thmkm m (Wivriti COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 2,010. FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 8. K r Y m I " W" I 1 s 2 In May Series "W" U begins Stock now open Z for subscription 2 S I BECHER, HOCKENBERGER & ; S CHAMBERS ; COLUMBUS MARKETS. Rye Oats ........-.......- Wheat, new Corn yellow White corn Hoa, top . : ill 17 4i SlUIIIIIJIIIJIIIlllllUIIIIIIIIUIIUlllllllllllfi E MANY YEARS AGO. ClIHIIIIIIIllllHUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIllll' Files of the Journal, May :UI, 1S77. A dusky uboriginee, u number of whom ramped near the city, paid his coiiiphmeiitH to th Journal this week, but instead of bio card presented us, with considerable ostentation, his "pedi giee" hy the interpreter, whose name although we count oun-elves tolerably good on hieroglyphics,) we were unable 10 decipher, from what we learned the "noble red" in our presence was an Otoe chief, a "e,ood Indian" and that any little donations of money, cold chicken or other meats or eatables would be gladly and thankfully received. Moat farmers have finished planting corn, and that put in several weeks ago is making a line appearance. In some sections of the county more than usual nrnplaint is made against the depre dating gopher, which bus been variously dealt with aud put past future forages on corn crops by trapping and by strych nine. Many who, several 1hh ago, thought that their corn had rotted in the ground, find that the encouraging warmth of the last week has brought most of it along nicely. The careful farmers have gone all over the lields, however, examined the situation where it appeared doubtful, and replanted where necessary, ami we aie pleased to hie that work generally is being more thoroughly done than usual. As a rule Nebraska farmers undertake to cultivate too much land To a certain limit, a decrease m the number of acres, giving a corresponding bettei quality of work done, results in greater profits to the farmer. We were very much struck with a remark once made by our friend Goo. W. Olother, upon a return from a visit to Canada and the eastern states of the Union, viz: "If the farmers there should farm as we do, they would soon starve to death: if we should farm as they do, we would all soon be rich," which is bo palpably in the line of truth as to be at once recognised by every farmer in Nehr-ihl.n. Advertised Letters. Following is a h-l of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post olliee at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing May, -'.", WW: Letters C .1 Uush, Miss Kmma l.roh maii. Mrs Enie Bower (2), O O Dysinger, H It Gurnej-. D W Killeau. Merchants National I'.ank, Peter Odefez. 15 15 Priest. Mr and Mrs Jesse C liice, John Schar wath, F II Wil6on, Mrs Kaymond Ynnt Cards W Allen, Frank Bower ('2), Mrs Hnie Bowers &), W F 15 Uerriot, Halighe Krauze. Miss Ellen Lyman, Roy McCluskey, 1 F Stewart. Parties calling for any of the above will please sav advertised. Caui. Kkamer, P. M. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specialty D. G. KAVANAUGH The city council prjpiseto have the automobile ordinance enforced, and in structed the police officers regarding it at the meeting last Friday evening. Chas Kula and twenty-three others ask ed for additional street lights and the request was referred to the committee. Residents in the eastern part of the city have filed a complaint with the conncil againBt the gas works, claiming that the odor which arises from the plant is in jnrious to public health. Carl Froemel was granted permission to move his frame store building into Eleventh street while his new brick business house was in course of construction. A. Dussell .t Son were granted a plund ers' license for the coming year. The petition for vacating D street, between blockB twelve and thirteen. Chambers addition, was leported back with a fav orable recommendation and an ordinan ce providing for Hub was passed to its third reading. Increases in the pay of the city policemen go into effect the first of May, that being the beginning of the fiscal year for the city. The council at thiB meeting provided for the issue of the $:jr,000 Platte river bridge bonds, to be used for replacing the bridge over the Platte south of the city. Kilert Mohlman was elected secretary of the Commercial club at a meeting of the board of directors last Friday even ing, the resigngtion of A. R. Miller, as secretary being accepted. The new sec retary was instructed to proceed to collect