The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 20, 1910, Image 6

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Hy virtue of its unequaled
blood-purifying, nerve-strengthening,
stomach-toning, appe-tite-restorinsj
properties, is the
one Great Spring Medicine.
CJet It tcvl.oy. In liquid form or chocolated
t.-.hlcls called Sarsaub. IMjlosca $1.
vLgu rt .
From the Cottage Window
Pans Modes
He Ho has an iron constitution.
She Yes, and there is a great deal
or brass about him. too.
"I began to have an itching over my
whole body about seven years ago and
this settled in my limb, from the knee
to the toes. I went to see a great many
- physicians, a matter which cost me a
fortune, and after I noticed that I did
ijot get any rc.ief that way, I went for
three years to the hospital. But they
were unable to help mo there. I used
all the medicines that I could see but
became worse and worse. I had an
inflammation which made me almost
crazy with pain. When I showed my
foot to my friends they would get
really frightened. I did not know
what to do. I was so sick and had be
come so nervous that I positively lost
all hope.
"I had seen the advertisement of
the Cuticura Remedies a great many
times, but could not make up my mind
to buy them, for I had already used so
many medicines. Finally I did decide
to use the Cuticura Remedies and I
tell you that I was never so pleased as
when I noticed that, after having used
two sets of Cuticura Soap. Cuticura
Ointment and Cuticura Pills, the en-
tiro inflammation had gone. I was
completely cured. I should bo only
too glad if people with similar disease
would como to me and find out the
truth. I would only recommend them
to use Cuticura. Mrs. Bertha Sachs,
1C21 Second Ave., New York, N. Y.,
Aug. 20. 1909."
"Mrs. Bertha Sachs Is my slster-In-law
and I know well how she suffered
and was cured by Cuticura Reme
dies after many other treatments
failed. Morris Sachs, 321 E. 89th St,
New York, N. Y., Secretary ol
Dcutsch-Ostrowoer Unt-Verein, Kemp
tier Hebrew Benevolent Society, etc."
Newfoundland's Bad Record.
The Newfoundland Society for the
Prevention of Tuberculosis is carrying
on a vigorous and necessary campaign
this year in the island. The death
rate from the disease in Newfoundland
is very large. About one in every
five of the total population dies of it,
and, what is worse, in the last six
years the death rate, which is sta
tionary or decreasing elsewhere, has
Increased about 50 per cent This Is
due largely to the native horror of
fresh air in tho bouse.
Gavin Cuthbert tossed feverishly
about his great tour-post bed. mutter
ing broken sentences His mother
strained every nerve in an effort to
catch the words Perhaps her mother
love could fathom some slight longing
in her son's ravings.
As she bent over him to smooth his
rumpled hair she caught the word
"music." It was repeated again and
again with an accent of longing
Mrs. Cuthbert stood suddenly erect
Why had she been so dense? Gavin
loved music and through his delirium
his very soul was calling for It
She quickly enumerated her musical
friends and realized that her task
would be difficult: it was August and
the city's population was scattered
broadcast She and Mr. Cuthbert bad
returned from the Isle of Wight at tile
first intimation of their son's illness.
They were now in "Kingscroft" their
country estate in Mottlngbam.
To find some one who could wield
the power of song? Mrs. Cuthbert's
hand was on the bell to order the lan
dau for her drive to the station when
she stopped. An idea bad suddenly
presented itself.
Often when driving down the lane,
Mrs. Cuthbert had heard a woman's
voice emanating from -a tiny, wistaria
covered cottage that nestled Just oS
the road. Beyond the fact that a Mrs.
Wallace and her daughter from Amer
1c occupied "The Cottage." Mrs. Cuth
bert's knowledge was limited. Feel
ing that the voice that came from the
cottage would appeal to Gavin she did
not hesitate In her purpose.
Ten minutes later, the jeavy gat of
the cottage swung back, admitting
her to the sweet-smelling gardens.
When a young girl with two thick
braids or golden hair answered the fall
of the brass knocker Mrs. Cuthbert
faced a very beautiful picture framed
In the low doorway.
"I hope introductions are unneces
sary in so small a community," began
the elder woman with a smile.
"I have come on a peculiar mission,"
she continued, "but many things are
permissible where illness calls 1 am
. .
