ASSESSMENTS MADE, 4TiBiMJNiBim I II CW3k m n 1 MWPrmfvfPwOffMCffifrc. I j !1jWT I I I I pnmarAcmQMK4Cf urn I : KiJAfS-' vH I I synopsis. -mmimmmmimbimLmmkmmm I The story opens with the Introduction of John Stephens. adventurer, u Missa. chusottp man maroon-l by author'ties at Valparaiso. Cliilo. Bdnsy Interested In mining operations In Bolivia, he was de nounced by Chile as an Insurrectionist and an a consfniwf was hiding. At his hotel his attention was attracted by an Knchshman :mI a youn? woman. Btejlicns rc-srii'd the voun; woman from a drunkc-n officer He was thanked by hr-r. Adm'ral of the Peruvian navy con fronted Stephens, told him that war had ben dcl:ired between Chile and Pern itnd offered him the olliee of cap'aln. He des'red that that night the Ksnieralda. a Clillein vessel, should 1m cap-urol. 8teplins accepted the commission. Stephens met a motley crew, to which he was assigned. He cave them final in structions Thev boarded the vessel. They successfully captured the -i--s-l supposed to 1 the Esmeralda. thro;:;h stnitey. Cipt. Stephens save d'n-ctions for the de parture of the craft. He entered the cab In and dlrcovered the Kniiliyh woman and her maid. Stephens quickly le irned the wront; v 1 had hen cap'nrd It was Lord Darhnqton's private vacbt. the lord v.-lfe mid maid being aboard. He rxptilned the .t-iatir t her ladv .hlp. Then First Mate Tuf.le iahl hire the plot, nav'ns that la- Sea Queen had Ix-en tai-en In order to go to the Antarc tic circle. Tut tie explained that on a former vovnee 1 e had leaned that the Ionna Is.-ii--1 as lost In I7C1 He had found It fr rcn in a huge case of lee on nn Island -mil ci ntaimil n.uch gl 1 Stepiiens on en'ed to he the captain of the expedition He told Ladv Darlington She wis greatly alarnie 1. but 'pressed confidence In him. The Sea Qu.-etj encountered a ". es.e in t'- fog. Stepiiens ai'empied to comniunicaJe. This cau?ed a tierce Mrugg'e :.nil be wis overcome Tuttle llnallv sittiarin? tiie sa tiation. Then tie Se-i Oili- n he idetl SOI.ill ugain Under Tii'lle's ginlance the v-s-! made prore--s tntv.nrl its gial le Nova, the mat. told Stephens that he believed Tuttl" now acting as mU pp r. Insane because of bis -uvr actions Stephens awa'enod by crashing of Kla?s. He --uv Tuttle in the grip of a Iasm of rcl glors mania an I overcame him The sail r i in regaining his senses was tal en ill Tuttle rntntn tted suic de v shooting. I'pon vot of the itw Stephens assumed the leadership and the men decided to eontinu" the treasure hunt, the islands being snpp sed to be only 200 miles d .s'ant Tuttle wan buried In the sea. I-adv Dirllngton promunrinar the service Stephens awaking from sleep paw the ghost, supp -s.vl to lnve forned the ln-'s for Tut tie's rel'g ous mania. Upon advice of I..t1v I).irlm;ton. Stephens stnr'e.1 to prolx- tiie gltost. He came upon I.-eut. K't'i'-lioz. the drunV en o!Tlcer he Irid lii'mbled In Cliile. He found that nt Sanehe7. Inspiration. Hn pineer McKnight plaved "ghos" to scare the men Into gving up the -u-st. Step'? f? !!T!rthZ!Xs QV was at ' the spot wl' r. Tuttle s quest was sup- posed to be The .-rew was anxious to go j on In further si-trch. He Nova and Steph ens conquered them In a fist fiht. I.'idv Dirl'ngton than! ed him. The Sea Queen started northward She was wrecl-ed In a fog Stephens He Nova. I.ndy l"arI"ngon and her ma d being among those to set out In a life boat. CHAPTER XXI. In Which Love Speaks. No one uttered a sound after that first wild cry. We sat there stunned into silence by the horror of the sit uation, every eye staring blindly in to the m'st. the lru beat icslnc: like a chip on the swell caused by the en KiiHlnc; of the yacht. The crippled Sea Queen had evidently gone down like a shoL Twice I endeavored to speak, but some h"j:; choked mo. aud my voice failed I reache 1 down into my pocket, held clo e to my eyes the small compass I always carried, and swung tiie beat's lit ad northward. Even this s'.i-ht effort at action save me back some m asure of self-control. "You had be'tr step the mast. Mr. De Nova, ard get out what canvas veti can spread There is rot much wind but we'll make the best of what littie ! there is." They wont at the task as though glad to have work given them, but I could see nothing but the dim out lines of their forms. i cent down toward l-auy ua-nng- ton; she glanced around and directly into my ees. "Arc you warm enough?" "Oh. yes; but but I hardly know j how I am This has come so sudden ly. I I am