(Mttmte jtmnral Mai Mtely FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 2. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 2,004. m m m m m m m 9 ii w J? In May Series "W" begins Stock now open for subscription BEGHER, HOCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS 4f, -4494F - COLUMBUS MARKETS. Oiits 4" Wheat, now ;5 i .i Corn '- White corn -12 Hogs, top $! Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiumiimnie MANY YEARS AGO. Snuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiil Files of the Journal April IS, 1S77. From every quarter section of Nebras kii comes the report that an unusual amount of grain has been. 'own. If the war in Europe continues we may reason ably hope to get a good price for what we raise. The road supervisors of liutler county were to meet on Saturday last to devise wajti and means for carrying out the law passed this winter authorizing them to work their "force" on grasshoppers. We hope that their combined wisdom may evolve from some hidden recess where it is doubtless stored, the knowl edge of the way to destroy the winged peats. There is no doubt that every material interest rests primarily upon the agri cultural community. On his broad shoulders the farmer enrrica the urtisan, the trader and the professional man. What helps liim. helps them; what harms hnn, haitus them, but in greater degree. In many, indeed lnmostthings, their interests are mutual, and he is merely a mischief maker who endeavors to array one class againfit another. The farmer is willing to carry a decent sized load, hut don't like to gee those who live upon him surfeited, pampered to inso lence, and the honest tradesman, while lie is ready at all times to turn a nimble ipeiue, is desirous of seeing his farmer customer prosper, and will not stick him with had goods or high prices. Congregational Church. The Congregational church offers the following :ervicrs for next Sunday: Surd:iys-chooli:4r: worship 11; Y. P. S. C. K. 7 p. in.; evening worship S. Theme for morning sermon, "God's Church." The choir will render "( Heat in The Lord " Or the evening the following progiam will he rendered: Organ prelude Gloria lnoi'alioii Hymn .testis. Savior. Pilot Me Ilyinu Onward. Christian Soldier Prayer Solo (selected I Maurice Whitmoyer Announcements Anthem -A Hymn of the Homeland Choir Offertory Solo (selected) Mrs. Feaster Sermon Clothing the Soul Hymn 1 will Sing the Wondrous Story benediction lVtotlude We shall he glad to welcome you to these services. William L. Diuhli:, PaBtor. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. C. KAVANAUGH a 0 Or a. a On Thursday, April 14, at the North theatie Charles B. Hanford will appear in a modern comedy, "The American Lord," by George H. Broadharst and Charles T. Dazey, two representative American playrights. The departure of Mr. Hanford from the classics for a sea son cannot fail to interest, for he has stood almost alone for several years as a representative actor of the Shakes pearean drama. It is bat natural that his ambitions should lead him into the field of the modern thereby putting his versatility to the test, and that he has succeeded can be amply attested to by tLc exceedingly favorable comment his production of the play has earned. "The American Lord" is divided into four acts, the opening scene being laid in UrueBter's Hotel in Blkhorn, North Dakota. Bluff John Bruester is typical of the great west. He is honest, strai ghtforward and candid and detests shams and snobbishness. When the play opens there is a convention in town to nomin ate a candidate for congress. A nomi nation in Elkhorn ib equivalent to an election. "Beforc-the-Draw-Fete" and "Texas," two of Brucater's friends, mean to stampede the convention for him. In the meantime an English lawyer arrives and notifies Bruester that he is the lineal descendent of Lord Bruester. The af fair is a joke to Bruester, but the lawyer who has been in the United States for several weeks for the purpose of finding the heir to the title and estates convin ces Bruester, for he acknowledges that his people came from England and set tled in Virginia and then scattered. On being told that he will not be hampered in the management of his estates, he pro mises to go to England and it may be imagined in his breezy way he niunnges to stir up things. He becomes embroil ed in an old family feud and finds his little girl madly in love with a young man who iu time is to have a title to his name, and then there is his son making eyes and losing sleep over a pretty Eng lish girl. To cap the climax Bruester himself becomes enamored with an at tractive widow. The .settling of the var ious love affairs furnishes many nmusing complications while Mr. Hanford as John liruester succeeds in furnishing his many admirers nn opportunity of witnessing his success in a modern-up-lo-dato comedy. Miss Marie Drofnah has in the rolo of Mrs. Westbrooke, the widow in the play, opportunities which cannot fail to gratify the many playgoers who have followed her successful imper sonations in the classics. The produc tion will be both complete and elaborate and the cast one of excellence through out. Headquarters for the reunion and con vention of the United Spanish American war veterans, Department of Nebraska, which will be held in this city April 25, 2ti, will be at the Meridian hotel. The council of ndminstration will hold a meeting :it the hotel Monday evening, and Tuesday at ID a. m. the delegates to the