz Inspiration. Kn-clnot-r
McKniKlit played "Khost" to scare
tho men into givinc up tlio finest. Steph
ens announced that tlio Sea Queon was at
the spot hre Tuttlo's ipiest was sup
posoi to he Tho crow was anxious to go
on In further search. IV Nova and Steph
ens ennijiiered them in a fist fight. I.ady
narllnstoii tl anked him. The Sea Queen
sturted northward. She was wrecked In a
fog Stephens. Do Xova. Lady Darlington
nnd her maid helng among those to sot
out In a life hoa.t Ten wore rescued.
Stephens saw onlv one chance in a thou
sand for life l.adv Darlington confessed
her loe to Stephens and he did likewise.
Ijidv Darlington told her life story, how
?he had heen bartered for a title, her
M-aruing for absent love She revealed
heiself .-ij tin- school chum of Stephens'
slst r She expressed a wish to die In tho
sea rather than fare her former friends
nnd go lne to the old life A ship was
lighted The craft proved to bo a derelict
Thev boarihsl her She was frozen tight
with hundrids of vears of Ice Tho ves
sel was the Donna Isabel, lost In 17T..1. 125
vears previous The frozen bodies of tho
5'irnn r c:t-w wore removed They read
the log of the Isabel, which told how
t! e Spaniards had died from cold, one by
one L.ulv Darlington sang to prevent the
men from becoming moody. The crew
lonimen. ed the hunt for treasure. They
found i Ik iron chest, said to contain a
part of 3."(V'ioO pesos, tlrtnly Imbedded in
CHAPTER XXVI. Continued.
"Hy Cod. mates, there's one of 'em.
anyhow'" roared a voice, hoarse from
xploding xcitement. Hut I was al
ready upon my knees, feeling blindly
into the lee cavity.
They came howling about me like
so many wolves, eager to see with
their own eyes, but I crowded them
back, snatching the candle from De
Nova's lingers and throwing the flick
ering lilit down level with the deck.
"It's a brass bound chest, men." I
cried, straightening tip and facing
them "Hut it is going to require
some bard digcing to get it out. About
all I can s,e is the handle of it."
I never comprehended before how
the passion and lust for gold can ex-
nris itself nnmi tnoti'c f.icoc Tnncn
motionless, breathing heavilv. their '
features drawn, their eyes gleaming
feverishly in the yellow flame, they
utared at me and then at that ice-front,
demented and speechless. No one
thought of where we were castaways,
our lives the sport of winds and waves,
a sodden wreck under us, our nearest
port a thousand miles away across a
stormy sea. aJl we realized at that
moment was that there, just before us.
under that mantle of ice. lay buried
three million pesos. God! the collar
of m acket seemed choking me; I
breathed as, if a man's fingers clutched
my throat, and 1 saw Mcivnight's
burly form shaking as if he had an
ngue fit. Three million pesos! The
hot blood rushed to my head, a lava
st team and De Nova's face, white as
chalk behind his little black mus
taches, seemed dancing before me
ghostlike Damn him! the fellow
made me think of Salvatore. the man
who. just above, frozen and dead, had
cuarded this treasure for 126 years.
1 cast the suggestion aside with a
curse and a laugh, grasping Kelly by
the shoulder to steady myself to re
alize these were real men. this task
before "us real work. It was like com
ing forth from under an anaesthetic,
leaving me weak as a child, yet with
brain and faculties aroused to action.
Johnson thrust forward the cleaver.
"Let me get in there, sir; 1 m the
man for a cut. in' job."
I stepped aside, and the broad blade
fell slashing against the front of the
"Only two of you men can work
here at onoa." I put In hastily. "Hold
on. Johnson, until we get this ship
shape. An axman, with a helper to
liaul back the ice out of the way. is
Jill we need. Any more would only
be in the way; besides, some of us
ought to be on deck. It is going to re
quire hours, maybe days, to get that
chest out. and meanwhile we must sail
this vessel and keep her right side up.
The thing to do is to arrange relays,
and keep at it steady. Johnson, you
and Kelly go to work first. The rest I
' " K--fegJK frvSCAI
jjjS x5 lC- v f ""-JY X5T ' iK. Xj
They Came Howling About Me
of us will climb up Into the cabin, and
figure it out."
