H s Sarsaparilla Cures all blood humors, all eruptions, clears the complex ion, creates an appetite, aids digestion, relieves that tired feeling, gives vigor and vim. Got It today. In usual liquid form or tablets calk-d Sarsatabs. 109 Doses SI. DROVE HUSBAND FROM HOME Act of Militant Suffragette That Waa Too Arbitrary to Be Upheld by the Court. The results that may ensue from being married to a suffragette were revealed the other day in a London (Kng.) suburban police courL Mrs. Tunnicliffe took up the cause and was not able to spend much time at home. When the husband remonstrated she f-imuly commanded her daughter to pack hr father's gripsack and there and then ordered him out of the house. He went and then the lady sued him for desertion and demanded alimony. "Hut surely you did not take it so feebly'" asked the magistrate of the husband. "It was no use objecting," was the iiiiswer. "She wanted to be master and said that if I annoyed her she would jock mf up. I w.is only too ansious to go back home, but she would not let m" The case was dismissed. 10 GATHERS AT KING'S BIER Funeral Ceremonies of Edward VII. Attended by Representa tives of All Nations. THOUSANDS GAZE ON COFFIN For Three Days Subjects of the Late Monarch View Remains Lying in State Final Observances at Royal Palace of Windsor. PROMINENT FARMER SET FREE United Doctors Release Mr. Pflug ( From Disease After Five Years of Suffering. Jacob I'flug. one of the most pros perous and influential farmers of east ern Nebraska, makes a statement in regard to the United Doctors, those expiTt medical specialists who have their Omaha institute at 21)2 Neville block, that is worth the attention of every bick person. Anyone who is in doubt about this matter should write to .Mr. Pllug. or to the bank at Papil lion, to ask about Mr. Pllug's standing and reliability. Hero is his state ment: Papillion. Neb., July 20. 1909. I want to say to sick people that for fifty years I was a farmer living near Sarpy Mills. Five years aj.t 1 be gan to run down, got rheumatism. .i::d it got so bad I couldn't walk. My stomach would not digest the food 1 ate. I was bloated all the time; my liver would not do its work properly, and I was dizzy and sick to my itom ach. I was so nervous that I could not bleep nights. The muscles all over my body would jerk, and finally 1 became to bad that I was unable to attend to uiiy of my business. I had taken treatment during all this time from the best physicians I could find in Omaha and the towns surrounding my home, all of whom did me no good and I continued to get worse until finally my wife helped me to the office of the Vnited Doctors In the Neville block, corner Sixteenth und Harney streets. This was on the eighteenth day of April. The doctor gave me a thorough examination and told me he could not make me a boy ugain, but would make me lots better. I commenced treatment at once. Hiuim iour weeKs i uau uegun to Im prove, and now. at the end of three ' uiouuis. i am iceiing well in every respect and do all the work about the j farm. Yesterday I due notatoes and ' painted six rods of fence In half a day, and my wife and I put up two tons of alfalfa by ourselves. I cannot say enough in praise of the United Doctors and what they bave done for me. Jacob Pflug. London. Eng. With all the pomp and formal obser-ances befitting the obsequies of the ruler of a great na tion. King Edward's funeral pageant on :uay zi Is classed as the most Im posing ceremonial In the history of Great Britain's capital. The streets through which the pro cession passed were lined with upward of C0.000 picked troops of the British army, and among the mourners were the rulers of every country in Europe, or their representatives. In this as sembly ex-President Roosevelt rode as the special envoy of the United States, j -!. iioiior oeing accorded Americas distinguished representative. At a conservative estimate 700.000 persons passed through Westminster hall to look upon the coffin of the king lying in state. Barriers were built, by means of which the people were ushered through In four lines at the rate of 18.000 an hour. The body of the late king was not exposed to view. The mourners saw only the coffin, with the official regalia and heaps of flowers. Queen Mother Chose Hymns. The hymns sung