The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 20, 1910, Image 1

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In May Series "W"
Stock now open
for subscription
Oats &
Wheat, new 5
Corn 42
White corn 42
Hogs, top $8.20
i E
Files of the Journal April 25, 1877.
The building season opena lively.
Numerous new dwellings are going up
in different parte of the city.
The change of weather on last Sunday
was bo sudden us to be a subject of gen
eral remark even by the oldest settlers.
The society of Friends hold regular
meetings on the Sabbath at the Troth
school house in Monroe precinct, which
are largely attended.
About three thousand pounds of ra
tions for the Ponca Indians who will
probably take in this point on their way
to the Indian Territory, are stored in
this city.
Straw hats have made their appearan
ce, but the man that can wear one dur
ing such stiff gales as prevailed last
week and not use any "cuss" words ex
hibits a truly Christian spirit.
These are times for desperation among
item hunters, while observation is con
fined almost entirely to the operations of
the destructive 'hopper, and the mind of
nearly every one busy with conjectures
as to the damage that will be done to the
growing crops.
The work of putting out shade trees
hua heretofore been sadly neglected in
our city, and we are glad to see a grow
ing disposition among our citizens to
amend in this particular. There is yet
time improve it, and let every door
yard have shade trees.
Grace Episcopal Church Services.
Ukv. W. H. Xaxdkiw, Rector.
Sunday. April 24th, Bishop Williams
of Omaha will make his annual visitation
to this parish. Early communion 8 a.
m.; Sunday school 10 a. m.; morning
prayer with sermon bj' Bishop Williams
11 a. m. The music that will be ren
dered at this service includes:
Venite It. Uoodson
Te Deuiu Laudaimis II. Pepper
Jubilate Deo R. L. Craumer
The apostolic, rite or confirmation
will be iidunni-tored by the Bishop
Offertory Buss solo Sharing His
Sorrows II. W. Portor
The evening .service will begin at 8.
Magnificat W. Crotch
Nunc Dimittis W. II. Eaatham
Offertory Trio Dudley Buck
Marriage Licenses.
Otto Wurdeman, Leigh 25
Paulina L. Knmpf, Leigh 21
Adolph F. Korte, Columbus U
Clara Heihel. Columbus 2G
Myron L. Gray, Columbus 22
Louise Bucher, Columbus 21
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specially
Next Monday is the date of the spec
ial election for the Platte river bridge
bonds. While the proposition has been
pretty thoroughly discussed there are a
few points that have not not been made
clear. One of them is the coBt to each
tax payer for interest on the bonds,
itecords of the county treasurer's office
show that the valuation of the city of
Columbus is $837,000, which includes
the railroads and terminals. To meet
the annual interest on the $25,000 bonds
it will require 81,125. This will mean a
levy of one and one-third mills, on every
thousand dollars J actual valuation.
Divided among the taypayers of the
city, the amount is quite small for each
one. In the township, which has a val
uation of 8740,000, and of which $243,
000 is railroad property, the levy would
be one-third of one mill, or sis cents tax
on each one thousand dollars actual
valuation, the total interest being $200
per year. Columbus and adjacent terri
tory is much interested in the Platte
river bridge, and they have an example
on the east of them that they should
not follow. At Schuyler they have
persistently refused to build a bridge
across the Platte, and what has been the
result. Schuyler property is worth prac
tically what one is willing to pay for it,
there are empty stores in the town, and
the farm lands do not bring the prices
of those adjacent to this city. Our peo
ple certainly do not want such a condi
tion to exist here, and the trade from
south of the Platte river at Columbus
means as much to this city as it does
south of the river from Schuyler. It is
certainly an unfortunate state of affairs
in our neighboring city, and Columbus
should not emulate her example. The
rebuilding of the Platte river bridge
brings money and people to this city,
and enhances the value of business and
farm property in .this locality.
Just to remind Columbus citizens of
the only real boom days ever enjoyed by
the city, Gub G. Becber is displaying
a photograph of the now Meridian
hotel, taken twenty years ago. At
that time, which wbb shortly after
it was built, it was known as
"The Fleming," which name it was
operated under for a number of years.
