The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 29, 1910, Image 1
IminmL COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 2,015. FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 13. (SMumlras fcMfrffrfrfrfffrfM-fSfc ii W V In May Series "W" logins Stock now open for subscription BECHER, HOCKENBERGER & ; CHAMBERS I immmKH"""1 COLUMBUS MARKETS. Bye M OtttB -? Wheat, new 7 Corn yellow " White corn ' $S.f.O toiS.f.U wuiiiiiJiMiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiumiiiiiuie I If ANY YEARS AGO. CuMiiniiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiMiiiiI Files of The Journal Juno 27, 1S77. A good ninny Nebraskaus have not yet learned that hogs lire easily lierdf d on u prairie Keep tliem on n limited piece, one, two, or three nrreB, and hh soon us they s-eeni dissatisfied and commen ce to wuuder. put them up Tor u short time, then let them out and repent the dose. our hog. if left to his own de vises, will eat and rest, alternately, and this many times repeated during the day. Wild oats are just beginning to he troublesome. Those who have the eare of sheep bhould see to it that they now have, for ten day.-, a bit of pasture free from it If there is no cither way, the mower ought to he resoi ted to and sever al acres cleared oil' for them, By all means keep the sheep (and especially the lambs, which will 5m- most injured.) in a pasture free from the penetrating barbs, until a few days wind shall have shaken the headB to the ground, where there is no longer danger. We learn that one of our oldest and most respected citiens divines what the wea ther 6hall be during the year by taking a good sized onion some night during Christmas week, taking the succeeding layers oil' and lying them on u table, naming them in order. January, Febru ary, March, etc. lie then sprinkles them with salt, a thimbleful each, and leaves them till morning. Where the salt on the layer of onion has melted that month, it is supposed, will be wet and vice versa A dry fall is thus pre dicted. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of uuclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period Mill ing J line 21, Win: Letters--lieorge Brandts 2, F D Cor uell. IKelayer. Harry M Edwards, Henry M Kchols. J Kropateh, Philip Lanve. Tony Neur, Mrs F L Patrick. Cards --C (' Brickey, 1 M Carrol. K O Day, C W Howani 2. Hod Moote (cigar maker). Mies Jobie S Kichardson, Fred 0 Wilcox. Parlies calling for any of the above will please say advertised. Caui. Kkamek, P. M. GREIT CLEARING SALE. On account of having my building moved into the street. I will offer my en tire stock at cut price. Some goods are sold at co?t or even below cost. CAUL FUOKMKL. Eleventh Street Jeweler. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. C. KAVANAUGH Over three hundred and fifty demo crats attended the banquet at the Or pheus hall Monday night, at which time a state democratic club was organi'ed. After the banquet, which was BerYed by St. Anne ladies, the organization of the club, was effected by selecting Dr. Hall. Edgar Howard and W. V. Allen as a committee to select officers of the organi zation, their choice to he presented at the next meeting of the club, on the morning of the democratic state conven tion, at J rand Island, for ratification. This completed, the program was next in order, with Judge I. L. Albert aa toastmaster. The first toast, "The Democratic Party and the Trusts," was responded to by W. B. Price. Congress man Hitchcock followed with "Prosperi ty by act of Congress." "Politics" was the subject assigned to Richard L. Metcalfe of the Commoner, Willis E. Heed, candidate for U. S. Senator, re sponded to the toast, "(Setting Togeth er," and Mayor J. C. Dahlman of Oma ha had for his subject, "Self Ueliance." Senator W. V. Allen spoke next, and the closing speech was "Nebraska Demo cracy,'" by Governor Shallenberger. BesulcB those on the list of speakers, many of the prominent democrats of the Btate were present. The hall was taste fully decorated, but the one thing that seemed to be lacking was a likeness of the "Peerless Leader." The banquet was a success in every way and the local committee in charge feel very much gratified over the outcome. In the meantime tin: club will endeavor to gather members and coin until the state convention, to make as good a showing as possible. State Chairman J. 0. Ityrnea presided over the meeting to or ganize the club, as at present the state chairman and secretary are ex-otticio otliccrs, to continue aB such until tiie Orand Island meeting. William Tell