not frightened, but dazed, horrified Were all the others on board drowned?" "They must have been. I will ques tion the men in a moment. Only I beg of you do not permit ycur courage to give way " She rested her hand upon my knee. "You need not fear for me." she taid firmly. "I will not fail you." The mainsaii bellied out. catching whatever breeze there was. the boom swinging free and the longboat lean ing well over, as it leaped forward in to the fog. The swift motion brought new heart to all of us. "Pass back the provisions, lads, and we'll stow them away hero in the 6tern lockers." Tlds tai-k required only a few mo ments, and when it was completed I was able to discern the mate, seated next to Celt zie. "Now tell me Just what occurred. Mr. De Nova." I said. "What was it we hummed into. an iceberg?" "Zat was it. monsieur. You saw how zp fog lay. By par. 1 not se ze fo' c's'le from ze bridge for more as four hour. We tun at half speed Vn you went below. Sacre. w'at else was dare? I know you much tired, an' so 1 stand ze vatch for six hour. By gar. - A -. I a . t ze comi men, when bang! we hit ze iceberg! Zat all I know for ze nex" minute, only zare be hell for'ard, an' ze ship up on erd." "Is that all jou can tell? Is there any one else here able to explain?" "Well sir." said a deep rumbling voice forward. "I was just aft o' the main hatch when the runrais ban- pened, a-hangin on to a life line. I couldn't see much, but I figure it out l.e this. We hit a big berg baws on; a lot o' ice caved off on us. an" smashed In the for'ard deck like it was yavwr, orushin down everything as iiij i-i-b uuru irviii to see somesmg. ships, though not until I had com Zn 1 send down for you to be call. ! ,K.lled Lady Darlington to seek rest Iv'ty soon I leave Larsen on ze J a!so. Whether she found It or not I bride-, an start aft to see w'y you can not saVf but T was as!eep inslant. not cur-.e more quick. I get most to , y. and knew nothing until Jotinson "Please Tell Me. I I Wish fur aft as the engine-room. Both boil ers blew up, an' then ncthin' held the In the air but the after bulk- . . ... , head. When that finally gave way ihe ol' hooker dropped to Davy Jones. There wasn't a man ahead o" the main hatch that had a chance even to run for It." I caught my breath, fesling a shiver shake me. "I am unable to make out who are on board." I said at last "Name your selves, beginning at the bow." "Jem Cole, sir." It was the voice of the negro. "Next. Speak up, men!" "Johnson." "Kelly." "McKnight" "Dade." "Sanchez." There was a pause, the last voice sounding just abaft the mast-butt. "Is that all?" "That's all. sir." "With De Nova, myself, and the two women it makes the count ten. Well, we sha'n't be crowded for room. This is going to be a hard cruise, lads but we'll make a stifT fight for it. We'ro sailors, with a stanch beat un der us. and a chance to win out." There was a faint cheer, rumbling. as if It had caught la their throats. and the negro asked "How much of a run Is It. boss?" "I am unable to tell you. Cole." I answered, endeavoring to make my voice sound hopeful, "because I have not had any observation Tor three days. There is no use Ivinz to vou fellows. There Is a mighty long stretch between us and any land worth trying after. We are out of the track of ships, and our only hope Is to kpep the long-boat right side up, and get out of her all the speed possible. Two of you stand by to watch the running gear; the others had better He down and get some sleep while the wind is light. Turn In with them. De Nova; you will have to relieve mo at the til ler later." The breeze perceptibly freshened, but not sufficiently to require any reef ing of canvas, and the fog began drift ing away like a great white cloud, leaving revealed the vista of cold gray .sea stretching about us. Lord, but it did look barren and desolate, that ceaselessly heaving expanse of water, amid which we were but the merest speck, scarcely more important than those floating cake3 of ice, tossed by the waves through which we sought passage. At six o'clock we took careful stock of our supply of provisions, and served out a small ration all around, after ward arranging the several watches for the niht and distributing, as equal ly as possible, the blaukets and extra clothing. The wind felt colder, the sea coming up a bit, and Dade and Kelly fixed up a piece of spare can vas at the stern to protect the steers man from the dash of icy spray. De Nova took the tiller, and seeing no signs of a bad night I lay down amid- calleu me at midnight. There was no great change in con ditions as I stumbled sleepily aft to take the tiller. The boat was sailing free, but with a reef in the mainsail. owing to a marked stiffening of the wind. The intense loneliness of the i scene cast an even stronger spel! ever mo nnw thnw ow-ftii ,c.