the annual dues and retain five per cent for his work. The board also discussed the proposition of holding a Fourth of July celebration and finally decided to call a mass meeting of Colum bus citizens Wednesday evening to de cide the matter. Louis Held, Isaac Brock, Carl Kramer, M. D. Karr and Sam Gasa, jr., were appointed as a per manent finance committee for the club during the year. Paul Jaeggi, It L. Johnson and Mayor Held were ap pointed as a committee to solicit funds for the band concerts thiB summer. Kearney wants Columbus to join with that city and Grand Island in the capital removal agitation, a communication to that effect from Williard F. Bailey, sec retary of the Kearney club being before the local club, but no action was taken in the matter. Treasurer Phillips pre sented his annual report which showed a balance of $58, and that about $1,000 had been collected and disbursed by him. tive hu mired Modern Woodmen gath ered at the Orpheus hall Tuesday even ing to greet Head Consul A. R. Talbot and other officers of the order, and to witness the exemplification of the new ritnal. National organizer J. O. Davis or California was present and his ad dress was enjoyed by the assembled Woodmen. Head Consul Talbot made a strong plea for the new tuberculosis hospital of the order at Colorado Springs and exhibited some very interesting ster eopticon views pertaining to it. The Fremont degree was present uud exem plified the new ritual, and a large class was initiated. Among thoBe present were Woodmen from every town on the Spalding branch, a special having been run for their accomodation, and also members of the order from east and west of Columbus and the Norfolk branch. The rally was a grand success, and the local camp is to be congratulated for the manner in which they handled it. While preparing a meal at his room over the O. A. Lutz & Co. wooden shoe factory last Friday morning, Fred Han Ion, Union Pacific watchman, was badly burned by the explosion of a gasoline stove. Before moving to his present qunrters, llanlon occupied a room in the old Union Pacific store house, which was burned some time ago. The explo sion saturated his clothes with gasoline and he ran down the stairs to the street, completely enveloped in llames. Two bystanders removed their coats and smothered the llames, but he was quite badly burned. The injuries, while very painful, are not serious and it will be some time before he will be able to be on duty again. Mr. Uanlon's home is at North Platte, but he has been stationed at thrs place for some time. A couple of buckets of water quenched the llames, but an alarm had been sent in and the department responded. The building was not damaged by the blaze. While helping place the last course of stone on the First National Bank build ing, Tuesday afternoon, J. H. Brock met with an accident that came very near being fatal. He had been riding to place the large 1,300 pound stones, and when the accident occurred was just ready to swing one of them into position. The clevis, which held the stone, was defective, and broke, precipitating the stone and Mr. Brock to the sidewalk, a distance of about twenty-five feet. At first it was thought that Mr. Brock had been crushed, but hia injuries were found tn consist of a broken leg and a bad scalp wound, and probable internal injuries. Wednesday morning he was resting easy and so tar mere are no developments that would indicate inter nal injuries. The outcome of the acci dent was very fortunate, as those who witnessed it were certain that he had been killed outright. Ed llagatz arrived last week from Los Angeles, Oali , and will remain here per manently. He says the family has not as yet engaged in any business except building and selling houses, and are yet undecided as to whether they will remain ' in the west. Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueechen building. Wni. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone lf94. Mr. and Mrs.Geo. Abarr were in Oma ha Monday. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Wasted Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. Strother. Dr. C.A. Allenburger, offioe in new State Bank building. Dr. L. P. CaratenBon, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and Kummer Sts. 100 acres of blue grass pasture land for sale. O. M. Taylor, Columbus. Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr. C. D. Evans, west side of Park. For Sale lfiO acre farm 1J miles from Columbus, well improved. C. M. Tay lor, Columbus. Mrs. Eva Conk or Fremont was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Iteed. Miss Emma Smyers or Monroe was a guest of Miss Mazie Magill from Mon day until Wednesday. During May we will close out onr China and dinuerware at cost price. Rohrich's. Eleventh street. Miss Gertrude Mylet of Omaha, who has been visiting her sister. Miss Sarah of this city, and also relatives and friends at Platte Center and Elba, returned to her home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Taylor, former re sidents of this city, but now of Hamil ton, Mont , have been guests at the II. A. Clarke home this week. They were re turning from Omaha, where they had been attending a family reunion. Chas McCune of the Omaha World Herald was in Columbus last week in the interest of that paper. Charlie was engaged in newspaper work in this city a number of years ago, and is always pleased to renew old acquaintances. An automobile collision Friday even ing at Thirteenth and Olive streets, be tween a machine driven by Mrs. Edgar Howard and a machine owned by Louie Groteluescben resulted in considerable damage to both machines, but no one was hurt. OolumbiiB friends have received post cards from Curisl W under lich and Geo. Rambour saying that tbey arrived in Europe all right, and are at present en joying the sights in sunny Italy. From there they go to Bavaria and other parts of Germany and Austria At the meeting of the grand lodge, Sons of Heruianu, held in Lincoln last week. Oarl llhode was re-elected grand secretary for another year. The re-election was a compliment to Mr. Rhode, and the grand lodge also raised the salary of the office $200, from $400 to 000. Mr. and.Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and little daughter returned last Saturday from an extended trip in the west. While they enjoyed a very pleasant trip, Mr. Arm strong says he did not see any country that compared with Nebraska, all condi tions considered. He is again at work as day foreman in the Union Pacific yards. Invitations have been issued by Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Evans for the marriage of their daughter, Racbael Nell, to Mr. George McHenry, Friday evening. May 27, at seven o'clock, at Grace Episcopal church. After the ceremony a reception will be given at the Evans home. Mr. and Mrs. McHenry will be at home after August 1, at Dennison, la. Lon Gutzmer, bookkeeper at the state hospital the past five years has resigned his position. He is well fixed financially and while it is not known what he will do it is hoped he will engage in business here. We understand that be is about to enter a matrimonial partnership with a former Norfolk girl. His successor at the hospital has not been named. Nor folk Press. John Uosner. a resident of Flatte co unty since the sixties, died at the hospi tal last Thursday morning or Rright's disease. When be came here he home steaded south of the Loup. Mr Hos ner was sixty years of age and leaves a wife and several grown children. Fnneral services were held Saturday at Duncan, being conducted by Rev. II. U. Hack man, pastor of the German Methodist church of this city. Carl Froemel will begin the construc tion of a two-story brick business house at his present location on Eleventh street, and work will begin as soon as the material can be gotten on the ground. Mr. Froemel will move his present building into tho street until the new structure is completed. His family. who reside on east Eleventh street, will move into the upstairs of the new build ing when completed. With favorable weather the contract ers hope to complete the work of pav ing Olive street between Eleventh and Twelfth, and also the platform at the Union Pacific depot. It is understood that the railroad company have issued strict orders regarding driving upon the brick platform when it in completed, and will prosecute offenders. Thi9 action is for the protection of the public as well as for the platform, as heavy loads would soon destroy the platform paving. 