Ernst, one of the well-to-do farmers of Columbus township, died Monday morning from a stroke of ap poplexy, which he suffered during the night. Mr. Ernst, who has always been a resident of this locality.wasborn in thin city May 2(5, 18(51, his father beiug the late Jacob Ernst, one of the pioneers of Cblumbiw. At the age of seven he moved with his parents to the home he has since occupied, two and one-half miles north of this city, and here he grew to manhood. On February 25, IKSJI. he was manicd to Miss Anna Heinke, daughter of Mrs. Chns Heinke, who with live children, Earl, Willie, . Walter, Anna and CntherihV, survive him. After his marriage Mr. Ernst con tinued to reside on the home place, and at the time of his death his mother made her home with them Mr. Ernst basal-way.'- been engaged in farming and at different times took an active interest in the affairs of the township. He was a member in good standing of the follow ing orders of this city, I. O. O. F., O d. U. S., A. O. U. W.. M. W A , F. O. E , C. U. V , and Kebekahs. Besides his immediate family. Mr. Emst leaves his mother, Mrs. Jacob Ernst, ami one broth er. Jacob Ernst, of this city. Funeral services were held at 2 p. in. Wednesday, conducted by Hev. Neiiinarker, and buri al was in the Columbus cemetery, the 1. O. O F. conducting the burial service of the order at the grave. John Klug, one of the early settlers of Colfax county, twelve and one-half miles northeast of Columbus, died at his home Saturday morning, Bged 78 years. Mr. King was born in Poriunen, Germany, January 1(5, 1S12. He remained in his native laud until 18(5S, coming to Ameri ca and to Colfax county July :i, settling on the old homestead, one-half mile south of the Becker mill. Here he re sided until eighteen years ago, when be bought the mill site, and hassincc made that his home. Mr. King was married to Miss Anna Gisin at Schuyler in 1874. To this union there were born four children. Emil, Will and John Klug. and Mrs. Herman Klug. all of whom are living and reside in the vicinity of the old home Funeral services were held Monday at the home nt 1 p. in., and at 2 p. tu. at the German Lutheran church. Hev. Muller. conducting the service and burial was in the cemetery at the church. The Fourth of July committee have the program and arrangements for the celebration practically completed, and while they did not begin us early as usual, they have been making up for lost time. Columbus, as usual will pull off one of the best celebrations in this locality, and those who have attended former occasions of this kind will be sure to attend this year. During the day the Columbus City Hand will discourse music, which will be one of the features of the day. The Kearney-Columbus ball game will also be an attraction, as the visitors have leen strengthening their team in order to make a better showing in the league. C. M. Gruenther, accompanied by.T.G. Price and Jerry Oarng. who clerked the big land sale for him at Burlington, Colo., returned last Saturday. The land eold averaged about 58 per acre, which, considering conditions, was a very good price In speaking of the country they describe it as quite level and easy to farm. On account of the prevailing dry weather that locality was pretty well dried out, and this condition prevailed east of Colorado. In spite of the present apparent drawbacks, they predict that the country will still con tinue to come to the front. Dr. Nauinaun, Dentist 13 St. Try Leavy'a Laxative Lozenges. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building. Win. Dietrichs, piinting, Ind. phone 1C94. Try a refreshing dish of pure ice cream at Leavy's. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice fc Co. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. Strother. Dr. 0. A. Allenburger, offioe in new State Bank building. Miss Lizzie Green of Genoa is visiting with relatives and friends. Fourth of July fireworks of all kinds at ttoh rich's, Eleventh street- Dr. L. P. Carstenson, Veterinarian, In firmary, I lth and KummerSts. Miss Uiihla Plath. accompanied by Mrs. A. i'hillipps, were over Sunday guests at the home of Julius Phillipps near Belgrade. Miss Hazel Olark left Sunday evening for Baker City, Oregon, at which place she will make a visit with her sister, Mrs. (. A. Bernhardt. Fred Roberts, who has been employed as clerk atGreisen Brnn. for a number of years, goes to Blair, this state, where he has a similar position. Ten per cent red lift ion on garden hose, if bought before we move. Expect to move July 5th. A. lliiKsell & Sou. Taken Up At my