The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 25, 1910, Image 8

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    V LjAr.'gTZJUJCV-'alJaKJ-j
We carry the late styles and up-to-date
designs in Furniture.
If you are going to iur
nish a home, or just add a
piece to what you already
have, look over our com
plete line.
Need a Kitchen Cabinet?
See the "Springfield.'
21-21-23 West 11th St.
The Doxey Trial.
The Doxey trial, which is not only of
interest to Columbus people, but bids
fair to rival the Hyde trial, jast closed,
began in St. Louis Monday. The fol
lowing is a synopsis of the proceedings
at the beginning, given by the dispatch
es in the daily press:
Mrs. Dora Elizabeth Dovey.who with
her husband. Dr. Loren B. Doxey, is
under indictment on the charge of mur
dering William J. Erder, whom it is al
leged she married, was placed on trial
here today. The defense asked a sever
ance of the trials and the state elected
to try the woman first
It is charged that while she was the
wife of Erder, and also that of Doxey,
she poisoned Erder with arsenic. It de
veloped at the corner's inquest that
Erder ate heartily of a blackberry pie
shortly before his fatal illness.
Erder died in convulsions July 10,
1908. and shortly after it is charged that
Mrs. Doxey sent Erder's furniture to the
home of Doxey in Columbus, Neb., and
collected Erder's life insurance.
Mrs. Doxey. in an interview last week,
admitted she married Erder while she
was the wife of Doxey. She said she
was not responsible for her acts, ua ehe
was under the influence of morphine
which her husband sent her.
Since she has been in jail here she has
been cured of the drug habit. The cor
oner's jury returned a verdict that Doxey
hud a "guilty knowledge" of Erivr's
death. Last December the grind jury
returned indict inents.
The defense will claim that Erder took
patent medicine. Mrs. Doxey hue an
nounced she will not live with her hus
band again .
"I will do nothing out of ajate toward
Dr. Dovey," Mrs. Doxey aid. "but I ex
pect to protect myself, lie and I are
iuits forever, whatever is the outcome
of this case "
Mrs. Doxej's father, Jefferson Fuller,
of Joy, 111., and her sister, Mrs. D. M.
Morris of Evanston, 111 , took seats near
the prisoner. When the examination of
veniremen began, Mrs. Dotj' bit her
lips and clenched her hands.
The defense obtained, by the court
ruling, the names of the witnesses the
state had suppressed.
The defense tiled an application for a
change of venue from Judge McQuillan's
court. The case was sent to Judge
Grimm's division for immediate trial.
Will Soon Be Here.
Now comes the cheerful circus press
agent with his first aid to the children.
Th John Robinson shows inaugurated
their annual traveling season this year
with the most costly, gorgeous and ela
borate display ever seen under the enor
mous canvas.
The big shows have grown to such
magnitude as to necessitate enlargement
in every department. And this famous
amusement institution is proud of its
The menagerie alone is nearly double
l-s former capacity, for during the win
ter the old world has been scoured thor
oughly for wild animals and strange
beasts of every country, and now this
attractive and highly educational de
partment is complete in every particular.
The cages, vans, chariots and tableaux
cars are all new and especially attractive
in wonderotis architecture, conceded by
all show men to be unequaled by any
other firm, corporation, company or syn
dicate. It has taken many years and several
fortunes to place this department on
such a lavish magnitude, to tickle the
fancy and satisfy the mind of the grand
street display from which no revenue is
derived only the gratification to please
both young and old children remember
that what follows in the big canvas is
more meritorious. In the main tent
many new features will surprise and de
light the beholder.
There is certainly no traveling exhibi
tion in America, perhaps in the world,
which presents entertainment so varied,
60 attractive and so multitudinous as do
John Robinson's Ten Combined Great
Shows. Since the days of Noah a more
complete menagerie has never been seen.