convention will meet nt the Meri dian hotel parlor. At this meeting routine business will lo transacted, which will include the election of de partment ollicers. At 1 p. .n., the re union of the Spanish-American war ve terans will be held in IheEagel hall, and nt fi p. iu. a banquet to the visiting vet erans will be served at the Mannerchor hall by the ladies of St. Anne's guild of the Catholic church. Besides the Spanish-American soldiers who will attend the banquet, the local grand Army post, and officers of the Sons of Veterans camp, and their wives have been invited. After the banquet a public dance will be given at the Orpheus hall. Depart ment Commander Phelps of Schuyler, who has charge of securing the speak ers, was in tne ciiy last weeK. unt as yet could make no definite announce ment as to who would be here. Sever al invitations have been sent to speakers and by next week it will be definitely known who will be here. Iu addition to thepe speakers the G. A B. and Sons of VeteranB have each been asked to pro vide one speaker for the banquet. The local committee in charge of the reunion have been working hard to make this, the second reunion, one of the best for years to come. A deal was closed last week that re sulted in B. S. Dickinson purchasing the plant of the Columbus Brick Co., and ho is now the sole owner. Last year the Karr-Xichols Co. sold oat to the Colum bus Brick Co. but retained an interest in the enterprise. But now Mr. Dickinson has control of the entire plant, and it is understood that he will install new machinery and make a number of im provements before the brick making season begins Mr. Karr, it is under stood, will remain in the city and engage ... i i ? i & in tne reai csiute uusiness, uut air. Nichols, the other member of the origi nal firm, is as yet undecided as to what he will do. Otto Koop, a resident of Woodvllle township, four miles east of St. Edward, has been terrorizing the neighborhood and Tuesday deputy sheriff Mark Burke brought him to this city where he will have a hearing before the board of insan ity. Koop is a bachelor and for some time he has been acting rather strange, and finally refused to allow anyone to come on to the place, guarding the house with a loaded shot gun. Mr. Burke suc ceeded in getting him to this city with out any trouble, and it is quite probable that after his hearing he will be commit ted to the Norfolk asylum. Dr. Naumann. Dentist 13 St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. For boys' and young men's suits, see Gerharz-FJynn Co. Dr. C.A. Allenburger, office in new State Bank building. Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. T. F. Askew of Council Bluff was a Columbus visitor Monday. Dr. W. It. Neumarker, office with Dr. C. D. Evans, weat aide of Park. Miss Josie Belford, who is working up at Humphrey is spending the week with folks at home. Take a look at those nobby spring suits, from $10.00 to $25.00, at The Ger-hnrz-Flynn Co. Miss Eleanor Uagel was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Will Hall at Norfolk last week. Misses Sophie Moersen, Minnie and Hose Glur were visitors at the home of E. J. Ernst Saturday and Sunday. The entrance to our law office is now from the south side of the First National Bank building. Albert & Wagner. Messrs Jnkie and Carl Glur returned Saturday from the Gruetli neighborhood, where they had spent their spring vaca tion. H. Gordon Cross, editor of the St. Edwnrd Sun, was in the city Monday and Tuesday, the guest of his cousin, I). Burr Jones. Miss Minnie Baier who has been visit ing with friends and relatives for the past six weeks, returned to her home at Weeping Water Monday morning. The home of T. B. Smith was quaran tined for scarlet fever, and a case of diphtheria was reported at the Krause home, east of the city, the same day. Itnbert Neumeister, of the dry goods department of the Gray Mercantile Co., was in Crete over Sunday, making arrangements to move his family to this city Again. Wanted District manager with head quarters nt Columbus. A grand oppor tunity for the right man. Address in confidence Life. P. O. Box 1'.H1, New York City. I own 58 40100 acres of land, located in lots 10 and 13, Sec. ftl.Twp. 17, Range 1 east, near Columbus. I do not know the value of this land but will take best offer. Investigate and offer at once. Eugene Oaks, West Plains, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Jones returned Monday evening from a sojourn at Ex celsior Springs, Mo. -They report that U. E. Musselman is again engaged in the hotel business, having purchased the Onant, and has a nice house and doing a good business. By the end of the week the Columbus Automobile company expect to be in their new garage at Thirteenth and Bickly streets. The new building is commodious and will give them ample room, both for their sales and storage de partments. The building is modern and is one of the up to date garages in this part of Nebraska. B. E. Stevens, claiming to be a busi ness man on his way from some point in Washington to the east, became de ranged while at the Union Pacific depot Tuesday. He was taken in charge by the authorities and placed in the county jail for safe keeping. He was apparent ly well to do, as he had $200 in cash and $.1,000 in drafts on his person. A permanent steel bridge across the Platte river, south of this city, is one of the needs of not only Columbus, but all the territory adjacent. With such a structure there will be no