The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 27, 1910, Image 2

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Street car hogs
market price.
are not -worth the
What a fine all-star stock company
Reno could organize.
When piety is only skin deep It Is
tulte likely to affect the lungs.
Tell through the ice and drowned"
tatalitles are over for the season.
The hens are in no hurry to lay
to fill up next year's cold storage
The chanticleer fad in this
try Is chiefly confined to the
storage warehouses.
cold When the cold storage warehouses
torn loose eggs they are marked "di
rect from the country."
Instead of the conquests
let us enter heart and soul
effort to conquer disease.
of war.
Into the
In the bright effulgence of spring
one can smile at the tears one shed
over the last rose of summer.
Kissing Is unknown In Japan. It
Is not surprising they have been back
ward many years in civilization.
We would be glad to know that
every man who gets Into a hole could.
In some way, come out of it whole.
It's still a bit early to pack up for
the country, but none too soon to plan
for It that is. If you have a country
place to go to.
That man who enters Harvard at
the age of 45 ought to have some bully
good times with his classmate Will
lam James Sidls.
English papers speak of a man In
the Birmingham hospital for skin dis
eases who Is turning to marble. He
appears to be a hard case.
If Kermit were not a well trained
boy It would be hard to hold him aft
er he comes back from Africa with all
his laurels thick upon him.
Says a dressmaking authority:
"Men fall in love with the best
gowned woman." Here is a question
tor a pleasant fireside debate.
If something doesn't stop that civil
war In Nicaragua 6oon, there will not
be enough left of the country to be
worth any dictator's while to tax.
The market reports assure us thai
"4,774,320 eggs were taken by Chi
cago in a single day without a sign
of uneasiness." Let us hope they were
sot fried.
A Cincinnati man has retired from
business with $1,000,000, which he
says is as much money as any man
has the right to posses. How he must
dislike trouble.
Germany has cut its naval estimate
for this year. English alarmists will
regard this as another cunning trick
to get the British government to quit
building warships.
A wife murderer in Georgia, par
doned by the president, refused to
avail himself of the clemency and will
remain in charge of the penitentiary
pharmacy as a trusty. This would
appear to be a case where the zeal
of friends rnthpr overran Itself.
Recalling that the gold production
of the United States last year WaS
$99,000,000, the Boston Globe finds evi
dence of the renewed vitality of New
England In the fact that it collected
two-thirds as much from summer
hoarders. But is it fair to give no
credit to the visitors who furuish the
A New Yorker plunged into the icy
river last winter to rescue a young
lady's merry widow hat, and now she
has married him. It is possible that,
having thrown the hat away in order
to secure a later model, she concluded
the chap who thwarted the plan by
rescuing the old hat should be com
pelled to buy he new one?
Now a university scientist asserts
that any desired characteristic can be
produced in human beings at will, and
that character is only a matter, after
all, of chemical combinations. Some
may object to the elimination by this
theory of the sonl and spiritual in
fluence from it, but the theory has its
compensations if cranks can be re
moved from their present sphere of
pernicious activity.
New York's Etate highway commis
sion la proceeding with a vigor which
will excite attention and cause pro
gressive legislators in other states to
study her highway construction sys
tem. The commission has just ad
vertised for proposals for the improve
ment of 57 miles of state roads and
145 miles of country highways. The
total cost of the roads covered by the
contracts of February and April Is
If a court injunction will actually
stop the family in the flat above from
running a boiler factory on the prem
ises the department stores should be
prepared to handle them in dozen lots.
Several times has It been reported
in the current news of the day that
a trolley or steam car has jumped the
rails and plunged into some dwelling.
This is all wrong. Houses never dis
pute the right of way on tracks with
cars, and cars should not be allowed
to challenge the stationary status of
The poets of New York have formed
a labor union, but one of the big draw
backs in this is that no one will sym
pathize or even notice it when the
members go out on a strike.
The first aeroplane price list has
been issued in England, offering a mo
noplane with 3 cylinder, 30-h. p. en
gine at $2,250, a monoplane with 4
cylinder, 50-h. p. engine for $3,775, and
a biplane with 4-cylinder, 50-h. p. en
gine for $5,500. Aeroplanes come high,
and the higher they go the higher they
Decision Says There Is Warrant Only
for Fees on Paid-Up and Sub
scribed Capital Stock.