Every act in the monster program is a
revelation to the people. The finest
specimens of horse flesh in the world
Columbus, Neb.
the highest aerialists in the circus pro
fession, all the champion riders, both
male and female. The finest specimens
of the cutest ponies in the world. The
grandest specialties ever produced. The
funniest clowns on earth are with the
John Robinson Shows.
The Big Shows will exhibit here on
June I.
Memorial Day.
All Comrades of the Grand Army of
the Republic and all soldiers and sailors,
Sous of Veterans, Veterans of the Span
ish American war and Confederate sold
iers are invited to join Baker Post No. !,
O. A. R. at 1:30 o'clock, Hay 30, 1910, at
their ball on Eleventh street.
The City Band and Fireman will form
on Thirteenth street, then march south
to Eleventh street, thence west to the
corner of Olive to the G. A. R. ball,
where the veterans of the G. A. R. will
fall in line under commander of J. R.
Meagher, marshal of the day.
The line of march will be taken on
Olive to Twelfth street, west on Twelfth
to Nebraska Avenue, north to Thirteen
th street, then east to the North opera
houee. The exercises will commence
promptly at 2 o'clock.
Calling assembly to order Com. K. O. Hector
Mnbir Coluuilma City ltpnt
Salute to the Deail.... Baker Pout No. 9 (. A. U
Prayer. Chaplain John 1C. Itrork
Keading of Kent-nil orders
W. A. McAllister, Adjutant
Addreti Hon. W. N. llentdey
Keritation -lOur Floral Oblation)
Nora Thomas, St. 1'rancie Academy
Song High School Choniri
Recitation Miss Kate Kectl
Kfmiirks in Ix-half of Spanish Amerlcau War
rterana August Wagner
Song ... Pupil of Misa Itorer'a rooni
Kecitatiou Mian Ruth Dietrich
Sun; (i rauimar School Chorna
Kemarktt in In-half of the Sons of Veterans
U.S. A Uev. DwlRhtl. Uoohii
Music Columbus City Hand
Itaiediction Kev. Dright I. Itonxh
At the cloa nf the program the line of march
"ill le taken up to the Columbus cemetery
whern the exercises uill be concluded according
to theU. A. K. ritual, ending with a saluta by
Sons of Veterans.
Following is a list of veterans interred in the
Coliuubas and Catholic cemeteries:
Adams, II. 1.. Arnold, K, W.
Archer. O. II. Allen, W. T.
Hreed. Alonzo Campbell, W. S.
Drake, tieorge Karly, J. W.
Kd wards, S. J. Ellis, Jacob
Fleming, Frank Frazier, James
IIenry,lU II. Hammond, John
Hunt, S. 11. Jones, Janitr
Kline. II. C. Koenig, M.
l.auon, J. N. Lawrence, 1 J.
1-ewis, W. II. Matthews. Fred
Maloy.Wui. Munlock.J.S,
Mclratfy, David McFarlaad, Joslah
Mclntire, It. It. McKinnie, T. W.
McQiiou ii, Wm. North. Frank
Nool, Wm, Schutte. Fred
Sturgeon. .1. 1.. Small, II. L.
Spoenr. H. T. Slattery, I.. I.
Stevenson, J. V. Schroeder. F, W,
Sannders, T. II. Tschndy, J. B.
Thomas, W. II. Thompson, W. II.
Turner. M. K. Woods, Henry
Wnittaker, A. J. Wise, John
White, Iu is Wilson, T. M.
Wells. K. O. (Confederate)
CaUrey, Bryan Devany, L.
Fitzpatrick. K. D. Kavanangh, E. C
Nolan, James Nolan, John
O'Connere. Thomas Sheeban, E. D.
Frank C. Turner
Thomas CarTrey Henry tikorapa
Heckling Humor.
