COLIMBUS JOURNAL 0TSOTHEB lb 8TOCKWKLL. Pub. COLUMBUS NEBRASKA FOR THE BUSY NEWS EPITOME THAT CAN SOON BE COMPASSED. IN an aims w iienmed Home and Foreign Intelligence Con densed Into Two and rour Line Paragraphs. Indian Angan, the Korean who as sassinated Prince Ito, former Japan ese resident geneial of Korea, in Har bin, on October 20" last, was executed at Port Arthur. The Italian cabinet has resigned. The retirement of the ministry, which was formed en December 10, 3909. witn Baron Sidney Sonuino as premier, was due to the realization that the government's mercantile marine subsidies measure wad doomed to defeat. More than one-third of mankind are Christians, according to a religions census just published by Dr. H. Zel ler, director of the statistical bureau in Stuttgart. He estimates that of the 1,544,510,000 people in the world C34.940.000 are Christians. There are 300.000,000 Confucians. 214.000.00U0 Ilrahmins, 375.290,000 Mohammedans, 321.000.000 Buddhists aud 1O.SGO.O0U Jews. Preparations Tor the visit of For mer President Roosevelt, who will be Jn Paris throughout the week of April 21-28, continue. In addition to the set functions alroady announced visits to the Pantheon and other great French monuments have been planned and there will be. it is expected, automo bile trips to Versailles and Fontaine Irieau and other interesting points. A wireless dispatch from Operator Baragher. who has been handling press disratclies at Bluelields, Nica ragua and who is now with the steam er Antilles, aays that General Juan Kstrada recently received a large sup ply of ammunition and has declared that he can hold the Atlantic coast Against 10,000 Madriz troops, should ; they attempt to take Bluelields aud the coast towns. Representative Mann Is to cban plon the administration railroad bill when it reaches the house. The academy of science of the Uni versity of Nebraska will be divided into sections this year for the fir-t time. The number of dipsomaniacs In the Nebraska asylum for the past year has been only half that of the year before. The firemen and managers commit tee reached an agreement and will arbitrate the question of an increase in wages. Governor Wilson of Kentucky signed the bill providing for eectro cution as the means of inflicting the death penalty. Not a single Insurgent Is Included on the tentative group selected for the house rules committee. Gifl'ord Pinchot has sailed for Eu rope to meet Colonel Roosevelt, it is rumored at the latter's request. A prairie fire, scventy-nve miles northwest of Sturgis, S. D., has burned over a strip twenty by ninety miles and done much damage to prop erty. A two days' aviation meet will be held in Atlanta, Ga., May 2 and 3 in connection with the automobile races. Glenn Curtiss has been engaged for the trials. Twenty-two automobiles were dc sroyed and eighteen were damaged when fire swept the garage of Brok aw brothers, one of the largest in New Jersey. Loss. $100,000. William Schneldknecht has been comciitteed to the Ohio insane asylum from Cleveland. He said he was from Patterson, N. J., where he was sworn to assassinate Secretary Ballinger. Robert E. Peary has announced that he will turn over the proceeds of his lecture before the Philadelphia Geographical society April 7 as a con tribution to the south pole expedition fund. Having heard retailers and packers of meat in an effort to fix the re sponsibility for the prevailing high prices the senate committee has ar ranged to take tae testimony of cattle raisers. The condition of United States Sen aCor Daniel of Virginia, who has been lingring between life and death for some days as the result of a stroke of paralyis. is somewhat improved. Judge Riner or the United States court of appeals has held that the twenty-eight hour food and water law does not apply to terminal railroads unless the latter delays shipment tno full time on its tracks. One hundred dollars per head was paid at Fort Worth. Texas, for a herd of 450 Oklahoma fed beef cattle. This is said to he the highest price for this class of cattle ever paid in MINERS MAT SIX E THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND LIKELY TO QUIT. DEADLOCK IN THE CONFERENCE Only Immediate Concessions Will Now Prevent a Walkout in the Near Future. CONTRACT FOR BOOKS. by Teachers' Reading Circle. It Is Made j Tin ough the efforts of their grand- of mining and outside labor as a pre ing , so". Cody