v m Cfllumira -t -,,', - FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 1. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 2,003. t(iYirrtml , iaw W Av I II H . II .1. At . .M ., (XJ V WV t'WV.f y ; i,tfrtfri f m H a Mil I I W In May Series "W" logins 5 ii, e Stock now open for subscription m l s S BEGHER, HOCKENBERGER & 5 CHAMBERS --a444-4-9-3CfrS-a4-9-444 COLUMBUS MABKETS. Oats Whent, now 44 44 White corn Hos, top 70 siiJiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiitiiuniiimiiiiiiiiiuuiis E MANY YEARS AGO. HiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiJiiiJiiiiiiiunx Kilos of the Journal April 11. 1S77. Dr. I). T. Martyn will shortly open an ollice in the city. He has considerable experience iih a physician, is an active young man, ami is very highly spoken of as a practitioner. Hon. Lorun Clark and Mr. Briggs, two of the land appraisers of the Pawnee reservation, were in the city Thursday last, waiting the arrival of the other ap praiser. They expected hmi in time to go to the reservation on Friday. It is thought it will take two months yet to complete the appraisement. ltob. I'inbon informs us that on Fri day last, Mike Upton living on Elm Creek, lost his dwelling by fire. Mr. I'iMHou had learned that the Gre was caused by a spark from a tobacco pipe lodging in hay and btraw used as bank ing to the house, and that the house, which was of boards, burned down in a few minutes The prorata tailroiul war is said to be at end at last, mutual concessions hav ing been made by the corporations in terested. Fixed rates, upon which busi ness men can base their calculations, are much better than variations made by nil road kings and huge corporations, now high, then low, and again uncertain as the wind blows. Doubtless they are under the necessity of business interests everywhere, but if it were possible to havo a fuir rate and uniform, it would be a tdcsMUg to the entire tratllcing and traveling public. It begins to look as though an addi tional appropriation will have to be becured if the new government building in this eity is built according to the present plans and specifications. To compare the structure with the building at York, the Columbus building is ten feet higher and ten feet longer than the one at York, and yet their appropriation was ,0M or $20,000 more than the present appropriation for the city. This is the way one of the contractors who is bidding on the new building and bus mne over ihe plans very carefully, sizes up the million, and he says that it is ery doubtful iT there are any bids re eeiveil anywhere near the amount of the appropriation. If Mich hould prove the cne, either one of two things will be done change tLe plans and reduce the M.e or the building or ask for the ad ditional appropriation. The latter coune is the one to persue. and it is un derstood that efforts are already being made in that direction. Wanted. About :00 members of the Columbus Commercial club to get acquainted with home industry by smoking El Proximo and Little Joe cigars, made by Derring ton A Williams. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. G. KAVANAUGH After two years of planning and build ing, the Gnishing of the remodelling of St. Bonaventura's church will be com pleted this week. When, two years ago. the increasing number of communicants of the church, made it necessary for more room, it was quite a problem that con fronted them. Bat they resolved to re model and build an edifice that would suflice for many years to come, and the completed structure is one that they are justly proud of. The remodelled build ing, which required an expenditure of over S17.000, is 150x50 feet, and has a seating capacity of 500, which can be en larged to accomodate an additional hun dred The exterior of the church is practically the same as before, only on a larger scale, but with the addition of a spire, which raises 120 feet above the ground. The interior is the Catholic style of architecture, and is carried out along the same lines as the original building. The whole interior has been thoroughly remodelled, and the artist, George F. Satory, of Wabasha, Minn , who has been at work since early in January, has made a truly pleasing and artistic interior. At the left of the altar are two art glass windows, made under a special order, one representing the Sacred Heart and the other the Blessed Virgin, while over the entrance is a memorial window, representing the Holy Family, and in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Condon. Columbus par ish is the largest parish in the state out side of Omaha, in point