The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 23, 1910, Image 2

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wrmrrmoL a ttocxvklu r.
- r -
FROM my ID 01Y
- ..W... SO... . W -..- j
Errr'4ir.3 a r.'.r,4rH',n r fc.r.ta
In WhP.o !;? ri.irll Art
fVta)T AVoi& ZLt.n'tt.r -'! I-'
.f;t; f.f it'.UU,t(t.s. iha. .' revlrjll?fc
rtwHtUtZ H- uttitsA of (Mrt.s -wr;sr.r
ftf? to fc-. eo:U'd r-7 t-V Z'."'
ro-rit or. lAuttU ?.' atmi ifc'.ST.Se
lfi-frus'. tut shwlZ .: 'Jr..-SJW.
Of jrfjrli ai-ft?
Jr tf.ytZirt. ti.u Vt?.t.1t ';-.Vist.
rf r.stflAtu Van lAuzWl'tit 'A .-e
ffelgiar. arr7 fought a rt'-l ' -' ,J'
fjultuth, at Mi'-, yfkti"- Al ':
Miwl afaJf Ir tradm pr'"J !"
raplairi':: rigr. o?a.-r. nu-t"iyt'
ritji-tls4 tsrT f;' or' IJ-3
Vtoir,5 )( Swfr;iT.l7 b-'OW: a'-'
ho agaio T7t' . r--r t-ropHons
for Win j.ast -w.r7 four hour? of
cfO.c-S rj aaht-5. M.js .-IZ '"'
ji.ir50 Jy InU-rnal Jij.isMf.fj5 ?':
'rel fissures . opi-.m-fl. from v.r.Ph
Ki5t;5 and l-wa ai -rrj-r2lrig 1 Kr-ar
f' d:tif."?j of JjsM'- -will
ror. Mi- ,'jfT'- wd- 17 I'i-rr-. 'isr'-ri.
j.rf.sMfiM'.r or rotjn7. '.ifit
,ff-,s'7. o fi.rnlsh h- government
c-vjflef.r e, I.'t has on h&nd in Hi" lr--f
fiisf ast-. and lias siskt-rl hirri to for
ward I. Washington fopli-a or tbo
IftOir.lffjt-fits f'ftilly found 1iT-
A ntj-w Lilt providing for Ihe r"-'
Hor of Affmrlrtjfj irfir.assl'S abroad
TMS fr;,Orlr1 1.7 fOf-5CfJftUVl IV
Iff. ffotu Hiti rr.r-igfi affairs othhJ
Im, -Ilin hill, wlil'li ak-s Hm ila
.f lllH OtJ rrfc-fiffl JJ1 floor ff
!io Jk.iiso lns V:rlrms1ay. firovlrtus
u llrtilt of 1 1 r.O.O'i') for any onn IniHrl
Wig. Inr Imlltiz zroufitls nnO fiirrilsli-
A rc.n1i.ufi7 of rliallriKnlsh:rl I'.rll
r.fis. Willi fimiy Am"rlari r-sll-ns.
enc a tinriftiil In l.nrlori lo For mm-r
Vim frt-sMnl !uifl'S V Fairbanks,
iitiilnr llui insiI "s of Uim I'llerlrti sr,
luly Tlio Karl f j'.ulst.nry ir-s:il'il
rltisnltn Ills -1kiI7 Tuiu y-ars ntnl
1b-.l rloriiiily of Itunb'u Mill "ii'l
AiikI" Anuiflr an ftlffirlslilu r.f lull
fluya 'Mm sj.'t-r li of Uim v-nlnK was
ifindn l7 Mr Fnlilianks
I'mciilinl Tn f I Is son ' sonrnl tli"
ufly alonan for lli n'l onK-sslon-til
Crurln 1f"Ks. 1v"a anil ljMiilial
omjirlcn u latK" portion of III" llnl(-I
J'.lali'S Iniimrl liarlc
I'l.n lilanrluitl Oil fiimiiiiny lil-l a
iinw lnlr In to tli biiI against
II In Hi" niiiii'iii" 10111I
A rim on a il''lanl rmvIhkb lianl:
was iih'I lV inoinpl payiimril of all
llnposlloia wlio apt-au-il
Viiuy or I In' Ioiik aliil"-. Hi" p'ipl'
if I'lillai1"lpliia liavo inilli'il in a il"
liiatul lliul Hi" altJJin "li'l
Mi afiiiiuiil of talltoiiil waslionla.
viuHoiia at" Ii1iik nai'il foi ll" liana
poilnlloii or iiiails In N'Mi'ln
Al lloilioio. N f. .lolin WliKa'uff.
lila vitr ami -1 k 1 ' IiIMm'H olo -it.
W"t" l.iif iic-.i In ilmilli In a lii wlilfli
ilciclioy1"! Iliuli lioni"
Mum Mi li ti I, ,0110 ali-i-iliK" pHRr.ciiiK'-'i"-limn
IiiTI Ilotilliaiiiploii foi llin lliillcil
SMalfia ivllliln u f.i lnU;li!. liirahltiK
nil hmuiiIi: ICvnv alr.iiiini has laki'ii
n-i roll niinll y
At i'Miuko lliiili'il 3!l:il'a I'oiiiiiiIb
p.luin't- Mail: A Fo" oii"M-il llm l"
(Mil llllinil or l!oli I.imihk. of -:i I'lll'.o.
