The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 23, 1910, Image 4

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etoejatto niiff mi
I will sell at Public Auction at
Ernst & Brock's Barn
Saturday, April 2
Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m.
50 Horses and Mules
Consisting of some good matched pairs of mares
and geldings, weighing from 2,400 to 3,000 a span; a few
driving horses and some good spans of mules.
These horses are from 4 to 7 years old, and everyone
a good broke one, and as good a quality as you will find
anywhere in one bunch of horses.
If you have any marketable horses, bring them in,
and if I cannot buy them, there will be a number of other
buyers here who will.
I will deliver free of charge all horses bought by
parties living south of the Platte river.
TERMS: 10 months' time, at S per cent, on bankable paper
BRUCE WEBB, fluct. G. W. PHILLIPS, Clerk
lira. Zellar, fir., is quite eick with
L. Wefltcott ia making some nice im
provements on his residence.
Mrs. Gus Prang has lieen t;erioua
ly ill the last week, but is improving
The Methodist church is being re-papered
this week, which was greatly in
need of it.
Mr. and Mrs. Gross of near Madison
were visitors at the Morris Freiden home
on Sunday.
Mr.' and Mrs. Win, Barrett, jr.. have a
nice baby girl, which was born to them
on Saturday.
The Easter programme ut the Presby
terian church U to be given on Sunday
the 27th at 11 a. m.
Tom Wells of Madison was visiting at
the home of his sister. Mrs. Theodore
Plagemann on Monday.
The Humphrey telephone company
are extending their line out us far as
Leon Clark's this week.
OttoLoseke is the proud owner of a
new Jackson auto, having bought it of
the new implement company.
Viola Harbert was the prize winner in
the contest at the Statesman office last
Saturday evening. The prize being a
gold watch.
Fern Moore, Hazel Sharrar and Lester
Weetcott were present at the teachers
examination at Columbus on Friday and
Saturday of last week.
8. Felt left Saturday morning for his
home in Iowa. He having been called
hereon account of his mother, Mrs. Win.
Fets illness, who is much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Dear and tno child
ren of Minnesota are here visiting at the
Scene from David Belasco's Production, "The Girl of the Golden West"
North Theatre, Saturday, March 26
Prices 51c, 75c,
home or Mr. and Mrs. Bob Austin, Mrs.
VanDaar being a sister of Mrs. Austin.
The dance at the opera house Friday
night was largely attended, quite a num
ber of out of town people being there.
The music was furnished by the Palma
tear orchestra.
Morris Freiden had the misfortune to
have one of his big plate-glass windows
broken Saturday night. It was done
accidentally by some children, but lucky
nn one was hurt.
Ada Wenk entertained the class of 1010
at her home on Tuesday evening of last
week. The refreshments being ice-cream
cake and fruit. All speak of having a
pleasant evening.
Col. R. B. Webb and son Kenneth
were passengers for Omaha Friday morn
ing returning Saturday evening accom
panied by his wife and Mrs. Theodore
PiHgemuun who have been down doing
some spring shopping and visiting rela
tives. Resolutions.
Whereas. It has pleased the Almighty
God in His Infinite Wisdom to remove
by death our worthy Brother. Harry M.
Thunia, therefore, be it
Itesolved, That we, the members of
Union Camp. No. 134, Columbus, Nebra
ska, S. of V., U. S. A., extend to his wife
our sincere sympathy in her dark hour of
bereavement, and be it further
Resolved, That we may now fully ex
press our sympathy, that a copy of these
resolutions be presented to the bereaved
wife, also he spread upon the records of
this camp, and be published in our
local newspapers.
C. UDevlin
D. Bi;kk Jones
$1.H, $1.5f
Congregational Church.