Mrs. Cuthbert Stood Suddenly Erect.
going to ask a very great favor of you.
Miss Wallace."
"I hope Mr. Gavin Is no "
"No he is no worse, but he calls
for music Incessantly and 1 was at a
loss what to do when I rememhorAri
A Small Loaf.
A half-famished fellow in the south
cm states tells of a baker (whose
loaves had been growing "small by
by degrees and beautifully less") who.
when going his rounds to serve his . having heard a glorious voice creeping
customers, slopped at the door of one j through these little casement win
mid knocked, when the lady within ex- dows." Mrs. Cuthbert tnrnori ,. -
'Who's there?" and was charming gesture to indicate the win
"Tbe baker." "What do ! dows. around whirh rc ...
you want?" "To leave yonr bread." ' neenine
'Well, you needn't make such a fuss
about it; put it through the keyhole."
A Recommendation.
landlady You find her honest
don't you?
Former Mistress Honest! Why,
she never takes even an order from
me! Judge.
J Foolish Loiterers.
" People who sit and wait for great
moments miss many wonderful small
moments, and they are to be pitied.
II is always a shock to a man to dis
cover that a woman "knows her own
mind," when he marries her under the
impression that she hasn't any.
Has learned that to
Saves worry and labor,
and pleases each num
ber of the family as few
other foods do.
The crisp, dainty, fluffy
bits are fully cooked
ready to serve from the
package with cream or
good milk.
Give the home-folks a
The Memory Lingers
Pkgs ioc and 15c.
Postura Cereal Company. Ltd.
Battle Creek. Mich.
When her gaze returned to the girl
she was startled by the change In her.
The eyes glowed with an intense Are
the slight figure was drawn and tense
while her entire being expressed la
tent emotion. Mrs. Cuthbert was no
longer in doubt as to the owner or the
voice; this girl was music incarnate.
She arose and went to the girl.
"Will you come and sing to my
son?" she asked.
"The wistful appeal in the mother's
eyes went straight to the girl's heart
"I shall come with you as soon as i
can wind up my hair."
"It looks so pretty as it is." coaxed
Gavins mother, running a hand down
two silky braids. "andIt can't have
been up" very long."
She had her way and a few moments
later Kuby Wallace was sitting at Ga
vin's piano which was visible through
the doorway ot his private Rirnn.
room. Like the ripple of a woodUnd
brook, the prelude to an old negro
melody driited Into the room. Her
voice was not ordinary; in fact it was
very rare, possessing the quality ot
tone that goes right to the heart and
lightens the shadows of life. As she
sang, the patient became Interested,
then calm, and finally the dull apathy
faded from his eyes and they closed
into tranquil sleep. A deep sigh of re
lief escaped Mrs. Cuthbert and she.
loo. was soon lost in a long-needed'
rest A tear glistened on her lashes
and Ruby Wallace, seeing it and the
sleeping man, knew that she bad won
one ol the greatest triumphs ot her
Hie. She played on. from one melody
to another.
Gavin's eyes opened slowly; they
rested on fh"e profile of a girl who
seemed to be all delft blue and gold;
an aureola of sun shone on her bead
and trailed down her back where It
ended in two silky tassels. Gavin
raised himself on one arm and tried
to see It the eyes of this picture
Snatched the gown. His concentrated
gaze drew her attention and she
turned to meet his eyes.
"Yes. they are blue a tcce darker
than Come here!" he called. Then,
when she stood beside him: "Are you
real?" With a whimsical smile he
stretched out a doubting hand.
Ruby smiled. "Oh. yes. very, very
"You know," he continued, holding
fast to her hand. "I Imagined that 1
was entering another world and that
you were there to welcome me with
your music, but " his voice became
softer "yea have, brought me to life
In our own world." He raised her
bands to his lips before letting them
go. "Where Is mother?"
Ills mother bad risen at sound of
her name and dropped on her knees
beside the bed "My son."
"Little mother it Is good to be
back with you." he said.
The girl went quietly but
The following days saw Ruby at tho
patient's piano very often. And It was
not long before he was ushered back
to the glory and strength of life.
Late one afternoon when they had
finished tea and the twilight shades
added harmony to an already great
friendship. Gavin voiced a well ma
tured thought Under the lightness or
bis words his voice rang with a steadi
ness of purpose.