place, in northwest ColiimbiiB, a stray shoat. Owner can have same by proving property and pay ing all charges. John Randall. Editor John Foley of Schuyler was among those who were in attendance at the democratic county convention and also at the banquet of Monday evening. The new hose recently purchased by the city arrived last week and Monday evening the lire department, under the supervison of Chief Galley, were testing it. Beginning with July I the Columbus post office is granted an additional clerk. Miss May Heed, who had been u substi tute clerk, has been appointed to that position. Mrs. Wm. Temple of Genoa, who was operated on for appendicitis at St. Mary's hospital, is retting along nicely and -will hn able to return home in about two weeks. Fred llanlon. the Union Pacific watch man who was so severely burned by the explosion of a gasoline stove somo time ago, is able to be around and will soon be discharged from the hospital. John Stovicelc of this city has received notice that he passed a splendid exami nation at the Nebraska Undertakers' association at Grand Island last week, anil in due time will receive bin sheep skin as u licensed embalmer. The base ball "fans" aud "fannies" of our town who attend the Slate Fair, Sept. 5th to Hth, will have an opportuni ty to satisfy their desire to see how Western League Base Ball is played and to draw comparisons between profession al anil amateur base ball. Mrs. Uoscoe Pound of Chicago arrived last Friday for an extended viit with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. L Garrard. After her return to Chicago they will move to Camtiriuge, Mass, wiiere Air. Pounu has an appointment as professor of law at Harvard university. On July 4 the Y. M. 0. A. building will be one of the rest rooms for women and children. Those in charge arrang ing to make this an ideal rest room for that day and invite the public to make use of it. The building is modern and all conveniences are available. While working with a circular saw Tuesday evening, A. D. Dineen, the Eleventh street blacksmith, had one of the fingers of his left hand amputated and two others badly injured. The one member was completely severed, but the surgeons hope to save the others. Mrs. Gustu Tucker left Sunday even ing for her home at Baker City, Oregon. Her mother, Mrs. Carl Schubert and little daughter Marguerite accompanied her. Mrs. Schubert goes for the benefit of her health, and her many friends in this city will be pleased to see her return home restored to perfect health. Joseph H. Morgan, a gradnatc of the law department of the University of Nebraska, has decided to locate in Col umbus for the practice of law. Mr. Morgan had several points in view hut decided that there was a good tield in this county, and located here, where he has offices in the Stirc-s building. Friday night the western and north ern part of the county was visited by a heavy rain, measuring 1.50 inches in some localities. At Oconee the cloud seemed to "rain out," as east of there not enough moisture fell to lay the duet. Between Monroe and Genoa, and still farther west the rainfall was heavy, and enough fell in the northwestern part of the county to raise the Looking Glass creek so that it overllowed the railroad east of Genoa. Ten per cent reduction on garden hose, if bought before we move. Expect to move July 5th. A. Dussdl A; Sob. 8 ROOM HOUSE Good barn and five acres of lnad, 12 blocks from Post office. PRICE $3,500 Elliott - Speice Post Office Block Dr. W. S. Evaus, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block. Dr. Chas. II. Campliell, oculist and nurist, 1215 Olive street. We will close all day July 4. Kray Mercantile Co. Dr. W. R. Neiiinarker, office with Dr C. D. Evans, west side of Park. Will Browner, who has been at St. Marv's hospital for some time with a case of blood poisoning. lie on the streets and. is is again able to on the road to recovery. E. . Hector leftjast Thursday for a visit to tho .scenes of his boyhood in Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. It hns lieen twenty years since his last visit to that locality. Mrs. Vallier anil two children, who have been guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Vallier. left last week for a sojourn at St. Louifl before returning to their home at Dead wood, S. D.. where the doctor is now located. K. E. Wiley or Los Angeles, Cal., but formerly a resident of western Platte county, was in the city Wednesday en route to Monroe to look after bis real estato interests. Mr. Wiley has been in Omaha for about two months and has