The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 11, 1910, Image 7

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During L. T. Cooper's recent stay In
Boston, It is estimated that sixty-five
thousand people talked with him and
purchased his medicine. This is an
average of over two thousand a day.
His success is so phenomenal as to
cause universal comment both by the
public and the press. There must be a
reason for this. Here Is the reason
given In his own words by Mr. Cooper
when Interviewed on the subject He
"The immense numbers of people
who are calling on me here In Boston
Is not unusual. I have had the sime
experience for the pa6t two years
wherever I have gone. The reason is
a simple one. It is because my medi
cine puts the stomach in good condi
tion. This does not sound unusual,
but it Is in fact the key to health.
The stomach is the very foundation of
life. I attribute 90 per cent, of all
eickness directly to the stomach.
"Neither animals nor men can re
main well with a poor digestive ap
paratus. Few can be sick with a diges
tion In perfect condition. As a matter
of fact, most men and women today
are half-sick. It Is because too much
food and too little exercise have grad
ually forced the stomach into a half-
6ick condition. My medicine gets the
stomach back where it was, and that
Is all that is necessary."
Among I'oston people who are
staunch believers in .Mr. Cooper's
theors'. is Mr. Frank D. Hrown. of 57
Hloomingdale street, Chelsea, Mass.
He says:
"For five years I have sought relief
for indigestion, stomach trouble and
dyspepsia, spending nearly all my
wages with doctors and obtaining no
results. I had dull pains across my
back, radiating to the shoulders. I
had splitting headaches, which nothing
seemed to cure. There was a gnaw
ing and rumbling in my stomach and
bowels. I was troubled with vertigo
and dizziness, and at limes almost
overcome by drowsiness.
"I felt tired and worn out all the
time, my sleep was not refreshing, and
I would get up in the morning feeling
as weary as when I went to bed. My
appetite was variable ravenous at
times, then again nauseated at the
sight of food. Sometimes my face
was pale, at other times flushed. I
was constipated and bilious, and had
catarrhal affection in nose and throat,
which caused me to hawk and spit a
great deal, especially in the morning.
I heard so much of the Cooper reme
dies that I decided to try ihem. After
taking one bottle, a tapeworm 50 feet
long passed from my system. I felt
better almost immediately. All my
troubles disappeared as if by magic,
and my improvement was rapid. I now
feel entirely well, and can honestly
recommend Mr. Cooper's medicine to
anyone who suffers as I did."
Cooper's New Discovery is sold by
all druggists. If your druggist can
not supply you, we will forward you
the name of a druggist in your city
who will. Don't accept "something
jtirt as good." The Cooper Medicine
Co.. Dayton, Ohio.
Explanation of Youthful Suitor That
Doubtless Satisfied Father of His
Adored One.
"Yes, sir." said the pale youthful
Fuilor; "I've come to ask j'ou for your
daughter's hand. She is fair as lil
ies, sweet as honeysuckle, tender as
violet, charming "
"Is that Mary you are talking
about?" asked papa.
"Yes. sir. It is a mere formality. I
know, this asking for your daughter's
hand; but we thought it would be
pleasant to you if it were observed."
Mary's papa stiffened.
"And may I inquire." he asked,
"who suggested that asking my con
sent to Mary's marriage was a mere
"You may. sir." replied the young
man. simply "It was Mary's mother."
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Was Taking No Chances.
Once upon a time a fond mother
disapproved of her daughter marrying.
This was the more awkward because
the young lady had picked the young
man out. Also he had wealth. And
the mother, who was widowed, had
not the wherewithal to furnish her
daughter with the variety of frocks
and tilings which her youthful heart
enned. "I might not object to the
man so much." said the mother one
evening, "it you would only let me
see him. Hut here is a man whom I
have never set eyes on. and yet one
whom you Insist on taking for a hus
band. I don't understand such se
crecy!" The daughter repMed: "If
I ever introduced him you'd insist on
marrying him yourself."
An Improvement.
"Yes." said the man with the shaggy
eyebrows, "we have a phonograph
We've got several Italian grand opera
records, and last week I discovered a
way to make th.Mr reproduction abso
lutely perfect "
"Indeed?" asks the man with the
purple nose "What is it?"
"I rub a little garlic on the record
before it is played "
The Appetite
Calls for more
Let a saucer of this
delightful food served
with cream tell why.
"The Memory Lingers"
Pkgs. 10c, and 15c
Postum Cereal Co. Ltd..
