m ohmhm Mwcml jltt'. -m ft V h FORTIETH YEAR. NUMBER 51. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1910, WHOLE NUMBER 2.0O1. I r r K :lj t5ftt-tf- T GET A HOME of your own. Good Dwelling Properties for sale at $1,000 and Up m m lb It) Ik a a EASY TERMS BECHER, HOCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS 4-4-4f-44' COLUMBUS MARKETS. Oats 47 Wheat, now 99 so rn ...-. White corn 48 Hogs, top fUUOtnlO xiwimiiiiJiJiiiJiiiiimiiiJUiiuiiJimuiiM MANY YEARS AGO. Smiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitimminiiimiinmiiiil Files of The .Journal March 28, 1877. We learn that arrangements are being niatle to establish a ferry across tlie Loup, opposite Silver Creek. The appraisement of the Pawnee re servation was to begin the first of April, but the recent severe illness of Al Swalm of Iowa, may delay it until after that date. We make the following notes of an in terview with A. J. Arnold, wlio return ed on Thursday last from the Hills Starling on Monday of last week, he arrived in Sidney in three and one-half days, whereas a party starting the Fri day lefore, and going the Cheyenne route, reached there twelve Lours later. The Sidney route is the best, and is pro bably the route for the proposed rail road. II Q. ltockefellow is superint endent of the stage line from Sidney; the coaches are new, aud everything in good shape. There has been a good deal of snow in the Hills lately. Joe Strother, Dr. Kelley and .Jas. Hudson have been prospecting on Bear Butte OreeU. At the Hidden Treasure, near Uayville. a ten-stamp mill uverages iti.OOO a week--the rock proves immen sely rich. Que',r names for creeks Split Tail, Bob White, Black and Sheep Tail. Four hundred head of rattle and r.OI) sheep were recently stolon by In diaus but recovered by soldiers. The Black Hills country will be overrun ami all kinds f business overdone. Parties going In the Hills hid better take six month:1 provisions. A good bed or coal, equal to the Kocl: Springs, has been discovered oil the Helle Fourche. Census Enumerators. So far the census enumerators for Platte county, which is incomplete, is as follows First und Second wards, Columbus IV J. McCaffrey. Third and Fourth wards, Columbus Siaurice Whitmoyer. Columbus township Ueo. Winslow. Ilismark Fred Cattail. Sherman .1. 11. Lneschon. Lost Cretk Kd Lusiei.ski. Shell Creek Win. Connor. Public Sale of Livery Stock. Having recently purchased the Vogel livery stock, will offer same for sale Sat urday, March 21., 1910. at 2 p. in. Sale to be held in front of the old Clother barn. This stock consists of horses, buggies, harness, whips, robes, etc., and will positively be sold to the highest bidder. DlNHRN, IJritnXPAI.I. .V YiH'Xi!. Owners. Attend the after sunuer sale at IS ray's next Saturday. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. C. KAVANAUGH April 25 is the date that has been se lected by the council for the special election for the Platte river bridge bonds. The ordinance has been read twice und will come up for the final reading Wednesday evening. The amount asked for is $25,000, and at the same time the township will be asked to vote &iO0o to assist in the building of the bridge. At the meeting of the sup ervisors last week a committee from the city waited on them and asked for as sistance in the repairing of the structure, and the board voted to expend $5,000 for that purpose. With amount asked for the structure can be repaired bo that it will be permanent, as the idea is to use the same construction as the spans built during the winter. The inability of people living in Polk county to get to Columbus deprives our merchants of much trade that always comes here, and it is also a great inconvenience to those who live closer to Columbus than the other towns, as they are compelled to go further to do their trading. Arrangements have been completed for the remodelling of the three build ings at the corner of Twelfth and Olive streets, "which includes the First Nation al Bank on the corner and the Gass and Schubert buildings north of it. The hank building will be reconstructed and a brick wall replace the present one, be ing of pressed brick, and the fronts of the two other buildings will correspond with this one. The upstairs of the Gass building, and the second story to be con structed on the Schubert building will also contain offices. Entrances to the second story of these buildings will lie on Twelfth street. While the remodel