been investing in city property there. John Prince, who went to Los Ange les, California, some time ago to locate, arrived in the city last week to look after some business matters. Mr. Prince is pleased with his new location, although he says there lire a few drawbacks, and intimates that he may conclude to re turn to Columbus. During the rnces last week four of the visitors imbibed to freely, resulting in a visit to the police court John Brown was up Wednesday nnd he was assessed T 1 anil cots. On Thursday there were three Al Saven and Tom McDonald each drawing $1 and cost, and Joe Doe com ing in for 31 nnd costs. Wednesday evening of this week the following otlicers of Lebanon Lodge, A. F. .v A. M. were installed, J. E. North acting us master of ceremonies: C. A. Linstruui, W. M.: P. B. Derrington, S. W.; D. J. Echols. .1. W ; J. R. Meagher, secretary; A. W. Clarke, treasurer; L. Q. Zinnecker, S. D.; II. L. Johnson, J. D.; L. W. Snow, tyler. It was with much surprise that the many friends of Charles M.Taylor of this city learned of his marriage at Excelsior Springs, Mo., last week. The bride is Miss Ida Ileesler, of Kansas City, Mo., and the ceremony was per formed last Wednesday evening at 8210 by Hev. Kennedy of the Baptist church of Excelsior Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor arrived in Columbus last Friday evening, and nre nt present living at the Clother hotel. Ten per cent reduction on garden hose, if bought before we move. Expect to move J uly oth. A. Dtisscll V Son. THE BEST is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEAVER t SON HARNESS AND COAL - Echols Co. Columbus, Neb. City Band Concert. Following is the program of the City Band conoert to be given at the park Friday evening, July 1. 1910: 1. .March-Old Faithful Abe Holznian 2. Ovfrture Sincerity Ceo. 1. llarnnnl 3. Cornet eolii (electel) Dr. A, I. Ijiini a Dance of the ISrownit Frrtl '. iturntt b Africnna Ka A Hunch of Violet" (', W. Hcnnet Selection The Merry Widow.. ..Kninz lhnr Waltz-Daughter of Live ....('. W, henuet March Hail to the Sirit of Liberty Hout-a America. ". 8. On The Diamond. Sinoe leaving Columbus our team was on the toboggan until the last two days. At Bed Cloud they lost both games to that team, and at Superior they lost two out of three, breaking even on the double header last Saturday. Monday they took the first game from Hastings, al though the new pitcher. Turner, did not show up as well as expected and Bovee was put in to relieve him. One of the Bed Cloud games was a shut out and at Superior Columbus was again shut out, but they returned the compliment in the second game of the double header, Columbus continued their winning streak Tuesday by defeating Hastings, Columbus, led by Dolan, doing some heavy stick work. Jarrot was in the box for Hastings Wednesday, today, they open at Kearney. A meeting of the directors was held Monday evening, and the resignation of Ed Fitz patrick, us treasurer, was accept ed and Waiter Luers selected in bis plnce. Mr. Fitzpatrick expects to leave the city, hence his resignation. Columbus will continno about the cir cuit until the afternoon of Jnly 4, when they return to this city for nn afternoon game with Kearney, after playing the morning game in that city. State League Standing. Won. jit. IVt. draml Maud 21 II .'UC Fremont -I in JAi HnwanI 31 17 .rill Huiwrior '-"" 13 -VJI ColuuiKurt H -I .Vil ItedCloutl 1.1 IS .111 iluntintra ! 21 .13- Kearney. 1.1 'JJ .Stl It is reported that several Polk county men, who attended the banquet Mon day evening, were compelled to finish their journey to this city on foot, their automobile catching Ore and burning up when they were one half mile north of the Bean school house. It seems that something went wrong with the machine and one of the occupants, in trying to discover what the trouble was, crawled nnder it and struck a match. The result was an explosion, which blew him from beneath the machine, and also threw his companions away from it. A second explosion followed, and then the tire which burned all the wood and intlama ble portions of the auto started. One who saw the wreck said that the numlier was 4177 and that all but a .small por tion of the stubs of the spokes remained in the hubs. Route No. 3. Miss Sena Bebrens is at the home of Adolph Kruudand. Miss Ma Lutjens, who has been in Columbus, returued home to remain. Miss Emma Messmerof Hallam, Neb., is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Neemeyer. Wm. Lange.jr.. is reported n very sick man, the disease being lung fever. A trained nurse is