n 4 e that ,? That is distinctive of Cooper,Wells&Co.s Style No. 69 One of the best known 25 cent stockings made. 2-ply Egyptian yam with sufficient twist to give most wear. We recommend! No. 69 to our pat rons because we Lelieve in it Comes in black only, oizcs ty- to 10 Try It J. H. GALLEY ITEMS OF i INTEREST 'KI.s'ion. mm Hit- Stut 'mu:iu Louis Meyer h:iB brn-n in a dangerous condition llim week. L:tBt Friduy even ing ho wont home under the influence of hiior and wns abusing hifl wife; and Lis own litiy, to pmlerl Ins mother, shot biH fath'-r in lli arm, the bullet glanced and went into Inn Hide. Mr. and Mrs. V V. Clark who were in jured in an accident hint week while coming home from the Monm-Clurk wedding, are netting along nicely. Mre. Chirk hud one of the bones in her left arm broken near the wrist, and Mr. Clark had his left t;ide hudlv bruised .sdiuvr.Ku. From the Hun. If the man who tolls fourteen hours a day, wearH overalls :md a checkered shirt and bis wife wears a poor quality of cali co, how does it bappeu that the fellow who never works at all wears broadcloth and his wife wears seal skin? Lust Monday the Brewery property north of town was sold at sheriff sale and was hid in by the Herman State .Bank, they holding the mortgage. This it about the fifth sale of the property, they being unable to get n sufficient bid to let it go. ('. II. Chase was down town to the barber Bhop Wednesday morning for the lirst time in a year and a half .Inn Green brought him in his auto. Throu gh sickness he pectus to hive lost the use of the cords in his neck as it is al most impossible for him to hold his head up. We surely s input hizo with n man that has been alllicted so long. Al.ltlON. From tln Ni-ttS. Fred Morrow of Columbus, has taken a position in the Cook .V (Joe barber shop. Albion was viMted by another bad fire about three o'clock Sunday morning which completely destroyed the Lotson barn and all but a shed on the south side tif the CiiuuuiiigBbaru and a portion tif the two ends. All of the horses in Mr. Whalcn's barn were taken out ex cept a mare and colt which were not noticed. The concert put on at the opera house Tuesday uniit by Mis-s lledwig.Taeggiof Columbus ami Miss Clara Hull of this city was a pleudid treat. Although a home audience 1- always a critical one both young ladies gave the best of sat isfaction. Kadi number brought forth a hearty encore which showed the appre ciation of the audience Miss Jacggi is a violinist of cvceptioual ability and delighted her hearers, while Mies Bull gave equal pleasure in the rendition of her solos and readings. They were assisted in the program by Miss Ger trude Trice and O. M. Needham at the piano mid by Chas. Bull in a solo which brought forth a strong encore. The program throughout was well balanced, there not being a single weak number. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, m V k.1 Not Iron But Lots of Hard Wear in Them. 505 Eleventh Street Columbus ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES i.KKin. From tlni World. Colfax county land reached another high water mark in price this week, when a farm near Howells sold for $180 per acre. Gil llerchenhan has the promt dis tinction of being the last man to liuish husking corn His men brought in the last load on Monday noon. Henry and Rudolph Jenny dug out a nest of nine young coyotes last Monday at their farm south of town. They brought a number to town and distribut ed them aui'Uig their friends. Mrs. Barbara McNurlin returned Monday evening from Columbus, where she has spent several weeks assisting in care of scarlet fever patients in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Bader. Henry Moeller took his wife to Col umbus last Sunday where she will visit her folks a few days. After that she and her father will make a three weeks visit to relatives and friends in Pittsburg, Pa., and Milwaukee, Wis. nuMi'nuEV. From tbo Democrat .los Breuning who had been lying ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joa. Anaelme in this city for several weeks past, died Monday evening May lfi at '.i.