Attorney-General Thompson reiter
ates a former opinion given the rail
way commission that the filing fee for
corporations shall be based upon their
paid-up and subscribed capital stock,
rather than on their authorized issi e
of stock. The opinion follows, di
rected to the secretary of state:
This department, as I am advised,
under a law which directed you to
charge a filing fee based on the au
thorized capital stock of the corpo
ration, furnished an opinion to the ef
fect that on the authorized capital
stock you should base your charges.
Since that opinion was rendered,
however, the law has been amended
and the word "authorized" was omit
ted from the amended act. This ren
dered the opinion of no authority un
der the amended statute which omit
ted the word "authorized" from the
term "capital stock."
You request an opinion now as to
whether you should base your
charges for filing articles of incorpo
ration on the authorized stock or the
paid-up capital stock. The statute
says you should base your charges on
the "capital stock" without any oth
er qualifying words.
In the case of London and Lanca
shire Fire Insurance company against
Ludwig (Ark.) 112 S. W. 194. it was
sought to recover from the secretary
of state an amount paid under pro
test for filing the articles of incorpo
ration of a foreign insurance com
pany. The act providing for the filing
of such articles of incorporation pro
vided, among other things, as fol
lows: That all corporations hereafter
incorporated in this state and all
foreign corporations seeking to
do business in this state shall
pay into the treasury of this
state for the filing of said articles
a fee or S25 where the capital
stock is 50,000 or under; $75
where the capital stock is over
$50,000 and not more than $100.
000, and $25 additional for each
$100,000 of capital stock.
The authorized capital stock of the
corporation was $15,000,000; its paid
In capital stock was $11,400,000. and
the secretary of state had based his
charges and exacted his fee on the
basis of the authorized capital stock
rather than on the paid-up capital
stock. In construing the term "capi
tal stock," as used In this statute, the
court held it not to mean the author
ized capital stock not subscribed, but
the paid-up capital stock.
As you will see, this is a case
squarely in point, and I am inclined
to think the holding therein would be
the holding of the supreme court of
this state under our law, which Is
quite similar to the Arkansas stat
ute. Therefore. I am of the opinion
you would only be warranted in
charging a fee based on the paid-up
and subscribed capital stock.
Memorial Day Duty.
Adjutant General Hartlgan has is
sued the following order:
It is one of the duties of the Ne
braska National Guard to keep alive
the spirit of patriotism. Its purpose
is to teach men how to live as good
citizens as well as to die like heroes.
It is a sacred duty to treasure the
memory of those who, having served
their country well as citizens and sol
diers, have passed to their reward.
Company commanders will report
nt once to the commanders of local
posts of the Grand Army of the Re
public for duty on Decoration day,
Monday, May 30, 1910.
Orders of post commanders or
chiefs of ceremonies of the Grand
Army of the Republic, when not in
conflict with the regulations govern
ing the Nebraska National Guard will
be obeyed.
Blank ammunition for saluting pur
poses will be forwarded by the quar
termaster, and need not be accounted
for or taken up on returns of com
pany commanders.
Arms and ammunition will be care
fully inspected and extreme care tak
en to guard against accident.
Pollard Not a Candidate.
Ernest M. Pollard of Nehawka tele
phoned to the Plattsmouth News, his
newspaper, that he would not be
come a candidate for the congres
sional nomination In the First dis
trict, but will become the business
manager of a large lumber company
in Hayti of which he is a large stock
holder. Census of the Prisoners.
Warden T. W. Smith of the state
penitentiary will act as enumerator
of the prison population for the
United States census bureau. He was
asked to designate an enumerator and
sent word that he would do the job
Hon. TV. H. Thompson Issued a
signed statement announcing his
withdrawal from the race for the
democratic nomination for United
senator. Circumstances of a per
sonal nature are assigned as the rea
son for his action.
Troops for Fort Riley.
All of the Nebraska National guard
troops may be sent to the Fort Riley
maneuvers this summer. A commu
nication was received by Adjutant
General Hartlgan from Colonel E. M.
Weaver of the artillery corps, chief
of division, stating that the war de
partment would provide $18,000 for
the transportation of the two Ne
braska regiments, the hospital, medi
cal and signal corps. In addition to
this the Nebraska guard stay draw
$12,000 from the regular fund,
ing a total of $30,000 available.
items of Interest Around the State
Roads Must Pay Cash for Ada.
