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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1910)
vr GONE BEFORE. MILL BUILT BY WASHINGTON "So poor old Jinks, who survived so many operations, has at last died?" "Yes. Me has followed his appendix io a Letter -world-" A Solar Plexus. On one occasion Sam Eerger, the brawny manager of James J. Jeffries, was In a small California town, sound ing some of the residents as to the possibility of holding a prize fight The local police force, a clownish-lcok-iug individual with a huge badge, heard of Sam's investigations. "You can't hold no prize fight In this here town," said the police force, threateningly, in his best "I-be-the-tnarshal" tones. "It is agin the law, and I won't stand for it." "Aw. beat it," said Berger, n dis gUHt. "What do you know about law? Why, your very appearance in public Is a misdemeanor." LJppincott's. Technically Discussed. "So there Is to be a divorce," said the woman who discusses everybody. "It seems but a little while since he asked for her hand." "Yes," replied the rude man. "He not the hand alf right. But it turned out to be a misdeal." Unices you have more spare time than you know what to do with it's foolish to try to convince a fool that he is foolisli. HER PHYSICIAN APPROVES Taking Lydia E.PInkiiam's Vegetable Compound Rabattns, Maine. "You told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound ana Liver Pills before child-birth, and wo are all surprised to see how much good it did. My physi cian said Without doubt it was the Compound that helped you.' I thank you for your kindness in advising me and eive you full .permission to use my name in your testimonials.' Mrs. H. W.MrrcnEix. Box 3, Sabattus.Me. Another Woman Helped. Granite ville, Vt. "I was passing through the Change of Life andeufferea from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege tableCompound restoredmy health and strength, and proved worth mountains of cold to me. For the sake of other suffering women I am willing you should publish my letter." Mrs. Baeclat, R.FJ)., Granite ville. Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffer ing from any of those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, which is mado from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every com munity you will find women who have bten restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Trial Bottlo Freo By Mall i If yon caller froa Epilepsy. Fits. rWHsKBlcinesj. coreiyvrlll relievo them, nr.d all joatro asked to to la to ecad foraFreeTriaia2 BotUo of Br.ilajs CZ3lloloIcle Cure It baa enred thousand where CTcrrthlri; c!ss Tailed. Gnssstrd by May lleiSoal Latora:o y I'ndrr Pure Fond scd Drcgi Art. Jcnc ZOib. K8 Ouarnn'y No. l71. Flesso vnte fur Siweial Freo CS lio:Co end gtra AGS and coni;le!c suldrcis OR. W. H. HAY, 548 Pea:! Strati, Hew York. KOW-KURE is not a "food" it is a medicine, and the only mediciac in the world for cows only. Made for the cow and. as itsaarce indicates, a cow cuke. Barrenness, retained after birth, abortion, scours, c.iLcd m:dcr. and all mmilar affections positively and quickly cured. No one who keeps cows, whether manjr or few. can afford to be without KOW KURE. It is made especially to l:ecr cows healthy. Onr book "Cow Money" fw?nt "FKEK. Ask your local dealer for KOW-KUHE or send to the manufacturer. DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO. Lrmioe.llle. Vt PATENTS rteaCCo1eKB,Wea!. lactoa.U.C. Uooilree. H!r: TCwaaom ink rtbusm. PISO'S is the word to remember wbaiyrjuneed a remedy riVmi-uQft TT?m'TT ij&isBBSEpBBsVH mm v ii :--55KrA Aw " B. i. 1 AS v' B5?i?3rfifc7 w k.v t jjhBBb Pnrne yl!JiJi!y Old Building Erected by the First President Still Stands in Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, Pa. Near the little vil- lage of Perryopolis. Pa., stands a grist! mill which was erected by George Washington. The mill Is in daily op eration, after only two changes since the days of Washington. Originally it was run by two over shot water wheels of rude construe? tlon. These have been discarded and a mere modern wheel provided. This wheel, with