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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1910)
b If FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, Columbus. ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES hilvki: ntr.KK. i-roiii the Sainl .M .1. ilurry who lnia been nureing liis broken uriii tit tiiu CuliunliuH tiotipital came up last Friday fnrn visit. Hifl arm t-eemti to J if completely paralyzed from the dhow ti the tips of Iih liner.i ami it id feared it will remain &, although it is Mill lining treated in hopes of improving it condition. day morning after which the boily was interred in the cemetery eaat of Hell-wood Miss Lena Kayton, daughter of Mr. and Mra. K. S. Kayton of Savannah township, was united in mnrriage at high noon on Tuesday to Karl Wert, of PalisHde, Colorado. Tlio nuptial knot was tied by Kev. Jackson of Bel I wood. The bride and groom left immediately It was a year last Tuesday that the thereafter for Colorado, where they will hint interment was made in the Silver , make their home, ('reek cemetery. Solomon Slippered,' aged Ti years was buried March S. HMI'.t Our people must no away to die or else they are a mighty healthy lot. At any rate our cemetery population ia noL growing very rapidly. (ir.NOA. Kkiiii tho Tinier. Farmers in Madison county who have a supply of IUDS seed corn on hand de mand Si a bushel for it. This is :i case of one farmer skinning another farmer, something which does noL very often oc cur as the opportunity suldout presents "itself. In Iowa heed corn Hells for 2h bushel. U.A. Mollin received n message last Monday from the otlice. of the White Star Steamship Co., in New York stat ing that Mrs Thor.sen had been diB chaiged from the hospital ami thai a bill of SHKi as hospital sorx'iccH was due, and asked that an attendant be went to ae-:-ompauy hei to Ueuoa. In response to the message Mr. Mollin informed the steamship company that "Mrs. Thor&en had money in the First National Hank of (leiioa. and that when she forwarded her, eertilicate of deposit with instruc tions to defray the expense of an attend ant, one would be sent. HKfif.woon. IIIIMl'IIItKV. Vriuii tlm DmniK-nit Mrs. Leo Oietzen of Columbus, was in town the first of the week visiting the Henry Geitzcn nndK. H. Leach families. .lames McDermott. of Oolninbns waa in town the first of the week visiting hiB son, Haniey, and attending to lusiness. E. Johnson of Omaha, and Peter Mechick of Genoa, arrived in town the first of the week to take charge of the section crews on the Union Pacific Mr. Johnson will have charge of the south section anil Mr. Mechick of the north section. .Too Sturek anil Aug. Balleweg the former section liosses, are going to try their hand at fanning this year. The wooden covering to the man hole of the sewer in the middle of the street on the west side of the crossing south from Diem store, gave way Monday af ternoon, just as Peter Noont-n waB pass ing over with his team and one of hia burses went into the hole and it took considerable time and hard worbefore the horse was gotten out. The place has since been Used with a cement and iron top so that no like trouble will follow in the future. PLATTE CKNTEB From the Signal. Mia. John Lueke came up from Colum bus laat week for a few days wit with het parents, Mr. and Mra. J. J. Regan. A man opened up a trunk full of watches, jewelry and other truck on the bridge last Saturday and sold at auction tor a couple of hours. He waa surround ed all the time by a crowd of eager buyers, and reaped a generous harvest. A peculiar thing about such things is that nearly the same string of "suckers" is caught every time some stranger comes along and throws ont the bait. Last week it seemed to be the general opinion among farmers with whom we talked that winter wheat had suffered severely during the winter; many of them reporting whole fields killed; others only portions of the fields. Talk ing with aomeof the same men this week they tell us it is not so bad as they thought it was; that fields which last week seemed entirely dead are this week showing life, and would probably come out all right. No doubt many fields are injured in spots, but not bo seriously as reported. Early reports every spring kills many acres of wheat that afterwards produce a good crop. This community was greatly shocked last Sunday when a dispatch from Sioux City announced that Louie Loseke had died at a hospital in that city that morn ing, where he went' the Monday liefore for an operation for appendicitis. Few of his ac:juiantance knew that he was thus afflicted, or that he