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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1910)
l POINTS ON WINDOW D3APERY Persona! Supervision of Housekeeper Necsssnry 'f the Est Results Are to Be Obtained. The better the curtaln3 the better the case. All window curtains require the personal supervision of the house keeper at this season of the year, whether they be of lace or merely some plain sheer material. In the eyes of the artistic home dec orator, those of plain surface are more to be desired, ami certain it is ' that they need just as careful laun dering as lace. The first thought In taking down of sheer curtains is that little brass rod. which will tear the hem unless the housewife's own hands remove them from their position. They are now soake.I In cold water and then wrung out and put Into a second clean bath of clear cold water to take out the collection of soot and dust that was scarcely noticed while the curtains hung Now lukewarm soapy water, baths, for the constantly changing waters take the place of the wash board Curtains should be persistent ly soured up and down in their sev eral waters, squeezed rather than rubbed. Rinsing In clear cold water Is again In order, and drying In bright sunlight Is a necessity. After the sheer stuffs have been well dampened and tightly rolled over night they are ironed on a very large flat Ironing table, with all possible thought for the grain of the goods. The ordinary laundress will rarely take the trouble to renovate curKlns wilh any degree of feeling for their material or for their future smooth ness of outline. ft Is altogether possible to so straighten the damp material, while beneath the iron, that it will hang In long straight folds instead of puffed ridges. Curtains are folded or rolled. Lace curtains need a long roll on which to rest thera over summer. Less expen sive plain materials are folded and placed In a drawer or rehung. and in variably they should be pressed into long narrow folds and then lapped once aoross their length. CNG SAIL ITII the passing of the mailing vessel from the sea has gone the tea's romance. Romance cannot live without its villains. Boarding mas ters, bucko mates, bul lying captains these were the villains of sea romance, and they are gone, or going, with the sail ing craft they lived in. Chief among them in their itera tions was the boarding master of sail ortown. Though he never went to sea. he was the heavy villain in every plot that delivered the unlucky sailor, or the unluckier landsman, into the hands of captains and mates. Mostly they were sneaking, brutal, cunning camps. these boarding masters, own ers of low dives along the water front, which they misnamed sailors boarding houses. They hung In tho wake of incoming ships, made friends with the easiest marks among the crews ami baited or bullied them Into their dens. There poor Jack Tar was kept and entertained with bad whisky and worse women until his money was gone. Then he was shipped aboard some vessel, after signJug away one or more months' unearned wages in payment for an imaginary board bill and a "donkey's breakfast." sea fclang for a straw bedtick. "Blood money" and "dead horse." the sailora called this robbery. The captains al ways paid it. taking the sailor's "ad- ance note, which was certain Chocolate Vanilla Layer Cake. Heat to a cream one-h-lf cupful but ter and a cup of sugar. When this is light beat in. a little at a time, one half cupful milk and a teapoouful vanilla Boat the whites of six eggs to a stiff froth. SiTl together a teaspoonful baking powder and two scant cupfuls pastry Hour that has been sifted twice. Stir the fiour and whites of eggs alternate ly into the mixture Have three deep cake pans well buttcied and spread two-thirds of the batter in two of them. Into the remaining batter stir one ounce chocolate, melted, and spread in the third plate. Bake in a moderate oven for about twenty-five minutes. Put one of the white layers on a large dinner plate and spread wilh white icing. Put the dark cake on this and spread with icing. On this put the third cake and spread with cither white or chocolate icing. r ' t' i I I H IJi il I ! ill la ' M ' I i M laa I 1 M iT ITt '- aaTf " Bf'"M n zzzm&gsmzqEg!BaEsmfBg&& nrwrTmw a sMMa3aMaaaiaaaar'55?aMaSBv" .z. kiS9mmmBfCSarMnUSfnffT)f Im WfMrnriITH17rllun" S3BS5&Sa5mr a witness" and was dumb. After th gSPjSgjSflfjyiM?