At the time the photograph was taken
Columbus boasted of a street railway
line, the equipment of which was two
horse cars. These were in front of the
building at the time, and carried banners
calling attention to Highland Park, the
then new addition to Columbus. At
that time the building was headquarters
of the Columbus Land and Investment
company, which had laid out the High
land Park addition. This hotel, which
was built in 1889, was rushed to comple
tion to be ready for the encampment of
the Knights of Pythias, which was held
here. This photograph is of interest
just now owing to the fact that the
Meridan hotel is now being enlarged and
remodelled, nnd with the modern pressed
brick front will in no wise resemble the
original building
Mrs. Amelia Lachnit, aged 89 years,
died last Friday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Peter Creisen. Mrs.
Lachnit was one of the early settlers of
this locality. Born in Austria March
25, 1829. she came to Americn with her
husband in 1874 and settled in Butler
county. Later the family removed to
Nebraska City, where her husband died,
and she then returned to Columbus and
has'since made her home with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Grcisen. Besides her daughter
in this city Mrs. Lachnit leaves one son,
Frank Lachnit, who resides in Ohio, nnd
a daughter. Mrs. J. W. Smith, who re
sides near Humphrey. She was a sister
of Josephine Lachnit, who died in this
city February 2. Funeral services were
held Monday at St. Bonaventura's
church at 10 a. in., being conducted by
Father Marcellinua, and burial was in
the parish cemetery.
Memorial Day committees appointed
by the Grand Army and Sons of Veter
and held a meeting Saturday evening to
report on plans for the observation of
Memorial Day, May 30. This year the
Sons of Veterans will in all probability
take u more active part in the services,
and some of their number will assist E.
O. Hector in preparing the graves for
that day. This duty has been performed
by the old soldiers, but as their ranks are
growing thinner each year, the work in
connection with proper observation of
the day is being turned over to the
younger order. During the year several
old soldiers have been added to the roll
of those whose graves are to be decor
ated, which grows larger each year.
J. II . Uartigan of Lincoln, adjutant
general of the National Guard of Nebra
ska, was in the city Tuesday, and while
here took occasion to boost for the reun
ion and convention of the Spanish-American
war veterans in this city next week.
He says that bis entire office force,
which includes Commander E. H. Phelps
will be here, lie says that a good con
tingent may be expected from his home
at Fairbury, and that other portions of
the state will be represented. The pro
gram for the banquet and meeting is not
as yet complete, but will be in plenty of
time. So far all the other details have
been looked after, and the visitors can
expect a cordial welcome and a royal
good time.
Margaret Duncan filed a complaint in
Police court charging George Bradabaw
with disturbing the peace, and at bis
hearic? Tuesday he drew a fine of $25
and costs, amounting to over $30 in all.
Dr. Naumann. Dentist 13 St.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueachen building.
Four room house for rent. Elliott,
Speice & Co.
For boys' and young men's suits, see
Gerharz-Flynn Co.
Dr. C.A. Allenburger, ofles in new
State Bank building.
Drs. Caratenson & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both phones 212.
'J. F. Sipple of Grand Island, was a
Columbus visitor Sunday.
Dr. W. B. Neumarker, office with Dr.
O. D. Evans, west side of Park.
Take a look at those nobby spring
suits, from $10.00 to $25.00, at The Gerharz-Flynn
Misses Bessie Kolarik, Tillie Sanders
and Marie Krehmke of Grand Island
were Columbus visitors Sunday.
The entrance to our law office is now
from the south side of the First National
Bank building. Albert & Wagner.
Four new cases of scarlet fever were
quarantined Tuesday by City Physician
Morrow, as follows: Fred Bader, F. D.
McMullin, Peter Smeals and P. B. Der
rington. Win. Terrell, who for the past three
months has been laid up nursing a
broken leg, returned to his work at the
Union Pacific freight depot Monday
Wanted District manager with head
quarters at Oolumbus. A grand oppor
tunity for the right man. Address in
confidence Life, P. O. Box 1963, New
York City.
