The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 15, 1910, Image 7

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Lions and Other Animals Shot in
Large Numbers.
jjggs What makes uoozer naw
such a vacant look?
Jaggs I guess he's full.
Naturalists Collected Hundreds
Specimens for the Smithsonian
Institution Kermit Photog
rapher of the Party.
fyty&m (ffir
Theodore Roosevelt's hunting trip in
Africa, officially known as the Smith
sonian African expedition, lasted near
ly eleven months and was most suc
cessful In every way. The colonel's
desire to hunt big game was not all
that was back of the trip, for the
Smithsonian Institution wanted speci
mens of the fauna and flora of the
tv . - Dark Continent and commissioned the
-For sixteen long years I have been esjdent to ol)tain them. For luls
ufferlng witn a uaa case 01 sum uis
ease. While a child there broke out a
red sore on the legs just In back of
my knees. It waxed from bad to worse,
and at last I saw I had a bad skin
disease. I tried many widely known
doctors In different cities but to no
tatisfactory result. The plague both
ered me moro in warm weather than
In winter and being on my leg joints
reason, a part of the expenses were
borne by the Institution, but Mr.
t Roosevelt paid all the expenses of
'. himself and his son Kermit, presuma
' bly earning much of thpin by his arti-
cles In a magazine for which he re
ceived a record-breaking price.
1 Not wasting much time after leav
ing the White House. Colonel Roose
velt sailed from New York on the
expedition in a most able manner.
Taking train to Kapltil plains, thej
party became the guests of Sir Alfred
Pease on his ranch. An immense
caravan of 260 persons was organized
and on April 25 Colonel Roosevelt
had his first African hunt. On this
occasion he bagged two wildebeests
and a Thompson's gazelle. April 30
was a notable day in the camp on the
i Athi, for on that day the first lions
fell victims to the marksmanship or
the Roosevelts. Theodore 6hot two
and Kermit one. and there was great
rejoicing among the natives who maae
up the caravan. After that the big
game came fast and cheetahs, giraffes,
rhinoceroses and more lions were
added to the list. In all 14 varieties of
animals being secured. Meanwhile
Kermit was busy with his cameras
and the naturalists prepared the spe
cimens. George McMillan, an American, was
the next host of the hunters, and sev
eral weeks were spent on his fine Ju
Ja ranch and In the surrounding coun- jxtv,& tubers are peeled with less
try. There the game was very plentl-1 Iabor or waste.
ri.i nnri mnnv finp sneclmens were i
bagged. Members of the party made More poi,its are lost because of
several extensive trips of exploration. vennjn tuan any oilier cause,
uotably on and around Mount Kenia. j
The expedition left East Africa De-j u .r jist ca?v to grt,ak kimny
ccmber 13. crossed Uganda and went ; e lf swear at hini
down the White Nile, getting back to
comparative civilisation at Gondokoro. j .. both earJy ,ate
There they went aboard a steamer n humJW
nut nt rneir tiisnosai y itr enuM
Keep the lamb from the cold winds.
Hay from now on will undoubtedly
be a paying crop.
All garden seed should be
ougbly tested before planting.
Where alfalfa can be fed to hogs
less corn is required for fitting.
Hoarding money is not wise econ-
J omy. but judicious spending is.
Means Weak Kidneys. CTf MvHTMlf""'
k m a mi run
Overcrowding poultry is a mistake.
. r a .11 .
it maae it impossime lor me w .. , Flcamsn, naiuburg. headed for Na
and I was lorcca to stay muoor:, m u.e .. Kermit and
warmest wentuer. My nopes oi recov
If you have a good stand of plants,
mulch them in early winter with
What one creamery patron thinks is
clean and wholesome, another could
not countenance.
Well kidneys filter the blood of uric
acid and other impurities. When the
kidneys are sick, waste matter accu
mulates and backache, headache and
urinary troubles re
Bult. To eliminate
the aches and pains
you must cure me
kidneys. Doan's
Kidney Tills cure
sick kidneys, and
euro them perma
nently. J. N. Markham.