"Miss Wallace. I am going to inflict
a heavy punishment on your arts for
having wielded their powers over me'
when I was too 111 to resist" He
looked up to meet an Interested glance
from his mother and a startled one
from the girL "I shall send you to
some terrible music master who will
make you breathe from your dia
phragm and place tones In your bead
until you are completely his slave.
When that Is accomplished you are
to come back and show the world of
art what a really great voice Is."
The girl was silent; two large tears
gathered in her eyes. When she spoke
her voice was low but the quality
spoke volumes. "I can say nothing
at present you have made too much
possible all at once. I have longed
for what you have put before me and
now I I want only to cry."
"There, there." said Mrs. Cuthbert.
rising. "If you must cry cry here on
my shoulder."
"But I'm not going to." came a mur
fled voice. "I am too happy to cry."
Not many, twilights bad come and
gone before Gavin and his mother were
again alone; each knew a great long
ing for the music of one voice. For in
J the heart of the mother Ruby Wallace
bad wrought a great love and In the
Something told Gavin that It was
best not to tell the girl until such time
as she herself beckoned him. Her let
ters from Germany were filled with
humorous, and sometimes tearful, ac
counts of her studies and always. In
termingling, were little phrases or love
and gratitude for those who were
her benefactors.
One evening, after three years had
passed. Gavin stepped Into the draw
ing room looking so handsome in bis
evening clothes that even his mother
stopped to caress him before putting
the question uppermost in her mind.
Gavin thought her wonderfully lovely,
radiant with some inner excitement
"Have you any engagement to-nigkt.
dear?" she asked.
"None; anything special?"
"Would you mind taking me to the
opera to-night?"
"The opera ! I thought you mother!
What is it? you are hiding!" Then
suddenly: "I know! She is "
"Yes. boy Ruby is singing Juliet
She sent me word to-day with this."
Mrs. Cuthbert drew a scarf from her
neck, disclosing an exquisite necklace.
It represented a few bars of music;
the lines were fine golden strands held
together by the bars of tiny dia
monds; each note was a matchless
"It Is beautiful!" Gavin turned
away bis head quickly the girl seemed
suddenly very near and a great glad
ness thrilled him.
"My boy," said his mother, tenderly,
"you need not bide it from me I have
always known."
He turned and caught her In his
Gavin sat far back in the box. He
seemed to be chained down waiting
for the entrance of Juliet only the
stgnt or her could release him.
His heart gave a great bound for she
was there and his whole being went
out to meet her. Every note, every
gesture was like a long drawn breath
from a garden of flowers to the man
who waited.
She was the same Ruby whose voice
had coaxed him back to life. Now she
stood leaning over the balcony with a
moon casting Its light on her head and
trailed down her back and yes It
ended in two golden tassels. Gavin's
bands clenched on the velvet of the
box railing when the Romeo or the
opera clasped Juliet in what looked
like an unnecessarily close embrace.
out mat memory vanished when,
alterward. Juliet sat beside him in
the carriage so close that the soft
down of her Cloak was warm against
bis arm.
He slipped that arm under the coat
and drew her to bim. "I have waited
three years dear," be said.
She did not speak, but somehow
there in the darkness of the carriage,
be knew that he need wait no longer.
Willf IBH
II W 1 III m Dili rlBEzZMmMa&WK
Jiff HA
' I'M 1 MmBBJHM&
Much Depends on Its Disposition and
Car When Not in Astual
When not In nse a tablecloth should
be kept In folded creases and when
brought out to be spread should be
laid on the table and unfolded its en
tire length, the width being doubleu.
with the center crease along the cen
ter of the table.
Then the half breadth that Is fold
ed should be turned back and the
cloth will bang even.
Careless servants often gather up a
doth "anyhow" without taklne the
trouble to fold it up again in its own
creases, and thus fresh ones are
A tablecloth will keep fresh looking
as long again If it is always folded up
in its own folds and put away uutil
the next meal.
The French have a way of making
even an inferior quality of table linen
look well without the aid of starch.
When the napkins are washed and
ready to be ironed they are dipped
Into boiling water and partially wrung
out between cloths.
They 'are then rapidly Ironed with
as hot a tiatlron as possible without
burning tbem.
ts. (imp mm
MM "ill Pfl
WML "R .ill
HE gown at the left designed for
the French races, is of salmon
colored tussah silk.
