The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 04, 1910, Image 2

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Record of What is Going on in Con
gress, in Washington and is
the Political Field.
The Naples police learned that
Estelle Reid, th American girl who
was murdered and her body thrown
Into the bay of Naples, had uncles
living near Los Angeles and San
Francisco. These uncle3. the police
say, managed her Gnanclal affairs and
allowed her $S00 a month. The
Italian embassy at Washington has
ben requested to forward to the local
authorities all the information pos
sible reagrding the girl. Miss Reid
was studying sculpture under Profes
sor LetUeri, who saw her the day
before her disappearance. She was
then intending to go to Paris. The
murder Is as much a mystery as
when the body was found.
Graham White, the English aviator
who started on a biplane flight from
Wormwood Scrubs, London, for Man
chester, in an attempt to win the prize
of 550,000 offered by a London morn
ing newspaper, had accomplished
more than half of the journey when
compelled to descend on account of
the intense cold.
Madam Tetrazzinl has been at
tacked with sudden illness and she
was able to appear, as billed in "La
Traviata," at the opening of the opera
season at the Covent Garden theater
in London.
Edmuud Heller, the zoologist of
Riverside, Cal., who accompanied Mr.
Roosevelt on his Alrican hunting trip,
has decided that the sable ante!ope
killed by Kermit Roosevelt is a new
species peculiar to the Mombasa re
gion, and not heretofore dc.ccribed. It
will be named the Roosevelt.
A telegram from Belgrade reports
the death of Colonel Maschln. who,
with a band of officers, forced his i
way into the palace on the night of I
June 10, 190,1, and masspcred King !
Alexander and Queen Draca and those
who sought to defend their majesties.
The national party prohibition con
vention may be held in Des Moines in
Gov. Hughes of New York has been
tendered and accepted appointment as
an associate justice of the supreme
court of the United States.
Former Judge S. F. Ballict. for twen
ty years a resident of Des Moines, died
in Tonapah, Nev., at the age of 73
The Kansas apple crop has been
greatly damaged by cold weather.
Mr. Roosevelt was praised in the
superlative by heads of the munici
pality of Paris.
Ed Keaton of Natchez. Miss., said
to be 110 years of age, was bitten by
a rattlesnake but will recover.
Senator Beveridge of Indiana is re
ceiving congratulations upon the ar
rival of an infant daughter at his
boae In Washington.
The supreme court of Missouri de
nied a motion for a rehearing of R.
J. House of the Kansas City Board
pf Trade, who was arrested on a
charge of violating the law requiring
grain to be sold by actual weight.
Commander Robert E. Peary sailed
from New York for a lecture tour of
England and the continent He is
accompanied by Mrs. Peary and their
two children and by Captain Robert
A. Bartlett
Much of the $100.0C0 left by the Iato
Thomas F. Walsh to be distributed by
his wife will go to the relatives and
old-time friends in Colorado,
braska will vote upon an amendment
to the present voting laws.
In the next general election Ne-
Senator Hale denied that fear of
flefeat prompted his announcement of
coming retirement from the senate.
More than 5.000 men who receive
pensions for service during the civil
war live outside of the United States.
Congress will adjourn before the
middle of June and possibly by June
1. it is believed by President Taft and
the administration leaders. And be
fore that time it is expected most of
the so-called administration measures
now before congress will have been
passed, or, if not, they would be in
such shape that they can be enacted
into law soon after congress meets in
A large increase in the number of
casualties on American railroads is
shown by the interstate commerce
sommlssion report.
Unqualified endorsement was ac
corded the Taft administration by the
republican state central committee of
Mr. Byran, it is stated, will help in
the Missouri prohibition campaign
when It is fully on.
San Antonio secret service agents
have in their possession s number of
counterfeit United States $5 gold
pieces believed to have been made
In Mexico.
Dr. Ellhu B. Thomas. 43 years old,
father of Augustus Thomas, the play
wright, died at his home at SL Louis.
M. De VolenL Russian minister to
Mexico, has been retired because of
111 health and will be succeeded by
Dr. A. De Stavlsky, a present secre
tary of the Russian legation at
George W. Rose, assistant receiving
teller of the Jefferson bank of New
York, took his own life by cutting his
Though having lost one large for
tune. Mark Twain died worth a mil
lion dollars.
The late cold weather wrought
great damage to fruit prospects.
