FRISCHHOLZ BROS. snoEs CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, Columbus. ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES 0UKOI.A. I mm tin- Itccnnl. Walter Howaer was severely injured lust Wc dnes'lsy evening while leading a frihky buret. The iimmal jerked loose :iinl kicked the. young man on the bead, nearly severing one ear. A physician was called from I Sell wood and the wound diessod. O. l -Jiilhurg returned Monday from a trip out through Idaho where he has been looking over land for the past week. Charlie was not very favorably impress ed tvilh the parts of the state he visited and Rectus to think that it is all right for u rich mun but not so good for the poor chap. He visited in the vicinity of Twin Falls and says he don't wonder the twins f.-ll I cows which be has added to bis herd on nis.rancn soutn or tue ijonp. in pur chase cost Mr. Green about $900. There are ten children in John Kil haiu'a family nine boys and one girl and it costs "a bit" to supply the Kil ham table with provinder. The family consumes 1200 pounds of sugar and 2000 pounds of flour a year. One of the boys has been trained to assist his mother in house work. He can wash, iron and make bread. The other members of the family call him "Biddy." CENTJtAI. CITY. From the Noiip'irt'il. Word comes from Osceola this morn ing ihat Dr. Flippen, the negro physi cian, of Stromsburg, who is '.veil known in this section, has been arrested on the charge of causing the death of a. girl there some time ago by means of a crim inal operation. Dr. Flippen strenu ously denies the charge and the case promises to be hotly contested. ''When is Merrick county going to have a new court housoV" asked a citizen of the Nonpareil reporter the other day. Not having the data at hand the reporter was unable to answer the question. Per haps it will bo when all of us own auto molules and when the present building is nothing but a hole in the ground. The reporter is trying to be conservative in this prophecy, but for fear that some may think him overly confident he will add that it may not be as soon as that. or.NOA. Kioiii th Tin !. A basket of cobs in front of the laun dry stove in the basement of the Still man hotel caught, tire Tuesday evening The lire company responded to the alarm and extinguished the blaze inside of thiee minutes. Mrs. Thurston has been transferred from the Genoa Indian school to the government school at White Earth, Minn. Miss Hazel Johnson has been appointed to the position in the hospital formerly filled by Mrs. Thurston. O.K. Green, who attended a sale of pure bred stock at Odebolt, Iowa, last week, houchl eight head of line Hereford BEIiLWOOD. From tlio (inzetto. Emmons Yatec brought to market Tuesday morning three hogs, about elev en months old, which brought him the nice sum of just 3100. About the first thing that comes to our gardens in spring is the rhubarb. It should be used more freely than it i?, because of its medicinal qualities. It is claimed that it not only aids digestion, hut is a foe to rheumatism and gout, neutralizing the uric acid in the system. Because of its health giving qualities, it is aid to the complexion when freely eaten. There are many ways of serving it, and housewives should nvil themsel ves of receipts, and study out others for themselves. The term "old maid" is fast dying out of use. Instead we hear the more ela borate title "Bachelor Girl" used in speaking of girls who have left the lux uriant bowers of girlhood nnd are just emerging into womanhood. We do not hear of "the sour old maids," hut in stead the "dear bachelor girls." The young men ascertain that she is just the one to go to when they are in trou ble. The girls claim ber as their "big sister." Her life is one of beauty, one of devoted consecration to the right. Hope links her to the future and mem ory to the past. A Way or Explaining It. Wife Whj. John, just m-c what :i stupid blunder the newspaper has made in its account of our silver wed ding! Don't you remember I wrote It out for the reporter that we had spent together twenty-five years of married happiness, and the stupid typesetter has gone and made it twenty-five years of marred happiness. Isn't it awful? Husband Oh, well, dear, don't be toe hard on the poor fellow. Perhaps he" been married twenty-five years him self. London Tit-Bits. 0fAHA IMBife-iL: 2-iw -1- :&J:r0HKBK5HHMBBtBH