at the service at Windsor were all of the queen moth er's choice. They were "My God. My Father. While I Stray." "Now the La borer's Task Is O'er." and "I Heard a Voice From Heaven." Scotland yard had all Its detectives on duty, and these were reinforced by a hundred more from continental cities. All visitors were watched, but there was little real fear of anarchistic would have been able to enter The chapel was draped with violet hang ings. Violet was the predominant tone of all the funeral drapings and public decorations, it being well known that King Edward greatly disliked the gloom given by black draperies. The service held In Westminster abbey did not form any part of the royal funeral. It was a memorial service held especially for those mem bers cf the bouse of lords and bouse of commons, who were unable to go to Windsor. Electric standards were fixed around the place in Westminster kail where the catafalque stood. The public was admitted until ten o'clock at night The catafalque occupied the spot on which Gladstone's catafalque stood. The Court at Windsor. The court removed to Windsor the day before the funeral. The arch bishop of Canterbury, assisted by Cauon Wllberforce, conducted a short service at Westminster hall on the ar rival of the body on May 17. The members of both houses of parliament attended this service. Neither M. Loubet. M. Delcasse nor M. Clemenceau formed part of the French mission to attend the funeral of King Edward. Premier Briand in tended to go. but also gave up the idea, owing to the fact that Emperor William was there. Under these cir cumstances the mission was purely formal. It consisted of M. Pichon. minister of foreign affairs; General Dalstein. military governor of Paris; Admiral Marquis and an attache rep resenting President Fallieres Roosevelt Among the Monarch. Ex-President Roosevelt, who was named as special envoy of the United i States to attend the funeral of King Edward, was presented to King George soon after his arrival In London. Mr. Roosevelt occupied a place with the visiting mouarchs in the funeral pro cession and attended the burial at Windsor. Jackies Drew Carriage. King George being so closely identified with the navy, the naval con tingents took a prominent, part In the ceremonies. Bluejackets drew the gun carriage to Windsor, as they did the carriage which bore the body of Victoria, although on that occasion they did so because the horses be came restive. Soldiers from the king's company, grenadier guards, kept sentry watch Hints For Hostess Suggestions for Entertainments, and Other Matters of Moment, Edit ed by Madame Merri Fortune Telling ROUND TOWER OF WINDSOR CASTLE. A REDUCTION. arawmmmma mawm I I I ISP If frri "I Jot trvu'i--J.u?'l '"'"' "-a -: i $t mHmmmlwm3t' .?S3T?V A dSf'T' mk Bt HE----SBr lHB?'''m!r i-jv- -V -xrj Ur c.Xv4 3 W i r g lMidrrr7 -: ini " XBBBi "", !M-B--l 4WH--H----------------l ,i ,.; v'' 7BVI sVi'l'A'.S'.i "' .v'y! JVfHFi mM$&im HHH iS:.:-yhl ,.: :r.;v-; 1gJMB The Sweet Girl Graduate. This is the season when the "sweet girl graduate" comes Into her own. Nearly all f "? letters for several weeks past bave been from either ju nniors or the "grave and reverend se niors" who are filled with anxiety as to the proper thing to do, and the juniors are so anxious to do them selves proud In the preliminary enter tainments for the graduating class. Next to the weeding day there Is no more important occasion than per haps the day the bud makes her bow to society, and not all girls do that; most of them, however, are pretty sure to graduate and marry. In this age of elaborate entertainments those for the young woman just leaving the schoolroom have their full quota of elegance. At a recent affair given for the graduating class of a fashionable school the centerpiece was a silver basket filled with pink moss; instead of a real silver receptacle, a basket gilded or silvered would be equally as effective. Candies of pink with silver shades and place cards cut and tinted in exact rose shades added much to this color de rose table. The nut holders carried out the same idea, for they were tiny pink roses, the pa per cases being inclosed in silken rose petals. The Ice cream was in shape of pink roses with stem and leaves of green candy. At each place was a long-stemmed rose, to