-"? "advance note" and a preposterous . K-zS3ffJJgs?Si slop chest charge bad been deducted y-ajHggSgft!J from his wages, they handed him Jp55igP53 -SX the bl"n?. Pitiful little pile of . - aSx'r -5 small silver, and told him to get out. yS &fiUGrJZ " 'l wa3 asainst the law. of course, but "S ; l-' r!aZ' ,:tf ''""t know that. V'-Sir l 1 j'lJJjjTp?L Hp ,vas set adrlfL almost without Yy - ' I IS''tSmm'" l-&lf money, in a land of strangers. A U -'" -vl 'mt hostile land. too. for the gendarmes S V ll f-' yg'' ,n front ot t,ie O'Tico eycd nira with J" tBSv v ' 1 disfavor. He was desperately lone- ""- -.'Bfcfr " I t Sl 'S ly' and ftIt :Iie sr,'n "' circumstance keen upon him. As fKf l'VPrsi . Jll- -Jt- wad.jn-d about tho strange streets ho discovered. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. to . - --y c- x " tsR84BBs("2BflBBBBBBvKaais) Chocolate Cream. Mis five tablespoonfuls of corn Rtarch, one-half cupful of sugar and ' one-fourth of he paid out of the debtor's "hide" or his wages. Boarding masters of this clas-s weie petty ras cals. They dealt in men at retail. The brothers John and Peter Sherman, of Irvington. on the Pa cific coatt. were of another type. They dealt in men wholesale, shipped entire crews. Their hoarding houses were licensed by the govern ment. Captains bargained with them onenlv. a teaspoonful of salt I Tbe shiHPiR commissioner of the port winked Dilute with one-third or a cupful of nu UIL,r ways, a crowd of thugs, run cold milk, add to two cupfuls of scald-1 ner? and hanses-n served them and thrived by ed milk and cook over hot water ten I lue,r iaor- ine? were men ot substance and i ..j .-.. minutes, stirring constantlv until mix- """-" ur comrouea as part or tnelr business ev- slonlv nm. n.i tr-v saioon. ance nau : I CtrnCitl? ltirl Haul fi11nt li.. t.n ...t.K.. T- . v.v.v. uuvi Atiin. .iittva uuuui mi; wuurvus. K. ppcr ttire thickens. Melt slowly one and one-half squares of unsweetened cho colate, add three tablespoonfuls of boiling water and stir until smooth; then add to cooked mixture. Remove and resort in the crooked from range, add the whites of ihree ""'K011'3 sallortown. Irvington drew a deadline about the waterfront and seldom ventured over It outside of business i hours. Jack and Pete Sherman were khurs of oggs beaten until stiff and one tea- spoonful of vanilla. Turn into imii- Every autumn saw a big fleet of "wind Jam mers" ships of 2.000 to 3.000 tons register Ivine vldnnl molds first dipped In cold I " Irvington. The wheat of the new northwest water, chill, remove from molds, gar- i was ,n c'1" holds, consigned to ports In Europe nish with halves of blanched almonds or Indla- b-v waJ' of the siv-months' journey and serve with thin cream in pretty ! ronl the Horn. The wheat Heet. Irvington Individual dishes. Woman's Home ' ca,ie" t. and when the wheat fleet came, upper Companion Irvington stirred itself, fcailortown roused to vicious life and the sailortown kings reaped a i hardest of blood money. No captain shipped a crew from Irvington un til he had done business with the kings and paid their price. Captain Brown, of the bark Carmar thaensl.ire. learned that to his cost. He put into Irvington for a cargo at a time when ships were ! plenty and men hard to get. He was uncon- cerncd, for his men had been shipped in England A Sewing Rug. Kor those who must sew, but who have no sewing room, there in a plan by which the sewer can save the time hiuI labor that she formerly spent In tidying up the room after she has fin ished each night. Buy five yaids of denim and cut It nto two pieces. Join these together and would not be discharged until the home port ao as to lorm a square, and hem the i was reached. Captains of deep-'.aden vessels ly raw edges. jng in the stream eyed the Carmarthenshire's Lay this square on the floor and set ! crew enviously. Jack Sherman quietly sent a the machine on It. j man or two aboard the "Hmejulccr" to "visit and 4 All threads, scraps and raveling i smuggle in forbidden whisky. By twos and can be dropped on this, and when the threes Captain Brown's crew left him and were hidden about sailortown. The Irvington police were asked to bring them back, but however hard they looked for deserters they didn't find any. Then one dark night the rest of the crew van ished over the side, to the last man. after knock- I i i. i .t- .r r : i-i Chop fine cold