S-, iffj--. Tlfw aJH If AlilMaCgMUM that Stripe! That is sbnchve of Cooper.Wells&Ca's Style No. 69 One of die bat known 25 cent stocldags made. 2-ply Egyptian yam with sufficient twist to give most wear. We recommend No. 69 to our pat - rons because we believe in it. Comes in black only. Sizes & to 10 TZ J. H. GALLEY ITEMS OF INTEREST AIjWON. From the Nowm. The nine months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. Lingle of Bonanza precinct, was burned to death Saturday, as a re sult of the explosion of an incubator lamp. lira. Lingle noticed that the water trough was out of place and was running the water on the ground, and she put the baby on the iloor and ran out to adjust the trough. She was gone but a few minutes, but before she got hack to the house she noticed smoke coming through the door. She ran into the kitchen but there was no lire there; then into the room where the incubator was kept. The lamp had exploded throwing the burning oil over the baby, which was dead when the mother found it. The interior of the room was on lire but this was soon extinguished. I.KK1II. From tlie World. Thursday April 7th. Otto Obrist and Miss lloaie Met, were united in marriage at Oolumhns. The groom is a prosper ous farmer of this vicinity and the bride is an old sweetheart of his who haa juet come over from Switzerland? Tbdylmve the best wishes of their many friends. Auton Ohundelak, a butcher at Clark eon, is still unconscious and in a critical condition as a result of a fall which he received by being thrown from a moving automobile last Monday afternoon at four o'clock. Ohundelak together with Emil Tomes, John Laponr, Wm. and Jos. Suohy came up from Clarkson in an auto mobile that day and made a trip to the liatnsa farm north of town. On their returnChundelak fell out of the car, just north of the John Hunt farm, and land ed on his head which rendered him un conscious. He was brought to town and taken to the otlice of Dr. Lorey where he was cared for until the follow ing morning when he wob taken to his home at Clarkson. GENOA. From t ho Times. A Johnson county farmer marketed four hogs in Tecumseh last Saturday for whioh he received $205. One of the porkers weighed O'.K) pounds. Mort Williamson and family are vis iting at the home of John Williamson prior to their departure for California where they will reside in the future. Mort has disposed of his Boone county farm where he tins lived for the past thirty years. Last Suuday night Mrs. II. O. Peter son had an experience she does not care to repeat. She had a lame back, and when she retired wrapped a hot flaliron in a cloth in the hope that the heat from the iron would cure her ailment. But the iron was a little too warm and the bed clothes caught fire. While putting out the lire Mre. Peterson was slightly burned on one of her arms. Astronomers have calculnted that Bailey's comet will be closest to the FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, I l Nollmn But Lots of Hard Wear in Them. 505 Eleventh Street Columbus ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED PROM OUR EXCHANGES earth on May 17, when it will be over 12,000,000 miles distant. The tail, which is estimated to be about 200,000,000 miles long, will lash the earth. Uncle Sam has directed all weather bureaus to take notes of the effect on the atmos phere, appearance of luminous clouds, auroral displays or zodical lights, color ing in sunsets and motoric shower of ''shooting stars." One of the aims of the government will be to determine the composition of the tail, which, astrono moners say, is filled with gas rarer than the vac.inin of an incandescent light bulb. If there is a red sunset, it will be because the ozone is tilled with dust particles. nowni.T.8 From the Journal. Mrp. A. Spiker of Columbus left on Tuesday for a short visit here at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Dickey. Miss Lena Dickey returned home Tuesday evening from Columbus where she has beeu for some months holding down a job in the telephone office. All postmasters have received notice I f romh.erjjpstofflee department that they are to inform themselves of the condi tion of the roads and bridges on the rural routes out of their office, and to make demand on the patrons and road officials if improvements are found to be necessary the request to be complied with as soon as practicable. If. how ever, after a reasonable time has elapsed the improvements have not been made or started, the postmaster is to report the fact to the department in order that action may be taken looking to the dis continuance of the service. This is done in the interest of the best service to the largest number of patrons, and the de partment insists upon roads being kept in good repair. The fourth assistant post master