They went alone; with me up the
ladder as though they were prisoners,
casting the last lingering glances be
low, where the weird flame of the
candle flickered yellow, the blows of
the cleaver echoing sharply as they
clustered about the stove, welcoming
the warmth of It. It had been frigid
below decks, although we had been
scarcely conscious of it In our excite
ment, nut now we stood shivering,
gazing into each others' faces and
actually afraid to talk lest the whole
occurrence should prove a dream from
which a chance word might awaken
us. Three million pesos here, actu
ally here; almost within reach of our
hands; they were digging for them
just below; even then, in the silence,
we could hear the faint echo of blows
being struck against the Ice. Three
million pesos! and It was all ours,
our very own to divide, to spend, to
do with exactly as we pleased. We
had dreamed about all this before, on
the decks of the ill-fated Sea Queen,
but now wc sought to grasp it as an
actual existing fact, and our minds
seemed paralyzed by the knowledge.
I even forgot that Doris was present
until she touched me gently on the
shoulder, and I looked down into her
questioning eyes.
"Do you not know what wo have
just discovered below?" I asked, still
tingling to the marvel of It. "The
treasure, the Spanish treasure!"
"Oh. yes." but the soft voice seemed
tinged with sadness. "Yet it does not
greatly Interest me. Money seems so
"' he,re' ,so uUe,r,y valueless."
! The simple words." the tone of their i
) utterance brought me to myself as
though I had received an electric
shock. She was still smiling, yet all
at once I noticed how white her face
was. how dark the shadows beneath
her eyes. The lure of the gold van
ished from my mind, as if some wiz
ard's wand had waved it away. I
thought of the treacherous sea with
out, the life and death struggle before ,
us, those dreary leagues separating us
from hope. My hands clasped hers,
the expression of love In my eves
brightening her face instantly.
"That is so much better. Jack." she
said tenderly. "I knew it was only
the madness of a moment which
caused you to forget. Come out on
deck with me until you lose all mem
ory of it until I bring jou back to
real life acain."
"I do not need it. sweetheart." and
I bent low, looking into her eyes. "The
fever has left my blood. I hardly
know how it ever laid such hold upon
me. but the thought of all that wealth
below drove me as mad as the others.
You see how much I need you."
"Oh. no: you would have recovered
without my help, although it might
have required more time to complete
a cure. But I fear there is no hone
for the men."
"I certainly shall not spare you to
minister to them."
She laughed, her happiness of dispo
sition returning.
"That would be useless; they are of
different stamp. The fever for 6udden
wealth is in the blood of all of us.'
See how excited Celeste is. Perhaps
If I had ever experienced poverty I
might be crazed also. But It Is so
foolish here here," and she swept
her hands about in comprehensive ges
ture, "when we know it can be ours
only for a day, or at most a week."
"But we have not given up hope," I
protested. "Why should we 7 The
Donna Isabel seems stanch beneath
"Even in case of that miracle I want
Like So Many Wolves, Eager to See.
uothing to do with this treasure." she
said gravely. "It seems to me. Jack,
there must be a curse upon that gold
below. It will never do good to any
human being. It was stolen by the
sword, won for Spain by the shedding
of blood, and has since cursed this
ship and all who sailed in her. The
living and the dead guarded it. and
now we have come into its evil clutch.
It is not superstition but faith which
makes me say this the Donna Isabel
will never make port: that cold be
low will never do a soul on board
anything but harm. I wish it could
be left where it Is. buried In the Ice."
"At such a suggestion the men
would mutiny."
"I suppose so." she acknowledged
sadly, "and the end will be the same
in either case. But I want you to be
different Let them build their air
castles: but do you come out on deck
with me. where the sea and sky will
give us other thoughts."
Comprehending only vaguely what
she meant, yet beneath the witching
spell of her presence I went gladly
enough, forgetting utterly that useless
treasure imbedded in the Ice below.
In Which the Treasure Causes Trouble
Rut the men did not forget, or cease
In their eager efforts to rescue that
frozen gold from the grasp of the ice.