boiled spinach, sea-' "' M'e M""IH "ut Ul Y,T -7 V, aim, son with salt, pepper and a suspicion the nlate ,u to the maln1 fiferaiK ,,d hxe(orc th,e of nutmeg and mold in small cupsi astonished captain could recover breath enough Turn out when formed onto lettuce to ro:ir1 for af Jack an? Pete Sherman had his leaves and garnish with hard boiled I """" 'i " - - - '., -, "" eggs sliced or the yolks rubbed through a ricer. Strips of Spanish red peppers may be used for a garnish if sewer has finished for the day the machine can be covered and rolled off the denim and the denim can be gath ered up and shaken Spinach Salad. proierred. Serve with mayonnaise or a French dressing. Potatoes au Gratin. Slice one quart of cold boiled pota toes. Put layer of potatoes in a ba king dish, season with salt and pepper ttnd grated cheese. Make a sauce of one pint of milk and one tablespoonful of flour. When this reaches the boiling point or be comes thick pour over the potatoes and bake for half an hour. Oil Paintings. To clean an oil painting, rub a fresh ly cut slice of potato dampened In cold water over the picture The lather should be wiped off with a soft, damp sponge and then the picture should be washed with lukewarm wa ter, dried and polished with a piece oi soft silk that h3$ been washed. awav. ext day tne captain was waiteu on oy I the kings, who blandly offered to find him a new I crew at $30 the man. He roared again to the British consul, to his shipping agents, to the po lice, who were sympathetic but helpless. Nobody could be found to even hint that the kings had any hand in the affair and the shipping commis sioner's records were clear. He had shipped no deserters that he knew of. But Captain Brown swore that If he couldn't get back his men, or get the dogs of justice to even bark at the kings, he at least would pay them no blood money for a new crew. So he went to another port and brought a new crew to Irvington by steamer. His bark was hauled out Into the stream and her crew kept close in her forecastle. That night she was boarded by masked men, who swept her new crew over the bows into the stream. Gossip had it that some of them were drowned. Captain Brown gave up and paid the Shencan boys $75 instead of ?30 each for a crew, and put to sea " a hurry "Tbcv'ie M"iiu swine, but they"X3 nags of sailortown," he said. The name of Sherman was never coupled openly with the fatnry of that night raid, but the kings shipped all the crews from Ir vington afterward. No ship went to fca short-handed. However blind the shipping commissioner might be in other ways, he saw to !t that the shipping laws were obeyed as to the number of men required for types and tonnage of ships. A man might never have seen the sea. but if he were not too drunk to say he was an able seaman and to sign his name to the ship's articles, that settled it. He would probably be an able seaman or a dead greenhorn before his ship reached port This official insistence on the letter of the law sometimes caused the kings to do strange things. Toward the end of the season they were at times hard pushed for one or two men to fill out a crew. Then did all men In sailortown not in the kings' special favor hunt cover and stay hid un til the List ship was out of sight beyond the oar. For Jack and Pete wore no respecters of persons. All men looked alike to them, and they sent to sea more than one who held himself too acute to be trapped into an unwilling voyage. Well-educated, well-dressed and companionable, the kings mixed with the best and worst that drifted into their realms, and once in their clutches no man escaped from thera except by the open sea. Jimmy Hunter, Yale man and cowpurcher. went down to the waterfront alone ono day. against the advice of the upper town, to tee tho sights. He was wise to the world and had a year's thirst and pay with him. He met the kings, who were glad to see him. Just one more man was needeti for the square-rigger flood Hope, then lying in the stream waiting for a crew, with her captain. Black, swearing at Jack and Pete for delaying him. The kings attended to Hunter's thirst and were friendly, even confidential. No secret was made of their trade. They told him stories of shanghaied sallormen and of crews they had stolen from one ship for another. He was much interested. Jack took him up to the ship ping commissioner's to see the crew of the Good Hope