Attorney General W. T. Thompso
has filed a brief in the supreme court
in which he maintains that railroad
companies cannot sell passenger tick
ets or transportation for anything
other than money, that contracts for
advertising payable in transportation
are illegal. He asks that the restrain
ing order issued in November, 1908, by
the supreme court against the Union
Pacific road be made perpetual.
In its answer the Union Pacific com
pany admitted substantially all the
material allegations of plaintiff's peti
tion, except that the transportation
was free transportation and that the
Fame was issued without the approval
or consent of the Nebraska state rail
way commission, which facts were de
nied. It was pleaded, by way of an
swer, that d "endant issued certain
transportation f parties, as named in
plaintiff's petitim:, in exchange for an
equal amount of advertising in news
papers with whit "i said parties so re
ceiving transportjit '-n were connected;
that such transportation so issued was
equal in value to the value of the ad
vertising in the various newspapers
with which the parties receiving the
same were connected; that for the
transportation so issued defendant re
ceived full money value based on the
rates provided by the laws of the state
of Nebraska; and that the amount so
paid for the said advertising in trans
portation was neither more nor less
than the value of such transportation
at the rate of two cents per mile. To
the answer thus filed the plaintiff in
terposed a reply, denying generally
each and every allegation of defend
ant's answer which did not admit the
truth of the facts stated in plaintiff's
The attorney general sets forth the
state's position as follows:
1. That a rate or charge for trans
portation fixed and expressed in dol
lars or cents by a statute must be paid
and received in nothing else.
2. To hold that one class of people
may pay for transportation in adver
tising or other service, another in com
modities, and still others in money
would open the door to all forms of
discrimination and favoritism which
the railway commission act Is designed
to prohibit.
4 lhnl b Invar allvrov iAmn4ntofl
to furnish transportation to editors
and publishers in consideration of ser
vices performed at rates agreed upon,
and to require all others to pay in
money, is an unjust discrimination
prohibited by law.
4. That even though transportation
might be furnished for other than an
consideration paid In money, the rate
claimed to have been paid in adver
tising was either greater or less than
two cents a mile.
It is respectfully submitted that the
restraining order heretofore granted in
this case should be made perpetual.
Arbor Day Proclamation.
Nebraska's annual tree-planting
date, the birthday of J. Sterling Mor
ton, is called to the attention of Its
people in a proclamation issued by
Governor Shallenberger. The gover
nor refers to the present work being
done for conservation and commends
arboriculture as one of the means to
ward that end. Following is the proc
"In the conservation of the natural
resources of Nebraska, arboriculture Is
of great importance. Nebraska is the
pioneer among all the states in setting
aside a day of general observance In
tree planting. With the return of an
other spring time comes the inspira
tion to work with nature in all her
man-clous creations. No greater in
heritance or more substantial gift can
be bestowed upon future generations
than to mark the landscape every
where with groves and forests.
"We have reached the period in out
state's development where the early
settler is building his home, and
otherwise improving bis farm, from
timber planted upon the treeless
plains luring the territorial days. The
law-making body of this 6tate has
wisely set apart one day each year as
a legal holiday for the planting of
trees. In accordance with this provi
sion I hereby proclaim,
"Friday. April 22. 1910. Arbor day
and I most earnestly urge all citizens
of Nebraska, and especially the school
children, to observe the day by plant
ing trees on the school grounds along
the highways, about our churches and
homes, and in the parks, and that ap
propriate exercises be held during the
day by the educational institutions ol
the state.
"In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and caused to be
affixed the great seal of the state of
Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 13tb
day of April, A- D. 1910.
National Guard.
Captain J. W. Puckett, company G
First regiment, Geneva, and First
Lieutenant B. S. Peterson, company A,
Second regiment, Kearney, have re
signed as members of the national
guard. Both intend to leave the state.
The adjutant general has approved
the election of Private James E. De
Lancy, company M. Second regiment,
Albion, to be first lieutenant and the
election of Sergeant H. C Stein, com
pany G, Second regiment, Omaha, to
be second lieutenant.
D. W. Hayes, who was elected Tues
day by the state normal board to
succeed J. W. Crabtree. principal of
the state normal school at Pern, ar
rived from Alliance Wednesday and
attended a meeting of the board.
