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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1910)
-' n ? r The Only Real The 25 horsepower Overland this year sells for $1,000. It has a 102-inch wheel base-a possihls speed of 50 miles an hour. It is not under-sized, not under- powered, like most of the low-priced bodying all that any man can want cars. It is the first real automobile sells for $1,5M. ever sold at this price. Yet the price The reason lies in enormous pro includes magneto and full lamp equip- duction. One Overland factory, with ment. every machine adapted to a single It was this car the $1,000 Overland model, turns out 88 cars per day. No which made a perfect score in a other maker attempts togive what the 18,809 mile non-stop run. Overland gives for the money. Overland Model 38 price $1,000. 25 hp. 102-inch wheel base. With single rumble seat, $1,050 double rumble seat, $1,075 complete Toy Tonneau, SI, 100. Columbus Automobile Co. The Real Automobile House Route No. 1. Farmers are all busy Miwing grain. John Muldrue, of Polk ronnty, u for mer resilient ou Route, 1. moved on to the L. G. Zinnecker farm Tuesday. Otto VolktnanV. boys have a pet sulf that tliey have broke to drive single, and they tako a ride, behind it very day to meet the mail man . Route No. A. Everybody on the mute, is buy with their farm work. Tlie Mipees May Donochue and Kate Callahan were nt Norfolk laPt week Charles Ktihi received a thoroughbred Scotch collie from Stella, Nebraska, last Saturday. There was a party at the home of .1. J. Donoghue last Friday evening in honor of Miss Kate Callahan of Smith Oni'din. Route No. 3. Miss R. S. lieutel is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ilembd. Mrs. George Mettauer of Council Bluffs is visiting her sister. Mis. A. L. Butler this week. Tony Roach and Miss Anna Uruonken of Columbus wero Sunday guests at the home of Miss lirunken's parents. There will be a. basket social at the Drunken house. District K, Fri day evening. You are expected o attend and at least buy a bapket. The party who lost the hair ribbon on the road last Snnday ran have the same by calling at the mail wngon and identi fying property. No questions will be asked. The sudden death of Henry ral;enh::3 last Saturday morning was indeed a shock to the community in which he re sided, and to all who knew him. fti hia demise, one of the mo-t prominent and well to do farmers on this route is taken away. Mr. liaRcnnus was a spientini neighbor, ready to ussrst at any time. I and a man f sound judgment, conserva tive in bnsine.-s methods, and at the same time he was liberal. He was pro minent in church work, to which he was much devoted. Good hearted, always, pleasant, and of a congenial disposition, making one feel at home, at once, anil together with those near and dearest. His departure is deeply felt by a very large number of friends and acipiaintan ces. The funeral was an unusually large one. and ho was laid to rest hy the side of his wife, in the Loseke Creek church cemetery. "May he rest in peace. Crest on. Sam Fleming was at Columbus last Monday. Ida Clark is on the sick 1st this week with dutch uieasels. Vera Webb. and Viola Uarbert were visitors at Saturday. Mrs. F. S. Gray returned home Friday evening from Central City. Mrs. Dr. A H.Kimball and little f on are visiting at Omaha this week. Dr. and Mrs. Morris were Sunday vis itors at George Ieving's near Humphrey. Bessie Anson and Herhie Clark were visitors at the Hani Scrable school on Friday last. Florence Belknap was an over Sunday visitor Bt the E. L. Weaver home in Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Clark are the proud parents of a nine pound girl born to them Saturday lest. Lester Westcott and Howard Meham were passengers for Albion Friday even ing returning home on Saturday. Mrs. LaFever of Leigh ami Mrs. Knowcrs of Kearney were visiting nt the Frank Anson residence last week. Mrs. J. N. Kiucaid left for Neligh Monday morning where she will visit with her sister there for a few das. S. E. Euing and Sam Flemming wore at Omaha the latter part of last week, laying in a supply of Auburn automo biles. Win. Lueschen, Win. Knight and Chas Lang are owners of new automobiles now, purchased from S. E. Euing and Sam Flemi-. Dr. and Mrs. Hinkle of Omaha have Car for $1,000 40 h. p. $1,250 A 40 horsepower Overland, with a 112-inch wheel base, sells for $1,25. And the best of the Overland em been guests at the F. T. Stevens residen ce for the post week. Mrs. Hinkle being a niece of Mr. Stevens. Mrs. Dick Gamuiel and children left Monday for their new home in SoutL Dakota, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. llarhertas far as Scribner. J. G. Cochran's uncle the Hev. flal lowy, and his wife were visitois at his home over Sunday. Iter. Gallowy preached in the Methodist church both morning and evening lust Sunday. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing April, C, 1910: Letters C Burke, James Deagan, Frank Seeley, Frank I) Urner. Cards Miss Lulu Allen, Joe Belitz, C Burke, Tom Camblin, Miss Lizzie Cnry, Allen llolubur, Mrs Frances Jones, Mrs J Russell Jones. Mrs 11 R Mctger, C E Sicilian, C W Raymond, Bob Radebaugh Frank Salem, Miss Emily Schnltz. Parties calling for any of the shove will please say advertised. Caiit. Kuamek, 1. M. Siiii f Ibr l'mrrrdlngN f Ihe lion nl f KniNTviMirK. Columbus. Nebraska. March 13. 1310. Tin" hoard of supervisors of Platte coliiuty. Nebraska, met in adjourned session :il 2 o'clock p. in. Hon. Louis Schwarz. chairman, ami John Graf, i-li'ik. !:ll -: I Ii-. am) following members present : Siini visors Clother. Goetz, Peter son. Schure. Smith. Wilson ami Chair man Schwarz. ANiv.'il hy Supervisor Goetz that the rules of order of business he dis pensed uiiii ami (. reading of the iniimli-: deferred. .Motion carried. Tin hiils mi tile with the clerk for I he building ami constructing; of all oiiiiiv bridges for the ensuing year iii'ii' "ou opened :iml read and. on nio lion. lefenvd to the committee on loads a nil bridges. .Moved l.y Sup. -i visor Goetz that a i. -cess ) taken hy the hoard for the purpose t.i give ihe hoard an oppor tunity to examine the hids and to pre pate ihi-ir leport and recommendations. .Motion earried. I'poii rcconvc iicuicul of the hoard of supervisors the following report was submitted: We. onr committee on roads and bridges to whom were referred the hids for the erection and completion of all county bridges according to plans ami specifications on flic in the Mice of the comity clerk, to he hilitl in Platte county. Nebraska, during me year, commencing April 1st. 19H. would leport that after carefully ex amining the several hids on file, we Hud that the hid of the Standard 1 Iridic Company of Omaha. Nebraska, is the lowest and host hid. therefore recommend that the contract he awarded to said company upon their gi in;; a good and sutlicient lioml in the sum of $."..0110.00. Uespect fully submitted. -M. K. CLOTHER. ADAM SMITH. JOHN GOETZ. On motion of Supervisor Seliure re pot t ami recommendations were adopted. The minutes of the previous session of Ihe hoard of supervisors were now read and. on motion, approved. Supervisor Goetz now stated that the clerk of this hoard has omitted to pub lish in the ollicial papers of the county the proceedings of the hoard relative to applications of county officers for deputies ami assistants. Moved by Supervisor IVderson that the clerk he directed to publish that part of the proceedings which relates to tin appointment of Edward Luei-eii.-kj. as deputy sheriff and the appli- ation of Comity Treasurer Held for deputy and assistant. Amendment offered by Supervisor Schure that the cleik he directed to publish the pro ceedings of the hoard relative to the applications for deputies and assist ants of all county officials. Amendment and original motion carried. The proceedings of the hoard rela tive to the applications of the county officials for deputies and assistants is as fol.ows: Session of January . 