Speaker Joseph G. Cannon win ad
dress the Ottawa Chautauqua assem
bly this summer.
Henry Willlngton Smith, Billionaire
paper manufacturer of Lee, Mass., was
crushed to death in a folding bed.
The Erie railway wage difficulties
with Its firemen has been adjusted.
The men jet an advance of 8 per cent.
The revenue cutter, Tahoma sailed
from Seattle for Alaska carrying the
Portland Mazama expedition of four
men who v.'Ul attempt the ascent
of Mount McKlnley from the seaward
Three more bodies were taken from
the mines at Mulga, Alabama, mail
ing a total of thirty-nine recovered
It is now believed by the Inspectors
that there are no more bodies in the
The Burlington sustained a loss
estimated at $100,000 in a fire in the
Lincoln yards at Lincoln. Nebr.
Colonel William H. Bixbj. United
States engineer corp3, will be appoint
ed chief of engineers, succeding
Brigadier General William L. Mar
shall, who will be retired June 11.
Official announcement was made at
Baltimore or the authorization of a
mortgage on the Baltimore & Ohio
Chicago terminal property to secure
an issue of $50,000,000 of 50-year 4
per cent bonds.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens, "Mark
Twain." printer, soldier, reporter.
miner, lecturer, editor, publisher and
author, died at his home. StormQeld,
near Redding. Conn., of angina pec
toris and cardiac asthma. He was 75
years of age. His last words were to
his daughter. "Give me my glasses."
He leaves money and estate valued
at $1,000,000. His burial took place
beside his wife at Elmira, New York.
With his death passes the writer
who, more vividly than any other,
portrayed the typical American boy,
and gave his readers an adequate im
pression of the homely, large, spon
taneous life led by native Americans
Thomas Taggart. former chairman
of the Democratic national commit
tee, formally announced that he would
be a candidate before the general as
sembly next year to succeed Albert J.
Beveridge In the United States Sen
ate. There was general expression of
regret all over the country over the
death of Mark Twain.
Senator McCumber of North Da
kota, though still ery ill. will. It Is
said recover.
The president will name a New
York man for the supreme bench to
succeed Julius Brewer.
Senator Burkett ''celebrated Arbor
day in the United States senate by
introducing a bill providing for the
establishment at Nebraska City of a
national school of forestry.
Congressman Pollard of Nebraska
says he will not be a candidate for re
election. Washington.
Henry M. Hoyt, who has Just re
signed his office as attorney general
of Porto Rico, Is apprehensive that
this will be attributed to the fact
'that he was a witness in the Bal
j linger-Pinchot Investigations, where
I he supported the statements of Mr.
jGlavis to some extent. So he tele
graphed to Washington from New
York that his resignation was caused
alone by his desire to resume pri
vate practice in San Francisco and
that the relations between himself
and Attorney General Wickersham
were entirely agreeable.
Secretary Ballinger of the depart
ment of the interior has withdrawn
from entry -ppronimately thirteen
and a half million acres. of coal lands
in southeastern Montana, believed to
contain valuable deposits, pending
examination and classification as to
their values. The secretary also has
ordered 400.000 acres of land in Mon
tana into the enlarged homesteads,
as not being susceptible of irrigation,
from any known source of water sup
ply, and has applied a like order to
2S.000 acres in New Mexico.
Why pork chops and pork roasts
cost more now than two, three and
four years ago was the subject of ex
pert testimony given In the senate
food probe by Peter W. Peterson of
Clay county. South Dakota. Mr. Peter
son said he sold hogs at prices rang
ing from $4.50 a hundred pounds
in 1900 to 5G.53 in 1900. The price
then jumped to $0.S0 as the average
from January 1 to this week.
President Taft informed Senators
Brown and Burkett that be would
have to defer his decision about ac
cepting their invitation to visit the
Commercial club at Lincoln some time
between October 0 and 11.
A French aviator gave an exhibi
tion in a gale to pleaso Mr. Roose
velt An expert from Washington Is to
demonstrate a supposed hog cholera
cure in Nebraska.
The Bryan boom is creating consid
erable worry among other members
of the democratic party.
Senator Root and Andrew Carnegie
made addresses at the peace building
dedication at Washington.
Governor Hughes recently ap
pointed to the supreme bench, has
marked ability and the confidence of
the country.
W. J. Brran criticised the appoint
ment of Governor Hughes.