Battle Creek. Mich.
Hints for
Variety of Novel and Pleasing Entertainments,
Designed by an Expert
HIS Is the month that
"Mother Nature" decrees
that showers shall be In
fashion and society fol
lows su't. for it is becom
ing quite the thing to
"shower" expectant brides-elect some
time before the wedding day. thus pre
venting such an unmanageable ruBh of
affairs at the very last minute. So
many June brides are to be the re
cipients of these pretty little functions
this month. Of course only the dear
est friends and relatives are asked to
I want to tell you of a novel "pin"
shower that is to be given next week
by a card club of 12 who have been
together for years, and this is to be a
delightful as well as a sad occasion, as
the bride is to go to a foreign land
to make her home.
The hostess has chosen green and
yellow for her color scheme, as it
shows up beautifully in the daytime.
Glorious daffodills. jonquils and tulips
with the natural leaves are to be ar
ranged "a la Japan." a few blossoms
held upright in flower holders. Each
guest is to send her gift daintily
wrapped In tissue paper, accompanied
by an original rhyme. The center
piece is to be a fat green satin heart
on a doily of white; in it are to be
pins of all descriptions working out
the monogram of the happy pair. At
tached to the cushion there is to be a
circle of safety pi to which chains
of graduated safety pins will make a
chain to the place of each guest. Place
cards are to have the names spelled
out in pins, the heads of various col
ors. The napkins are to be pinned
with long violet pins and the nut
holders are to be pinned to the table
b7 hat pins, each with a different top.
Suspended over the table there Is to
be a doll-size watering pot covered
with crepe paper: from the spout a
shower of baby ribbon having a wee
heart-shaped card on the end. When
the parcels are opened there will be
found a belt pin. veil pin. hair pins of
all sizes, barrette. cubes of all sorts of
pins, and last, but not least a rolling
Wedding Anniversaries.
Ever and anon comes the request
for a list of wedding anniversaries. I
am now In possession of this little
rhyme of Tudor Jenks, and I hope
every young matron will learn and re
member it for future use. It Is
capable of attaching to the memory
like the immortal "Thirty days hath
September . etc.." of our childhood
Kiftn of paper, choice, not dear.
Mark the bride and groom' first year.
Five years bring substantial wood
Type of wedlock strong nnd good.
Ton year3. homely gifts brine In
Wares of shining, useful tin.
When the years have reached a score,
China will be prized the more.
Silver. If the couple thrive.
TelN the. years ore twenty-nve.
Half a hundred, slowly told.
Bring the wedding day of gold.
So few live to see arrive
The diamond date, nt seventy-five.
That ustom says three-score may be
The diamond anniversary.
Shower for a Bridegroom.
A certain bride-to-be had been the
recipient of showers Innumerable, so
a dozen young bachelors carried out
this scheme. They invited a dozen
girls to a "den" and "shop" shower.
his Is a. suitable design i
for ornamenting the cor
ners of any square for
which a dainty embroidery
pattern is needed: It
would be effective on tea
serviettes or tray cloths, and for
handkerchiefs of rather large size.
The bow and flowing ends are In
open work; the edges buttonholed.
Sick Room Rules That Physician's
Invaluable Helper Never Fails
to Remember.
Ever be on the alert to anticipate
ill your patient's wants, yet without
I hat appearance of fussy desire to
liease which is only a source of irri
tation. A wise nurse does not deceive her
patient. Tell him honestly when a
dressing will hurt, but at the same
line tell him you will hurt as little
is possible.
He always gentle and kind with your
longue as well as with your bands. At
the same time be firm and able to ex
ert your authority.
Cheerfulness is better than medi
rine to those who are I1L
Presence of mind Is a quality in
raluable In a nurse. It gives a quiet
collectedness In momenta of emer
gency. Gentleness, sympathy, quietness, pa
Ueuce, firmness are the necessary qual
ities of a nurse who can help t
All the bridegroom's intimate friends
knew his fad for using tools and bis
dream of a shop of bis own. The af
fair was given at night, and a right
merry time resulted. The girls ar
ranged to bring articles especially
suitable for the den and the men came
bearing a good-sited chest for the
tools, with many acceptable Instru
ments. 1 must add that there were
no Invitations out for this wedding, as
is was to be an entirely private cere
mony, so the friends were glad to
make an opportunity for bestowing
some tokens of esteem. A Dutch sup
per was served at ten o'clock, consist
ing of potato salad, rye bread sand
wiches, herring, pickles, coffee, beer,
with crackers, cheese and apple tarts.