191". To the Hour.rahle Hoard of Super visors: Gentlemen: I hereby make applica tion for the year 1910 for one deputy, salary to be $1,000.00 per year and an allowance of $.100.00 for additional help. in making the tax list for the months of July. August. September and Octo ber, salaries to be paid out of the fees earned in the office. I also make application for an allow ance of the sum of $400.00 per annum, to he paid quarterly for performing ihe duties of clerk for the board. Respectfully submitted, JOHN GRAr, County Clerk. On motion of Supervisor Schwarz the request was granted. To the Honorable Board of Super visors: Gentlemen: I hereby make applica tion for an assistant and for an allow ance of $350.00 to apply on wages for an assistant in my office during the year 1910, the same to be paid out of the fees earned by me exceeding the statutory limit. Very truly yours. JOHN RATTERMAN. County Judge. On motion of Supervisor Smith the request was granted To the Honorable Board of Super visors: Gentlemen: I hereby make applica tion for one deputy and one assistant in my office for the year 1910 at a sal ary of $1,000.00 and $900.00, respect ively, sr.'d salarScx to he paid out oi the fees earned in my office. kespect fully submitted. LOUIS HELD. County Treasurer. Moved hy Supervisor Schwarz that County Treasurer Held he allowed one deputy at $1 oou no per year and an al io wane- for adult innal help not to ex ceed $::oo.-tin. Motion carried. To tie Honorable Hoard of Super visors. Gentlemen: I hereby make applica tion for one deputy for my office for the year 1910. at a salary to be fixed by your Honorable board. Salary of said deputy to he paid out of the fees earned in my office. Respectfully submitted, JERRY CARRIG. Register of Deeds. On motion of Supervisor Clother tue request was granted and the salary of the deputy fixed at $900.00 per annum. To the Honorable Roard of Super visors: Gentlemen: I hereby make applica tion to your honorable body for one deputy for the year 1910, salary to be fixed by the county board. Respectfully submitted. HENRY C. LACHN1T. Sheriff. On motion of Supervisor Peterson the request was granted. Moved hy Supervisor Schwarz that the salary of the deputy sheriff shall he fixed at $G0.oo per montn. Motion lost. To the Honorable Roard of Super visors: Gentlemen: I, Henry C. Lachnit. sheriff of said county, hereby agree to act as jailor in person or hy my dep uty without extra charge to the county, in case your honorable body shall fix and allow me the sum of $7o.on per mouth for a depifty sheriff. Respectfully submitted, HENRY C. LACHNIT, Sherifr. On motion of Supervisor Pollard same was adopted. The official bond of E. F. Luclenskl, appointed hy SheriJf rienry C. Lachnit. as his deputy, was now presented. Moved hy Supervisor Smith that the appointment of E. K. Luclenskl as dep uty sheriff he not approved and con firmed hy this hoard. Motion carried. Session of January 7. 1910. Moved by Supervisor Schwarz that the action taken yesterday by the board or supervisors relative to the allowance of one deputy and assist ant for the office of County Treasurer nchl be rescinded. Roll called for vote. Supervisors Goetz. .'eterson. Pollard and Chairman Schure voting v 4 Smiervisors Clother, Schwarz and Smith voting "Yes" 3 Motion declared lost. Session of January 13. 1910. To the Honorable Hoard of Super visors: Gentlemen: I hereby make applica tion for one deputy at a salary of $i;i".oo for tin' ensuing year, salary to be paid out of the fees earned in' the office. Respectfully submitted, C. M. GRUENTHER, Clerk of the District Court. On motion of Supervisor Goetz the. request was granted. To the Honorable Hoard nf Super visors: Gentlemen: on January C. 1910. I made application for one deputy and one assistant at a salary of $1,000.00 and $900.00. respectively, to be paid out of the fees earned in my office. You then allowed me one deputy as asked for and assistance not to exceed" $200.00. I now ask your honorable body to reconsider your action taken in said matter and allow the request as made, as it will he impossible for me to secure a competent or qualified man to help for only a short while, and besides I am not asking any more than has been granted for several years back, not even as much if you will re fer to previous allowances made. Respectfully submitted. LOUIS HELIX County Treasurer. Moved hy Supervisor ochure that the request of County Treasurer held he laid upon the table. Roll called for vote. Supervisors Clother. Smith. Wilson and Chairman Schwarz voting "No" 4 Supervisors Goetz. Peterson and Schure voting "Yes" 3 Motion declared lost. Moved hy Supervisor Clother that the actioh taken hy the hoard at their session of January C. 190. relative to the request of County Treasurer Held be rescinded. Roll called for vote. Supervisors Clother. Smith. Wilson and Chairman Schwarz voting "Ves" 4 Supervisors Goetz. Peterson and Schure voting "No" 3 Motion declared carried. Moved by Supervisor Clother that the original request of County Treas urer Held for one deputy and one as sistant at a salary of $1,000.00 and $9011.00 per annum, respectively, salary to be paid out of the fees earned in his office, he granted. Roll called for vote. Supervisors Clother. Smith. "Wilson and Chairman Schwarz voting 'V' A ... ............................ Supervisors Goetz. Pejterson and Schure voting "No' 3 .Motion declared carried. Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the Itoard of supervisors now adjourn un til 9 o'clock a. in. tomorrow. Motion carried . Columbus. Nebraska. March 16. 1910. The board of supervisors, pursuant to adjournment, met at 9 o'clock a. m. Hon. Louis Schwarz. chairman, and John Graf. Clerk. Roll called and inllowlng members present: Supervisors Clother. Goetz. Peterson. Schure. Smith. Wilson and Chairman Schwarz. The contract between the Standard Bridge company and the county of Platte, accompanied by a bond of $5,000.00, was now presented and read and. on motion, referred to the county attorney.. Upon examination and approval of same by the county attorney it was moved by Supervisor Smith that the contract be accepted and the bond ap proved by the board and the contract executed by Chairman Schwarz on be half of the county. Motion carried. The contract between Platte county and Edgar Webb and Amanda "Webb, overseer and matron of the " county farm, accompanied by a bond In the sum of $2,000.00, was now presented and read and. on motion, referred to the county attorney. Upon examination and approval of same by the county attorney it was moved by Supervisor Schure that the contract be accepted ami the bond ap proved hy the board and the contract executed by Chairman Schwarz on be half of the county. Motion carried. The petition of D. J. Keogh and oth ers for the location of a public road. 40 feet in width, commencing at the northeast corner of section 12. town 19. range 3 west, and running thence due south on township line one mile, was presented and read and. on motion, referred to the committee on roads' and bridges. The petition of Fred Gelser and oth ers for the location of a public road. 40 feet In width, commencing at the southeast corner of section 20, town 17. range 1 east, and running thence due north one mile on section line, was pre sented and read and, on motion, re ferred to the committee on roads and bridges. The petition of John Wacbal and Others for the location of a public road. 10 feet in width, commencing at the northeast corner of the southeast quar ter of the southeast quarter of section 22, town 18. range 1 east, and running thence due north on section line one fourth mile, was presented and read and. on motion, referred to the com mittee on roads and bridges. The petition of E. L. Jones and oth ers for the location of a public road. 40 feet in widtn, commencing at the southeast corner of section S, town 19, range 3 west, and running thence due north on section line one mile, was presented and read and, on motion, referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The application of the Duncan Stater bank of Duncan. Nebraska, accom panied by a bond in the sum of $2. 000.00. to be named as depository of county funds, was presented and. on motion, referred to the judiciary com mittee. The following was presented: To the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: I respectfully ask. in conformity with tne school laws of Nebraska, the Honorable Board of Platte county to appropriate $100.00 from the general funds of the county for the purpose of aiding to defray the expenses of the Platte County Teach ers' Insttute. to be held in Columbus during the month of June for the ad vancement of the educational interests of the county. Respectfully submitted, f'RED S. L.ECRON. County Superintendent. On motion of Supervisor Smith the request was granted. A large delegation of representative men appointed at the citizens' meeting of March 7th appeared now before the board. G. - Phillips addressed the hoard at some length, stating that the object of the delegation