I Better Plumbing i rooms always TVI" ANY homes should have better bath than they now have. We have tried not only to do better plumbing than we ever did before, but better than any body else can do. The vol ume of work we are now doing shows how we are suc ceeding. We use only genuine VttmtT plumbing fixtures and employ only experienced workmen. - Our repair ing service is prompt and reliable. A. DUSSEXA, & SON Columbus, Nebraska i Tlfcl ! "T ar 1 J ggE PLATTK CEKTEB From the Signal. George Burrows and Will Bacon spear ed over a hundred pounds of carp in 8hell creek Sunday. They were nice large ones too, one of them weighing fifteen pounds. And we hear the complaint that great damage has been done to alfalfa fields during the winter. Probably the same conditions that ruined the wheat worked upon the alfalfa. There is no longer a doubt that the greater part of the winter wheat in this locality is dead. Occasionally will a small spot be found which is alive, but not enough to warrant its being allowed to stand. The base ball season has been opened to a certain extent in these parts. Jas. Dnnn had bis nose broken last Sunday by having it bit with a ball while play ing in the neighborhood of his home northeast of town. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gerrard came npin their auto from Oolumbns last Sunday and spent the day with the Lynch family. Miss Maggie Lynch re turned to Columbus with them to remain a guest at their home for a short time. Mrs. D. V. Macken returned home fast Friday evening from a several days vis it in Omaha. Her sister, Mrs. Mark Burke, of Columbus, accompanied her to Omaha and last week entered St Joseph's hospital at that place, where she will receive medical treatment for a time. Between seven and eight o'clock Wed nesday evening W. P. Schelp, who was nut with his auto, discovered that the bridge across Shell creek, south of Zingg'a slaughter house was on Ore. He ran back to town andgave the alarm. Fred Laun, Henry Sietns and Schelp, with their autoe, rushed some fifteen or twenty men down there, equipped with buckets, and as there was plenty of water in the creek, the fire was soon quenched. The lire was on the south west corner, and was started from a fire that was used in burning rubbish in an adjoining field. The bridge was damaged to the extent of fifty dollars and has been condemned until repairs can be made. A very serious accident happened in a peculiar manner on Tuesday to an eigh teen months old child of Mr. and Mm. John Choban, living on the farm recent ly occupied by Fred Michaelson, in Grand Prairie township. A washing machine was being run by a horsepower, the power !eing connected to the mach ine by a tumbling rod The child walk ed under the rod and its hair canght on the rod and was twisted around in snob a manner as to tear n large piece in the scalp entirely off. Dr. Pugh who was called to attend the child says that a piece of the scalp larger than the palm of his hand was torn off leaving the scalp exposed. The piece was replaced and stitched on in the hope that it wonld unite. It will be several days before it can be determined whether this will be a succeas. Electric Light Always Ready Brilliant Glean Safe Have your house wired Columbus light. Heat & Power Co. FOR CATARRH. Medicine Free in Every Case Where It Fails to Relieve. MONROE. From the Itet-nblican. Mies Susie Ziegler is on the sick list this week and isn't able to attend to her school work at Columbus. ClinrleB Miller retnrned from North Bend last week, where be had been vis iting his daughter, Mrs. 11. H. VanLecr. Miss Anna Potter, teacher of the gram mar room, is confined to her home this week with sickness. Mrs. Harry Hill taught her pupils Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday morning the room was dismissed for the remainder of the week. Monroe friends have received an nnunrcments of the wedding of Miss Edna II. Jencks, formerly of Monroe, and John Theodore Kelsey of Zeal, S. D. The wedding occurred Easter Sunday, March 27. at the home of the bride's parent?, near Zeal. After a lingering illness of about six months, Mrs. John Kelley passed away at her home Wednrsduy morning. She was stricken with polio tnyelits, and that, with paralysip, caused her death. Annie Cox was born in Lincolnshire, England. May 15, 18T-S. As a girl she came to Montreal, Canada, with her parent?, in 1HGS Her borne was in Can ada and New York until the fall of 1S7S, when she cntne to Columbus. Here she whs married to John M. Kelley, Novem ber !, ISTit, and came to the old farm northwest or Oconee and then to the horn west of Monroe where she livttl until about two years ago when they moved into Monroe At an early age she united with the Presbyterian churrb, and bus been a member of the Monroe church ever since its organization. Two sons, William J. of St. Edward, and Les ter of Fullerten, besides her husband, survive her. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Presbyterian church, being conducted by I. Ligbtner and burial was made in the Friends cemetery. , Just before 5 o'clock Wednesday the Union Pacific depot took fire from an unknown cause and in a few minutes the roof was a mass of llamee. With the heavy wind blowing from the south, and the depot being situated south of the main part of town, it looked for a time as though it wonld be a heavy loss. But thanks to the water works and the fire company, plenty of water was avail able and the boys soon had two streams pla ing on the flames. It took but a few minutes to get the fire under control, and it was not even necessary to throw water on the hotel bnilding. The fire started inside of the bnilding and burned through the roof, when it whs discov ered, nnd the main damage was to the roof and also to the interior by water. When the blaze started Agent Ledbetter was up in town collecting freight bills. What might have resulted if there had been no fire protection is not pleasant to contemplate, but as this is the first fire since the water plant was installed, everyone feels that it has more than paid for its cost in protection. Columbus Plumbing Co. LUEKE & MULLIGAN Proprietors Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating 13th and M Streets Columbus, Nebraska I.EIOH. From the World. Last week Henry Barjenbrnck closed J a deal whereby he sold to Wm. Brunken 40 acres of the Korte land, northwest of town, for $125 per acre. The land con tains no improvements whatever, not even a fence. We were informed by a man who has 80 acres of winter wheat (which looked as nice as any we ever saw, last fall) that the cold weather damaged it to a very great extent and when it was covered deeply with snow it literally rotted. Others who sowed later say there will not be half a stand. The remains of Mrs. Eoline Johnson, who passed away in an Omaha hospital on Wednesday of last week, were brought to this place on Thursday evening and funeral services were conducted at the Congregational church on Saturday af ternoon, Rev. H. J. Sealey officiating. Interment was made in the Leigh ceme tery. V. S. Schurr went to Colnmbus last Friday and on his return home. Sunday he was accompanied by his wife who has spent several months in a hospital at that place. Dr. Evans and a trained nurse came over with them, the latter to remain for a time to assist in the care of Mrs. Scbnrr who is still very weak from the operations which she has undergone. Nothing Miraculous. "You had rheumatism in your right leg for years and were cured of It in an instant? How?" 'By being accidentally mixed up In a train wreck. My right leg Is a cork leg now." Chicago Tribune. The Gossipers. They say she will create no end of gossip." "Well. I guess the Jobbers In that community will be able to handle ber output" Louisville Courier-Journal. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oyster in season. S.E MARTY & CO. Tbphnni No. 1. - l!olnmlii. Nwh IwantedI 1 The right party cai recure an excellent witiot!, f.ilnry orcnminii'Moii for Colunilxi" mul vi cinity. Sfiteaice, former occoimih.n mul iciw reformer. Addiw" lAX'K BOX 438. Lincoln, Neb. JRmgS I MIDI PACIFIC TIIETULE WEST BOUND. No. 11 8.-40 am No. 13 1:10 a m No.l 10:15 am No.H 11:20 n m No. 17 3:05 pm No. IS AIpm No. 3 650 pm No. 5 rt25ptn No. 21 9:15 pni No. 1H 11:2:. nm No. K.. ...... 7:00 a m EAST BOCHD. No. 4 4:21 am No. it wen pm No. 14 Atfam o.6 2:pm No. 18 2:15 pm No. 10 3:05 pm No. 18 ftOrtpm No. 2 Sj'Opni No. 22 7:12 am No. 20 1:00 pm No. 58 .. 5:05 pm SORFOLK. BUIXCHE8. KPALDISO ALB105. Xo.77mxil d 7:20am No. 29 pas ..diGiipm No. 30 pas ..a 1:10 pm No. 78 inxd..a 0:10 p ra No.79mxd..dAOam No. 31 pas ..riiaopm No.32paa ..al2-30pai No 60 mxd..a 7:0Upin Daily except Sunday. sotz: Noa. 1, 2, 7 ami 8 am extra fare trains. Nob. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local paasenicers. Nos. 58 and 59 are local freight. Nos. 9 and 16 are mail Umias only. No It dne in Omaha 4:45 p. m. No. 6 da in Omaha 540 p. m. e. . t Q. Tim Tails Neglect or pessimism, wc believe, is the greatest enemy the public has to con tend with when applied to the loss or recovery of health. Practically every case of consumption might have been cured if hope bad been maintained and proper treatment had been resorted to at the first symptom of the disease. Un til the advanced stage is reached con sumption is curable. Catarrh is re sponsible, we believe, for man cases.of consumption. It is about catarrh we want to talk to you Unlay, incidentally consumption, since the two are so close ly allied. We have a medicine made from a pre scription of one of the most (successful catarrh specialists known. We believe it is positively without an equal. We re so satisfied that we are right, that we will supply the medicine free in every instance where it is used accord ing to directions for a reasonable length of time, should it full to give satisfaction in every particular. Wewant every one to try this medicine at our risk Th ere are no conditions attached to our offer. Wc pnt the user nnder no obligation to us whatever. The medicine we want yon to try is Rexall Mucu-Tonc. It is a catarrh re medy that goes direct to the scat of trou ble. It is carried by the blood to every part of the system. It purifies and en riches th blood, tones up the mucons cells, and brings about a condition of health and strength that tends to prevent the germs of consumption from getting a start. Besides this, Rexall Mucu-Tone is a wonderful appetizer, digestive aid and llesh builder. Its good effects are often felt from the very first dose. It is one nf the largest and most satisfactory selling medicines that we have ever bad anything to do with. We know so much of the great good that it has done that wn personally back it up with our reputation and money, which fact should he ample guarantee to satisfy anybody. Ilexall Mucu-Tone comes in two sizes. 60 cents and $1.00. We urge yon to try it. Remember you can obtain Itexal remedies at Pollock t Co's. drag store on the corner. H --SESESESESESESESBSESESESESESESESESESESESESEsm I sBssssssssssssssssssssssm I IbssssssssstLIBbssssseV lESSSSsVliJ-BBKsH II aV MsV"BEBEBEflHBECykm4BEBBBBBBBBBBV a B W WtI a 7bbbbbbbbbVvIbbbbbbbbbbbV J- I WM assraiff H s9sV iziyZi' - m a 'MODERN CLOTHEJST Bfsmlcacc Kjacatt is Gfc Just as long as young chaps insist upon being distinctive in their dress Modern Clothes are going to be popular. Just as long as we give you splendid values our store is going to be popular. The most distinctive styles "ever," are shown by us this season in "Modern Clothes" and truly we could not ex tend better values. No. 22. Pass, (dally ex. Bandar) leave.. ..7:35a m No. :ti, Frt. X Ac. (d'y ex. Saturday) Ir.Sfl) p m No. 21, fass. (daily ex. Hnaday) arrive.. 9 30 p m No. 31, Fit. Si Ac. (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..6:15 a m noWELI.s From tho Journal. One day last week Mike Hader sold a well matched team of heavy black horses to John Dolezal for Sfi0. Itwas a good price, but they are an extra fine team well worth the sum paid. Last Saturday Joseph Nageogast marketed a bunch of seventy hogs here the average weight of which was 311 pounds, and for which John J. Nagen gast paid him $10 25 per hundred, up to that time the record price paid at this place. Mm. Jane Spencer Bristol, a well known resident, of tbiscommnnity since the 80's, bade farewell toeartb and loved ones on Sundxy forenoon, March 90, 1910, and at the ripe old age of almost ten years more than the allotted three score years and ten, she passed into the glories of the higher realm to be with those who have gone on before. W. tBJBJBBW ,.' ,i" EBYaaaaaKBm BsT """"""""""""""""""""bLw.. ' 'mW JsIbbIs. ; BBBBV 3f BBSBBBBBBBBBBBM BBBBF' m BBBbBBbBBbBBBB - beS" BYsaaaaaaaaaaaaaL bebmv xt sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv j- bvsbbBWesbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV bebbbbesbebbbbbbbbIbebK''; eBskHBI Bbbkc besbbbbbbbbbbbbebesbbbbrI EaBBBBT ' BEaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBErfl BBBBBf BESBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTdBBBlSBBBBl " BEWBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKHBEJ MBMaBESBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPBBBBBBBa! At the North opera house on Thursday April 14 F. Lawrence Walker presents Mr. Charles B. ilanford in the farcial comedy ''The American Lord" by George II Broailhurst and Charles T. Dazey. Mr.Hanford is surrounded with a large and efficient company with Mies Marie Drofnah as his leading feminine support. The story of the play is as follows: The prinaipal personage is John Brne.ster, hotel man and good fel low. Bruester is an out-and-out Ameri can. Ha well does he stand with bis fel lows that the convention then in session is likely to nominate him for congress While his friends are yelling at the men tion of his name he is notified that be is the lineal descendant of Lord Brueater and heir to the title and estates. The entire thing is a joke to the old fellow. What, give up congress and all that the position meanB? Not on your life! But the property is considerable, no sane man would let it go by, and the re sult is that much against his will Brae stcr agrees to goto England and look after his estates. His son falls in love with a young English girl, .and be finds himself, at this time of life, too, feeling uneasy in the presence of a fine Irish widow. The straightening out of all these affairs is said to furnish many en tertaining complications. $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 COME AND HAVE A LOOK GREISEN BROS COAL Pocahontas Smokeless Illinois, Rock Spring's and Colorado Coals at prices that will interest you. Let us figure with you tor your winter's supply. T. B. Hord Grain Co. Bell 188 Ind. 206 Sedan and Bath Chairs. The sedan chair, so called from hav ing been made at Sedan, in France, was introduced Into England in the time of King Charles I. Often this chair was most ornate without nnd luxurious within, for an ancient poet speaks of one Covered with velvet red. And cloth of fine gold about your head. With damask white and azure blue Well diapered with lilies new. Seated In their sedan chairs in all the glory of paint, iiowder mid patches, the liellcs and ladies of fashion of the eighteenth century were- carried from rout to rout by 'two stout lackeys In livery. As nil people who love their Dickens an- aware, these chnirs went still In use In the days of the Pickwick club. The origin of the bath chair is "wropt iu mystery. We are told that it was "much used by the Inhab itants of Bath." probably for the pur pose nf getting tp and from the pump room. Nowadays the use of the bath chair Is con lined chiefly to invalids. London Mail. Fooled. "De man dat t'inks nobody can't fool him." said Uncle Eben. "status hi by foollu hi'&e'f right there."-Wa..u-lugton Stir. They that stand high have many blnrts to shake tbem.Shakespeare The Manehus. The name "Manchuria." to desig nate the country of the Manehus, Is not known to the Chinese, but was In vented by French geographers. The Manehus are u tribe of Tartars who gained the ascendency In China In the seventeenth century. Manchu Is Chi nese for "pure and was applied by an ancestor of Shun Che. the first Manchu eiiiicror of China, to his dy nasty and his people. The .Manehus resemble the Chinese only to the eye of a stranger, just as we think that all Chinese lauudrymen look alike. To themselves the Man ehus are distinct from Chinamen In appearance, as in race, and oue who knows eastern Rices easily distin guishes them. Most of them are short mid i;ood looking, with brown and rud dy skins. Xew York Tribune. t Plsyful Monkeys. Apes and gorillas are usually vicious and resentful and less addicted to playful tricks than the common mon key. Indeed, the monkey, as we all know. I.: a trickster loth In his wild cud domestic state. In their native for ests monkeys spend hours in swiuglng from the Prauchcs ur trees. suseuded by their tails, and chattering and grl niacin;: with evident signs of delight. Humboldt i lentlons seeing over a hun dred so employed In n South American forest. Low One-Way Colonist Rates In Effect Daily From March 1 to April 15, 1910 $25 From Columbus TO California and the Pacific Northwest Via Union Pacific "Th. Safe IUt to TrTl" Tickets Good on Comfortable Tourist Sleepers on payment of berth rate Electric Block Signals Dining Car Meals and Service-' "Best in the World" For tickets and information call on, or address E. G. BROWN, Agent, Columbus, Neb. tt'i