Heals a reconciliation has . requisite to other negotiations on General. Dr. Cook Is said to be broken In ! the United States. Ileal th and pocketbook. Work on Um Panama canal is goin forward at a great rate. been effected between Colonel W. F. Former Vi-e President Fairbanks ' Cody (Buffalo Bill) and Mrs. Cody, was welcomed to his Indianapolis Colonr-1 Cody and Mrs. Cody became Jiome. estranged three or lour years ago and Mount Etna is in violent eruption since that time they have lived apart nnd a stream of lava is flowing down the mountain. Wasntnaton. The appointment of Sir Chen-Tung j np dollar a day for all old soldiers I.iao Sheug as minister at Berlin was j incapacitated in the service is provid tactted at IVking. , ' a bill reported favorably from Importation of all kinds of annuals i 'bo house committee on military from Africa a suggested as a method i affairs by Representative Sherwood jf solving th& food problem. idem., O.l. The bill has been before The hoii'i committee on interstate I t!' committee six or sewn years, and commerce favorably reported the ad- I onincs before the house now. as an ' ; a'nondmeut to a measure introduced Cincinnati. Only immediate In creases in wages will prevent numer ous and widespread strikes in the bituminous coal mines of the conutry, according to the action of the special convention of the United Mine Work ers of North America here late Tues day, following the final disagreement and dissolution of the joint conference of the central competitive field. The adjournment was taken follow ing an all morning discussion and just after President Lewis of the United Mine Workers of ..orth America had declared: "When the miners go into tills con flict it will be a fight that will not end until we are the victors or are completely routed." "Of course," he added, "if we are losers In the fight we shall expect the operators to make the terms." The terms proposed by the miners for the continuation of work after the expiration of the present agreements at midnight Thursday will admit of no compromise so far as wages are con cerned. On most other qestions, how ever, there is room for argument, and the general trend of opinion among men and employers was that no lengthy suspension will result ex cept in a few fields. The most threatening aspect over shadows the Pennsylvania and Illi nois sections. In Pennsylvania there can be no new contract short of a set tlement of the controversv over the new explosive law of that state and in Illinois the old problem of pay ment for the services of shot firers looms up as a possible barrier to peaceful settlement. Both questions were brought upon the floor of the convention, but where as a positive declaration was adopted on tne lormer. the Illinois miners were not allowed to put the conven tion on record ds supporting or reject ing the justice of their grievances. Briefly, the miners' demands are that all operators agree to pay the increased wages of 5 cents a ton on pick-mined screened coal, with pro portionate advances for other methods The reading circle of the State Teachers' association, which recom mends books to the various school districts of the state, and selects books teachers must read or be un able to secure a renewal of their cer tificates, has entered into contract with book concerns from which pur chases are made to pay the expenses of the members of the circle when meeting, as well as the advertising of the books selected. The companies with which this contract has been made are Heath & Co., Rand McNally and the GInn com pany. Each company contracted to pay Its share of the cost of the ex penses of the members of the reading circle to the meetings. Every book company whose publications are chos en by the reading circle has to chip in so much to the members of the circle, the parties who select the books. The reading nrcle is composed of State Superintendent Bishop, cx ofllcio member; Superintendent Mc Michael of Holdrege, Superintendent Fred Hunter of Norfolk, president of the Principals and Superintendents' association; County Superintendent Miller or Cedar county and Edith Lathrop, county superintendent of Clay county. The board met and adopted twenty five books for public school libraries, and plans for the pupils' reading cir cle. Teachers' books were also adopt ed and a contract entered into with the publishers to furnish these at so much per book. From