The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 18, 1910, Image 5

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See that
That is distinctive: of
Cooper.Wells&Co. s
Style No. 69
One of the best
known 25 cent
stockings made.
2-ply Egyptian yam
with sufficient twist to
give most wear.
We recommend!
No. 69 to our pat
rons because we
believe in it
Comes in blade
only, sizes
8 to 10
From tlio Kutcriinv.
Will and Francis Gates started by wa
gon Monday morning for Sterling, Colo.,
near which place they have taken home
steads. Crowds of our townspeople Hock to the
Shoney ranch to watch the big plow
throw dirt from the ditch being made
across the ranch. It is well worth
one's time to go out there and ere the
monster machine work.
Charles It. Garrison and Mm. Anna
McLean, both of this city were married
at the home of Mrs. McLean's daughter
at Tekatnah on Wednesday. May 4th.
They will reside in Chirks where their
many friends wish them every happiness.
From the Newn.
A few days ago Win Sinnnrd lost his
new barn by tire. The children playing
with matches started a blaze in some
hay. His corn aud hay were burned
as well as the barn, which makes the loss
pretty heavy.
The story is told that once -a-bent-old-nian
was busy planting trees along a
country way when two young people
called out, "Say, old man, yon rnnnnt
hope to live to eat fruit from those trees
nor ait in the &hade of them; why do you
work so hard at so thanklths a iuk?
The old man straightened up hhwl and
resting heavily on the handle of his
spade replied, "All my life I have eaten
fruit and rested in the shade of trees
planted by others, and cannot I do as
muoh for those who follow me?"
From tlio dun.
While MiBses Nellie and Clara Ivrasch
were out driving Sunday afternoon their
horses became frightened at an automo
bile and ran away. They were thrown
out near the Folda ranch, but fortunate
ly escaped with only a few bruises.
Some people think it a mystery that
notwithstanding good advice their bojo
grow up to he wild and reckless young
men If these boys were taught from
infancy that home was the proper place
for them after dark, rather than prow
ling around the streets, annoying well
and sick people alike, much of this mys
tery might be explained, and young men
with better moral character and more
intelligent minds would be the result.
No parent need e.pect pure morals in a
boy that prowK the streets at night,
even if he does go to Sunday school.
From the Ut'oonl.
Carl Plagemau was in from the Inland
Monday having his collar bone adjusted.
He got into a mix up with a horse last
week and had the misfortune to get the
bone broken. lie is the son of Frank
Cordon Mace and Miss Florence Wes
coat drove to Columbus last Wednesday
Gents' Furnishing Goods
405 11th Street,
nlrkf Tntfi
But I At nf
Hard Wear
in Them.
505 Eleventh Street
and were united in marriage by the
county judge of Platte county. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Wescoat of Beulnh land and ia one of
the best and brightest young ladies in
Polk county.
The other Sunday afternoon while
Tony IJlout was taking his best girl to
her boarding place in the district where
she teaches, his horse became frightened
by a team driving around. It became
unmaniigable and ran into a wire fence,
both occupants being thrown into the
fence and cut severely with the wire.
The horse was also badly cut. Moral,
boys don't try to drive with one hand.
From tlit Sun.
A. M. Abliott, ono of the early settlers
in this precinct and a most resected
citizen died at his home live miles north
of Shelby, after an illness of only a few
weeks, of cancer of the stomach.
Wendin Zonner aged 53 years living
six miles north of Shelby, died Wednes
day evening after a short illness of drop
sy. The funeral was held Saturday at
10 o'clock at St. Andrews church in the
valley. Deceased leaves a wife aud
three children to mourn the departure of
a husband and father who ia spoken of
by his neighbors as a good man, and an
honest industrious and up-right citizen.