Easter will be observed at the Congre
gational church with the following ser
vices: Sunday school 9:45 a. m. : morn
ing worship 11 a..m.; Y. P. S. O. E. 6:30
p m ; evening worship 7:30 In the
morning the following service will be
Organ prelude
Responsive reading "The Resurrection"
Hymn Jesus Christ the Son
Scriptsre reading
Solo (selected) Miss Fuller
Anthem, "Praise Ye the Father Choir
Sermon The True Lire
Solo. "The Resurrection," Shelley
Mr. Mauiioe Wbitmoyer
Post! tide
Of the evening the beantiful cantata
"The First Easter" will be rendered by
the large choir assisted by Miss Fuller.
Mr. Jaeggi, Mr. Wbitmoyer ami Miss
Ethel GofT, violinist We will be glad to
welcome you to these services.
William L. Dibble, Pastor.
"Polly of the Circus"
A rising young preacher of exalted
reputation falls in love with a young
circus rider in the play, "Polly of the
Circus1' that will be seen at the North
Theatre ou Thursday March 24. Two
deacons of the young .pastor's church
raise all kinds of particular trouble
over the affair and the women of the
congregation storm in scandalized fash
ion, but you will sympathize with the
preacher and his love for the little cir
cus rider, and love her, too.
"Polly of the Circus" is a protest
against the ostracism of show people by
the churches. On this production
Frederic Thompson reaches ont beyond
the footlights and taps the conscience
of the audience on its shrinking should
ers. The story deals with cirens life and
shows pictures that are wonderful
creations which only a man of Frederic
Thompson's genius could conceive. Mr.
Thompson has proven to the theatre
loving public that he knows what they
want in the amusement line, having
produced such successes as "Brewster's
Million," -Via Wireless" and "A Fool
There Was," and the success of "Polly
of the Circus" is nothing short of wond
erful. We will see a very realistic cir
cus on the Btage of the showing the
sawdust ring as we saw it on the lot
many and many times, with the clown,
the beautifnl horses, ponies that do
most remarkable tricks, circus riders,
acrobats, tumblers, trapeze performers,
ringmasters and everything that a circus
carries will be on view. This is the
same production that was seen at the
Liberty Theatre, New York City for
over one year. Prices 50. 75, $1.00 and
"The Girl of the Golden West."
With the master touch of David Belaa
co in every detail "The Girl of the Gold
en West" in which he is presenting bis
own company at the North Theatre on
Saturday March '2ft. There aia many at
tractive elements in this particular offer
ing at the North, which go to make it
quite the most important dramatic event
of the season.
David Belasoo, a name synonymous
with perfection in dramatic art, has in
this offering given a picture of a land al
most unknown to the dramatist. In
New York, where "The Girl of the Gold
en West" ran continuously at the Betas
co Theatre for two years, and in the few
other cities that have thus far witnessed
the play it scored a veritable triumph,
and success of the most Mibatantial
character has once more perched upon
Mr. Belasco's banner. The critics of the
cities named are enthusiastic in their en
dorsement of the play as the pinnacle of
Mr. Belasco's career. In Washington,
before the most brilliant and representa
tive audience ever assembled in the
capital city, comprising the diplomatic
corps, foreign legations and cabinet
members, together with others promin
ent in social, army and navy life. "The
Girl of the Golden West" won a triumph
such as has been accorded few plays on
record in that city. Prices 50-75-1.00-I.50.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of nnclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing March 23, 1910:
Letters-Mrs Maggie Aldrich. M W
Uurgoyne, E U Evans, Frank Finney,
Bert Falkneer, P W. Jacobson, Mrs
Nellie Mabaffey. Fred Scboultz. Cards
Joe Bauman, Oliver Reason, Bert
Flakner, W J Georbman, Ferdinand
Guntt-r. P W Jacobson, August Kempf,
T .1 Hastings, Mrs Minnie Lockner
Rowena Iocknr, Man-hall Moes, Mrs
John Stienmnn, K S ShIIhIi, Ed Vmpb.
Parties calling fr tiny of the nb iv
ill pltntHesay advertieeil
t'AKI. KlUMRIt, I. M.
Her Proof.