twenty-one publishers books were selected for the use of the schools, but the read ing circle has authority only to re commend these books and cannot force the school districts to buy them. SHOT WIFE AND SELF NORFOLK RELATIVE OF GENERAL CUSTER WILL DIE. --' T" ff THE FATAL EXCHANGE HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Here and There That is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. ministration railroad bill. Congressman Martin accused Attor ney General YVickorshain of being too close to the sugar trust. President Gomez has issued a de cree, fixing the period between April 3910. and July. i:ll. for ihe celebra tion of the centennial of the independ ence of Venezuela. Mayor Ilahlman of Omaha has an nounced the platform upon which he will run for governor. Colonel Roosevelt has won the ad miration of the native Egyptians. Joseph Fels. a niill:on:iiro sack maker. Is spending Ji'SO.ouo yearly to rpread the single tax theory. Mr. Fels does not believe in charity. A petition praying for the independ ence or the Philippine islanders wab presented to the seitate by Senator Crane. The president has approved the sentence ot dismial in the case of First Untenant Adolph Languors, coast artillery corps. Kansas City's million dollar fund, raised by public subscription to main tain a line of freight boats on the Mis souri river between Kansas City and BL Louis, became a reality. In fact, the solicitors reported the sum prom ised to be $o0.u00 in excess W that amount. Reports of rain in Chicago grain pits Saturday were followed by a tumble in prices. The house passed a bill providing for raising the wreck of the battle ship Maine. Nebraska is the second state in the union to call a state conservation congress. E. P. Ripley, president of the Atciii sonfi Topeka - Santa Fe railroad, de nied the statement that the Pennsyl vania railroad had bought a large sec tion cf the Santa Fe stock, formerly owned by K. II. Harriman. Ambassador Bryce called at the white house and arranged with the president to receive Sir Ernest Shackleton, the south polar explorer. Nicholas Longworth. son-in-law of Mr. Roosevek. has broken with the Cannon machine, according to a per sistent rumor in republican circles. Forty-seven are thus far dead from I the railroad wreck in Iowa. Some of the wounded cannot survive. The Rev. R. A. Hafer. of St. Trini tatis Evangelical church. Jersey City, has written his congregation that baldness forces him to retire from the ministry. The miestion of mistinr r' i saloons will not be allowed tn romo i tion niH carrying $1.S5C.GI3 has been o ,. passed by the senate. John C. other questions. That the Pennsylvania miners arc expecting a hard struggle was indi cated by amendments to the original proposition offered by Francis Feehan, head of the union's organization in that state. The first of these declare that mine owners must sign for all collieries controlled by them, irre spective of the districts in which their properties lie. unless the national board rules otherwise. The second provides that the oper ators must bear the increased cost of new explosives over black powder and substitute tun of mine for screen basis in all works in which the new explosives sre used. Memorial to Judge Gaslin. The chamber of the supreme court was occupied for an hour with men who were taere in memory of the late Judge William Gaslin. Resolutions on his death were presented by C. C. Flansburg and eulogistic speeches were made by Judge F. G. Hamer of Kearney. W. J. Furse of Alma and Judge W. D. Oldham of Kearney. All of these men were personally ac quainted with Judge Gaslin. The reso lutions follow: Resolved: That the lorn? and ar duous labors of William Gaslin upon the district bench of this state de serve the gratitude of this people; in his fairness, his firmness of purpose, his scrupulous care to maintain the truth, his patience in exploring the sources of the law, his steadfast pur pose to execute justice in all these he disclosed a judicial mind worthy of emulation. Resolved: That a copy of these re solutions be spread upon the records of the court and a copy be sent to the relatives of tne deceased as an expression of our sympathy for them in the loss they have sustained. Norfolk. Neb. J. A. Custer, cousin of the noted Indian fighter. General George A. Custer, who shot his wife and then himself, was still alive Wed nesday, but death may come