'I'lHim, i out IH'i! laal uilliiiui'l lu-foH'
.tililE" l.iimlls or niuiiKUtlnK I'lilm-an
Into llilit i'oiiiiIi
l'li iioalul nniliiun lunik 1111 la
itncMnxil lo nlmiilMii foi a Unix In
limiao I'limnillli'"
'I'll" lioni" or .Inliii I' 1'inlaliv al
Kiini:iia I'lly, una III" aroli" or a r.i'li
phIIoiimI iiffiay ninl iiiiala
liuiiiiK tiio runciiai .r :t"iiaiiir I'lati
In Nmv Voi k fmni In to li! o'i'lork tlui
tiiliii1 :ltal"a ICpi-.a ollli'ii una
III l4iila uaa nnliM'Iml for llm mut
lioullriB toiiriiittiiniii
lliiililloil itoun In llinli iiliiiniloiii'il
alnlati. two ninnitii ninl a Hill" clillit
W"l'n folinil lioi'ii lu ilratli III Soiilli
Mnl ptii'iis lint" :nU nnrt-it hi nil
llm ii'liirlptil I'oiiQiiiniiit: mill pro
iltli'iliE om'llonn if Id" win lil. acroiil
(HE I' nliilinlli'a
IClltirii Cm uno. III" town. In iiiul(lllt:
ll i!HII"lll)llE U'olr.ii lllllll nitiK"
fitnlil Tli" Mara tiiiiiit li:iu ilmiiiiuil
! flr.IH)ll or liln I Ifo in Inn Ktirrrn
iv" l"ll"ra
1 .mill n "iiiin.iri'it in III" ttnlln
Codicil" htt:tlioii innjc.l uf .'Intilli
liithotti m nnuli to It" (liiiiwu upi'ii
lt"pi'"BiMilitllt " StiHtli r town lu
Itoillli'i'il II bill iillllloiixllIK III" i
Iinliilllin of JTo.lMMI fot 111" iiiuil rue
tlmi or ti r.-il.-i til litiilillng at Uiil Onli.
Id I'll" E" i mm'itl ili":ily n im u
Fill" in licit liiun
'I'll" N"liak: plan ir lilall ituilllu:
rsrril ' rmiticia ftinu III" ovptM liurtil
atttliiilin ii("ltlu liiiiiiiinil pi Iron
Urliiiiito Itiiwua oxpi'iUUim lo
aitiiiilt MiKiUl"V lit mi "(Ti'lt lo toiirli
111" lop. vli"l" IT Conk atllit It" lilt
t'rit'iil'ttn. tHI lr" Tjou on May "
Vlotima or Ih" YoUIiiiIimi. V:ili .
ntnimioli" '" now lliotmlit to nniti
I "i n liiiinlirtt
M"Htlml llovnriilg" Introiluotul a Mil
pioviitlns fT (tin p"i'itimi"iit irtoiitloii
ly U" fiovmumptil of llm Al4TU;ui coal
Tto Iml'ttlME ' " I'o'toji wamtuuin"
mirt a loni of $3!r,HtO at Now
Jlcnlloril. .Mima
, ll;illtn. Tr . iil (mailed u lonrl
loom Hiol lulinl n tP'Bto.
H li now diUltiateit lltal UTt nipli
'o MU1 i ', TUluu mid Va
lm tNU'Mtaeua liatllrs
TVs m9mwGm mtdm n
kt tisK im H 4x$zinti' niV
tcb4 itil,
fffxt t is zt tzj&s. txrti (ti 6
v ;.. forks f f fctvft Vrt.Zti
Ittlu.U Csst.U
Tun C.isviUfJZ.l t JrwtJft fc
s?5 rrs.?.r.: Oft the b.if trr
rirr.zir.r rWkll s7 J Rfrtift'
rt.' tA r":lrtU.-z. z4 -mitt f.ZuM
h77 iff CsnurM JiJ-sSs pUSli KKlHl '
z:.r ',n :;,Z7 ln:a sUJ urtteM.
tAnT.rf, lu v: tfUl of T .: fcmfcj
a r.;I r. . of v:r XVifiVLWi Urt
J;Hz;,) s.-.rj j.s,ssrt3z-? vyntA-. CntlUt
h- yr jv ;
tnlt.'itttj lu lr: hons'i 'if ::.":srf.r,v
;y:5. r::i7rJ r fftZfSl'lAS5.'.iS fX hU
sji5-fh tJf7if5a7,
fJfT.raJ KsffsJs. H.n h:sJ of U
Hi'zra&wi f.-i'Ati'..ltt;txr7 tvA'Mt. it
uui fVl7 n u.t.'f.itl (tr;7 f:vhhl
n-ttnz as u r.sis for Ar
Two hfjnrJf'J Kansas .'Jre anil wjvs rT7 harirj.fl at WU.liV '
as fjosinz '7t'ttl or h: Kans.l
sta- '3V.riaI nsso'.laUon.