had gone away for treatment. It snews that he had been doctoring for several months with no relief, and finally decided upon an operation, and last week Monday, in company with luauister. Mrs. Chris Mar ten, he went to the hospital. The opera tion was performed Tuesday afternoon and so quickly did he rally from it and feel bo strong that his Bister, thinking all danger past, came home Friday. Unfavorable symptoms developed after she left, and hi i wife wat. dispatched for anil .she reached his bedside Saturday evening, but he. passed away at 4:20Snu day morning. The remains reached here Sunday evening and were conveyed to his home six auilea northwest of Platte Center. The funeral was held Wed nesday from the Lutheran church at Uldenbush, nual interment in the ceme tery near by. Louis C. Loseke was the oldest child oClMr. and Mrs. Wm. Loseke and was born m the old Loseke home stead April lt, 1874. He owned and lived on a farm which joined his father's farm on the west. He was one of our most progressive farmers and stock growers. He ia survived by his wife and three chiUIren, his father and moth er, three brothers and two sisters Electric Light Always Ready Brilliant Glean Safe Have your house wired Columbus Light, Heat & Power Co. Columbus Plumbing Co. LUEKE & MULLIGAN Proprietors Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating 13th and M Streets Columbus, Nebraska AXAIOII. From tee News. J. Albert Johnson, who has lived near St. Edward for the past twenty-fire yean, leaves this week for Tulia. Texas, to make hia home. He has nougat unu there and expects to farm on a pretty large aoale. George Benton sold his farm three miles south of town Tuesday to William Crouch for a consideration of $125 per acre. We have not learned just what Mr. Benton expects to do bat under stand that he will reinvest his money in Boone county soil. Last Sanday evening a broken rail waa discovered on the Northwestern track south of the depot, near the oil tanks. It was a complete break and, had it not been discovered, it would doubtless have resulted in a wreck. The section men, however, replaced the broken rail before the morning passen ger train. P. J. Mullen was in town Monday and said that he was testing his seed corn and had, so far, found considerable of it poor. He was surprised at the amount of poor seed. Others who are testing are finding much of their seed to be worthless. The large percentage of poor seed throughout the north half of the state is due to the early winter. It is evident that the corn in Boone county ia no exception and that unless care is taken in selecting seed this spring the crop will be short. Those who tind their stands of corn spotted and poor, will doubtless blame the cut worms. It will be surprising news to the many friends of Mrs. Jos. Harper in this com munity to learn that she whm united in ...urnnnatliafnra nart. nt lfmt. week lit her home in York to a gentleman by the From tin' (lusetle. ehildren, who spent the winter months u ilh relatives aud friends m this com inanity, etnrted for their home in Can ada Tuesday. Mr. and Mru. Carl Jacobs and daugh ter, Mina bin, expert to leavf for the old roiintry the llith of tins month. On their return trip to America Mr. Jacobs hays they will make their home in Oklahoma The eight months old baby of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Mice!: died Tiiesulay noon after a short illness. Funeral was held nt St. Peter's Catholic church Wednes- uauie of Harvey Scott who comes from the northern part, of the state Mr Scott waa here and helped Mrs. Harper pack and ship her gooda to York and we understand he accompanied her theie and they were married the next day af ter their arrival. Ever 'Faithful, "lie's always -wanting to borrow money from me." "A fair weatherfrlend.mere3y "Oh, no. He has also borrowed, sev eral umbrellas." Pittsburg 'Post 1 YYH m 'fiVff HHsHLsaasMTaaMrstiiTw " ' " J .-C' . . C (V ' t n4BBBlBBBT (faSBBlmSZSBBBBBBBBBBBBaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS JJV,y - Yj ! r tjBJBKiHEUHrsBBSBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM Trc.