general also urges all postmasters to earnestly request patrons of rural de livery to paint their boxes and the posts to which they are attached a pure white color, which will sot only protect the box and post from the wear and tear of the elements and cause them to present a neater appearance than they now do. but will give all boxes a uniform color and serve to fix their identity in all parts of the country as U. S. mail boxes. It is alBo desired that patrons imprint their names and box numbers on boxes in black block letters about two inches high, and that the posts to which boxes are nttached be set in an easily accessi ble position at the side of the road . nis oompnment. The governor of a western state was making Inspect iou of certain state in stitutions when he made inquiry as to the progress of a chaplain by him ap pointed to an iusane asylum. "How is he getting on?" asked tho governor, thinking to get an unpreju diced opinion from the official acting as his guide. "Fine!"' exclaimed the man. "His preachin' is very successful, governor. The idiots enjoys it especially." Cin cinnati Comniprrlnl Triluinp. Columbus. XOXKOK. From the Eepnblicaa. Wm. Connor of j8hell Creak township will take the oassoa for Oconee town hip, tBd haa already began the work of enumeration. At the first regular areting in May the village board will organize for the coming year There ia but 'oae change as a result of the recent election H. L Gipe succeeding Al Fleming. Miss Oeer is having the land oa her farm bordering the river protected from the current -which haa taken a large acreage of the land adjacent. The rip rap which is being put in ia simple and effective. Monroe now haa a pool hall, and it is located in the old restaurant building, east of the post office. Okas. Chriatner is the proprietor, and he will move his barber shop into the same building and ran it in connection with the pool hall. A partition will be pnt in between the shop and the pool halt Mr. Chriatner was in Columbus Wednesday and secur ed two pool tables, and is getting them ready to begin business with. Wm. Hiega who purchased the Read Bros, hardware and implement store, ar rived last week from Cams, Neb., ac companied by his son. Fred Bead of Monroe was one of the auctioneers at his sale, and reports that everthing sold well. Mr. Siega expected to bring his family with biro, but on account of sick ness was unable to do so, bnt they wdl be here the last of this week or first of next and expect to settle in their new home formerly occupied by W. A. Mc- Wllliams. A regular meeting of the board of education was held Monday April 11. All members present. The election of teachers for the ensuing year was taken up and the present corps of teachers were re-elected to succeed themselves at the same salary as last year. Mr. Nun ally was engaged as driver of the school wagon. Considerable dissatisfaction ex isted in regard to the manner of service given and the time spent on the wsy to and from school. By nnanimous vote of the board the time was ordered to be cut down so as nut to exceed two hours per trip. The service is changed to commence on the north aha south sides alternately as follows for the week com mencing April 11 the wagon will start in on the north side of the district and for the week oomencing April IS the wa gon will start from the south side. The committee on wagon were ordered to prepare a schedule for the information of patrons. The return will commence at school house 10 minutes after close of schools and trace the morning route trip not to last over two hours. Instead of the usual program by the schools on commencement the board voted to in vite one of the professors of the State University to deliver a lecture and Mr. John Gibbon and Principal Miss Lillian: Bennett were appointed a committee to secure the speaker. The teachers who. did not attend the Btate teachers as sociation were granted one day, tr.be selected by them, to visit other schools. KCHUTLKK. Krnm the 8un. When Mrs. Lndwig was spading her 4 garden this week she dug up potatoes that had leen in the ground all winter that were sprouted and growing, which. all goes to show that the ground did not freeze very hard although the weather was extremely cold. A stranger who gives his name as Ram sey was arrested last Sunday charged with setting Ore to a stack of hay belong ing to John Craig living 6 miles north east of town. Ramsey says he knows nothing about the Ore but Craig claims to be able to prove he is the party. Ramsey waived his preliminary bearing and was bound over to the district court. He says he will have to take whatever is given him as he is a stranger and can prove nothing. He was engaged by Frank Dowd to work on the farm when arrested. A trial that attracted no little atten tion was