By this time, thoroughly convinced
myself that our final preservation of
this wealth would prove impossible. I
was still far from devoid of interest
in Its recovery, and consequently
made no effort to interrupt tho work
beinS carried on between decks. It
was netter mat the men be busy and
their minds occupied than to have
them roaming aimlessly about the
decks In discontent, now that the ship
and weather gave us little occasion
for concern. Here they vigorously
plied the cleaver, working In relays of
two hours each, during the remainder
of the day and night. After break
fast Ma'1 been serv'i we all of us went
oeiow to unite our strength in hauling
forth the loosened box from the ice
We accomplished this by resorting
to block and tackle, and even then ex
perienced no small difficulty in drag
ging it away from the ice grip. Under
the dim candlelight It appeared a fair
sized sea-chest, constructed of some
heavy, dark wood, and bound secure
ly by metal bands, with a cumbersome
lock. A cotiMderable quantity of wa
ter from somewhere continued to seep
down into the lazarette. making the
floor an icy puddle, and so we tailed on
to the ropes again, and hoisted the
chest up through the trap-door out up
on the cabin deck. I could find no
keys in any of the stare-rooms, and
we must have been half an hour break-
Philadelphia Writer's Idea of Status
to Be Accorded Bachelor In
The bachelor is punched already,
not only In losing the Joys of a home.
nut being an object of contumely. So
long as bachelors are willing to put up
with all the losses they sustain in
celibacy far be it from the majesty of
the law to impose further penalties.
It was Cicero or a man of bis day who
remarked that It was onerous for a
man to get along with a wife, but Im
possible to get along without one. The
bachelor is not a man only a more
or less Imitation of one sometimes a
very poor one. He thinks he has a
good time In escaping all the major
inj? the rusty lock and prying open
the lid. the only sounds audible the
blows struck aud the heavy breathing
of the men. Finally we wrenched apart
the last band, and our eajier eyes be
held the revealed contents pieces-of-eishf.
yellow and level to the top!
There was a wild yell, a fierce scram
ble, the crazed men digging their fin
gers into the coins, handling them,
fondling them. laughing and crying
like children in their excitement, and
cursing ach other as they struggled
for a chance at the lux. For the mo-
ment. staring down at the dull glow of
the metal. 1 even lost control of my-
self, scarcely aware of the mad uproar.
It was actually
mere mere uetore
me! That old Spanish record had all
been true; here, and beneath that Ice
between decks lay the remainder
three million pesos! Here was the
wealth of a king: here, almost within
n ach of our hands, and it was ali ours
ours, ir we could only briug it forth
to where it possessed value.
If we only could! The thought
struck me like a blow. I knew the
truth, the truth. There was not one
chance in a thousand not one. I
made no effort to deceive myself. The
men. even the mate, bunded by the
gold-lust had ignored facts plain as
day to me the terrible listing of tho
ship to port, the constant seeping of
water into the hold, the increasing
soddenness of the staggering hull all
these combined to tell the story that
the Donna Isabel was doomed. No
power of men. situated as we were,
could ever save her. The protecting
ice-sheath, by help of which she had
drifted ghost-like out of the Antarctic,
pounded by the fierce seas, loosened
by the milder air of more northern
latitudes, had already commenced to
Hake off. and the invading water was
discovering crevices everywhere along
her ancient seams. We had come to
the gold; wa had discovered it; It
was ours. Rut we could only gaze on
it. and give it back to the ocean in ex
change for our lives. I straightened
up. my lips compressed, and looked be
yond the struggling figures of the men
into Doris questioning gray eyes.
Father of Mercy, I possessed some
thing worth more than money the
love of a woman! Ay. but what of
the men? What of the men? It would
be cutting their hearts out; yet it
must be done done, if necessary, with
all the brutality of a slave driver. She
had said this treasure was a curse, a
legacy of crime and death, a prize
for dead men. Not while I retained
J mind and body to battle should it cost
our lives. I pushed De Nova back-
ward, and planted myself across the
open chest, scowling Into the uplifted,
angry faces.
"That's enough, men. This Is part
of the treasure all right, but there Is
no occasion for you to go crazy over
It. Put those coins back do you hear,
McKnlght? put them back, and we'll
shut down the lid. They're nice to
look at. and dream over, but that's
about all the good we'll ever get of
them. Were there any signs of oth
ers down there in the Ice, Johnson?"
Hot Water Cure for Insomnia.
To Insure the benefit of the hot wa- must be taken off the fire the mo- I
ment It bolls not Just before or after
and poured at once into a cup or
glass. Then it should be taken while
very hot. A little practice will enable
one to swallow It at little less than
the boiling point, and in addition to
the proper temperature, the proper
time must be observed. It is most ef
ficacious In curing indigestion and Im
proving the general tone of the system
if taken immediately on waking In the
morning, again an hour before lunch
and an hour before dinner also, and
to drink two glassfuls on retiring will
almost positively Insure sound sleep.