8 ROOM HOUSE Good barn and five acres of lnad, 12 blocks from Post office. PRICE $3,500 Elliott - Speice Post Office Block Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist and aurist, 121.r Olive street. For fine watch, clock and jewelry re pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh street jeweler. G. A. Scott, jr., arrived last Thurs day from Kansaa Oity for a visit with his parents, and will remain here for sever al weeks. Mrs. bin Curtis and Mrs. Wm. Heck of Palmer, Neb., are here tonttend the funeral of their grand mother, Mrs. James Davis. Barney McTaggart is again on duly at the Union Pacific depot, having nearly recovered from the effect of the knife wound he received at the hands of John McGrath. Business in police court has been very light for the last few weeks, but Tuesday night Frank Bower was taken by the police rs a plain drunk, and Wed nesday morning Police Judge O'Brien assessed him 1 anil costs for bis lodging in the city bastile. Charles Kavanaugh of Milwaukee, accompanied by his wife, arrived last week for a short visit with bis brother, D. C. Kavanaugh and family. Mr. Kavanaugh, who has been a member of the Milwaukee police force for twenty four years, i9 taking a vacation. It has been ten years since he visited in this city. Guy W. Gardner has sold his store to J. E. Erskine, the Columbus traveling man, and the stock is now being invoic ed. The deal was closed the fore part or the week. Mr. Erskine has been think ing of moving to Central City for some time and now that he has become the owner of a stock of goods here will doubtlees be counted as one of our busi ness men. Mr. Gardner has desired to retire from business for some time and will probably go west as soon as he closes up his affairs here. Central City Non pareil. The board of supervisors haye been in session this week and so far their work has been confined to letting the contract for the Platte river bridge. Polk coun ty was represented at this meeting. The bridge contract was awarded to the Standard Bridge company, and their re presentative says they expect to begin work within thirty days at least Those who are interested in the proposed bridge at Monroe were not ready for a hearing and asked for time, as there is some necessary data that they want tn secure before presenting their case to the ooard. THE ROEX HOME will lie sold to the highest bid der Thursday, June 2, 1010, promptly at 3 o'clock p. m. Sale will be kept open 30 min utes. Sale will held on the premises. is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L W. WEAVER t SN HARNESS AND COAL Wn QBHaLallllV En THE BEST - Echols Co. Columbus, Neb. St. Francis Academy Auditorium. The formal opening of the new audi torium at SL Francis academy will take place Monday and Tuesday, May : and 31. Monday evening will be for adults and the admission will be 50c and Tues day evening for children, admission 25c. The following program will be given: PROGRAM Overture "Weihe des Hauses," com posed 1822 (Dedication) L. Van Beethoven Piano solo L. Eherhardt Prodigious Constellation Uecitntion Selected Pupils Quintette "Ben Hur" Selected Piano Mrs. Geo. Satory Violin L. Eherhardt, M.Snyder and O. Leonard. Mandolin M. Fitzsimmons "Bucolic Conglomeration". By Oeg. Yrotas, Humorist Rakorzy and Pretention Frz. Liszt Piano Solo L. Eherhardt Ignorance and Pretention Dialogue Characters: BetBey Bell-M. Snyder Mrs. Mullen N. Thomas Musical Mimicry Mr. Geo. Satory A Mother's Ourse Drama Dramati Person ae: Alix Kerouef, widow of a fisherman.. MKrtfifr Yvonne, her daughter T. Maguill Madge M. Moroney Bertha N. Hall Neighbors of Mother Kerouef Anne, Yvonne's friend M. Schwnrtz Madame De Saint Aignan, a lady of wealth T. Girmann Constance. Madge's daughter.... J. Las Sophia, Madame De Saint Aignan's maid N. Ryan Madame Feliccn L. Eherhardt The Baroness D'Estive M. Curry The Marchioness DeSanvray...F. Calto Four young girls Selected The Alpine Storm Descriptive C. Kunkle Piano Solo T. Girmann AOT I. . Mother Kerouef's Cottage Kamennoi Ostrow Op. 10. .A. Hubenstein Piano Solo L. Eherhardt AOT II. Yvonne De Saint Aignan's Boudoir The Palms Fantaisie Brillante J. Lej bach Piano Solo N. Ryan ACT III. The same Scene as in Act I Home Sweet Home Selected Piano Solo T. Girmann Mandolin M. Fitzsimmons Specialty Mr. Geo. Satory FINIS. Seats on sale at Pollock's drug store. Monday night, adults 50c; Tuesday night, children 25c. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The management of the Y. M. C. A. has offered the members of the Fire De partment full use of the association building and equipment for a date to be S4t in the near future. Acting upon this invitation, a hunch of firemen who are a!o members of tte Y. M. C. A. met to discuss what would be the beet way tn taki: advantage of this privilege. It was decided to have a "Fireman' Night. That night the fireman will have the risht of way:" gymnasium, baths, swim ming pool, bowling alleys, billiards, pool, cue-roque, checkers, chess, reading room, anything and everything belongs to the firemen that night and they are cordially invited to come and take advantage of the whole "shoot in' match." Chief Galley made the announcement in de partment meeting last night and each fireman will receive a card Inter. The Y. M. O. A. camp that has been planned for the boys will be the best thing that has been done for the boys in the local association. A group went out on an exploring expedition a few days ago to And a suitable camping ground for a bunch of live and husky lads. The expedition was as successful as Peary's North role nunt lor one oi me oeat camping grounds in Nebraska was dis covered. It is about lo mites irom uoi nmbus. just a good bike. There are beautiful, level meadows. large enough for all kind of athletics, track. Gehi, haae ball, tennis, etc . as well as fine swimming and fishing. If yon are not lined up for your share of this big time you better fall in It is desirable to know who is going just as soon as possi ble so get your application and turn it in now. On the Diamond. Kearney won last Wednesday's game, and they substituted Noyes for Jndson in the fifth inning. Columbus scored three times in the second, but that was all. In the second inning Chittick of Columbus pnt the ball over the fence for a home run. Score: Kearney 2 0 0 0 0 0 110-4 Columbus 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 Batteries, Columbus, Sindelar and Kemp; Kearney, Judaon, Noyes and Townsend. Struck out, Judson 4. Noyes 7, Sindelar 10. Passed ball, Kemp :l. Umpire, McQuade. Red Cloud was the visiting team for Thursday and Friday. The first game was won by Columbus, both teams scor ing in the seventh, Columbus having thtee men cross the plate and lied Cloud one. Score: Columbus 0 0 II 0 0 0 U 0 o-: Red Cloud 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 01 Batteries, Columbus, Bovee nnd Kemp; Red Cloud, Pierce and Ruppert. Hit by hall, Bovee 1. Hits, Columbus 7, Red Cloud 5. Struck out, Bovee 5; Pierce 3. Umpire McQuade. The second game of the series with Red Cloud was one that would delight the most enthusiastic fan. Twelve in nings were played and the teams were tied in the ninth and tenth. Red Cloud finally scoring in the twelfth nnd win ning the game. Sindelar relieved Kis- sell in the tenth, but Mitchell of Ked Cloud finished the game. Dolan lined out a three bagger in the tenth mat netted a rnn. Score: Red Cloud....0 1 OOIIOICIO 1 II 1-fi Columbus ...3000000101 II (I 5 Batteries Red Cloud. Mitchell and Ruppert; Columbus. Kissel!. Sindelar and Kemp. Struck ont, Mitchell. II; Kissell. 4; Sindelar. 6. Saturday's game with Superior was postponed on account of rain, but Sun day's game, which was witnessed by a crowd of 1,200 people, was won by Col umbus. Stafford, Columbus new pitch er, wus iu the box, and he did not dis appoint the local fans. In the eighth Dolan was walked, ami with two men out the visitors were touched up for six runs, Spoil man knocked a three-bugger in the fourth nnd Allen a home run in the third for the visitors. Score: Columbus 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 0-8 Superior 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0-2 Batteries, Columbus, Stafford and Clair; Superior, Green and SpeUman. Struck out. Green, fi; Stafford, 7; Base on balls. Stafford, :i: Green 2 aud wild nitch: double nlaye, Cooper to Brown, to Dolan: two baggers', Dolan, (2), Mai um, Ghiltir.k. Monday the Columbus tenm opened at Hastings and won through superior hitting. Score: nniiimiinfi l 10 10 o ii :i :$-9 Hustings II 0 10 0 0 I". II 0 Batteries, Columbus, Bovee and Clair, Hasting?, Waldron and Donnelly. Hits CoIumbUB. 13; Hastings, S; errors, Col umbus,:!; Hastings, 8. Columbus won the second game on the Hastings ground Tuesday, the seven th inning being the deciding one. Hast ing replaced Jacobson by Zavadill in the seventh. Score: Columbus 0 2 0 0 0 0 fi 1 0-8 Hastings. n 2 0 0 u II o 0 1-3 Hits, Columbus, 8; Has-ings. . Er rore, Columbn9, 3; Hastings, 8. 1 latter ies, Columbus, Sindelar and Clair. Hastings, Jacobson, Zavadill nnd Wally. State League Standing. Won. 1 t. IVt. (rami Ilaul M - " Fremont s 2 . folumlitit ' '' Ji" StfWnrtl -t -;l SuiMrior 2 t .t ItMlClniuI S '. ; Kwiracy. 