The skirt is made with a deep
yoke, to which the plaited lower part
or flounce, is attached with a piping
of black silk.
The corsage is trimmed with, bands
of the material ornamented with but
tons of the same and edged with the
black silk, leaving a square opening.
The short sleeves are trimmed to
Flowers of different kinds and colors
are seen together.
Foulard is coming in for something
of its old-time popularity.
Linings must be as soft as they
can be made, and as clinging.
Black and black and white both
promise to be fashionable veiling
Marquisettes, linen, homespuns, all
now appear in checks, both gun-club
and shenherd.
An odd fancy of the moment is the
use on dressy toilettes of belts of
varnished leather.
The soft serges and cashmeres are
used to build traveling costumes for
the warm spring days.
Nets are again much liked for trans
parent undersleeves and gulmps pur
poses in the summer frocks.
Billows of fluffy materials and cob
webby laces enhance nearly every
lingerie frock now being shown.
correspond and the yoke and under
sleeves are of black tucked tulle and
white lace.
The casino gown at the right Is of
black mousseline chiffon and black
lace. It is composed of tucked bands
of the chiffon and bands of lace, and
ornamented with Jet buttons and
straps of cord or soutache.
The yoke and sleeve ruffles are of
white lace, the girdle is of blue silk.
kerchief held diagonally and gathered
In at the waist toward the top, the
extra point above being used as a bib.
One handkerchief gathered up for
the cap. by stitching around It In a
large circle which almost touches the
sides and leaves the four points, and
drawing the thread up until the cap
takes shape, and a most bewitching
shape it is.
Best Way to Prepare Waffles Keep
ing Cakes and Cookies When
Ceokinf Rice.
Waffles are much lighter If made
with sour cream and the batter kept
rather thin. To eat with them try
chicken gravy or cinnamon and sugar
mixed, or lumps of maple sugar melt
ed down and served hot
A woman who alwavs has delicious
little cakes and cookies on hand keeps
a cut lemon or orange in the Jar with
them to give a "far away" and de
lightful flavor.
One cook always puts a very little
lemon Juire in the water In which she
boils the rice. She claims that it
keeps the rice white and the grains
whole and separate. It may be worth
If there are not peaches enough left
from an opened can to go around mix
them with orange pulp and a little
sliced banana and the family will find
them improved.
Nebraska Directory
it CbUI lJ VI this woceataU brobca
arts ot machinery Had good as new. Welda
cast iron, cast steel, alumiaura. copper, brass or
any oiher metal. Expert aatoasobila repairing.
BERTSCHV MOTOR CO., Ceunoll Bluffs.
I1M. Wbfi
aL"- i.
XtojfHrrapnce. Utah or time pay-
ebbi. HeoMa.reBiappiiML. nnip
iy here fur free erawlaation. So de
t. ftrtwfrhflUiiilMM4 ,
r.wi r , immi
1517 tatfu M., MUM, IO.
Sorts of Ornamentation Proper
According to the Styles of
the Season.
A new touch In embroidered belt
ing is the use of Jet beads and colored
or crystal bugles in connection with
an embroidery design.
A spray of pink white roses worked
on white moire belting had as a cen
ter for each flower a Jet cabuchon.
A daisy design worked in white on
pale blue belting bad yellow bugles for
the center and the stems were made
of green bugle bead3.
The close French knot used to cover
stamping, as In coral embroidery. Is
a quick and popular way to embroider
belts. Such a treatment may have
satin stitch center with bead stems,
or a mock Jewel is used for the cen
ter, the stems outlined or worked in
narrow over and over stitch.
Such belting will not wash, but it
may be cleaned with cornmeal and
gasoline mixed to a thick paste.
a U fLTRTRrA afrtl J
rTrTrtMh "" W.
Peanut Butter.
This Is not expensive to buy, but Is
still cheaper when made at home. Pea
nuts are an excellent substitute for
meat, containing as they do 50 per
cent of albumen and 20 per cent of
fat In the German army the sol
diers are served regularly with bread
and porridge made largely from the
peanut Peanuts are recommended
now as a remedy for Indigestion,
whether eaten raw or made into a
soup, sandwich or salad. For the pea
nut butter, run the shelled and
blanched nuts through the meat grind
er, using the finest knives. Add salt
to flavor and rub Into a creamy paste.