A parliamentary candidate was hold
lug n meeting iu Auld Reekie at which
the heckler was much in evidence, and
the embarrassed candidate failed to
give a single answer which was judged
to be satisfactory by the audience. To
ward the end of the meeting an elector
rose and quietly asked. "Sir. would you
tell us what might be the name your
second Initial stands for?" The unfor
tunate candidate, greatly puzzled at
the purport of the question, asked In
what way the luformatiun could Inter
M the audience. "Iu this way." ex
plained the InterroiKitor "we should
he able to see If you could answer one
question!" Londou Tatler.
SIM monthly. Extra commUsion and office ex
penses, liepresentative must have sufficient
cash to carry stock to suddI? the demand front
ed by New Ijihs and other conditions. Send
references. Position permanent. Rapid ad
vancement to good man. Address Sturgis
Thayer, Sales Director, 400 National Bank Com
merce Building, Minneapolis, Minn.
The Ancient Story of the Mlloedy Han
of Ulster."
The emblem of the Ulster steamship
line Is a huge red hand, from tne
wrist of which is flowing drops of
blood. An official of one of the ves
sels of the line gave this explanation
of the queer device:
"It was In the early days of Ireland,
when James I. was king and when
Ireland was divided Into four prov
inces, that the king of Ulster died.
He had two sous, who were devoted
to each other and who at the time of
their father's death were on the Isle of
Aarou. Scotland. In those days the
eldest son did not always succeed the
father on the throne.
"They were brave lads, these two
sons of the old king, and upon learn
ing of the death of their father each
planned to race across the channel and
be the first to place his hand upon the
soli of Antrim and thus become king
of all the north.
"With eight men each they started
off from Mullcantry. On uearlng the
Bhores of the Isles the youngest prince,
whose name was Keill, seeing that bis
brother was in a fair way to become
king, drew his sword, placed his left
band on the side of the boat and cnt it
off at the wrist.
"Quickly seizing the dripping hand,
he threw It on shore and thus won the
crowu. Since that time, it Is told! the
bloody hand of Ulster has led to vie
tory on many a bard fought field as
emblem on the shields of the young
king and bis followers. Ulster's name,
whether In trade or war or sport or
on a steamship line. Is known by this
sign." Philadelphia North American.
Still, the Philosopher Didn't Like It
When Death Called.
A certain philosopher was In the
habit of saying whenever be heard
that an old friend had passed away:
Ab, well, death comes to us all! It Is
no new thing. It Is what we must ex
pect Pass me the butter, my dear.
Tes. death comes to all. and my
friend's time had come."
Now. Death overheard these philo
sophical remarks at different times,
and one day be showed himself to the
"I am Death." said be simply.
"Go a way!" said the man In a panic.
I am not ready for you."
"Yes. but It is one of your favorite
truisms that Death comes to all, and I
am but proving your words."
"Go away! You are dreadful!
"No more dreadful than I always
am. But why have you changed so?
You have never feared the death that
has come to your friends. I never
beard you sigh when I carried off your
old companions. You have always
said. 'It Is the way of all flesh.' Shall
I make an exception in favor of your
"Yes. for I am not ready."
"But 1 am. Your time has come. Do
not repine. Your friends will go on
buttering their toast. They will take
It ns philosophically as you have taken
every other death."
And the philosopher and Death de
parted on a long journey together.
Charles Battell Loomis.
About 8nezlng.
Hospital nurses when assisting at ft
delicate operation have their own way
of suppressing a cough or a sneeze.
The operator's attention must not be
distracted for a moment. Coughs and
sneezes, too, spread germs on surfaces
carefully rendered antiseptic. So ev
ery nurse soon learns to press her fin
ger hard on the upper lip Immediately
below the nose when she feels a cough
or a sneeze coming on. A pressure In
the neighborhood of the ear, too, or a
hard pressure on the roof of the mouth
will nip a cough In the bud. And the
will has great power to control a cough
or a sneeze.
There was a French surgeon who
used to say whenever be entered the
wards of the hospital, "The first pa
tient who coughs gets no food today."
This method was usually successful.
Chicago News.
What Came Up.