shipped. He was even asked to and did tlgn his name once or twice "as a witness." A friend from the upper town risked a broken head to warn him. But the Sherman boys were also friends at least three hours old and, anyhow, he could take care of himself. At last he caught Pete in an attempt to drug his whisky and left the kings, with a laughing comment on sailortown ways. Well outside the deadline he stopped In a quiet saloon. It was late and be and the lonesome bartender had a nightcap together. When he came alive next morning he was at sea in the Good Hope and a beefy English mate was kicking him in the ribs. Of the months that followed Hunter never told much. He learned sailors' work; he had to. He picked up a scar or two from the English mate's brass knuckles. Also he acquired a deep desire to kill the kings of sailortown. Captain Black and the mate. At last he found himself In the consul's office at Dunkirk. France, dressed in the clothes he had on when he met the Sherman boys. For a won der, they had sent them aboard with him. He was in United States territory again, and. first off. he would square yards with Captain Black. But the consular agent was a Frenchman who would neither speak English nor understand Hunter's French unless he wanted to. Captain Black lolled in an office chair and grinned while Hunter told his troubles. When he had finished, without a word of comment the consular agent spread out two papers, the ship's articles and an "advance note." "Ees thees votre nom?" he asked It was He remembered his signing "aa a witness and was dumb. After th "advance note" and a preposterous slop chest charge bad been deducted from his wages, they handed him the balance, a pitiful little pile of small silver, and told him to get out. It was against the law. of course, but he didn't know that. Hp was set adrift, almost without money, in a land of strangers. A hostile land. too. for the gendarmes in front of the office eyed him with disfavor. He was desperately lone ly, and felt the grip f circumstance keen upon him. As he wad.Tid about the strange streets he discovered, j-ewed in the lining of his coat, an envelope, until then unnoticed. Its content., were Tour oue-huudred-dollar bills and this note: i i t, . Irvington. Oct. IT. Mr. .'amis Hunter. Sir: Ilore'3 your We kopt vnur x;un. It would only make trouble for you. Wo 'ro not thieves, onlv iMuniln? ma-stors. You would kcI ilrunU am! we needed ""'". . '' .: vour money till you Rot ashore. You will neoI it all. for Black la cert.iln to turn you adrift deaU broke. Quit boozJnc and ! a man. lours truly. , , , PETKtt SHERMAN. Tho friendly faces of Uncle Sam's greenbacks gave him courage. He made plans and acted on them then and there. Meeting that English mate In the street, he gave him a most artistic beat ing, paid a fine, and took the next boat for Lon don town. Incidentally, he forgot all about his de sire to travel six or seven thousand miles and kill the sailortown kings What srasra of virtue caused thera to give hira back his money ho never knew. They were not noted for doing such things. That the kings so continually escaped punish ment was small wonder. The men Injured never had a chance to tell their stories until they were ashore In some foreign land. Consuls In foreign ports could not libel ships or detain captains on their unsupported word. The ships' papers were always straight, a. rate on the face of them. The most that could be dono was to report the case ami there it ended. The Sherman boys on the other side of the earth never heard even an echo of It. The witnesses against them were scat tered over the seven seas and prosecution could not touch them News Notes of Interest From Varl ous Parts of State. Governor Shallenberger delivered the address to the Alliance High school graduating class. Miss Morton of Arbor Lodge,, Olive count-, sister of the late J. Sterling Morton, is again quite ill. with little chance for recovery. By an overwhelming majority, Nor folk voted $12,000 paving bonds and will immediately pave seven blocks of Norfolk avenue, in the business portion. Rev. Dr. Cook of Franklin died a few days ago. He had been ailing for some time, but was only seriously ill for three days before his death, and his condition was not considered dan gerous until almost the very hist. A telegram was received In Fair- bury, announcing that E. Pulcher, a Rock