appearing before the hoard was to urge upon them immedi ate action in repairing and rebuilding the Platte river wagon bridge and asking, in consideration of certain aid' being given by the City of Columbus and Columbus township, that the hoard agree to make an appropriation from the 1910 county bridge fund of $5,000.00 for the purpose of repairing and rebuilding said bridge. Addresses were also made by August Boettcher. James II. Galley, H. A. Clark. Edgar Howard. M. M. Rothleit ner and others, at the conclusion or" which the entire matter was. on mo tion of Supervisor Smith, referred to the committee on roads and bridges. On motion of Supervisor Clotner the board of supervisors now adjourned' until 2 o'clock this p. m. Pursuant to adjournment the hoard of supervisors reconvened at 2 o'clock. Chairman Schwarz now stated that at the last session of the hoard of su pervisors a resolution was adopted which is as follows: Resolved. That the question of providing for a new court house for the county of Platte he made the special order of business for the second day of the next session of the board of supervisors at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and as this time has' now arrived and the taxpayers of the county are aware that a new court house Is needed, therefore the question whether or not bonds shall he voted to defray the expenses for building a new court house is now open for discussion. A lengthy discussion of the question now followed, in which Godfrey Frlsh holz. L. H. I.eavy. A. V. Clark. Jacob Greisen. T. D. Robison, Y. N. Hensley. G. ". Phillips and others took part, at the conclusion of which it was moved by Supervisor Clother that the propo sition of building a new court house for the county he deferred. Motion carried. On motion the board of supervisors now adjourned until 9 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. Columbus, Nebraska. March 17. 1910. The board of supervisors, pursuant to adjournment, met at 9 o'clock. Hon. Louis Schwarz. chairman and John Graf, clerk. Roll called and following members present: Supervisors Clother. Goetz. Peterson: Schure. Smith. Wilson and Chairman Schwarz. The following was presented: To the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Your committee on poof farm would respectfully report, that according to the instructions of the board, we proceeded to the county farm on March 14. 1910, to take the in ventory of the personal property of the farm and we found the following. Here follows now a list of the prop erty on the county farm and also the names of the six inmates and concludes as follows: The receipts and expenditures of the county farm from March 1. 1909, to March 14. 1910. were as follows Receipts for county farm produce 2,200 bushels of corn and 53ii bushels of oats on hand, esti mated value $1,927 1.800 00 Total Paid for groceries, meat and sundries for family of over seer and county in mates $878 24 Paid salary for over seer and wages for Pta IBk A iTBi .JiTVk. - HVW. B .Vhlh ?T5V ''. rSBw 'MVBTr iTaTPP fc nKBTaTrBal ! aAfvV -&VW rrar.-. vr? v TttTBMfBMhrA. V fvmBmPfBya - ABixA,1aTaTE Mfi ifjb-W w.. MTBr flTBTBTB TBTBn fBTBTaTBTBTBr VMTBJK TBTBTBTBTBTKrBTBTPr. MTBTBFBA - VBTBTBTa $ 9MTPBTk NTHfT jK. Ta. r vbbbj K!ri4V' vftklBlBlHLJJSrT. vkzA W'iiiLtv TThi ! Yi VK KKk M Off' i. S .dKtv-bBBiBH V" V 11? VV - 1 h " K. 4 t?HBay 'J lCfe.i&v " fSJiiUk'jr feB-JHK v II.-'pa S.3i N i. l -W 4iBi' wv H t m 12jk& til sKtiv?LT-- V' 4E . ' v fff m K.H it CK B HB B T fl 1 aK HkT H Bii- - KzG with The Matnee Girl Co., North Theatre One Nieht of Real Fnn, MONDAY, APRIL 11th laborers 871 30 Paid Josepn Schacber for seed wheat.... 124 on Paid for feed for live stock 727 43 2.C00 Net profit $1.13C C2 Respectfully submitted. ADAM SMITH. DANIEL WILSON. M. K. CLOTHER. On motion same was ordered placed on tile. Supervisor Smith now reported that the wells on the county farm are in had condition: whereupon it was moved by Supervisor Peterson that the committee on county farm he directed to provide for a new well. Motion car ried. The following was presented: To the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: The Soldiers' and Sail ors' Relief Commission of Platte county, Nebraska, beg leave to submit the following report of their actions from Femruary S, 1909, to February 14, 1910. inclusive: The amount of dis bursements hy the commission for year ending February 14. 