A couple of wolves attacked a young
calf running with the cow in Adolph
Kresha's pasture. Mr. Kresha saw the
wolves after the calf and immediately
went on a wolf hunt and succeeded in
killing one of the intruders but not until
the calf had been so badly injured that
it died. The cow made a furious attack
on the wolves but one of them occupied
her attention while the other made short
work of the calf.
From tlio Nonpareil.
August Schneiderheinz in back again
at his old position in Shyers' meat mar
ket. Mr. Schneiderhcinz was employed
by Mr. Sayers about three years ago,
leaving here to go to Omaha Lately he
has been working at Columbus. He
knows the meat business thoroughly
and he aud Joe Stollbories will mnkea
team hard to beat
U. II. Hutson, the Union Pacific sec
tion boss at llordville. received a pecu
liar and rather serious injury Monday.
With his gang he was tearing down some
fence and he was driving a wedge into a
pot with a sledge. A fragment of steel
from the wedge was broken loose under
tine of the blows and the Hying iron
struck him on the leg just above his
knee. It made a hole just like a bullet
and severed an artery. He was placid
on the hand-car and brought to Central
City, where Drs. Benton attended him.
The wound bled very freely, but after
the bleeding was stopped he was nble to
walk. The wound will probably occa
sion no serious consequences, but had
he been out of the reach of medical
assistance he might have suffered much
from the loss of blood.
From the World.
Walter Hatzen came over from Oolum
bns Friday evening of last week. He
will stay around this neighborhood for a
couple of weeks to visit all of his old
friends and bid them good bye before be
starts on his European trip. His father
and mother went back to Columbus last
Sunday afternoon after a weeks visit up
An unfortunate accident occurred on
Tuesday evening as the guests were on
their way home from the Moran-Clark
wedding, Mrs. Ferdinand Clark, of Cres
ton, a lady sixty years of age being
the victim. An automobile drove up
behind the buggy which frightened
the team and Mrs. Olark was thrown
out and sustained a broken arm.
Ah a tired child falls into peaceful
sleep, so passed the spirit of Fritz Sch
roeder to the better world, death having
entered the family home in Midland pre
cinct on Friday last. The deceased was
a native of Germany, having been born
in that country more than eighty-six
years ago. In the early seventies he and
his wife, with their children left the land
of their birth and came to America to
make their home in Colfax county.
When they took their homestead that
section of this county was but thinly
settled, and it was their lot to go through
all the hardships and privations of the
pioneer 'days. Undaunted they faced
every trial and overcame every obstacle,
till succees crowned their efforts and
their declining years have been spent in
the midst of plenty and the comforts
that it brings. The kindly old man a
model citizen and a kind and consider
ate husband and father will long be re
membered by all who knew him.
Following a stroke of paralysis, Mrs.
Herman Lneschen passed away at her
home nine miles southwest of town.early
Tuesday morning. Mrs. Lucschen arose
as usual, at about five o'clock, but com
plained of a severe headache. She grew
worse and a stroke of paralysis followed,
death relieving her of her sufferings with
in an hour. In lKCil Mr. and Mrs. Lues
chen came to Nebraska and settled upon
the homestead nine miles south of town,
which has leen their home. To them
were born eight children all of whom,
with their father, survive. Mrs. Lues
chen was sixty-two years of age and a
woman whose loss will be keenly felt not
only by members of her immediate fam
ily but by a large circle of friends and
acquaintances, over whom her quiet in.
lluence for the better and higher things
in life was ever prominent. Her love
for her family and her home and her de
votion to them came before all other
duties and the splendid family which
she has given to the world is evidence of
her real worth.
From I lie Time-.
Arthur, aged 12, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Anton Alfred, died of spinal complaint
at the family home northeast of Genoa
Wednt sday . The funeral was held from
the West Hill church Thursday.
E S. Vaught stiys that when a cat is
seen eiting grass it is a sure sign that
rain will full within twenty-four hours.
Tuesday of last week he noticed a cat
that bungs around his barn eating grass.
The next day it rained.