- r ci!- mde above and below; tho far-off steely glitter of stars: the near-hv white crested waves; the little, insig nificant dot of a boat In which we tossed. I thought upon those leagues unon leagues of barrenness stretching JiMMBH to Know the Very Worst. away to the north, east, west, south, the vast fields of Ice, the extent of storm-lashed seas, the seeming hope lessness of our efforts at escape, and choked in my throat, my lips pressed tight, my eyes staring blindly out in to the smother. Suddenly the blanket at my feet stirred, and Lady Darlington sat up, her back against the gunwale and face upturned to mine. The cold gleam of the moon revealed her features, clear cut as a cameo, framed by the darkness of her hood. I could dis tinguish the delicate tracery of her lashes, and, beneath that light, the j gray oi ner eyes appearea uiacK. "I have been studying your face, Mr. Stephens." she said quietly, "and have read there the helplessness of our sit uation." I rallied instantly, endeavoring to speak lightly. "You translate wrongly. That was only the depression of the scene yon der; the awful loneliness of sea and sky affected my spirits. You should not draw hasty conclusions." "Nor have I. Even such a sea and sky never gave you that look of de spair. I kuow you too well to believe that. You consider our situation des perate." I looked at her closely, but it was not fear I saw in the uplifted face. "It is certainly serious enough," I admitted, believing it useless to at tempt any deceit, "but not hopeless. We have a stanch boat under us, suf ficient food for ail our probable needs, and a favorable wind. While there is life there Is hope." She made a little eloquent gesture of the hands. "Please do not say that Those words are always the last effort to bolster up courage. Keep them for the men, but trust me with the exact truth." "Ask and I will answer." "What chance have we of rescue?" I turned my eyes away before ven turing to reply, yet I dared not utter an untruth. "Two: the being picked up by some passing vessel, or the attaining of in habitable land." "Are there any vessels in this sea at this season?" "It Is hardly probable there are, un less it should be some whaler blown from her course around the Horn." "Then our only practical hope lies In reaching land by our own efforts?" She leaned forward, her hand touching mine as it grasped the tiller, her earn fhsryL' -kXfo1' His Long-Delayed Proposal French Story of Note in Bouquet That was tor rears unanswered. One of the longest delayed proposals en record is related in a French story of a shy young subaltern who was or dered away to the wars. Not daring to si-eak. he sent a nosegay of yellow roses to the girl he loved, with a little note inside begging her. If she re turned his love, to wear one of the flowers in her breast that night at the ball. She appeared without it and he went away broken-hearted. Years afterward, when he was a lame old general, he again met his old love, now a white-haired widow. One day his old sweetheart gently asked him why he had never married. est eyes compelling me to look at her. -Yes. "How bow far away is this land?" I hesitated, actually afraid myself to speak the answer, but her hand clasp merely tightened. "Please tell me. I 1 wish to know ike very worst Such knowledge will be easier to bear than this awful doubt" "But I hardly know myself," I con fessed desperately. "I have had no observation for several days, and can only guess the rate of progress of the Sea Queen, or our drift during the storm. I will be perfectly honest with yon, though, and give yon my best judgment I believe we must be be tween four and five hundred miles to the east and north of Dougherty is land, and not yet beyend the limit of drift Ice. There would be no use in our attempting to turn back for that point of land, as it is nothing but a rock, and we could never find it by the mere guidance of a compass. Our only chance is to bear away to the north east toward land and the track of ships." "How far? What land?" "The western coast of South Amer ica; at least 1.500 miles." I felt her shudder, and scarcely re alizing