held in Justice Payne's court this week . In fact there were two trials. Mrs Barbara Patterson is the renter of a farm five miles south of Clarkson which Frank Hansel and son of Dodge were the owners until the 28th day of September last when it was sold to Joseph Blecha. On the date of sale the Hansels notified Mrs. Patterson in writ ing to move or to rent the farm from the new owner neither of which she did but with all womanly grace she still has possession of the farm and refuses to give it up claiming a verbal agreement prior to September 28th. On last Tuesday the case was tried before a jury in jus tice court and they disagreed. Wednes day the ease was retried before another jury and they disagreed again. The wo man has illicted some sympathy by her conduct in court yet the case is one of those knotty affairs where reasonable doubt steps in. Some one is working a hardship on the other. Mr. Blecha has all the necessary things with which to farm his farm bnt Mrs. Patterson says he can not have his own farm after hav ing five months notice to move. It will necessitate another trial of some kind to settle the matter. No Apology to Offer. "Why spend three years cultivating your voice If you don't intend to go on the operatic stage?" "For the same reason, I suppose, that you've spent fifteen or twenty years In cultivating a discriminating taste for alcoholic beverages and yet don't In tend to go into the saloon business." Chicago Tribune. Assembling Herself. "Hubby, did you bring home my-new switch?" "Yep." "And my puffs? "I did." "How about my face powder?' "Here's your complexion. Now get busy and assemble yourself." Louis ville Courier-Journal. Electric Light Always Ready Brilliant Clean Safe Have your house wired Columbus Light, Heat & Power Co. Columbus Plumbing Co. LUEKE & MULLIGAN Proprietors Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating 13th and M Streets Columbus, Nebraska THE BAMBOO HAIR. A Slew but Sure Poiso That Is Used by the Javanese. The young shoots of the bamboo are covered with a number of very fine hairs that are seeu under the micro scope to be hollow and spiked like bayonets. These hairs are commonly called bamboo poison by the white men resident in Java for the reason that murder Is frequently committed through their agency. When a Javauese woman takes a fancy to a European, according to an official Dutch report, she will either have him or poison him if she gets the chance. She seeks any and every op portunity of mixing these Infinitesimal hairs among his food, and they serve the purpose of Irritating the whole length of the alimentary canal and set ting up malignant dysentery. It may take a long time and many doses of this so called poison to effect the pur pose, but the native woman does not tire, and death will surely result The male native will also try this method of revenge for an affront The planters know all this and dread the bamboo hair, but it Is al ways difficult to determine whether the dysentery Is caused by the poison or comes about naturally. When a planter finds himself a prey to attacks of that complaint his best course Is to take a voyage to Europe. Pearson's Weekly. No Criterion. Once during the progress of a certain case Sir Charles Darling remonstrated with a barrister for the way In which be was arguing a point "You will pardon me, my lord," said the latter, "but perhaps I may remind you that you argued a case In a sim ilar way yourself when you were at the bar." "Yes, 1 admit It," replied his lord ship, with a quiet smfle, "but that was the fault of the judge who allowed It" London Tit-Bits. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season. S.E. MARTY & CO. Telephone No. 1. - Columbus, Neb. The right party can I pecare an excellent position, salary or commiwion for Colnmbne and vi cinity. State age, former occupation atul give reference. Addree LOCK BOX 438, Lincoln, Neb. UNION PACIFIC THE TULE WEST BOUND. No. 11 8H0 am No. IS 1:10 am No.l Khttam No. 9 11:20 am No. 17 3:05 pm No. 15........ 6:23pm No. 3 lpm No. 5 tSpm No. 21 8:45 pm No. 19 1125 am No. .19 7:00 am EAST BODHD. No. 4 4lam No. 12 1027 p m No. 14 534 am No. 8 2:46 pm No. IS 2:15 pa No. 10 3:05 pm No. 18 527 pm No. 2 S:ftipm No. 22 7:12 mm No. 20 1:00 pm No. 58 5:05 pm BBASCHKS. SOBFOLK. I SPALDISQ ALBIOK. Xo.77mxd. d 7:20 am No.29pu ..d 7.00 pm No. SOpaa ..a 1:10 pm No. 78 mzd..a 6:10 pm No.70mxd..dfl:0Oani No. 31 Baa ..dldObn No.3Spaa ..al2J0pm No. 80 raid.. a 70 p m Daily except Snaday. or: Noa. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains. Noa. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local paneagfi. Noa. 58 and 59 are local freight. Noa. 9 and 16 are mail traiaa oaly. No. 14 dae ia Omaha 4:45 p. sau No. 6 dae in Omaha 5:00 p.m. C. 1. 