In a speech at St. Louis Vice Presi
dent Sherman defended -the -'tariff
A resolution favoring the election
of United States senators "by w popu
lar vote was passed by the house of
representatives of Massachusetts by
a vote of 109 to 98.
Senator Burkett Introduced a bill
to establish a school of forestry at
Nebraska City.
Tom Taggart claims converts to
his opposition to a convention nomi
nation for senator In Indiana.
The guests at the imperial garden
party at Toklo Included 362 Ameri
cans. The senate confirmed the nomina
tion of W. T. Devlin as district at
torney in California.
A French newspaper writer at Paris
viciously attacked Mr. Roosevelt
Seven days after Dr. B. C- Hyde
gave Miss Stella Swope a box of
candy, the young woman developed
typhoid fever, testified Miss Anna
Houlihan, a nurse at Kansas City.
Conditions at Chang Sbae are still
disturbed and foreigners have fled.
Letter to Democratic Members Ask
ing Their Views in Reference
to the Proposed Extra Session.
Hon. W. J. Bryan has mailed a let
ter to all democratic members of the
last legislature asking them if they
will support an initiative and refer
endum resolution for the submission
of a constitutional amendment to
that effect at the general election
this fall.
He has also asked J. H. Msckett,
Jr.. president of the Nebraska Direct
Legislation league to get a poll of the
republican members. The letter fdr
most part follows:
My Dear Sir: The failure of the
legislature to rbmlt the initiative
and referendum at its regular session
has brought county option which is
direct legislation into the present
campaign, and this question Is draw
ing attention from national issues. It
is unfortunate that this should be the
case at this time when six congress
men are to be elected, and when a
senator is to be chosen by the next
Unless the mistake made by the
legislature can be remedied, our par
ty will be confronted by a very seri
ous situation. It might promise in Its
platform to submit the initiative and
referendum at the next session, but it
could hardly expect to be trusted to
submit the measure next ime if with
a democratic governor, senate and
house it is unable to do so. now, un
less it declares its Independence of
special interests.
In my opinion the best way to meet
the situation is by the submission of
ths initiative and referendum by a
called session of the legislature and
I have no doubt that Governor Shal
lenberger will call such a special ses
sion if assured that a majority of
both houses will support the initia
tive and referendum resolution,
which will give to the people the
legislative machinery through which
they could legislate upon any ques
tion In which they are Interested. A
called session would also doubtless
ratify the income tax amendment
If it is not possible to submit the
Initiative and referendum for ratifica
tion as a constitutional amendment
at the election this fall, nothing is
left for our party to do but to de
clare for the initiative and referen
dum and county option in its state
platform this summer. In order to
ascertain whether an initiative and
referendum resolution would pass In
case of a special session being called,
I take the liberty of submitting the
question to you and to the other dem
ocratic members of the senate and
house. Please wire me at once, at
my expense, whether you would be
willing to support such a resolution
at a special session.
In a written statement regarding
his letter to democratic members, Mr.
Bryan says: "I hope that the dem
ocratic and republican papers that fa
vor the initiative and referendum
will take the matter up and urge the
passage of the initiative and referen
dum resolution. It might be well for
the committeemen and all others,
both democrats and republicans, who
are Interested in the present cam
paign, to see these senators and mem
bers who didn't support the meas
ure at the last session and point out
to them the importance of the special
secsion. o
Hughes Is Appreciative.
In reply to its telegram of congrat
ulations over his appointment as a
member of the United States su
preme court, the State Railway com
mission has received the following
message from Governor Hughes:
Albany. N. Y.. April 27. Nebraska
State Railway Commission. Lincoln,
Neb.: "I cordially appreciate your
Ruling on Bleached Flour.
State Food Commissioner S. I.
Mains has returned from Portland,
Ore., and Boise City. Idaho. At the
latter place western food commission
ers met and as'ted for a speedy hear
ing of the suits in federal court to
test the ruling of the national food !
department against bleached four.
Must Quit Business.
Clubs that do business merely
to serve drinks to members were
warned that they must quit business
In Lincoln. The Phoenix club and the
Eagles were raided, a few arrests
made and the boose found on the
premises was hauled to the station.