1910, is 342.S0. The vouchers for the above disburse ments are in the custody of the county clerk and are subject to your inspec tion. The commission directs me to report to the hoard, that in the judgment of the commission no necessity exists for the levying of a tax for the year 1910 for the use of the commission, as suffi cient funds are on hand to meet all probable expenses. Respectfully submitted. HERMAN G. LUESCHEN. Secretary. On motion same was ordered placed on file. Moved hy Supervisor Wilson that for the reason the term of R. I. Rossiter lias expired as member of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Commission. W. T. Strother. of Monroe, he appointed for the term of the ensuing three years. Motion carried. The following resolution was intro duced by Supervisor Schure: Whereas. A vacancy exists in the of fice of Justice of Peace in Humphrey township, caused hy the not qualifying of Joseph Braun. who has been elected for said office at the November election last fall; therefore, he It Resolved. By the hoard of supervis ors that Thomas Werner of said town ship he and is hereby appointed Justice of the Peace for Humphrey township to fill said vacancy. On motion same was adopted. The following was presented: To the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned representatives of supervisor districts Nos. 6 and 7. of Platte county. Ne braska, and the commissioners of Polk county, Nebraska, do hereby certify that we have this day examined I'latte river bridge at Duncan. Nebraska, and find same to be completed in accord ance with contract and specifications. Dated. Duncan. Nebraska. March 2, 1910. i-. J. HAHN. ADAM HERRMAN. C. B. KNERR. Members ot Polk County Board. LOUIS SCHWaRZ. ADAM SMIT.i. Members of Platte County Board. On motion same was ordered placed on file. The following was presented: To the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: I herewith present to your honorable body for your approval the name of John Schmocker of Col umbus. Nebraska, to act as deputy as sessor In the county assessor's office for the year 1910. Respectfully submitted, SHELL CLARK. County Assessor. On motion of Supervisor Smith the .request was granted. The following petition signed by Wm. J. Newman and sixty others, ac companied by a bond in the sum of $200.00. was presented: To the Honorable Board of Super visors: Gentlemen: We. the undersigned, electors and free-holders of Columbus township, riatte county. Nebraska, do ereby most respectfully petition your honorable board to call a special elec tion in said township, and at as early a date as the law provides, submitting to the electors therein the proposition of voting $5,000.00 in township bonds. the same, or so much thereof, as may be necessary, to he used to aid Platte county in repairing and rebuilding its proportion of the wagon bridge over the Platte river soutli of Columbus, connecting the counties of Platte. But ler and Polk in said state. Said bonds to bear Interest at the rate of four per cent per annum from date, payable annually, and the principal of said bonds to become due and payable in ten years from their date. On motion of Supervisor Smith same was referred to the judiciary commit tee. The following bills were on motion, allowed by the board and the clerk di rected to issue warrants In payment of same on the county general fund: William Davis, petit juror $ 20 10 John Curry, petit juror Dederich Harms, petit juror.. John Meyer, petit Juror Julius Winkelman. petit Juror 20 10 20 10 2 10 20 10 20 10 "Charles Hageman. petit Juror. Hary Cattau. petit juror 17 80 John Von Bergen, jetlt Juror. 4 40 John Bender, petit Juror 2C 00 Nick Fehrlnger, petit juror... 2C 00 Michael Blaser. petit juror... 21 40 John B. Kyle, petit Juror 2 70 Henry Burke, petit juror 21 00 ' John Brunken. petit juror Robert Fischer, petit juror... J. 1. Johnson, petit juror Samuel Connelly, petit juror. 