K! Cfllumta $0iinra1r if- i COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 2.0O9. FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 7. 88' mr 0 4 4 fr a u I. i fnMcsftfTftfrf: m m m a w v J In May Series "W" begins lb lb I lb lb lb ib Stock now open for subscription BEGHER, HOCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS -- COLUMBUS MARKETS. Bye OHta :i4 Wheat, new !'7 Corn yellow 51 White corn & Hogs, top s-r,() xiufiHiiiiiJiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiitiuiiiuitiuis I MANY YEARS AGO. SiwiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimminiiiniiiHW Files of the Journal, May SI, 1S77 Nine wagon loads of emigrants from Hurt county, this utate, passed th rough Columbus Monday ami went into camp for the nigut near the city. They were hound for Washington Territory. Soon will the melancholy hum of the blood-thirsty mnti.juito make tin' tired aud irritable Bleeper wish for a new vo cabulary of "hard words," just to relieve the monotony of repetition, you know. The trains detained at this city on ac count of the track being washed out at Clark9Ville, passed up the road about noon Thursday last, and the eastern bound passenger pas.sed down in the af ternoon of the same day after being de layed at the wash-out about twenty-four hours. We are happy to announce from the beet information wc can gather on the subject that corn planted previous to the last wet spell, wan not materially damaged, but on the contrary is sprout ing and coming on nicely, especially that on high ground. No doubt where plauted on very low ground and covered with water, more or less rotted. Guy C. Bariitim, sr., informs ua that on laat Thursday the large hoppers, sup posed to be direct from Texas, were on the wing, but not in so large numlier as to give themselves the appearance of clouds. They were Hying north, and a few of the wearied dropped down, which he caught and t xamiued, and it is reas onable to suppose Mr. liarnum knows the genuine 'hopper. Route No. 3. E. K Bisson on 1 Unite 2 spent Sun dav at the home of his? son, C. J. BiBson. Gus Kunneiuaii shipped hogs to the South Omaha market Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Seefeld. Mr. ami Mrs. O. B. l'icston of Monroe were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs I'reston'w parents. Mr. and Mrs Fred Seefeld. Miss Sarah Ban r. of Fremont, ulster of Mrs L. E. Seefeld, arrived last Saturday and will remain until Thursday. She was. accompated home by Miss Lydia Seefeld. who will remain indefinitely. Fred Behlen, jr , in company with .loe Krause, will leave Friday for Fresno, Cal., for a short trip to look over the country. W. A. Zecker will have charge of Mr. Behleu's farm during his absence.. J. F. Goedeken aud daughters. Lillie and Rosa, left Wednesday for a visit at the home of .lohn lveeler at Monroe, and from there they will go to Cedar llapids. where Mr. Goedeken owns a farm, re maining at the latter place about ft week. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. C. KAVANAU6H The event of the year in lodge circles in Columbus was the organization of Columbus Lodge No 1195, B. P. O. E.. last Friday evening. For several weeks local members of the order have been preparing for this, and everything was iu readiness when the Norfolk degree team arrived to put on the work. Ac companied by members of the order to the number of about sixty, the Sugar City team arrived in a special train about 8 p. m. They at once repaired to the Orpheus hall, where the initiatory cere monies were held, and proceeded with the work. After the lodge, which starts out with over a hundred members, was instituted, the following officers were elected: E. II. Chambers, exalted ruler; W. U. Schroeder, esteemed leading knight; George J. O'Brien, esteemed loyal kniiht; Louis Lightner. esteemed lecturing knight; Charles L. Dickey, sec retary. Oua Q. Becher, jr., treasurer; Dr. O. U. Campbell, tyler; Charles E. Pol lock, C. C. Gray, Sam Gass, jr., trustees. The Klks then repaired to the Maenner chor hall, which had been tastefully de corated, and were seated at the banquet, which was served by the Ladies' guild of Grace church. Colonel Carroll D. Evans presided as to&stmaster and re sponses were made by N. A. Iluse. editor of the Norfolk Daily News, ltev. W. U. Xanders and Edgar Howard. At the conclusion of the banquet the remainder of the work was put on at the Orpheus hall, being concluded at about 5 a.m., Saturday morning. Deputy it- It Ilorth of Grand Island, who has been assisting in the organization of the Col umbus lodge, had