-F- i emmBmnlamr!fUMtaKCBTATjBBnBmBTamBmaBTamM -fj I? ' ' '';-'fl 99VjUABBKBBBslBBBs9sSBSSaSBSBSBSBSBBBSBsl - - - CUT PRICE POST CARDS 1c Each Kegular 5c and 2 for 5c Cards, including LOCAL VIEWS sold by us for lc each. Come in and look the line over and be convinced. Don't be held up any longer. THE OLD RELIABLE Poeschs Candy Factory All mail orders filled promptly i i , - i CKKTHAI. CITY. From the Nonpan;il. "I am not worrying so much aliont an early spring," e aid J. Mack the other day, "as I am. a bout the quality of my seed corn. Tlie re is a lot of poor corn in the country and some of it is going to be used for se-d, which means a poor stand. I ha v rigged up a little box and have planted wotne selections from my crop. By tasting it out in this way I hope to gel die best corn for seed." If every farme r ui the county would follow Mr MhpIc's MXMinnle there would not be much dangi sr of a short crop next year on account of a poor stand. The loni f Platte river bridge was the scene of a . runaway Thursday afternoon that thrcal ned dire results for a tune and did ret wit in a broken collar bone for Mm. V Jill Oampbell. Mx- aud Mrs. Campbell were returning to their home in 1 lamilton county from a visit in Central City and when crossing the i.ri.i.x. .me., .if iliMLiiffH came down. This Beared the-team and they began to plun ge about, loosening more of the tugs and linall y dropping the tongue. With the tongu w down they ran a short dis tance un JUl the tonguexau unuer mo railing an 1 Mr. and Mr. Campbell' were thrown o at. The former was not injur ed beyo ad some bruised bands and knees. Urn. Campbell, however, was thrown a gduast the railing of the bridge in such a hu inner as to fracture her col lar bone. They managed to riht things tinfll: ' ami Mrs. Campbell was taken home Tbenevy i agreement entered into by business: mer requiring ieople soliciting for aid In i efer their credentials to a commitUen far examination has been in operatic! fair about a month and has already lon some good. A mendicant wbos-t irteloworklut'bu8ineeB8treet8 jipainuL the new rule aud not enr- aubmit his case to the committee j-rml his ooerationH to the resi- section, where it is presumed he- ore successful. One solicitor was. the O. K. of the committee and d glad of the privilege of esUbush .r iTenninenese. The rule, however effective should be observed in th j nee section and when a beggar the lady of the house should de l his credentials from the com . If be can present them she can uee her own judgment about ex ttg him charity, but if he has no aiiials she should refuse him fortb . '.The ladies will be spared much rjoace if they apply the rule to all KlLll. BACH'S MUSIC. Soma Advice as to How It Should Interpreted. The interpretation of Bach must al- -waj-s be noble, broad and firm, rather too hard than tco soft, explains Fer- tuccIo Busoui. the pianist. In th. .Delineator. Affected methods, such as a "soulful" swelling of the phrases, -coquettish hurrying or hesitating, too light staccato, too smooth legato, pedal debauchery-all these are vicious and -out of place here. If used with a proiier sense of proportion a certain elasticity or the tempo, giving the in terpretation greater freedom, will im prove the playing of Bach materially. The modernization of Bach's compo sitions bv such masters as Liszt and 'Tauslg aud many others is accepted by all clear thinking musicians as not derogatory to the master's style. It .affords rather a completeness of ex pression. Witness the fact that Raff ifcas orchestrated Bach's "Cbaconne" without making it seem ridiculous. Many others have followed with hap py results Raffs example of arranging Bach's music for the modem orches- 1ra. Th onsc with which Bach's music Jends itself to this adaptation Is proof of his comprehensive genius. He was not for his day. but for all lime. Tiinii'i inluilo" and "Fugue No. 10," Important and not too difficult, show the many sided branching of the present day piano technic. The legendary tradition of playing Bach -without the use of the damper pedal la obsolete. MOKKOR. From the itopablicaB. Mrs. Minnie Steinbaugh of Council Bluffs ia visiting her father John Kelley. Misses Grace and Pearl McWilliams went to Dunbar laat week to visit a few weeks. Emil Hart who has been to South Dakota for the paBt week or so returned Saturday. Who said spring had -arrived? By the appearance of the anow storm Weil lies day, winter ia still with us. Clarence Buckly moved his family here laat week from Humphrey. They moved in the John EvaiiH residence. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bd wards of Lake Crystal, Minn, are here isiting with friends on the north part of the route. Miss Emeline Lawrence who has been visiting her mother for the past three weeks at College View returned Sunday. John Nanael and family moved into the Okay neigbliorhoml Saturday. They will farm one or Paul Oertsch's farms this year. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCartney left for their home in Illinois last week, after spending the winter in this locality. They had the pleasure or seeing v.u. and Bert Smith finish harvesting their last year's, IIMW, crop of alfalfa, and he thinks that is going some. you She Cot It All. give your wife an allow- "Do amce?" "Yes." "How much do you allow her?" "Don't vou think it is rather im- ipertiueiit for you to ask what my sal- :rv is?' Houston Post. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season. j S.X. MARTY & CO. Tele ohone No. 1. - Columbus. Nsb. ran up ing to transft dence was m given seeme ing he to be residf calls mane mittf then tendi cred with anm who i - ftWn .1 Tbo ri(cht p pa, JH!ean a" rxcellunt ixoition, Mlarjr I .rontim-',iou for Columnar and vl- .chsity. 8lat aw. former occapmtioa k;u1 it refereuce. Adilrec IOC iOX45.l.incolu.Neb. MmUtl m a HCIIUYLKK. From tliH Sun. One of the big real estate deals of the past week was the purchase of the Ruben Dickinson frui of WO acres by Chas Dworak for .,hi or at l.rM per acre. The Board of railway Commissoners at Lincoln decided that the Burlington at this point could not lie compelled to run a spur up to the Union PaciOc in order to make transfers. The matter waa brought before the laiard by the Wells- Abbott-Xeiman Co. The remains of Mr. John Jira were brought in on the train from Columbus Thursday morning for buriBl in the Schuyler cemetery. He waa aged SI years and had beeu in I he hospital for about a year. He leaves one son and two daughters to mourn his death. The Western Union ami Postal Tele graph Companies have inaugurated a new service that will be a great conven ience to the business public . They have announced that they will handle fifty word messages to he transmitted during the night for the same rate at a ten word day message. This will he a nice way lo communicate a long distance. COAL Pocahontas Smokeless Illinois, Rock Springs and Colorado Coals at prices that will interest you. Let us figure with you lor your winter's supply. T. B. Hord Grain Go Bell 188 Ind. 206 SSBsSKjSSSEeiS I Better Plumbing MANY homes should have better bath rooms than they now have. We have always tried not only to do better plumbing than we ever did 5 before, but better than any body else can do. The vol ume of work we are now JM. 1wa n ttfA H1A CI1tf-r- UUUJg 9UUW9 liuw nv uw . i ixft ceeding. We use only genuine plumbing fixtures and employ only experienced workmen. Our repair- ine service is prompt and reliable. A. DUSSE-LX & SON Columbus, Nebraska lli mi iff CANARY BIRDS. The Care That Should Be Bestowed Upon These Songsters. Those who are charmed by the sing ing of the canary will And in the fol lowing directions much that will in crease the happiness of the songster, provided the hints are heeded: Place the cage so that no draft of t .:i. .A Kfi-.l niro nntliini to healthy birds but rape and canary j seed, water, cuttlefish bone ami gra el paper or sand ou the tloor of the cage; no hetnpseed; a bath three times a week. The room should not be over heatednever above 70 degrees. Wbeu moulting (shedding feathers) keep warm, avoid all drafts of air. Give plenty of German rape seed. A little hard boiled egg mixed with crackers grated line is excellent. Vootl reirularlv at a certaiu hour in the morning. By observing these slra-1 pie rules birds may be kept in finej condition for years. ' For birds that are sick or have lost their song procure bird tonic at a bird store. Very many keep birds who meau to give their pets all things to make them bright and happy and at the same time are guilty of great cru elty lu regard to perches. The perches in a cage shSuld be each one of a dif ferent size and the smallest as large as a pipestem. If perches are of the right sort no trouble Is ever had about the bird's toe nails growing too long, and, of all things, keep the perches clean. Exchange. UNION PACIFIC TIKTMLE CAUSES 95 PER CENT OF DISEASES. One Way. ftpiitleman (hiring a valet) Then I understand you have some knowledg of harboring. You've cut hair off ami on? Applkaut-Off, sir, but never on. Boston Standard. The Solid Hoofed Hog. There are seine solid hoofed hog !" the world, but they are, few and far between. Darwiu has a great deal to . say about such pigs In his "Origin of Species.' as there were only three In England at the time he wrote tato book. The solid hoofed hog is not a freak of nature, as many suppose, bat. a genuine case of reversion to a prlatl-. tlve or ancestral type. It seems that, unlike the prehistoric ancestor of tao Biodern horse, which has four toes or hoofs, the old clotherluui, from which animal all members of the swine fans lly are descended, had a solid hoof, and in the course