It may require two or three days' trial
before the desired result Is effected,
but once gained It can be held with
out interruption by faithfully pursuing
this method.
Puzzled Innkeeper.
Rear Admiral Philip C. Cooper, chief
. UHl-l
ih Ac-jtio et,ti- - ii.i
a recent letter home of the ex
tortlons of innkeepers in out of the
way parts of the globe.
"In Montenegro, once." he wrote. "I
asked for my bill, after having slept
over night at a certaiu Inn. and. as
soon as the document was handed to
nancieu to
me. I took out my purse to settle It. I !
did not bother to verify the various
"-" . iiiii iititv; urcu me j
use? j
"But my readiness to pay amazed
ma kuiuiuiu. xie inoacnt a moment.
and then he said, uneasllv:
"'Will you let me have another
look at that bill, sir? I think I have
omitted something.' "
responsibilities of life, but he is de
ceiving no one but himself. As an
example and a warning he has his
uses In society. As an individual ha
Is apt to find that he is eating only
apples of Sodom. The man who de
liberately remains a bachelor Is al
ready punished enough. Let him alone
In his misery until some nice girl
comes along and carries him off. And
we may remark that no man is a bach
elor of his own Initiative no matter
how much he may think so. He is
simply a human derelict whom the
women have examined and passed by.
The bachelors are the disjecta mem
bra of society whom so woman will
have. That is awful and it is enesgh.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
On a certain chill October after
noon, which was brightened only by
a flare of crimson leaves on all the
jaaples and the ever-present tangles
of aster and golden rod along the
ousby banks. Elsie turned her horse
In at a rickety picket gate and dis
mounted before the porch of a tiny,
shabby, neglected house.
Tears came to Elsie's eyes, as she
thought of the dead woman who bad
animated it with her kindly presence.
She felt that she would like to go In
and look about and try in imagination
to refurnish the abandoned rooms and
to people them with the gentle figures
that had once frequented them.
The house was locked. She went
about trying the shutters. At last she
lound one partly off the hinges
blown ofT by a high wind, no doubt.
She swung it clear and put her hand
to the window underneath. To her
surprise, it raised as she pushed upon
It She seemed to hear a familiar
oice saying in her ear:
I ..,,.,, ,. , .. . "
' .J?80? P" w
. I"8?".. "X,DB bad' but l can l sc
seem to
, .
Aunt Hope's dear voice! Aunt
Hope's own remembered words! And
this was the pantry window. Elsie
Elsie Turned Her Horse In at a Rick
ety Gate.
looked fn. The tiny place was neat,
the cupboard doors shut; an old Iron
spider hung against the wall.
The window sill was only knee
high from the ground, and Elsie
climbed over It easily. She letdown
the window behind her. The floor
gave back an empty sound beneath
her feet as she walked across it to
the kitchen. The kitchen, too. was
finite iinfrttifyaf1
j , ,, jii"
s. uu UIU1115 iuuui came me
parlor, the room that in aunt Hope's
lifetime Elsie had always loved best
It was a good sized room in the front
of the house. She lifted a window
and turned the slats of the closed
shutters. The yellow afternoon
light came in across the bare floor.
Innumerable motes danced In its
rays. Upon the walk a few old pic
tures still hung, and the wall paper
showed fresh spaces upon its faded
lurface where others bad been.
Elsie sat down upon one of the ap
pealing chairs and clasped her hands
In their riding gauntlets about hr
Im Ma S KV.A an . . L.fllV M mm a
" I l.lToVi- iTt u.iessness ,
-".;"; ;, . .S ,.1 8Q? am I
MU. .tc . sw ua luiuKing or tne
iasi ume sne uaa Deen in this room.
There bad been flowers In the room
end many people. In the midst lay
aunt Hope, always hitherto so gra
cious and genial, so quick to respond
to the love of her friends and neigh
bors. Her hands were crossed upon a
flower; her lips smiled a new little
mile of understanding of men's ways
and of God's. Above the bushed
sound of tears rose a dignified voice:
"I am the resurrection and the life."
How vividly she remembered it all!
She bad sat here and be had sat
there with aunt Hope between. And
though they both looked at aunt Hope
tearfully they would not look at each
other. How pale be bad been! And.
perhaps, she. too. had been just as
pale under her veil. Well, it was
over. Of what use was It to reeret?