that I did so. or the signifi cance of the action. Impelled by an impulse beyond all control, I drew her hand within both my own as though in pledge of protection. "It can be done." I insisted. "Such boat voyages have been accom plished." She made no effort to draw away, her eyes still upon mine. "Not through such a sea as this; not at this season of the year." I could not answer, my lips dry, my throat parched. "You know the otter hopelessness of it," she went on, stimulated by my silence. "You know we can never survive the cold, the closing In of the ice, the certainty of storm. Tou are a sailor, and a brave man trust me with the whole truth." "It would be almost a miracle," I fal tered, the words fairly forced from my lips by her Insistence. "This Is the beginning of winter in the storm iest ocean on the globe. God could do It but not man." Her head sank, the white cheek touching my sleeve, but the fearless gray eyes were still open, gazing straight into mine. "Then it is the certainty of death," she said soberly. Death together." My heart leaped as iough it had received an electric shock. Together! 3'ou mean " "That I should rather be here, facing death with you. than anywhere else alone." she exclaimed swiftly. "Oh. I can say it frankly now; say It here before you and God; say it in all purity and honor. Perhaps tonight. perhaps to-morrow, somewhere amid this awful waste of waters we will go together into eternity. What are the dictates of men to us now? What meaning is there any longer to the hideous requirements of the world? We are beyond them all. Here, now. we can be ourselves, ourselves. To- t night we are free; to-night I can hear you speak what I have already read in your eyes, and am not afraid to hear it" "You you love me?" "With all my heart and soul." With everything else blotted out with all else forgotten, I sat speech less, gazing down through the mist of tears into her eyes. CHAPTER XXII. In Which I Understand My Lady. She rested motionless, her cheek barely touching my sleeve, her eyes filled with love, her hands in mine. Then I heard her voice, soft as a whis per, the breath of her lips on my cheek. "You will not misjudge me; surely you can not Those words would never have been uttered In any other clr- cumstances. Not that I am afraid, not that I am ashamed or regretful; bat nothing else could ever have set mo free. Now we must know, understand each other we must die with our hearts open, our souls clean. You real ly love me? trust me? believe me to be a worthy woman?" "With all my soul I do." (TO BE CONTINUED.) mrr MMMMMMWMMMMMfWm "Madam," he answered somewhat sternly, "you ought to know best If you had not refused to answer that note in the bouquet of yellow roses I might have been a happier man." "The ' note in the bouquet?" she repeated, growing pale. I She opened an old cabinet and took out from a drawer a shriveled bouquet of what had been yellow roses, among whose leafless stalks lurked a scrap of paper yellow with age. "See! I never , had your note." she said, holding the i bouquet up. "If I had I would not have answered it as you fancied." "Then answer It now." said the gallant old soldier. And the long delayed pro posal was accepted at last THEY ARE ALL BUSY ! NEBRASKA GIRLS AND BOYS EN TCR CONTEST3. FOUR THOUSAND PARTICIPANTS Ctate Superintendent Bishop Tells off the Spirit Animating Youth off Nebraska. State Superintendent Bishop re ports that instead of 1,000 boys and girls taking part in the agricultural and cooking contests, as was expect ed, 4,000 will participate. Reports of the partlcipaats for April are now coming into his office. He says of the contests: "We organized this year what Is known as the home experiment de partment of the Nebraska Boys' and Girls' club. This provides for definite work to be carried out at the homes of the members, especially during the summer vacation months. "The work of the boys has six di visions: The "ear to row" experi ment with corn; acre contest with corn; husking contest; "size of seed piece" experiment with potatoes; acre contest with potatoes and sweet pea culture. "The girls handle problems in do mestic science. The work in cook ery includes some of the best meth ods for cooking and serving nutri tious foods, canning and preserving of some of the fruits in season each month, the study of bacteria and molds and the preservation of foods. It also includes butter making. The work in sewing includes the study and practice of the eight