A Trea Party.
The following letter from a valued
correspondent Is full of Interest and
especially seasonable just now. as I
have had 6o many requests for Just
such parties. I give the letter In de
tail with grateful thanks:
"Last year I entertained the club
on Forestry day. A paper on "Tree
Planting." a talk by each lady on
some curious and Interesting trees
beneficial to man; song. 'Voices of
the Woods:' a paper on the 'Famous
Trees of History;' reading of 'Wood
man. Spare That Tree.' The house
was decorated on the Interior with
boughs and branches of trees. A
small cedar stationed In a small tub
was In center of room. Attached to
this were 26 slips of paper bearing
questions relative to parts of a tree.
As an example: When Is a tree culti
vator like some politicians? When he
grafts. What part of a tree is a
mathematical term? Root. What part
part of a tree Is a letter of the alpha
bet and a conceited fellow? Sprig.
What part of a tree Is a beverage and
a head covering? T-wig. And so on.
Each lady was handed a piece of wood
upon which she wrote her answers;
on the other side was burned a forest
scene. A basket of fruit was the
prize. Refreshments consisted of ap
ples, peeled, and hollowed, cooked
long enough to become soft and
blanched. Almonds were stuck on
ah sides to give a thorned appearance.
These were filled with all kinds of
fruit and nuts chopped together.
sugar added and served with whipped
cream, fruit cake, white cake with
filling of fruits and nuts. I live In
a small town and find It very hard to
get many Ideas, but all thought I car
ried out the idea of the subject, and
It was purely original. 1 may have
bored you with all these details: how-j
ever, my Intention was good, as I;
thought possibly I could offer some
thing in exchange (howsoever poor!)
for vour kind suggestions and valu-
able advice. MRS. HARRY K.
When Fats Are Needed.
When the system needs fats and It la
Impossible to take them Inwardly In'
the form of olive oil. cod liver oil or
butter, much good results from rub
bing olive oil Into the body twice a:
This can be done by oneself, but the
results are better If the oil rubs are
given by a trained masseuse.
Cocoa butter can be used In the
same way. but is not so beneficial as
the oil.
then the material Is cat away from
the back and twisted bars are worked
The rose-buds are In very fine cord-ing-stitch,
dot and satin stitches; the
stalks are in coarser cording stitch:
the leaves and tie-over of the bow in
satin stitch. White embroidery cot
ton of two sizes should be used.
sick person's recovery, nut she must
know what to do and the right way to
do it.
The New Veil.
It originated in Paris, but you need
not wait upon the pleasure of the
French or the amiability of the ship
ping clerk to adopt the very attractive
and convenient veil for this spring, i
The mesh should be of a coarse silk J
filet, the threads of a gossamer-like
texture. Beauty without the trip to
the oculist is promised. The main I
point is that the veil is divided in I
front, falling from the turban In !
straight lines at each sice and the
Jewel Shades.
These Jewel shades in rich silken
fabrics have not been equalled in any
thing shown heretofore. Burnt topaz
is a remarkable shade of deep rlcn
yellow. Jluby is the deep red of the
popular late winter d.nner gown.
Amethyst In these soft Qualltic h
wonderful dress silk is more nola tbfen
purple. The turquoise Is a heavenly j
snaae. ana aquamanra la as lnda
scribable pale greea.
W. H. Smith, Statistician of Oweiw-
vllle, Ind- Issues Book Which
Stops Town Talk.
Evansville, Ind. Owensvllle,
town of 1,500 people, a few miles
northeast of here, is said to be a gos
slpless village where people attend
strictly to their own business and
where "talking over the back fences
is a thing of the past.
This condition was brought about
W. W. Smith.
by W. W. Smith, who is called the
statistician of the town. Smith has
recently published a book entitled
"The True Record of Owensvllle" In
which is found births, deaths, mar
riages, accidents and the like for the
past year. Up to the time the book
was published the town people found
a great many things to gossip about,
but now instead of gossiping, they go
to the book and find out what they
want to know about anything that
has happened in the town for the
past year.
Mr. Smith has ascertained that five
per cent, of the population of Owens
vllle are widows. Seventy-five good
looking and marriageable widows live
in the town and most of them own
and manage their own homes and
many of them are in good circum
stances. There Is a "Widows' Row" in the
town that Is pointed out to all visi
tors who happen to go to Owensvllle.