Atih'ivW'tuinl "" marl's Va' '
Arre-rl'an Jr-az'J'' l.asff.all iark a'
ttroarjTa- anrj V.M ftlr--l vlll i
off-rri .it or'- for fival-. aj-. l!
5s ir.-r(rlr-r ut m 11 . uV IVi tUj
Jots 'Ik zf'"rir! Js vhJ:'J a. ahoul
fuy onr of Uf. Iar: cJUit of Mi i
'oiirir7. rlilazf. show.rl so larz al
Jr.r fasi' In rh' .oslal fr-Outs at tht
postyi.Tir -s as rjlrj City. '
orrllnz fo li- TztT:. Tnr FVnniary.
fat Crown Is In Jail at Clinton. la.
:hari:'l "wIUj an off:nsj of nloxIr:a- '
Hon f!rowi; Is -wirily known aa th
allt-Heil klrlna(t:r of young Ciirlahy.
Mrs ".lark" Ctjrl;ihy. whose hu
l.anrl aMak-rl f:ank-r J''f I.llUa al
Kansas City, salrl that sh; h.irl f:
-Iv-rJ s'r.r's rf offers lo Z" "' th '
stai;. hut hal rle-flJrif.rl lh:m all j
n-rji-rwl JurJzr- K M l.anllK or Chi ,
ur.'K s'rit:ri'l violators or Uit f:J;r
al lavs f-KtiIatiiK th: niariuf.vturf '
arnl sal- of oli-ornaiKarlri: Th; roiirl '
fUnd ih- pnrilshrri'-nt of Hamn:l lrrl:;
hai h. who pli-al'i ciiilty. at a fim
of Jir.,000 nnrl sli y-ars lrriprlsonrrj-n'
In thi Fori K:av'rivortli, Ka
llcrillary. j
Thri ni"n wr klll-rl nnrl snvff ,
w-r' sTlonsly lrijiir-l In llm f:oIlaiia-'
of a hrh-k wall, hfl slnrirllnz ax th -ruins
r.f a fin: whlr-h rli-strnywl the
holt works of M l.nn. &. Hour, on Ihi '
sotilli slrlo at. I'lHshurK. '".. 'arly .
Tiifsrlny niornlrii: Twi-nty workrri"h j
vyrifii hnrh-rl In Hit ilol.rla. rriokt of i
ylioni v"ro fori'lKnuia
llohl.i'ia rty n a in 1 1 -il llu r.afo of Ihf.
Hank of Ivlria. Kansas. s urlnr. an
iiii. ii. ii niiniiiM &i 9.'.wv. .iiii. I
"sr-apfil on a baii'l'-ar aflr-r xrlinrii: j
liiK ahola with a iiumlxT of :ltl.fiia
Olio or lh" lll.iri;t wan nliol. hut It
Is h-ll-vi-rl not p.i-r lonely wounili'il.
.. it ...( ... . .ifiii
'iialor Iliiiki'll hail ailihil to lh"
Imllan hill mi itni"nlui"nt i-riiilttln;: ,
lh" I'laluia or Omaha Imllatia lo In-suhmillt-il
! lh" om I of rlaluiit. Hi;'
aim. hail luM'il lo llm hill anlhorlr.H
Moil Tot III" roilRll'llrlloil or llm-" tfW '
htiihlliiKS al lh" C"iio:i Imllan 'trhool. !
Tli" tost will In- l.itvM-ijii $U..0IKI iintl I
Thi-" iiini'i'i'R who wit" nllnrhiMl lo
lh" Tv.i-nlv nrih Infanhy nl lh" llui".
or lh" ahootliiK al llrownnvlll". Toxsri.
hav" hi-oti otili'ti'il hi'loro Iho military
iiniil or Iminiiv liiV"allKalliift lh of
rair lni" Captain A. Maihlln.
Captain Itamiul I' I .yon ninl H'toihI
l.)"iit"iianl (l"oi'M T l.nwnoii aro lln
Tli" r.iiin or ::V.ii'.i;. r.p"iil hy llm
nl al i' ilnpai itiMMil hut! yar In alio"
Iiik horni-r.. wn -linrrt"lTlzi, mi ox
liaaKaur hy H'-jiirs'i'iilalhrit limn
lin ami Chit It (Mo.) In Iho Imtiitit.
Tlii'V raih-il. howvor. lo havo llm up
proiiialloii "ui "What itlmuhl Im
imhl H ui uitili'i look lo iiutall Iho
liitt:ii;iliiM'lii'. hill of Iho i!"ri'"tiiry of
alat". whom wo iiilimtl wllh "Von tin;
Kt"ul iii"ittlou or wli"tli"i' wo iihall
Ko lo wm'7" liiiiilt-il Mr. Mann I III. I
tin Inlvi'ly
Th" po-.lollli" Rppioprliillnii nlll,
riurytiiK iippiopiliiltomi IlKKri'KUlluK
$ll.uiHi.iMMi pimnoil In Hi" hotiM". wliilo
llm mltiil" illiipotioil of lh" iiki lillltilial
hill wllh total appropriation)! or $:i.
Miii.iMiu Tli" HKiialo wiui tn tu'iuiioit
Ihi"" liourn. lh" hoiiti" ahoiil llv.