Mra Charles Stopek died at her home
three miles north of Genoa, early Sunday
morning, after nn illness of several mon
ths with Bright's disease. Funeral
services were held Monday forenoon at
the Catholic church south of the Loup.
The Union Pacific company has order
ed all depots painted yellow, a more
cheerful rolor than the dingy red. It is
said that the railway company reserve
the right to designate the color that
elevators, warhouses and other buildings
on the right of-way shall be painted,
and that notice has been served to paint
nil the buildings yellow. A gang of
workmen arrived in Genoa the lirst of
the week and tepainted the depot.
From tho Igniter.
This pretty girl item is from the Rosa
lie Hip Saw: No matter how silly a
pretty girl talks, men never seem to no
tice. We had occasion recently to talk to
a Blam-crackinggood looking little hunk
of silk. But, ye gods and little Gebes!
She would say something then giggle,shc
would giggle between words and before
and after words. She was a stunner for
looks, but what little she carried in her
cupola would not make aload for n hum
ming bird.
The Auburn Republican says that
farmers in Nemaha county have been
bothered in years past with the wire
worm and the corn root lice. An Iowa
farmer has discovered a simple preven
tion for this, and it is inexpensive.
When he plants his corn he puts a table
spoonful of common sulphur, dry, in
each planter box of corn and mix it
thoroughly. This will prevent the root
lice and wire worms and clean the fields
of these pests and will insure a Gne
stand of corn.
The house wives are on their semi-annual
house cleaning crusade and we,
poor, down trodden male men have to
take our medicine. There is no use
squealing, boys. We have tried it but
its no go. Just grab a club and go after
the rugs and carpets and give 'em what
Paddy gave the drum, lug the furniture
out and in and partake of your cold
grub off the kitchen sink or off the back
door porch with a smile. When it is
over you can assume your normal way
for another six months.
Than What?
Mrs. Doyle My husband doesn't
care for money. Mrs. Doyle That
adds to the mystery as to the motivo
for his marriage. New York Press
Sure Thing.
BUI When all the fools are dead 1
don't want to be alive. Jill-Well,
don't worry; you won't be. Yonk.-rs
Electric Light
Always Ready
Have your house wired
Columbus light,
Heat & Power Co.
We invite all who desire choice
steak, and the very best cute of
all other meats to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish and
oysters in season.
Telephone No. 1. - Columbus, Neb.
It Is Called a "Misstrike" and Is Vary
Seldom Seen.
"Sec this penny I got today at the
postoflice," said the cashier. "There
arcu't live other pennies like it in the
United States."
He handed out a cent piece with the
die impression half off the face of the
coin and with a big half moon of
blank metal showing along one side.
"They call it a misstrike." he con
tinued. "Perhaps ouce in 10.U0O.000
times the two little notched lingers on
the minting machines that grip the
blank disk aud draw it forward to the
die fail to spring away. In this case
the left hand linger stuck and pushed
the coin halfway over the die. That
is how the impression is only half on
the disk.
"You can see the raised edge on the
blank portion of the metal." the cash
ier went on as he took up his pen. "It
isn't everybody knows that each coin
goes under the dies twice. The first
time it is struck with a blank, dome
shaped set of dies to put an edge on
the disk. Then it gets the regular die
with the familiar head on it.
"What's it worth? Oh. I'll say prob
ably $25 or so. I see it's been In cir
culation for nine years. It's a wonder
some coin collector hasn't nabbed it.
I'm going to keep it as a rarity."
New York Times.
Sound Waves and the Way They Act
Upon the Ears.
The detection of the direction of a
sound by the sense of hearing is, like
the rapid focusiug- of the eye on ob
jects at different distances, one of
those instinctive operations which are
continually done without any conscious
Sound waves traverse the air as rip
ples stir the water, aud the car by ex
perience acquires some slight power of
detecting the direction in one case, as
the eye does with far greater accuracy
In the other. Usually we unconscious
ly receive assistance from other senses
as well. Often we fall to locate at
once some hidden source of sound,
such as a singing bird, and then our
Instinctive ingenuity displays itself.