Montesano. Wash.,
says: "Kidney trou
ble came on me grad-
uallv and before long I was suffering
A windmir may be used to pump j from dropsy. My body bloated and
-.... u ic nnrimthtPrilv the most i my flesh was soft and flabby. I tired
economical source of power. j easily and suffered severely from pain ,
; In my back. Doan's Kidney Pills cured
Old horses with bad teeth snoum ne mo ana i am iwuuj m iua.u .....
fed on ground oats and bran. Medl- ; health."
cines are of little use ia such cases. i Remember the name Doan s.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
The growing of asparagus, celery box.
and falsify Is as easily accomplished !
as that of the more common veg3ta- '
Fostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
A Cynical Synonym.
Poor Mvra Kelley." said a maga-
zlne editor at the Authors' club in
' New York, "was almost as distressed
A oung horse should not he nl as Mr parROf.5e at the spirit of graft
lowed to wn?te his energy during the ' j 4.0041,.55 rampant among us.
early part of a journey. oung horses ..Tlu, vounR writer, at a dinner of
Umn Tiif.iT-licta "Mninr
pry were by this time spent Sleepless , . ,. .. " j V i,,n t nrinir. and I Hritish. cave considerable offense to .
niuhtft nnd restless davs made life an Educate the
" - ..... 1
break them. Severe mts oueo rum
mil li-iiirnoved to Khartum, wnure , ,. r . ",,. Vw ... ....... 1 niKKaz:n'j ciiiiuu!ui:, .-' i" -
Mrt Rooselt met her husband, and To avoid extreme is a TOlc,Mr : worshiped ealth-that was our trou-
accompanied him in a leisurely trip to , lwcd by many of the best llxc stota Si:j.,,.a. of iron ls one of the least ble. Then she crystallized her mean
Cairo During his stay in Egypt Col- j breeders. j t'speiislvo worm destroyers fo.- sli-ep inp Jn an anecdote,
nnel Roosevelt was the recipient of' , . ou can give, or give your laiub pow- j She said that one man asked an-
honors and made several' " -'-" f""- - " uereu,Raiiiaia or ;u.i uuu joiner:
One of them, in which he anu goon xariuuia t" "if""'-- "- 'f "-nat pnsuion uocs iaui. uum
ftUA .niiii.ihnitr'''
Mearns. Ed- praised the administration of the j bank on luck.
voting horse.
tmhonrnlilft burden. At last I was
advised to try the Cu'icura remedies '
Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Pills I
and I did not need more than a trial
to rnnrinrn me that I was on the road
of success this time. I bought two I
kcLs of the Cu'Jcura Remedies and I
after these were gone I was a differ
ent man entirely. I am now the hap
piest man that there is at least one
true oare for skin diseases. Leonard
A. Hawtof. 11 Nostrand Ave.. Rrook
lyn. N. Y July 30 and Aug. 8, '09."
"Mr. Nippen srlways wants the most
copsfhle for b's money."
"Vi'S. Ho invariably slerts a cloudy
day to co to a baseball game in the ;
hope of seeing several Innings and
tlin setting a rain check."
Maae His Reputation.
Harko:- That fellow Uilkius Is an
enthusiast, in't he?
I"arker That's what! You
he likes to sneak of himself
Harker Yes.
Parker Well, the only thing he
tver did in that line was to go on
wild goose chase three years ago.
A Cnlld's View.
Scarlet fever was in the house next
door and a little girl of tight had lis
tened to the recital of what was han
perlng. A caller came and the child .
attempted to entertain the stranger
until her mother came into the draw
ing room.
She told about the trouble next
door, but in the telling "broke in" and
"broke out" got tangled iu her child
brain. "Johnny's cot scarlet fever, because
zs face is all red and his chest ia '
broken la!" she announced.