A young man wishing to have a bit
of fun at a farmer's expense passed a
few remarks about his cattle and his
garden and then said be had set soma
lettuce and cabbage which had not
grown up.
Then the farmer said:
"Oh, that's nothing! I set some car
rot seeds, and what do you think came
"Don't know." replied the young
Farmer Why, old Brown's donkey,
and ate the lot Newark Star.
The Turnip.
The turnip is supposed to be a native
of Asia and Europe. It has been culti
vated for centuries. The wild East
Indian turnip Is said to be remotely
kin to the edible turnip. It Is the size
of a walnut and first tasted Is sweet
ish, but In a moment the taster's
tongue feels as though it were pricked
by a hundred hot needles, and he feels
like expectorating for hours after. It
is the country boy's favorite medium
for a Joke on the visiting town boy.
Work and Worry.
"So you think worry kills more peo
ple than work?"
"I'm sure of It" replied the sarcastic
"Why 7'
"Because so many people find it
easier than work and devote their time
to it" Washington Star.
For who knows most, him loss of
time most grieres. Dante.
Taxing the Language.
Daughter Mamma, can't I have a
little money for shopping this morn
ing? Mrs. Malaprop No. dear; there's
the taxes to pay. and I expeccthe tax
ldermlst arouud any moment Boston
The Value of Art
De Frlend-What Is that picture In
tended to represent? De Artist
Board and lodging for six weeks,
Milwaukee Wisconsin.
Learning Is ever in the freshness of
Its youth, even for the oldV-Aeschylns.
fiZJke Ck.pCLOTIItS'
It is just simply out of
the question for a young
fellow to find such clothes
as those known as "Col
lege Chap" unless he comes
to us.
Theshoulders, the grace
ful waist, the delightful
lapels, all proclaim them
the clothes "de luxe" for
men who know cleverness
when they see it. Are you
one of these men? We
want to know you.
Columbus, Neb.
A Queer Phase of Hypnotism.
The li-ciinhjue of pbreno-magnetlsm
is this: When the subject Is In the hyp
ncUc sleep the operator, standing be
hind him. places the tips of his fingers
upon the subject's bead and waits.
Soon the subject will begin to act or
sing or sieak. Any one acquainted
with the phrenological system of local
ization will recognize at once that the
actions or words of the subject corre
spond to the "organ" on the head
which has been touched by the opera
tor. Thus if you touch conibativeness
the subject is very apt to square off
aud strike some one or speak of wai
or a drum. If you touch veneration
he is is very apt to lift his eyes ami
pray. I have beard a very eloquent
sermon thus inspired in a subject who
was gifted with a ready tongue. Touch
the organ of color and he will speak ot
beautiful colors. Touch tune aud hu
will sing or whistle. Touch caution
and his face will express vivid fear. I
remember that one subject startled me
by shouting "Look out!' and making
a leap that be could scarcely have
equaled In bis waking slate. When 1
touched the faculty of caution he
thought be saw a snake. Dr. forge
F. Laldlaw iu Metropolitan Magazine.
A Clash With Caged Pythons.
Carl Hagenbeck thus described nn
adventure with caged pythons: "My
son Helnrich bad no sooner opened the
door of the cage than the four reptiles.
as though by prearranged plan, flew at
him with wide opeu jaws. One of
them very nearly succeeded in coiling
Itself round him. but be defended him
self vigorously, aud 1 and a keeier
ran to his aid. but it was some min
utes before we succeeded in freeing
him. Then the largest of the four
fixed himself firmly with his tail on a
rafter at the top of the cage and made
savage bites at us. When we bad
thrown a sack over his bead we had to
secure further assistance to unloosen
his tail. No sooner had we with great
effort got it loose than the monster
twisted itself around Helurich's right
leg aud begnu to twine itself higher
up his body. It was a life and death
struggle that then ensued, but by ex
erting all our might we at last suc
ceeded iu tearing away the reptile and
forcing it into a sack."
Literary "Ghosts."