As the nut Is naturally oily, no other
oil Is needed, though some housewives
prefer to add a little cream or olive oil
to the well ground nuts. A spoonful
of this peanut butter, added to pota
to or celery cream soup, imparts a de
lightful flavor.
ay mall at cot prices. Send for fra catalogues
You caa cut out any
alae flue by bona with
the MKKnEK Cutter In eight seconds.
Kailrotds use them. Write for ttasa pie.
Brtse hy Motor Co.. Council Bluffs. Ta.
9 HfiiSSS
naeujur onAaerrutsiftmae I
q ea-SSfcfatc-piJreaB '
Write us for catator and wholesale prices
on Base Ball, Tennis, Golf aad 8POBTLNO
GOODS of all kinds.
The little dress is in soft cloth, and
made up in rather a novel sailor style;
the skirt is gathered in at the waist
and turned up with a deep hem at the
The loose blouse Is prettily trimmed
round the opening at top by material
tabs of different sizes; a ribbon Is
taken under the tabs and tied in a
sailor's knot in front
Materials required: 4 yards 46
inches wide. li yards ribbon.
Creamed Cod in Potato Case.
Boil and mash six good-sized pota
toes, add one egg. a gill of milk, salt
and pepper to taste and beat until
light Pick and scald a pound of salt
cod, dm in and scald again. Now press
fish until dry. Put a large tablespoon
ful of butter in a frying pan and add
two tablespoonfuls of flour. Mix and
add a pint of milk. Stir till It thick
ens and add pepper to taste. Grease
a pudding mold and line bottom and
sides with the potato. Add the cod to
the cream and fill the center. Cover
the top with potato and bake a nice
Oh, to Be a Woman!
"You women," exclaimed the dis
gusted brother, "simply have a glori
ous time doing nothing! My word, I
envy you your Idleness!"
"Idleness?" shrieked his pretty sis
ter. "Yes, idleness! Oh. why why
why wasn't I born a woman?"
"Oh. yes; you'd like to be a wom
an!" retorted the pretty sister. "Just
try for a day! Fasten a blanket and
a counterpane round your legs; buckle
a strap round your waist so tight you
can't draw a full breath or eat a
hearty meal; hava your hair all loose
and fluffy so that it keeps tickling
your ears and getting into your eyes;
wear high-heeled shoes, and gloves a
size too small for you; cover your face
with a veil full of spots that make
you squint; fix a huge bat on with
pins, so that every time the wind
blows it pulls your hair out by the
roots; and then, without any pockets,
and with short sleeves, and openwork
stockings, go for a walk on a winter's
day, and enjoy yourself. Oh, yes, my
word, you would like it!"
Dusting Sets.
They are charming, coquettish little
The set comprises mob cap. sleeve
protectors and an apron.
The other handkerchief Is used for
the cuffs and for a pocket on the
The whole set Is made of three
men's handkerchiefs, white, with a
fancy border In color.
The apron Is made of another band-
From a Handkerchief.
A very pretty collar and cuff set tc
be worn on a blouse may be made
from a handkerchief. The one side
of the handkerchief should be cut
about an inch and a half from the
edge and used for fbe turnover, while
the two corners which remain are
used for the pointed cuffs. The hand
somer the handkerchief the more ef
fective the set The hem-stitched
kerchief is more effective for the pur
pose than the scalloped.
Vegetarian Beet Dish.
Wash two beets and boil for one
hour or till tender. Remove the skin
and cut them In thin slices. Peel a
medium sized onion, cut it in very
thin slices and divide the slices Into
Melt one heaping tablespoonful of
butter, fry the onion in it till cooked,
add salt, pepper and paprika to taste,
a few drops of vinegar, also the slices
of beets.
Allow the latter to become hot Put
a border of hot mashed potatoes on
a hot platter and serve the beets In
the center. Serve very hot
.RRwbRwbrY .REBwbKbBbL. LV '
Enthusiastic Pastor Ah! no, my
dear young lady; it Is not lip serv
ice that is pleasing to heaven.
The Dear Young Lady (coyly)
Well. I took In $50. at a dollar a kiss.
t the church fair.