During the forenoon the board fixed
the salary for the position at $3,000 a
year, the same amount which Dr.
Crabtree has been drawing. The board
further expressed its desire to mak
i three years contract with Mr
'-Uyes. Mr. Hayes appeared before
.he board aad accepted the offer.
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Interesting Lite of the Man Who
Made the World Laugh.
Did His First Literary Work in Ne
vadaSad Events That Clouded
His Later Years A Clean
Life Record.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Ameri
ea's foremost humorist and known the
world over as "Mark Twain," waa born
In the little town of Hannibal. Mo., In
November 30. 1835.
His father. John Marshall Clemens,
came from an old Virginia family, and
with his young wife, Elizabeth Lamp
ton, a descendant of the early settlers
of Kentucky, he joined the sturdy
band of pioneers who pushed over the
Allegbanies In the early part of the
last century and settled along the
banks of the Mississippi river.
In the uncouth environment of the
then little frontier town of Hannibal
the famous author spent his boyhood
days. Here he fished, hunted and
lounged along the river banks with bis
sturdy companions, living a healthy
outdoor existence, which undoubtedly
accounted for his long life, in the face
of his many afflictions.
He attended the little school, but
not being of a very studious disposi
tion, he learned far more from con
tact with the rough companions whom
be Immortalized In later years as
"Huckleberry Finn" and "Tom Saw
yer," and others of their type.
At the age of twelve his meager
school education was brought to a
sudden close by the death of his fa
His older brother, Orion S. Clem
ens, was the proprietor of a printing
shop In the village, and young Sam
Clemens began his journalistic career
there as a "printer's devil." In the
course of a few years be learned the
trade as a compositor, and In 1853 he
left his native town and began a wan
dering existence. He journeyed from
place to place, working at his trade In
New York and the principal cities of
the middle west
But while he gained a vast amount
of experience during his travels, which
proved of the greatest value in the
preparation of some of his works in
later years, this period was rather un
profitable from a financial standpoint,
and he was finally compelled to return
to his home along the banks of the
great river. In rather straitened cir
cumstances. Becomes River Pilot.
The life of a steamboat pilot had al
ways appealed to bis youthful imagina
tion, and now that be had grown to
manhood, he resolved to realize his
ambition. He was fortunate enough to
become a pupil of Horace Blxby. and
he was soon guiding the awkward
river craft along the tortuous channel
of the muddy stream.
The idea of his becoming an author
had never entered bis mind at that
time, but he absorbed enough of the
A Big One.
There is one advantage a telephone
enterprise has over other kinds of
"What is thatr
"If a receivership is ordered, they
can always hang up the receiver."
Llberlan Palms.
There are a number of Interesting
species of palms in Liberia, but the
more Important are the fan palm, the
raphla or bamboo palm, the cocoanat
palm and the oil palm.
Mere Human Nature.
Bins Yes, sir. if I had my way
about It, I'd send every stockholder la
the meat trust to Jail for life.
Wing Sam Biffers Jest told me he
had a little bunch of their stock for
sale at a very low figure for spot cash.
Blag Eh! What's his address?
Desecrating the Sabbath.
Son Do people desecrate the Sab
bath when they go fishing on SandayT
Father Not when they go fishing so
mach as wbea they come back and
ton of it!
pilot life to enable him to describe the
difficulties encountered in guiding a
boat along the great river In his "Life
on the Mississippi River." which he
wrote many years later.
At the outbreak of the Civil war
6teamboating came to a standstill, and
young Clemens enlisted In the Confed
erate army. A soldier's life, however,
was not to his liking, and after a few
weeks' service he joined his brother
Orion, who had received an appoint
ment as secretary of the Territory of
Nevada. He acted as secretary to his
brother, but as his duties were almost
nothing and his salary even less, he
spent most of his time In the mining
camps. His experiences In this sec
tion are depicted In his "Rouehlnz It."
and "The Jumping Frog."
First Literary Work.
In 18G2 he began his first regular
literary work on the staff of the Vir
ginia City Enterprise. He wrote a col
umn daily, dealing with the political
situation in the state, that attracted
wide attention. These articles he
signed with the nom de plume "Mark
Twain." which he had heard sung out
on the Mississippi steamers to let the
pilot know that the sounding showed
two fathoms of water.