The intensity of sound Is, of course,
by no means so great behind a screen
as in front of It, and every one carries
with him the screen of his own bead,
whicli may prevent a particular sound
from being heard so well by one ear
as by the other. If, then, the head is
turned uutii this inequality disappears
and both oars hear equally well we
know that we must be directly facing
or turned from the source of sound,
and our previous rough Idea of Us
whereabouts generally prompts us to
face It
The richt party can
wnm nn excel lent ixvitioii. Hilary
or coniini"iou fur Colombo" ami vi
cinity. HtatnaKe, former occupation
and ive referenca. Addre LOCK
BOX 438, Lincoln, Neb.
No. II 8:! nm
No. 13 1:10 am
No.l 10:35 n in
No.'J 11:20 a tu
No. I ..
4:21 a m
No. 12
No. It.... ..
No. 6 .... ..
No. 18
No. 10 ,
No. 18
No. 2
No. 22
No. 20
.10:27 pm
. 5:34 am
. 2:4ti p m
. 2:15 p m
. 3:05 pm
. 5:3? p m
. 7:12 am
. lftipm
. 5G pm
No. 17....
3:05 u in
No. 15....
No. 3 ...
No. 5 ....
. :t p m
. K:5Q p m
. BSJj p in
. 8:45 p m
.11:2.1 am
. 7:00 n m
No. 79 mxd..d 6:00am
No. 31 pas ..d 1:30 pm
No. 32 pas ..al2-30pm
No. 80 mxd..a 7.00 p m
No. 77 mxil d 7:20 a m
No. 29 pas 7.00 pm
No. 30 pas ..n l:Kpm
No. 78 inxd..n t:10 pni
Daily except Snnday.
Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains.
Noe. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local paMengera.
Nob. 58 and 59 are local freights.
Nos. 9 and IS are mail trains only.
No. 14 doe in Omaha 4:45 p. m.
No. 6 doe in Omaha 5:00 p. m.
G. 1. t Q.
TIhi Tabli
No. 22. Pass, (dailrex. Sondar) leave 7:35 am
No. :t Krt. & Ac. (d'y ex. Satorday) lv.r.KW p m
No. 21, Pass, (daily ex. Sanday) arrive. .9:20 p m
No. 31, Frt. it Ac. (d'y ex. Sanday) ar. ..6:15 a m
MiiwLyil 1 i
From the Republican.
Mm. Mike Jones and daughter return
ed to their borne in Dakota after several
weeks visit with relatives.
Mies Susie Ziegler came home from
Columbus Wednesday and will remain
at home until she isablo to attend school
aa she has a severe cold.
Wm. Welch, who has been in Dawson
county looking after his land he pur
chased there a short time ago, returned
home the latter part of last week.
The village board of Monroe organized
for 1910 by electing U. J. Hill chairman
and L. Franklin clerk. F. A. Bead was
elected water commissioner, and will
have charge of the water works plant.
Word comes from Omaha reporting
that Eddie Kelley had a successful oper
ation which was last Saturday, and is
recovering rapidly . Mr. Kelley who was
there during the operation returned
home last Saturday.
Bert Bryan arrived this week from
Emporia, Kansas, and will remain here
this summer and work for his brother
Arthur. He left Kansas sometime ago,
and was not there when the big storm
struck Emporia, but he had heard from
all his folks and all the damage they
suffered wan some ont buildings being
blown down. His fnther has sold his
large farm and purchased eighteen acres
close to Emporia, which makes them a
very nice home.
Mr. and Mis. Sam Terry, Mr. and Mrs.
E. K. Dack and Mr. and Mrs. Hollings
head went tn Central City Tuesday to
attend the wedding of Neil Hollingshead
and Miss Maude Baker of that place.