Coloiml William 11 Mix by. chair
man of lli" MlnnlMt.lpi'l rlvor com
nitauloii. nil "laititui'il hy Iho Miiat"
I'ommtll"" on romiuiirr" ri'lallvo lo
Iho luipiovomi'iilu propiKttil for Iho
MluBoitil ilvi-r ri'om Sioux (Mly lo
St I ..itilu or Katirtaa ClI;' lo St.
Th" ptohliml lohl a ih'h'j'.atliui of
Spaiihtli war V"t"ratt!t thai ho wan
hcuitlty In favor of lh" propn.-iHloti lo
i :ila l'ii wivok if Iho Mallt"
Mi ".liu'H" Ciulahy ayw If ll wore
not lor hot' iMtthlt"!! ttlt" woulil ko on
Hi" alat-:"
VtiMltiia of tho Mahray mvlnill" tolil
Hum ntotl":i In lit" feiloral I'oitrl at
I'oumtl llttifT.
otiu"r lulti'il StaloM Scualor
Tlimatoti, xvltl" In (lutalia. nalil he
uoitht tako part in Hie Nohraaka ram
palEti ti"( rail.
.lami'-i A latliu wna nlvon n hoslllo
r"'"Pitoii in Hi" t'otton fxi-hatiKi' at
Matu'hi'jttcr. KrtKlaml.
Hopii'MMitatU" Hlushuw of Nohras
ka ilrcllui'D to -oiiitiitt hlimoMf as to
htn oauillilaoy for rr-oUvtlon to ron
In a hrkf ninl in iho ruiiirrmo cirt
I'ormi'r Si'iiator Forakor attack tin?
coiisUlullotiality of Hio corporation
tax law.
Tlio piotUUMit may nro his influfnof
with the lioitrr lo miart Into tlio son
nio pontal vxliKf; hank hill a fontiirc
In iiUcil for.
ttzrmtl Cpn Matter at th
tat Cspiuf.
fyr.'iilf.tA rf ti.t Xi.'J.UiT of li
AiUrr Hrxut; 1 (itzs.fl Ulzul clsi
Xi.f. lsiAaizS. wctr.'.A thrsa Xij C
X&Sl'X KM tlZTT. SA Uir JtJJ-t 'A
GtejTizxUjr. a 's:l A Public
IsstA nsJi tialiniTiVt Th: !au.-t &rs
lUTi of th ut'MtuxrJlt-.r va r prohibit
Iti". sJrJJ:rs from js1z the chaj! for
thrir ;.';:':tlftZ-s fc-Vl t'-: iifAfi M In-
for?;;! tJt Mr, :..'; rcttiwi Ut
trr::tll Ai-.::t u, bm: tftt rship'-I fa
vhtrh U prwjt.t, u.r their Kvtter day ,
As a rarjJt o! th: last rornplaJnt
th's hoard k'lwy-jl tx;- followlnz r&a
liiUorj. V'k;r:, 'Hi': of I'uhlic
jzxA. anrl iJulWJr.z riar. o wizw.z
oris o'.':asJorj. r:r-lvfl wttntnual':''
IUjUr from thf. InmaTes of Uf. Ho!
:irs' anrj Kallo.-s Hunt: at V,:avA
fslanrJ, .S":h.. rmfilalrjlnj; that th;y ,
--r rjii.rjvrj of th: rrsr of th? citxifA
htjJlrJlaz for tho hotrJJnz of ci:r.-tlri
tlat tt-t-. u no ra7 flriniental t
th lrit?r;Rta or zo! i:oT.-rnr.i:3t of :
th: utttih. an'J.
V.'hr:a. Th: lioarl of PubJir
Iu.rls arifJ IsullrJlnzi- 1 flealrows of
funl?.hlrjz for tli: lnmt-:!i of .ahl
hum-. ' rjUAur. In lt power tha.t will
aJJ Ui lh: f:ornfort ari'J armr-sernent of
RalrJ Inrnatz-R. hU;vlnz that th;y are
liistly eitltl:rJ v, all that Mi", vstat: of
.'ehraska f:an eztenU V them, and he
Uevlnz fiirth-r.
That the ehapel hulhllriK ' erect
d for tin: sole purife of furnlahlnz
a pl:i-e of public Katln-rlnz for the
inefnh-ra of Ihe home and that th;
exjunses of h:atlnz and IlKbllnz ald
bulldlnz are ko inslznlflcant '.in tvtl
Ui r-:-lve any consldi-rallon whatever;
th-refor'. be It
KeRolvfd. by th- IJard of 1'iibllc
lAfids and fiuUdlnK. That the corn
mandant be and Ir. hereby Intruded
Ui allow tin- ald fhapel hulldlm; to
be uw.l by the Inmaten f the borne
for all K-itti'Tlniert n whatr.ofver kind j
that are iift detrimental to Ihe Kood
t:ovi:rnmeril of the Institution. !
Adoptid by the IJoanl or I'libllc.
Itnda and I'.uildlnr.s: thin 17tb day
of March. A. I. ill 10.
State Normal at Chadron.