-::0, at the age of 83 years, ') months and 14 days. We Bay he was lying ill, and yet he was not ill; he had simply lived his alloted years; the machinery of his body refused to perform their proper functions, and he slept away without pain or suffering. "Papa" Breuning, as he was familiarly called, had a friend in even body who enjoyed his acquaintan ce. A big unruly horse came near putting Mike Paprocki out of commission last Friday, and as a result Mike has a pretty sore head and various other bruises about his body. He was shoeing one of Jos. Fnngmnn's oil wagon horses, and by resson of n very sore knee while it had been treated by a horse doctor for some time until the horse was apparently driven to madness by the painful treat ment, it attempted to take out some of its vengeance on the horseshoer. Mike had put on the shoes and wns down clinching the nails, when the horse sud denly whirled and gave Mike a terrific kick, landing him in a heap up in one corner of the shop. Dr. Mnldoon took a number of stitches in Mike's bead and ndmiuister d to the bruises on different parts of hi body, anil up to date he is getting along nicely, nnd thanking his luck stars that he is no worse off. Those Six Month Nights! Mrs. Eskimo Does your husband stay at the club late nt night? Her Neighbor Well, rather. Last night he didn't get home till half past Febru ary. To lira In hearts we lore Is not to die. Campbell. Columbus. GENOA. From the Time?. Bob Anderson has contracted for 315, 000 worth of timber land in northern Wisconsin, about twenty miles from the iron belt. The land is covered with basswood, oak and maple, and Mr. An derson is confident that the investment will bring him rich leturns, as there is. a growing demand for all kind of mer chantable timber. Very few people are alive today who can remember seeing Hn'dey's comet seventy-five years ago Mrs. Magnnnsoti. mother of Oliver Maguunson, is !W years old, and was IS at the last previous appearance of the comet. She was liv ing in Norway at the time and talks entertainingly of the excitement that the heavenly visitor created as it approached the earth. She remembers a shower of fctars that fell in her girlbcod days, but whether it was before, after, or at the time the comet appeared, she cannot now recall. She says that the comet was much brightersei'enty-tive years ago than it appears to ho today. Another agetl eitiz-n who saw the- comet seventy five years ago is the venerable Gus Suth erland, who was born in lS20,in Sweden. He, too, recalls the excitement that the comet ereated throughout Europe many believing that the end of the world was approaching. Three or four weeks ago Nels Larson placed a case in his wagon containing several dozen eggs with the intention of bringing them to town. Hib little son. Mike, wanted to accompany him, but the father refused to take him along. When Nels reached Genoa and lifted the case out of the wagon, it appeared very light, and an investigation revealed that the case wns empty every egg had been removed. Nels was hot, and the lan guage he used would have caused a canal mule to blush with shame. He was satisfied that Mike had taken the eggs, and he made up his mind to teach the kid a lesson when he returned home. Mike was not there to open the gate when the father reached the farm. The hoy had disappeared, for he knew he had something coming when the old man got back. The boy's parents could find no trace of him uutil this week. Tuesday morning, while cleaning nut the .stable, Nels heard a chirping in the manure pile; after investigating found that the heat had hatched out eighty-four young chicks from the eggs Mike had placed there the day his father went to town three weeks ago. The same clay the chickens were discovered a letter wns received from a mau living near Oconee, stating that Mike was there anil would return home Wednesday. When Mike skipped out he made up his mind to go to Sweden, but as he was a tritle hy of fnnds when he reached Oconee, he went to work herding hog- for $S a month. MOKIIOR. From the KapuMit-an. Mrs. A. M. Work was visiting with relatives at Columbus last week a few days. Peter Weber of Columbus is visiting at the home of his daughter. Mm. Geo. Iilund Miss Goldie Snyder of Bartley, Neb., is visiting with Miss Emeline Lawrence this week Mrs. F. A. Weber returned to Colum bus Monday after several days at the Illand homes. Miss Marguerite Lubkcr is expected up from Columbus Friday to attend the commencement exercises thnt evening. L. N. Hitchcock reports rorn planted shallow damaged to some extent. A large acreage of contract seed corn is planted in this vicinity. A number from Monroe took in the excursion to Columbus Sunday nnd at tended the ball game, but the number would have leen larger had the weather been good. The graduating class of l'.MO attended the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. The Kev. O. W. Gwin preach ed the Baccalaurate sermon to a large and attentive audience. Excellent music was rendered by the Monroe mixed quarette. The solo by Dr. Bates was well rendered. Memorial services will ho held on Sun day, May 29 at the Methodist church in Monroe, and also the Friends church, between Monroe nnd Genoa. Bev. Bose of Genoa will deliver the sermon at Mon roe. The G. A. K. post of Monroe ex pect to complete arrangements for de corating the graves of