A. lleintz returned last Thursday
from a winter sojourn on the Pacific
coast. While he reports a pleasant time
the climate did not evidently agree with
him, as his weight dimished considera
ble during his stay.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Crab
tree who left last week for their new
home at Eagel. Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Burton entertained at their home last
Tuesday evening, and a very pleasant
evening wad spent by those present.
John Henry Imig, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Imig, died Tuesday after
a short illness, aged two months and
sixteen days. Funeral services were
held Wednesday at 2 p. m. from the
home, being conducted by Rev. Meissler,
and burial was in the Columbus cem
etery. Saturday C. E. Pollock received a
telegram telling him of the death of his
mother at the old home in Franklin
Grove, III. He left for Illinois that eve
ning, accompanied by Mrs. Pollock, who
had just returned from a visit with her
sister, Mrs. W. II. Winterbotham, at
Julesbnrg, Colo.
Paul Kissel has signed up as one of
the pitchers with the Columbus base
ball team in the state league. Paul is
pretty sure to make good and his presen
ce on the team will serve to increase the
interest of Silver Creek fans in the Ool
umbus games. This community is liable
to be pretty nearly depopulated when
Columbus plays at home, Silver Creek
New and more commodious quarters
hare been secured by the Eagle lodge of
this city. When the Columbus Auto
mobile company vacated the Cover
building, west of the Journal office, the
order at onoe entered into negotiations
with C. S. Easton, the owner of the
building, for a lodge room on the second
tloor, and carpenters are now re
modeling the room, which will be one
of the best lodge rooms in the city.
At their meeting last Friday evening,
but very little business of importance
was transacted by the city council.
Complying with a request from the
Spanish-America war veterans, the city
will purchase two "welcome" banners
for use during the 'jncampment, and
will keep them for use on similar occa
sions. The report of Architect Wurde
man on tLe condition of the building
formerly occupied by the Journal, was
that it was nnsafe. George Altman was
appointed park commissioner for the
coming year at $40 per month.
Monday there was a quiet wedding,
one that a was surprise to many of the
intimate friends of the bride and groom,
when at 8:30 at Grace Episcopal rectory
the wedding of Miss Louise Bucher and
Myron L. Gray was solemnized by the
Rector, Rev. Xandera. While the wed
ding hail been announced as one of the
events for 1910, it was understood that
it would take place in the fall. But the
couple stole a march on their friends and
are now spending their honeymoon in
Omaha, having left for that city on a late
train Monday evening.
May 3 the Oolumbns Association of
Congregational churches and ministers
will hold their thirty-eighth annual
meeting in this city. Tuesday even
ing, before the meeting there will be a
banquet at the Y. M. O. A., for which a
good program has been prepared. The
meeting proper will open Wednesday
morning, ana mere win oe inree sessions,
morning, afternoon and evening. Each
church is entitled to two representatives
besides the pastor, and the local Con
gregational people will entertain the visi
tors. Those who have charge of the ar
rangements are Revs. S. H. Buell and
John Garretson, and Bev. William L.
Dibble of this city.
Good barn and five acres of
lnad, 12 blocks from Post
PRICE $3,500
Elliott-Speice-Echols Co.
Post Office Block
Dr. W. S Evans, Union Block.
Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. VaUier, Osteopath. Barber block.
First-class printing done at the Jour
nal office.
Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist and
auriet, 1215 Olive street.
For Unions, try a superior, a perfect
fit, at Gerharz-Flynn Co.
For Rent The Wilckins residence,
1013 Olive street. Enquire of Henry
Wilckens. Q
For fine watch, clock and jewelry re
pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh
street jeweler.
Howard VanAlstine, six year old son
of Frank VanAlstine, was very sick with
pneumonia Sunday, bnt ib improving.
Try a pair of the Interwoven toe and
heel hose. They beat anything you ever
saw for wear, at The Gerharz-Flynn Co.
Mrs. Susans Thomas received a tele
gram telling her of the death of her
niece, Miss Elsie Ketteman of St. Boni
face, Minn., and left Tuesday to attend
the funeral.