at any time. He has been conscious part of the day, but not rational. Custer chose 2 o'clock in the morning as the hour of his dual crime. While his wife was sleeping he fired a bullet Into the side of her head just above the ear. The ball glanced ofT, inflict ing only a flesh wound. Mrs. Custer then heard another shot and the bul let whistling by her head, burying itself in the wall. A little later a third shot was fired. The woman was afraid to venture ont of her room, and not until four hours later, at G o'clock, was Custer found, a bullet hole in his head, lying in a pool of blood ac the rear stoop of his residence. Neigh bors made the discovery. Mrs. Custer will recover. The cause of her husband's action is attributed to despondency. I ly IEV. CHAS. D.W. BIOWBt M Pastor Flfar.Scad Avcmm Ca m amatiMMlCliwch.AMiia.BL Anderson Gets Five Years. Hastings. Neb. Judge Dungan Thursday imposed a sentence of five years at hard labor in the state peni tentiary upon Arthur Anderson, negro slayer of Arthur Newell, following a plea of guilty to the charge of man slaughter. The case was disposed of without trial by jury and was in line with an agreement between counsel for defense and the county attorney to save the county expense, much hav ing already accrued through the case. On the plea cf guilty to the charge of grand larceny. Judge Dunday sen tenced O. R. Johnson to one year in the state penitentiary. Johnson stole some clothing from a traveling sales man last December and traded them for an organ, which he shipped to his wife in the western part of the state for a Christmas present. For what shall It profit a man if h hull gain the whole world and lose his wn o:il? Or what shall a man Rive In exchange or his soul? Mark f: 3t37. Few words are more familiar in the msiness world than profit and loss. Men go into business for profit; it Is .he object of their thought, of their .oil. They deal in the gcod which they aelleve will produce profit, and if any :hing Is handled at a loss it is for tbo sake or maintaining a market or for some future advantage. Will it pay? is the question ever on the lips, or. What Is there In it for me? Now. one of the striking character istics of Jrsus Christ was that he .ooked back of the things that are seen, back of the material to the un seen nnd spiritual. He knew absolute ly the right value of things. Money had a value, pleasure had its place, food must be considered to Us de gree of necessity, but these ail were secondary to the soul. The person using these things was of infinite value. We deal too much with the superficial, we are taken up with the things that perish, we become In volved with the lesser, even worthless Ihirgs of life: Jesus Christ never. He was the light of the world and sorely did the work of his day and of 3ur day need the illumination which he brings to the relations of life. We need to see as he saw if we are to ba saved from fatal mistakes. So In this matter of profit and loss Christ realized perfectly the comparative value of the soul and the things to which men gave their thought and Iheir lives, and it was out of his In finite wisdom that he uttered th9 warning conveyed in the question: What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Men were making the fatal exchange every day when the question was asked, and he who came to be their Saviour saw and felt as no one else of earth ever did the tragedies of such lives. His question implied that the soul of man has a greater value than the whole world of things. The soul Is the immortal part of c:an. We understand by it here the , .'spirit, which has a body. We are j children of God, with capacities for . knowing him. fcllowshipping with him, growing in grace and knowledge. There's more strengtn in a bowl of Quaker Oats than in the same quantity or the same value of any other food you can eat. Most nourishing, least expensive. w HIS RECORD. WbH bb, IrwatlsA' Tablo d'Hote Ho holds the Itahaa record. A la Carte What Italian record? Table d'Hote He ate a mile of spaghetti in three minutes and a half. An inward Conviction. Tommy, having disposed of three helpings of sausages and doughnuts sat mournfully regarding his empty plate. Observing his pensive expression. Aunt Sarah kindly asked: "Tommy, won't you have some more dough nuts?" "No'm!" the poor lad replied, with feeling emphasis, "I don't want them I got now!" Harper's Magazine. Don't Risk