I m T'MrSSSrT?ySJ"r lj i-sy'..'Ul
miiA&wmm mm-mwmm
L.' iWTT - i . Z. K VT " .- . - V - -.-' - - Vd. lkZ -. T-M 1''.B?J 1 1 H atBIK-
1 X2R3&.'Zl:?aK .-?S9KMS9?xJ!aftBHl
Wmm. SOnSEfBBlBBBBkBHB-mft . k -. I ll MM i v '. : V . 1',,1SBV V1HBBBmAlBV Sfe d
H Msf ssssWi"sf rTsTF i T L. " ?X - f - Tiwl m tWTTlTTj- - TJTm' -a. STo yV VsyjCHBVsBBBBsWm. I
i nrc9maVHEBBBBiBBBBTsBrnfsxT3 ?Ar2swmKmxQimmr. jHfUimrivi v i
agRisssssisgEgwftrv -jaaigsaBE .m asLfiamM. fj
rsisivJslisBBBlKaB. f -fc "SiaBiE-rffrac Mm !HbWbwsISRL'X
iBBUBCBSBBBB4iiSBJC3avifKIJBrBjn4iE T irrti ifWisn - Jn&iStr-' ?JK 7
mimzF-i?rF?ixjmMMr TwaB,47:r-sBsiBr.tai-' i
TJM '1HIMIV i to. Ifc" - -m-- r Ml KJWB v.M- V tKKr- TZMTAm
vujpqBBBjiaiBrTacBnsjBs, -- ijnvf VaVV mb w . ggsjsww
ry i -r ar-iirt- iwiJtfnrJ'l0TrlirTaSir ir M ... " JZWJA'sr riLrm
&mG5s&.im"xm&3&a3r,4M zmsr K7i
msnwrjmmm izaFZ';rs-imr-..m. ssr isisb - v--oij -
WKMmmvAjUi--iaKm:. tf-A
?-Sl?7aaSSKSlsWBr:-i..i wSbT ml
f A-ji.',' i i i r i
S3P kSSsSA oil ii i isi Fwir nil -A ,mK
' rnA nmc- tiifA o Inrvo nn;ttir
, .where alfalfa is used and then mow "'A very
1)011 1 at Intervals, where the pigs do not the reply.
honorable position was
1 the disposition of hordes.
eat it off, and make it Into hay.
Is he wealthy?'
Wealth and honor.' said the other.
rrora terecrapfc. copyright. rT Cn2-wxv Jt UnrrwooiLS T
The per cent, of fat in the milk
separated has a marked effect on the
' per cent, of fat In the cream.
Alfalfa pasture during the summer
j and alfalfa hay in winter tolves the
' question of cheap pork production.
A hog Is a cleanly animal, if allowed
to be to. no matter wuat people sa.
Try it and sea. Give them a clean
pen. i
Two cows may look very much
alike and yet the thoughtful observer.
or dairyman will know that in minds
they differ widely.
Two horses of a team may very
closely resemble each other In out
ward appearance, and yet be quite uu-
' like in their dispositions.
rr tx. mill- nnri 1,ttor lin.r!- fhn
' Jerseys. Ayrshires and Guernseys seem
to be of a class by themselves, and all
i good in their place and purpose.
Neglect Is the cause of many fail
ures. This Is especially true in gar
dening. And it is generally the neg
lect jf little things that cause the trou
ble. Asparagus is relished by all because
It appears on the scene when every-
one is just hungry for something green
! that w ill take the place of the regular
winter ration.
The best method of planting aspara
cus roots is that of opening wide and
! deep trenches with a plow, into which
never pays to patronize either , 'are synonymous terms in America to-
seedsmen or nurserymen who sell at j
verv low prices. Low prices are near-
! ly always evidence of poor stock.
Casey at the Bat.
This famous poem is contained in tho
Coca Cola Baseball Record Uook for
1010. together with records, schedules
for both leagues and other valuable
baseball information compiled by au
thorities. This interesting Look sent
by the Coca Cola Co.. of Atlanta. Ga.,
on receipt of 2c Etamp for postage.