Smith's book on town events and the
widows has enjoyed a wide circulation
and Smith has given it out that he
will publish such a book at least once
a year.
Former President Asks Capt. Seth
Bullock, Friend of Plains, to
Meet Him.
Deadwood. S. D. Captain Seth Rul
lock. who received a letter from Theo
dore Roosevelt asking him to Join the
ex-president in London about May -2,
is United States marshal of South
Dakota and has had a picturesque ca
reer. He has figured in many sensa
tional encounters and never got the
worst of It. At President Roosevelt's
Inauguration he led a company of
Capt. Seth Bullock.
Black Hills "cow punchers" and has
been a close friend of the ex-presl-dent
since the early '80s.
Darwin's Religion.
Darwin came of Unitarian stock
and was never much of a believer in
theological sjstems. In reply to a
question that had been put to him In
a letter he wrote over his own signa
ture: "I do not believe that any
revelation has ever been made." Upon
the questions of God nnd the future
life he was an out-and-out agnostic,
claiming that they were matters that
had never been settled and concern
ing which he had no right to make
any statement. He never once denied
the existence of a personal God or a
future for men after death, but con
tented himself with saying, "I know
nothing about them, one way or the
The Cormorant at Work.
How a cormorant dives for sea
trout and gets them is told by a
writer: "I had the cormorant under
observation only for the space of five
minutes, and during that short period
it had captured four sea trout, all of
considerable size. After being under
water for a few seconds the bird
would reappear with a sea trout wrig
gling in its bill: but in spite of the vic
tim's desperate efforts to escape it was
deftly swallowed, and after a few
gulps the cormorant would resume Its
fishing operations,"
Bill and Jim.
Mayor Reyburn of Philadelphia, at a
dinner given him by the Boost club,
said of a New York politician:
"But he is better than he appears tc
be. In that respect be resembles Bill
and Jim Cox.
"Bill and Jim Cox were brothers.
They lived in Philadelphia. Their
mother, an aged Reading woman, used
to far of them:
"TOb, yes. Wflllam and James la do
ing very welL Will Is an impostor and
James la a malefactor.'
"As a matter of fact." the mayor
concluded, "the two men were respect
ively an upholsterer and a manufac
turer In rather a large way of trade."
saw oSB
f h fTVr 111 t sT
Doctor Now. Johnny, stick out your
tongue and let me see it.
Johnny Not on your life. The last
fime I stuck out my tongue at you I
got a Hckln' for It. '
"In the middle of the night of March
30th I woke up with a burning Itch in
my two bands and I felt as if I could
pull them apart. In the morning the
itching had gone to my chest and dur
ing that day it spread all over my
body. I was red and raw from the top
of my head to the soles of my feet and
I was in continual agony from the
Itching. I could neither lie down nor
sit up. I happened to see about Cut!
cura Remedies and I thought I would
give them a trial. I took a good bath
with the Cuticura Soap and used the
Cuticura Ointment I put it on from
my head down to my feet and then
went to bed. On the first of April I
felt like a new man. The itching was
almost gone. I continued with the
Cuticura Soap and Cuitcura Ointment
and during that day the itching com
pletely left me. Frank Gridley. 325
East 43rd Street. New York City. Apr.
27. 1909." Cuticura Remedies are sold
throughout the world; Potter Drug &
Chem. Corp.. Sole Props. Boston, Mass.
Didn't Drink the Stuff.
Two Kentucky colonels were show
ing an Englishman what a wonderful
country the south Is. When the
Briton bad traveled from Baltimore
to New Orleans and from the Atlantic
to the he said: "Yes. the
Fouth is a fine country, but you have
no industries here."
"No industries," retorted Colonel
Smith, with indignation. "Why, suh,
Robinson, in Kentucky, has a dairy
where he produces a million pounds of
butter and a million pounds of cheese
a month."
"Impossible!" said the Englishman.
Colonel Smith turned to his fellow
for corroboration.
"1 don't know how much butter and
cheese Colonel Robinson produces a
month," said the second Kentuckian,
"but I do know that he has 12 saw
mills and he runs them all with but
termilk." Circle Magazine.
At or About This Time.
"Why do they call them ocean
liners?" she asked.
"They're getting new terms every
day." he said, without looking up from
the sporting page. "I never heard it
before, but an ocean liner Is probably
a hot one that isn't Inficlded well and
rolls into a puddle or something."