22 40 19 40 2S no 28 00 28 00 27 40 28 20 28 00 19 30 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 4 10 2 10 4 10 4 10 2 10 4 10 4 10 2 10 97 William Lewejohann. petit juror W. M. Bivin. petit juror Geo. C. Anderson, petit Juror. Alfred Ivers. petit Juror Arthur Petersen, petit juror.. Tom Kush. special venire . Chris Thompson, special venire Herman Greening, special ve nire W. I. Beasley, special venire. E. H. Smith, special venire... J. O. Blodget. talesman J. F. Jackson, talesman Fred Luckey. talesman Herman Wolf, talesman Otto Kumtner. talesman John Cover, talesman Elston Hartel. talesman Merve Elston. talesman J. S. Freeman, bailiff, district court 20 oo T. S. Jaworski. bailiff, dist- trict court 24 00 Dr. B. TIesing. commissioner of insanity 24 00 W. M. Cornelius, comissioner of insanity 9 00 Joe Korus, witness. Insanity Kate Start 4 .10 Mrs. Charles Kojbiis, witness, insanity Kate Start 4 SO Adam Korus. witness, insanity Kate Start 4 CO Chas. Korus. witness, insanity Kate Start 4 50 Edgar Webb, witness, insan ity Matilda Beck 2 SO Mrs. William Caver, witness, William Gaver, dipsomaniac 2 10 Carl Ewert. witness, William Gaver. dipsomaniac 2 90 Mrs. Dietz. witness. William Gaver. dipsomaniac 2 10 August Schack, witness. Wil liam Gaver. dipsomaniac... 2 10 John Ra Herman, county Judge. recording assessor bunds. etc. 28 90 Henry C. Lachnit. sheriff. serving road notices IB 7S Henry C. Lachnit, sheriff. summoning jurors Henry C. Lachnit, sheriff, costs, state cases Henry C. Lachnit. sheriff. cash advanced Henry C. ".admit, sheriff. hoarding prisoners Henry C. Lachnit. sheriff. costs, insanity cases C. Af. Gruenther. clerk district 80 IS so fil 50 J fit 50 31 95 18 45 2 00 ft G5 7 75 5 50 2 30 10 court, court costs C. AI. Gruenther. clerk district court, costs, insanity cases.. John Schmocker. registrar C. E. Wagner, registrar R. I'. Drake, registrar F. J. Smith, registrar John Muffett. registrar Henry Gass, jr., registrar eo. Render, registrar John Ahegglen, repairs at court house R. C. Boyd &. Son. tinware for 00 Germo Manufacturing Co.. merchandise for court house John Brannigan. livrey for supervisors Omaha Printing Co.. supplies 00 3 50 for county Klopp & Bartlett Co.. supplies for county Smith-Premier Typewriter Co.. supplies for county m 380 19 1 50 Columbus Printing & Spe cialty House, supplies for county 143 55 Telegram Company, supplies fur county 1GS 22 Hammond & Stephens Co., supplies for county 3 !0 Underwood Typewriter Co.. balance on typewriter Underwood Typewriter Co. ribbons for typewriter Platte Center Signal, publish ing proceedings 1 50 12 Nebraska Biene publishing proceedings 27 00 Humphrey Democrat publish ing proceedings CI 40 John Graf, county clerk, sal ary, first quarter as county clerk 37S 00 John Graf, county clerk, sal ary, first quarter as clerk of board 100 00 Fred S. Lecron, county super perintendent. salary, first quarter 250 00 W. N. Hensley. county attor ney, salary, first quarter 200 00 Henry C. Lachnit, sheriff, sal ary, first quarter 375 00 T. S. Jaworski, janitor, sal ary, first quarter 100 00 Mark Burke, deputy snerlff, salary, first quarter 210 00 C. M. Gruenther. clerk district court, costs, state cases 144 70 Louis Held, county treasurer, cash advanced 152 52 John Graf, county clerk, cash advanced 17 80 Fred S. Lecron, county super intendent, cash advanced... 5 00 W. N. Hensley. county attor ney, office rent 29 25 John Graf, county clerk, pre paring assessment books... 150 00 Louis Schwarz, supervisor. cash advanced 11 SO City of Columbus, water rent. 10 87 Ppeice Coal Company, coal for court house 52 40 Geo. A. Hoagland, coaI for court house 12 75 T. B. Hord Grail Co.. coal for court house 23 00 Brunken & Haney. merchan dise for county 3 80 W. F. Schram & Co.. merchan- "se for county Cerman National Bank, rent 20 I A Guaranteed Attraction PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c for county judge office Clother Hotel, meals for jurors Fricki & Carrick. at court house Farmers' Institute at Humph rey, appropriation i. H. Regan, ex primary elec tion Jfebraska Institute Keeble Minded Youth. account county Inmates Jos. F. Muff, costs, quarantine cases Louis Schwarz. supervisor, costs, quarantine cases Platte County Independent Telephone Co.. services. Feb ruary and March Nebraska Telephone Co.. ser vice for February Nebraska Telephone Co.. ser vice for March Columbus Light, Heat ; Power Co.. light for court 12 'jr. An (.o 19 on SO X.". 21 'to 21 :. 