According to a writer in La iievue
of Paris, the rank and tile of novelists
in France draw ou an average $100 for
each book, and many of tbem are
thankful to get half that amount. On
the other band, those at the top of the
tree earn large incomes, aud houie of
them undertake more commissions
than they can fulfill. Recourse Is
then bad to literary "ghosts." of whom
there are plenty In Paris, willing to
furnish n passable imitation of any
writer's work. Popular novelists do
not always take the trouble to read
the books published under their
names. Some years ago a "ghost"
with a grievance against his employer
interpolated In the book ordered from
him two chapters of "Mine. Bovary."
altering nothing but the names of the
characters. The woman who signed
the book In order to clear herself from
the charge of plagiarism bad to con
fess that she bad farmed it out
When Women Rule the Wav.
"Captain. I have to reiort thst the
ship is sinking rapidly."
"I wish to goodness, Gertie, you
wouldn't bother me so often. How
ever, you may cut her stays, which
will probably relieve her, and have the
stewardess serve tea at once in the
pink room." Life.
Piatt's Response.
Thomas C Piatt was asked once
upon a time whom be considered the
greatest Republican politician of bis
day and generation.
T have often wished." was Piatt's
response, "that I had been Quay's of
fice boy for six mouths or more."
Pittsburg Dispatch
It Oav. Columbus the Idea Fer His
Veysge ef Discovery.
Mediaeval Europe knew but very lit
tle of eastern and northeastern Asia.
Many of the most learned cosmogra
phers of the Ume taught that Asia
stretched eastward Indefinitely, and no
one Imagined that It had an eastern
coast washed by the ocean. It was se
riously taught that eastern Asia was a
land of vast swamps, inhabited by
monster serpents and dragons. This
was the opinion that sUll prevailed up
to within 200 years of the time of Co
lumbus. At this time two Venetian merchants
of the name of Polo went on a vast
trading expedition to the uttermost
parts of Asia. They were goue mauy
years. Upon their return the son of
one of tbem, a young man named Mar
co Polo, wrote out a full account of
their travels, described the empire of
the grand khan (the Chinese emperor)
and revealed the fact that Asia was
bounded on the east by a vast ocean.
He described this eastern coast mi
nutely, with all its vast cities and its
wealth of precious stones and spices.
It was from reading this book that
the imagination of Columbus was fired,
and he conceived the bold idea of
reaching this eastern coast of Asia by
sailing toward the west around the
So when he discovered Cuba be bad
not a doubt that he bad landed upon
the coast of Asia and that he looked
upon the same scenes thut Marco Polo
bad gazed upon 200 years before.
In the Majority of Cases It Is Under
Eight FeL
The average term of an elephant's
life, although there Is no precise Infor
mation on the point Is seventy or
eighty years. The elephant Is not in
full vigor and strength till thirty-five.
The most ready way of forming an
approximate Idea of the age is by the
amount of turnover of the upper edge
of the ear. In young animals, some
times up to the age of eight or nine
years, the edge is quite straight It,
however, then begins to turn over, and
by the time the animal Is thirty the
edges lap over to the extent of an inch,
and between this age and sixty this
Increases to two inches or slightly
Extravagant Ideas are held as to
the height of an elephant Such a
thing as au elephant measuring ten
feet at the shoulder does not exist In
India or Burma. Sanderson, an ad
mitted authority on the subject, said
the largest mule be ever met with
measured nine feet ten inches and the
tallest female eight feet five inches.
The majority of elephants, however,
are below eight feet, and an animal
rarely reaches nine feet, the female
being slightly shorter than the male.
The carcass of an elephant seven feet
L four Inches tall weighed in portions
gave a total weight of 3.000 (rounds, so
an elephant weighing two tons should
be common enough. The skin was
about three-fourths of an inch thick.
Kind Words Mean Much.
Cultivate kindness of heart; think
well of your fellow men; look with
charity uponMhe shortcomings In their
lives. Do a good turn for them as op
portunity offers and, finally, don't for
get the kind word at the right time.