csnstantly in attendance. Annual school meetings were held Monday iu the various districts on the route. In district No. 77, besides the routine business J. W. Jansenwas re elected treasurer. In district No. , Henry Bakenhus, jr , was elected treas urer, and eight months school voted. In district No 12, Myron Bice was elected director and in district No. 71 W. F. Bhodeborst was elected director. Marriage Licenses. Henry F. Bambeler, Leigh 1'2 Eunice A. Holm, Platte Center 20 BertB.Swctt, Ericson 31 EllaM. Bodgers.Ericson 24 Wade A. Pruitt, Primrose .12 Lizzie M . Knight, Crest on LM! Route No. 4. Mis. Mayberger and Mrs. Norder were guestB of Humphrey relatives Sunday. Misa May Donogbue went to Wayne Monday ( where she will attend the normal. A Democratic Love Feast. With a neatly prearranged program, carried out without a hiteh, tho demo cratic county convention Monday was a veritable love feast. Chairman Byrnes called the conven tion to order, and without any prelimi nary it proceeded to get down to busi ness by electing C. M. Oruenther, chair man. Mr. Gruenther thanked the con vention for the honor, saying that it was the first time he had ever had the pleas ure of presiding over a public gathering and appreciated the honor. W. E. Stern berg of Humphrey was then selected secretary, and on motion a credential committee, consisting of Frank Kiernan, E. A. Harms. II . Schacher, Fred Pratt and Herman Luedtke were appointed. During the time the credentials com mittee was busy with their deliberations, Senator W. V. Allen of Madison was called on for a Bhort talk. His talk was along the line of harmony, and he said that the democrats of Nebraska should not be divided by local issue iu the fall campaign. At tuc close or ma talk the credentials committee reported, and the chairman started to read the list, when a motion was made to dispense with this provided there were no con tests. Chair man Kiernan of the committee assured the convention that there were no con tests and the action prevailed. At this juncture Edgar Howard made and put the motion that tho temporary organiza tion be made pennancnt.whioh prevailed. But the next order of business result ed in the smashing of a precedent, when chairmnn Oruenther stated that the appointment of a resolution committee was next in order. After this announce ment there was an ominous qniet, but none of the unterritied responded, and the convention of 11)10 goes down in his tory as the only democratic convention held without adopting a string of resolu tions. It was a neat piece of side step ping, which the occasion required. Tho order of business was then chan ged and a central committee selected, as follows; Columbus. First ward, Fred Plath, Second ward. Mark Burke, Third ward. G. B. Speice, Fourth ward. C W. Phillips. Columbus township, J. F. Belford. Hismark, Otto Heiden, Sherman, Carl Luedtke, Creston, Her man Luedtke, Shell Greek, H. D. Glaus- sen, Grand Prairie, D. L. Bruen, Hum phrey, Ferdinand Fuchs, Butler, E. J. Ernst, Loup. Sam Imhoff, Lost Creek, E. P. Clother. Burrows, Barney Sliva, Granville, Fred Pratt, Monroe, O. L. Crawford, Joiiet. Edmund Miles, St. Bernard, H. Schacher, Woodville, Fran k Kiernan, Walker, Ed Peterson, Oconee, Frank Heck with, Oconee-Monroe, Chas Kelky. After central committee was selected a motion was made to select the chair man and secretary of the committee. Frank Kiernan of Woodville, in order to expedite matters, nominated John Bat term tin for chairman and Jerry Carrig for secretary. It was his intention to have both men voted for at the same time, but the convention concluded they had plenty of time, each office was taken up separately. A committeeof one from each township was selected to name the state delegation, nnd while they were do ing this Governor Shallenberger, Mayor Dahlman, Congressman Hitchcock and Willis Heed addressed the convention. Before adjournment the committee presented the following list of delegates for the state convention at Grand Is land: G. A. Schroeder, August Itoettch cr, J. C. Byrnes, S. J. Bynn, I. L. Al bert, Edgar Howard, E. J. Ernst, G. W. Phillips. Henry Soliacher.CliasSchueth, Jerry Carrig, C. J. Carrig, F. J . Pratt, O. M. Gruenther, Frank Kiernan, D. A. Becher, Otto Heiden. The Races. Wednesday und Thursday of last week completed the race meet in this city, and these two days the going was the best. Wednesday the 2:14 trot was one of the most exciting harness races ever witnes sed on this track, no horse winning more than one heat, the race finally being awarded to Check Hook. On Thursday, the 