charge of the work. One of the first steps taken by the new ly instituted lodge will be to secure a permanent home. Already they have under consideration several propositions, and will no doubt accept one soon. June 1, 2 and :, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday, the Nebraska State Sportsmen's Association will hold their aunual tournament in this city under the auspices of the Columbus Gun Club. There will be 150 shooters in at tendance from the various towns of the state, aud a good program ha9 !een ar ranged, consisting of ten twenty target events each day, jack rabbit per cent system. The grounds will be north of GottschalkB grove, nortbeastof the city, and the local committee have arranged for lunch for the shooters, and also plenty of shells on the ground. The lo cal gun club has added $500 to the var ious events. Officers of the state as sociation are D. D. Bray. Columbus, president; W. H. Ilhan. Albion, vice president; G. A. Schroeder, Columbus, secretary-treasurer. On Tuesday, May :. which is practice day, there will, very likely, be a number of events shot off be tween the visiting clubs on that day. This tournament promises to be one of the largest and best ever pulled off in the state, as great interest is being shown by a great nian3T of the sportsmen of the state. Next Monday the Doxey trial will be gin at St. Louis and it will he watched with more tLan ordinary interest by Co lnmbus people. Among those who will probably go from here as witnesses are Mrs. C. II. Buschman, ,0. F. Todenhoft. A. P. Grover, C. J. Carrig and Myron Wilson and OhaunceyGaeth. who was at the time a clerk in the Dack drug store, but now a resident of Schuyler. Mr. Gaeth was employed in the drug store at the time it is alleged that Dr. Doxey shipped the poison to St, Louis. Boed er .t Lightner, who were employed by the Eders will continue in the case, but they will in all probability be the on ly lawyers from this city who will take part in the case. Jacob Laun, one of the well to do farmers of Shell Creek township, resid ing northeast of the city, committed suicide Monday at noon, by shooting himself in the forehead with a :i$ caliber revolver. Mr. Laun had been despond ent at times, and was subject to attacks of this kind, and it is supposed that it was one of these spells that caused him to commit the rash deed. He was a married man and leaves a wife and two children. Funeral services will be held Thursday at the German Baptist church north of the city, and will be conducted by llev. Kock. Twelve inch water mains are being put in by the Union Pacific to connect their water cranes at each end of the de pot, with the supply tank. This will provide an ample flow of water and re duce the time required for taking water to about one-half. Trains are usually through with their work before the large tanks on the engines are filled, and a de lay and blocked crossing is the result. With the improvement this will be done away with and much of the complaint about blocked crossings will cease. Washington dispatches of last Friday in the dailies brought the information that Senator Burkett had introduced a bill to increase the appropriation for the Columbus post office building to $75,000, which is $10,000 additional. When the bids for the building were opened it was found that the cost would be more than provided for. and instead of cut ting down the plans the additional ap propriation is asked for, 6o that Colum bus may have that much better building. Two well known Columbus people, O. H. Washburn and Lottie Becher, were married in Omaha Tuesday evening. Before returning to this city they will travel in the west for about three weeks. Dr. Naumaun. Dentist 13 St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueechen building. Wm. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone 1094. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. Strotber. Dr. C.A. Allenburger, office in new State Bank building. For Sale 0 room house, in quire at the Tribune. Dr. L. P. Carstenson, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11 tb and KummerSts. 100 acres of blue grass pasture land for sale. O. If. Taylor, Columbus. Dr. W. It Neuraarker, offiee with Dr. O. D. Evans, west side of Park. Mrs. L. T. Osborn, who has been vis iting her parents at Gibbon, returned home last Thursday. During May we will close nut our China and dinnerware at coat price. Bohrich'e. Eleventh street. Adolph Luers left Tuesday morning for Oklahoma, where he goea to look af ter land he owns in that state. M. D. Karr has opened a real estate office in the Thurston annex and will handle western Nebraska land. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Cheek of Denver are guests at the home of Mra. Cheek's sister, Mrs. D. I. ltoiish. Mrs. Cheek is returning from a visit with relatives in Ohio. Misses Clara, Laura and Lillie Bartels, left Thursday for Chicago, where they will visit with relatives and friends for a couple of weeks, they were accompanied by their brother George. Henry Wilckens returned last Thurs day from Saskatchewan, Can., where he has been looking after a large tract of land he purchased last year. He is hav ing the land improved and is well pleased with the prospects for the coming year. Mark Burke of this city was re-elected state secretary of the Knights of Co lumbus at their state convention held in Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Frank Gerharz of this city and J. E. Hugg of Humphrey represented the local council. There is new automobile firm in the field, the Boone-Umland company, com posed of A. O. Boone. John Umland and .1. E. Fulmer. They will have their place of business at the Boone &. Um land lilHckamith and machine shop, and will also do all kinds of repairing. "Brown From Missouri" a great com edy drama, will be the production offer ed by Larraine Keene, Frank Living stone ami associate players, when they appear at the North Theatre Wednesday, May 25. Specialties or a high class will be given between acts. Prices. 25, :15, 50. August Dietrich and G. Launer, who went to the Pacific coast a few weeks ago to look over the country, returned last week and report that they failed to find anything in that locality that looked good to them. They wero at Portland, Seattle and points in northern Washing ton. Misses Martha King and Frances Schroeder left Sunday for Omaha, where they will meet Miss llattie Mug. who has been in Marshalltown, Iowa, for the past thirteen weeks, with one of the large millinery firms. They will visit with friends at Lincoln before returning home. Saturday, May 21, an examination for rural carriers for Platte county, will be at the Commercial college in this city. There are seven applicants, but there are no vacancies in this city. Some exist at other towns in the county. Postmaster Kramer has charge of the examinations. C. N. McEIfresb, who has been prac ticing law in Omaha for the past three years, desires to announce to the public and to bis friends and acquaintances in Columbus and Platte county, that he has returned to Columbus and will engage in the active practice of law with offices in the postoffice block. Next Wednesday evening from 7 to 8:30 o'clock, the men of the First Metho dist Episcopal church will serve straw berries, ice cream and cake in the church parlors to the members and friends of the church. Following this a literary program will be given up stairs. Tick ets will be sold for 25c. Come out and enjoy the evening. John T. Graf of this city and Misa Martha Derleth of SaukOity, Wis., were married at that place last Tuesday morn ing, the ceremony being solemnized by the Catholic priest of that parish. Ed ward Graf of this city was present and waB groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Graf are enjoying their honeymoon in Wis consin, but will arrive in this city during this week. Senator OUis of Ord, who by the way of diversion acts as Superintendent of the Horse department at the coming State Fair, Sept. 5th to 9th, thinks that the horse show of 1910 will be "good for sore eyes." Nebraska breeders have been busy the past two years buying the beet offerings of imported horses, and it is said by the Breeders' Qszette that a recent horse sale of pedigreed stock at Lincoln set the record price for such sales in the United States. 8 ROOM HOUSE Good barn and five acres of lnad, 12 blocks from Post office. PRICE $3,500 Elliott - Speice Post Office Block Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Dr. Vallier. Osteopath, Barber block. Dr. Cbaa. II. Campbell, oculist and aurist, 1215 Olive street For fine watch, clock and jewelry re pairing, try Carl Frocmel, the Eleventh street jeweler. For Sale lfiO acre farm 1J4 miles from Columbus, well improved. C. M. Tay lor, Columbus. August Scback. Carl Rhode, August Boettcher, Carl ICoelle, W. J.Walter, Ed Scbober. John Graf, and Louis Schwarz were among those who attended the state meeting of the Sons of Herman in Lincoln this week. Mrs. Mary Binder, age 80 years, died at the hospital Monday from infirmities due to old age. She was born in Poland. One daughter, who is a sister at Cleve