fundamcn'al 6titches. their use in making articles which are necessary and useful to the girl. Sweet pea culture is also a rart of the gir!s work this year. "In all this work report blanks are cent to those enrolled and they are required to make a definite report each month on the work done. "In organizing the work it was the Intention to interest only 1.0UO, but the membership applications have come in so rapidly that a total of about 4,000 will be reached. These young people vary in age from ten to twenty-one years, and are scat tered all over the state. They include pupils of rural, town and city schools. "Reports of the April work are now coming in. With the boys, the re ports deal with the germination test for the corn they are planting, and with the planting of potatoes under "size of seed piece" experiment "The girls are reporting on the first months' work in sewing and cooking. This includes the making of CLinese muffins and cocoa, and in sewing the first four of the eight fundamental stitches with samples of the running stitch, over-casting, basting and hem ming. "The work in sewing for May in cludes overbanding and the making of an apron from directions given. "In cooking, during May, the girls will practice on pot roasts, brown gravy and dumplings." Memorial Day Order. In accordance with the usual cus tom, the comrades of the department of Nebraska, United Spanish war vet erans, will observe memorial day, Monday. May 30. No greater honor can be done than to place a gar!and or wreath upon the last resting place of those who offered their lives in defense of the country's flag. It Is proper at this time to recollect the value of the lessons of patriotism taught by the soldier dead, and to recall to mind the glorious results of their services to the nation. Therefore, as department com mander, I request every comrade to faithfully observe the day by placing a flower upon the grave of all Span ish war soldiers. The observance of this day in cludes that of attendance of divine service the Sunday preceding memo rial day. Let every action breathe the spirit of fraternity. By order of E. H. PHELPS, Dept Commander. HARRY P. M'GURLEN. Dept Adjt Permit to Issue Stock. The state railway commission gave the Paxton and Sutherland Tele phone company authority to issue $2, 500 of stock for reconstruction and extensions. Permission was also giv en the Elk Valley Telephone com pany of Emerson to issue $7,500 in stock for the same purpose. Want Candy Rate Reduced. GHIen & Boney, an incorporated candy manufacturing firm of Lincoln, have entered a formal complaint against all the railroads in the state with the railway commission. Candy Is now classified as first class freight The first class rate Is unreasonably high, assert the complainants. They want the rate reduced to third class. A State Fair Attraction. Following a hitch in the negotia tions with Glenn Curtiss for a series of aeroplane flights at the next state fair the board of agriculture took up communication with the Wright brothers and have received a letter stating that the famous aeroplane In ventors and drivers would put on four flights every day during the fair. The board regards itself as lucky in securing these men, who are pioneers in the art of flying and who have a wider reputation than any of their competitors. Fast Shorthand Work. Fred H. Gurtler. who was In Lin coln reporting the Nebraska state electrical association meeting, gave a demonstration before students of the Lincoln business college, showing what may be accomplished In a brief time in shorthand. Mr. Gurtler is a member of the law reporting associa tion of Chicago, and is the fastest shorthand writer in the world. He won the Miner medal for speed in the fifth international shorthand speed contest held at Washington, D. C, i Marcb 2C. 1910. I Railroad Property of State Given At tention. The State Board of Assessment as I ; sessed the railroad property of the state without a speech having been I made by any railroad tax agent The increase over the valuation last year is $1,161,392. The increase Is con fined to the Chicago. St Paul. Minne apolis & Omaha and the Kearney, I Central City and North Platte branch es of the Union Pacific. This makes the total full value of all railroad property in the state $273,893,217. The governor was absent being out of the city. Those present were Brian, Cowles. Junkin and Barton. After as informal discussion the board cos eluded to make the assessment at once, and this was done. The vote was unanimous. No other railroad valu ation in the state was changed. A. W. Scribner of the Union Pacific reached the state house just a mo ment after the work had been con cluded, so did not get to deliver his speech. The following table shows the changes: Value Per Mile. Union Pacific 1909. 