more trouble with Hoods, as it will stand for years. The bond election, which will be Mon day, April 25, should and will result in the carrying of the propoeition, and thus settle the Platte river bridge question for all time to come. Bohert Baub, varnisher in theFontein Bro. Piano factory, drank a few swallows of wood alcohol Monday afternoon, and bat for the use of a stomach pump would have died from the effects of it. He had been under the influence of liquor for a few days, and when he drank the wood alcohol was not in a condition to tell what the contents of the bottle was. Ue was taken to the hospital after he bud the poison pumped out of his stomach and will be able to go back to work in a few days. All lovers of the beet in dramatic art will be greatly pleased to learn that the attraction at the North tiieatre, Tues day, April 10, will be Mr. C. P. Walker's elaborate production of Shakespeare's most charming comedy, "Ab You Like It" Mr. William Yule and Miss Violet Eddy will be seen in the roles of Touch stone and Bosalind, and the supporting company has been chosen from players who have been thoroughly trained in the most difficult of all the branches of dra matic art, that of playing the characters in the plays of the greatest of all play wrights, William Shakespeare. 8 ROOM HOUSE Good barn and five acres of lnad, 12 blocks from Post office. PRICE $3,500 Elliott-Speice-Echols Co. Post Office Block Columbus, Neb. Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block. First-class printing done at the Jour nal office. Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist and aurist, 1215 Olive street. For Unions, try a superior, a perfect fit, nt Gerhar.-Flynn Co. For Bent The Wilckins residence, lfii:! Olive street. Enquire of Henry Wilckcns. For line wntcb, clock and jewelry re pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh street jeweler. A heavy rain was reported in the north part of tho county Monday, but it did not extend to this city. Try a pair of the Interwoven toe and heel hose. They beat anything you ever saw for wear, at Tho Gerharz-Flynn Co Postmaster Kramer is in Lincoln Tuea daj Wednesday and Thursday of this week attending a meeting of the trus tees of the Knights of Pythias. Mrs. C.E. Pollock left last Thursday morning for Jnlesburg, Colo., where she will visit for ;wo weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Winterbotham. Bcv. L. B. DeWolf, former pastor of the Methodist church of this city, was here Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Rev. DeWolf is now located at Fairmont as pastor of the Methodist church One more teacher was elected by the board of education at their meeting Monday evening Miss Julia Thomas, who will have the primary room in the Second ward. But five vacancies now remain to be filled to complete the corps of teachers for the coming year. Monday the Columbus city treasury was made richer by $12,825, that being the amount paid in by the saloons and drug stores for licenses and permits for the coming year. The twelve saloons pay $1,000 each, the brewery 8575 and the five drug stores $25 each. This in cludes both the licenses and occupation tax for the saloons nnd the brewery. The two grip thieves, who appropria ted the property of G. W. York, finally concluded that the easiest and best way out of their trouble was to plead guilty and taken their medicine, informed the authorities of their desire, and were taken before Judge Thomas Monday, who sentenced them to a yenr each in the penitentiary. They will be taken to Lincoln in a few days by Sheriff Lsch nit to begin their sentences. Beginning with Monday of this week the First National Bank is housed in its temporary quarters on Olive street, which they will occupy until the remod elling of their building is completed Workmen have the brick work on the south and west sides removed and expect to start on the new work in a few days. The Postal telegraph office, which was in the rear of the bank building, is now in temporary quarters, and when the build ing is complete will probably be moved to the second lloor. THE BEST I xf aaaaaW flK5S3P( Hf 4f(tV H LB BaB is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEAVER & SON HARNESS AND COAL Beginning with Friday of this week No. 18. the Portland train, will carry a mail car. This will give a late and fast mail service to Chicago, as mail leaving here at G o'clock in the evening reaches Chicago the next morning, as all eastern connections will be made at Omaha. Tuesday of this week John Osborn filed a complaint in county Judge Bat tcrman's court, charging his fifteen-year old daughter, Ruth, with incorrigibility. A warrant was issued for the girl and she will have a hearing and in all pro bability be committed to the girl's re formatory at Geneva. The bonrd of supervisors were in ses sion Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, and besides the regular routine business the repairing of the Pintle river bridge baa been the most important matter before the board. In the repairing of the bridge the same course as was taken when the south end of the structure was repaired, is being followed. The county commissioners of both Butler nnd Polk counties were notified and a date fixed for a meeting at the south end of the Platte bridge. This meeting was to have been held Tuesday afternoon of this week, and the Platte county hoard was on hand promptly, but the other counties were not represented. Now that the provis ions