of the number of communicants, who number 1800 and the present church is in keeping with the size of the congregation, and it is al so one of the big church ediGces of the state, there being but few larger and better ones in Nebraska. Father Mar- cellinus, has been stationed here ever since the raising of funds and building commenced, and he can justly feel proud of what has been accomplished. In addition to the improvements at the church, the academy and school have been enlarged, this being done nnder the supervision of the sisters These im provements consist of an addition 40x100 feet, three stories, which is being used as a part of the academy. The cost of this improvement, which was begun a year ago, is 820,000 for the building and $12,000 for the heating plant and plumb ing, the heating plant, which 1b for the entire school building, being the vapor system. Now that tho building is com uleted. it is iitiitu probable that rededica- tion services will bo held at some future J date. James Ryan and George McGuirecame to grief Monday for appropriating two grips belonging to G. W. York, a travel ing man. The grips, which had been given by the owner to the Thurston hotel porter, had been placed in a catt. and it was then that the two hoboes took them. In the complaint the con tents arc valued at S-V-Kri, which makes it a penitentiary offense. Aftnr stealing the grips they proceeded to take out the contents and left them at the brick yard, and later some of the contents were found in an outhouse at the Catholic school, and the two men were also trying to sell some of tho jewelry belonging to York. As soon as the theft was reported Chief of Police Schack began looking for the men and located the first one in Fred Schult.'s saloon and the other while trying to dispose of n stick pin at the Oxford restaurant. The man had on some of York's clothing when arrested. At their hearing before Police Judge O'Brien Tuesday morning they were bound over to the district court, their bond being fixed nt SI, 000. which they were unable to furnish. When taken back to the jail they asked Sheriff Lach nit about being furnished better fare, be told them they would get nothing but bread and water until they told where the remainder of the plunder wbb. One of them agreed to direct the sheriff to the place, and he was taken to a pile of ties near the Burlington round house, where it was found. The evidence against the pair is so strong that they will in all probability plead guilty and take their sentence. An American play, well written and finely acted is the promise held out by Charles B. Hanford for his engagement at the North opera house on Thursday April 14. Fortunately for the public, Hanford promises are redeemable nt their face value. They never have to be discounted and "The American Lord" may be relied on to posses not only the charm of splendid acting such as Mr. Hanford always offers, but a plot in terest that is not only novel but strictly in tonch with current thought. The play is not an untried venture, but was recently produced with Wm. 11. Orane in the title role, with results which left no doubt of its merits. A company of unusual and superior quality has been assembled for this play and the produc tion as a whole will rank high, even in the list of elaborate productions this favorite star has made. Miss Marie Drofnah will play the dashing window in the play and for whose sake the rug ged hero of mauy vicissitudes of fortune consents to forget his training, restrain his temper and accept the title of nobili ty which chance has thrust upon him. Some gasoline left in an oil stove and a celluloid collar are responsible for a severe and painful injury to O. C. Pen nington, lie was repairing the stove, when the gasoline caught fire and also )igned bis collar, and the result was somo bad burns on the neck. Dr. Naunmaa. Dentist 13 St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueechen building. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. For boys' and young men's suits, sec Gerharz-Flynn Co. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Braun were Omaha visitors last Friday. Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new State Bank building; Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr. C. D. Evans, west aide of Park. Take a look at those nobby spring suits, from $10.00 to 25.oO, at The Gerharz-Flynn Co. Miss Mazic Magill left for Genoa Monday afternoon where she will assist in the Times office. Mrs. Sarah Brindley, returned to her home at Kearney Sunday, after a few days visit with friends. The entrance to our lav office is now from the south side of the First National Bank building. Albert & Wagner. (iossard Corset demonstra tion at Gray's, Wednesday and Thursday, April 13th and 14th. Charlie Smyers who has been attend ing college here for the past several months, returned to his home at Monroe Tuesday. Miss Gusta Kauffinan who has been visiting with friends in Omaha for the past several days, returned home Tues day evening. V Miss Anna Bossiter of Omaha, who has been visiting her many Columbus friends last week returned to her home Sunday evening. Wanted District manager with head quarters at Columbus. A grand oppor tunity for the right man. Address in confidence Life. P. O. Box 1!W1, Now York City. John F. Wicser, gonernl contractor, of South Omaha, was in the city Tues day looking over the ground, as he is one of the bidders on the post office building. Mrs. F. W. Farrand and son left Mon day for an extended trip to the Pacific coast. They will stop in Idaho en route nnd visit Mrs. Farrand's son Will for n short time. Christ and Math Abrgglen left Tues day for Los Angeles and other points on the Pacific coast, going by the way of Killingti. They expect to remain in the west for some time, and perhaps per manently. I own .IS 40-100 acres of land, located in lots 10 and 13, Sec. tti.Twp. 17, Bange 1 east, near Columbus. I do not know the value of this land but will take beat offer. Investigate anil offer at once. Eugene Oak?, West Plains, Mo. Mrs. E. P. Dussell and It K. McCray, jr., were called to Bramer, Mo., last Friday by the death of their aunt, Mrs. Friend McCray. Mia McCray has been here at different times, and was known by quite a number of Columbus people. J. A. Abarkof Chicago and F. W. Mo Cray of Pennsylvania are assisting Dr. L. P. Carstensen athis veterinary infirm ary. Dr. Hyland of the firm of Carsten sen A: Hyland has taken complete charge of their Schuyler business and purchas ed a buii'Jing for an infirmary in that city, and is now residing there. Mr. and Mra L. T. Tremayne of Chi cago arc guests of Mr. nnd Mia F. K. Strother for a few days. Mia Tremayne is the daughter of James Naylor, former ly of this city, and is also a neice of Mra F. K. Strother. Mr. Tremayne has charge of a large territory for the Quak er Oats people and is making this city his headquarters for a short time. Norvin Daviee, who has been cashier at the Burlington depot for more than a year, has been transferred to Kearney and left Tuesday evening for that place. This is a promotion for Mr. Davles and carries a nice increase in salary over the place he has held. As his father and mother live at Kearney, the transfer is very pleasing lo him, as it will enable him to bo at home. Albert & Wagner have moved their law office into back rooms over the First National Bank building while the work of remodeling their old office is going on. The stairway has been changed so that instead of opening upon Olive street, it now opens on the south side of the bank building on 12th street. They expect to be back in their former quarters in a few weeks, which in the meantime will have been greatly improved. The stairway entrance will remain from the south. Mrs. Ida Darling, living five miles east of this city, died last Thursday of cancer. Mrs .Darling was born in new York May 11. 1850, and came to Colum bus in 1S75. March 19, 1S7A, she was married to Henry Darling, who with one daughter, Mra Thomas Spence of Rich land, survive her. Funeral services were held at the home last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, being conducted by Rev. D. I. Ronsh of this city, and burial was in the Columbus cemetery. 8 ROOM HOUSE Good barn and five acres of lnad, 12 blocks from Post office. PRICE $3,500 ILlliott-Speice-Echols Co. Post Office Block Columbus, Neb. Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Mntzen, Dentists. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block. First-class printing done at the Jour nal office. Dr. Cbas. H. Campliell, oculist and aurist, 1218 Olive street. For Unions, try a superior, a perfect fit, nt Gerharz-Flynn Co. For Rent The Wilckins residence, I8i: Olive street. Enquire of Henry Wilckens. For fine watch, clock nnd jewelry re pairing,.try Cnrl Froemel, the Eleventh street jeweler. Assistant Postmaster, Joe Tiffany has been confined to his home the last week with an attack of grip. County Treasurer Examiners Robinson and Fairchild are in the city this week checking up County Treasurer Held. Trv a nair of the Interwoven toe and heel hose. They beat anything you ever saw for wear, at The Gerharz-Flynn Co. (iossard Corset demonstra