the soldiers buried in both the New Hope and Friends ceme tery. Prof. John Engleman, one of the ap plicants for the priucipnlship of the Monroe schools, was here Monday to confer with the board. He made ar rangements to meet the board, but on account of a delayed train did not arrive when he expected to. He met some of the members of the board, but no action in selecting a principal will be taken un til the next meeting. Mr. Engleman has had some experience and brings very good recommendations. Feminine Tactics. "Why are you talking about a trip to Europe? It would cost your hus band $1,000 or more." "Quite so. I expect to compromise on a sixty dollar hat." Exchange. Her Favorite Sports. "Is your wife a lover of outdoor sports?' "I should say so. She's bargain or house hunting all the time." Detroit Free Press. Easy. "How shall I break my husband of playing poker'-" "Just break him and keep him that way." Cleveland Leader. Comes Naturally. Kicker Now we have children taught how to play. Bocker Fine! Next we shall have animal training to show lambs how to gambol. New York Sun. Electric Light Always Ready Brilliant Clean Safe Have your house wired Columbus Light, Heat & Power Co. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in sea?on. S.E MARTY fc CO. Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Neb. FAMOUS SOPRANO SOLOIST COMING TO CHAUTAUQUA The Nell Bunnell Company Composed of Three Charming Young Ladies. With a voice and a personality that would insuit' her a. welcome In grand opera. Miss Nell Bunnell prefers to head her own company, the Bunnell Trio, in concert recitals. She has established u reputation that warrants the Chautauqua management In prom ising s.ason ticket holders an excep tional treat. Miss Bunnell sings the old sweet songs that we all love. She calls to mind the cradle days of long ago. She is most generous In responding to encores and becomes on cordial terms with her auditors immediately sho faces them. You will enjoy hearing her at Chau tauqua. The essential element of success in the Chautauqua business is the abil ity to purchase $2.f00 programs for $2.UU. And this Is possible only by handling them in large quantities. More Interesting. "Were you interested In that ac count of the Washington man who suddenly disappeared?" "Well. I'd have been more Interested iu :iu account of a mau who gradually disappeared." ' Two Signs. To snuff a candle out accidentally Is a sign of marriage." "Yes. anil to turn down a lamp In tentionally is a sign of courtship." One thorn of excrienee is worth a whole wilderness of warning. Lowell. The right party caa I Nni aii excellent wition. .ilnty or pomnii 'ion fur Colunilm? and vi cinity. State aue, formfriiccnimtit.n ami r reference. Address" I.OCK HOX 43S, Lincoln, Neb. UNION PACIFIC THE TIILE WEST No. 11 .. . No. 13 No.l No. y No. 17 No. l!i No. 3 No. Ti No. lit..... N.1S.. No..V. EoUNn. ... f.t'l n in ... lrionin ...10:zT. :i ni ...UUuui ... 34&Mm ... t"':l i in ... ": t in ... 'X i in .... Wi ....lliSain ... 7:la m EST No. 4 .... No.12.... No. 11.... No. No. It?.... No. 10.... No. M.... Jo.2 .... No.au No.M BOUND. 41 :i m .lUi pm . :M a ni . 2:4rim . J:l." im . 3.-0.'. i. m . 5:37 pm S;V) p m . 7:12 a in . 141 pm . SKA pm BKANCHES. ' NOHFOLK. SfU-DINO 4 ALBION. No. "V mstl..d 6:00 am No. 31 ib ..tl li p m No. 32 pan ..al2:30pm No. 60 mxd..a 7.-00 p ni No. niniil. d 7:20 am No. :?. i.'ih . it 7 () p ra No. 2Uutrt ..a hfpm No. 7S innl. .a f.:10 pm Daily except Snnday. notz: Nop. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains. No. 4. r, 12 ami It arc local iiasgengera. Nos. .r8 and 59 are loral freights. Nos. 9 and 18 are mail trains only. No. 14 dne in Omaha 4:45 p. m. No. 6 due in Omaha 5:00 p. m. G. I. ft Q. Tim Tails No, 22, Pass, (daily ex. Sunday) leave. ...733 a m No. :. Fit. & Ac (d'y ex. Saturday) lv.5.40 p m No. 21, l'ai. (daily ex. Sunday) arrive. .9:20 p m No. 31, Fit. Si A. (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..6:15 a m bBBBj' ' ssssHHflyh. sbbbbbbbbk - 'bbbbBBbm BBBBBBBBv'BBBBB&l BBBBBBH v ' Bp' 'bbbbBvv SBBBBBBk BIF BBBBHBBs BBBBBBBBSB v r BBBBBM BBBWBf H& H13L ki- o','P9SmBBS: vMJh Mta.'KfeJ r TBBIbW vK .JbbSSf Btt. BBbbT vXSHbbBE BBK'lvBlBBBBBr TBlBBBBLLLBTit.- aBBB"r bbW.' Wj- BBB Umf'i' SBjBB?' ' HBBBBBE V BBBBBBBBBBBKW V a- -. . BBBBH&4r " BBBBbSNF 5'jM .BflBBBBBBBBBBBRPL' .jKm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBmkv- ? BBBI rBBBBBMBMr5,y ' 'iiiifcSBSBBBBl BBBBBHit JEv bpibbvsbh BBBKBitVV.- j4rBHiHi SKr ". .J9lMCHI gJBj. v. , . . 