1 f. Tia Tabit No. 22, Paaa. (daily ex. Saaday) laaTe.. ..?: a m hlfiVTEIlLMMM JmKgfTk 5- S " ,Sr. w ex uidiy) 1t.5 p No. 21. raaa. (daily ex. Soaday) arme-.S-JO p No. 31, Frt. & Ac (d'y ex. Saaday) ar. ..60S a PLATTK CKKTU From the Sigma!. Miss Vera Dim en, of Columbus was a guest of her cousin. Miss Bessie If ackin, over Sunday. Miss 8arah Mylet of Columnar, was a guest at the home of her brother Will and family a abort time last week. Sunday afternoon four young ladies from Columbus paraded through our streets on horseback. They sat their horses man fashion, and rode and man aged their mounts like trained troopers Mrs. William Nay returned to her home in Columbus Thursday, after a week's visit with her many friends at his place. 8he was accompanied home by Mrs. Nay and little son, who will remain guests at her home several days. At 6:90 o'clock last Friday evening. April 8, occurred the death of Mrs. Cath erine Conneley, at the home of her dau ghter, Mrs. Ed Higgins. Death was dae more to old age than any other cause, Mm. Conneley having celebrated her 89th birthday on the 22nd of last February. Mrs. J. C. Parker came np from Col umbus Wednesday morning to remain at the home other son G. A. during his absence in Omaha, be being a patient in 8U Joseph's hospital, where he under went a surgical operation Wednesday. Latest reports from his bedside are as favorable as could be expected under the circumstances. Mrs. Ed Ballou and children and Mrs. Herman Brodf uebrer and son, who spent several days last week with home folks here, returned to their home in Colum bus Friday. They were accompanied by Mrs. George Scbeidel, jr., who remain ed their guest until Snndsy, when Geo rge went down in bis auto anil they re turned in the evening. CENTRAL CITT. From the Nonpareil. Walter Dredge and wife returned the first of the week from a four-montlm' so journ at their old home in England. They enjoyed their visit to the full, but are more than glad to get hack to Nebra ska. Mr. Dredge says that it is home there and for that reason be will never cease to love the little Island, but that the country is about fffty yearo liehind the times and lacks that much of being up with America. A breathless youngster rushed into the Markbatu restaurant the other day and asked Mr. Markham if he had a nickel plug of thin chewing tobacco. Mr. Markham assured him that be had and asked him what be wanted it for, as the urchin was underage The boy replied that his litte brother bad just run a rusty nail in bis foot and that his moth er wanted a thin slice of chewing tobacco to pnt on it to draw out the poison. The case looked urgent and Mr. Markam passed over the ping. He became a little auspicious, however, and watched the hoy. The latter went out and en tered tbeopcru house stairway. There Mr. Markham saw him divide the plug with a companion of about the same age after both bad bit off liberal chews. Mr. Markham has been up against a num ber of lively excuses, but this beats all he haa ever beard. FOR DYSPEPSIA. You Risk Nothing by Trying This Remedy. We want every one troubled with in digestion and d anopsia to come to our store and obtain a box of Rexall Dyspep sia tablets. They contain Bismuth-Sub-ditrate and pepsin prepared by a process which develops their greatest power to overcome digestive disturbance. Rexall Djspepsia tablets are very pleasant to take. They soothe the irri table, weak stomach, strengthen and in vigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, promote nutri tion and bring about a feeling of com fort If yon give Rexall Dyspepsia tablets a reasonable trial we will return your money if you are not satisfied with the result. Three sizes, 25 cents, fiO cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall remedies in Columbus only at our store. Pollock & Co. the druggist on the corner. The Englishman In a Groove. In England nine-tenths of the lads of the middle classes look forward to nothing more than a seat at an office desk with a certain number of shil lings a week for a certain number of years. To attempt to do anything else would be to run the risk of social os tracism. A young man may loaf re spectably ou bis family, but he must ou no account start a business If it involves selling anything or producing anything with his bands. That would be bad form. It would be getting out side the groove. Thus for the great mass of the people England holds no romance. The lad who thinks he could do something Is discouraged. Every thing Is so cut and dried. Every class distinction Is so definitely marked. The whole weight of public opinion Is against the smallest divergence from the ordinary rule. Manchester (Eng land) Mall. Next Door te It An acquaintance of the late Josh Billings was one day talking with nun about the remarkable Increase of Imi tations and