She made no answer, hut when he
had gone to business she phoned the
doctor about him.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by total applications, as they rannot reach the dis
eased portMO or Uk ear. There- t only one njr to
cure aeataeas. and Uiat Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness to caused by an Inflamed condition ot tbs
mucous llUnc ot the Eustachian Tube. When this
tobe to Inflamed jou nave a rumbling round or Im
perfect hearing, and ween it to entirely timed. Deaf
Bern to the rrault. arid unlei the inflammation can be
taken out and tnto tube rrstored to It normal condi
tion. beartDK wia be destroyed forever: nbe cava
out ot ten are cauard by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but aa Inflamed rocdltioa of the mucous rorfaces.
We will Five One Hundred Dollars for any caae ot
Deafnrw (caused by catarrh) that rannot be cured
by UaU'a Catarrh cure. Send for circular, tree.
F. J. CUEXKY CO.. Toledo. X
Fo:d by Druczfeta, ?Sc.
Take 1UU1 Tamlly Pills for rorvttpatloa.
Of Another Feather.
"Did you folks want any aigs to
day?" called the grocery boy from
the back steps.
"Yes," answered the cook who was
busy kneading dough. "Just lay 'em
under the refrigerator."
"I ain't Hen; I'm the other boy,"
shouted the lau from tbe grocery.
Chicago Post.
His Face Was Turning Yellow
Somionc told him that eallownoss was
eau.-'cJ by an inactive liver, lie began
taking .NATL UK'S ItKMKDV. his natural
color rt-turnitl. his brain cleared. His liver
was iisaiii active. XK tablets never fall
to correct the liver, they remove the bile,
aid digestion and tone tho system. Better
than Tills for Uver Ills. Take on tonight
and you'll fee! letter In the morning. Get
a U IJox. All Druggists. The A. H. Lewis
Medicine Co.. St. I..tiis. Mo.
Domestic Notes.
"I've noticed one thing."
"And what is that?"
"When one gets loaded It's usually
his wife who explodes."
Red. Weak. Weary. Watery Eye.
Relieved Hy Murine Kv- It-inedy. Try
Murine For Your Kye Troubles. You Will
Like Murine. It Soothi-s. 50c at Your
Dmccjsts. Write Kor Eye Books. Free.
Murine Eye- Kenif-dy Co.. Chicago.
There's nothing in it for the under
taker when a man is buried in ob
livion. Ixwis' Sinple? Binder. .tniht So
many t-raokciY prefer them to 10c cigars.
Let each man think he is the one
man for the time.
aia i i a J
ESarifiatok!!! ffl
M BBaTw CnKS? t y
pen m women sprKS oi ncr
silent secret suffering the
trusts you. Millions have be
stowed this mark of confi
dence on Dr. It. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y. Every
where there are worsen who
bear witness to the wonder
working, curing-power of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
which saves the tmWeriut
JBlaiwi Inliin i
from palm, and successfully
grapples with woasan'a weak
ties sad if Mara 2r.
- - i f
mtt i
A Reprimand.
Mrs. Brown was on her way to
prayer meeting, and as she passed the
Jones home she saw Bobby sitting on
the porch.
"Aren't you afraid out here alone.
"I'm sot alone." was Bobby's an
swer. "Who is with your asked Mrs.
"Now, Mrs. Brown," said Bobby. Im
pressively. "If you was a good woman,
you would know who was with me."
His Finish.
"He struck a fast gait when he Irst
went into politics."
"And now?"
"Now be is on the fence."
Even a truthful man is occasionally
guilty of exaggeration.
All Tired Out.
Do you feel dull, occasionally out of
sorts? Headaches and Dizziness? The
fault Is either with your stomach or your
liver. The safe, sure and easy way to get
rid of cither trouble Is to take NATURE'S
REMEDY. Take an NR Tablet to night
It will sweeten the stomach and regulate
the liver, kidneys and bowels. Kasy-sure
to act. Get a 25c Box. The A. 1L Lewis
Medicine Co.. St. Louis. Mo.
The Man Lower Down.
"The beef trust doesn't worry me
"What then is your worry?"
"The roarketman who won't trust"
Bostcn Herald.
Is an ounce of prevention" at well aa a
-pound of rurr." Kor towel trouble. ik!n
wuunds. colds, and other Ills. 35c and (Be alira.
Poetical Truth.
Man, thou pendulum betwixt a smile
and tear. Byron.
Lewis Single Hinder, extra quniitv to
bacco, costs more tnan otiier 5c cigars.