Your Life By neglectlni? Constipation. It leads to autotoxemla. There is just one right rem edy for Constipation, that la NATURE'S REMEDY (Nit tablets). It's different from all others because it is thorough, it corrects the entire digestive system ami the kidneys. cure3 Dyspepsia and Rheu matism. Its easy ami sure to act. Take one tonight you'll feel better in th morning. Get a 23c Hot. All Druggists. DRY SUNDAYS FOR NEW YORK. Object to Suggestion. The announcement of the Burling ton that it intended to give better train service on its Oxford-Hastings line by putting on a new train, to leave Oxford in the morning, go to ' Hastings, and return in the evening, has created a storm of protest from interested parties. Bad Fire at North Bend. Vnrfh Ttnn.l Vnli CSi-n UVt.n.J.. ,r..-r, .io.... i" i, i, , i ' T serving his cause, rejoicing in heaven- arternoon destroyed a half dozen bttsi-' i i " T. . , . ... ness ImlMln... in .hie ,,-,.. ., , ' PlaCCS- ThCre C3n be friendship .. ,, , .. ' u " I with Christ here and forever, compan- i The A. 1L Lewis Medicine Co.. St. Louis. " , "-"V l" "'"-- "- '" " lonships everlasting with all who Icve A j T , bnslncss section. The loss will be fcIm. So the frJt of man has An Ungenlemanly Reply about SCO 000 ami the insurance is pacity for degradation. su(rermg. use- n" ;Z. ' " ' probably $40,000. though the figures ,cssness ln separation from tlie Fal your existence. cannot be given exact at present. The ,i. "Yes. I know it That was before 1 I .. . , ... had any i.iuu niiiQ nus iree win ana can choose the evil, throw himself away in quests of worthless and destroying things. The loss of the soul is I'.v Representative Townsend (rep.. .Mich.) providing lor the retirement of army otlicers at the ase of seventy on one-half or one-third pay, dependent Jilion lfiisth of service. SimattiTs" on nn..irvove,1 1,U . Mavor Gaynor Promises to Take Ac- within the national forests, who have t,on ,n the Matter- ofcupitd thoir tiacts continuously! New Yurk Mayor William J. Gay-j All Classes Are Rich. since before the creation of the forest ! nor Kave ut 5n a lt,Ucr William II. It is evident that every class of poo reserves, and who have complied with ' U:iker- commissioner of police, his J pla in Nebraska are getting pros the luum-stead law, have had their ! nroni!sc' l,Ian of action for making : perous. or are at least enjoying pros rights increased by .in order which Nevv Yor!t a "dry" city on Sunday and i pcrity. In the bunch of applications has just been issued bv the ec-ctirv at tne sai li"ie to eradlca-.e the ' for automobile licenses filed the other eaung canner oi extortion- by the uay was one irom a man wno was un- loiiowmg buildings are ;n ruins: Dowling & I'urceJl's elevator. Thomas Ixingdon s restaurant. Thomas Langdon's residence. North Bend bowling alleys. North Bend ice house. Cherncy &. Watson's coal sheds. Two small storace buildings. The bank and Cherney & Watson's implement building were saved by a heroic light. any idea you were going to be come the dead weight of iL" oxt.v oxe "nitosro obinixf.- ThM Is I.A.VATtVK ItlCOMO QlflNINK. IHvh Tof theme on which we naturally dread to ! criocureaCi.uiini muy So. dwell. The Head Crushed in a Press. Norfolk. Neb. Frank Kahl. aged No Relief for Dirksen. twenty-eight, unmarried, was crushed ' Harm Dirksen. sentenced to the ' in a printing press at the Daily News penitentiary for six years lrom Boyd plant Monday nighl. The press wa? county, will get no relief from the su- a flat-bed perfecting- machine, and . prenie court j Kahl was leaning inside to make a ' correction in a page form. He had neglected to shut off the motcr at . ' tached to the press, and the belt ac cidentally slipped ovir so that it j started the press. His head was ! , caught and badly mangled. It fa feared his injuries will result fatally of agriculture. Inch settlers can now ' acquire title, prior to survey, to 10 acres a full homestead entry, where ever possible. The senate amendment to Ihe cor-1 poration law providing that reports re quired under the terms of that act shall only be made public when called for by resolution of the senate or house, or upon the order of the presi dent, will not be accepted by the house until after full discussion. Passing their Jument on the re ceipts for the first eight months of the current year ?177.77I.i::S. internal revenue officials fay the total for 1910 will show