1910. Kearney branch ...$32,877 $32,900 Central City branch 31.6G7 31,700 North Platte branch $17,500-20.000 St Paul. M. A 0 41.442 25.000 41.450 The action of the State Board of Assessment marks the shortest time on record that any Nebraska beard ever completed the valuation of this class of property. Heretofore It has been the custom of the assessing board to listen to addresses of rail road tax agents and spend many weeks in consideration of the ques tion. So far as the present board is concerned it arrived at the con clusion that it could fix the valuation of the property just as well on the reports made as it could by listening to the tax agents recite their pleas for a reduction. In the afternoon the board met a?aln and added to the Burlington the 9.S miles of new road from Lincoln to Denton. This was valued at $25,000 a mile, which increases the total valu ation that much. Lighting Plant Not Profitable. At the meeting of the Nebraska State Electrical association. President Scoutt or the County Electric Light and Water company, asserted that the city or Lincoln lost about $3,000 during the last year on Its lighting plant and at that no estimated loss is given for depreciation of property. Site for Goose Farm. An enterprising capitalist who wants the Lincoln Commercial club to furnish him the site for a goose farm somewher-. around this city has submitted a financial prospectus Is detail. In it be shows how an invest ment of $C00 can be made to produce returns of $339.7C0 in three years, time. Apportions School Money. State Superintendent Bishop has certified to the state auditor the amount of money to be apportioned to the various counties of the state, derived from the forest reserve fund. The total amount distributed amount ed to S2.837.34. Involving a total acre age of 589.002.93. National Guard Rifle Contest. Adjutant General Hartigan has Is sued an order directing that the state competitive rifle and revolver shoot of the Nebraska national guard shall be held at the state range at Ashland commencing Monday, July 18. The Postmasters' Meeting. It is probable that the next conven tion of Nebraska postmasters will be held in Omaha. This was the senti ment expressed by most of the mem bers of the executive committee, which met at the Lincoln hotel to whlch met at the Lincoln hotel re cently. The convention this year will be held In Lincoln. Sentenced to Prison. Axel Johnson, who served five years In the United States navy, and who afterwards eluded federal offi cers for two years after being arrest ed for passing confederate money on unsuspecting people, was sentenced to three and a half years In the fed eral prison at Fort Leavenworth by Judge T. C. Mungcr. Dr. Walker Gets License Back. The state board or health met and reinstated Dr. D. G. Walker or LInd say as a practicing physician. Dr. Walker was charged several years ago with performing criminal oper ations and his license was revoked by the state board. Permission to Increase Stock. The railway commission has given permission to the Farmers' Tele phone company of Dodge county to increase its capital stock from $20. 000 to $25,000 for the purpose of pay ing lor extensions and new lines. Better Railroad Depots. The Northwestern railroad com pany has infof;ed the railway com mission that it will make improve ments in its depot buildings at Pierce and Plalnvicw. An Informal complaint had been filed against the depot facili ties at Pierce. The Rock Island rail road has compiled with complaint ask ing that telephones be installed at the depot at Richfield, Papillion and Springfield. The Missouri Pacific and tre Union Pacific roads have not yet been heard from in regard to the mat ter. For General Discussion. The State Railway commission has not decided whether it will give in for publication the letters of the va rious state commissions to which it wrote concerning a rerommendation to President Taft regarding the selec 'ion of a United States supreme ;udge. The matter was discussed with some members of the Commercial club by a member of the commis sion, but so far there is a difference of opinion In the case. C. W. Bryan thought It perfectly proper to