Can Increase Steele
The railway commission gave per
mission to the Grand Island Tele
phone company to Increase Its capital
stock from I7S.000 to flot.eeo. The
proceeds from thebaic of the stock
win be osed for Improvements and
Lincola. Neb. Ernest M. Pollard
Of Nehawka will not be a candidate
for congress In the First district He
will Issue a statement to this effect
and will thank his friends for the fa
vors shown htm In the past
Vannees Writes Again
C. C. Vanness, a member of the
Soldiers' home at Grand Island, who,
for complaining of the meat betas;
served to the old veterans, was
charged by the democrats with trying
to stir up trouble for poUtlcal rea
sons, has denied the charge In a let
ter to Secretary of State Junkln.
Vanness said he would show to any
person who visited the home that the
soldiers were not fed good meat and
that those who could not come there
could be convinced by calling upon
the governor and asking for reports.
'Seeks to Have Instruction in tht
A. V. Johnson, state fire warden,
has written a letter to State Superin
tendent Bishop suggesting that a day
or an hour of some day each month be
set aside for the teachers to instruct
their pupils about how to prevent fires
and what to do In some emergencies.
It is Mr. Johnson's idea that if the
children are taught the dangerous use
of gasoline and kerosene and what to
do In case of explosion, as well as how
to prevent fires by keeping refuse
burned and the danger of permitting
old papers to be stac-ned in an attic
or closet that the lessons now learned
will remain with them always.
Mr. Johnson gave out the following
The Nebraska Fire commission,
whose business it Is to do everything
possible for the prevention of fire
waste desires to direct public atten
tion to the necessity of a general
cleanup during the spring time. De
bris that has accumulated during the
winter months should be thoroughly
cleared away. The reasons for this
are obvious, one which might be men
tioned is that this debris is often re
sponsible for spontaneous combustion,
which, more prevalent during the hot
summer months than during the cold
er period. Is generally regarded by ex
perienced fire fighters as one of the
chief causes of what are called "un
known fires."
Too often houses are built without
giving proper consideration to attic
ventilation; the hot summer sun beats
on the roof, the heat in the -attic be
comes intense and with the attic filled
with rubbish, dust, oily rags, highly
varnished pieces of furniture or other
accumulations spontaneous combus
tion is a natural result
Closets are often used for storing
away greasy overalls, old clothes and
oily rags, such closets should be thor
oughly cleaned and this is particularly
true of the closet under the stairway.
which is too often permitted to be
come a fire trap immediately under
the only way of escape from the upper
stories of the building.
This Is the season for varnishing
and painting, hence old rags used for
wiping greasy wood and varnished sur
faces should be burned; If they must
be saved for future use they should
be kept in an Iron receptacle substan
tially covered and set away from the
wood buildings.
Paint and oily rags, varnish and
waste, used to wipe machinery are
particularly liable to spontaneous com
bustion. We desire to suggest that when peo
ple are removing thair stoves for the
summer months. If they would be care
ful to see that the hole in the chim
ney was stopped with a metal thimble
and not with paper or rags it would
prevent a great many fires.
New Fraternal Organization.
The Clansmen of America, of
Omaha, a new fraternal organization,
has been licensed to do business in
this state. The rates of the new com
pany are not up to the fraternal con
gress standard and consequently did
not meet with the approval of the au
ditor. Nevertheless, under the insur
ance law a license must be issued
when 250 applications have been
signed, no matter what the rates may
Money for Soldiers' Homes.
Governor Sha'.lenberger received
from the government warrants for $9,
175 for the use of the two soldiers'
homes. The money is apportioned at
the rate of $100 for each member of
the home. At Grand Island there are
255 members and at Milford 112.
Missouri Pacific Loses.
Maggie Wollenburg. who won a
damage suit against the Missouri Pa
cific in the district court of Douglas
county, after having been tossed some
sixty-five feet by an engine, won out
also in the supreme court
Cost of Life Insurance.
Figured on the basis of the vote cast
in 1908. every man in Nebraska who
has attained his majority spent $13.70
for life insurance last year. This rep
resents an Increase over the preceding
New Lieutenant
The adjutant general's office has au
thorized the election of a second lieu
tenant in the Gatling gun section at
Beatrice, that section having recently
increased its strength to thirty men.
Go to Fort Riley.
There will be no state camp for the
Nebraska national guard this year, ex
cepting the rifle teams. All the rest
of the guard will be taken to Fort
Riley. Adjutant General Hartlgan has
refigured the expense of taking the
guard, amounting In all to about 1.100
men, and believes that he can send all
of the boys to Fort Riley on the $30.
000 that Is available for the purpose.