land, Ohio, was here to attend the fun eral. Funeral services were held Tues day morning at the Duncan Catholic church. M . C. Caasin has disposed of h is in terest in the Central meat market to his partner, Mr. Brenn, and will devote his time to farming and stock buying the coming summer. Mr. Caesin has been in the meat market business in the city for a long time, and it would not be surprising if he should return to it again. Miss Mabel Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Miller of this city, and Charles A. Scudder of Central City, were married last Saturday at high noon, at the home of the bride, on West Fifteenth street, Key. L. It. DeWolf of Fairmont. Neb, performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Scudder left that evening for their home near Central City, where the groom resides on a farm. About a week or ten days ago Will Browner received a scratch on bis hand from a piece of baling wire, and for a few days did not pay any attention to it But the wound became so painful that he consulted a physician, who pronounc ed it a case of blood poisoning, and Mr. Browner was taken to the hospital. His condition was such the first of the week as to cause alarm, but at present there is a prospect that he will recover. Columbus Woodmen are preparing for the grand rally and class adoption, to be held in this city. Tuesday evening, May 24. Head Consul A. It Talbot of the order will be present and address the meeting, and the Fremont drill team will assist in the exemplification of the work. It is expected that a large class will be adopted; as this is one of seven similar meetings arranged for the state, Columbus Woodmen are endeavoring to make it a good one. Notice. Having been appointed city garbage master. I am the only one authorized to remove refuse and garbage. Resilience Fourteenth and Jefferson street. Inde pendent phone 240.'!. Cuius Thompson. mae-4 THE BEST is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW . L. W. WEIVER ft SON HARNESS AND COAL rHJBftS :jjrittslBB&fli tip' LmBsLsLw B - Echols Co. i Columbus, Neb. Memorial Day. All Comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic and all soldiers and sailors, Sons of Veterans, Veterans of the Span ish American war and Confederate soldo iers are invited to join Baker Poet No. 9, G. A. It at 1:30 o'clock, May 30, 1910, at their hall on Eleventh street. The City Band and Fireman will form on Thirteenth street, then march south to Eleventh street, thence west to the corner of Olive to the G. A. R. hall, where the veterans of the G. A. R. will fall in line under commander of ,1. R. Meagher, marshal of the day. The line of march will be taken on Olive to Twelfth street, west on Twelfth to Nebraska Avenue, north to Thirteen th street, then east to the North opera house. The exercises will commence promptly at 2 o'clock. IMCOtiKAMMK Calling anaemlilr to order.. ..Com. K. O. Itector .Music Columbus City Hand Salute to the Dead.... linker I'ot No. ! (!. A. K Prayer. Chaplain .lohn K. Brock KeadinK of KMDeml nlr W. A. McAllister, Adjutant Address Hon. W. N. Hensler Keel tat ion- (Our Floral Oblation) Norn Thomas, St. Francis Academy Son 1 1 isrli School Chorus Uecit&tion MiM Kate Heed !temarkn la U hnlfnf Spnnili American War Veterans . August wajroer Bon I'ujlli)f Mis Korer's room limitation -Mh Hutli Dietrich Sonj? II ikIi School Chorus llenmrks in liehalf or the. Sons of Veterans U.S. A Uev. Dwlght I. Kousli Music Columbus City Band Benediction Bev. DrMit I. Boush At the close of the program the line of march will lie taken up to the Columbus cemetery where the exercise will lie concluded according to theti. A. It ritual, ending with a salute by Sons of Veterans. Taps Following is a list of veterans interred in the Columbus and Catholic cemeteries: COI.UJIKUS CEJirTKRY Adams, II. I.. Archer. O. II. Arnold. K. W. Allen. W. T. Hreed. Alonzo Campbell. W. S. Drake, (leoix Karly. .1. W. Kdnards, S. J. U I i. Jacob Fleming. Frank Krnzier, .lames Henry.-.lt. II. Hammond. John Hunt, S. II. Jones. JaniL Kline. II. C. Koente. M. Ijiu sob. J. N. I Jiwn-nce, 1. J. tewis, W. II. .Matthews. Fred Maloy, Wm. Munlock, J. S. McltarJy, llavid McKarland. Josiah Mclntirv. 1L It. McKinnie, T. W. McQuown, Wm. North. Frank Novel, Wm. Schntte. Fred Sturgeon. .1. 