which was tied a small pink bag of satin which con tained the graduate hostess' gift to her classmates lovely amethyst pins. Graduation presents are now upper most in every one's mind, and belt pins, hat pins, bracelets and collar pins are all safe purchases set with semiprecious stones, and any girl would be delighted with a bit of real Irish lace in lorm of stock, collar or cuffs. to put down the meaning opposite them: Ad. lib.. At pleasure' R. S. V. P... Answer J no John) If you please F. O. B Free onJEt al And others bnardjnbl Oarre! Pk ParkJFla Florida A. D..ln the year of i Viz .Against our Lord (AnnolKs Kansas Domlni)Clk Clerk EMs Elizabeth) Hdkf.. Handkerchief Vs Ajjalnstjjac Jacob N. B Note wel!.MUe... Mademoiselle or take notice) Fahr..... Fahrpnheit Ga GeorgialPkgs Packages Mfg. ManufarturingjC O. D. Cash oi I. E. That Is) collect oa delivery Can Canadaj Does not take into consideration the oae f wfHtiel to won a't happiness oaucly health. The woman who neglects her health is neglectia. tho Tery foundation oi all good fortune. For without health love loses its lustre and gold is but dross. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be regained by the we of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. TMIs Mrescrlptlem km, tormverMO yean, ee curlai delicate, weak, palawTack4 wmmto, ky tkm JkauteTreefs mi tkamsaa mm this t Im tkm privacy mt tkeJr kmmtem witkeat tkelr- kawimt tm mmkmUt tm lamell. cate mmmatimmlmia mm mfXemairely rmmmm maat cxamtlaattmms. Sck women are invited to consult Dr. Pterte fcv letter wU "Pd sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary M!lcLA"oc,at,on' R V He". M. D.. President, Bafalo, N. Y. Da. Pierce's Gkbat Family Docto Book, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers is Plata English hosts of delicate qaestions which every woman, single or married, ongbt to know aboet. Sent free, m plain wrapper to any address oa receipt of 21 onecent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps. A Letter Party. People of older growth as well as children eniov this after-dinner nas- i time. The questions are all to be an I swered by one, two or three letters. Of course the hostess will keep the key herself, just writing the questions for her guests: Name a bevoras T Name a common bird J Name one of tlie human organs I What Is jealousy? N V What Is It to surpass others? X I. Name a summer dress Koods P K Name the condition of winter pave- Name ji rnuntry In Knsland S X Name too much of something X S Name a sailor'." response f i Name a creeping plant I V Name a kind of pepper K N Name a void M T Name a composition S A Name a mournful poem L E G An Abbreviation Party. Each hostess may compile her own list for this contest, but I give the ones below as suggestions. The abbre viations are to be written, the players A Storekeeper Says: "A lady came into my store lately and said : "'I have been using a New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove all winter in my apartment. I want onenow for my summer home. X think Pertaining to Children. The correspondent who wished a fitting prayer and several quotations maj find the ones given below to her liking: a rim.ivs FirtsT rrtAvnrt. .tecus. tender Shepherd, hear me. Bless thy Ilttl lamb tonight. Through the darkness be thou near m. Keep me safe "till morning light. Amen. Childhood. That spring of springs! Tis surely or.o or the blesscdest thing That nature ever invented. Hood. In order to manage children well. w must borrow their eyes and their hearts, see ami feel as they do. and judge them from their own point of view. I pray God to make parents reasonable. Two Pretty Designs From St. George's chspel, within the precincts cf this palace of the late king his body was borne to the mausoleum. over the body in the throneroom at The Critic That picture looks like 3.3 cents. Poor Artist I'll take a quarter cash for It. HELP FOR THE AGED. No Need to Longer Suffer from Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Catherine Sullivan, 1712 Mof fatt St., Joplin, Mo., says: "Like most elderly people. I suffered from kidney trouble for years. My back ached in tensely and ther6 was a feeling of numbness In my rpine. My hands cramped and the urinary passages were profuse. Doc tors prescribed for me but I was