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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1910)
N 'i! k'i R; ; I ' J vJr 1 m J- JL JLL iffiKSKalb SYNOPSIS. JJ2iWHHtoBBJ TIk; story opens with the introduction iif John Stephens, adventurer, h iim:jrits man marooned by authorities at Valparaiso. Chile. Being Interested In in:ninp operations in Bolivia, hi was de injoiKd ly Chile as an insurrectionist rid :t;. a consequence was hiding- At ids iiotxM liis attention was attracted by nn irilinluiian and a young woman, hleiihens rescued tho young woman from n drunken officer. Tfe was thanked by her. Admiral of Uro Peruvian navy con- runted Stephens, told him that war had been declared between Chile and Peru unci offered him the ofhco of captain. He ueslrol that that night the Esmeralda, n. i:ink-.:n vessel, should be captured. Ktepbens accepted the commission. H!c niicns met a. motley crew, to which he .VH.-I assigned. He gave them linal in structions. They boarded the vessel. They successfully captured the vessel supposed bo the Esmeralda, through strategy, t'apt. Stephens gave dlrectior-s for the de parture of the craft He entered the cab In and discovered the Knglish woman itnd her maid. Stephens quickly learned (he wrong vessel had been captured. It was Iord Darlington's private yacht. I be lord's wife and maid being aboard. JIo explained the situation to her lady tiip. Then Kirst Mate Tuttle laid bare iic plot, saying that the Sea Queen had !-"n taken In order lo go to the Antarc tic circle. Tultle explained that on a former voyage he had learned thnt the ;nn:i Isabel was lost in 17T.2. He had found it frozen In ft huge case of lie n an island and contained much gold. Stephens consented to be ttie captain ..f Hie. expedition. lie toltl Lady t'ariinglon. Slie was greatly alarmed. Jul expressed confidence in him. The ri'-i Oueen encountered :i wssel In the ritr. Stephens attempted tr communicate. Tins caused a fierce struggle and hi was overcome. Tultle finally squaring the sit- iliim. Then the Sea Queen headed south ii;ain. Under Tuttle'.s guidance the ves '."I made progress toward its goal. CHAPTER XIV. Continued. T would like to have taik wiz you. Mons. Stephens." ho said. quite re iccl fully, swaying lo the wild leaps if the vessel. "Maybe if we go to ze lee of zc cabin here we'll he out or ze win'." I followed him in silence, wondering what could be coming now. yet ready enough to take advantage of any op portunity which might present itself. Ce Nova braced his back against the i.til, his cap drawn so low lhat I could perceive little of his face but the glit ter of black eyes. 'We're a little bit be.-v.eicd w'at lo do. Anderson an" me." he began, evi dently ill at ease and scarcely know ing how to express himself, "an' so we r;ilk it ovaire. an' decide maybe we bettah speak wiz you about it now. be fore ze mattaire get inor" bad, or ze men forward catch on to ze facts an set ugly. Maybe it come out all right, maybe not. but, by gar, it ain't no uzc job to go sail 'bout ze?e seas tra iler a madman sacre. non!" "A madman!" I echoed in amazc n:ent. "Do you mean Tuttle?" He nodded gravely, his expression levoid of all merrimcnL "Tis ze way it was. We not know sure w'ezzer you see it zat way or no, but. damme. Mons. Stephens, if ze follow ain't mad as ze March hare. He was. ze fine sailor all right oui. zat was true nobody get more out or ze Hea Queen zan ho get. Saere! he drive ze sheep hard: it make my hair white ze way he hoi" on. Maybe I not be 'fraid to take ze chance of ze voy ngo if it just be all men on board. I not care, zen, for I risk my life wiz ze oilers. But. monsieur. I keep myself sink of ze ladies down below, an bow zat fellow was gettin more crazy ill zo time. Sacre! it makes me rrasy. too. Zere's no knowiit w'at he do w'en he zat way; he take spells w'en maybe he murder. I hear him m niter it; I soe it in ze man's eye. He wiw much afraid of you. monsieur, an' s is ze time w'en such fellows get wit you call it? ze dangairc." ( stared into the mate's face, barely iole to comprehend this quick justi fication of my forebodings, brought so closely home. Tuttle was odd enough tabs sure, eccentric in both word and iciion. cracked undoubtedly in raat Sers of spiritism, but that he was a ;3Py dangerous lunatic had never tmQO entered my head. I shivered at Kiithicn realization of the peril we were in. but remained only partially con vinced. "What reason have you to think the as bad as all that?" 