the chimney at the end of Washington's Grist Mill. thy building, are the only Improve, monts made since the mill was erected. The mill Is on a small stream known as Washington run. Residents of this place, which was laid out by Washington, take great pride in show ing visitors the old grist mill. GREAT RIVER'S MANY NAMES Various Aliases Under Which the Hudson Has Been Known in Past Centuries. In the course of the last 400 yean the Hudson has been known by a last 20. different names, and even to day. In New York, at any rate. It is indifferently referred to as the Hud son and the North river. While Henry Hudson Is universally acclaimed as the discoverer of the no ble river which bears his name. It is well known that nearly a century be fore Hudson's successful exploitation, John dn Vcrrazano, a Florentine, en tered the mouth of the Hudson and re ported that he had passed up the river about a league In a boat, not ven turing to sail his vessel, the Dauphine, up a river with which he was unfa miliar. A sudden squall impelled him to re turn to his ship. Verrazano called the Hudson "the river of steep of hills." This was in 1524. Some years later Verrazano's brother made a map of the region, and he named the mouth of the Hudson "San Germane" In 1525 a Spaniard named Gomez, who came to America on an exploring trip, made a chart upon which he des ignated the Hudson as "San Antonio." When, some SO years later, Henry Hudson, in his efforts to reach the East Indian possessions of the Dutch East India Company by a northwest route, accidentally ran Into the Hud son, he promptly dubbed It the "Man hattes," from the name of the Indians who dwelt at Its mouth. Hudson sailed slowly up the river as far as Albany, and his experiences with the Indians and his observations of the surrounding country were so gratifying that he returned home with glowing reports of the new-found coun try. WILL WED ENGLISH COUNT Mis Margaretta Drexel, Latest Ameri can Heiress Who Will Acquire a Foreign Title. Haltlmore, Md. Word has been re ceived in this city by cable that Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel. who are in London, had announced the engage- inent of their daughter. Miss Margar etta Armstrong Drexel to Guy Mon tague George Finch-Hatton. viscount Maidstone, and heir to the earldom of Winchclsea and Nottingham. Appropriate Text. The large choir had attempted an elaborate anthem that morning, an an them with high flights for the so pranos, thunderous roarings for the bassos and both vocal and physical ac robatics for the tenors, while the con traltos squawked along at a steady pace, each one apparently taking her choice of time and key. Finally all parts got together on the chorus, though the majority of the partici pants had started with a few seconds handicap. Then it was clear sailing; on. up, came the jangle of sounds, to a terrific finale, ending with a fortis simo crash. In the stillness that followed the pastor came forward deliberately to the desk, where te Bible lay open to the morning's text. Sweeping an ab stracted look above the hats of the congregation, he read in distinct and earnest tones: "And, after the uproar had ceased " Truthful, but Vague. Sheriff Is it true that a crowd has Just been dispersing and that there was a wholesale -lynching tee out here? Truthrul James Wall, there's b'en a few fellers hanging about hyer. - y iJT. jTF. (181 i i He Whom Diogenes Sought By BELLE MANIATES iCopyright, 1909 by Associated Literary Press.) It was fully expected that the ver-i diet would be "Not Guilty." Not that the evidence demanded such verdict, but the case had resolved purely and simply into a political affair, and the jurymen were all of the party in power. The defendant was Walter Ledeen, a popular young politician, clubman and society man. His air of confidence waned as the jury contin ued to remain out. When night came with no returns, he grew nervous. By morning he was white-faced and his finger nails were gnawed to the skin. At last the foreman announced that there was no possibility of an agree ment. The last, and in fact all of the ballots, had stood