not benefited. At last I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They drove my troubles away, and I now enjoy excellent health." Remember the name Doan's ror sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburu Co., Buffalo. N. Y. V' -A vv '' attempts, because It was known that every one under surveilance would be deported from England if any trouble were caused on this occasion, and it was not likely that the persons of the anarchist type would give up volun tarily their safest refuge in Europe. The procession to Westminster hall May 17 for the lying in state was al most on as great a scale as the fu neral procession. The cortege included King George and all the foreign sov ereigns on horseback, and the queen mother and tiie royal ladles in car riages. When the funeral procession started every street car In London came to a standstill for a quarter of an hour. All the public houses in London were closed while the procession was pass ing. No Distinction Shown. There was no distinction as to per son nor were there any ticket privi leges for the lying in state in West minster hall. All had to take their turn in line. At St. George's chapel, at Windsor, from whence the body was carried to its final resting place the carved stalls were removed in order to give place to timber seating. Otherwise not a tenth of those entitled to attend Buckingham palace. They were re lieved each hour. With simple cere mony some one of the visiting royal ties entered the room every now and then, and the widowed queen went there frequently. Body In Magnificent Tomb. The body of King Edward lies with that of his immediate ancestors in the magnificent mausoleum at Frogmore in the Home park of Windsor castle! In this structure, erected by Queen Victoria at a cost of $1,000,000. Prince Albert Edward, father of the late king, was laid to rest in 1861. In the same year Queen Victoria's mother the duchess of Kent, was buried in an elaborate tomb In the grounds near by In 11)01 Queen Victoria herself was buried In the mausoleum beside ber husband. The structure is probably one of the most elaborate of the kind in exist ence. It was planned In minute detail by Queen Victoria as a memorial to the prince consoit. Tbe general pub lic Is not admitted to the chamber where lie tbe royal bodies in two im mense sarcophagi, but the spot is a great magnet for tourists, dozens of whom inspect the marble mausoleum UUUJ. yoi m i ill, i " IJHEJ III 1 these oil stoves are wonderful, comfort they are, they would all have one. I spoke about my stove to a Jot of my friends, and they were aston ished. They thought that there was smell and smoke from an oil stove, and that it heated aroom just like any other stove. I told them of my experience, and ons after another they got one, and now, not one of them would give hers up for five times its cost.' " The lady who said this had thought an oil stove was all right for quickly heating milk for a baby, ir boiling a kettle of water, or to make coffee quickly in the morning, but she never dreamed of ucing it for difficult or heavy cooking. Now she knows. Do you really appreciate what a New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove means to you ? No more coal to carry, no more coming to th dinner table ao tired out that you can't eat. lust light a Perfection Store and immediately the beat from an intense blue flame aboota up to the bottom of pot. kettle or oven. But the room isnt heated. There is no amolce, no raetl, no outside heat, no drudgery in tha fcitcaca where one of these stoves la used. If only women knew what a MW CammauMt Hate: Baaure If m you get this atove see W v that the name-plate rcada New Perfection-" m 2Vew Perget ioit Oil Cook-stove It has a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot. The nickel finish, with tbe bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; tbe 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. Every dealer everywhere ; if not at yours, write for Descriptive Cirenla to the nearest agency cf the Standard Oil Company Glorious Colorado No one can say he has seen the world until he has seen "Colorado." Write for the books that picture and describe it Electric block signals dining car meals and service "Best in the World" s- via the Union Pacific "The Safe