Al?o copy of their booklet "The Truth
About Coca Cola" which tells all about
this delicious beverage and why It Is
Libbs CooteJ
Corned Beef
Therms a marked distinction
between Likby, Cm Conei
Beef and even the best that's
sold in bulk.
Evenly and mildly cured and
scientifically cooked in Liiky't
Great White KkcLea, all the nat
ural flavot of the fresh, prime
beef is retained. It is pure,
wholesome, delicious, and it is
ready to serve at meal time.
Saves work and worry in
Other Ijbby" Healthful"
Meal-Time-Hints, all ready to
serve, are:
Peerless Dried Beef
VieiM Susage, Veal Uaf
Evaporate Milk
Baked Bean, CkewOsw
" Purity goes hand in hand
with the Libby Brand."
Insist on Libbi at your
is ample space.
Animals have memory, they remem
ber where they get food and drink,
where they were comfortable, where
they were injured and where fright
ened. The rows for the short, early varlc
ti r KucPt mm npnil not be more
.... ... ---fc. -w... .- . ... .
.i.on ia t innh.c nnnrt Kfeht io . fo nure. wholosomo anrt retresumg.
ten Inches between "plants in the row AwJ h?.lilrf"n,S:
I lieves fatigue and quenches the thirst.
I At soda fountains and carbonated Iu
Any section where potatoes are bottles 5c everywhere.
largely grown ought to have a co j
operative organization among the riis Pull.
g-owers. not only for marketing their I "Does that ere thin stoop-shoul-
crop, hut in the purchase of seed. ; ""'. aysiwre-miji ... -
you bought so much from today sell
I any better or cheaper goods than the
i fat one ye turned down so hard yester-
i day?" inquired Hi Spry.
"IV know as he does," confessed the
C.i,ii rMMinnl l-wrrlimit "but his
vegetation with a moderate tempera- v jo prImlnal rapacty of the
lure- ; trusts are a whole lot sounder."
" . , ! Puck.
Cold frames should be used moro
extensively by all classes of garden- i Jimrnys Definition,
ers. They are tho means of forward- j "What is geography?" asked the
ing crops at a slight expense and get- : father, who was testing his son's prog
ting on the market early when prlccj 1Css in study,
are the best, "Geography." replied little Jimmy
j Jiggs. "is what you put inside your
A dry summer, if the farmer pre- t rotifers when you think you are going
nares for it. usuallv means a bieqer . to set a whipping." Sunday Magazine
BgRVJ'lJpM'tfACsfs I
LLfcy, McNeiD
& Libby
J stowed In the hold was most of
A Motor Boat.
Anybody mat nues can imie ,....,. nl,,nt for killing or photo-
;or boat of bis own. Just make a Ui n ,,,, JnR tne anImals of Knst Africa
piece of wood, or a calling card mo ;m(1 fQr pn.servin the s,)ecimens des
the shape of a loat and put a notch in inpd m thQ Sinilhsou,an Inslution.
the stt-ni. l'ut a piece of common cam . Kormlt . w ,he
phor gum into the notch fo that It j hot0grapher of the expedition,
reaches below the bottom ol the boat , fao a,so Qut t b(J conslder.
men put the boat into a pan of clean . abIo
water. It will move steadily forward i
s the camphor dissolves. The water I A great throng of fronds and ad
...,..,.. ,.... .hnra l mirers bade the colonel farewell, and
iiMiQT in n, rirci inau m imv.
must be no grease of any kind on the
well composted manure should be
dumped in generous quantities.
The natural conditions most favor
able to the formation of humus are
an excess of moisture with a lack of
aeration, and an abundant growth of
j and feed for his stock are concerned.
inside of the pan or on your iingeri
or the experiment may be spoiled.
Harvard College.