Island brakeman, running be tween Phillipsburg and Belleville, Kas., was killed in Agra, Kas., yards. The proposition to vote $70,000 bonds for a waterworks and electric light system for Beatrice carried by a vote of 721 for and 233 against. The bonds carried In every ward ex cept the Third. William Canham of David City is working on an aeroplane which he be lieves to be superior to any yet in vented. The machine is well along to wards completion and presents a most businesslike appearance. State Veterinarian Juckines re ported that he had killed some 1,400 bead of cattle in the last eight months in an effort to stamp out tu berculosis. The work is to continue as long as the money lasts, corporate limits. When Fremont officers searched J. W. Martin at the county jail, they found $5,000 in bills carefully sewed into the lining of his trousers legs. Martin is the horsetrader who it is alleged passed a worthless check for $500 at the Commercial National bank, and subsequently was caught at Arlington. The Wiedman wild west show was billed for Tekamah on Memorial day, for an afternoon and evening enter tainment at the ball park, but the Grand Arm' of the Republic post ob jected to the giving of the perform ance on Memorial day. The perform ance was therefore given outside the Walter Gould, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Gould, of York, met with a serious accident. He started to light the gasoline stove and some of the gasoline splashed on his pants, and when he lit the fluid in the generator the flame caught his pants leg and burned him In a fright ful manner from the hips down. Following is tne mortgage record of Gage county for the month of May: Number of farm mortgages filed. 17; amount $05,970. Number of farm mortgages released. 17; amount, $4S.- I 213. Number of city mortgages filed. 29; amount. $20,233. Number of city mortgages released. 21; amount $21,103. Omaha is given a population of 157.959 by the 1910 city directory, showing a gain of 9,155 over the esti- mate contained in the directory for j 1909. in which the population was placed at 14S.S0 1. The new directory credits South Omaha with 33.15C. giv- AFTER SUFFERING ONE YEAR Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham'sVegetableCompound Milwaukee, Wis. "Lydia E. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound ha3 made me a weu woman, and I would like to tell the whole world of it I suffered fromfemaletroublo and fearful pains in my back. I had the best doctors and they all decided that I had a tumor in addition to bt female trouble, ana advised an opera tion. Lvdia E. finHnama vegetable Compound made me a well woman and I have no mora backache. I hope I can help others by telling them what Lydia E. finkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me," Mrs. EauiAlaisE, 833rirstSt Milwaukee, Wis. The above is only one of the thou sands of grateful letters which are constantly beinjr received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which prove beyond a doubt that Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, actually does cure these obstinate dis eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf ering woman owes it to herself to at leasfgive Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. Pinlcllam, of Itjiui, Mass Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has fruided thousands to health and hot advice is free. . l i1" GOOD AND WARM. Wwt I First Office Boy I hear your boat made it hot for you yesterday. Second Office Boy Yes; he flre4 me. BABY'S SCALP CRUSTED Ing the two Omahas a combined popu lation of 191.115. arrested and brought to Nebraska City to answer to tho charge of I using dynamite in the Litttle Nemaha , river near that place for the purpose I of killing the fish in that stream. , which he gathered up and sold. 1 15-year-old niece and they registered , as man and wife, at one of the hotels. The man is 27 years of age. They TI.o United States district attorney and his staff did their best to keep the Shermans within the let ter, at least, of the shipping laws, but they had hard sledding. In one case the kings were indicted Charlie Marsdcn. the star witness for the prosecu tion, was locked up In jail for safekeeping. Charlie Marsdon disappeared. The jailer told a story of masked men. guns and general confusion, but could Identify no one as having taken part in the jail i were arrested and jailed, delhery. With the witness gone, prosecution halt- I Jacob Link of Buffalo county has ed. Long afterward Charlie Marsden came back ' appealed to the supreme court from and told a moving tale. He bad been bound, . the decision of the lower court that gagged and carried aboard a s,hip just as she 1 i,P ,,ay Anna Kast $2,000 damages for sailed. When released at sea. he was told that j assaulting her. Trouble arose over he hail been regularly shipped and was led a sorry somu catt!