They were married Wednesday and that
evening returned here where they went
to housekeeping in the residence which
Mr. Hollingshead purchased a short
time ago. Neil's many friends here wish
them a long and happy wedded life ami
extend congratulations.
Ifrom the Democrat
Jacob Fisher received a telegram last
Friday afternoon conveying thosul in
telligence of IhodiMth of Itobt Monck
ler which occurred at n hospital in Loh
Angeles, California, at one o'clock t lint
day. Word hail been received a few
days before that Robert had submitted
to an operation for appendicitis and lat
er came the information that he was in a
serious condition nnd so Humphrey peo
ple were prepared in a way to receive
the news of his death, yet the announce
ment created the utmost surprise, be
cause Robert's healthy physical condi
tion was considered sullicient to pull him
through. We doubt if there was ever a
death which catiBid more profound sor
row among the people of Humphrey
than the death of Itobert Moacklcr. He
was highly regarded by all hia acquain
tances for his manly traits of character;
brave and .generous, ho was one of Da
turas noblemen in the truest sense.
It is with extreme sorrow that the
Democrat is called upon this week to
chronicle tho death of Mrs. Geo W.
Clark, which occurred at her home in
Pasadena, California, on Wednesday of
last week. T e news of her death came
as a great shock to the many friend.s of
the family in Platte county, and until
confirmation of her death came from
friends at Pasadena, were our people
willing to believe that the jovial and light
hearted Mrs. Clark was no more in this
land of living. Mrs. Clark visited Hum
phrey friends several days last summer
and it seemed she was unusually bright
and cheerful. A few months ngo Mr.
Clark' had a slight stroke of paralysis,
but we understand he had completely re
covered from the efTertsof his illneap.nnd
it was known that Mrs. Clark's health
was not the beet for a few weeks past,
but her illness was such as to not cause
any alarm on the part of her husband.
From the Signal.
The bans of marriage were announced
in St. Joseph's church last Sunday be
tween MissCatheryn Hennessey nnd Mr.
John It Cooney.
Potato bogs are reported unusually
thick this spring. Between the frosts
and the bugs early planted potatoes are
having a discouraging time.
Miss Sparhawk, a trained nurse who
has been caring for Mrs. Holier t Pinson
during her protracted illness, returned
to her home in Coin tubus last Sunday.
Mr. Thos. Mylet arrived home Sunday
evening from Seattle, Washington,
where he bus been since two years ago
laBt March, living with his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Pahrman.
Mr. Mylet looks hale and hearty, and
says he has enjoytd himself very much.
IL W. Perkinson, an old time resident
of Platte Center, arrived here last
Thursday evening for a brief visit with
relatives. Saturday, in company with
his daughter Kittie, he went to Cedar
Rapids to visit his daughter, Mrs. W. T.
Ripp. This is Mr. Perkinson's first visit
to Platte Center in twelve years. His
home is in Denver, where he is in rail
road employ.
Mrs. Fred Michaeleon died early Mon
day morning at her home some G miles
northeast of Platte Center. Mrs. Mich
aelson had been n patient nt the Norfolk
asylnm for several years, but was brou
ght home about six weeks ago. The
cause of her death was tuberculosis.
She is survived by a hushnnd, four
daughters and two sons. The funeral
was held Wednesday morning from the
Lutheran church in Grand Prairie.
In Stock.
Joker Do you keep smokeless tobac
co? Clerk-Sure, we do. Joker What
kind is It? Clerk Chewing tobacco,
of course. Cornell Widow.
Dawn on Rival Plants.
Wife John, the hens have scratched
op that eggplant seed you sowed, nub
Darn 'em! Jealousy, I suppose.
Boston Transcript
Pocahontas Smokeless
Illinois, Rock Spring's
and Colorado Coals
at prices that will interest you. Let us
figure with you tor your winter's supply.