This celebrated institootion is pleas
antly situated in the barroom of Par
ker. in School street, and has poopila
from all over the country. I had a let
ter ves'd'y. by the way. from our
mootual son. Artemus. Jr.. who is at Breot him with flowers and cheers
lUiwdoin college, in Maine. He writes Hoarding the German steamship Ad-'
uie that he is a uowaom Aran. c ks , mJral for jiomhasa. Mr. Roosevelt
cum to this? Is this bey as l nuruirea . . . . . auantlty of tlow-
he sailed away, but could not entirely
separate himself from the world, for
practically all the way across the At
lantic wireless communication with
the Hamburg was maintained. More
over, at the Azores, and again at
Gibraltar, be found the officials and
people insisted on doing him honor,
and when he reached Naples on April
r. th ontire nomilacc turned out to
their I the native Nationalists. At the end of ,
' 1. .....I. .1... 11..n..r.I1l.. ....Sl.wl ft-ilvr I rw t.. .. '... a.., l.i ntlilflTn.
.W.ULU uc numctuia a.invu iui i..j. i iuk cry is iu tut vfu. wc uimuiv-
ln a preliminary report to the I tnan," and the best place to begin Is
Smithsonian Institution Mr. Roosevelt ' right at home, by eliminating all need
summarized the material results of , 0f a "go-between" where the farmer
the expedition as follows:
"On the trip Mr. Heller has pre
pared 1.020 specimens of mammals. separator when run at three-quar-the
majority of large size: Mr. Loring tcr3 0f the regular speed may de
has prepared o.lCJ. and Doctor Mearns jjVer cream testing as much as ten
714 a total of 4.S9T mammals. Of ( J)er cent. less in fat than when the
birds. Doctor Mearns has prepared same machine is run at the regular
nearly o.lOO. Mr. Loring SD9. and Mr. , S1,ced.
Heller about fifty a total of about'
crop of corn than a wet one. but if he
doesn't prepare for It and the aver
age farmer is not likely to it may
mean a very short crop.
Hard-boiled eggs make the best
food for the first day for tho newly
hatched chicken. Then give them tha
prepared chick feed that can be pur
chased at any feed store. This may
seem a little expensive to some, out u
of l.os Angeles Times.
An Economist.
"Do you mean to tell me you enjoy
belnu fat?"
Ye?5." answered the philosophic citi
zen. "I g-t more transportation for
my money when I buy a railway
You will not g't io heaven any
quicker by provoking your neighbors
to wishing you were there.
The farmer of the future Is golns
to be an educated man; hence all this
howling and crying about tho poor
quality of butter made from hand sep
arator cream is not going to change
his views so lorg as thrc Is really
j nothing against it.
4.000 birds. j At any rate do not forget the shado j
"Of reptiles and batrachlans. Messrs. i for tne pjKS an,i Whcn jou are setting Silage as a feed Is most suPnhi" for
Mearns. I.orlng and Heller collected jt piJt jn at least a few hardy appte i-attle and sin ep on account of their
about 2.000. ' trees just outside of the fence and sei j great capacity for handling larg- quan-
"Of fishes, about 500 were collected. ' jf tney -jji not surprise you a few i lities of coarse, bulky feed, but It may
Doctor Mearns collected marine fishes v,.ars hence i h" f"i to advantage In limited quan-
near Mombasa, and fresh water fishes
arthquake ruins, and there,
Victor Emmanuel's request. Mr. Roose
with a parent's care into his child
hood's hour Is he goin' to be a grate
American humorist? Alars. I fear it Is
too troo. Why didn't I bind him out
to the Patent "'ravelin Vegetable Pil
Man. as was strucK wun ui appeal- . R ,t visUed ;he ,taIian
. i .. tm I' - 4 V t
tuv .-it our jasi couuiy mil. oc juicu
.;!. ,!... n.t lift n Pillfst?
uuu io "" """ ". "", ."".Vmberto.