an advance of $1:5.000.000. over the amount estimated by Com missioner Cabell $jS,000,000 in his annual report. The qualification of Indians to as sume the rights of citizenship will be ii -. t , i ueiermmeu in me luiure iy ooards appointed by the commissioner of In j dian affairs, to be known as "compe j tency boards." This is the result of i an experiment initiated last summer by Commissioner Valentine, when he appointed such a competency board for the Omaha Indians in Nebraska. Personah Startling disclosures were made in the Pittsburg cases. The Booseevlt party went sightsee ing in and around Cairo. Memorial services to the late Judge j Gaslin were held at Lincoln. Nebr. Representative Morris of Nebraska is securing many letters of congratu lation. Though the government denies the story, it is persistently rumored that Abdul Ilamid has gone mad. King Aibert of Brussels is one of the hardest workers in his realm. He rises at 5 and is quickly at work. Norris of Nebraska called the re cent speech of Cannon the vaporings of an angry old man. The military academy annronria- police, which he characterized as far worse than Sunday selliv?- 1,1'K.nney Dismissed. Washington. Secretai y Mac Vcagh directed the summary dismissal from office of C. M. M'Kinney. cashier of the oflico of collector of customs at ! KI Paso, Texas, on the ground of in subordination aud f jr bringing' groundless charges against his su perior officer. Collector Siiarpc. Jap Spies Arrnsted. Manila. Two Japanese engaged in an effort to secure plans cf the forti fications at Corregidor. Cavite, have been arrested by the milit-iry authori ties and arc being held subject to in structions from the secretary of war. Aroused by Roosevelt's Utterances. Cairo Colonel Roosevelt's speech before the Egyptian university has aroused the extreme nationalists to a state of fury. Seven hundred stu dents on Tuesday evening marched to his hotel and demonstrated against him. shouting in Arabic, "Down with autocracy!" Give us a constitution!" The demonstrators were applauded by many spectators and some of the guests left the hotel, fearing violence. Colonel Roosevelt was not in the hotel at the time, but drove up shortly afterwards undisturbed. Lard Brings Good Price. Callaway. Neb. The highest prlca ever before paid for so large a trad of land in this localitv was paid last week, when the J. II. Decker 1S acres, one-half mile west of town, waj l.ii.i.liocn.l I... .. Al- Volinti r.-- (It no.1 city bonds d.ivided as follows: State . ,,,,, , , . . ,- t i: cli Ir llrwlrn?. Iijul sunt in Vnw .....J... . '.V.V. ....l. ..-.!. w .r land for begs with which to stock hi? able to s5g his name, but had to make his mark. Nebraska School Fund. j The school fund of the state is in- ! vested in state, school, county and i bonds. $4.2::7."0il; county bonds. $::. i::S.!i00; school district. $!M::.SSI.2fi; city bonds. $517,500. In Massachu- awfulness of such a tragedy Is beyond our powers to ex press. But Christ, who is infinite wf.i- ! dotn and love, solemnly warned men of the danger of such a loss. The soul is lost when it is awr.r from its place with Christ, like th? sheep that wandered away from Lrifl flock. It Is lost when it is out it service, useless, doing no good In t?io world, like the coin that rolled away. The soul is lost when it is indiffe cnt to the Father and off In some f!r country of evil wasting its strength and goodness in shame, soon with re morse to be secksng for food with t!).- swine, like the prodigal son. I We do not have to look far for f3 i amples of the folly of men in exchang ing their souls for that which brintl j no profi. but only loss. There wr i the rich young ruler, who went awc i sorrowful from Jesus when ti- Teacher showed him the way eternal life as the way of love of ot- ' ers. He loved his money too murr-. There was Judas, who, for a paltrr I handful of silver, betrayed his I-oi-v I Did it pay? There was Pilate. wiO t Give truth a square deal and it wIM not be crushed to earth. rsiffiffisS. ..-r-.i ...A. ... --,.....- .-i farm, and had no intention of selling j " -" '" . " .-i"nau.. an-. . .t..V ' J !-.. V fl14 I1TJ7 I it. but when :sked tn mime h nrirc setts bonds the school fund has in- ( lie was immediately taken up en his things for a few days and has bet" f vested $1172.000 more than has been proposition. " I branded as Infamous ever since. 