ling of their building is in progress the bank will occupy the temporary struc ture on Olive street moved from the rear of the Meridian hotel, and the Pos tal telegraph company which at present occupies a portion of the bank building will be housed in temporary quarters in the street south of their present loca tion. Fire starting from an unknown cause was discovered Friday evening in the building Bouth of the Friedhof store. About four months ago, when the build ing was occupied by the Palmer dye and cleaning works, an explosion set it on fire, and it was partially burned. Since that time it has been vacant and the day before the fire was sold by the own er, V. IL Weaver, to P. F. Miller, for 50. Miller had made arrangements to have it torn down this week, and save what he could. Since the fire he has commenced work on it and is having it torn down. For awhile it looked as though the Friedhof .store would be damaged, and but for the fact that the clerks were on the top tloor at the time the tire was discovered and closed the iron shutters, their damage would have been considerable. Their loss, however, is nominal. Work of moving out the frame build ing to make room for the new addition to the Meridian hotel, was commenced last week. The addition will be brick and three stories high, the two upper providing twenty additional sleeping rooms for the hotel, and the ground floor to be occupied by a mercantile establishment. The new part will be pressed brick, the same as the First National bank building across the street, and the present building will also be veneered with pressed brick, and made modern. The contemplated improve ments will require an expenditure of between $i:i,000 and $14,000. and when completed the hotel building will be a credit to the city. For the present the interior will not be remodelled, but later landlord Todeuhoft says that this will he done. The annual meeting of the Fish and Game Protective association met at Phillipps & lluilat's sporting goods house Monday evening. Other than the regular order of business and the re election of all of the old officers, the association instructed their secretary, L. F. Phillipps, to purchase ten pair of Hungarian partridges, the birds to be liberated in this vicinity. Several coveys of the ring-necked pheasants that the association liberated one and two years ago, have been seen this spring, which shows that some of the birds at least have come through the hard winter. But it seems to be the general opinion among members of the association that the Hungarian partridge is going to prove the better bird for this climate. Saturday evening the democrats held their city convention at the Firemen's hall to place in nomination candities for city offices. As this is practically an "off year" only candidates for the council and school board are to be elected. The convention nominated the following candidates for the council: First ward. John Scbmocker; Third ward, O. F. Elias; Fourth ward, A. W Olark. The nominees for the Third ami Fourth wards are at present members of the council for those wards. As the school bos ul is non-partisan, but one candidate was named P. F. Lu6cbsinger to suc ceed Henry Lnbker. Louis Lightner was chairman Bnd Fred Plath secretary of the convention. Last week the board of supervisors appointed W. T. Strother of Monroe a member of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Belief commission to take the place of R. L. Kossiter, who has removed from j the county. The term of the appoint ' ment is three years. Dr. Naumauu. Dentiat 13 Si. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building. Easter Millinery at Gray's. For your Easter hat, go to Mrs Nug ent's. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. The latest styles in hats for Easter at Mrs. Nugent'. For Sale A small cash register. Phillipps & Rudat. For toys' and young men's suits, see Gcrharz-Flynn Co. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. K. Strother. Dr. C.A. Allenburger, oflee in new State Bank building. Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr. O. D. Evans, west side of Park. Easter Gloves at Gray's. Mrs. Win. Moore of Genoa was a Co lumbus visitor Suuday at the borne of her parents. Take a look at those nobby spring suits, from $10.00 to $25.