of the law have been complied with the county board arc getting ready to advertise for bids and let the contract as soon as the funds are provided. Thin being bridge between the three coun ties, the board lets the contract, and looks after the repniring of the bridge. At their last meeting the board appro priated $5,000 toward the repairing nnd this, with the bonds to be voted by Columbus and the township, will pro vide a structure that will be permanent. Group No. 2 of the Nebraska Bankers' association will hold their Twelfth annual convention in this city Friday, April 22. Group No. 2 comprises the counties of Washington, Dodge, Colfax, Platte. Boone, Nance, Polk, Butler and Saunders, and between 150 and 200 rep resentatives attend the nnnnal conven tion. F. M. Weitzel of Albion is presi dent of this group; E II. Claridge of Blair, vice president nnd A. R Miller of this city secretary-treasurer. The ses sions, both morning and afternoon, will be held in the Y. M. C. A. building, and in the evening the ladies of the Presby terian church will serve a banquet for the association in Maennerchor hall. Bankers of this city and other members of the association will be on the program for talks and among the outside speak ers are J. Whelpton of Ogalalla. presi dent of the State Bankers1 association; J. D. Johnson, cashier of the National Reserve bank of Kansas City, nnd Gov ernor Shallenbergcr also expects to be present if possible. These conventions bring together representative men of the district they include, nnd this is the first time that Columb.iB has bad the opportunity to entertain the convention. LBBt Wednesday forenoon, in Fre mont, nt the home of the bride's parents, Prof, and Mrs. A. II Waterhouse, the wedding of Phillip II. Echols and Miss Ula Waterhouse was solemnized, Bev. Loton R DeWolf, formerly of this city officiating. It was a quiet home wed ding, none but relatives and intimate friend being present. After the cere mony a four course luncheon was served and the bridal party returned to Colum bus in tho afternoon. Those present from this city were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Echols, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Echols, Mifa Louise and Frank Echols, Mrs. B. J. Jenkinson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pollock. Mrs. E. E. Iloyle, and the Misses Lori Fuller nnd Charlotte Haass. Mr. Echols is one of the younger business men of the city, and is rapidly making a place for him self in this city. Tne bride lias been a kindergarten teacher in this city for the last three years and during her sojourn here has made many friends. Her fath er. Prof. Waterhouse, is superintendent of the Fremont schools. Thursday eve nine Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Echols received in honor of both Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Echols and Mr. and Alra-Dan J. Echols Daring the spring months Mr. and Mrs. Echols will reside at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hoyle, as Mrs. Echols will continue her work as teacher, but after June 1 they will occupy their own residence on north Platte street. The City Council. Monday evening the old city council held a special meeting and besides clos ing up the business for the year, con vassed the vote of last week's election. An adjournment was then taken toTues day evening, when the old council ad journed sine die and the new council took charge. There are three retiring counoilmen this year H. C. .Lacbnit in the First, Sam Gaes, jr., in the Second, and A. W. Clark in the Third. They are succeeded by M. C. Calto in the First, Isaac Brock in the Second and F. S.Davis in the Third. After the new council organized S. J. Ryan was elected president of the coun cil, and Mayor Held then annonnced the following committees, which were con firmed: Judiciary Winslow, Calto, Brock. Streets and Grades Ryan, Davis, Elias, Brunken. Finance Brunken, Winslow, Ryan. Public Properly and Water Works Calto, Winslow, Brunken, Brock. Claims Brock, Davis Willard. Fire Davis, Calto. Bliss. Parks Ryan. Willard. Winslow. Printing Elias, Davis, Willard. Police Willard, Brock, Brunken. Chris Thompson. Chas Uageman and John A. Shaffer made applications for the position of city scavenger nnd Geo. Altman made application for the positon of park commissioner. Pool hall licensee were issued to M. Gold, George J. Hagel and Rtymond Hancy. The petition for the removal of Inmber yard south of the Union Pacific passen enger depot was presented to the new council, nnd referred to the judiciary committee. Licenses wero granted to the twelve saloons and Columbus Brewing com pany, and four druggiHts' permits issued. The council held their regular mooting Friday evening of this week, at which time the remtiuder of the appointments will be made. Route No. 3. Putting in spring grain and planting spuds is the order of things on the ronte now. Substitute Patterson waB carricg mail on this route Friday and Saturday of laBt week. Godfrey Alt of Frontier county is im proving his property north of the city, with a new house, barn and chicken house. The basket social nt the Brunken school house last Friday evening was a success, ltoth socially and financially. Although the attendance was not large, the basketB sold well, averaging $2 00, the highest price being $.'1.75. A farewell party was given by Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Uunneman, to their many friends and neighbors Sunday, before their departure for Germany, where they expect to visit for several months and also to try that climate for their daugh ter's health. The ladies of the Shell Creek Baptist church were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Behlen, jr., last Tuesday, the occasion being the sixty ninth birthday of Mrs. D. Benthack, mother of Mrs. Behlen, who makes her home with her daughter. Ice cream and cake was served to the guests. Quite a number of the farmers on the route marketed fat stock at South Oma ha the first of I lie week, and among whom were D. A. Becher and John Beh leu, who marketed cattle, and Win. Men ke, Martin and Wm. Albers, Fred Iteh Ien, jr.. and II. L Kunnemnn, the last two accompanying their shipments. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The members of the Business Men's Biblo class held their closing meeting Monday and entertained their wives. A committee, composed of Mr. and Mrs. M. Brngger, Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Britell and W. L. Cbenoweth have been appointed to arrange for a farewell recep tion to Mr. and Mrs. Jones. At the regular meeting of the board of directors, Monday evening of this week, General Secretary D. Burr Jones tend ered his resignation to take effect June 1. L. P. Putnam, boys secretary, has consented to remain with the association during the summer months as acting general secretary, until he leaves for college in September. It is expected that a successor to Mr. Jones will be se cured sometime during the summer. Mr. Jones baa two or three offers of a general secretaryship, which he is now considering, but will take a vacation of two or three weeks before taking up the work again. Route No. 1. Emil Behrens is having a new well put down. Gerhard Loeeke, sr., is hauling the material for a new home. Monday evening Fred Loseke shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha. Winter wheat is improving and the early sown spring grain is coming nice- iy. Wanted. About 300 members of the Columbus Commercial club to get acquainted with home industry by smoking El Praximo and Little J.: cigars, made by Derring ton fc Williams. Ladies Do away with the scrub brush and bucket USE Transparent Waxed Oil! Grease will not spoil it. No dust in sweeping. Not slippery. Is not expensive and saves labor. POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on the Corner Columbus, Nebraska With the Base Ball Fans. Manager Joe Dolan of the Columbus base ball team came up from Omaha Tuesday for a meeting with the directors of the club Practically all the details have been looked after, and everything is in readiness for opening of the season. Wednesday morning Manager Dolan inspected the grounds south of the Union Pacific coal sheds, and gave instructions regarding the improvements to be mada It is quite probable that the north and west sides of the grounds will not be fenced, as the expense will be large, but will be policed daring the games, thua forcing those who attempt to witness the games without paying to come into the grounds. This free spectator prob lem was really the only objection to the grounds, nnd with this eliminated, the location is very good, being close to the city, so that it will not be necessary to provide transportation to and from them. Columbus now has three of the beat twirlers in the state league, as at the meeting the board signed Bovee and Sindelar, from the Omaha team, and with Kissell, make a splendid trio for box work. Twelve men have been signed up to report on 'April 25, when the practice and trying out will begin. The line-up so far is as follows: E. A. Glair, Harry T. Kemp, catchers; Bovee, Sindelar and Kissell, pitchers; Ward W. Cooper, short stop; E. F. Brown, Becond base; W. T. Melum. third base; Ned Tighe. Gail Richardson and Roy Chittick, outfield. Manager Dolan returned to Omaha Wed nesday afternoon nnd expects to sign another man for the infield, who Uvea in that city. This line-up does not include a number of players whom the manage ment have secured for a try out, and it is possible that one or two of the outsiders may make a good enough showing to secure a place on the team. Practice games and trying out will be gin April 25 nnd continue until opening of tho eenson, and it is probablo that a few practice games with other teama in the league will le played, but there i no prospect of any gtiues with Western league clubs, its their season opens up before the practice .season for the State league begins. Columbus fans nre assured that good hall will he played by their team this summer, nnd if they do not land the pen nant, the showing made will be such that Columbus will be proud of it. Tuesday of this week the State Nor mal board elected Superintendent U. S. Conn of this city principal of the Wayne Normal school. This school will not be opened until the legislature makea an appropriation for it, as at present there are no funds on hand to maintain it, and it is understood that Mr. Conn will not leave this city until the close of the school year in 1911. Superintendent Conn formerly taught in the Wayne Normal and will now go there as prin cipal. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Mnnsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the marked Prices in men's from SI. 50 to MJS0. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, Si and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 50c to 82 50 a garment. Buy early while thn sizes are complete. GRAY'S