eleven to one for ac quittal. When it was divulged that Jerry Winters was the one who had stood out, amazement and indignation ran high among Walter's clique. Jerry was an associate of the defendant. and. moreover, was said to be engaged to the defendant's sister. Edith. To all remonstrances, inquiries and demands, Jerry had one answer: "The evidence showed that be was guilty. I did my duty." It was clearly borne in upon the ob durate young juryman that any po litical aspirations he might have en tertained were doomed. It was to be expected thnt Walter would consider him an enemy, but all Rlverton watched with much curiosity to sec what Edith would do. Jerry proceeded immediate ly to justify himself. "I couldn't do otherwise. Edith." he said, manfully. "I strained every point I could. I tried my best to find a flaw in the evidence. There was none. I could cot perjure myself." . "Jerry Winters", flashed the girl. "It was my brother you wanted to con vict!" "Don't. Edith!" he pleaded with a harassed look. "I tried my best to for- i gee inai iacu i uau io give an un biased opinion." "Jerry!" she exclaimed, wildly, "don't ever dare speak to me again. I hate you! We are not only strangers henceforth, but enemies." "Edith." he said, sadly, "nothing could mako me your enemy." As time went on, Walter had a new trial and was acquitted. Ills vindic tiveness toward Jcry. however, did not diminish, and he did his best to Injure his former friend. Still there were men who respected Jerry for his action. But neither the animosity of Walter and his coterie, nor the appro bation of law ablders mattered much to Jerry. All he wanted or cared for was Edith and Edith's love. But she cut him publicly and with disdainful demeanor. Gne day In early autumn, when base ball enthusiasm waxed high, when crowds gathered and waited and stam peded in front of the places where the scores were shown, a crucial game was played at Rlverton. The home team, the Stalwarts, were to play niralnst the Lions. This was to be the game of games, for if the Stal ; warts won it meant the pennant. All Riverlon turned out to witness the 1 game and shouted for the Stalwarts. ' A gav young crowd was on the grand stand behind the plate. Among them were Walter and Edith. To their right, alone, was Jerry. "'Grand, gleonsy and peculiar, the secretary sat alone" quoted Walter with a sneer and a glance at Jerry. w . . The Real Home of Liberty "Yes." said the Englishman, who has been eome years a resident of the states. "America can fairly claim to be the treeest country on earth. I osed to think England was. I beilevcd that In spite of your boasted republic in institutions and your universal suf frage and lots of other things, we had more real freedom and more personal rights on the other side than you bad here. But I've changed my mind. The American has more liberty than the Briton. "The advantage Is not due to the !orm of government or pol ical insti? tutlons, or tho tariff, or the size and routh of the country. It'a just in the icatter o peanuts. "It Is the sacred, hereditary and In alienable right of every free-born American citizen to eat peanuts when md where he pleases, and to throw the shells on the floor. "I was crossing the river the other lay on one of the ferryboats. The Edith looked, but she did not sner. She found herself looking urreptl tiously and longingly at the lean-faced, honest-eyed man who had squared his shoulders at society's disapprobation. There seemed to be some delay in the starting of the game. "The umpire's sick, and they're look ing up another." reported Walter after a tour of Investigation. In a few minutes the manager for the Stalwarts approached Jerry, who. had played two seasons ago with the Stalwarts and was considered expert authority in all matters pertaining to the popular game. After a short con ference Jerry left the stand and went down to tho ground. "Oh. Jerry's going to umpire!" ex claimed some one sitting near Edith, whose interest in the game was now intensified. "The manager of the Lions won't consent." said Walter, "to have an ex member of the opposing team act as