(. tIiat had wandered from life aboard. In foreign ports he appealed In vain I the Kast farnK The man met the to consuls, who showed him his name forged, of ' course on the ship's articles and laughed at him. When he finally worked his way back to Irvington his story awakened interest and new prosecutions wcro begun. The Sherman boys had well-paid lawyers who dragged out the cases with adjourn ments and legal tangles. Irvington was too busy to be lOig excited over the wrongs of a few sail ors. Prosecution faltered and paltered along its 'in this fund, and $211,017 in the per usual dismal way, and what at last brought the ' manent school fund. The general niIurtown kings up with a round turn was the ; fund is needed to pay current ex united public oplrion of Irvisgton directed against j pem-es which will probably be in ex theui. j ceis of the receipts during the sum Irvington suddenly waked up to find Itself a blot i mer months. The permanent schoo l young woman on the road and struck her. It is claimed that a blow on the head has permanently injured I her. She sued for $5,000. State Treasurer Brain's report for ( the month of May shows $135.5V7 in the general fund, an unusual amount on the map. Unexplained dead men are no good advertisement for any town; neithpr are mysteri ous disappearances of strangers within its gates to be desired, if their friends make a fuss about them. Captains who refused to be held up for oxtrava gant blood money, and to play villain at small profit, avoided the port. Business was falling off. Upper Irvington was hit where it lived and the Sherman boys wire notified to quit. The kings of sailortown have abdicated. Steam vessels mako oyagcs so bhort that "advance notes" arc no longer prizes. Seamen's unions have given a measure of protection even to deep- water sailors, who seem to have fewer rights and more hardships than most men. Tho bullying cap tain, the bucko mate and the boarding master have all been singed by the feeble and tardy fire of United States maritime law. The railroads had their share in the revolution. But what raally caused the Sheiman boys to become private citi zens was the wrath of upper Irvington. When It was hit in Its pocket and its self-esteem that up tet the kingdom of the sailortown tyrants. ON HER DIGNITY. "I should like a drink of water." said the young man. politely. "You'll have to wait until mother comes down stairs." said the young lady, haughtily. "I want you to understand that I never go into the kitchen." This Pilgrim Knew the Sex Spinach With Crackers. Boil half peck of spinach until ten der, drain and chop fine; have eight crackers soaked in milk, two onions; fry In a tablesponful of butter a few minutes, but do not brown; add crack--ers and spinach, pepper, salt; let sim mer over a alow fire ten minutes; if too thick adtl milk or water. Snow an if Water. Kight cubic feet of snow equal cubic foot of water. Somewhat Roughly Disturbed Trou badour's Dream, but His Remarks Were Charged with Wisdom. I am searching for the woman who win love me long and true." sang the troubalnr. who strummed upon his harp. -She must bare a face that's pretty and an eye of azure hue and her tongue must sot be whetted 'til it's sharp; all her words must come as music to my quickly beating: heart and she must be simple in her tastes and ways; she must love me long and ten and must never yearn to part If upon some other maid I chance to gaze." Just as be was singing fur ther, came a pilgrim old and bent, with a yard or two of beard and staff of oak. "What. I bear you loudly ask ing," said the pilgrim to the trout , 'sounds to me Just like an overwhelm ing joke. You're not looking for a woman, from the way you speak your heart, you are looking for that which you don't surmise; go and jump Into the river, get your system out of whack and when you have Joined the angels in the skies, look