tion at tiray's, Wednesday and Thursday, April 13th and Uth. Misses Anna and Hattie Brodfoehrer were Omaha passengers Tuesday attend ing the funeral of their friend Miss Dot Brnett. Dr. G. A. Ireland came up from Oma ha this week to look after some business matters. He reports that there is no change in the condition of his wife, who has been in a hospital since leaving this city. Ed Williams, who has been employed as baggngeman nt the Union Pacific de pot for tho last two j ears, resigned the first of the month nnd is now employed as lineman for the Nebraska telephone company. Two additional teachers were elected by the school board Monday. Mies Anna Glurof this city Tor the Third and Fourth grades of tho Second ward, and Miss May F. Grogan of Clnrks, who will be assigned later. Mrs. Chas Shaffer of Council Bluff, who is a patient at St. Mary's hospital, and for some time was very low, is re ported convalescent. Mrs. Shaffer is a daughter of J. B. Jones, formerly Union Pacific agent at Platte Center. Sad news reached Columbus Sunday evening fromOmahn, telling of the death of Miss Florence Dorothy Bruett, better known as Dot Brnett, which occurred Sunday night. Miss Bruett was well known to many Columbus people, having visited here quite frequently, and her many friends are pained to hear of her death The Matinee Girl Musical comedy company will be here with a big bunch of pretty girls, gorgeously gowned. All the latest song hits will be introduced with the big beauty chorus, and that ever clever comedian Dan Russell, and bis able partner, Charlie Burns, will handle the comedy parts nothing but fun from start to finish. North Theatre Monday April 11 Prices 25-35-50-75. FT&s. J 12 THE BEST is alone cood enough for our custo mcrs. Wc have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and &Zk i&iBPft7r more satisfactory than anybody else, SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEAVER t SON HARNESS AND COAL Republicans Elect two Councilmen. While Tuesday's election was very quiet there was at least one surprise the election of Ibsbc Brock over John Schmocker in the Second ward. In the First ward, M. O. Calto had no opposi tion. Otto Hummer, who was nominated by the republicans, having withdrawn. As was expected, the result in the Four th ward was very close, F. S. Davis winf ning by six votes. Tor the school board there was but two candidates, P. F. Luscbsinger and Dr. E. II. Nanman.tbat position being non-partisan. Following is the vote by wards on councilmen: FIKST WARP. M. C. Calto, dem CO sncosi) wai:i. John Schmocker, dem 84 Isaac Brock, rep 60 TIIMI WAKU. Fred Elias, dem 118 Gus Kecher, jr., rep 01 FOUUTII WAKU. A. W. Clark, dem ' F. S. Davi. rep 78 The new council will now stand five democrats and three republicans, the Fourth ward having two republican councilmen. Last week C. II. nnd C. O. Sheldon closed the deal for the purchase of what is known as the Bay State Ranch, near North Bend, a tract consisting of 775 acres. The price was $70,000, or nearly $100 per acre. Columbus base b-ill fans are well pleas ed over the prospects for n winning team this season. The .signing up of Joe Dolan as manager placed them in a position to secure the bent talent outside of the Western league, nnd enough players to complete tho team have already been signed up. These players will be given a try-out nfter the opening of the practice season April 25. The grounds have not as yet been decided on, but it seems quite likely that the old ground will be used, the mnin objection lo this being the crowd of spectators who perch upon the coal chutes and box cars. Kearney has written for practice dates for this city on May -i nnd 5. but nothing definite will be settled until the arrival of Manager Dolan this week, and he will advise the board of directors re garding the grounds nnd other details. Discriminating patrons of the theatre and those enjoying a happy combination of music and frolic will have an oppor tunity of satisfying their desires along this line next Monday April 11 When the Maiinee Girl Musical Comedy com pany will be here. The company is now in its fifth nnd most successful season, for everywhere the organization has ap peared its work has received the highest praise. Composed of a bevy of beauti ful maidens and an insuperable cast with n musicality thnt is built distinctly along fun lines, they have succeeded in winning the grace of all of the audien ces by furnishing the entertainment that is unparalleled. A prominent feature of the show is the elegant nnd tasty cos tuming of tho principals and the quaint conceits furnished