Some of the companies may, however,
be left behind unless they are able
to show a strength of at least forty
three men.
Net Like Sample.
Superintendent Percival of the Nor
folk asylam has notified the state
board of public lands and buildings
that the coffee delivered to his institu
tion by-the H.P. Law company' does
not conform to the sample which was
submitted to the board when the con
tract waa let Dr. Percival sent a
sample of the coffee to the board and
according to Secretary of State Junkin
it la not like the coffee that was
bought The superintendent will be
notified to reject the shipment as soon
aa the board can get together.
Model Submitted in Fall.
Daniel C. French, who has a con
tract to construct the Lincoln monu
ment, to be located on the grounds
of the state house, has written to F. M.
Hall that he will not submit the model
mtil next fall. Mr. French said in
:1s letter that the model bad been
completed, but that he is shortly leav
ng for Europe and therefore he de--vires
to look over it again before send
ng It to Nebraska. He believes after
u absence of a few months he will
e more able to &y whether the mod
1 Is up to the standard desired.
System Employed by the Big Lines
Criticised by Senator Bristow of
Kansas and Others.
Washington. D. C When the sen
ate adjourned Thursday there was a
general understanding that a vote
would be reached Friday on the traffic
agreement provision of the railroad
bill. So far as was known, Mr. Cum
mins was the only senator who would
desire to speak further on the sub
ject The first vote will be on the Cum
mins substitute requiring approval of
the rates embraced in agreements in
advance of their taking effect With
this provision defeated, as probably It
will be, the ballot then will recur on
the Elklns-Crawford amendment
which has been accepted as the com
mittee provision. The supporters of
John W. Kern, Endorsed for U. ii.
Senator by Indiana Democrats.
the administration arc claiming a ma
jority of seven or eight votes in. favor
of this section.
The debate Friday continued to be
of an animated character. It was par
ticipated in by Messrs. Cummins,
Root. Aldrich. Borah, Bailey, Hey
burn and others. Senator Clay deliv
ered a set speech in opposition to the
bill, and Senator Bristow closed his
address in condemnation cf the pres
ent rate-making system.
When Mr. E!kins called attention to
the connection of the Canadian gov.
ernment with the Canadian roads, Mr.
Bristow declared the American gov
ernment had built the Union Pacific
railroad and presented it to its own
ers. Mr. Smoot came to the assistance
of Mr. Bristow in contending for the
adoption of the long and short haul
amendment, whereupon Mr. Elkins
charged that the effect would be to
raise rather than decrease local non
competitive rates. The Utah ani
Kansas senators said their states were
willing to take their chance on that
Will Invoke the Courts to Get Them,
if Necessary.
Columbus, O. "I want those chil
dren and if there is any law in God's
world to help me get them I will have
them. I do not want the woman, but
if no other means will avail. I will
take legal steps and invoke the aid
of the court to prevent the marriage
of Ruth Bryan Leavitt to Reginald
Owen." William Homer Leavitt said.
The notice in the newspapers of
the coming marriage of his former
wife came as a complete surprise to
him. He said the only information
he ever has bad of a divorce Is such
as he has seen in the public prints.
In case he receives no direct word
from Nebraska. Mr. Leavitt cays he
will leave here in time to reach Fair
view before the marriage can take
"I should not hesitate to stop the
ceremony If that were the only way
to get possession of my children, he
Roosevelt Meets King Albert.
Brussels. Former President
Roosevelt met King Albert of Bel
glum and tbey exchanged cordial
greetings, later driving from the
Brussels exposition to Laaken palace
and spending aa hour in the garden.
Ex-Cansidat for Vies President Gets
the Nomination.
Iadianapolls. Opening In riotous
discord and closing in enthusiastic
harmony the Indiana democratic con
vention Thursday adopted Governor
Marshall's proposition that It should
endorse to next year's legislature a
candidate for United States seaator
and named John W. Kern, who was
the party's candidate for vice presi
dent In 1903. The opposition made
a grim fight but In defeat joined
heartily with the successful forces.
Senator Brown's Bill.
Washington. Senator Norris
Brown's bill making the lands or the
Omaha Indians taxable, which passed
the senate some time ago and which
was amended in the house was
agreed to In the senate Friday and
now goes to the presidsnt for his
signature. The lands owned by
Omaha Indians are made taxable
under this bill. The fee title Is not
In the Indian at this time. The In
dian holds land under a trust patent
Issued twenty-five years ago and
which entitles him to fee patent now.