L. W. Weaver & 8on have cause to be
proud of the harness they recently turn
ed out for II. WrAbts & CO, for use on
their heavy team. They are made of
the best material and are in faot as good
a harness as there is in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rambouraad Mr.
and Mrs. Christ Wunderlich, accompan
ied by their families, left last Thursday
for a four months trip and visit in
Europe. They sailed from New York
Tuesday, and will land in Italy, going
later to Switzetland and Germany.
Elmer Roy Ashler, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Ashler of Island precinct,
Polk county, died Sunday of diphtheria.
He was born March 10. 1908, and was
two years, one month and ten days old.
Funeral services were held Monday and
burial was in the Oolumbus cemetery.
Advance reports indicate that the at
tendance at the Bankers' convention, to
beheld in this city Friday evening,
April 32, will be as large as any con
vention held. The ladies of the Presby
terian church, who will serve the ban
quet, are preparing to give the visiting
bankers the beet there is.
Chas Sturek has rented the lower
floor of the Cover building of O. S. Ess
ton and will move his barber shop into
the east side of it. On the west side he
will put in a pool hall. The extra width
of the room makes it very suitable for a
pool and billiard hall. He expects to
move into it as soon as the carpenters
finish remodelling it.
At the regular monthly meeting of the
Y. M. C. A. Business Men's association
Tuesday evening, the following musical
program was given: Piano solo, Miss
Fricke; selection by trio, Mrs. Boyle,
Mrs. Olseen, Mrs. Swain; violin solo,
Miss Lay; recitation, Miss Kramer; vocal
solo, Miss Fuller. Short talks were
made on the coming meeting of the state
commercial clubs in this city. M. D.
Karr was toastmsster and was assisted
on arrangements by Messrs. O. H. Shel
don and E. B. Feaster.
-.Dlrtr! so
s - nE?:hWB
Vtt- 2 rZ "-r -
IX- s
is alone eood enough for our custo
wtmmm .witt
m arm
S3 lMKft
ur vsl- ' jamaai sanam bbbbbbbbbbu a.
mers. We have been in this business
In Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
Columbus, Neb.
Not in years have conditions been such
as they were during the recent cold
weather. The early spring had brought
out the fruit blossoms and all early
vegetation, and from present indica
tions this crop will be a total loss. Sun
day and Monday nights were the coldest,
the thermometer registering 20 above
William T. Hood, special agent of the
census department, who is in charge of
manufacturing and kindred industries,
hss been making this city his headquar
ters for the past week. He is located in
Omaha and has charge of several men in
the state, andalso looks after a part of
the field work. He expects to finish up
in this locality in two or three weeks.
It was generally supposed that noth
ing came of the meeting of the represen
tatives of the Commercial clubs from the
towns on the branches, held in this city
some time ago, but now comes the rum
or that the Albion people will have their
request granted, and that a motor car
will soon be placed in service on that
branch on the schedule they naked for.
And it is also understood that the towns
on the Spalding branch, believing they
made a mistake at that time, have made
up their minds that they want some
thing too.
Tom Williams, a Greek, who has made
this city bis home for the past two years,
died at bis home, south of the Grand
Pacific hotel, Tut sday evening. He had
just returned from Moline, III., where he
was taken sick, and lived four days after
reaching this city. He was married here
about two years ago and leaves a wife
and one child. Funeral services will be
held at the house Thursday and will be
conducted by a Greek priest, from
Omaha, and burial will be in the Colum
bus cemetery. As he was in poor circum
stances the Greeks of this city took
charge of the funeral and paid all ex
penses. Sunday morning Chief of Police
Schack rounded up the hoboes who had
an assortment of merchandise that they
could not account for in satisfactory
manner. They lodged in the county
jail until Tuesday morning when they
had a hearing before Police Judge
O'Brien, and three of them, giving the
names of Wm. Lawrence, John Day and
Wm. Johnson were sentenced to ten
dsys in the county jail, every other day
on bread and water. The fourth mem
ber of the buncb,Frank Smith, establish
ed his innocence and was discharged.
The stuff they had stolen was valued
at over $11.00, and consisted of mer
chandise from a number of the stores.