-. , C.l . ...
ct u how anxiously aunt
US?. had .k01' for lhem to be
friends again.
"You are both young and high tern
pe.-ed." ehe had pleaded again and i
tgaln. "but there'll come a time
ben you II be old and reuioreeful un-1
less you make un now. Whv. vnu I
., ., r- u" .u- .-.- ......I.
"u:r. r.isie. iou u
5fik Mitt
Work That Mast be Done
Impossible to Regulate the Hours of
Labor That the Farmer
Must Put In.
The city man who goes to farming
will find that there are times. Inter
mittent, it is true, but often sufficient
ly prolonged, when he will have to
work as he never did before. It Is of
no use for him to say that eight hours
a day Is long enough for a man to
work. It may be long enough for his
physical wellbelng, but be must plow
and sow and mow at the right time,
and he must make bay while the sun
shines. He Is working In collabora
tion with nature, and the pace that
she sets is made without regard to the
rights of the laboring man or the
eight-hour law. On onr own farm, for
instance, my sons and I have often
been tired for weeks together; not the
pleasant fatigue that wears off is a
night of refreshing sleep, but the
deep - seated weariness of overwrought
' Kusclea and too long hours that Is
never be happy with anyone else, nor
will David. He's a splendid young
fellow. Don't I know? Wasn't I with
his mother the night be was born,
and haven't I watched him grow up
from baby to man? And haven't I
watched you grow up. too? And I lore
you both. I've tried to have you care
for each other because I felt that was
as It should be. And now you've let
that little trollop of a Doris Kennedy
come between you! Ob. I know what
folks say about me that I am a med
dling of matchmaker "
"Peacemaker, aunt Hope." Elsie had)
laughed, tremulously.
"Well. then, peacemaker. I hope I
am. Blessed you know what the"
Bible says. But I ain't sure of that
unless you'll let me make peace be
tween you and David!"
"Some day," Elsie bad half prom
ised. That was a year ago. Then
they had met at aunt Hope's fu
neral and had not spoken. Afterward
David had gone back to the city to his'
work and Elsie had gone hers in the
little country town. As far as she
knew now, her romance was ended;
There was no aunt Hope to advise
and gently smooth away the difficul
ty. Rut. oh. the sweetness and the
bitterness of it lingered with her like
mingled myrrh and honey. She bad
loved David she loved him still and
must go on loving him as long as she
lived. But she had the Bennett tem
per. He had it. too, far back some
where, a couple of generations ago. a
certain marriage had made them kin.
She would not give up. Neither would
he. And it was all because she had.
not liked his city cousin. Doris Ken
nedy, and he had! Perhaps down In
her heart Elsie had been a bit Jeal
ous of the blonde young woman who
looked as If she had heen run in an
exceedingly slender mold, and bad
never so much as bent her back since
an effect obtained. It was said, by
means of an exacting dressmaker.
Elsie was far too natural to admire
Doris' Immobility. loads of false bair
and layers of pink and white powder.
And she had told David so in a none
too pleasant way.
"But her heart Is all right." be had
argued, stoutly. "Doris is a good glrL
"Envious!" cried Elsie, scarlet
with rage. So the quarrel bad be
gun. As she sat there now In the empty
room Elsie owned to herself sadly that
she bad been unreasonable. After all.
Doris was David's own cousin and
older than be. There bad been no rea
son In the world for her being Jealous
as she bad been; res. she bad to ad
mit that now.
"If only I had listened to aunt
Hope. If only I had let her make
peace as she wished "
A crash at the back of the house
startled her. A window had fallen!
She sprang to her feet Steps were
coming toward her through the house
heavy steps a man's. Now they
were in the kitchen now the dining
room. She plunged toward the door
that opened into the little front entry.
It was locked. She tugged at It fran
tically. Heaven! To be shut in this
house with a tramp. Still tugging,
with futile desperation, at the unyield
ing door she looked back over her
shoulder Just as the invader appeared
in the parlor door a tall young fel
low in a respectable ulster, who
looked almost as white and shaken as
she knew she was.
"Elsie!" he exclaimed. "Great
"David! "she gasped. And half fell
against the supporting door. They
stared at each other, the color slowly
coming back to their faces.
"Did you get In at the pantry win-
dow. t?" Klsle asked, when she
lie nodded.
"I remembered that aunt Hope was
always going to have It fixed and
never did. What are you doing here,
Elsie?" He came close to her.