The signature on a check Is a sign
of prosperity.
I. x
AVegctable Preparation for As
similating AeFoodandRegufcv
lg iteStowachs and Bowels of
Promotes DtgesHoaClverfu!
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narc otic
nrp, oroun-sinvamcffBt
AyC S-i'
Au Set J
fttprrmiitl -Jtitiwim
HirmSnd -
Wimktyrt ftmtr
A Dcrfc-cl Remedy forConslipa-
lion . Sour Stortuch.Diairhoea,
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Tire Cektaur Company;.
Guaranteed under the Faod
You Can Have
IIIIIMI .'H'Hl llll.'l?!ll'l!l'!Hlillllll!MllfHWTT
as cool and white as a dairy. No smell, no smoke,
no heat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. The
2Vew PSerSciiort
Oil Cook-st
is tbe latest practical, scientific cook-stove. It will cook the most
elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen.
Boils, bakes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second.
Ertingnishedinasecond. Fitted with Cabinet Top, with collapsible
p ' MMwawjawawarrajSawj
aadsNew Perfection."
Lanw ILLaaaanwataa
BBa ilEA l afiaBBBSi
BBBBf Kyi im7hBH0'
you set this stove aee
inn in, nafncmaie h
Standard Ofl Company
Honored by Women
fdcace amplsccd when she wrote lor advice, tm
SOv2"u' DreAaY MsotCAt. Association, Dr.
R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y.
A Sad Caae
"Do you prefer your
or scrambled?"
"I can't remember."
95, 94, 93.0W, K 4ft wKCOU
Joys' Soa
XV. T. Donfirlas
Mhocfl are worn
by more men tkate
any other make,
W. L. DoMKtaww&M
and .eeahocMeqaal,
In style, flt sum! wear,
othor make costing to aw.oe.
W.L.Doturla 3JM.
3.0O and RUM hoew
are the loweat price.
the world.
fast Color Euttrt.
The' teaalae have W. I. Doola- name and price
tanir-td on the bottom. Te Mm tahatltatr.
Aaw.vmnrttealcrforW.l.noui(UhoM. Iftbey
are -ot fr In yonr town write lor Mail order Cat
alo. ctvtna- full dlrertlona bow to order by malt- Shvee
onlerril direct from fa.-torr ilelrt-ered to U wearer all
enargM Prepaid. W. L. DOlHiUiM. Hreckton. Maaa
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 19-1910.
For Infant! and CMMreiu
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
Thirty Tears
a Model Kitchen
1 1
rests, towel rack, and every up-to-date
feature imaginable. You wast it, be
cause it will cook aay dinner and not
beat the room. No heat, no smell,
no smoke, no coal to bring in, no ashes
to carry out. It does away with the
drudgery of cooking, and makes it a
pleasure. Women with the light touch
for pastry especially appreciate it, be-
cause incy can immeoiareiy nave a
quick tire, simply try turning a handle.
No half-hour preparation. It not only
is less trouble than coal, but it costs
less. Absolutely no smell, no smoke;
and it doesn't heat the kitchen.
The nickel finish, with the turquoise
blue of the enameled chimneys, makes
the stove ornamental and attractive.
Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2
and 3-burner stoves can be had with
or without Cabinet.
Every dealer everywhere rlf not at yonra.
write for Descriptive CUcalar to tbe Bearcat
Hnny muiv
"For over nine years I suffered with chronic
constipation sad during- this time I had to take
an injection of warm water once every aa hours
before I could have aa actios oa ray bowels.
Happily I tried CascareU, and today I am a wetl
man. During- the aine years before I u4
Caxareta I suffered oatold aiiaery with internal
pile. Thanks to you. I eat free from sit that
tbfe morning;. Yoa caa aae this ia behalf of
suffering humanity. B. F. Fisher, Koanoke. TXL
Pleasant. Palatable. Potest. Tasfa Good.
5 9?i KmTf Sfckea.Weakea or Oripe.
Kte.25c.Ssc. Never sold la bulk. Tbegea
hM tablet stamped CC C Gsaraatsad to
eare or yoar laasy back. 3
Tw Tahbrt. it- Wrtt frw P
r Itsai.
KTyTaMew)a It. Write tor Proof. AdiSnaa.
Br. CHASE. 234 North 10 81. rtlwwTlVi r?
narcfMS cMhes mesas,
am? VwBwww
JBaVanM r
Jay if -. .! .
ATtS&xA aW
m mi.a s &
y For Over