1.. Small, H. I Spoerry, H. T. Slattery, I Stevenson, J. V. Schroeder. I W, Saondens T. 11. Tnchudy, J. U. Thomas, W. H. Thompson. W. II. Tamer. M. K. Woods. Henry Whittaker, A. .1. Wise. John White, Lew is Wilson. T. 51. Wells. E. O. (Confederate) CATUOIJC CDHTTEllY Caffrey, Hryan Devany, I Fit zat rick, E. II. Kaanaugh, K. C. Nolan. James Nolan, John O'Conners, Thomas Sheehan. K. 1). w.a WITU SPAIN COLUMBUS cmrricaY Frank C. Tamer CATHOLIC CKMCTEBV Thomas Catlrey Henry Bkorapa Congregational Church. The Congregational church offers to the public next Sunday the following services: Sunday school U:4r a. m.. Worship 11 a. m., Y. P. S. C. E. 7 p. m., Worship, 8 p. m. Or the morning the pastor will speak from the theme: Life Keyed to the Highest Note. Of the eve ning the following order of service will be rendered: Organ prelude Gloria Invocation Hymn Onward, Christian Soldiers Hymn There Shall Be Showers of Blessing Prayer Solo (selected) Maurice Whitmoyer Announcements Anthem (selected) choir Offertory Hymn A Home on High Sermon Principle or Prejudice His Love Can Never Fail rhoir Benedicition Foetlude We invite you to these services. William L. Dibble, Pastor. THE R0EN HOUSE and other Columbus city pro perty will soon be sold at atic- tiom, for particulars inquire of . M. Gruenther, Trustee. Columbus Wins First Game. Saturday the state league season was opened in this city, and there was a goal attendance, despite the chilly weather. Mayor Held pitched the first ball and Chief of Police Schack was behind the bat. and president G. Frischhols of the Commercial club was at the bat. Dolan's men opened the game by landing on the Hastings pitcher for three runs in the first and at the end of the fourth inning the score was G to 1 in favor of the home team. But Hastings tied the score in the last half of the eighth, and there was an exoiting finish when Columbus scored in the last half of the tenth. Score by innings: Columbus 3 0 2 10 0 0 0 0 17 Hastings 0 100220 1 0 0-G Hits, Columbus 9; Hastings C. Bat taries. Columbus, Sindelar and Clair! Hastings, Waldron and Donnelly. Um pire, McQuade. Hastings evened up matters Sunday by defeating Columbus 4 to 2. An ex cursion was run on the Spalding branch and this swelled the crowd to over 1,000, notwithstanding the day was cold and disagreeable. Cook of Hastings put the ball over the fence for a home inn. Twice during the latter part of the game the home team had the bases filled, but were unable to score. The score: Hastings 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0-4 Columbus 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 0-2 Hits, Hastings, 8; Columbus. 10. Er rors, Hastings. 2; Columbus. 3. Struck out, Clegg, 9; Bovee. 4. Batteries, Hastings, Clegg and Donnelly; Colum bus, Bovee and Clair. Umpire. Mc- Quade. Kearney and Columbus were to have played their first game of the series Monday, but rain and muddy grounds compelled them to postpone it until Tuesday, when Columbus won the game. In the first inning Clair, the Columbus catcher, was forced to retire on account of an injured linger and Kemp finished behind the bat. Kissel was in the box for the home team. Pasha of Columbus was hit in the head by a pitched ball in the seventh. One of the features of the game was the double play from Melum to Kemp to Dolan, in the fourth. Dolan's hard and timely hitting won the game for Columbus. Score: Columbus 1 0 2 0 0 0 10 0-4 Kearney 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 Hits. Columbus, 5; Kearney. 7. Er rors, Columbus. :i; Kearney, 0. Batter ies, Columbus, Kissel and Kemp; Kear ney, McMnnn and Townsend. Umpire. McQuade. The postponed game of Monday is being played on the home grounds this afternoon. State League Standing. Won l.ot. II 1 I 1 I'ct. 1.UJU .7ai JV&7 .J7 .333 Fremont (irand Island 3 Colamlrtis - 0t)tfuU Kearney 1 Ked Cloud 1 Siirior u .!0 .UUu Y. M. C. A. Notes. E. F. Dennison of Omaha, spoke at the Boys' meeting, and also at the Mothers' and Teachers' meeting Sunday after noon. The Y. M. O. A. is issuing a special short-term membership for the summer months. Privileges of full membership toSeptember-2.7;V, Intermediated 2T; Elementaiy boys $l.r0. The boys department of the Y. M. C. A. will run a camp during the summer. For the benefit of parents who may want their boys to go, the following brief out line of the camp idea is given. The object of the camp will be to give the campers the lient time of their lives out among the beauties of nature, and to cultivate a manly and robust christian oharacter among the boyB. The cam pers will start just as soon as school is out and stay about ten days. Not more than 25 boys between the age of 12 and 16 can go along. The camp will be organ ized in suoh a way as to do away with the common evils of an ordinary camp of boys. A camp of boys, in fact any sort of young people's