Road" Ask sbevt ear perssasly ccadected toars te YeKswsteae Nstieasl jfsrk ; For full information, tickets, etc address E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A. Union Pacific R. R. Co. Omaha, Nebraska PS4 Never let matters come to an open rupture. i i i His Future. Ella What did your r.gcd suitor say when he proposed to you? Stella Will you be my widow? --. rERKY I,M'IS" VAINKII.I.KR . . . . l - rla,n an1 Inflammation iruzn !i.t-!ni ft ?,nT bt"s.. Th "d allay th. awrH itching of mosquito b.tn. :5c. r ud ic bottlea There may be people who think they always get their money's worth, but we never met any of them. nr. rie-r' PIraant IVIIp; rrcula and invlr nie -u.mich. litrrr and WtwvU. l-ncar-coa:2. tin j. crannies, ca t-j to take. 1-oi.ui gripe. It is the aim of the man behind the gun to mnke his mark. Smo!;ers like Leans' S'mzle Binder cigar lor its rich, mellow qualm-. Is what jou are worrying about realir worth while7 Tragedies of the Sea As vessels starting from ports thou sands of miles apart pass close to each other in the naked breadth of tbe ocean, nay. sometimes eveu touch, in the dark, with a cracK of timbers, a gurgling of water, a cry of startled 6leepers a cry mysteriously echoed in warning drrams. as the wife of some Gloucester fisherman, with coasting skipper, wakes with a shriek, calls the name of her husband, and sinks back to uneasy slumbers upon ber lonely pillow a widow Doctor Holmes. "Professor at the HreaKiast iauie. That Depends. Miss A. Does yor Lusbasd consid er you a necessity or a luxury? Mrs. B. It depends, my dear, on whether I -m cooking his dinner or asking him for a new dress. Boston Transcript. Just a Little Exercise. he elevator conductor of a tall of fice building, noticing that the colored janitor had ridden up with him fcer. -erci umes that morning, remarked: Sam. this is the fifth time I have . taken you up. but you have not come I down with me" "Well, you see" I Sam replied. "Ah been washin" win- dows on de 'leventh floor, and every u aim agin' Ah misses nah hold and falls out." Success Magazine. West Virginia Snake Crao The snake crop In Cabell county Is said to be unusually good this year and farmers report It Is no unusual thing to kill nine or ten In the course of ploughing a field. They are prin cipally or the black snake variety and have not been so numerous in manv years. Huntington Correspondence o'f uteung intelligencer. Cloth Costume. CLOTH COSTUME. Here Is a use ful costume of Amazon cloth in a dark shade of brown; the skirt has double plaits at front and back. The Jacket is one of the newest shapes that has a piece let in at the lower part of side, curving up at the waist hne; the right front fastens over below bust with two large round ed tabs, which are ornamented with velvet-colored buttons and cord loops; they are fastened by hooks and eyes or press studs. The collar is faced with velvet. Hat of brown felt, trimmed with a feather mount. Materials required for costtae: 9 yards 48 Inches wide. 6 buttons. i yard velvet. S yards lining silk for Walking Costume. t Jacket. Walking Costume. This Is a amart little costume of gray tweed; the skirt is arranged in wide plaits stitched rather more than half way down; it Is cut to escape the ground by two inches all round. The coat Is a short pattern, the long rovers which finish the top are crossed over below the bust, the out standing pieces being buttoned to gether. The sleeves are finished by silk-faced cuffs to match the revers. Hat of gray straw trimmed with a large bunch of Neapolitan violets and foliage. Materials required: 7' yards 46 inches wide. f yards silk for lining jacKet. -j yard silk for facings. 160 Acres Land Free In Colorado. Good water, rich soil, fine climate. Write W. F. Jones. 750 Majestic lUdg., Denver, Colo., for free Book and Map of Land. If you would please your neighbor say less than you think. WESTERN CANADA Saaator DaMvar, ff lava, says: r .aajcrrast or eateraBts from tbo United 8u.Ua 1 il will nHiunoo. jwaator J.llir TMntl rnM m Mit u eu rn uaua:a. I ana wijut "Tnrro Is . - . I Tel! tlio dealer you want a Lewis' Single hinder t.traiglit 5c cigar. Don't criticise a fool; fools can't help belntr foolish. Mr. Wlnotow'a Soothtnc Syrnp. FnrchllUrrn tfthinjf. wiftrn'ith.