Ai'llriK for tlm Cmmer-lal club of
All!an'. Ira K. Tai-.h i.-urd a t:i
porary nsstralnlnz inler to pn'vent
Ihe Ktate Hoard of Kducalhiii from
pror""dlni: with tin- ronjitriictlon of
tli- Hlalo Normal wIhmiI at Chadron.
Judze Froal. who j:rantd the tempo
rary Injunction, -t March 2X an the
dat" tiiion which tf hear argument
for a permanent lujiincllon.
The attorney" nppearlni: for the club of Alliance are N.
K CrlKKtt of Hie Hurllnr.lon railway
and C C. Flantihun;. II. Ik aliened in
the petllloii that, the law under which
the hoard acted Ik tiiirnm'.tlttillonal lu
thai Iho object or II. In not it" I out
dearly lu the title; Hint the law re
iti!n il that propoitalu Tor the new
liilmiil he llbd with the board within
r.lxly dayu ufl-r llm law bernum ef
recllve. and thai wllh the exception
id Alliance no Hly or town llled iiucli
ptopo.uil within tlm Hum limit; Hint
llm necrelary and prej.idenl of Hie
boaid or IruKleea fd the Chadron acad
emy had no rlKhl to make a deed to
Ihe pioperly which II In HioukIiI to
linn over lo Iho i:l. -tic. ami thai I hen
hi doiih: of lh" title which Hie iitale
can ncciite to Hie --round.
Uniform Charrjer. for Show.
Mayor livt- has a ciuuiiiuiiicaUon
from lh" prerddenl ol lh" Denver Tost
I'uhlbthluK company, niiklnr. thai Ihe
clly Join in a niovemeiit lo oiilablli;li ;i
iiuirorm iiyaleiu or IIcciisIuk clrciiKeK
ninl nieiiar.erleH. II enclose coplea id
an ordlnaiico which provres a nlldiUK
ncal" id fee. lncrealliK. H"' -'Iw ""
the clicuii Increases. 5mt hasliiK Ihe
lucrcatio on tho rallniad traimiNirl.i
tloii car lined. :im n milt. Shown usim
from two lo Hilrlyslx cai-s nhall be
charKiMl $iu per car. where iisIiik up
lo llfly en i h I'Jh per car. and where
ii.iIuk more than llfly earn the license
fee lo bo $M per cur.
New Tralna for Local Travel.
The I'ulon raclllc rallniad ban ask
ed periulaaiiin or the railway conunls
aloa lo put on two local traln.t to
caio for I ravel Pet ween points In the
idrJo and discontinue the pracHco
or permit llm: l"l navel on the Iais
AiikcIcs limited.
State Institutions' expense.
Laud Commissioner Cow Irs has
prepared a ipille IctiKtliy table slmw
Iiik Hie expciiscs of state Institutions
which are under control of the state
board id public lands ami buildings
Tor Hccembcr. January ami Febru
ary Orputy Warden Resigns.
James Uelahaiity. for the last nine
yearn deputy warden at Hie state
penitentiary, litis resigned, to take up
his residence on his larni near Clay
Road Show Growth.
The rei-orl of the Chicago. SL Paul.
Minneapolis & Omaha railroad tiled
with tho slate lKWird of assessment
umler the pnvlsin- of the terminal
tax law shows an Increase In the val
uation of local property as well as
an Increase In the net earnings of the
Flrat to Report.
The Kock island Is the nrst rail
rxxsul In tlio state to report on Uu
aluo f the terminal pmjK'rty local
rl lu cities and village, under tht
ivrxtvlstens of Uie terminal tax law.
NffSKASKA m wmtv.
HtAm af I
ltt JkmKTXMM MsAlvm wraj w j
piVkl hx sju&x a. jTopertftfoa t-' iz
cizr crzzcil tor tie s! to ti :
of ti &iyw. ti iz prrjprMvrm u
trisjt avrlraxlr czzx'AitA.
HAivxr 2, C. Kftl!7 of Karr7 fcaa
-ueizur. fzriilzi: Hit-, nuinrrjiz v pitch
ibm Znl trail Is tit assist; ipxzts ol
tlut ;fefT2.ka, Kuif. lixzih. to b
Ii7-;4 r Kftrxr7 aiyyot i'.&7 -
V. (i. Crsj2r. XLJtjnz of Cra.wffcT'2. to
r'XHlzx tjTtjyxij in b uxtzC iuz frs-rs-vrsl
iiriTZifjA. aad ".. flsfcfi XlVi.
Tth Ct: aa? b::a tpAl-rd to ttfe
dllr5ct exsnn.
Vitbla VK'-X-iH hoar afUir ihi box
of V.TJHaa Iratta. a tinnftr at york.
kux inrnttt. rtxivzZi rsI.-;'.-d a par: of
I'Ji't Mr Ijivim asd fasiiy barely
':r:b.yA t:o:a xi.-. buralajj baJIdlas
that he hid irorked a!rhu oa Ui coav ,
A meeting of the r'arraerz r;le7&-
tor orzialzatloa aad the Iadepeader:
Dealer' aaaoclatlon of the Matte
country wa held ai ifatlnz?-. Afr fat to a fs?ht brcrrn. Erat witn pow
rauoh d!xraxIon the two aizoc.atSoaz derc-d Kssar.
were cor.Kolldat:d and will be here-.
nftfrr kaown ax the Kaazaa Grain
Dealer.' asxoclatlon. t
York want' the tal capita! and at j
the next meeting of the York Cora-
mercial club a resolution
will b'r of-
bo ix-aiovM
fered that if the caplUil
from Lincoln. .7:ry effort be made by
York?, commercial organization to '.
have the capita! located at York. .