Sail, indeed, was the death of Margaret
Catherine Vogel, only child of Mr. and
Mia. Anton Vogel. Apparently in the
best of health, she was taken with scar
let fever the first of last week and death
resulted from paralysis of the heart Sat
urday evening. She was born at the
present family home January 0, 1897,
and was thirteen years, three months
and ten days old. For several years she
has been a student at the Catholic
school, and in fact attending there until
compelled to stop on aerountof sickness.
During her illness she was in the second
story of the building and a strict quar
antine maintained. Funeral services
were held from the home Monday morn
ing at 9 o'clock, and burial was in the
Catholic cemetery.
Monroe is going to have a bridge
across the Loup river at that place if
such a thing is possible And it is very
probable they will succeed, judging from
the way they are taking hold of the
project. About two weeks ago a sub
scription list was started to ascertain
how much could be raised there, and
already they have $2,000 pledged and ex
pect to do much better than that. Loup
township, just across the river south of
them, is also much interested in the
project, and will lend financial aid, as
the bridge means as much to them as to
the village of Monroe, making their dis
tance to market comparatively small and
also a big increase in the value of their
land. The men behind the bridge pro
ject expect to raise a large portion of
the amount necessary and then ask for
a bond issue for the balance, which
would not be large. Monroe has talked
bridge ever since the town was started,
but they believe they are nearer success
now than ever before.
Association of
Next week, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, April 36. 27 and 28, Columbus
will entertain the state association of
commercial clubs. This meeting
brought to this eity through the efforts
of the local club at the Norfolk meeting
last year, and it will be the best boost
Columbus baa bad for a long time. Over
one hundred commercial clubs will be
represented and as an average of three
delegates from each city are in attendan
ance, it means that. IfflO representative
men of the state' will be in our city at
that time.
Tuesday afternoon will be devoted to
the arrival, and registering, and getting
acquainted; and Tuesday evening there
will be a business meeting.
Wednesday morning the business
meeting will be continued which wilr in
clude the election of officers for the com
ing year and the locating of the next
meeting. At this session the president
of the state association will call on the
representatives from each club to make
a statement as to wnai progress was
made by tbeir club during the year, and
also any suggestions or anything they
have profited by.
Wednesday afternoon, after the con
clusion of the business session, the
guests will be taken around the city in
autos and given an opportunity to get
an idea of the growth of our city.
And in this connection, the local club
wishes to have all the business bouses
in the city properly decorated during the
convention, and to give the visitors as
warm a welcome as possible.
In connection with the state meeting
the local commercial club will merge
their banquet in the one given the state
delegates at the Orpheus hall on Thurs
day evening, April 28. This banquet
will be a fried ehicken dinner and will be
served by the Bushman restaurant.
While the programs for the association
meeting and banquet will not be here
until the last of this week, the following
out of town speakers are announced for
the banquet: Chancellor Aver) of the
State University; L. W. Page, Director
of Good Roads, Washington, D. O ; U. T.
Clarke, jr.; State Railway Commissioner
F. K. Brogan, Omaha; Victor E Wilson,
president of the Stromsburg Commercial
Olub; W. N. Huse, editor of the Norfolk
Daily News.
Platte County Teachers Association.
Following is the program of the Platte
County Teachers association, to he held
at Lindsay, April .'JO, 1910. at 1 o'clock:
Music Selected r . . .Orchestra
Morals and Manners 7. Mary Cronin
Practical Use of the Dictionary....
Bert Peterson
Song The Little Vagrants Six Boys
Old TimeTeachera and Schools
Lena Edwards
Agriculture in the Rural School. . ..
August Nordgren
Songs Our Flsg the Best of All and
Spring Hearts
. .Primary und Intermediate Pnpils
Music in the Country School
Grace Eley
Twenty Years' Experience Calmly
Considered Prof. Gene Loomis
Song The Lark and the Cloud
Four Girls
Eighth grade examinations will be held
at Lindsay, Humphrey, Oreston, Platte
Center, Monroe, and at the office of the
county superintendent on Thursday and
Friday, April 21 and 22; also Thursday
and Friday. May 12 and 13. 1910.