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Cornell President Sees Good in
Big Philanthropy Scheme.
Believes Congress Should Grant Re
quest for National Ch.ter
Would Change Only One
Small Detail.
Ithaca, N. T. In an address
before the Council congress on
Friday night President Jacob Gould
Schurman of Cornell commended the
scheme for the Rockefeller foundation
for which congress has been asked
for a national charter. President
Schurman devoted his entire speech
of several thousand words to this sub
ject and In summing up he said:
"I recognize that section No. 2 of the
bill, which defines the object of the
Rockefeller foundation, authorizes and
empowers that foundation to do any
thing and everything which may pro
mote and advance human civilization,
that is to say, morals and religion, art
and science, manners snd social Inter
course, and aU that concerns the po
litical, economic, and material well
being of Individuals snd communities.
This is a vast field for the exercise of
"But Mr. Rockefeller has conceived
a vast scheme of philanthropy, for the
benefit of his fellow citizens and man
kind. His character, ability and or,
ganlzing skill are adequate guarantees
that he will carry out his scheme
wisely and successfully, with incal
culable benefit and blessing to man
Lind. It is in the interest of the na
tion that he be given a free band in
the exTcise of his colossal benefi
cence. So long as he is active or his
Influence remains It would be wise
and safe to give the foundation the
sort of organization he desires. Neith
er now nor hereafter does it seem nec
essary to limit the scope of his benefi
cence, which Is coextensive with the
efforts of mankind to attain a higher
"The only change I would desire to
see In the proposed bill is the total or
partial elimination of the method cf
selecting trustees by co-operation. The
organization might well be left a close
corporation, if Mr. Rockefeller so de
sires, for a generation. But after that
time I am confident that it would inure
both to the efficiency of the foundation
and to the public welfare to say noth
ing of the satisfaction of the sentiment
of a democracy If the majority of the
trustees were appointed by the presi
dent of the United States, with the
advice and consent of the senate, or
selected by some other high abiding,
governmental agencies that may fairly
be regar-Ied as representing the peo
ple of the United States, whose wel
fare is the primary object of the im
mense and glorious benefaction."
Zeppelin II., Belonging to German
Army Post, Is Wrecked
In Gale.
LImburg-an-der-Lahn. The Zeppe
pelin II., one of the three di
rigible balloons of the German govern
ment's aerial fleet, ran away and was
destroyed. The airship, which was
.forced to descend here, owing to a
storm, encountered while attempting
a return trip from Homburg to Co
logne, broke its moorings and without
a crew drifted in a northeasterly di
rection. A half hour after Its escape
the dirigible dropped at Wcllburg and
was smashed to pieces.
Saves Train From Disaster.
Spokane. Wash. Because the
engineer put on brakes after his
engine struck a defective switch near
North Yakima a Burlington passenger
train over the Northern Pacific rail
road was saved from disaster. En
gincer Gordon of Ellensburg and Fire
man Meyers of Pasco were killed.
Cuspected of Wrecking Residence Oc
cupied by Her Former Fiance
and His Bride.
Prairie City. la. Suspected of
having exploded dynamite which
tore almost to atoms the mag
mliccnt $12,000 residence of Jesse A.
Quick, wealthy farmer, three miles
east. Miss Mary Guthrie of Carthage.
11... has been arrested.
Occupants of the house escaped In
jury. In the home were Dr. Alexander
Hall or Colfax, a former suitor of
Miss Guthrie, and his bride, formerly
Miss Myrtle Quick.
At one time Miss Guthrie and Dr.
Hall were engaged to be married.
Runs for Ball; Drowns.
New York. April 25. Louis Rose, a
ten-year-old boy of Jersey City, run
ning valiantly to catch a foul tip In a
bareball game, fell head foremost Into
s shallow pond aad stuck la the mud
bottom. He waa dead when pulled
State of Washington te Complete Link
in Highway Through Sne
ejualmle Pass.
Seattle. Wash. Orders wIU be
given Immediately by the state
highway commission for the construc
tion of Snoqualmle pass road across
the Cascade mountains, connecting
the eastern aad western sections of
the state and completing a transcon
tinental automobile road. A gap of 15
miles Is all that needs to be covered.
Pittsburg Authorities Suspect Jury
Tampering in Bribery Scandal
New Inquiry Begun.