the chorns. The en gagement of this company is something out of the ordinary and one that should not be miBsed. Prices 25-:5-50-75. John Henry Bakenbus, a resident of Platte county since in the latter part of the 'S0V, died last Saturday at bis home, nine nnd one-half miles north of this city, nged 09 years. Mr. Bakenbus was born in Oldenburg, Germnny, February 22, 184 1 Here he grew to manhood and later came to America and Platte county, Nebraska, where in 1809 he was married to Miss Anna Wilkie. They then moved to the old homestead which has 6ince been his home. Mr. Bakenbus was one of the men who settled in the then new country nnd made it what it is today. Besides being one of the well to do farm ers of that locality, he was prominent in church circles. Nine children remain to mourn the loss of n father Louis, Hen ry, John and Edward. Mrs. Henry Buss, Emma, Annie, Bertha and Minnie Baken hu. all residing in this locality. Mrs. Bakenbus died in 1S97. Funeral services were held Tuesday from the home at 11 a. m , and then from the Loseke Creek church, being conducted by the pastor, Rev. Deninger, and burial was in the Loeeke Creek cemetery- The Voigt Kin Row. Ado ph and Fritz Voigt and the num erous sons and daughters of the former, have commenced another action in the district court of Platte county against Ferdinand Voigt, of Genoa. A recent case of Ferdinand against his brothers to compel them to vacate his farm near St. Edward was decided in his favor. Adolpb and Fritz claimed to have leased the farm for five years, but the testimony introduced at the trial established the fact that the lease was for only one year. After the case had been decided, the attorneys for Adolph and Fritz advised them to sue their brother for wages al leged to be due. The plaintiffs alleged that their is due thorn wages to the amount of $17,000. If the story told by Ferdinand Voigt and his friends is tiue, then the two brothers, Adolph and Fritz, have deeply wronged their brother. Ferdinand, who has been their benefactor for many years took them into his home when they were in sore distress and fed, clothed and housed them. Ferdinand is the youngest of several brotheis. When a young man of 21 he was running a butcher shop in bis native town in Germany. At the time his bro there, Fritz and Adolph, were proprie tors of a small woolen mill in Denmark, but the business was a losing venture, and Ferdinand says he advanced them money to pay for their passage to A meri ca. Later, Ferdinnnd came to America himself bringing his mother with him. He worked on a farm tear Blair for 815 a month and saved his money. In 1881 he came to Platte cot.nty, and in 1SS3 leased some school land w hich ho pur chased when the lease expired. He now owns a fine farm of 380 acres. Two other brothers joined him after he came to Platte count. One of them was an invalid and made his home with Ferdin and. The invalid brother died in 1881. The other brother passed away in 1883 from the effects of a sun-stroke. In 1881 Fritz, who had been working in an east ern factory, came to Nebraska to look for employment. Later on Ferdinand advised him to get hold of a piece of land, promising to do what his limited means would permit in assisting him. Ferdinand alleges that he borrowed money to purchase a span of horses and wagon for Fritz, who went to Holt coun ty with the evident intention of filing on a homestead, A few months later, Ferdinand says, Fritz came back ragged, dirty, nnd penniless, nnd was provided with clothing at his brother's expense. Since that time, and up to 190S. Fritz made his home with Ferdinand, and at times assisting in doing the farm work, for which, Ferdinand claims has been paid for in full. In 1880, Ferdinand states, Adolph asked to be taken on the farm and pro vided for. At the earnest solicitation of his mother Ferdinand drove to Blair where he claims to have found Adolph and bis family, consisting of a wife ami two children, in destitute circumstances. Ferdinand brought the family to bis home where Adolph has since resided. Ferdinand says that he was compelled to enlarge his house to accomodate his brother's family, which increased to ele ven children before Adolpb reached the Osier period. The wronged brother says that he paid all the doctor bills of the family and the funeral expenses when two of the children died. For nineteen years his money clothed nnd fed them, sent the children to school and the older boys to a commercial college. Ferdinand says be has devoted the best years of his life in caring for his brother's family. About three years ago Ferdinand's health failed