camp, without proper organization and supervision does more barm than good. There will be four men. one for every eight boys, called ctrnp leaders, to help the boys plan for and to have good times and accomplish the object of the camp. Be sides the usual camp-fire fun the camp will include field athletics, base ball, tennis, swings, hammocks, swimming, boating, fishing, daily Bible Btudy and devotional meetings. There will be nothing lacking to make the camp lively and enjoyable as well as character building. The camp government will be in the bands of a "camp council" com posed of a representative from each squad of boys, the head leader of the camp and the secretary. No fire arms will be allowed and every boy will be ex pected to use good "horse sense," keeping in mind the other fellow and the wsll fareof the whole camp. The cost of each lioy is estimated at about $3 00. A refund will be given in case the average does not go that high. Applications can lie secured at the Y. H.C.A at any time. The application must be signed by both the boy and his parents and filed at the Y. M. C. A. office on or before Jnne 1st, with the fee of $3 00. The money must be paid iu advance in order to make necessary purcnasea. n is hoped that a good bunch of boys will be signed up for this camp and the earlier they sign up the better it will be. FARMERS The best poison in the world for GOPHERS, FIELD MICE and other pests is Starr's Poison Sold under a positive guarantee PRICE, 75c POLLOCK &C0. The Druggist oa the Corner Oolumbas, Nebraska On account of the very bright moon light, many Columbus people who arose early Wednesday morning to see Hal ley's comet, were somewhit disappoint ed. About four a. m. the telephone girls were very busy calling people who bad expressed a desire to see the comet at what was supposed to be the most advantageous time Tuesday of this week the Commercial National Kank. which held a $2.o00 mortgage on the furniture of the Thurs ton hotel, began foreclosure proceedings and the same day landlord Peaslee gave the bank a bill of sale of the mortgaged property. At present the hotel is in the hands of the hank, and meals have not been served since Tuesday evening, but the rooms are being used. Interested parties are trying to effect a settlement so the hotel can be opened up at once, and the serving of meals resumed. Quo. Lehman, who owns the building, had the matter of enlarging it under con sideration for some time, and may make some arrangements to do the work this summer. Mr. Peaslee'd lease dors not expire until October 1 and it is probable that a manager will be placed in charge until that time. Last Friday, during the absence of Superintendent Oonu in Lincoln, the senior class of the High school presented themselves at the building, dressed in overalls, mother hubbards and odd wearing apparel, and principal Britell sent them home to remain until notified to return. When Superintendent Conn returned he fully approved the course of Mr. Britell, and later took the matter up with the parents of the pupils who were concerned in the prank. The meeting was held at the High school building Tuesday afternoon, and the parents were practically unanimous in uphold ing the superintendent in his action. Superintendent Conn has taken a firm stand against such pranks by the pupils, and the only thing parents can do is to uphold him. Such actions as those of last Friday, while seemingly harmless, cannot be countenanced, as they have a tendency and will, ultimately, destroy the discipline in the schools. All the class returned to their studies Wednes day, and the action in the matter of all concerned will have n tendency to check any future foolishness of this kind. Marriage Licenses. Fred O. Steinhorst, Columbus. . . llosa Jarecki, Duncan Samuel C. Bennett, Fullerton 20 no Sarah J. Finch, Fullerton 50 John It Gooney, Platte Center Katherine Hennessey, Platte Center. Charles A. Scudder, Central City.... Mabel E. Miller, Columbus Alfred Berchtold, Columbus Wilhelmine Mailer, Columbus 28 25 at; 24 10 Memorial Services. Memorial services will be held on Sun day May 29. 1910, at Grace Episcopal church at 11 o'clock a. in. All comrades of the G. A. R., Sons of Veterans and Spanish American War Veterans are re quested to meet at the Grand Army hall on Eleventh street at 10 o'clock a. m., to attend Memorial services. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from $1.50 to 94.50. Prices in boys' from C0c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Buy early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S