Phil Jaffr. a fnraifr citizen and
buRlnuM man of Wat Point, died at I
the ae of at Ima Linda aanlta-
rlum. arjutbern California He wax a
man of affair?!, both
educational and
civic and r.rlor to his last i!ine. v.-an
manager of the Jaeger Mapufaclurin
company at L-:s Molnen. la.
The .peHal election held In :.'e!5sh ;
for the adoprlon or rejection of the j
Initiative and r'-ferendurn a:t result- J
ed In a vote of LVj for and 24 aalnat. I
ThI hah be-n done with the hope j
that in the future the matter of 11- j
cense may be taken out of politics i
and Home other rjuallflcatlonK for of-
nee may have a chance to he con
sidered than that of the license
Crafting traveling beggara will t
have a hard time In Central City here
after if the local Commercial club has
Itri vay. At a meeting of the club a
committee wan appointed to invest!
gate all beggara who made their ap
pearance In the town, and if they ap
peared to be worthy and deserving
then they will be indued the proper
credentlalx by the committee, hut if
not. credential!! will be withheld.
The plariH of the new Nebraska
State Odd Fellows home at York will
noon he printed. The new building
will be built of stone and will he five
ntorlcs in height. In this building
will b" the very best arrangement of
. .
room:!., a school room and everything
to make It llreproof and
The Superior Chautaijua associa
tion liar, been organized and ofTicern
elected. Thin will he Superior's lirst
attempt at holding a chautaurpia and
If the enthusiasm of Us citizens is
a criterion it will he a good one. It
took only a couple of days for the
committee to raise -.ullicii-nL funds hy
stock subscriptions to insure iho j
llnancial nnrl of the project. !
The llfleen director!! or the Kenr-
ney Commercial club have appointed j
a committee of three ;o send a reso- i
lutlon similar to the one adopted hy j
the Omaha club protesting against
the raise of freight rates on dressed (
meat i shipped west of Omaha. The
committee was Instructed to act at
once by sending a copy of the resolu
tion to the Commercial club at Omaha
and to the railroad headipiarter'.
Marin iluls. a farmer residing
twelve mllcu northeast of ISeatrice.
was taken into custody, complaint,
having been made that Iluls had
threatened to kill his family and had
driven them to a home of a neigh
bor. Iiunmclnl returns from the eleven
precluts lu Chovcmm county indicate
Hie proposition to bond the coiiiii.v j
for 17fi.'MH lo build a new court house
has been defeated by twenty-live
majority. Sidney precinct gave a
majority of nearly 4ii. but the coun
try precincts were overwhelmingly
against It and the vote was the larg
est ever cast In the county.
Particulars of the accident in which
Mrs. C. II. Kechtry. an old resident of
Cage county, lost her life wen re
ceived Irom Nnrnhisco. N. M. She ami
her daughter, in company with the
uiihl.dcr of the Unllcd Brethren
church at that place, were riding in
an automobile when the machine
Jumped off an embankment and
turned turtle, burying Mrs. Kechtry
and the minister underneath.
Mrs. Mary Stearns of Kearney, a
woman of eighty-three years, was ad
judged insane hv the coinmisloners
and committed to the car.- ol her sou.
Horace Stearns.
The Commercial clubs of Cihbnn
and Sheltou have communicated with
the Kearney club, reipiesting that
they be allowed to join with Kearney
lu a movement to ask for something j
definite in the line of better morning ;
and evening service between other
towns on the main line of the I'ulon
Pacific a I'd Kearney.
F. N. Austin, cashier of the City
bank at Kim Creel;, in Buffalo county.
has Just completed a seed corn test ;
for eight different Buffalo county i
farmers. lOu per cent grew, and from
the corn from the other two farmers
ninety per cent grew.
The case against Teter Uuruh.
charged with forgery, was dismissed
by the court at Madison. The state
depended largely upon the cashier
and the assistant cashier or the
Citizens National bank of Norfolk for
their proof, but these persons failed
to furnish It.
Saturday, while the family of
Chester Slonecker. who live four
miles west of Seward, was In town,
a tramp entered their house and car
ried away Mrs. Slonecker's gold
watch, together with a number of
other articles of Jewelry.
n tfcv Haff -tH nitura
Pftmam r Appim M4!Iiim
-AM't 9nm rctlt
fOitutm far Jtity 9W.L
ARki cc Half SierL Cst
tilrk Vs. c? bread fcto rczzix with
a rczsA cutter. b-rttr. azJ place la a
ifcaJiew Us bakfs abet: part x
enm z:Tici apsle cf ccfforai aire.
czt fa talf zktcam ta rrtc?. 17
half aa apple cs each rosad of bread;
place a plcrap raiafs !a the cere car
i:y of each and aprlakl a rarzture of
iniT aad asuseg; la it. Bake till the
edca of the br2d are illxhtrrt
srrr-Bd acd the apple la tender: i
erre at oace.