"Just thiuk of it! One person in
every thirty-seven In England is a
"Why. John." she returned. "It Isn't
so. I met more tbau thirty-seven peo
ple In London lust summer myself,
and there wasn't a pauper in the lot."
London Tit-Kits.
He Was Right.
"My doctor told uu I would have to
tuit eating iniii'li iiiiMt."
"11.1 yi.u Intuh liini to sern?"
"I did at lir-t I'.ut when he sent in
his. bill I found lu. was right."-Washington
Hie Style.
Tom (who takes his meals at a ho
tel! Do you like your meals served
table d'hote? Hick (who patronizes a
street vai!!e wagon) No. I generally
take mine a la cart. Baltimore Ameri
can. Ambition is but avarice on stilts and
masked. Landor.
News of Easier Millinery
There is a good deal of satisfaction in know
ing that your Easter Hat is Just the Thing
You know that it is unquestionably a new and exclusive style of superior val
ues as regards both material and making. The color ami size variety is bewilder
ing, amply providing for your individual cut of face, height and complexion.
We have many compliments from ladies of the best
taste, that our exhibition of Millinery is far more beautiful and lower in price than any other store in town.
This is always our motto to give the best value for the least money.
Ladies' Gloves for Easter
Kid and Silk Gloves for Easter
Niagara Maid silk gloves, a full line of C An
colors and black and white ullb
12 doz. Ladies' black, white and color
ed Lisle gloves, regular 50c, Easter QQA
price Uuu
Lamb Skin Gloves, tan and black, QQp
French Lamb Skin Gloves, splendid OC
wearing gloves, all colors, at i) iZu
Genuine French kid gloves in black,
white, tan, champagne, blue, green 1 Cfl
and browns, price i) JU
A Possible Reason Why Thsir
dows Are Iron Barred.
Of all villainous roads those outside
of Scutari are the most depraved.
They are not roads at all, hut just
washes and wallows anil ditches and
stone gullies. I hare seen had road
In parts of our own country, roads
surveyed by George Washington acd
never touched since, hut they were a
dream of luxury as compared with
these of Turkey. Our carriages bil
lowed and bobbed and pitched and
bumped themselves until I got out and
walked to keep from being lamed for
And then the bouses the villas I
bad expected to see dear me, how can
I picture those cheap, ugly, unpainted,
overdecorated architectural crimes?
They are wooden and belong to the
jigsaw period gone mad. They sug
gest an owner who bus been too busy
saving money for a home to acquire
any taste, who has spent his savings
for lumber and trimmings and had
nothing left for paint Still be man
aged to reserve enough to put iron
bars on his windows that is, on part
of the house, the harem every man
becoming bis own jailer, as It were. I
"I suppose that Is to keep the neigh
bors from stealing their wives."
But the horse doctor, wiser and
more observant, said:
"No; It Is to keep a neighbor from
breaking In and leaving another."
Albert BIgelow Paine In Outing Maga
The City and the Cemeteries Are Hope
lessly Intermingled.
The city of Amoy Is on an island of
the same name. For upward of 1,000
years It has been an important trading
place. The population of the Island
Is estimated at over 400.000. and It has
been said that there are something like
5,000.000 dead bodies packed In Its soil.
For many centuries the hillsides of the
city have been used as a burying
ground. Now the city and the ceme
tery are hopelessly mixed. The graves
touch one another at every point and
form a solid white surface of rock,
brick, porcelain and cement, covering
more than 1.1X10.000 square feet. Xear
nne of the joss bouses 30.000 bodies are
buried vertically to save space. They
stand on a plot of ground of as many
feet square.
The wells from which the city draws
Its water supply are shallow and arc
sunk on the edge of graveyards and
even amoug the tombs themselves.
The water Is muddy and is colored by
the perpetual turning up of the soil.
It has no sewers, and the streets Tary
from two feet to six feet in width. No
wheeled vehicles can use them. Here
and there Is au open place orp!aza.
dug out so as to be a huge receptacle
into which the streets discbarge their
refuse. Filth abounds, and Its twin
sister, disease, nourishes. The atmos
phere is laden with noxious smells,
and the burial of the dead goes on at
au alarming rate.