"What are you?"
"I came because I bad to. I felt
as if I was being called."
"David! That's just the way I
Their eyes sought each other's,
awe-struck, wondering. Then their
bands met.
"Forgive me, Elsie. I was wrong."
he faltered.
"Forgive me. David. 1 was wrong,
They clung together.
"I didn't care for Doris. But she
was my cousin "
"I know. I know."
She was In his arms now. And he
had kissed her.
"David." Elsk said, from bis shoul-
tu-r, solemnly, ao you suppose that
sh. aunt Hnn rfro ... i, ,
His eyes had the look of one who
ha been very near the holy thlnss
vhn kn.v k- . "
"--"'" - ""a. very
JOw. "iijesaed are the peacemakers!
present even when one rises In the
morning, and Is thrown off only after
a few hours of labor when one has
"warmed up" to his work.
ThiH Is a part of the price that must
be paid for freedom and the privilege
of working for one's self and not for
another. David Riiffnm in tKA
"Come here. Tommy," called his
mother from the edge of the pond, as
she concealed the birch switch behind
"What do you want, ma?" asked the
little boy. suspiciously.
"I want to give you something."
"I I ain't doin nuttln. ma!'
"Then I shall be even more liberal.
I am going to give you something for
Some men's Idea of a good time It
to be unable to remember anything
after 10 p. m.
IMiTwmm Smm
is distinctly different from any
other sausage you ever tasted.
Just try one can and it is sure
to become a frequent necessity.
Mf VMM SNNft just
suits for breakfast, is fine for
luncheon and satisfies at din
ner or supper. Like all of
Libby's Food Products, it b
carefully cooked and prepared,
ready to serve, in Littys Gratf
Wtitt Kilcka the cleanest,
most scientific kitchen in the
Other popular, ready-to!
serve Libby Pure Foods are:
FrieDrieBeef VlLnf
Evapmtei Mile
Insist on Libby's at Jyotar I
LiUy, McNeil! & Ubty
W I.
oyrSftM 9X$Z60$2
aananaiaaiM tMr vmla j 1
Take !
w vricv on iaa
ite bottMn. Lok for it
rati 1
i- rtni.
fatt ClrEw
JkM.jmmrnlTtot w.
tefkow to erdir by MIL Shot ontere direct ttom
rdaUrcnd fn. W.LDwwfc. Btecktaa.
But Many Will Think Women Nttdetf
a Course of Instruction In
Manners, .
"It's all off with me. this thing ol
offering help to women autoists In dis
tress," says Charles A. Qager. the op
tician. "I was walking up Superior STenu
a day or two ago, when I noticed a
stalled auto In front of the Colonial
theater. Two women, both apparently
exhausted, were making a desperate
effort to 'crank' the machine.
"Being somewhat familiar with su
tomoblles, I lifted my hat and sp
proached the pair.
" 'Ladies,' I asked, 'can I be of soma
" 'Yes, you can,' snapped one of th
women, 'you can go right along and
mind your own darn business."
Cleveland Leader.
Had a Reason.
"Why don't you call your newspaper
the Appendix?" asked the enemy of
the political boss.
"Any special reason for wanting me
to do so?"
"Well, it's a useless organ."
Wanted to Know the Worst.
-Well, doctor, boy or girl?"
"My dear sir, you are the father ot
"Sure you haven't missed any la
your hurried count?"
CoaadBtton eans aad rioaalr aarrmTat
mnny dlwasra. It la thorongbiy cmrabf be
Here' Pellet. TUj ugax-oMtad fiajralaa.
Search others for their virtues, and
thyself for thy vices. Fuller.
. I
im mi gfii vtelakv
mjrrm num. to iMkm eas
Matt to It Tawttfel ClaT
Omtm iaal 41mmm kairfiaaa,
SO ft. Bowels-
Biggest organ of the body the
bowels and the mott important
It's got to be looked aftat neglect
means goffering and years ol
misery. CASCARBTS help
nature keep erery part of yom
bowels clean and strong then
they act right means health to
your whole body. an
CASCAJLSm sea mam. tar av
meat. AU4ntxgtaU. Biggeft i
ike wrtJ MTIllea Bases a
S aTv
inHnIiw Wva warn
UotW. to tlM wU. PPf r f
UU y Ur.f tto jJ .y JjM
toMlfcll fnii JHftwjf
mm $4.00 iUw ! JVsMelrK