T. B. Hord
Bell 188
MANY homes should
tnain Vcr n-tw.r
""" Mitjr uww
tried not only to do better
plumbing than we ever did
before, but better than any
body else can do. The
f, ume of work we are now
doing shows how we are suc
ceeding. We use only genuine m9tmtmT
plumbing fixtures and employ only
experienced workmen. - Our repair
ing service b prompt and reliable.
Wind and Temper.
There is a closer connection between
wind and temier than at first sight ap
pears. A coldish wind has a bracing
effect and. on the whole, is beneficial.
Iu countries where hot winds occur
periodically, on the other hand, these
are regarded as a nuisance. If not a
curse. Every one almost gets cross,
weary and done up and has a head
ache daily, in Egypt the season when
crimes are commonest is when the hot
khnuiseen blows. Nearly always dur
ing a severe sirocco the Arabs in Al
geria were restless. If they did not at
tempt an actual rising. The sola no.
which now and then rushes across the
Mediterranean in fiery blasts from
Africa, upsets every one in Spain ami
Is the worst wind In that country.
And even in the Pearl of the An
tilles the fierce hot wind Is .such a
pest that It Is recorded of a family
living in Havana that they made it a
rule in the household to preserve ab
solute silence until the wind disap
peared. It was the only plan they
could think of to avoid family quar
rels. Rise of Russia.
In the history of Europe down to the
middle of the eighteenth century Rus
sia is a blank. The foundation of the
kingdom was laid by It uric the Norse
man in the ninth century. In the tenth
century the Russians were Christian
ized, adopting the Greek form of Chris
tianity. In the thirteenth century the
Russians were completely overrun by
the Tartars under Garghiz Khan.
From the Tartars Russia was deliv
ered by Ivan, who became czar in the
time of Elizabeth. It was Peter the
Great (1GT2-1T25) who gave Russia for
the first time a place in the states sys
tem of Euroe. New York American.
JRHEfeflB k
Go Out Into The
Union Pacific Country
Where there are greater opportunities and less com
petition; where nature is generous in both climate
and soil.
It is in this section that thousands will find homes m
the next few years.
Go via
"Th Safe Read"
Electric Block Signals
Dining Car Meals and Service "Best in the World"
Low Homeseekers' Fares
First and Third Tuesday of Each Month Duriug 1910
To Many Points in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and
For information relative to rates, routes, etc , call on or address
E. G. BROWN, Agent, Columbus, Neb.
Grain Co.
Ind. 206
have better bath rooms
. YX !.-.-. f
nave, ire uavc always
The Hypocrite a Genius.
Really to be a hypocrite must re
quire a horrible strength of character.
An ordinary man such as you or 1 gen
erally fails at last because he bus not
enough energy to be a man. Rut the
hypocrite must have enough energy to
be two men. It is said that a liar
should have a good memory. But a
hypocrite must have not only a good
memory of the past, but a consistent
and creative vision of the future; bis
unreal self must bo so far real to him.
The perfect hypocrite should be a trin
ity of artistic talent. He must be a
novelist like Dickens to create a false
character. He must be an actor like
Garrick to act it. And be must be a
business man like Carnegie to profit
by it. Such a genius would not be
easy to find in any country. G. K-
Old Uncle Jasper was buying a post
card in a New Orleans postoflice when
a gentleman approaching the next
window had a small parcel weighed
and stamped for Jerusalem. On this
gentleman's departure Uncle Jasper
chuckled and said:
"He was jokiif, wasn't he?"
"Not at all," returned the clerk.
"My, oh, my!" cried Uncle Jasper in
an awed tone. "Is it possible ye take
letters to Jerusalem? I thought It was
Rough Passage.
"I hope and pray," remarked a gen
tleman as be left the steamer, "that 1
shall never have occasiou to cross the
Atlantic again."
"Rough passage, eh?" queried a
"Rough is no name for it. 1 bad
four kings beat three times." New
York Sun.
7 m .
a itBaSaV