umpire." But the manager of the Lions knew of Jerry's proficiency in the game. He had heard also of his stanebness In the Ledeen case He took Jerry's measure at a glance and announced that he was perfectly satisfied with the choice. It was a close game, and people were breathless in their Intensity and crazy In their cheering. At last came an aw ful moment It was the last inning, and to that point the game was a tie. Then came a play that called for a close decision. It was so close that the spectators, and even some of the play ers, could not determine whether or not the man was "out." Jerry decided for the Lions. The Stalwarts were manly and abided stoic ally by the umpire's decision, but hisses, jeers and groans came from the bleachers and from that part of the grand stand where Walter and his friends sat. Jerry's decision in the Ledeen trial had made him unpopular only with a certain class, but now he felt that every one was against him. He knew ho was- down and out for evermore in Riverton. Angry groups were gathering here and there on the way out of the grounds. "You'd better not go down the street just now. Winters.' said the manager of one of the teams. "You know what crazy fools a baseball mob is made up of." Jerry's jaw came forward and he said decisively that he would go now. He went There were mutterings as he passed out of the gate and walked down the street He walked alone until he was a block from the grounds. Then some one stepped up behind him a girl a every fair, tremulous girl, who said, timidly and softly: "Jerry!" "Edith!" "I am going with you. Jerry, it you will let me. I've shut my eyes and my heart all this time, and something has opened them. I don't know enough about baseball to judge professionally of your decision, but a baseball friend sat right behind me. and when every one was mad and yelling at you this man said: 'By ! There is the man Diogenes was looking for! There's nothing so rare nowadays as an honest man!' I wanted to hug him. but 11! hug you instead. Jerry if you will If you will care." He turned to her with a wonderful light in his eyes. "Edith, you are all I do care for!" Odorless Garbage Wagons. Boston. In the Interests of health and economy. Is being provided with' odorless garbage wagons. One ofj these wagons is already In use. It consists of a steel framo on fourj wheels, containing three cylindrical) tanks which rest upon trunnions. In I form the tanics are somewnai uao milk cans, greatly enlarged, each tank having a capacity of one ton of gar bage. To the lid of each is attached a lever, which, in turn, is connected by a chain with a hinged portion of the footboard, resembling a treadle, upon which the men stand to empty their pails. As the attendant steps upon the treadle, his weight raises the cover, and when he steps off after emptying bis load the released lever pulls the lid down again. The load being divided into three parts, only one-third is exposed at a time, and then only momentarily. Impressing the Public "A statesman never looks really im pressive." said the student of human nature, "unless he has a distinctive beard or mustache or a bald head." "I suppose." replied the suffragette contemptuously, "that you are trying to think up another silly reason why women should not go Into politics." deck hands had Just swept out the gen tlemen's cabin, and were even then washing the floor. Two young men came in. sat down on the side which had just been washed and began to ! eat peanuts. The men who were sweep- ing were not afraid to do their duty. They were gritty enough to subdue a drunken tough who got boisterous, and ' they plainly saw the young men throw the peanut shells on the floor, bat they no more thought of objecting than they would think of dictating to a man what kind of clothes he should wear. "I've seen tho same thing In ele vated trains and cable-cars, in public halls. In theaters, and once even In church It Is always taken aa a mat ter of course that the man who eats peanuts shall throw the shells on the iloor wherever he happens to be. "We poor Englishmen are slaves and bond-servants besides you Yankees." Youth's Companion. BBLrKlfJsssH BK9flBaBI ,'"; - ti V .'v.