1 ,,JFftj3&ll2?iac5l IwantedI HOWELLS From the Journal. One day last week Ed Arnold market ed three hogs at Olarkaon, the combined weight of which was 1290 pounds and for which be received $113 87. Last week Jos, Fojar, who recently sold hU 200 acre farm north of town. purchased a quarter-section place near Dcdge and paid 8175 an acre for it. Out at the Joj. R. Novok place, two miles south of town, they are in the poultry business on quite a large scale. Although it is only the opening of the season, still they have more than seven hundred chicks, most of which were batched in an incubator. "Prienda at this place will be grieved to learn of the death of Boxy Fisher, who formerly lived here Last Septem ber she was nnited in marriage to a ban ker of Boise, Idaho, whoe name we have been nnable to learn. The details of the sndden death are meager, hut, as near as we ean determine, she under went an operation for nppendicitis on Thursday of last week and died from the effects of the operation last Satur day." After an absence of forty years from the land of his birth, F. .1. Busch em harked Saturday on the Bteamer, Kaiser in Augusta Victoria, for a trip to Ger many to view the scenes of his childhood days. He will, no doubt, see vast chan ges, but will enjoy to the utmost the visit with his sister and her family, and other relatives who reside there. He left here on Tuesdey morning, accom pained by his daughter. Miss Carrie, and they expect to be gone four months. SILVKH CHEEK. From the Sand P. U. Bell cabled from Liverpool, England, that be and his family landed on British soil Saturday last and they had a tine trip across the water and were all well. W. U. Hartford nnd MifH Valeria Koz lowski were mariied at Duncan last Tuesday at SiV) a in They left on the noon train for Not folk. On their return it is understood that Mr. Hartford will engage in biiMni sa with his wife'a father. Mrs. Waller Adcock was called to Co lumbna Sunday and on Monday, accom panied by Lester (.Sates and Mr. Adcock's mother, took her husband to an Omaha hospital where he is nniKr the care of a specialist. Mr. Adcock seems to be im proving right along. G. W. Hagen of Topeks, KanBa, one of the Platte river btidge gang nt this place, had a sudden, unexpected and perilous ride last Friday. He was stand ing on top of the pile driver, which is 3fi feet high besides what it sett on, when it broke in twain and fell over in the river. Mr. Hagen was so entangled in the guy ropes that he could not jump clear of the structure, but managed to free him self so that he fell into the water clear of it and was not injured beyond a few bruises. The water wns about four feet deep at the place he fell, but he was res cued without difficulty. The accident caused a diday in the construction of the bridge. The Crows and tha Snake. "Strolling in Burma one day," says a writer iu the Loudon Field, "I came to a ditch bridge, and about ten yards off there wns a mass of black soft mud caused by buffaloes rolling. On the bridge was a small brown snake about two feet In length. This snake Is an ordinary jungle Inhabitant and Is very venomous. Surrounding him were a mob of some dozen crows. Whenever the sunke attempted to escape the nearest bird would jump In and jerk It back by the tail. The crows generally kept just out of the snake's reach, but on three separate occasions the birds were struck. "Immediately on being bitten a crow flew over to the wet mud nnd swal lowed three or four mouthfuls with out a pause. It then perched up in a tree nnd took no further part In the fight. The Incident ended In the snake escaping between the planks of the bridge. What Interests me Is why did the stricken birds cat the mud? Was It taken as a kind of antidote or what was the reason?" The Rainbow. When a ray of sunlight falls on a raindrop It Is refracted; then part of the light Is reflected from the internal surface and again refracted on leaving the drop. The white sunlight Is not only refracted when It enters and leaves the drop, but dispersion also takes place. The eye sees bright cir cles of light for each kind of light, nnd since sunlight Is made up of different kinds of homogeneous light we get a series of circular arcs showing the spectrum colors, the red being outside and the other colors following In the order of descending wave length. The whole constitutes a primary rainbow. A secondary bow is sometimes seen outside the first. This is formed by the light being twice reflected Inside the raindrops. The less refrangible rays are on the inner side. Rainbows due to still more internal reflections are too feeble to be observed. It is possible to get a white rainbow If the sun is clouded or if there is a mixture of raindrops of very different sizes. Male Fashions In 1850. Male fashions of 1S50 bad other dis comforts besides long hair. Trousers were tight and buttoned under the foot with broad straps. Every man who aspired to be