He resigned bis position at Virginia
City and went to California, where he
worked on the Sacramento Union; but
after a brief period, he left his desk
and went to Hawaii to write up the
sugar interests. His work was very
successful, and on his return to Cali
fornia he delivered a number of lec
tures, which netted him considerable
In March of 1867, Twain published
his first book. The Jumping Frog of
Calaveras County." The book made
quite a stir In that part of the coun
try, but only 4,000 copies were sold.
It attracted the attention, however, of
the editor of the Alta California, who
sent the author out as a newspaper
correspondent on a steamboat excur
sion to southern Europe and the Ori
ent. His letters were published from time
to time, and in 1869 the author re
vised them and published them in
book form under the title of "The In
nocents Abroad." This work made
"Mark Twain" famous, and compelled
his recognition as America's foremost
humorist In the first 16 months, 85.
000 volumes were sold, and many
more subsequently. This was a record
sale for those days.
Marries Miss Langdon.
It was on his trip In the Mediter
ranean that Mark Twain met Olivia L
Langdon of Elmlra, N. Y. They fell
In love with each other, and In 1870
were married. Their married lire was
one of perfect harmony and four chil
dren blessed their union.
Mr. Clemens resided in Buffalo for
a year after his marriage, and was
nominally the editor of the Buffalo
Express. In 1871 he joined the liter
ary colony at Hartford, Conn., where
he lived for a great many years, and
where he did the greater part of the
work that has made his name im
mortal. In 1872 "Roughing It" appeared, and
in the same year "The Gilded Age,"
written in collaboration with Charles
Dudley Warner, was published. "Tom
Sawyer" came In 1876, and "Huckle
berry Finn" nine years later. Of the
stories with an historical setting "The
Prince and the Pauper." "A Connec
ticut Yankee at the Court of King
Arthur." and "Personal Recollections
of Joan of Arc." appeared in 1882.
1S90 and 1894 respectively. In 1893
"I think I shall let that woman rent
my bouse."
"She's the first one who's called to
see me about It who didn't brag about
what a good tenant she is."
A Cruel Program.
"If that unrestrained orator has bis
way," said Senator Sorghum, "the
trusts will perish in fearful agony."
"In what way?"
"He'll talk them to death."
Possible Employer Bat we are
slack ourselves. If I found yoa any
thing to do It would be taklag work
from amy ewa men.
Applicant The little I should do
wouldn't arm nobody. gavnor. By-
Stirring Incidents.
Be What are you readinc?
She A cook book.
He Boat yoa Had It rather dull?
She not necessarily. It contains a
aaaiher of stirrlac taddeata.
that carious philosopher "Pudd'nhead
Wilson." made his bow.
But while the great humorist waa
meeting' with well-deserved mccees
from 'a literary standpoint, the tape
of misfortune seemed to doc hia very
In 1884. he conceived . the Idea of
reaping the publisher's as well as the
author's profits from some of mis
works. Accordingly he organized a
stock company known as C. L. Web
ster ft Co., in which he was the
largest stockholder, to publish his
works. 'He had accumulated consider
able wealth and was rated as a mil
His financial ability, however, was
none of the best, and la 1894 Ms en
tire fortune was swept away by the
failure of the publishing boose. Mr.
Clemens was abroad at the time, and
although 60 years of age. be started
out on a tour of the globe, delivering
lectures and writing articles la order
to nay the debts of the defunct firm.
He had scarcely begun his great
task when fate struck him another
hard blow. This was the death of bis
eldest and most accomplished daugh
ter. Miss Olivia S. Clemens, who' died
In August. 1896. at the age of 24. Bro
ken In spirit, he continued his great
task and In two years he had paid off
bis debts.
It was during this dark period that
the veteran humorist was reported
destitute and dying In London.
public appeal was sent out through
a New York paper and $3,000 was
raised for him. But although pressed
for funds, he still retained his dig
nity and refused to accept the money.
Wife Passes Away.
As if in sympathy with her hus
band's misfortunes, his wife's health
began to fall. He moved to Florence.
Italy, In the hope that the mild climate
would restore her, but It proved of no
avail, and on November 6. 1904, she
died In that far off land.