The Better Scheme.
"The man who knows Just what he
wants Is bound to be successful."
"Not naif so much as the man woo
knows bow to get what he wants."
Cleveland Leader.
Ampere Dabbled In Mathematics
the Age of Three.
Ampere, who left his name to the
science of electricity, was a child gen
ius. At the age of three be had taught
himself to count with the aid of peb
bles and had found out for himself a
good many of the theories of arith
metic At this age he became very HI
and was for three days denied food.
At the end of the fast he was given a
biscuit, but Instead of eating it ho
broke It up Into pieces to count with,
an operation he considered more Inter
esting. He read everything with avidity.
His mind did not run In one channel,
and he welcomed every volume that
came In his way. When he was ten or
twelve years old he went to a library
to ask for the works of a certain au
thor. The librarian told him in amuse
ment that the books were in Latin.
The boy went home chagrined, for he
did not know Latin, being a sickly
child and held back from books as far
as possible, but after six weeks be ap
peared again and told the librarian he
had learned to read the books now.
Ampere Is one of the few child prod
igies who seems to have been sickly.
He bad fits from time to time, while
most child wonders appear to have
been physically normal in every re
spectExchange. Never Learned How to Live.
There are people who go through
life looking for slights, and they are
necessarily miserable, for they find
grievances everywhere. One has the
same pity for such men as for the
very poor. They are the morally Illit
erate. They have had no real educa
tion, for they have never learned bow
to live.
Like a Woman.
"If you'll notice." said FInnIck, "the
poets invariably say 'she when refer
ring to the earth. Why should the
earth be considered feminine?"
"Why not? Nobody knows just how
old the earth Is."
Iron Clad
Ask for Cooper IVeiis f Co.'
3io. 99 and get stockings that
not only look well and fit per
fectly with no seams to annoy,
but which give remarkable ser
vice. 9We recommend them.
505 Eleventh Street Columbus
W vA &mV
judgment and refined
Easter Hosiery
Colored silk Lisle hose in black, navy,
pongee, Hunter's green, Copenhagen,
maroon, tan, catawba, gray, sky, Qcn
violet, price 0 Ju
Lisle Hose in pink, blue and maroon, I QA
special price I uu
Embroidered lisles in blacks and colors
special price 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c, $1.00
Ladies' silk hose with lisle sole and I Or
top, special value tjl iZj
Kayser's Sublime pure silk stock- 1 Cft
ings, black, at t) iUU
Kayser's double toe and garter hem M A A
silk stockings, price tjZiUU
Kayser's wonder boot silk stock- ) CA
ings, black, price tjZidU
the Drinking Orchid and Its Fruitless
8earch For Water.
"The strangest orchids I ever saw,"
said a naturalist, "live on the edge of
a lagoon on the Rio de la Plata
'live,' 1 say, for surely no animal Is
more alive than they, and among them
I first realized the pathos of a plant's
Immobility, the cruelty of Its roots
that bind It forever to one spot.
"These orchids bad each at the cen
ter or axis a long stem a half Inch
wide and a quarter Inch thick. They
grew on dead limbs overhanging the
lagoon, and now and then when hi
need of water they uncoiled tbelr
axial stems, lowered them three or
four feet to the stream and when
enough water had been drunk colled
the stems up again as a tape measure
colls up on Its spool.
"A strange sight that still and troi
Ical afternoon a silent, sun drenched
lagoon, n scarlet blaze of orchids and
here and there those slim, supple tubes
descending to drink, satisfying them
selves, then colling up again.
"But what Impressed me most was a
mass of faded orchids that continually
and restlessly let down their tubes In
vain, for the stream bad fallen, and
hence the tubes descended upon dry
ground. It was pltlfuL The orchids
were dying, but with what strength
was left to them they lowered and
drew up their tubes. They felt fever
ishly and weakly for the water that
wasn't there.