well dressed wore bis coat so high In the collar that the back of the bat rested on It This fashion was so prevalent that, accord ing to Sir Algernon West, "every hat had a crescent of cloth on the back of the brim to prevent the rubbing of the beaver or imitation beaver of which the bat was made, for silk hats were not then invented." And from the same authority we learn that "opera hats were unknown, and in the even ing a folding cbaneau bras was al ways carried under the arm. Nobody but an apothecary or a solicitor would have dreamed of leaving his bat in the hall of the house where he was calling or dining." London Chronicle. COAL Pocahontas Smokeless Illinois, Rock Springs and Colorado Coals at prices that will interest you. Let us figure with you lor your winter's supply. T. B. Hord Bell 188 Better (imz UAEaHHIIf TVT ANY homes should have better bath rooms than they now have. We have always 1 tried not only to do better plumbing than we ever did before, but better than any body else can do. The vol ume of work we are now doing shows how we are succeeding. We use only genuine plumbing fixtures and employ only experienced workmen. Our repair ing service is prompt and reliable. I til- ,A. VUSSE,VL, & SON. Columlnu, A "Star's" Demands. Whiie traveling with the object of gathering together types of African tribes for their exploitation lu an ex hibition an agent found a Herculean specimen of the Sudanese warrior. lie was determined to get him at any price. At first the warrior refused flatly to go with him. but when the agent told him he might demand what ever sum he pleased he wavered. Fi nally, after long consultation with his frieiuN. he consented, through an in terpreter, to accept the engagement, hut added. "I must have my wife's e: iH'tises paid while I nni away." "A!! right." said the agent. "And I must have all my mother's expenses paid." "All right." "And I must have money for my children." "All right. How much do you want?" "And ten months Is a long time." "I know it. Name your own figure." At this the war rior, with n cunning gleam In his eyes, as If he were demanding a king's ran som, named u sum which in our money amounted to a little less than $1?. "And he nearly fainted." said the agent in conclusion, "when 1 told him he could have it!" A Hindoo Superstition. When visits are exchanged by the friends of the Hindoo bride and groom to complete arrangements for the wed ding great attention is paid to omens, which arc considered especially potent then. For Instance, if the groom's messengers should meet a cat. a fox or a seriMHit they turn back and seek a more propitious time for the errand. After the bride's father bus received the offer be must delay replying uutil one of the ubiquitous lizards in his house has chirped. IE JOURNAL r IHKEX anaariaui Go Out Into The Union Pacific Country Where there are greater opportunities and less com petition; where nature is generous in both climate and soil. It is in this section that thousands will find homes in the next few years. Go via UNION PACIFIC "Tha Safe Read" Electric Block Signals Dining Car Meals and Service "Best in the World" Low Homeaeekers' Fares First and Third Tuesday of Each Month During 1910 To Many Points in Colorado. Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington For information relative to rates, routes, etc , call on or address E. G. BROWN, Agent, Columbus, Neb. Grain Co. Ind. 206 l MIT I m Plumbing Nebraska Maidens Sold by Auction. A singular custom obtains to this day iu some of the towns on the lower Ilhlne namely, that of "selling" maid ens at public auction. For uearly four centuries on Easter Monduy-auctlou day the towu crier or clerk of St. (o:ir has called all the young people together and ti the highest bidder sold the privilege of dancing with the cho sen girl aiiti her ouly during the entire year. The fees are put Into the public poor box. No Gossip. "I dou't like these women who gossip about others. Do you?" "I should say not. Now, there's Mrs. Creeu. She's always telliug mean thiugs about her ueighbors. Aud Mrs. Hunter talks iierfectly dreadful about her friends. Thank goodness, 1 never say anything about anybody!" Stray Stories. A Test of Strength. "Doctor, have you aud the consult ing physicians decided what Is the matter with me?" "Not yet." "Hut 1 heard you balloting this morn ing ' "Oh. that was only a straw vote." Louisville Courier-Juurual. The Regular Performance. "When you proiosed did you get down on your knees?" "No. Hut since I've heeu married she's made me get down on 'em right along." Detroit Free Press. The true, the good, the beautiful, are but forms or the Infinite. What, then, do we really love in them but the In finite? Cousin. FUR n i IsHL 1 Ml