About this time the humorist met
H. II. Rogers, the Standard Oil mag
nate, and the men became fast friends.
Rogers gave his literary friend the aid
of his financial experience, and Clem
ens was soon in possession of a com
fortable Income.
Although the future took on a
brighter aspect, his evil spirit was
only slumbering, and one day, without
asking the advice of his shrewd com
panion. "Twain" was lured Into anoth
er disastrous Investment. He placed
$32,500 in the "Pleasure Company of
America." a pure food organization,
and was elected president But the
company went to the wall In 1907. and
with it the $32,500 disappeared.
And now misfortune selected an
other weapon with which to attack the
white-haired author. Heretofore his
books had escaped harsh criticisms,
but In November, 1907, "Tom Sawyer"
and "Huckleberry Finn." his boy mas
terpieces, were withheld from youths
by the Brooklyn Public libraries, as
"unfit for young minds." Comptroller
Joy of Detroit. Mich., declared his
work, "A Double Barrelled Detective
Story," was "literary Junk, unfit for a
public library," and a Massachusetts
public library refused to give shelf
room to bis "Eve's Diary." declaring
that the book was "shocking."
Worn out by his lectures, after din
ner speeches and misfortunes, "Twain"
purchased a farm in Redding, Conn
and erected a $40,000 villa, which he
called "Stormfield." With his two
daughters, Clara and Jean, he moved
there in 1908, and settled down to a
life of ease.
But a series of fresh misfortunes
was in store for him. He had vigor
ously denounced the rule of the late
King Leopold II. in the Kongo Free
State, and Just when the reform move
ment was at its height, his ill health
compelled him to abandon his work.
The "Children's Theater," which
was founded by "Mark Twain" In New
York, and which represented one of
his life-long ambitions, was forced to
close through lack of funds.
Then the humorist and bis daughter
Clara became involved In a lawsuit
over a farm which he had presented
to his former secretary. Mrs. Ralph
Ashcroft. on her wedding day. and
which he later attached on the advice
of hi3 daughter.
The facts regard'ng this disagree
able affair were aired in the press.
much to the humiliation of the veter
an humorist.
In the early part of 1909 his staunch
friend and adviser. H. H. Rogers, died
suddenly at his New York borne. This
great financier and the white haired
humorist had been Inseparable com
panions for a number of years. They
bad made trips to Bermuda together,
and when Rogers opened bis railroad
in Virginia, "Twain" was one of the
guests of honor. The author was
greatly affected by the financier's
sudden death.
Daughter Dies Suddenly.
In the latter part of 1909. "Twain"
made another trip to Bermuda, and
on his return his feeble appearance at
tracted a great deal of attention. Then
the last crushing blow came the day
before Christmas, when bis youngest
daughter. Jean, was found dead In the
bath tub at bis Redding home. The
young woman had been a victim of
epileptic fits, and had been seized with
one while in the bath tub. which re
sulted in her death.
Real Liberal.
"Mamma." said little Ostend. as be
ran through the kitchen, "when you
make my doughnut will you make the
bote Just twice as wide as usual?"
"Why. Ostend?" asked bis mother
in surprise.
"Well, you see, I've promised little
brother the biggest part of It."
Narrowing the Field.
"I cannot make a choice. There are
so many candidates for my band."
"Let 'em bold a primary then."
Long Distance.
"Young gentlemen." announced the
professor In English literature, "to
morrow I wish you to come prepared
to discuss this sentence from the
works of Heary James."
"The entire sentence, professor?"
groaned the class.
"Well, take It as far as the first
"What belle of the sea
tad snoot attractive?"
"The dinner beU."
do yea
Will purify your blood, clear
your complexion, restore your
appetite, relieve your tired feel,
ing, build you up. Be sore to
take it this spring.
Get It hi seeal "quid fera or choco
lated tablets called Banatake. 3S Doses tL
Llffht Their Pipes en Land Ex
actly as They WeM en
la a New York barroom where
atany of the bluejackets with the fleet
for the Hudson-Fulton celebration took
their nightcaps before returning to
their ships, a petty officer said to a
landlubber acquaintance:
"See how the boys hold their pipes!"
Almost every one of them had the
howl of his pipe covered with the
arched finger of bis hand.
"Seer said the petty officer. "Now
wait till one of them lights his pipe."