(10, at The Ger-harz-Flynn Co. Lester Westcott of Creston was a guest at the home of his brother, Ross Westcott, Saturday. Harry E. Mowery, who is employed as cook at the Her Grand in Omaha, came up Monday on a business trip. There will be English Easter services at the German Lutheran church next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Editor D. J. Poynter of the Albion Argus was in the city Monday, enroute to Indiana to attend the funeral of a friend. Found On the road between Colum bus and Platte Center, a lap robe. Call at Journal office, identify robe and pay for this notice. D. Burr Jones, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of this city, addressed the audience at the Hanscom Park Methodist church in Omaha last Sunday evening. Don't miss Saiah Wathema Brown and Chicago Boy Choir, Wednesday, March 30, 8:15 p. m. V. M. C. A. Course. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ford of Boulder, Colo., accompanied by Mrs. Ford's mother, arrived Friday, and are visiting at the home of M. S. Fish. .Mr. Ford is a brother-in-law of Mr. Fish. Mrs. Jos Lassek died Monday at her home, seventeen miles west of this city, death being due to peritonitis. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon from the Catholic church in Duncan, and burial will be in the parish cemetery. Eugene Clark who has been visiting at Baker City, Oregon, at the home of his sister. Mrs. (J. A. Bernhardt, for the past several months, returned to his home in this city last Friday evening. He was head clerk in one of the large department stores while there. Gua Olson, the machinist at the Union Pacific round house who was seriously injured by the explosion of an air drum a few weeks ago, was compelled to sub mit to an operation last Friday, the surgeons taking off his leg just below the knee. The wound which was caus ed by the explosion had refused to heal and the amputation was neoeasary to save bis life. About 2:30 Tuesday morning Are of an unknown origin was discovered in the vacant house at the corner of Sixteenth and Adams streets. The building had not yet been completed, having been commenced last fall, although but little finishing remained to be done. The cellar where the fire was discovered, was partially filled with shayinga and kindling. The bouse was owned by Mrs. P. Penkala. and was being com pleted by contractor Geo. Kohler. The damage was confied to the floor, which was badly scorched. Fred Stinhorat and Mrs. Riley were up before Police Judge O'Brien Monday charged with being drank. Friday night they proceeded to get on a jag and Stinhorat locked the Riley woman in his shop, ostensibly for the purpose of hav ing her sober up. Later Stinhorat came from home and went to the shop, and Mrs. Stinhorat found him there. She at once called Policeman Hagel, who took the couple in charge and locked them up. Judge O'Brien assessed each of them $5 and costs for the performance, and they paid their fines and were dis charged. The following rrom the Omaha World Herald tells of ibe settlement of thesnit filed for damages for the death of A. M. Bushnell at the Platte river bridge last February: Robert Z. Drake, doing busi ness as the Standard Bridge company, has paid the estate of Arthur M. Bush nell $2,500 damages for bis death. Sait and answer confessing judgment were filed at the same time in district court. John M. Brock, as administrator, filed the suit which alleged that the collapse of the Platte river bridge near Columbus on February 3 caught Bashaell beneath it and inflicted the injuries which caused his death. V 8 ROOM HOUSE Good barn and five acres of lnad, 12 blocks from Post office. PRICE $3,500 Elliott-Speice-Echols Co. Post Office Block Columbus, Neb. Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Easter hosiery at Gray's. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block. Dr. G. A. Ireland, State Bank bldg. First-class printing done at the Jour nal office. Ladies Easter Neckwear at 0 ray's. Easter hats, see the new creation at Mrs. Nugent'. Dr. Cbas. II. Campbell, oculist and auriat, 121ft Olive street. For Unions, try a superior, a perfect fit, at Gerharz-Flynn Co. For fine watch, clock and jewelry re pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh street jeweler. The homes of E. G. Malone and Peter Urayus have been quarantined for scar let fever during the last week. Christ Bienz of this city has been summoned as a member of the federal grand jury, which meets in Omaha. Try a pair of the Interwoven toe and heel hose. .They beat anything you ever saw for wear, at The Gerharz-Flynn Co. Y. M. C. A. Wednesday