-Bay BBBEBSBSBflBSBSK't. BSSSSSSSamV BBVBVBfcv-jBBs fesL'- -" SsBBBflP'flBBBK' ,'VT "kPVilBslHBHBl SBA. flBBWFBBBBSa7 l & -BBbMM - ' - v"BBBH BBBBBB .BBBBBnPBBBBBBsL.-jL jBBBaMnBaBBBBB9R- .'!MrT -'''BBBBBBH fV - -. . rKBKSMHBBBBBflV i ' " yBK JMBbS BB9BSBSBSY' '''CBlBSBSlSBBBSprSSBSBSBSBSaT .SBSBSBSBmBBSBSBSl BBBBW -'.- '."? VC'.f 'flBBBr dM I -BBHBW x .J'BBJBBH BBBBm Vv'-'-i fBBkrr vVBSwtB .-' ic' tbbbBbbHI BBBBBBBBv".. V ' ' . aSSMi4tP v - .. . BBBBBBBBBBBI KBBBBB "!" . I ,v k "SjBWlJr ,-v V.i ' j ri v BHbBBBBBBH HBBBTBtvAk?'.' " ' W '. 'BMv BBB B ZA V'J-3 CbIbIbIbHI BBBBSBBBSBBSK -il' 'm.BBBBBWlS 4W.ABbV''?!?mYv ' - BBBSBBSBBsH BBBBaBBBr' vajB ?i j , MBflBSBBa 'S BSBBBBBh Baaaaaaaaa BkpaB. - m Bav.',vTMar aaaaaaaji BBaBaaar- Bar -aaa 'i 4aK VJ'bII bbHbWIK 'BBBBBaiaBB?! Mkri ''jm M.- xBBBBBBBBBBBBB)JBBBBBBkVMlVJ!!: L rgg: gBBgg ? aNIbbbbIbbbV'bbbIbbbIbbbVbHbbIbVbk BtJngiSS3k'm . HBBaaBBBiaVBaBBBpiHBVBaBBC aBtoBM2HBKBBBBBSaaaBBSBVBVHHPTJHMaSRHRaBVVSBBBBv lilJESBMfBaBBtSJSaBMBa I The Cross History, Art jij 1 And 1 Legend ij AT THIS season whan all the world over people of many races and tongues are medi tating on the Cross of Christ: when long serv ices arebelngaeld In memory of the greatest tragedy on Golgotha, and pro cessions are solemnly marching to the stations of the Cross, bearing banners and crucifixes, and bowing reverently before altars and pictures commem orating the sorrowful walk to Cal vary: when In thd Holy Land thou sands of pilgrims from every nation are treading the very "Via Dolorosa" on which he trod as he left the Holy City forever, carrying his cross to the "Accursed Hill" outside the walls: It may be or Interest to consider the his tory ant traditions of this wonderful symbol under which we live and in the name of which so much has been wrought of world-wide good to hu manity, ant. alaa! of great harm through Christian fanaticism. Perhaps there Is no other object on earth about which there has been mora controversy, more dissensions and more superstitions than about this one great object for reverence on the one side, and for derision on the other. Ever since the crucifixion it has left a strong impress on the history of the nations and has been revered in the religion of all the sects hearing the name of Christ It has been sur roundca by traditions and my3tlclsm and endowed with supernatural and miraculous attributes. It has been ta ken aa the emblem of a faith under the banner of which great deeds of heroism have been done, as in olden days when pioneer mossengers of the Story ot the Cross filled with religious seal entered bravely Into uncivilized and barbarian lands, fcarlesly ignor ing great dangers. Heralded by Christian banners the procession of civilization has spread to all parts ol the world. Romans car ried It o the Britons and Saxons. The worship ot the sun aa observed by the Incas was brought to an end through the ascendancy of Spanish bearers of the cross In more recent times Spanish monks, with peace in their hearts, amid many hardships, wrested from the aborigines the western coast of our own country, where they erected many missions to spread the teach ings of Christianity. The Influence of the cross so entirely filled the minds of its followers that it became the cen ter subject of the paintings of the old masters and In time permeated not only the spirit of this art, but also tha( of architecture, for we find throughout the great Christian archi tecture of the Middle Ages and in all forms of mediaeval decoration this sign of the cross standing out conspic uously. The very foundations of the edifices which were erected In com memoration of faith In this symbol fol Birthday of Hope Why Easter Morning la the Symbol af the Soul's Resurrection. Easter morning Is the symbol of the toul'8 resurrection; the birthday of the hope, the natal day of its spiritual life. From the first moment of Its iawnlng light sunshine Illumined the wcrid'3 eorrcw and music cheered its sssrch to the tomb. Every conqueror n Christ goes through life with a V v. lowed the lines of a cross, so