ABDle FYitter. Talre fcsr larss
apples, and after hiTic pared and j
cored then, cni ieto rosed ilfces.
abent oce-third of aa lech thick, dip
In batter made of two egjrs. beaten
light, a pint cf milk, a little aalt. three
rablespooafala of sogar. one plat of
Soar, aad flaTor to tast Fry la hot .
Apple Moonshine. Beat the whites
of fiys eifjra atlff. so that when the
bowl is turned upward the Rgs wiU
remain In the bowl: then pot Into thej
? one Rlaxa of apple Jelly and mix
until the rKrs and jnlly seen like one.
Srre In a larRe (flais bowl l!nd with
et wafers or lady flasers.
Apple Snow. Have ready a bcwl cf
atewed apples. Beat the whites of
n" KS' "" na an'J l'u
w nto me siewea snu Bu-ru
aIP,,iS- "ra? wlth 1moa acd Ienr
w,th "V? , . u v v..
nlv " " -.!
J powder crust. Koll out me same
rather thinly and sprinkle liberally
with chopped apples, cinnamon, and
small pieces of butter. Now roll as
Jo making Jelly roll and cut In slices.
Hake in moderate oven from 20 to 25
minutes. Berve with hard sauce or
Cooktd Fowls.
A trussing needle can be purchased
at any upholstering house. It is about
12 inches long, has three sides on the
point and carries a stout thread for.
sewing the fowl together. A darning
needle la too short for the purpose
though a curved upholstering needle
of darning needle length is often
used. It can be inserted from the
Inside, without placing the hand in
side the fowl. The loose skin can be
drawn over the neck and held lc
place with toothpicks. It Is a good
Idea to cross the tips or the fowl'f
wings right over the back, then pass
the long needle clear through the
fowl, using a long thread to hold the
wings In place.
When carving a turkey, first re
move the wing and leg from ono side
and carve the breast into thin slices
If all of the bird is not eaten at one
I .u.1 1 A. ft. AS tmXArm. lc -tk ritcoftft.
: ". " uiuci n.u-.- .r. .. t.t
able when again scrveu. aave au
turkey tidbits, mix with mashed po
tatoes and one egg- Fry like era
quottes and
sorve on a platter with
j Crib Blanketa.
' Blankets for babies' cribs are made
i In the most perfect of colorings, bul
even morn lascinaiing are me ac
signs In contrasting color.
On a blue border aro rabbits ic
their own soft and fluffy whiteness.
Ducks In a row are a delight to chil
dren, and the "cock that crows in the
morn" Is exactly where he belongs.
Scotch plaid in bands borders manj
a richly colored blanket,
the Victoria
plaid being mont in evidence. 1
Silk ribbon binding on these best
of blankets are a perfect match foi
the prevailing color In border or ccn
Egg Economy.
An egg is a necessity when making
good coffee. Try this method: Pur
chase two pounds of coffee at one time,
put In a shallow pan. hreak the whites
of two eggs over it. and mix well, now
place In a warm oven (not hot) and
let remain until dry and glossy (stir
ring occasionally). Remove from
oven, put in the coffee receptacle, and
it Sh ready at a moment's notice. When
preparing use only cold water and you
will have the most excellent cup of
coffee, to say nothing of time, trouble
and expense saved.
A Delicious Potato Pie.
Boll one pound of potatoes till just
cooked, but not smashed; drain them,
then crush them and well beat with
a fork until smooth; mix with them
one wcllbaaten egg. half an ounce of
butter and enough milk to make them
smooth. Put in a pie dish five or six
cutlets with only a very little of the
fat cut off. sprinkle well with flour
and season with pepper and salt; add
a little water, cover with the mashed
potatoes and bake for one to one and
a half hours in a brisk oven.
Grilled Almonds.
Have in readiness one curful of al
monds, blanched and dry; take one
cupful of sugar and a quarter cupful,
or water and boil until it threads
then throw In ihe almonds and peri
mlt them to cook
in the sirup, stir-'
ring occasionally; when the almonds
have changed color slightly remove
from the fire, still stirring until the
sirup turns to sug:- some of which
will cling to the almonds.
New York Sandwiches.
With three tablespoons of finely,
chopped minced ham blend two table
spoons of finely-minced onion. Add
one well-beaten egg. and when well
mixed drop by spoonfuls Into hot
drippings: put in shape. When dsll
cately brown turn and saute the other
tho other side: then place between
slices of bread not less than one-quarter
of an inch thick. Serve on lettuce
leaves. Good Housekeeping.
Fried Oysters.
Drain two dozen large oysters and
dry them in a napkin: dip them firs'
in flour, then in beaten egg. thei ir
cracker crumbs: put them in a win
basket and fry in boiling lard. Frici
oysters should be a warm brown anc"
served on hot plates on layers o
white parer to absorb the superfluous
a oooo cooch wammL
WtfjW ffWOT
tkst win
li aaUra ay
(tkar fa a i? aottte two
S3ycrta, a talf-acae mt Tirfjfa Ofl
-A PSaa ompooaw wsr aai
aaae of acr WkiskT- Taia
!tsra will esre any eosaa taat la
sal, asd fa set expeaafre as It
rsosa to last the areraa fasHy aa j
mtfre year. Ylrgta Oil of Plae eoaa- j
pessd pars is prepared oaly aa tba
laboratortos) of tha
Caw Ciaciaaad. 0.