March 30 Sarah Watheua Brown and Chicago Boy Choir. A ninsical treat. Wanted District manager with head quarters at Oolnmbus. A grand oppor tunity for tlie right man. Address in confidence Life. P. O. Box 1963, New York City. Oolunibns bowlers defeated the Fre mont team at the Hagel alleys last Sat urday evening, the score of the teams being ColumbuB, 2618; Fremont, 2312. The line up for the teams was Columbus, Kavanaugb, Gulzmer. Sawyer, Oeborn, Nichols, the name team that bowled at St. Louis. Fremont was represented by Hammond, Lucas, Koepenic, Wright, Douglas. In the doubles Fremont was victorious. Hammond and Lucas defeat ing Kavanaugb and Sawyer by a score of 1915 to 1787. Both Columbus and Fre mont teams go to Omaha for Sunday, where Columbus and Fremont will bowl, and later the Columbus team will bowl with the celebrated Metz team, the champions of Nebraska. The Spanish Orchestra, which will ap pear at the North Theatre on Sunday evening, March 27th, is attracting con siderable attention among the musio lov ing people of the city. This sacred re cital will take place immediately follow ing the evening services in the oharches of the city, and in consequence the opening overture will not begin until 8:30. As before stated the proceeds of this entertainment here will lie applied to a fund for the entertainment of delegates to the state reunion of Spanish American war veterans to be held in this city April 2Clb and 27th. The orchestra will be assisted by Frederick Irving, baritone, formerly leading man with Sbumann-Heink, in the rendition of "Lovers Lottery." tssM aHaV1 feaknnnjHt THE BEST is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEAVE t SOI HARNESS AND COAL Y. M. C. A. Notes. Last Saturday night the Fontein Bros., gave a free piano recital in the Y. M. O. A. William Parker, general secretary at Hasting will address the boys's meeting next Sunday at 3:00 o'clock. Everybody is invited to hear him. Mr. Parker will also speak at the men's meeting at 4:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Men are cordially invited to attend this service. Next Saturday evening, March 2Cth, William Parker of Hastings will give his stereopticon lecture "Out Door Life" in the Y. M. C. A., under the auspices of the boys department. This lecture takes in hiking, camping, cross country running, mountain climbing, swimming rowing, sailing, snapping, memory for gettery and 20.000 miles on foot. It is a lecture that will be interesting and en tertaining to both young and old. It is worth seeing and bearing. Admission 15 cents to everybody. Sarah Watbena Brown and the Chicago Boy Oboir will be the big at traction at the Y. M. C. A. next Wed nesday evening, March 30tb. Sarah Wathena Brown is a barpiste of nation al fame and with ber musical boys she gives a novelty concert and performance that exceeds any juvenile lyceum at traction. The program by the boys will be a perfect round of pleasure. Tbey sing, in costume, the national patriotic airs of many nations. A very novel thing will be their performance on the Marambopbone, on the Bagpipes, the TamlKiurines, and Castanets. This will be one of the beet entertainments of the whole course and perhaps the best musical entertainment the people of Columbus have ever bad in the city. The regular course ticket admit. Single admission, 35 cents. Last Friday evening the parents of the boys in the Bible study were guests at a supper given by the hoys at the Y. M. C. A. The purpose of the gathering, besides the social enjoyment was to bring the parents into closer touch with the work the boys have been doing the win ter. The menu was a good substantial one and a committee of fine looking boys performed the waiter's "stunt." After every one had gone through the menu, clear past the cake, James Colton the toastmaster, delivered one of bis eloquent addresses and proceeded with veteran deliberateness to introduce the speaker of the evening. Jim made a good toastmaster for he kept things on the move and bad some apt variations for the introduction of each speaker. "The Bible class suppers," was the sub ject of the first speaker, Carl ftusche, whom the toastmaster introduced as a striking example of what the Bible class supper will do for a fellow who is regu lar in attendance. Carl made a good talk, showing that there bad been an average of about 40 boys in Bible classes each week, and that much benefit hsd been derived from them. He stated al so