for her whose tongue Is silent, she whose tastes are extra plain, wbo into a Jealous fit will never burst; then just wed her. but remember If you'd capture such a dame you will have to look for her In heaven flrsL" Very High. "Mrs. Mudge says that when her daughter is married 8be is going on a wedding tour." "Good gracious! They told me she was marrying in high life, but I didn't think it was so high as all that. In No Danger. Wife Will your disarmament meet ing finish late? Husband Yes, about midnight, I ex pect. But don't be nervous. I cbail have my reiolver. Boa Vivas. , fund will be neeeded to pay for bond which the state has contracted for ? an investment. Tho plans and specifications f the new postofiice building at I'laU mouth have arrived. The sealed prt poaIs for the work have to be a Washington not later than June 2f- The plans call for a yellow pressei brick building tr'iumed with whit stone, dimensions 50 by SH feet, th structun' to be erected at the cor ner of Fifth and Vine streets. The estimated cost is $-lt;,000. At a meeting of the business moi of Pierce it was decided to celebrat the Fourth in an appropriate man ner. Committees were appointed. People In the town of Ingham, : station west of Holdrege on the Bur lington railroad, have asktd the ra'i way commission to require the Bur lington to build a depot and main tain an agent at that station. From Napoace complaint has been received by the commission that the Burling ton maintains inadequate stock yards t in that it has only two pens and i when three or more stork dealers come to load they have to herd their live stock on the prairie. Dawson county voted again on the proposition of voting court house bonds lost by 170 votes and there are four small precincts not in. This was the third election on the bonds. The Falrbury public schools have closed for the summer vacation. Quite ' a number of the teachers have re- I signed their positions and it will bo necessary for the board of education to hire new ones. Henry F. Hole, president of the board of education, awarded two prizes to the members of the class of 1910 for excellent Scholarship. "Our little daughter, when three months old, began to break out on the head and we had the best doctors to treat her. but they did not do her any good. They said she had eczema. Her scalp was a solid scale all over. The burning and Itching was so severe that she could not rest, day or night. We bad about given up ell hopes when wo read of the Cuticura Remedies. We at once got a cake of Cuticura Soap, a box of Cuticura Ointment and one bot tle of Cuticura Resolvent, and fol lowed directions carefully. After the first dose of the Cuticura Resolvent, we used the Cuticura Soap freely and applied the Cuticura Ointment. Thea she began to Improve rapidly and in two weeks the scale came off her head and new hair began to grow. In a very short time she wa3 well. She la now sixteen years of age and a pic tute of health. We used the Cuti cura Remedies about five weeks, reg ularly, and then we could not tell she had been affected by the disease. We use-i no other treatments after we found out what the Cuticura Remedies would do for her. J. Fish and Ella M. Fish, Alt. Vernon, Ky., Oct, 12, 1909." Not Exactly What She Meant. She We've bin very busy at the mothers' meetln' gettin' ready for the sale of work. He Oh! I 'opes It will be a success. She Yes, I think so; ycr see the vicar Is goln' to take most of our clothes off of us. Tatler. . SrCCESS FOR SEVENTY YEARS TM of JVi ,KVtr l-erry lton). An-Uab!- rrmrdj lordiarrhra. Ojm ntrr and till boa) eumplaiutk. CttbMK-nuinu. 21c. 3: and ioc Many a man fails to make good be cause he spends most of his time try ing to prove that luck Is ngaiust hlm. Mr. TVInsloTr's SootMnc Syrup. Forchlldn n t--i!iintr. tlu nslti.-uni. miucOTtn flu mm tUuu.allij!;i wild couc 'uitwu.. A precious thing is all the more precious to us If it has been won by work or economy. Ruskln. rn'mrrrrm llUKIM Gmr Sticky Sweating Palms a!cr taking salts or cathartic waters did you ever notice that weary all gone feeling- the palms of your hands sweat and rotten tasui in your mouth Cathartics only move bvsweatingvourboweli Do a lot of hurt Try a CASCA RET and bee how mucn easier tht ' job is done haw much betier joa fecL CARCARKTS toe a fcox for a week's treatment nil J:iit3ists. Wrjjcst am Ike worU. MiUma boxc a taoata. A IX r s