2.01) pace, was the feature of the day, the horses finishing in a bunch, so that it was difficult for the judges to decide which was the win ner. This race was won by Major Ganz. Another feature of the closing day was the gnideleea race between Denver Dick and Harry Johnson, which was won by Harry Johnson. Owing to t he early date the attendance at the meet was not us large as it would have been otherwise, but those who at tended were fortunate in witnessing some of the best racing ever pulled off on the Colnmbus track. The string of horses here this year was the best ever gotten together in the middle west, com ing from as far west as Ls Angeles Oal. Many of the?e, including Pensia Maid, were on their way to the grand circuit. On Thursday Pensia Maid, the largest winner in the Grand Circuit last year, was exhibited before the graud stand, but was not entered in any of ihe races This year, as usual, special trains were run on the branches nut of this city, but owing to the busy timeof the year, were not as well patronized as formerl) . But for the persistent boosting of the man agement, the races would not have met with the success they did, and those in charge can feel gratified over the result . Red Oxide Leavy'a barn and roof paint at FARMERS The best poison in the world for GOPHERS, FIELD MICE and other pests is Starr's Poison Sold under a positive guarantee PRICE, 75c POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on the Corner Columbus, Nebraska On Jnly 10 there will lie a civil ser vice examination in this city for the position of clerk in the post office. Ladies and gentlemen are both eligible to the position, which for the present will be substitute clerk. Miss May lieed. who in appointed to a regular position, taking effect July 1, was the former substitute clerk Paul Gertsch of west of Platte Center was in the city this week, and in speak ing of the weather conditions he said that his neighborhood enjoyed a good rain last Sunday morning. He said the shower was less than three miles in width, but that territory was well soaked and the effect on the growing crops was to materially improve them. Wednesday morning the sixteen year old son of Herman Johannes of Grand Prairie township met with an accident that may prove fatal. He was work ing for Allien TeBseudorf. west of Platte (-'enter, and was on a hay rack. In get ting down from the rack he threw the fork off before he started, and when he went to slide off the rack it tipped, throwing him off aud on to the fork handle, which entered his body several inches. He was rushed to Platte Cen ter und brought to this city on the noon truin. and taken to the hospital for medical attention. Some time ago chief of police Scback issued a warning to auto speeders, and during the races, when there was more danger on account of the crowds, men were stationed to take the number of the cars or the oiieuuers. Local auloists reduced their speed to comply with the law, but some of the visitors did not deem this necessary. One machine from Belgrade was apprehended, and he was not taken at the time, on a promise to call in poliee court and liquidate being made. This, however, he failed to do and returned home without squaring himself. But the authorities have the number of his machine, and soon a war rant will be iaued and he will be brought to this city for trial. The maximum penalty for the first offense is 325. but this has not been the rule when the offenders appeared promptly, but in this case the Nance county man may not get off as easy as if the promise bad been kept. Two other numbers were also taken and the owners have been identi fied through the assistance of the secre tary of state, nml they will also be sum moned to appear. The two latter are said to lie nsidents of Boone county. Kunning nt a high rate of speed on such occasions us the rnces is dangerous, and these few examples will no doubt have a tendency to discourage it. Methodist Episcopal Church. The service Sunday morning will be on "The Salt of the Earth." Special music by the choir. Sunday school at 12 iu. In the evening at K at the tent there will be a big patriotio evangelistic service. Special music for the occasion. All come. D. I. Bouhh, Pastor. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits ou the market. Prices in men's from 91.50 to $4.50. Prices in boys from fiOc, 75c, 81 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splenuid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 50c to 82 50 a garment. Buy early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S