First Fisherman Well, what
you do with the new net?
Second Fisherman Drove the fish
'in seine-"
"Ocr baby when two months old
was suffering with, terrible eczema
from head to foot, all over her body.
The baby looked just like a skinned
rabbit We were unable to put clothes
on her. At first it seemed to be a few
mattered pimples. They would break
the skin and peel off leaving the nn
: deroeata skin red as though It were
scalds. Then a few more pimples
would appear and spread all OTer the
. bo, leading the baby all raw without
.klB fpom heail . foot. Oa ton of her
head there appeared a heavy scab a
Quarter of an inch thick. It was aw
rul to see so small a baby look as she
lid. Imagine! The doctor was afraid
to put his hands to the child. We
tried several doctors' remedies bat all
"Then we decided to try Cutlcura.
By using the Cutlcura Ointment we
softened the scab and it came off. Un
der this, where the real matter was.
by washing with the Cutlcura Soap
and applying the Cutlcura Ointment,
a new skin soon appeared. We also
gave baby four drops of the Cutlcura
Resolvent three times daily. After
three days you could see the baby
raining a little skin which would peel
off and heal underneath. Now the
baby Is four months old. She Is a fine
picture of a fat little baby and all Is
well. We only used one cake of CoU
:ura Soap, two boxes of Cutlcura Oint
sent and one bottle of Cutlcura Re
solvent. If people would know what
Cutlcura Is there would be few suffer
ing with eczema. Mrs. Joseph Koss
mann. 7 St. John's Place, Ridgewood
Heights. N.T.. Apr. 30 and May i, 09."
An Easy Job.
"Do you think that you can make
my daughter happy?" asked Mr. Cum
rox. "She has been happy with you.
hasn't she?" rejoined the confident
"I think so. $ir."
"Well, if she's that easy to please
' there ought to be no difficulty."
The Wise Doc
! "The doctor has ordered me to eat 1
1 only the plainest food."
i "For how long?"
"Till I have paid his till. I guess.
Beautiful Pest Cards Free.
Penrt 4c stamps for ttvo 3-impl"J of our
irery best Gold and Silk Finish Birthday.
Flower and Motto Cards: beautiful
cotnrs and loveliest designs. Art Post
Card Club. 792 Jackson St.. Topeka. Kan.
"If the shoe iiu, wear it," Is a time
worn saying, but with a woman If the
shoe fits she takes it back because It
s too big.
PAZO olNT.MBNTlnnanimecU to itiro any rise
ut Iti-hiP. Illind. Illeecllnit or I'n.trndlCK 1"" ia
Ctultit-rsormoiicr refnedeil. Wo
Fear not iest thy lite come to an
end; but rather lest it never had a be
ginning. Newman.
Mrs. Win-low's Rootblag Syrop.
FnrcklMrrn tUiln.'finUMi:ijsrrlucJa
n im..iuin ,nlly uiln.cuivslnl colic. aetotUe.
It's never too late to mend until It
Is too late.
Iwin Single
traight 5: cigar-
Binder, the famous
-annual sale 9,500,000.
To enjoy love or sausages one must
have a lot of confidence.
islac i
ft ti m aVMasW Jfl
COD CAI eAIwflittrwreatWtttenirort.
VIV OMlMEIudltait,
We are obllgvd to enlarge our plant, due to the increase in business,
and offer the above stock to those seekins; investment.
For particulars, address
Owe Size omy. so Borne
In effect daily
March 1
April 15
Good on the comfortable
tourist sleepers of the
Union Pacific
Southern Pacific
"7A Smf Road to Trowel"
Dustless, perfect
track electric
block signal pro
tection dining
car meals and
service "Best in
the World"
For further information
call on or address
The Wretchednes
of Constipation
Caa qaickly be owtcoaw by
Purely vegetable
set tardy sad
Brer. Car
Sawing. Si
i 1TCIIT TOCRIDKAS. Trwaybrtr. .on
liajraua uo, rmLAttrauBu K. Waablaatonji a
.'; Thissfin'i Ey Witt?
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 12-19t0.
is the turning-point to economy
in wear and tear of wagons. Try
a box. Every dealer, everywhere
i larngmine. Taw d. Aa daty.
IDm. Smmnrwim.
suae bear asjaatsre:
H Cored by Electropodes Q
M Hew Electric TfOCntst. KUtlwlii um H
luld O-.tx. Bodr titcn Mew serve rtc
fl ronscctiErr tm. fnitlT cos lor Kheuitt$m. 1 I
if I Nrtn.'gU. rUetxA. KIdaey aad Ufa com- I J
M pblat. Only SS.C0 p!r. Cumstc signed " II
B eaehute. U EettioyoOj fail etn, ntonryr- Bg
tn tnrard. It Mf at yar Dranlara Had ua P-- 1 J
I WawBtaaathatyoaaMsassUad, la
H as7IsalaalssBt. Im Assets. CiL IQ
' y" t",fer-