Ar. tliese Doys iney nine h" "o
ih.. nid folks worrit about 'em From '
Lite's Iteiirint From ArtemusWard.
elsewhere in British East Africa, and i c cnlcks should tie watered every
he and Cuninghamo collected fishes day and plenty of grit and charcoal
in the White Nile. ,,' ni-nrs at their command. Shade
i "This makes, in al. of vertebrates: ' aRfl Fhelter should be provided to pro-
ers and a letter from Emperor William " Lm "l": 4.. i " tnem Irom suuuen "oriUb auu
wUliln!' htm "uooil hiinilm:. At .Mi's- Uiptii.'s :iiid iiatracluuns (ui-iut z."i iuc u""uo
inn n stnn was made to view the
tities to hursts and swine as a varia
tion in their feed and thus increase
1 .ilih aud appetite.
FiskvM (about)...
at King Total
... m
On Properly Selected Food. It
Big Dividends.
If parents will Rive just a little In- J
telligent thought to the feeding ol
their children the difference In the
health of the little folks will pay.
many times over, for the small trouble
A mother writes saying: "Our chil
dren axe all so much better and
stronger than they ever were before
we made a change in the character of
the food. We have quit using pota
toes three times a day with coffee
and so much meaL
"Now we give the little folks some
fruit, either fresh stewed, or canned
pome Grape-Nuts with cream, occa
sionally some soft belled eggs, and
some Postura for breakfast and sup
per. Then for dinner they have some
meat and vegetables.
"It would be hard to realize the
! monarch on board the battleship Rex
The party arrived at Mom
basa April 21 and was received by
Acting Governor Jackson, who had
been instructed by the Dritish govern
ment to do all in his power o turther
the plans of the expedition. Unusual
privileges were granted the hunters.
and Mr. Roosevelt and Kermit were
licensed to kill lions.
At Mombasa the party was joined
by R. J. Cuninghame. a veteran Afri
can hunter and explorer, and Leslie J.
Tarleton. and these two managed the
Kissing the Bride.
At a certain church it is the pleasing
custom at. a marriage for the clergy
man to kiss the bride after the cere
monv. A young lady who was about
to be married In the church did not
relish the prospect, and Instructed her
prospective husband when making ar
rangements to tell the clergyman that
she'd id not wish him to kiss her. The
bridegroom did as directed.
"Well. George." said the young lady
TL-hPn he appeared, "did you tell the
' clergyman that 1 did not wish him to
.! f Va nliiMrnn ttin. Yini70 I
grown so sturdy and strong, and we .. ' ..
attribute this change to the food ele j "' ' t . he say?"
ments that, I understand, exist i: . , . t 5 tnat case nG would
Grape-Nuts and Postum.
"A short time ago my baby was
teething and had a great of stom
ach and bowel trouble. Nothine
seemed to agree with him until I tried
Grape-Nuts softened and mixed witL
rich milk, and he improved rapidly and
fot sturdy and well."
Read "The Road to Wellvllle," found
in pkgs. "There's a reason."
Ewr rwifl the nbov letter A
ae nnpenra from time to time. The?
m craalae, tre, mui fall t huui
charge only half the usual fee."
Stopped the Wheels of Justice. .
Somebody scattered snuff In the
night court or New York one evening
recently. A line of policemen sneezed
one after another as if they were an
swering to their names. "If 1 find out
who scattered this sneeze powder."
said the magistrate. "I'll send him to
the workhouse for atchoo! 30 days."
Open windows finally cleared the air
. "The Invertebrates were collected
chiefly by Doctor Mearns, with some j
assistance from Messrs. Cuninghame
and Kermit RoosevelL
"A few marine shells were collected
near Mombasa, and land and fresh
water shells throughout the regions
visited, as well as crabs, beetles, milll
peds. and other invertebrates.
"Anthropological materials were
gathered by Doctor Mearns, with some
assistance from others: a collection
was contributed by Major Ross, an
American in the government service
at Nairobi."
Growing Nasturtiums.
Of nasturtiums there are dwarf and
climbing varieties, to suit all situa
tions, with flowers practically alike.
Any ordinary well-drained soil will
support them perfectly, even though
it is decidedly thin. In fact, they !
blossom better In such earth than in
very rich, for in the latter they run '
to leaf and are apt to rot off in wet j
weather, in their own dense shade.
especially if at all crowded.