"A sad sight a sight that brought
home the pathos of the immobility of
plants!" Exchange.
The Butcher Bird's Larder.
It Is possible that the butcher bird's
"curious and cruel habit" of impaling
various creatures upon hedge thorn is
bis way of supporting his wife during
her period of seclusion. Of many spe
cies the female Is fed by the male on
the nest, but the butcher bird's prey
consists often of creatures which are
too large to be eaten at a mouthful.
Even if the male could always drag
these carcasses to the nest it Is obvi
ous that the female could not eat them
there, so the "larder" may have been
hit upon as a happy device to get over
the ditnculty. the female flitting thith
er to help herself whenever she Is hun
gry. Country Life.
Slim Chance For Her.
A misjioiiary who was making his
way through a backwoods region came
upen zn oiu woman sitting outside a
cabin. He entered upon a religious
talk and finally asked her if she didn't
kuow there was a day of judgment
"Why. no." said the old lady; "I
hadn't heerd o' that. Won't there be
more than one day?"
"No, my friend: only one day." was
"Well, then." she mused. "I don't
reckon I cau get to go. for we've only
got one mule, and John always has to
go everywhere first." New York Sun.
Might Help Seme.
"It's up to you to do something to
help onr Neighborhood Improvement
"I'm for it. I'll make my daughter
sell her plana" Cleveland Plain Deal
er. Leave your son a good aa
mployment Sttreaae.
5 to
lO'. .
Daring of the Eskimos and Their Woek
With the Harpoon.
With the harpoon as n. weapon the
hunters left the solid ice to sprlvg
lightly from one small piece to :vi
otber until a pan large enough to ho'd
them was reached far out In the open
lake. The pieces over which the pas
sage was made were often so small
that they would have sunk under a
man's weight had he flittered or Ins
tated upon them for a moment, .'t
seemed to me that the Eskimos we:i
absolutely reckless In this passage
over the broken pieces and took hj
account of the manner lu which they
should return. Certainly only a fear
less man with a clear eye and nerves
of iron could accomplish it.
A large, safe pan once attained well
In the midst of the blowing walrus, J
stand was taken near Its edge, whet v.
with harpoon ioIsed, the hunter wait
ed until a walrus came within striking
distance. Then like lightning the
weapon was sunk deep luto the ani
mal's body, and quick as a flash u har
poon shaft provided with u heavy
point of iron was driven firmly Into
the ice and several turns of line takea
around It and held taut by the Eskimo.
This strong line held the walrus In
spite of its struggles to free Itself, and
not an Inch was surrendered to it by
the Eskimo. As the walrus gradually
tired the line was tightened little by
little until finally the great animal
was well alongside the pan, when It
was quickly dispatched 'with a lance.
Harry Whitney in Outing.
The Zulu Diamond Miner.
As showing the loyalty of the Zulu
diamond miners Sir William Crookes
described an amusing incident which
came to his knowledge when at Klip
dam. The Zulu had been superintend
ing a gang of natives on a small claim
at the river washings. It yielded but
few stones, and the owner sold the
claim, handing over the plant and the
small staff, the Zulu remaining to look
after the business till the new owner
took possession. In the course of a
few months the purchaser became dis
satisfied with his bargain, not a single
diamond having turned up since the
transfer. One night the Zulu came to
his old master in a mysterious manner
and. laying a handful of diamonds ou
the table, said: "There, boss, are your
diamonds. 1 was not going to let the
new man have any of them!"
Foolish Question.
Hasker-Hello. Crabbe: What are
you going to do with the camera?
Crabbe - Going to bore an artesian
well In our dining room with it. You
didn't suppose I was going to take
pictures, did you?
Parts of Speech.
Teacher Thomas, what are the part
of speech?
Tommy Tucker (after au exhaustive
rental effort) It's the way a man
talks when he stutters.
Taught Him a Lesson.
"Why don't you give your wife an
"I tried that once, and she spent it
before I could borrow It back." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
It belongs to great men to have great
exacts. Frenck Proverb.
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