A man that has had his fill Is
Parisian Authority Is Responsible for
News That Will Be Gladly
In Mme. Carlier's atelier In the Rue
de la Prix there are evolved wonder
ful ideas in millinery, ideas for which
enormous sums are paid by women.
or their husbands, from all parts of
the world.
The practical American will greet
with joy the news that this great ar
biter of our millinery destiny sounds
the note of simplicity of lines, which
can be copied at home.
The small hat is the one most
favored by Mme. Carlier. One round
toque of Nattier blue velvet has a tiny
bordering of black. A square bow is
the only ornament but placed at the
front with its loops spreading out on
each side.
One of a large number of motor
hats is of gathered silk. Around the
quaint brim is velvet-bordered ribbon
that is gathered and placed in a
double quiiliag to form shells. Over
the whole a veil is arranged, caught
at each side by a jeweled clasp.
Simplicity Marks Table Decorations.
In decorating your dining-room
table aim to make it appropriate and
harmonious. Do not let It inter
rupt conversation. Overdecoration is
shoddy and heavy. A jumble of colors
or mixture of flowers Is inartistic and
bad style. Decorations too high or too
massive are too imposing.
Aim for simplicity and elegance.
Do not feel you must buy out a hot
house and fruit stand in order to have
a handsome dinner table. Wonderful
effects can be had with a few flowers
and foliage.
Do not turn your table into a jew
eler's shop.
Imitation Planked Fish.
A fair imitation of planked fish may
be made on a platter. Put the baked
or broiled fish in the center of the
dish and rim It with seasoned hot
mashed potatoes dropped around by
the tablespoonful in egg shaped por
tions, alternating with wedges of
lemon and sprigs of parsley. A broiled
steak on a platter may also imitate
the chefs elaborate plank work. Rim
the platter with hot seasoned mashed
potatoes, slices of beets, little white
boiled onions and fried mushrooms.
Finnan Haddie Fish Cakes.
A new step and time saver for the
busy housewife is the flaked finnan
haddie that now comes ready to use
for fish cakes, creaming or chowder
The fish Is less smoky than when it
comes whole. For the cakes mix the
finnan haddie parboiled with ao equal
quantity of mashed potatoes, season
with melted butter, salt and pepper,
add a beaten egg and mold into cakes.
Then fry.
When the kidneys are sick, the
Whole body Is weakened. Aches and
pains and urinary ills
come, and there is
danger of diabetes and
fatal Bright's disease.
Doan's Kidney Pills
cure sick kidneys and
impart strength to
the whole system.
Mrs. M. A. Jenkins,
Quanah, Texas, says:
"I was so badly run
down that the doctors
told me there was no
hope. I was so low
my relatives were
called In to see me before I died. Dif
ferent parts of my body were badly
swollen and I was told I had dropsy.
Doan's Kidney Pills saved my life, and
made It worth living.
Remember the name Doan's. For
sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Sponging Silk.
Crushed silk may be smoothed out
and restored to something like its orig
inal freshness by being sponged with
gurnarabic water. Sponge on the
right side of the silk and when almost
ilrv irnn it rn tho rpvrrcA cM. r
not use a reallv hot iron or von in I
make the silk stiff.
To Make Celery Crisp
Cut white, tender stalks into two
inch lengths and score the pieces
lengthwise about half an inoh from
each end until both ends are fringed.
Drop them into a pan of Ice water
In which a slice of lemon is soaking
and let stand for an hour before serv
ing. Stewed Celery.
Use the left-over celery for the next
day's luncheon by stewing it tender,
mixing it with a white sauce and turn
ing It over toast The water In which
the celery boils should be mixed
with cream for the sauce. Or the wa
ter may be used to dip the toast In
before the sauce is turned over It
Love at First Sight.
Friend So yours was a case
love at first sight?
Mrs. Getthere Yes, indeed. I fell
desperately in love with my dear bus
band the moment I set eyes upon him.
I remember it as distinctly as if it
were yesterday. I was walking with
papa on the beach at Long Beach,
when suddenly papa stopped, and.
pointing him out. said: "There, my
dear, is a man worth ten millions."
New York Weekly.
Sardine Sandwich.
An easily made sandwich Is com'
nosed of flnelv chonned sardines rnv.
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