and his physician advis'd him to take a rest, lie decided to visit his old home in Germany, bat before starting on the trip made a will, leaving bis property, in case of bis death, to Fritz and Adolph. The fact thnt Ferd inand recovered his health while abroad appears to have disappointed his bro there, for when he returned from Ger many trouble commenced. Fritz and Adolph started an action in the district court of Platte county against their bro ther for several thousand dollars claimed to be due as wages. Sooner than enter into expensive litigation, Ferdinand made a settlement with bis brothers, paid court costs and leased his brothers his farm for one year, reserving two or three rooms in the bouse for his own use. Soon after the lease was signed, the bro thers made it so uncomfortable for Ferdinand that be left the farm and came to Genoa to reside. Ferdinand further claims that when he went abroad he left on deposit in a St. Edward bank enough money for the ordinary expenses of the two brothers and the members of Adolph's family, and that when he returned the money hail all been checked out and debts con tracted which he paid. Such, in brief, is a history of the Voigt Kin Row. Ferdinand Voigt stands well with the businessmen of St. Edward, Genoa and Columbus. He is regarded as a man whose word is as good as his bond and who always meets his financial obliga tions promptly. His principal weakness appears to have been that he allowed himself to be imposed upon for nearly more than twesty years by his brothers. Genoa Times. (Jossard Corset demonstra tion at (J ray's, Wednesday and Thursday, April 13th and 14tli. Ladies Do away with the scrub brusrfand bucket USE Transparent Waxei Oil Grease will not spoil it No dust in sweeping. Not slippery. Is not expensive and saves labor. POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on toe Corasr Columbus, Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Kavanaughretura ed last week from a three weeks visit at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Farmers and residents north of the city are strecously objecting; to the slaughter houses in that locality, as they say the odor from them at times ia simply unbearable. They threaten to take some action in the matter ualeas the trouble is remedied. Eight hours per day and thirty-sevea and one-half cents was the demand Bade by Columbus Local Union No. 711, Painters, Decorators and Paper Haagers of America. This scale was to go into effect April 1 and so far all but om of the shops have signed the agreesaemt, and the union are using their beat efforts to seoure the signature of the reaaaiaiag shop. The Columbus union has beea organized about a year and its member ship is composed of practically all the journeymen painters in the city. They feel that their demands are reasonable, and expect to eventually have CoIbbi bus a Btriclly union town, so far as the painters arc concerned. After suffering with a cancer, Joseph Krings parsed away at bis home ob East Sixth street last Saturday moraiBg aged 05 years. Mr. Krings was bora ia Germany January 1, 1845 He came to America in IKGH, settling first in Wiaeoa sin, and then coming to Nebraska is 1873 locating on a homestead five miles north west of f Platte Center. Here he made his home until four years ago, whea their nine children had grown and moved away, and with his wife came to Colum bus and purchased a home on East Sixth street. Besides the family he leaves a brother and sister, who reside in Hum phrey. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at 10 a. m , at Si. Bonaventura'a church, being conducted by Father Marcellinus, and burial was is the parish cemetery. Congregational Church. Sundny school 9 45 a. m; Worship, 11 a. m; . r. s. i;. rittp. m; worship p. m. In the morning the pastor will speak from the theme, ''Hot Mouthed Preachers" or The Mad Prophet. The choir will render "Nearer My God to Thee." Of the evening the followisg program will be rendered: Organ prelude Gloria Invocation Hymn "I Known Who I Have Believed" Hymn ''Is My Name Written There" Prayer Anthem (selected) Choir Announcements Solo 'selected) Maurice Whitmoyer Offertory Uyran-The Eye of Faith" Sermon Confession and Ofaristiaa Character "The Wonderfnl Country" Choir Benediction Postlude William L. Dikb&e, Pastor. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Saits on the market Prices in men's from 81.50 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, tl and $1.29. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from COc to $2 50 a garment. Bay early while th sizes are complete. GRAY'S