that the very walls from their foundations up ward might carry with them as they rose the image of the sacred sign, to receive its crowning figure displayed in the ridge line of its roofs. Crosses, In an endless variety of forms, still surmount the loftiest and finest parts of the architecture of the cathedrals and churches of Europe. Above the tombs of the departed or even In the pavements of the church above the monumental vaults In these cathedrals this same sign proclaim the faith ot those who rest beneath. Being the keynote and tho "glory" c-; the Christian religion this emblem soon became prized la other directions besides those ecclesiastic With the triumph of Christianity the cross at once was recognized as a universal symbol of highest nobility aad honor. It waa cow considered to add dignity to the crowns and scepters of emper ors and princes. It became the proud est ensign of knightly rank. Tho greatest warriors were proud to see the cross on the hilts of their swords as well aa oa the hannera under which they fought It also became a sign of merit for valor and bravery a reward for deeda ol honor, aa the Iron cross of Prussia established by William IIL for patriotic bravery In war. It waa worn also aa a protectloa fa times of trouble. To denote the con secration of those devoted to the aid of the suffering and needy: the Red Cross was the confederation of socle ties In different countries for the bet termenc of conditions of the wounded soldiers la campaigns oa land and 'sea. In Crusader days, beginning with Peter the Hermit, in 1094. start ing out to deliver the Holy Land front the dominion of the infidel, the brave warriors were thus named because of the red cross they wore aa badges on their right shoulders. The archbishop's crazier the en sign of bis office Is the 6taff with a cross head, distinguishing it from the "pastoral" staff of bishops and abbots, which nave a shepherd's crook. Thus has been experienced the say ing of Justin Martyr so many years ago that "the sign of the cross waa impressed upon the whole of nature. There is hardly a handicraftsman also but uses the figure of it among the Implements of his industry. It forms a part of man himself." Man has been created In this form as has been beau tifully Illustrated by Emily Collier la the painting depicting the Holy Child's expression or his love "So wide la my love." In the middle ages and in Crusaders days the cross was the distinctive symbol of the Christian in contradis tinction to the Crescent of the Mo hammedan. The custom of marking one's sig nature by a cross was first adopted by Christians in the year 110 to dis tinguish them from the pagans, and it stood for a silent oath. The early Christians immediately used this sign, which was connected with their religion, as a secret mes sage to one another in their first days of persecution. Mingling with the persecutors of their faith, they could thus make themselves known to each other without cal'g the attention ot those around them. In visiting the catacombs in Rome, where they hid from fear of their persecutors. It la in tensely Interesting to notice that the sign so sacred to them Is carved and engraven all around the walla of their prison cells and above the tombs of their brethren. Easter. LIV a meteor, lance and bright. Fell a golden seed of light On the field of Christmas night When the Babo was born. Then 'twas sepulchred in glooss Till above His holy tomb Flashed Its everlasting bloot Flower of Easter morn. song and a amlle. while his heart aai his hope are anchored in the aUaa. The miracle of the Easter illy la nature'a parable of this truth. Its lustrous whiteness come out of the black refuse at its roots, ita fragraace out of the foulness of decay. By some mysterious alchemy the lovely trans formation waa wrought The touch of heaven gave it Its purity and sweet ness. Such la the spiritual Easter of the souk And in that miracle Jeans lifts humanity back to God. D. M. Pratt A big bowl t Quaker Oats is the best dish you can serve. Delicious and onrishing. Good for all ages and all conditions. Economical and strengthening. is A