give out the news to the public MADE WELL AND STPG Bf LydJa E. Pinklum't Vegetable Compoand Jafftoeno. Tows. When Wl bmfrf was just twoswsis old I was eoss pletely run dowrn ana my internal or gans were in tern blA sham. I beeam Itaking Lydia s. Knihanva vegeta ble Comnosni. and mother wrote and told yon jaat how I was. I heesn te sain at once and new I am real waif Mrs. W. II. Buboes, 700 Cherry at. jenerson, iowa. Another If oman Cured Glenwood, Iowa. "About three years ago I had falling and other fe male troubles, and I was nothing hwl skin and bones. I was so sick I ooeld not do my own work. Within six months I was made sound and well by Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Cenv pound. I will always tell my frleado that your remedies cored me. and yojt can publish my letter." Mrs. OL w. Dunk. Glenwood, Iowa. If yon belong to that countless amy of women who suffer from some form of female ills, lust try Lydia . Fink ham's Vegetable Compound. For tldrty years this famous remedy has bee i the standard for all forms of female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, fibroid tumors, ulceration, inflammation, la. regularities, backache, etc. Yf tnn want. awwf i1 nflvf A writs) rorit to rars.nKnnni. i iyrmm It Is free and always liclpf uL Make the Liver Do its Duty ffe.t-t. tamck- ead bawds tn i CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER r ILLS MuVbrtfimly pel lazy few daeidtfy. A I FSB. GENUINE smi baar WESTERN CANADA. Hi rulam mrntUrn Ik Wi tha la th cora bait t U United Btmtaa. Wm la cheaper aa4 ellaata hatter for tha paraaaa. Yoar BMikat will ta. prora faoter taaa year farflMtawill atedaaataa DDDlica. Wheat earn ba arovn op totkaattk aar ollcl (fluF Ballea aortaof too latrrnauoaai rri. lour ill ba takaa at a rata bayoadaieaant nawi tion. Wa kaia aaoaafi propt la taa Dallas mate alnaa who waat to taks ap thia laaaV Start 70,000 AmtieaM wrlll rater and make thrlr IB Vratern Conntla thia year. 1909 produced another larga) crop off wheat, onta and barter, la addition to which the cattfa exports wna as Inamrnaa Iteaa, tuttl raiding; dalrjlos. nlxad farming and artia Browing la tha provinces of BlanuoaaSaakM cbewin and Alberta. Free nomeatend and pra-ema-tloa areas, as well as lands hsld br railway and land companies. will provide home for million. Adaptable anil, healthful eS BBatn. splendid schools aad Cburehe. and cond railways, For settlrrV rntra. deaerlptlva literature "Last ih-t Via. how to reach the country and other par ticulars, write to Hup-t of launU nation. Ottawa. Canada, or to tha tioveramenti EUtJ W. V. BENNETT SMKdt. (Use .0i9BeareatTOO.) (2) W. L. DOUGLAS; S5, S4, 83.50, S3 & S2.6Q Worklngmen's S? U AT, f 3 Btmr oea $2.00 Snots 9n Wasa1 U&sfeM W. L. Douglas shoes' are worn eymorementbaa ; Jmk any other make, fgwj. ffjj EEOAUSEi w. l. Patterns saee aad Sw-OOshoesequnl, la style. (It aad wear, other makes costing S6.00toSS.00. I W.LItoacla S3Jte. S3.00,S&ao and 92.00 huea are the lowest price, quality consld- i area, ta tee weriu. Fast Color 5Wf . The srnitlsx IiitsW. f- Dontrla name and price BUro-ied on tbe bottom. T.ik. .' Hr .tllMte. Ask s-nmrdealerfor W.l.nonctasalioea. If the are not for sal In vonr town write for Hail Order Cat aloe. (11 ns f nil direct Ion how to outer by mall. Shoes ordered direct from ta-torT delivered to the wearer all charceaDresald. W.L.UOUULA.S. lsrocUoo.aWa, P" LP Send Postal for pKhli Free Package I N I labor Paxtine. atetter and snore eeesMMsJeal tkaa UejaM aaflseptles FOR ALL TOILET USES. Gives one a sweet breath ; clean, white germ-free teeth antisepticallr cleaa mouth and throat purifies the breath after smoking dispels all disagreeable perspiration and body odors much ap preciated by dainty women. A quick remedy for sore eyes and catarrh. A lisle Paxtice powder dis solved rt a gloss of hot watc makes a delightful antiseptic so lution, poarv?Tig extraordinary cleansing, germladal and hesL ing power, and absolutely Kara less. Try a Sample. 50c a large box at drugg&s or byrnaiL THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. Boston. Mass. J Know Shavicg Comfort NO STROPPING MO HONING KNOWN Trie WORLD OVER jmin ri ru'ir .BBBBBsVarvrerei aaaM riB. asaaai iMaa. aaaaai naaa St&S&&3g west Pre. sbmw I mxmld ma BBBBa ftaada nwz&r W&MU rWiNR2flS yggznm WftinSajS pistil talK QssltSa&a apsV'jSssHiZ BBSmHnvasn M SW P?f BT SW JrBWBBBWBlX m BBawBPmJ i- - I . SBbbwBBbb tafe7i."aSSW ai.Ty J 99 PATENTS Wataea K.reteaaa,Wi U(UH1,V.U UUOK.1I.Wi.