-turns, rrrluc In SjnitiTiUuD.alljyuun..uru;niuU.t.ic. XrCfeUtili. Self-love Is the only kind that puts a man In the undertaker's hands. Not Worthy of Notice. "No. we hate decided cot to have anything more 10 do with ber. Sue really isn't in our set. When she tarted for Europe last fall she never eceived a single steamer letter." Rose Maklna Roses for the summer hat are made of whatever pretty lace you have in the house. Cream, white or black is used, and sometimes a combination of two tones, with the lighter for the cen ter, will make more effective work. The formation of the rose depends upon the folding of the lace round a given center upon the feeling of the worker. It may be a thing of beauty, a triumph of art such as the French milliner will bring forth by her genius, or a mere stiff little twisty thing of lace looking very little like the flower for which it is named. Examine the hand-made rose. The art of rose-making may be acquired if we bave it noL The Way of Mankind. "De world." said uncla Khpn -i. sumpin like a baseball game. Some o de men dat make de mos' fus is Jes rootJn' an' not doln' a bit o de rea work." Oily Skin. The girl with the oily skin should have a bottle of the following lotion on her dressing table and use it sev eral times a day. washing over the face with a piece of gauze or old linen -saturated in the lotion: One ounce of mlverized borax, two ounces of pure ;lycerin and two quarts of camphor .-ater. When Usina a Plisse. The plaited frill down the front or a shirt waist may be fastened on most effectively under five scallops which lap from right to left. - Eacii scallop Is finished along its edge with smaller button-holed scal lops, and the center front is covered with a floral design Just within th scallops. i ne piauea mil also Is scalloped to match, and may be fastened securely to the scalloped edge of the shirt waist; or else to the plain edge by buttons and button holes, so that it is removable for laundering. This last is a most serviceable method, and Is more graceful in ap pearance, since the five loose scallops He easily upon the plisse and are less stiff than If they were sewed fast To Clean Copper. To clean the copper bottom of your boiler, wash it with a solution of salt and vinegar, using as much salt as the vinegar will dissolve. AddIt it with a woolen rag. rubbing vigorously and the surface will soon appear a stain-free and bright as when new. "nrrvisi aii'ii'i-mir bf3BBJE HmmaVlftjlTammWBAmmBl I lf.llJmKl USBS. a vssatd VdEm IXttKiJ Bwjs&paJ mal'T.J lrlbairlnttilir oiDt'lia: (lIlK Ihiasll tha irnxmj cf to mint fir A'lln T4&ktnv u urcouotlor IOWA furmftia tlnnu.Ta Our pruplv nre ptooac4 with iu 0rnai'nt and trotfoa t law. ar.a Ihrj i ten of t:iKr.ni?4. ar.a tbyrntJ coining.' fMB:ln.f .iK....! t.. fB ramrra who mn:o C-wi.-ula their boirte U urine lOiiu. durlnaTjearadilud fntbeutiilclt of tbe co ns) Cry wpwnrtl of 9 drain growing-, mhnl r.irm taC. rnttlo rnblti artl lalr j ln are nil profitable. jKrc lfrme- " w iw acrmi art to l ICO acre Fro-rmpt:.nH jit fJ.txt pr arr within crrlal:i urrn. ociTOoia ami rnun-lM-. In r,r UenM-nt. cliaiafn Mnt-ircif. SMv ".cnjuai Mnt-irfifctl. tjjorlclirit.wooil. u;tf rriuuJ vuiMuojr material pit-mijul. TflP tvipf milt.n.tA I. ..I t... ftOenj r-tilwnr rn I df;r:- iim jMaiTUnl I txu-.iil.ttt. "lj-tt n1 nt Rn nr.. -t:.. ..--' tlon. wriio to hap' cf I -mlirr-tion. tfttitn.-i. flin.. or to LitaiMiiau Uevetumcct Acnt. W. V. BENNETT swBllMtlCf- Grto,M. (I.'vadilrrmnrarijoij.) (3) .i trfc S5- Gtr5 OPIUM P. a a. coimzu. PARALYSIS M-rSU5iT,i3'.lt- Wrtta for Proof. Advto Fie. . uuuu nana iwi oi . rBiiaaeipBia. ia PATENTS er Morphine HaMtTreatart. I rree trul. Cues where tlner , rimedn-s have failed, socially ' T - - I c;.tra. iiiteramcunrt. Cr.a O.COjmSX.Itto . 4MW.Ud8t..aTk Loennxxor Atasa I ConqtjeedstLat l LOart BWPfl A; Watnaa E.raleatan.'WfL.b- Inictun.ti.U ltoolc-i'r. High Mt tttmaotx isest rteuita. A$- t for a Dime as directed 4t tK ,oh.i .. . . .. -""i mjj malt. baves msay dollars tasafcaf oa raedi taes week s treatmeat proof ia tbe mora- " 9- CASCARSTS toe a box for a week's la Ue world. If jllioa base a t-nnti. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 21-19lo7 MICA AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Everydealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO.