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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1910)
. GONE BEFORE. IllSH 4 "So poor old Jinks, -who survived so many operations, has at last died?" "Yes. He has followed his appendix to a better world." A Solar Plexus. On one occasion Sam Berger, the brawny manager of James J. Jeffries, was in a small California town, sound ing some of the residents as to the Iossibility of holding a prize fight. The local police force, a clownish-looking individual with a huge badge, heard of Sam's investigations. "You can't hold no prize fight to this here town," 6aid the police force, threateningly, In his best "I-be-the-marshal" tones. "It is agin the law, and I won't stand for it." "Aw, beat it." said Berger, in dis gust. "What do you know about law? Why, your very appearance in public is a misdemeanor." Lippincott's. Technically Discussed. "So there is to be a divorce," said (he woman who discusses everybody. "It seems but a little while since he asked for her hand." "Yes," replied the rude man. "He got the hand all right But it turned out to be a misdeal." Unless you have more spare time than you know what to do with It's foolish to try to convince a fool that he is foolish. HER PHYSICIAN APPROVES Taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sabattns, Maine. "Yon told mc to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills before child-birth, and we are all surprised to see how much good it did. My physi cian said ' Without doubt it was the Compound that helped you.' I thank you for your kindness in advising mc and give you full permission to use my name in vour testimonials." Mrs. H. W. Mrrcnixi Box 3, Sabattus, Me. Another Woman Helped. Graniteville, Vt "I was passing through theCbangeof Life andsuffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vege table Compound restoredmy health and strength, and proved worth mountains of gold to me. For the sake of other suffering women I am willing yoa should publish my letter." Mrs. Barclay, R.F.D., Granite Tille, Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffer ing from any of those digressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Kound, which is made from roots and erbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every com munity you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. -..--...-.-: -.:- .-.- : . .-- -: '$$m2It 'nsBc-- HHr fzW mx - v m Z&$ A$;:i rftfff I tNiBViV ' Trial Bottle Frnve By Mail mw a!am amW aaaBBsal aW If 70s suffer from Epilepsy. Fits, Falling Sickness, fipatms. or bare children that do to, my Jfew Dis cocexy irin iclicve them, and alt vou ate atked to dole to ecndfursFrcc Trial 3 Bottle of Dr.iUy'a Cplloptloido Oure It tus cured thocsand whore cTcrrthlnj; e!j failed. Gnornntrid by May Medlral Laiiorato y 1 iidrr Pure Food and Drnga Act, June SOih, KC3 ituxrnmy No. li:m. Please write forfipocialFrce C3 Bottle and pivo AGE and complete address OR. W. H. MAY, 548 Pearl Street, New York. llcafc mention tMs paper. In Agists mi orders NEWS FROM, THE CAPITAL CITY Items of Interest Around the State House Coming Events in Lincoln. March 14 and 15 Nebraska county option convention. March 13, 16 and 17 South Platte laymen's missionary association con vention. March 16 Nebraska butter and egg dealers association will meet. March 17 Mass meeting of women in connection with the laymen's mis sionary convention at St. Paul's M. E. church. March 22, 23, 24 and 23 Scottish Rite reunion. -March 29 and SO Nebraska conser vation and development congress. March 30 Ceremonial session of the A. A. O. of the Mystic Shrine. May 10, 11 and 12 Nebraska state medical association. May 3, 4 and 5 Nebraska electrical association. May 19. 20 and 21 Sons or Herman rjrand lodge. May 23, 24 and 25 State press asso ciation. June 14. 13 and 16 Nebraska post masters association. A big bowl of Quaker Oats you High Mark for Bank Deposits. Secretary Royce of the state bank ing board has completed a consoli dated report showing the condition of state ban lis at the close of business February 12. It shows a total of $77. 99I.7G2 on deposit, the largest amount in the history of Nebraska state banks. The number of banks reiorting was 664; depositors, 229.28S; average re serve, 30 per cent Compared with tho report of Novem ber 16, 1909, the number of banks re porting has increased 2; loans and dis counts increased $1,310,000; deposits increased $4,70S,000. The average re serve has increased from 26 per cent to 30,per cent, being double the legal requirements at the date of this re port. Compared with the report of one year ago the following increases are found: Loans and discounts, $S.G7t, 000; deposits, $5,000,000. The le! re serve has decreased 3 2-3 per cent. There has been an increase in the year of twenty-nine banks reporting. is the best dish can serve Delicious and nourishing. Good for all ages and all conditions. Economical and strengthening. 5S A New Version. Apropos of George Washington and the cherry tree story, Senator Bever idgc said at a dinner in Indianapolis: "I asked a little boy what this story was the other day, and ho actually didn't know. lie said he knew, though, the story about the judgment of Solo mon, and he proceeded to tell it to me. "Solomon," he said, "was a very w ise man. One day two women went to him, quarreling about a baby. The first woman said. lt is my child. The sec ond said. 4No, it is mine.' "But Solomon spoke tip and de clared: "'So. no. ladies: do not quarrel. Give mo my sword and I -will make twins of him. so that each of you will be supplied."" ESCAPE FROM DEATH PLATTE RIVER CHANNEL SWIFT FOR BOATMEN. TOO HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE MawaBi-aftawsa -V What is Going on Here and There That is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Boy Wants Pardon. Governor Shallenbcrger has rccehed an application from Walter Berger, tlie seventeen-year-old boy of Dawes county, who is serving a two years' term in the penitentiary for placing an obstruction on the Burlington track. The boy alleges that he shot his finger off while hunting and de siring to get to town for treatment, placed a tie on the track and lighted a torch and flagged a train. Chief of Police Charles F. Daryan of Cliad ron has recommended a pardon and says in hi" statement that he is fifty four yean, of age and has never be fore signed a similar request though often asked to do so. uxsorOmoCRTorTotxsar Lucas Couktt. ( Fravk J. Cucxet mate oath that he 'to rosier mrtot-r ot the firm of F. J. Cmexet A Co- done tni5iai3 in th- tttr ot Toledo. County and Stata atomuid. and tost nld Arm trill pay tbt mm of ONE IIUN'DRKIt DOLLARS for each and rvrry ease r cutarru that cannot be cure by the ice of HAU.S CATAKBH Cl'CE. FTtANTC J. CHE.VEV. Sworn to before me and roSwrinw! la tar -rescue. this Cth day ol December. A. i.. i&i. I I A. V. CLUVSOX. I ti. I XoTAST Pctut Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta directly uira the Mood and muorna surfaces ot the system, is-ud for testimonials, frer. F. J. CHUNKY & CO- Toledo. Ol Sold by all Imuxbto. "Sc- Tale Haifa 1'amllr fill tor court Ipat Ion. A Hard Worker. Tramp I'd like ter do something to pay for all this, but I'm a cripple, mum. Housekeeper You don't look it, What's the matter? Tramp Writer's cramp, mum. I've been keeping a list of all the people wot offered me work. mum. Fremont. A. X. Phinney and Alex Bailey had a narrow escape from death by drowning in the swift south channel of the Platte river. The men were engaged in laying a cable line for the new ferry which is to be es tablished for use pending the comple tion of the repairs on the bridge. They were half way across when their boat suddenly tipped over. Pbinney caught the cable and hung there for a half hour in the cold water, while chunks of ice occasionally bumped him and threatened to knock him from bis perilous position. Bailey was carried down stream in twenty feet of water. Once he sank and companions on tho shore concluded he was lost. Luckily he was swept up on a sandbar some 300 yards down stream. Phinney in the meantime commenced crying loud ly for help, shouting that he would be unable to hold on much longer and that he was so numb from the cold that he could not swim. Both men were rescued in u boat manned by telephone linemen who were stretch ing a new wire across the river for connection with Saunders county telephones. COOPER FOLLOWERS GIVE REASON FOR THEIR BELIEF (ZjtAQSltfb v niPirr Woman to Get Diploma. The Lincoln medical college must issue a diploma to Ella May Nelson according to a ruling of the supreme court in a suit that has been in the courts for some years. The court formerly ordered a diploma to be is sued, but later the medical college al leged that it had newly discovered evidence of fraud on the part of the applicant The district court refused to take jurisdiction and reopen the case, the petition failing to set forth that the facts were not discovered within two years after judgment. The supreme court affirmed this judgment. Notice of Special Election. City Clerk R. C. Oznian of Lincoln has posted public notices of the com ing special election on April 11 to try out the excise rule of prohibition in augurated last May. The notice must be jiosted in the office of the city clerk and in three other conspicuous places in the city and must be pub lished in a newspaper of the city at least thirty days before the date of the election. The clerk will be one day ahead of time to make sure he has plenty of time. The notice will be published five times in order that people may have a chance to look it over carefully. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of ar aT In Use For Over JJO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Honest Truth. This isn't a comic paper joke; it ac tually happened on Eliot street in the South end j'esterday. A hardware deal er hung a sign outside his door read ing: "Our skates are guaranteed in every way." A newsboy tore. It down and hung it up in front of a liquor storo next door. Boston Journal. Preparing for Summer Session. Peru. President Crabtree is put ting forth every effort to make the summer session the largest in the his tory of the school. Circulars have been sent out all over the state to superintendents, teachers and hign school graduates, outlining the work and calling attention to the summer school bulletin which is now in press. Many students have already applied for information, rooms are being en gaged and everything points to a very successful session. Plans have been rompieted for commencement work, which will begin Wednesday. May 25, ending with commencement da. May SI. All Old Folks That take NATUltE'S UEMEDV (NR tablets) tonight will (eel better in the morning1. It sweetens the stomach, cor rects tlio liver, bowels and kidneys, pre vents biliousness and eliminates the rheu matism. Better than Pills for IJvcr Ills, because It's different it's thorough, easy sure to act. Get :t 25c Box. AH Druggists. The A. U. Lewis Medicine Co., St, Louis. A Personal Definition. Penley (stuck for a word) Let's see! What is that you call a man who marries more than one wife? Grump An idiot. I call him. Bos ton Transcript. If You Are a Trifle Sensitive Abont the size of yonr shorx, nany people wear smaller tOioe by using Allen's Foot-EaKe, the Antiseptic Powder to shake into the shoe. It enres Tired, Swollen, Aching Feet and gives rest and comfort. .Tost the thing for breaking in netr shoes. Sold everywhere. 2Sc Sample .vent FUEE. Address, Allen S. Olmated, Vt Koy. S. V. Trappers Lost Money. Lyons. Walter Barker and Eddie Rseicii. two young trappers of this place, met with dire disaster this week. The boys, who have made quite a snug sum of money trapping, gath ered up their tent, traps, bed, best clothes and grub enough to last two weeks and went over on the Black bird creek seeking for more remuner ate fur fields. But on returning one day to their tent, they found every thing had been burned up. including their catch of furs worth twenty dol lars. The high wind had scattered the fire from their camp stove, en tailing a loss of all. Ministers Oppose Sunday Baseball. Fremont Simultaneously with the decision of Fremont baseball faus to enter the state league, Fremont's ministerial association has decided to Invite Evangelist "Billy" Sunday to come to Fremont for a series of revi ral meetings. The chief reason for the ball league management insisting that Fremont is necessary to the state league organization is that Sunday games may be played here. The min isters are opposed to baseball on that account. Consistency. "It seems to me that your husband Is not of a very even temper." "Oh, he certainly is. He growls the whole time." Rire. KOW-KURE is not a "food" it is a medicine, and the only medicine in the world for cows only. Hade for tho cow and. as itsnameindicates, a cow cure. Barrenness, retained after birth. abortion.sconrs. caked udder, and ah similar affections positively and quickly cured. No one who keeps cows, whether many or few. can afford to be without KOW KV KE. It is made especially to keep cows hralthj. Our book "Cow Mom-y" sent TREE. A-V your local dealer for KOW-KURE or send to the manufacturers. BR1RT ASSOCImrj CO. . Lpidomllle. vt PATENTS WatamCCa1earaB,WaTj. lnttoo.D.U. Books free. High est xetercocea Seat neulia. State Fire Warden Inspects. The inspectors of State Fire War den A. V. Johnson are working from the oast side of Lincoln toward the west side in the business district, The inspectors are J. H. Bennett and James McLeod. They report only on condition of buildings as related to danger frcm fire. They have recom mended that the building at 14:S O street owned by Guy Green, should be condemned and taken down be cause they believe it endangers other buildings. Change in Telsphone Rates. The state railway commission has permitted the Camp Dewey Telephone company to increase rates at Creigh ton and Nicbrara. The new rates be come effective April 1. The price of individual phencs has been increased from $1.75 to $2 a month, residence phones remain the same at $1.25. and farm rhones are to be increased from $1.25 to $1.50. Pettit's Eye Salve 100 Years Old, relieves tired eyes, quickly cures eye aches, intbmed. sore, watery or ulcerated eves. -All druggists or Howard BrosJ3nffa!o.NY. A woman waters her grief with her tears and it springs into a lovely flow er; a man salts his with bitterness and it turns to a thorn. JIKAD. BACK AND I.KC.S ACHE? Aerie all oi-rr? Throat sore, with chills That I La linppc1. Prrry Oar s" PamlaUrr will break It up If taken promptly. All dealers. 35c. 33c and 50c bottles. There is no wioug a man can do but is a thwarting of the living rlght- MacDonaid. To Vote on Initiative. Hastings. The initiative and refer endum will be presented for accept ance or rejection by the voters of Hastings at the annual spring election on April 5. A petition having signa tures of persons of over 15 per cent qf the total vote of the city has been filed with the city clerk, asking that the voters be given an opportunity to accept or reject the same. McCook Students Strike. ilcCook. For some time the seniors of the McCook high school have been remonstrating against the "despotic rule" of the superintendent and prin cipal and following the suspension of three of the class for no satisfactory reasons the whole class quit school. The majority or the class will com plete the school year elsewhere. OXI.T ONE "BROJIO QUININE." That is I.AXATIVK BKOMO QD1NINK. Look ten vjrraiure u v. . uuuvg. Ltcd the World tli overtuCurcaCoJLi&CteoDay. 2c PISO'S 1 - is the word torememlW ; when you need a remedy C0ffiC0LD5 Convicts Steal Shirts. Nine convicts at the state peniten tiary lost thirty days "good time" each during February for stealing shirts from the factory where they arc em ployed under a contract between the state and the Piatt Shirt company. The convicts are named Tucker. Bax ter. Story. Chivers, Miles. Covington Prince. Rodgers and Hunter. They uH the shirts under their clothes before they left the work shop. The waiden reports a total cf 437 prisrne." in the penitentiary. He received 50.60 for the board of United States prisoners in February. When the worst comes to the worst one may as well try to make the best of it Many who used to smoke 10c cigars now buy Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c. The decay of poetry may be due to the fact that sn much of it is rotten. Street Railway Bonds. The Lincoln Traction company, hav ing certified to the state railway com mission that it cannct sell its proposed Issue of $253,269 of bonds for more -nan $92 on the $100. has been author ized by the commission to make ttie sale at less than par. The bonds are to pay for improvements. The com mission has authcrized the Chicago. St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha Rail vay company to sell $1,500,000 of "onds acquired by the purchase o" the Superior Short Lire and to isne 3. ,fl0 of new bonds for construction In Wisconsin. THE KEYSTONE TO HEALTH t X 15 Lmmm IHOSTh. I I bjttsl 1 STOMACH f I BITTERS I Mica Plant Is Started. Grand Island. Forty-nine persons were added to Grand Island's army of workers this week when the city's new Industry, the mica factory, started up In the building formerly occupied by the Kelso broom works. Forty-nine girls were put to work splitting mica and next Monday about double that number will be employed. With a theory that human health Is dependent on the stomach and with medicine which he says proves this theory, I T. Cooper, a compara tively young. man, has built-up an im mense following during the past year. Cooper has visited most of the lead Ins cities of the country, and in each city has aroused a storm of discussion abont his beliefs and his medicines. Wherever he has gone, peoplo have called upon him by tens of thousands, and his preparation has sold in im mense quantities. The sale of this medicine has now spread over the entire country, and is growing enormously each day. In view of this, the following statements from two of the great number of fol lowers which he now has, are of gen eral interest. N. V. Marsh, residing at 217 South Daly street, Los Angeles, Cal., has the following to say upon the subject of the Cooper preparations: "For more than a year I experi enced the most intense suffering, due to a form of stomach trouble which the doctors called catarrhal gastritis. After eating I would fill up with gas, which caused frequent belching. The abdominal area would expand until I could scarcely breathe, causing great distress. At such times I could not keep still, but paced the streets for hours until the pain subsided. "Frequently I went without eating rather than endure the torture that was sure to follow. Liquids were the only kind of food I could partake of with safety. I had spells of dizzi ness, and became badly run down through suffering and lack of proper nourishment. I tried various reme dies in search of relief, but they failed to help me. "Some time ago a brother member In a lodge to which I belong urged me to try the Cooper remedies, which were then being demonstrated in Los Angeles. He stated that to his per sonal knowledge they had been of great benefit to others in a like condi tion, and on the strength of his recom mendation I procured a treatment of Cooper's New Discovery. "It proved helpful from the first dose, and in less than a week I was sating regularly and heartily, without experiencing any bad effects after ward. Since taking the full treatment I am perfectly well and enjoy living ror the first time in many months. Now I can eat a hearty supper, then o to bed and sleep like 7. healthy boy. I feel so well that I can hardly realize I am the same man. Cooper's New Discovery has worked a marvelous change in me it has done all that was claimed for it. Another statement by Mr. W. B. Stewart. 109 W. Madison street, Chi cago, is as follows: "I have had stom ach trouble for years, and anyone who is afflicted this way knows what an awful distressed feeling it causes. Many a time I have felt that I would give most any price to be cured. It was by accident that I heard of this man Cooper's remedies. I immediate ly made up my mind to bny a treat ment of him. I used it for abont two weeks, and it is impossible to tell how much good it has done me. I feel altogether different. I have more life and energy than I have had for years. The medicine certainly does stimulate and strcqgthen the who.e system. Tired feeling and weak condi tion of the stomach has entirely passed away. T feel well again." Cooler's New Discovery is sold by all druggists. If your druggist can not supply yon, we will forward yon (he name of a druggist in your city who wilL Don't accept "something just as good." The Cooper Medicine Ca, Dayton, Ohio. More Cheap Economical than nd Big Can Kind MUCH BETTER WHIT? Because Calumet Baking Powder is more certain ih its results the taking is always lighter more delicious and more evenly raised You never cave a spoiled batch cf baling by its cce. It requires less bence goes farther. CALUMET BAKING PGWDER IS the 'fall valoe" bails- powder tba hishert quality baking powder at a tncdiua price Acd wo noaranteo that it will give yea ootc real catlcfactlcathzasnybcHaspcw der von have ever cced szL year grocer. Free fcrgs bsndsoaa recipe bco t, illustrated ta eders. Send iz aad clip fennd vx posed cn. Calmat Racclwd Rlsbcd Ward STcrfd'a Pen Feed &pm!Sm JerMezBvn2Mirj FREE-TO YOU-FREE Th!stC3SnycUSTKOMriANOIf ToaHrDUcstbebot nnuor lo sfc fotlottlng rrous. Also Wi-wJ in - r l i:ttii- to uartff .-r i..rv x.itl l-o lctirii; i aiu manufacturing buuc iai l' riKST ritlZg-ONE 8oe-.wBX6C"'" VJANO lottowtvki KcC:.lirUt'tcv iw l R wy3t3. THEN ft4J4Q.03i(IUtedWtdnllnanratmtafitBaSS-9B to 1120.(0 amiRtlng to merit. Fo4 J o tbe suae as so mudi ciuncr toward t tie pure ha no of ay b:w pl.iao 1 a max store. I M PORTA XT Xo one who has been a wanted a prise is any of oar former contests will fen tUnrt nln u mmp'telnthlscoBtett. Only one anvrcr will 1m received from any one family, otherwise the cuBtvr.1 free and open to anyone In t be United Htatejw Wc arc spending a fortune each year In adrertlsiwr the HROERSTROM PIANO dlrcetfmuitlw )kn-. of Kitlttled customers wttlcn.aftrr all. tit the very bcMadvi:rti:acntaiut we Intend to aecumpUsb lim year waat otber manufacturers hvc taken rlfty years t do. IJnton spent a million dollars in advert IMnict be pndurlsofhU manufacture. Wiiinrrprono.iiMTf nlm a lunatic. Today nolsncraldcdhy thecniwned beadsof Knrvpe. imicluinied Ike Kins merchant. It paystnadTcrllscwbenyourcnodf are right. We sell more piano wholesale ami retail than any otbrr mannfactQrlnp concern In the country and our pan appeals to tne thinking tByeraonacouBLtroiir ty&iem of nellin pianos direct t nim factory to home whl.-h nliminatenall mlddleiwan'a prom. Krerr contestant will bo answrn-d hy mail, tint be rare and enclose a elf addressed ear cU'ikj U assure that your award will not bo mlsaent or lost la the mail. SEGERSTROM NICOLLET AVENUE PIANO MFG. CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA The Right Way In all Cases of IHSTEMPU,PINKEYE,INnJJENZX COLDS, ETC. Of all Horses, Brood Mares, Colts, Stallion, is to "SPOHN THEM Oa their tongues or fa the feed pot Spohn's liquid Compound. Giro the remedy to all of them. It acts on the blood and glands. It routs t!:e disease by espelling the disease cerms. It ware's off the trouble bo matter bow they are "exposed " A!o lutely free from anything injurious. A child can safelV take it. 0 cents and (1.00; 5.0 and ffUXOO the dozen. Sold by drmndsts. harness dealers, or csfc express paid, by tbe manufacturers. t.rrhl B)pCCBM JtBjwwIB) WaNMBSI SPOHN MEDICAL CO. ClwtosslfWpltiM,Cisa,M.U.X BraflW. PBbBBBBBBh Wm Ssawar"JRr JurCe'tiufStim Left Behind. "I engaged a model the other day," aid the artist sadly, "for her beautiful huir. I never saw anything qulto so magnificent or abundant. When she got here 1 didn't like the way she had it done up, so I asked her to change it I thought she had a kind of embar rassed look, but she went behind the screen and took it down and did it up nil over again. When she came from behind tbe screen I was shocked. "She had left hair her beautiful hair behind tbe screen!" fc' -STBawa KoKtri Vift f JgMeH (T staaaT TIIIM OF MY1M 1 SENUTM? Jnst wjotarat. Mr. Farmer, or Xr. Dairyman; do job. know what make of suaebine will rIvo you tbe be; t reunite, work easiest, last longest and Is cleaned the anlefcest? Rcaembrr, csed ttriee a day. Is tines a .-cck or 73) times a year involTe-j a strain that demands perfect constractloo. A National Cream Separator srrD eaafJr more Its sauerlaritw em ezsjaraation or com parison with other stakes. Thorough testa have desoor. Stratetl that ! t altkna elryur e nnv cither maehlnt? mailr. The comparatively few parts make It easiest to rim and . keep eleaa. Let us ttend you our cataleTue costalainic full particulars and testimonials of hundreds of eatlsncd owacn Thm ask and lasist oa your dealer deasoBstratliis aNatiocu) dcXora buying- THE (MTIOIUI, DAIRY MACHINE COMPANY Ooahen, Inalana Chicago, Illinois Literary Consistency. "That woman is never happy except when bothering over the unknowable." "Yes. She ttssd to adore Hrowning: now she dotes on Henry James." j Cleveland Plain Dealer. Qwck-Sawfle Eaty NOSIROmNG NO HOPING Turlock Irrigation District of CaBfont The IXD of SUNSIIINB and OPPOR TVNITJES. Healthful Climate. A-l land; ABUNDANT WATKR at low rate: I'rachcs. Apricots. FIks. Olives. Sweet Potatws. Alfalfa and Dairying pay bet tor than $1V).C0 per acre yearly. Writo for IlIustnitMl lKKjklct. DEFT. F.TURLOCK MAID OF TRADE. Tarisck. Cat. Goes to Europe for Horses. Albion. .Max Wolf, who last year Imported a number of draft horses from Europe, left this week for France to purchase another .shipment which he will bring to Albion. These horses Mr. Wolf expects to dispose of mainly at home. High Fulierton Votes to Erect New School Building. Fulierton. When the voters of the school bond election were canvassed it was found that the proposition to issue the bonds of the district for the sum of $33,000 to be expended for the erection of a new high school building had carried liy a vote of 30G for the bonds to 42 against them. These bondo will be issued in $1,000 denominations, due and payable twenty years from their date, with an option to pay after five years, and to bear interest at tbe rate of 5 per cent, payable annually. Words of Praise For the several ingredieat of which Dr. Pierce's asedf rises ar conposed,as given by leaders ia oil the several schools of medidae, should have far more weight thaa aay amount of aoaprofcssioaaI testiaabaials. A Booklet saade up of these sent free. Address as below. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has the badge of honssty oa every bottle-wrapper, in a full list of all its ingredieats priated ia plow English aad swom to as correct. If yea are aa iavalid wesson and suffer from freqveat aeadsche, backache, gaawiag distress ia stomach, period seal pains, disagreeable draggiag-down distress, aerhapa dork spots or specks daaciwg before tbe eyes, fsiat spcUa and kiadred symptoms earned by female weakness, or other derangement of the frmialar organ, yoa caa aot fe better thaa take aVmrnmssmmmmmmmmmm WESTEMCMADi K IwosMmoarr aTsaww aasda tk lawsfir uKwTl rnffi Jaifel mm TSSP&sri aoaasstol rlSXTiiiBi wUIri BSlWS i 1ft as T ea If llUHLas 90 fsVitfL-ATsVmTa crOD 4srsK-IZJ la adrfltk Jym ex ports fttrr t4aam t&ttlo tSkiftM Vfoslnees sift irn Tia a aim ai (wbt Ts3btsI .. iBwmawj nasi BiJBrwmBBraJ by railway i r4BaTBwHlBotdR WHKakfl Adapts! A . eSEH anst. sg WmtKfA for stttl WZMHtXl&l Iterators ' LBaSBaBBaTl rcaca tss mavSasanpsal tlealara. mtt WfaTWanaU " SH av. ELKasflawmlBmlNt. far3wNl fUao AH- ou miss a great deal of the nlfvicnnae est lifa f mmas ifsiwiMtuv... va uw as jvw stomach has "if one back on you"' but don't B remain in that condition. tjThe Bitters will set things Costiveness 8k. Headache. Erect Historical Monument. Kearney. The Fort Kearney chap ter. Daughters of the American Revo lution, have had placed at a point just south of the city a large Barre granite monument to mark the place where the old Oregon trail crossed Central avenue. The stone is red granite and I rough hewn with the exception of one side which bears the following in scription: "The first stcne erected In Nebraska to mark the old Oregon trail, 181MS69. dedicated by the Fori Kearney chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, Kearnrv, Neb.. February 14, 1S10." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The hospital, surgeon's kaHe and operatiag table may be avoided by tba timely we of "Favorite Prescription" ia sach cases. Thereby tbe obaoz sous exaauaauoas aad local treatments of ike family physician caa be avoided aud a taoroagh coarse of ssMcessfal treatment carried oat an the privacy of SBC "Famrsta Fre riasJaa is miami of the vary alii wmmdkmmtA roots kaowa to saadical scieaca abal ami aa Imrasfal ar Jsabst-firmiaj drags. ralss cattle la Wtrn U i ib the cent belt or 3 TJalted Btataa. Fd S la ebeapar aad ell mate B hatter for.tas swrpoiw. 3 tosr BMUSss will tat- B fs fatter tana jcar anasrs will snolara tbo f aaslies. Wkfest ean bo a aa to ttioSEtb ysr IKf mllea Bnrth rtt tBelateraaUosal boamU svvl.. Jfour vacsat land will fco takes at a rato bSTOSSBreent cosrep. tloa. ,Wo BSTO eaooah people la ths United Mates alone- wno want kaka antlus issd." Baui, OSOtatricaM iter wait BSBfottw-lrBOBwa wcrnMnnam tnia year, nrmtsced snetaer Isnro ant, oars ana Barlry. ia wittea tas csctjw wmv au iwiRva jinn. : ramttis. asiolsa. atie4 nrnm arowtsa it xnn c4Mtaitoua,Bsasst- aawa JBimrrra. . freo aoasrateacl aad at e-ewip- I well as Jssila bUl Ian4ecaiMia!es,will a m ar iiirans. oil. Benltlifal cll KUil srboola ami aaa sjosd raUwsnra. IrraT ntea. SaaerlptiTO m jess win.- now country and otaer rnr- ;tm ftA fciitft nf I..mL Ottawa. Canada, or to Urfj ENNETT H dte89eaic7aa.) (a) far tba Dp not expect too mack from "Favorite Prescription;" k wH aot perform draeles;ttwrirjsdfasfveercafataaMrs. No racdiciBa will. ItwiUab " Tlca tabusb Tigorow bcaltb ia most wtabacwmi and sihaeats pecJ. r"y " ' ro woman as aaysaediciae can. It mast be given a fair i ay perseverance W its ase for a KsaoaaMa Umdth el Has. 22l !TVl1brd to ?? oatrani aa i teraedy at known eoateosirien. .nnw7i.T0r?.r' ."T181 to co"ak Dr. Pierce, br letter, free. AM oor ZLllZTLSl??1 refly ret aad womanly conidraces are pro 2S1 nT0! P"1' . Address World's Dispeaaary Medical Aao-?f'J?r- !,' Pieree, pifcat, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce a Pleasant Pellets the best laxative aad regulator of the bowels. Your Liver's Your life A dead fiver mea&s awful sick nessdon't let it come when it can be prevented.' GMcarets l AaL . 1 mm kccp ue uver uveiy ana Dowee rcsaiar ana who OS senous, tauu CAacaairra-isc meat, an iataa world. Manaa ami ttli'atstat. ill SMI hi! saaawst avltM- nHMaMFSi,Kiili pM'g?ira?j5aHI? aaaafsaBa aw.aadsuaat Issassw Book saw PATEMT aavleaFKnT. Bm.. IrnktalMmn. Wamliwui. 1-U ask wJjr rs. Beat refcrcaav' PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Catsrswretcess kriihter and farter colors thin inj ether 4ji. One 10c asecoae colors ill Bsers. The on In cols water attmr'lkaain other a. Yteasfion78sr.stwltl.wtripBlss3s3rt Writo for hoc NokM-Hon to Ojt.ileac. and ML Colors, samMOsTOAW