Pittsburg. Pa. A new grand
Jury began service. Attention wiU
be given to alleged Jury tamper
ing in the recent trial of an indicted
councilman. In the aldermanlc graft
I and bribery scandal the doors to the
-immunity bath" are still open. Sev
eral confessions are expected.
W. J. Ford, for five years aa em
ploye of the National Roofing Co.,
tells a tale of suffering that would
move the hardest heart He writes
the following letter telUng how he
was quickly cured by the United Doc
tors, those master medical specialists,
who have their Omaha Institute at
232 Neville block, corner Sixteenth
and Harney streets.
Omaha. Neb.. March 9. 1910.
"For ten weeks I lay flat on my back
with Sciatic rheumatism and kidney
trouble and could not move myself in
the bed and when I was moved, could
scarcely bear tho excruciating pain.
I had three physicians and tried threo
or four different kinds of patent med
icine in the hope of finding something
that would relieve the terrible agony
for I could not move hand or foot
without suffering more than It seemed
possible for one to suffer and live,
but nothing seemed to help me.
One day a friend whose wife was
under treatment by the United Doc
tors, came to see me. He told me
how quickly she had been helped
from the first by these wonderful
specialists and how well she had been
ever since, and urged me to make a
great effort to get to their offices oa
the second floor of the Neville block,
corner Sixteenth and Harney streets.
I hired a man to help me and he had
to almost carry me Into their office.
That was four weeks' ago and today I
walked Into their effice without even
the use of a cane. In two days after
beginning the treatment I could notice
an improvement and it has been a
steady and gradual Improvement ever
"I feel that I cannot speak too
highly of your wonderful new system
of treatment and would like to urge
all who are sick and suffering to go
to the United Doctors."
Saving His Life.
A story is told of an Englishman
who had occasion for a doctor while
staying in Peking.
"Sing Loo gleatest doctor." said his
servant: "he savee my llfee once."
"Really?" queried the Englishman.
""Yes; me tellible awful." was the re
ply; "me callee In another doctor. He
glvee me medicine; me velly. velly
bad. Me callee In another doctor. Ho
come and give me medicine, make irio
velly, velly badder. Me callee in Sing
Loo. He no come. He save my life."
Pennsylvanian's Lspse of Memory.
Forgetting that he had started to
draw a gallon of whisky from a bar
rel In the cellar, A. C. Hidlay, pro
prietor of the Hotel Hidlay. Blooms
burg. Pa.. left the spigot turned on
and went upstairs. Two hours later
he remembered it and hastened there.
He found that it had all run away
and into the sewer. His loss because
of his lapse of memory will be about
$100. Philadelphia Record.
Don't Risk Your Life
By reslectin Constipation. It leads to
autotoxemia. There is Just one right rem
edy for Constipation, that is NATIJKE'3
REMEDY (NU tablets). It's tliftVrer.C
from all others because it is thorough, it
corrects the entire digestive system and
the kidneys, cures Dyspepsia and Rheu
matism. Its easy and sure to act. Take
one tonight you'll fel better In tho
morning. Get a 'JS' Box. All Druggists.
The A. H. Lewis Medicine Co.. St. Louis.
Need Care for No One.
No man Is more independent than
he who can pay bis bills.
There are imitation, don't be fooled.
Ask for Lewis' Single Binder cigar for 5c
No can should play practical jokes
unless he Is a good lober.
Poor health can nearly
always be traced to a dis
ordered stomach, weak
kidneys, sluggish liver or
constipated bowels. The
Bitters acts directly on
these organs, making them
strong and healthy. Try it.
Nebraska Directory
Itm I. 9 Ctm Hatters
Ask yoar Local Dealer or ,
WW K b VI raVa this process alt broke,
satts of atachiaery aisde good aa saw. Welda
east iroa. cast steel. alaatfausi. copper, brass of
ay ether metal. Zspert ttwaoMI repairing.
fee free
7 sll at cat prices, Seaa for f taa catalog?.
Scad stassp for catalog: aad wholesale price
oa Baxe Ball. Tcanls. Golf and 8aor'ii Oooda
of all kind, and our haadaossa . bait
eattoa. State poeltloa yoa play.
ISI4 Famsm Strt Omaha.
li niagmjjur anAMCTTiusv&noc II
-aIJct-PVajrea ft
the keystone
to health
'! I ' -L . l-- ' I' LHUJI
7 n
fr -
: srs-v-Tf'