38 s: On motion of Mipervisor Smith t In board of Supervisors now adjoiirm-il until 1 o'clock this afternoon. Columbus. Nebraska. March 17. !1H Pursuant to adjournment the of supervisors met at 1 o'clock p. in Hon. Louis Schwarz. chairman, ami John Graf, clerk. Roll called and following members present: Supervisors Clother. Goetz. Peterson. Schure, Smith. Wilson ami Chairman Schwarz. Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the matter of repairing and rebuilding the Platte river wagon bridge and the mat ter of setting aside $ from tin county bridge I unit prior to its appor tionment and which was referred to the committee on roads and bridges be referred to the committee of the whole. Motion carried. The following resolution was now introduced by Supervisor Smith: Whereas. The wooden spans of tin wagon bridge over the Platte river and connecting I'latte. Rutler and Polk counties, have been practicall taken out by the ice and high water, and thereby entailing a great loss and inconvenience to a large portion of tin people, both north and south of the river, and Whereas. The City of Columbus. Ne braska, has proposed to aid this coun ty in the repairing and rebuilding of its proportion of the bliilge. to the e tent of $25.0011.00, and Whereas. Columbus township in Platte county, Nebraska, has also pro posed to aid this county in the repair lug and rebuilding of its proportion of this bridge, to the extent of $..liuo un therefore. Resolved. By the hoard of supervis ors of Platte county, Nebraska, thut in consideration of the aid proposed to be given by the City of Collllil bus ami Columbus township ami the payment to the county of the sums aforesaid. Miat the beard of supervisors of this count 1 the passage of this resolution individually and collectively. a members of said hoard of .supervisor-. agree to set aside at the time of mat; lug the annual county levy for the -ar 1910 from the county lidge f ti ml. tin sum of five thousand dollars to be used in connection with tin- aid pro posed to be given in the repairing ami rebuilding of our proportion of s.ud bridge. Said sum of $5.0imi.iiii to In set aside and taken front said hriili;e fund prior to its apportionment as h.i- heen the practice by this board. Resolved, further. That .should tln counties of Polk and Ihitler join with the county of I'latte in each making and paying for their lawful proportion of the expense for the repairing and rebuilding of said bridge, thereby re ducing the aggregate eo t of te county's proportion of .r.;d repairs be low the sum of $3.",0oo.oo herein pro posed to he appropriated, then, and In that event, the City of Columbus. ci umbtis township and the coiintv of Platte are to share in said redm ed sum in proportion to the aid rendered by each, and provided, further, that should the counties of Polk ami Butler fail to join with this county in the re pairing and rebuilding of this hridge then. and in that event, the City .f Columbus, Columbus township and tin- county of Platte are to share in pro portion to the aid rendered by each in any sum recovered from either Polk or Butler counties as their just proposi tion of tne cost of making said re pairs. Be it further Resolved, That this action of tin board in appropriating this sum of money, shall not be considered as es tablishing a precedent to govern it future action in such matter. On motion of Supervisor Smith same was adopted. Moved hy Supervisor Smith that tin board of supervisors now take a re cess until 2 o'clock this p. m. .Motion carried. Upon reconvenement of the board of supervisors at 2 o'clock p. ni.. it wm stated hy County Clerk Graf that Hil ls the day and time tited by him for hearing upon the report of the engi neer in the matter of the widening deepening and straightening of the Carrig and Jewell drainage ditch. The following was presented: To the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: I hereby report that I.. F. Gottschalk. a competent engineer. employed by the hoard of supervisors at their last session, filed his report. ' profile, plat, schedule and apportion ment, relative to the petition of C. .1. Carrig. praying for the widening, deepening and straightening of the Carrig and Jewell drainage ditch, with (Contained next week.) m; on tin V .