Platte county teachers' institute will
convene June IB, and remain in session
five days. All who expect to teach in
Platte county during the coming year
must be in attendance. No excuse will
be granted, except those who arc attend
ing summer school at the time the insti
ute is in session. Teachers holding third
grade certificates which expire by Nov
ember 1, 1910. must earn a second grade
before commencing school in the fall.
Fbxd S. Lfx'Kox,
County Superintendent.
Congregational Church.
The Congregational church offers the
following services for next Sunday:
Sunday school 9:45; worship 11; Y. P. 3.
C E. 7 p. m.; evening worship 8. Of the
morning the pastor will speak from the
subject "The Great Within Us." The
choir will render the anthem "God Be
Merciful." Of the evening the following
program will be rendered:
Organ prelude
Hymn I Know I Love Thee Better
Hymn Only Waiting
Solo How Sweet the Name of Jesus
Ie-Mrs. Feaster
Church announcements
Dnet and choruaj-O, It Is Wonder
fulMr. Fricke, Mia. Hoyle and choir.
Hymn Not Half Has Ever Been Told
Sermon The Investment of Inlluence
Solo Now the Day is Over Mrs.
Mark Rathburn
You will be welcomed at these services.
William L. Dibble, Pastor.
About 300 members of the Oolumbus
Commercial club to get acquainted with
home industry by smoking El Praximo
and Little Joe cigars, made by Derring
ton & Williams.
Do away with the scrub
brush and bucket
Traisparut Wand Oil
Grease will not spoil it.
No dust in sweeping.
Not slippery.
Is not expensive and saves
The Druggist oa the Corner
Oolumbus, Nebraska
Bids For The Construction.
Bids for the construction of the new
poet office building in this city were
opened in Washington Friday of last
week. There were three bidders, the Gen
eral Construction Company of Milwau
kee being the lowest, tbeir bid being
$08,735. The other two bidders were
Northwestern Construction company of
Milwaukee, $70,000: J. H. Weise. South
Omaha, $71,380.
Route No. 1.
Census Enumerator Fred Oattau is
busy with Lis work of listing the infor
mation required by Uncle Sam. .
The freeze of last week killed all the
fruit and tender plants, but the winter
wheat, which was dsmaged by the cold
weather last winter is coming out and
improving every day.
When Route No. 1 was started, in
1902, there were but sixty-five boxes oa
the route, but in eight years that num
ber has increased until now the rarrier
serves 104 boxes. Quite a difference.
Route No. 3.
Fred Behlen, jr., transacted business
in Columbus last Saturday.
Mrs. L. E. Seefeld was taken to St.
Mary's hospital last week and oa Friday
underwent an operation.
Miss Louise Seefeld returned Monday
from Fremont, where she went to attend
the funeral of her grandmother.
Herman Kunneman, accompanied by
bis wife and two daughters, left Monday
on their trip to Germany, where they ex
pect to remain about fonr months.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Brunken of Col
umbus and Mrs. John Witt of Scribaer
were over Sunday guests at the home of
Peter Schmitt. Mr. Witt was formerly
miller at the Schmitt mill.
Mrs. Mary Ranz, aged mother of
is. L. E. Seefeld passed away at
her home, near Fremont, last Fridsy.
Funeral services were held Snnday at the
home, Rev. Koch of the Shell Greek Bap
tist church conducting the services.
Mrs. Ran, was over 90 years old.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing April, 20, 1910:
Letters Mrs W R Beeson, John Den-
man, Tom Harned, Jones Brothers poul
try dealers. George Lauer, Mary A Par
ker, Mrs Mary Weaver, James Whit, G
M loung.
Cards H K Church, Harry Howell,
Earl Hawkins, Karl Heilman, Misa Oris-
sie Miller, Miss Mora U'DoaaeJL a a
Powers. Herman Rathmaa'. Miss Mollie
Richards, Woi Rosenthal, John Scott,
Mrs S E Wright.
Parties calling for any of the above
will please say advertised.
Carl Kramer, P. M.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our thanks to the
many friends for their kindness and
sympathy shown us in our bereavement,
also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Vogrl.
We have the agency for the
famous Munsing Underwear, the
beet popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25.
In two piece garments we have
a splenuid line ready for your in
spection and ranging ia price
from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Buy
early while th sizes are complete.