'J -JY llnMinK" - - Route No. 4. Ed Dnbrava of Monroe was shelling corn for J. O. Din ten Tneeday. Frank and Esther Bray were visitors at the home of W. H. Moore, near Genoa Saturday and Sunday. School in district No. :t closed Monday with a picnic in Mucek'a grove, Miss Grace Bloom was the teacher. T. O. Dineen, who has been taking treatment at Excelsior Springs, Mo., for the last three months, returned home Monday. About eighty young people gathered at the home of Alois Mikech Sunday evening and enjoyed an old fashioned barn dance. Mrs. John Snyder returned to her home in Lincoln, after a ten days' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ljnian Bray of Route 4 and her son. John Snyder of Route :l Route No. 3. Dick Schroeder has moved from the Wm. Goedeken farm to the J. F. Guede- ken farm. Fred Brunken, who is taking treat ment for his eyes at Lincoln, expects to return home in a few days. Farmers on the route are apprehensive that the cold weather may result in a Door stand of corn. North of this route many farmers are reported to have been compelled to do considerable replanting. J. F. Goedeken returned last Satur day from Cedar Rapids where he had been looking after his farm. He was well pleasrd with the crop outlook and also spoke of the improvements being made on the roads in that locality. FARMERS The best poison in the world for GOPHERS, FIELD MICE and other pests is Starr's Poison Sold under a positive guarantee PRICE, 75c POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on the Corner Columbus, Nebraska Tuesday tho board of education elect ed Miss Emma Meistrick of Yankton, S. D., to fill the position of teacher of German and biology. Prof. Elliott ten dered his resignation, to accept a posi tion with a large South Dakota firm as electrical engineer, with a substantial advance in salary. Prof. Elliott's work here has been very satisfactory, and the board anticipate considerable trouble in securing his successor. Arend Kreye, a resident of Platte co unty since 1873, died at his home in Bis mark township last Friday, aged T years, 7 months and 10 days. Mr. Kreye was born October 10, 1840. He grew to manhood in his native land and was married March 1. 1870. In 1873 he de cided to try bis fortnne across the ocean aud in that year became to America and direct to Platte county, which has since been his home. Besides his wife he leaves three daughters, Mrs. August Karjenbruch of Leigh, Mrs. Ed Hollman and Pauline at home, and Adolpli Kreye. Three brothers and oue sister in Ger many and one brother in New Jersey si so survive him. Funeral services were held at the Loeeke Creek church, being conducted by Rev. Deninger, and a large number of friends and relatives were pre sent to pay their last respects to the de ceased. Hannah Aston Davie, wife of James Davis, died Tuesdny morning at her home, Sixth and F street, aged 78 years, death being due to old age. Mrs. Divis was born in England in June, 1832. When a small child she came with the family and settled in New York state. Here she grew to womanhood, and was married to James Davis, May 10, 1850. Later, with her husband and family, ehe movet! to Wisconsin and then to Iowa, coming to Nebraska and Platte county in the spring of 1870 and settling on a farm in Sherman township. Here they resided nnd passed through all the dis comforts incident to a new country, until 1002, when they moved to Colum bus. Besides her husband, who is 84 years of nge, she leaves one daughter. Mrs. O. C. Shannon of this city, and two sons. Fred E. Davis of Creston and George- Duvi'b of Columbus. Funeral services will be held at the home at 2 p. m. Thursday, and will be ronuucieu by Rev. D. LRoushof the Methodist church. Congregational Church. The Congregntional church offers the following services next Sunday. Sun day school, 0:15 a. m , Worship. 11 a. m , Y. P. S. C. E. 7 p. m.. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Of the morning the pastor will speak from the theme: Christianity not Religion. Of the evening the church will join in the Baccalaureate services of the High school held in the anditorinm of the High school building. William L. Dihblk, Pastor. Announcement. Having purchased the Central Meat Market, formerly operated by Cassia & Brenn, I will be pleased to see all the old customers and many new ones at the old stand. F.A. Biien.n. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous MunBing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from $1.50 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, 91 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a Hplemiid line ready for yonr in spection and ranging in price from 50c to f 2 50 a garment. Buy early while the sizes are concplete. GRAY'S