that many of the boys are going into the special class to prepare for the inter national examinations on April 19th. Frank Bolide was then introduced to speak on "How We Get 'Em." Frank explained the work of the membership committee and its organization, showing that the purpose of this committee ia not only to get new members but also to get them interested in all of the association activities. Frank is to be commended on the talk he made. Homer Bush then spoke on "The Sunday meetings." He showed that the average attendance at the menu meeting had been about 30 Anyone who heard Homer cannot doubt that these meetings, though small, have been very effective. He spoke of the religions training and the christian ex perience it brings to a fellow who takes part and said: "It makes Christ more of a personal Saviour." Is'nt that worth while? Mr. Kienzel and Mr. Putnam then made brief remarks after which the toastmaster asked Rev Dibble to offer n word of prayer. Every one of the boys did surprisingly well and the gathering was an "eye opener" to some of the par ents. There were about 90 in attendance. Marriage Licenses. Chris M. Christensen, Lindsay 21 Ellyn L. Nelson, St. Edward 31 Arthur Woxberg, Genoa. 24 Anna O. Peterson, 'Lindsay 17 Grace Episcopal Church Services. Good Friday three hours devotion beginning at 12 o'clock noon. Easter services. Extensive preparations are being made for these services. The music is beautiful, spirited and inspiring. The choir will include a number of the oity's favorite singers. The Columbus oommandery of Knight Templars will attend the morning services is full uni form. The following musio will be rendered: Processional Welcome happy morn ing A. S. Sullivan Christ our Passover . . . W. O. Wilkinson Te Deum Laudamns H. Pepper Jubilate Deo Edw. L. Cranmer Credo Caleb Simper Introit Angels roll the rock away V k m Aopcr Hymn At the Lamb's high feast J. Rosenmiller Sermon Anthem Christ is Risen E. Wheaton tteade Kyrie Eleiaon Caleb Simper Suraum Corda Caleb Simper Gloria in Excelsis Old chant Recessional Allebria Lyra Davidica Mr. Saffron, director; Miss Slater, organist; Mies Pobl, violinist. Early communion 8 a. m. ; Sunday school 10 a. m.; morning service 11 a. m. In the evening at 7 o'clock the Sunday school will have a service called "The Lord is Risen," prepared by J. Lincoln Hall, and including solo's and dnetts; a motion song by the Infant class. This service is under the direction of Mrs Xanders and Mrs. Hookenberger. Father Xandf.kh, Rector. Route No. 3. John Schreiber moved on to the Beck er farm last week. Otto Hembd ia completing a new dou ble corn crib and granary. Winter wheat has shown a mnrkeil im provement during the last week. Business called our wide awake miller, Peter Schmitt to Columbus last Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lange, jr , are the proud parents of a baby boy. born Sat urday. Husking corn and sowing oats at the same time is something unusual, but is not an uncommon slight this spring. Peter Meyer, who purchased the Rhodeborst place last fall, is repairing the house and building a machine abed. Wm. Lange, ar., and daughter attend ed a birthday reception at the home of Henry A lbe rs. west of Platte Center, last Saturday. Eddie Brunken was in Columbus Sat urday and Sunday, and attended con firmation services at the Hernias Luth eran church. John Randal, our road overseer, has been keeping tab on the bad places in the road and is endeavoring to put them in the best possible condition. The grading down of the bill at Fred Seefeld's was commenced Tuesday. The township board of Shell Creek township expect to expend $350 in this work. After an illness of two weeks with typhoid pneumonia. Jack Weetbrook died at bis home, on west Seventeenth street, last Friday evening. Mr. West brook was born at St. Edward October ' 1884. He came to CuIuiuIiub several years ago and for a while was employed with a Union Pacific bridge gang. On December 18, 1907. he was united in marriage to Miss Msry Meeks. who sur vives him. One brother, H. W. West brook, who is employed as baggageman at the Union Pacific, also resides in this city. He was- taken to St. Edward Sat urday afternoon, and funeral services were held Sunday at the Methodist cburcb, being conducted by the pastor, and burial was in the St. Kdwanl cem etery. For the present there will lie nothing done toward providing more room or building a new courthouse, at least that was