Sow as early as the ground Is
ready. Tho dwarf or Tom Thumb di
vision will be in bloom in two
months, insects will leave them alone
aphids colonize unpleasantly on the
climbers sometimes and they will
still be blossoming when frost comes
if picked freely. This is true of
most annuals, in fact liberal picking
induces generous flowering, for they
go on. industriously bent on producing
seed, until allowed to do so. Grace
Tabor, in Woman's Home Companion.
For Any Disease or Injury to
the eve. ue PI-TIT ITS KYK SALVE, ab
solutely lnrmle-s, afts quickly. 2."c. All
druggist or Howard liros., Ituffulo, N. .
If a man would be himrelf he must
cease to think of himself.
$6.4v3.50,3f 2.50& 2
Miffiooa el men wear
W L.Dov2lMhoeab.
cigM ther are. th low
t price, quality eo
idem!. " w?'!d
Msd upon honer.of the
beU leather bf the
akilifl workmen.
ia all the iatctt f athtoaa.
W. L. Douflaa $5.00
ad $4.00 ahoea equal
Curtoro Bench Work
totting $6.00 to $8.00.
Bays-Shoes. S3.f2.50S. $2
W I. DouclM trmnrtr ttilr fame r.y ttomWna
M nam -iii.l tnre nn the bottom. I.''" .' "
Take X u-Ulnt-. tatiaT tuM
aak. your (Irnler fr W. I. Ponirl ii-. lime
fnriKuftionr townwritelorMaHOnieMVrtnl" .!
Itiu hnw to uf tr ly mail. Sliw onli-tr,! (lire, i turn
torj (Jetird free, wxaxiuglma. UrtM.-iiiuii. Bin
t'hoioc quality; rets and ruann,
iiit faof 'f ntvii l-uut n
onlers. Teu of Tli"unU ti
(.elect from. S.tisfiiftin Snar.
nntcetl. OrreMMintlerce Invitid.
t,,!!, ami be for Younelf.
National lave Stock Com. Co.
At cither
KaaaasCily.Mo. Sl.Josepb.Me. S.Oaa.HrK
mV-- TIBS.
. M mw -mr ws-TW W Pn slM.4 jWp.i
DAISY rLI K1U-EJV aw .n.-
IttU All Srsaow
313 .of ii.. ,
lt I Of orl .!
n-txxl.itm!'"'' "
th)H4.' .
Irwllji, V !
Mr. Vln1ow Soothtne; Syrnp.
roretlu.n iivir.ui. .ilt.-tiHW).-;uiuvrriStjr!n
b.ii:uiauonuilU) ..n.ctitf.niiiliirc. S:.Uiua
Divorce is now .- easy It's a won-
Solid Shtvuif Comfort
tier there are anv married people left. ' W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 24-.91D-
Aids Nature
Aa the World Advances.
The luxury of yesterday is the com
mon commodity of today and the
J necessity of tomorrow.
Co::onsMl meal as a fer'HIrer Is
m'ver useil alone, but always mixed
v.ith other substances. It is rich In
nitrogen, but contains loss than three
The first warm day that comes the . .or cent, of phosphoric acid and less
bugs and worms that have been hlber- j than one per ct-nt. of potash, conse
natins through the winter in the bark, j om-iitly would i.ot be a balanced fer
scales and cracks about the fruit tre-.s . tilr.-r u?d aIon. Cottonseed meal is
will creep out to absorb a little sun- really a fertilizer ingrtdit-nt.