New Version. Apropos of George Washington anal the cherry tree story. Senator Bever Idge said at a dinner In Indianapolis: "I asked a little boy what this atorjr was tho other day, and he actually didn't know. He said he knew, though, the story about the judgment of Solo mon, and he proceeded to tell It to me. "Solomon, he said, "waa a very wis man. One day two women went to him, quarreling about a baby. The first - woman said. It la my child.' The sec- ond said, 'No, it is mine.' "But Solomon spoke up and de- "No. bo. ladies: do net auarreL Give me my sword and I will make twins of him. so that each of you will be supplied.'" BsBBQnov LOCM COtlKTT. lu J. aitiwr t fe am at F. J. CSSWBT A CD- saaocsi ai tat car tmm cmm? w sfcrwaM, aa taaC mM Srm w par.. ? j ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS far amek aaa evfty cat. ot Urta-aas that asset 6s esra sy Iks sss at "" " FRANK J. OHCTET. BworBtastswaswaaSsibatrBisatasiyBtisiaas, k day at Piwtiar. a. D- isk. A. W. GLEASOIf. Ii.1 NOTASTPOSMB, Baa Cstawh Csra takes fertcnuity aad acts tnctly sees tsa stood aad smcoob surtaeas aC tss iiaiial Basd tat twtliannfrli tree. ' P.J.CHENKT aCO-Tasa.a nniiiii iitiiisssii ni Tie Batr FSBtHr PS fer A Hard Worker. Tramp I'd like ter do something to pay for all this, but I'm a cripple, arum. Housekeeper You don't look it What's the natter? Tramp Writer's cramp., mam. I've been keeping a list of all the people) wot offered me work. mum. Important to Mothoro. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Bean tho Signature of In Use For Over 90 Tears. The Rind Yob Have Alwaya Bought Honest Truth. t This isn't a comic paper Joke; ft ac tually happened on Eliot street la the South end yesterday. A hardware deal er hung a sign outside his door t wad ing: "Onr skates are guaranteed la every way. A newsboy tore it d'twa and hung It up in front of a liquor store next tfoor. Boston Journal. All Old Folks That take NATURE'S REMEDT (NR tablets) tonfs&t will feel batter la the mornlxc. It sweetens the stomach, cor rects the liver, bowels and kidneys, pre vents blttoaevten and eliminates the rheu matism. Better-than Pills for IJver Ilia, because It's different It's thorough, easy sure to act Get a 25c Box. All Drusslsta. fce A. H. Lewis Medicine Co.. at Lovla. A Personal Definition. Penley (stuck for a word) LeTo see! What Is that you call a man who marries mere than one wife? Grump An idiot. I call hiss. Boa ton Transcript If You Are a Trifle Sensitive About the else of jour shoes, essay peseta wear smaller shoes by sains; Allen's Foot-Baas, the Antiseptic fbwaer to sBsse into me ssi It cares Tires, hwoiico. Acnisg- eet sires rest and comfort. Jnat the thins; sal for breaking In new aboea. Sold eTerywnere, V. Sample scut Fkek. Address, Alien a. uu us hot, N. . Consistency. "It seems to me that your husband Is not of a very even temper." "Oh, he certainly is. He growls the whole time." Hire. Pettit'a Eye Salve 100 Year Old, relieves tired eyes, quickly cures eye aches, inflamed, sore, watery or ulcerated eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros.Buffaloi.Y. A woman waters her grief with her tears and it springs into a lovely flow er; a man salts his with bitterness and it turns to a thorn. TTBAD.BACK AND I.ECIS A CITE? AebsalloverT Tnroat sore, with chills? That 1st Urlppr. frrry 0or Iunttlr will brrak It op ir takeaproaptiy. All dealers. Sc.Sc and MM tuuaa There la no wrong a man can do but is a thwarting ot the living right MacDonald. ONT.T ONVS TiROJSO Qcixnrr.- Ttat it I.AXAT1VB 1IUOMU QUlNINJa. Lok fas tb signeturs or JL W. UKoVk. UsmI Um WerM ovrlotuiaUaltaUB.Uej. Be. When the worst comes to the worst one may as well try to make the best of It Many who nred to smoke 10c cijjra now buy Lewis Single Binder straight 5c- The decay of poetry may be due te the fact that an much of R is rottea. tTHE KEYSTONEi O HEALTH IS HOSTETT STOMACH You miss a great deal of the pleasures ot We it your stomexch has "done back on you but don't remain m that condition. The Bitters will set things right and prevent Indigestion, Coottveness & Headache. SW . VXfOLa-at 9WW JNtilWW