1 1 I invested in securities of any other I ' the early history of the church An.- j state. Tennessee comes next as a Newspaper Plant So?d. J nfas and Sapphira made the same sac ' holder of Nebraska school money. Hay Center. Neb. The entire plant exchange ror money. Paul writes or ' Treasurer Brian having bought S71C.- ' and business of the Clay Center Sun fae who had been his companion amt ; 200 bonds of that state. close third Idaho is a Captain Hamilton Comes to Guird. Captain R. H. Hamilton, retired, has been selected as adviser for the adjutant general of the National Guard and will shortly remove from Omaha to Lincoln with his family. Captain Hamilton is a son-in-law of Peter Her of Omaha, a graduate of was sold this week to John M. Jones , bad known the truth. "Demas hath or this place by C. II. Palmer of Sioux , forsaken me. having loved this prcs City. la., administrator of the estate j ent world." of the late W. L. Palmer, who had ,Iut Christ came to seck an(1 t0 published the paper Tor twentv-six J Eave the lost- He waa tempted like veirs. Possession was taken Monday ' as we are- but never yielded. Tint and the business will continue with- j lcvil offered him the whole world, out missing an issue. j fame, pleasure. Christ sympathizes, I yearns over us. We all have sinned, but in him is forgiveness and strength ixnin iny. .ncd. .ociu neon uet- for the new life. West Point and several other military ncsday, at the farm of Fred Johnson.! The fundamental work of Christ'r. schools. He was engineering offcer -, miinc cmm. r nn-r, li .i,. ! church Is to nreach and to witness to U- 7 .' W -.. W W. Mrs. Joe Jefferson Sued. New York. Mrs. Sarah A. Jefferson, widow of Joseph -eiferson, is the de fendant in two suits, begun here by James W. Morrissey, an actor, in v-hich damages aggregating $50,000 ere asked. One suit alleged false im prisonment; the other alleges libel and slander . Mabray and members of ! Representative Palmer made a gen- his gang were convicted at Council ; f ral attack upon the admaistration Bluffs of swindling. President Clemmons of Fremont (Neb.) declares he has proof that a student started the fire which caused n loss of $40,000 to a normal building two years ago. President Taft defended the Payne 'Aldrich tariff bill In his address at the annual dinner of the New Ens land manufacturing jewelers and sil versmiths' association in a speech in the house. Congressman Hinshaw, of Nebraska has notified friends he will not be a candidate for re-election. Senators Elkins and Cummins In duced in a tilt on the railroad bill. It is now a misdemeanor for any woman to wear a long hatpin in public places in Chicago. Any wo man caught wearing one is liable to arrest and a fine of $30. Mark Slater Not Guilty. Columbus, O. The jury in the case of Mark Slater, former public printer, returned a verdict of not guilty of rendering false vouchers and collect ing the money from the state. Lowest Depths of Depravity. Indianapolis "I hope I may never see a lower depth of depraity than that which you reached when you tried to escape by making your brother out a thief," said Judge A. B. Anderson in the United States district court as he sentenced William H. Marker, former cashier of the First National bank of Tipton. Ind.. to ten years in the federal prison at Leaven worth, Kan. The brother, Noah R. Marker, assistant cashier of the bank, was sentenced to seven years In the same Institution. was engineering offcer on the staff of Major General Wood in Cuba. While in Cuba he had yel low fever, but recovered sufficiently to be sent on to tne Philippines. While there he was retired. May Be Paroled. Andrew Krupicka. a 15-year-old hoy. convicted of murder in the second de gree and sentenced to the peniten tiary for ten years, may be paroled within a short time by Governor Shal lenberger. Krupicka was sent to the penitentiary for killing his foster father. The crime was committeed in Cheyenne county, sentence being passed October 8, 1909. It is said that the man who was killed treated Kru- miles south of stroyed the barn, granary, corn cribs with 200 bushels of corn and 300 bushels of oats, heg sheds and ten fat hogs and all the farm machinery. The fire also burned the barn belonging the gospel of his grace: to herald the truth that by repentance and faith in him the soul once exchanged for the lusts and prides and love of money can come back to the Father and be Guai5 Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the Cer it rigbt I tomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Bendy bid rm!y co; pel a lazy liver to do its duty. Cures CoSKi atipatioa, Indige tion. Sick Headache, and Distress after Eatia. Saull Pill. SaaU Dow. Small Pxica GENUINE mutt bear signature: MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AOrtuiiR?Ii-;faryPTeriaRBfM. C knt ipt Job, II mfl m. r h e. Hipmmelf Traablr-a, TVcthln In orders, and Dintrar ,Viras. TbrBrrmlmnCotir la 24 hours. Atall Drac-cisf. !ttcta hung! mail! FRKK. AMnma. A. 5. OLMSTED. Lsstoi7N.Y mwk SWaVSSSBSSSa - aaHf! ivrr iVcf afHP ITTLC .AaTaTafaaaTaTr BIVPP .aaaavSaavSS BS suite r C" i TrMtoMark. Don't accept any substitute. to II. Cash, a fa;mcr across the road. ! restored to beauty and service. nicka's mother in a brutal nmnnor and that there was some question for I u wouM tap not only a ,arse sectIon t;m 9. tn ww ,, w ,.. mo I of Merrick county, but a very fertile mother did the killing. Barger Hearing April 2. Governor Shallenberger ha3 set April 2 for hearing the application of Walter Barger for a pardon. Barger was sentenced last September for two years for placing an onstruction on a railroad track. The stcry is that Bar ger while out hunting, shot off his thumb. He went to the railroad, placed a rail across the tracks and then flagged the train with a torch. He was taken aboard and carried to Alliance, where his finger was ampu tated. He was then arrested and given a sentence of two years. Central City. Xeh. The Merrick j A Prayer, county board of supervisors has ap- j O Thou who Las given us love with propriated $1,000 toward a new bridge out measure and help without price. across the Platte river at Havens, and j let us not weigh and mete out out if I'olk county appropriates a like I obedience unw amount the onuge win ne mint, it i i,nw. i,v children is to cost $12,000. and the residents) .,,, ;nnnh!e freedom and ievful con of the locality which will be benefited I tInuance of failhfi iove. Let each day of life be a day of thy presence Kindle in our hearts desire for boh- , May we not waver, faint heart ed and irresolute, but aid us to be I strong and steadfast, daily giving section of I'olk county across the thanks for a child: place In the I-a- ther's house and for the opportunity or uetpiuiness. u uiuu, uic minim.- Redeemer and Shepherd of our soula as thou didst live in obedience and bv the bridge have agreed to sub- :t. .u .:: t nnk T. : .. .. suttiie u;J t i-iiiiiiiiiiii; v t.'u'j. u i ".- pected that if the bridge is put in a new town will spring up at Havens. cess. Turlock Irrigation District of California Tho T.AXD of SIWSIIINE and OPPOR-HW-ITIKS. Healthful Climate. A-l lam! AIHWDANT WATKIt at low rate' reaches. Apricots. Firs, nilvo.o K,.-..i .;. uuu ";-- u .. Potato.. Alfalfa and Dairy r pav M .illmgly. but teach us t.-r than JWV.W pr acre yearly Write rca should live before l'ir Jl;,:t.ri!.1 hook,Pt- ucri. o. lunLun tsuKD OF TRADE. Turlock. Cat. river. Kearney. Neb. Local bankers have received word from financiers in Lon- A Remarkable Inventioa NO STROPPING NO HONING -s c B KNOWN TH WORLD OVER don. England, that capital to the uprjshtness of faith and love, enable omniinf nf fivo millions nf dnllnrc Is I ... j amount of five millions of dollars Is at their disposal to help build the Kearney & Beloit railway. E. II. Nies. who has been placed in charge of the project, is in this city and has expressed the opinion that without the least doubt the road will be built dur ing the next year. The permanent survey is nearly complete and that party has found the route to be very well laid out by Mother Nature, there being little or no heavy grading to be ione. us also to be true and persevering and and let thy blessing rest on all who seek and follow three. ei BftjcStg-'Saaal PARKER HAIR BSLSaU Chew snd bomiHea th hats. Jna''s Iraunant growth eTTato Btor Oray Osm iKslp dlwnti hair ItlUve. Reverence. Reverence for the highest 13 as easi ly expressed in the daily task and :omrr.on rounds, as ln tte words men ?peak or read, and is ftr more use il. Rev. L. V. Spragu. Ethicist, Ci! ago. III. n a vruvA w fl I EH I lnton.I).U KookMrl lllgr PATENT WMiF.cifiMi,v:Mii. !..-. iiuoK-iir. lllgrte xcf ereooca. litst rwulta. BookandArlvtrlRER. Iim, UC. Bat. 41 tn. 4i ralercncr PATENT your Mra W-ras 1.00k art.: KUtmMMV., a.whi,.u.r. IT f!ctel w!tb TfctMtsoi'sEi.WaUr ' - -1