substitutes for original articles, as "oleomargarine" for "but ter," "celluloid" for "Ivory," and so forth, "and." said he, "many of the substitutes go ahead of the real thing. I guess In time there will be a substi tute for everything, though I don't kuow about 'wisdom.'" "No;" replied the humorist "up to the present time at least there Is no really good substitute for wisdom. But silence Is the best that bos so far been discovered." Splendid Scheme. Mother (of her sou) He has a beau tiful voice, and we have bad him taught the flute so that he can ac company himself. Bon Vlvant COAL Pocahontas tSmokeless Illinois, Rock Spring's and Colorado Coals at prices that will interest you. Let us figure with you lor your winter's supply. T. B. Hord Bell 188 Better Jf2ammmmmmmmmV95' IfammmmmmmmmmwrWJsl mr Tyj ANY homes should have better bath rooms 1 A than they now have. We have always I triea not only to do better plumbing than we ever did before, but better than any body else can do. The vol ume of work we are now doing shows how we are sue- J ceeding. We use only genuine 'JtarfctveT phimbuie fixtures and employ only experienced workmen. Our repair ing service b prompt and reliable. A. DU&SELA, & SON. CrOlTsUatfras, Nebraska Hig Why an Aliaaf One afternoon, when the Duke of Edinburgh and Sir Arthur Sullivan, having finished a duet, were sitting down to a homely "dish of tea." pro vided by Mrs. Sullivan, the composer's mother. It suddenly occurred to her to start the subject of family names and titles, which puzzled the good lady considerably. "Sir," she said, "your family name Is Guelph." "My dear mother," began Arthur. "But it Is. isn't it?" she persisted. "Certainly." replied the duke, much amused. "What's the matter with it Mrs. Sullivan?" "Oh, nothing," returned the excellent old lady musingly. "Only I can't un derstand why yon don't call yourself by your proper name." Arthur wanted to explain to her, but the duke would not allow him to. "There's nothing to be ashamed of In the name of Guelph. Mrs. Sullivan." he said gravely. That's exactly what 1 say," persist ed Arthur's mother; "nothing what ever as far as I know, and. that being so, why you should not call yourself by it 1 can't understand." F. C. Bur nand's "Records and Reminiscences." An Old Verb. To laze is an old verb. In Samuel Rowlands' "Martin Markall," 1610. we are told that "loyterers laze In the streete, lurke In alehouses and range in the highwales." The word occurs, I believe, in some of Mortimer Collins' lyrics: But Cupid lazeth 'mongst the falery lasses, Whose clere complexion he oft swearcth passes. London Notes and Queries. IE JOURNAL 1 WJfl Go Out Into The Union Pacific Country Where there are greater opportunities and less com petition; where nature is generous in both climate and soil It is in this section that thousands wilf find homes in the next few years. Go via UNION PACIFIC "The Safe Km te Travel" Electric Block Signals Dining Car Meals and Service "Best in the World" Low HomeMekers' Fares First and Third Tuesday of Each Month During 1910 To Many Points in Colorado. Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington For information relative to rates, routes, etc., call on or address E. G. BROWN, Agent, Columbus, Neb. Grain Co. Ind. 206 r Plumbing A Grat Relief. An old organ blower lay on his deathbed. lie was a good old fellow, and everybody liked him. lie had al ways been ready, to do anything aud everything connected with the church without complaining, but bad evident ly had his owu troubles which be bad kept locked iu his breast The curate was with the old man. soothing ami comforting him as best he could. "Would you mind, sir," said the sick man. "asking the organist to play the dead march over me? Lor, but I just love that dead march!" "Certainly, with pleasure. Mr. Jones," replied the curate. "Thank'ee. sir; none o' that there tweedledum Beethoven, you know, but Handel's." "1 can promise that much, my good man," said the curate. The old man lay placidly for awhile and then exclaimed with fervor, "How thankful 1 am that I shan't have to blow for him when be plays the loud part at the endr The Midnight Sun. The midnight sun is not visible south of the polar circle. It Is above the horizon throughout the twenty four hours at Bodo from June 3 tu July 7. at Tromso from the 19th of May to the '22d of July and at thi North cape from the 12th of May te the 29tb of July. There are corre sponding periods during December. January and November when the sun Is not seen, but the darkness of the winter is by no means so great as might be Imagined. The whiteness of the snow and the glimmer of the northern lights make a sort of nr. petual twilight. FOR HUE! 1 iSg&HSSaV! 1 -tAt-iHLj-tjtacPgB4Ty'Sji"r I III HBLJA w a'ASBMBMQj VawBBPJBpflBBJShl lfm msm '! m