Heht. Rtabt then is the very time to
plve them a pood douche with a n-' Whenever you have any spar hours
liable spraying solution. J haul -oiie pood sharp sand up to your
j buildings, and the next time you are
Tho tnmli the calf and the colt. I in town briuc out a few sacks of ce-
which seem to lie unawakened when . n.eiit. Then itiaho some fence post I
Jirst dropped. haviuK parted with their j molds and on rainy days get busy ma
uterine life, but have not taken up am ; king cement posts. In that way you
Independent existence outside, ueeu can make them at a cost below that
tho cold wind and low temperature ol .of ui-oden potts that v.on't last more
the outer air to act upon the nerves ia I than from six to ten years, while prop
th' skin and carry back to the heart i crly made reinforced cement posts
and central organs a shock which will : will last a lifetime or two.
set them going. j
There has never been a stronger de-
Flax Is a profitable crop to grow . mund lor heavy horses than there is
on timothy sod. However, the grower ' today. Our cities are growing and the
must be sure that there Is no flax wilt ' larger they becom? the more big
disease in the soil. Prepare the ground horses they need. The city demand Is
with as much care for flax as wouli be ; l.y no means the only demand that
required for corn. Sow sixteen to exists for hip horses. Farmers are de
twenty quarts of seed per acre. Flax j tuaiiuii.p largt,- horses, because they
seed should be treated with a similar J are using bigger machinery. Fourteen
solution of formalin to destroy wiit j aud slxtten-inch plows, large dras,
germs on the same. Corn also make3 I wide disks and seed drills are being in
a god crop on timothy sod, especially stalled everywhere, and to pull this
jvhere it has been pastured and top- modern machinery big horses are re
dressed wib stable manures. quired.
The great success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak
lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based oa
the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden
Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with bodybuild
ing, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con
densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature
supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest
food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering
obstinate coughs. The "Discovery" re-establishes th
digestive and nutritive organs in sound bechb, purifies
Md nrirhn (he hlnod. arid nourishes th OCrVeS 1
short establishes sound vigorous health.
ii your dealer otters momcthlmi ' M ''
If is probably better FOR HIM It pays better,
Bmt you arc tbiaklni of the care mot tho profit,
Caere's nothlai "last as &ood tor you. Say so.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med-
setae Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-dte
Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing
Wj. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
flHr '
mmYmmXaaaaaaaaamW- '
Honey Cakes.
Boll together one pound of honey
and one-quarter of a pound of butter.
Take from the fire and let It stand
about twenty minutes. Then stir in a
teaspoontul of ground cloves, the
grated peel of a lemon, and a quar
ter of a pound of chopped almonds;
lastly, stir in one pound of flour sifted
with a quarter of an ounce of baking
powder. Stand this mixture over
uigbt in a cool place In the morning
roll ball an inch thick and bake
Liver Loaf.
Chop three large onions fine, soak
some bread and crackers together, or
all bread, two eggs, two pounds of
beef liver, ground, and one pound of
salt pork, ground; salt, pepper, and a
little cayenne pepper. Mix all to
gether, and If too soft- pat In some
flour. Don't make too stiff or too soft
Take a deep bread tin and grease it
well with lard and a little flour on
sides and bottom; put in the meat and
put a little flour on top. Bakt about
two hours.
Consisting o
Psxckaje Checks of
$25" to $150
According to Merit.
Oae Lady's Watcb
0ns Geitlenaii's
One Lady's Dia
mond Ring
For Answering this
Ami to S4tvt! the
jrtiiuinr. hucii iua..,
tweet toned
Segerstron Pian .
and to uilviTti-e ur
I-'actorr-to-IIutur I .s
of Kei.ln? I'lui '. rt
the luM-l prow - g
plino Blaimf.n uH ar
l-iisine68 in (he Ct-ittrd
KI'.S. TDEAT.'-oui.tu.uir
lur hrr tvu h ley
TOD LITTLh till., -
3!nrlltJirir.iitHr.- : "
felly Kitliinrnnz-"-t -U
n thi or a biar:.:e
het of
TRY AT ONCE. Vrnir ts Jnt as COO na aey oa else'su Enclose slf o!Irf5er4r
ejTeIop to uant aznin-t an-wr Wln utlpltrwtl.
is the turning-point to economy
in wear and tear of wagons. Try h
a box. Every dealer, everywhere '