How much a word of kindness, en
couragement or appreciation means to
others sometimes and how little it
costs us to give It We do not need
to wait for some special occasion.
When calamity overtakes a friend
words of sympathy and encouragement
are offered sincerely enough, yet in
certain respects as a matter of course.
Such an occasion calls for expression
on our part, and we naturally respond.
But why wait for occasion? Why not
speak the kind word when there Is no
special occasion?
The Reman Senate.
The Roman senate had for many
centuries but 300 members, selected
from the patricians, or aristocrats.
The office of senator was for life.
The body was practically supreme in
matters of legislation and administra
tion. The majority of votes decided
a question, and the order in which the
voting took place was invariably de
termined by rank, beginning with the
president and ending with the quas
tors. The senators wore on their tunics
a broad purple stripe a badge of dis
tinction, like a modern decoration
and they had the exclusive right of
precedence at theaters, the amphithea
ter and all other public gatherings.
What She Wanted.
"Are you fond of etchings? asked
the young man who bad taken the
hostess' pretty niece down to supper.
"As a general thing, yes." she an
swered, looking up Into his eyes with
an engaging frankness that threatened
havoc to Jus heart "but," she added
hastily as he started to say something
pretty, "not any tonight, thank you;
it Is rather late. A small piece of cake
will be sufficient."
Prima Facie Evidence.
The late Lord Morris on one occa
sion gave a characteristic Illustration
of the meaning of "prima facie evi
dence." "If," he said to the Jury, "you saw
a man coming out of a public house
wiping his mouth, that would be prima
facie evidence that he had been hav
ing a drink."
False friendship, like the Ivy, decays
and rains the walls it embraces, but
true friendship gives new life and ani
mation to the object It supports.
Got on His Nerves.
Frugal North Briton (in his first ex
perience of a taxii Here. mou. stop!
I bae a weak heart. I canna stand
that hang't wee machine o yours
inarkln' up tbae tuppences. Loudon
The Others.
"I have kings amoug my ancestors."
said the boastful visitor. "Yes." re
plied Miss Cayenne, "aud also knaves
aud two spots." Washington Star
Base gains are the same as losses.
A Modernized, Stupendous Realization of all
that is great in the Circus World. 4
Rings, 3 Combined Menageries,
Hippodrome and Great Wild
West, all united in one
Greatest 5how on Earth
1,000 Men and Women 300Horses
500 Rare Animals 15 Male Riders
15 Female Riders 1 Menage Acts
50 Aerial Artists 50 Gymnasts
20 Great Ground Acts 50 Clowns
6 Big Aerial Thrillers 15 Feature Acts
Three.Famous Herds of Performing Elephants
Glascock's, McCammon's and Sidney Rinks
Hippotamus, Rhinoseros, Enormous Zoologi
cal Exhibit.
$&. JfMtmVwiJrZlJ jgwwjwg
50 Cowboys 30 Cowgirls
50 Real Blanket Indians
Mexican Horsemen. Vaqueros. Russian Cos
sacks and Japanese Scouts. Singalese Dancers
and Magicians. Company of U. S. Cavalry in
all kinds of Fancy Drills.
Lowanda's Eight Brazillian Riders
The World's Greatest Horsemen
n nty
9 i SF r?jh- ft Tt sLb D)Bi -x i fsl s"wsL.v f L, iT"
WARREN TRAVIS, Strongest Man Living
Dare Devil Dart Grand Camp of the Nations, Comprising
Hundreds of Strange People from the Dark
Corners of the Earth
$500,000 Free Street Parade
Twi Ptrfimaicis Daily Durs Qpti I ail 7 P. M.
The only Big Shown not in the circus trust, consequently
there will be no advance in prices for seats or otherwise.
(Wis, Wekiy, June 1st
stsjM isjsb ? is s utMsjsam os
rs Bk SrrowT-n