In a little while a sailor filled his
A I pipe, got out his match and faced the
I open door of the barroom. There was
not a breath of breeze coming through
the door, but the sailor covered the
lighted match and the pipe bowl with
one hand while he was getting a light,
and after he bad thrown the dead
match away he continued to smoke
with his fingers arched over the pipe
"Force of habit, said the petty of
ficer. "He doesn't intend that the pi
ping breeze shall blow the lighted to
bacco out of his pipe."
Former Governor Pennypacker, dis
cussing at a dinner in Philadelphia
the divorce evil, said with his humor
ous smile:
"Perhaps there would be less di
vorce if human nature were more per
fect. Some women, you know, hen
peck their husbands. There is, for ex
ample, a Bucks county farmer who
said the other day that he would cer
tainly apply for a divorce only his
wife wouldn't let him."
And mail to the A. H. Lewis Medicine Co..
St. Louis. Mo., and they will send you free
a 10 day treatment of NATURE'S REME
DY (NR tablets) Guaranteed for Rheu
matism. Constipation. Sick Headache. Liv
er. Kidney and Blood Diseases. Sold by
all Druggists. Better than Pills for Liver
Ills. It's free to you. Write today.
From the first to last, and in the
face of smarting disillusion, we con
tinue to expect good fortune, better
health, and better conduct; and that
so confidently, that we Judge it need
less to deserve them. R. L. Steven
son. rr Bed, ItcblaK UMiU. Cysts. Styes
FaUtas Eyelashes nd All Eyes That
Need Care Try Murine Eye Salve.
Aseptic Tubes Trial Size Sc.
Ask Tour Druggist or Write
Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago.
Remember nothing depreciates a
man more than to show him he's Ilk
other men.
No. Cordelia,
check the rain.
rain checks never
Snokers find Lewis' Single Binder Se
cigar better quality than most 10c cigars.
Know how
for things.
to get your own price
It's a Wme lit
To suppose that Nature
alone will correct any dis
turbance ol the Stomach,
Liver or Bowels. Very
often assistance is needed,
and it is then you ought to
take the Bitters. You'll
find it Nature's best aid in
cases of Poor Appetite,
Heartburn, Sour Stom
ach, Indi&festion Dya
pepsia, Costiveness.
Biliousness & Malaria.
Always insist on having
eC ssriKfaats from tss United
Will contlnae."
Uoiilver reesnUy paid s
nut to noBtrrn ann;n.
SBd.aarK lher la s
land Manner In tho hsarU
off Ebj-IUS peaklss pro.
pie; thla will account for
th icmoral off ao many
lows tarmois to Canada.
Oar people er pleased
wit. Ita Uovaraswnt and
tbo excellent acmlnla.
trauon off law. and they
ai coming to tow. In
tans off thflweaada. and
Uw.y azwetill coalnc."
. Jfiwaco-itribatedlarsM-lrtotha?O.OCOAiBert-irrs
wba waiuto tmuii.
""r noma unrmc luuv.
Ftsld crop returns slonn
darlncTcar added totbe wUUi
of thecoma try aawardt of
Grata inmln it.a .
tax. rattle rslalnc and dairy lnc
sreaU profitable. Freellome.
ftewts off ICO acres are to be
bad te tie very beat districts,
ISO aero pre-emptions at S3.00
Per arre wltbln certala arena.
Beboole aadehurebea la every
aettletaent. climate unexcelled,
asUthe rlenesCwood. water sad
solldta material plentiful.
For particular as to 1 oration, low
sKUan' railway rates aad dearrip.
Its inostrataxl pemnMet. "Last
Beat Wt, and other Inform,
tioa. writ to Bnp't or 1-amisra-tlon.
Ottawa, da., or to Oaaaoiaa
' wfcwafc
W. V. sQasETT
yon.) (31
Turlock Irrigation Dutric
f CaMarass
!S!T.i?SL.HeaIUlful Climate. A-l land:
ABUNDANT WATER at low rate:
Peaches. Apricots. FJgs. Olives. 8weet
Potatoes. Alfalfa aad Dairyls par bet
s'1, .tJ?B!MV ir yrfr:wrii
for Illustrated booklet.
'awawfcwSwaVwBf VwVaBS QsPVBTa aaVJwl wPsVa wBVaWw99B