of ages, as the old. parent form died out and the modem wild boar, domestic hog, peccary, etc., were evolved this solid hoof became through what Darwin calls "adapta tion" and "natural selection divided up Into two parts, so that all modera hog are cloven hoofed. Occasionally. hninrer. a hoe Is born with the old original solid hoof of theprimltlve hog; ancestor, thus demonstrating the tend ency In all animals to revert now and then to the parent form. Acute Heart Trouble. "Yes. I remember him." said Alkali Ike. "He died very sudden." "Heart disease" asked the eastern tourist. "Waal, now. I tkm't know as you kin say it was the heart any more'n the club, spade or diamond. Anyway, he dealt hisself four aces." Philadelphia Press. Guiltless. Barler Hair getting thiu, sir. Ever tried our hair preparation, sir? Cus tomer No. I can't blame It ou that. Boston Transcript. bis bei etr fie no an se Jock Scored. f?bl!, Jock," said a laird to one of wanants. "you are getting very fc. Why don't you stand up aufcut like me, man?" iii mou." replied Jock, "ye see that It-of corn o'er there? Weel, ye'll beo that the full heids hang doon :ho empty eeus stan' stracht up." boudon Telegraph. WEST BOTJMI. No. II H:4in No. IS l.:liim No.l lUnm No.H ItSlUam No. 17 SKKi-pm No. 15 fisKpm No. 3 6-pni No.5 B3.Vj.iu No. 21 S:4Vni No. 19 112iam So. 59 M n EAST BOCHD. No.4 4:21am No. li....... 10:27 p No. 14 SSMam No. 2:46pm No. 16.. No. 10.... .. No. Is.... No. 2 ...... No. 22 No. 20.... .. No. M 2:15 D 3:05 pm rilrtpm :12 m m liOOpin 5j06 pm NORFOLK. ?mxd. dTOam NV Vn nu iliMium No. 30 pan ..a 1:1 pm No.78mxd..a:llpm Daily except So ncay. kaxcbb. 8 PALM SO 4 AL.BI05. No. 79 mxd.. d 6:00 Nnllm iM-JDom No.S2pM ..al2J0pm No. Humid. .a 7:00 pm Willing. 5ane, at the table we wish to be rred with alacrity." .All right, mum. Will you have It her the soup?" London Answers. I u aweSmmmiSmBmBBBHaMBaaBSBHHBVaVmBBVBlaHB I &indness is tiich society krttie. the golden chalu by Is bound together. Wob. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are twtta fare traiat. No. 4. 5. IS and T4 ar local paaeMgwe. No. M and &9 are local freicnU. No. 9 and 16 ant mailfirauM oaly. No. 14 dae ia Omaha 445 p. m. No. 8 doe in Oioaha 5:00 p. m. aBB G. 1. 1 Q. Tiate Talle No. 22. Pa. (daily ex. Sandra) taave....35a m Jio! 3S, Fit. A Ac (d'y ex. Saturday; 1t.M P m No. 21, Fata, (daily ex. Soortay ) arme..:20 p m No. 81, Fit. & Ac. (d'y ex. Sanday) ar. ..6:15 a m Advice Concerninc Stomach Trou bles and How to Remedy Them. Do notnetflect iodhfeflUon which" leads to all uorts of ills and complications An eminent doctor oucefeaid that ninely flve per cent or all the ills of the hunmu body have their origin i a disordered stomach. A physician who made a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly dyspepsia after years of study perfected the for mula from which Rexal. Dyspepsia tab lets are made. Our experience with Resell Dyspepsia tablets leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute indigestion and chronic uyspepeia. Their ineredieats ere soothing and heal- infftothe intiamed membranes of the stomach. JThey are rich in iepsin, one otthe greatest digestive aids know to medicine. The relief they affoid is al most immediate. Their use with peraia tancv and regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disorders. ra.i Ttvanniia tablets will insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and pro mote nutrition. As evidence of our sin cere faith in Rexall Dyspepsia tablets. . o.v mn tn trv them at onr risk. If they do not give you entire satisfaction, we will return you the monoy you paid ns for them, without question or forma lity. They come in three sizes, prices 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. lteraember you can obtain them only at our store. Pollock & Co., the druggists on the corner. Hardly. Hewitt You should make hay whlla the sun shines. Jewett-1 can't if I stick to my business of making um brellas. New York Press. Kvcry duty which we omit obscurea some truth which we should have known. ltuskin. He Knew. Wife I wonder why there are M marriages Ju heaveu? Husband Be cause it is heaven, of course. Illus trated Bits. $25 Low One-Way Colonist Rates In Effect Daily From March 1 to April 15, 1910 J L jQMuA I a From Columbus TO California and the Pacific Northwest Via Union Pacific "The Safe JUad to Travel" Tickets Good on Comfortable Tourist Sleepers on payment of berth rate ' Electric Block Signals Dining Car Meals and Service "Best in the World" For tickets and information call on, or address E. G. BROWN, Agent, Columbus, Neb.