the result of the meetings called for that purpose at the court house last Wednesday. ' The taking out of the Platte river bridge, which is of much im portance, called for aid from the super visors, and tbey allowed $5,000 for that purpose, and in view of this the court house proposition will rest for the pre sent. However, the meeting developed the fact that the board will sooner or later call for a bond issue of approxim ately$100,000, to build a new and modern structure on the present site. Route No. 1. Farmers are all busy in the field. Herman Gigox is hauling material for a new bouse. Geo. Loeeke bought a new carringe of the latest style. Jacob Greiscn is building an addition to the bouse on bis farm. Mrs. Henty Rieder returned last Sat urday from a visit at Silver Creek. David and Wm. Luche and their families were in Columbus last Friday J. C Patterson, substitute carrier, de livered mail on the route last Saturday. Wanted. About' 300 members of the Columbus Commercial club to get acquainted with home industry by smoking El Praximo and Little Joe cigars, made by Derring ton & Williams. Ladies Do away with the scrub brush and bucket USE Transparent Waxei Oil Grease will not spoil it. No dust in sweeping. Not slippery. Is not expensive and saves labor. POLLOCK & GO. The Druggist on the Corner Columbus, Nebraska Wet your reserved seat for Mrs. Itrown awl Chicago Boy Choir. Single admissioa 35 cents, reserved seats 10 cents. Course ticket admits. Wednesday morning the old Union Pacific freight depot, which was moved to the west end of the yards and ia bow used as a store house, was set on fire by sparks from the engine pulling No. 11, the Denver train. The blaze also caught in the grass and rubbish and set fire to some piling near thebranoh track. For awhile it looked as though the building would be burned to the ground but the department succeeded in getting it under control, notwithstanding the great distance from any fire hydrant. TI)e Union Pacific have been very for tunate in the matter of fires in this city, but for their own protection they should arrange for dydrants convenient for the city department, as the long delay on account of distance may result in a heavy loss to them. Monday evening the republican city convention was held in the Firemen's ball, and a complete ticket named. Carl Kramer president and Frank Schram secretary. The first business was the selection of a member of the school board, and the present incumbent. Dr. EL II. Naumann, whose term expires, waa renominated. Representatives from the four wards were then requested to select their candidates for the council, and the following were selected aad nominated: First ward, OttoKummer; Second ward, Isaac Brock; Third ward, Gus G. Hecber. jr . Fourth ward, F. S. Davis. After the nominations were made the following city central com mittee was then named: First ward. G. Friscbbolz; Second ward, Fred Lanz; Third ward, R. G. Strother; Fourth ward. Frank Scbrnm. Frank Schram waa elected chairman of the city committee. Tuesday evening the meeting of the stockholders of the Columbus base ball club finished up all the business that will probably come before that body during the bane ball season. In the selection of a ground, the present one in the southwest part of town, was decided on. Thero will have to be considerable work done on it so that there will be no delay in the games, und very likely ad ditional bleachers und grand stand will be built. Manuger Dulan is getting in touch with quite a number of men who desire to join the Columbus team, but as yet no contracts have been signed. Dur ing the trying out period for the players quite a number of games will be played, and admission will be charged to some of them. If present plans carry out, Columbus may have an opportunity to see one or more of th- Western lea gue teams on the borne grounds, ss it is quite likely that Omaha and perhaps Lincoln may be secured to play one or more of their practice games in this city It is the desire of the management of the club to give the season a good seed off here, and as Columbus is scheduled for a game to open the season, they are arranging for a half holiday on that day, and also run excursions from the branch es and main line. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from $1.50 to $4.50. Price iu boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 50c to $2 50 a garment. Buy early while th sizes are complete. GRAY'S s