'r'ell, monsieur, I walcli him for lu time: Bill. he. watch him, for wc iot like ze way he act since we first :ul. Maybe he be luny before zen, but tie get worse on ze voyage. Bill .in" .ma, we talk it all ovaire,. an ze u.ile not tell ze same story ze way he dul in Valparaiso. He forget some, he ii Id more. Hy gar. I lose much my f;lh in it. If zat ship show up. or ze is-ianJ. either. I be mighty surprise. "ui. oui! Ze man Tuttle. he crazy all Muht; we know zat for sure. Do he not talk wiz you, monsieur?" No. not lately; indeed, he has :trcely spoken to me since our trou ble " Zat was it; zat was w'y you not H.tlce. Well, he talk much w'at you --tU ze blue streak to Bill an' me. ftainte Anne, how he talk! He have now talk every day. an' ze notions he ipeak make a dog sick, by gar! Lis ten; I tell some sings. I was on watch. Won he comes up from ze cabin; he not half dress, but it cold as hell." De N'ova shivered; "yet he walk back an' forth, back an' forth, across zaro in front of ze cabin, like ze lion in ze cge. talking wiz himself. -an' wringing ins hands. Maybe he 'keep it up two i.our. an' I sink he freeze. Ze cook's r;tt was 'sleep in ze longboat. I watch ivi.'e be come up an' see ze poor devil. Quick he grab her by zo tail an fling it way overboard, like zat. I hear te cut yell, an' zen go splash. Zat seem ( make him feel bet t aire, for he Jtt'igh, an zen go below." The mate changed his position, and i aoticed his eyes looked sleepless and tired. "Las' night he take another turn. He dog you all ovaire ze deck, mon sieur, like he haunt you maybe. I was iftPPPiscjM 'iTi4 v--Mm jBnfejjj -ferr jgyHJr V mw WW "Tuttle Benin on ze bridge so I not see very much, but Bill, he tell me how it was. He say Tuttle sneak up behin' you twice. like he would hit you in ze back. Once, w'en you was right by ze rail. Bill, he sung out to you, so as to make you look 'round. Maybe you will remem ber zat monsieur?" I nodded, beginning now to grasp the full gravity of these revelations. "Bill he not got mooch use for you, Mons. Stephens," the speaker went on, smiling grimly, "an won't have w'ile his head ache, but he was no dam fool. He know w'at it mean if you was knock out By gar, it be hell! It Tultle was off his nut, you was ze only navigator c-n ze ship, an it not do for ns lose bose. Zat was w'y Bill he care; he not want to die in zis sea; by gar. non! Well, after w'ile you go below, an zen ze first officer did ze damnedest sing ever I saw on ze ship. He busted into ze fo'c'stlo. monsieur, wizout any invite from any man Jack u 'em, an plumped down on his knees by Snyder's bunk, an begun to pray. Mon Dicu. I Yonder zey not murder him. Larson come out, an' beg Bill an' me to take him out, but he pray all zc time till we dump him in his own cabin. He not fight, he jus pray. Sainte Marie! it make me sick; an ze raeu zey talk, an' ask question." He paused, passing one hand across his eyes. "But zat not ze worst, mon sieur sacre, non! ho see ze ghost." "De Nova." I said, quietly, "you have said I was au educated man. Well I have some reason to believe you are, also, and first of all I should like to know why you pretend other wise? Why do you endeavor to talk like a fo'c'stlo hand?" He hung in the wind, surprised both by my direct question and the sudden change of topic Then the old smile came back to his lips. "Maybe it was habit, monsieur, from 12 year' passed in zat sort of com pany." " was correct then in believing you have received more than an ordinary education?" "I took zc classical course in ze col lege at Martinique, an' zen two year' of ze train' for ze priesthood. Oui, monsieur." His eyes wandered out over the empty waters. "Zen xe sea call me, an maybe ze devil also. Zat was ze whole of it." "Yet you believe In ghosts?" The creole crossed himself. "Sacre, I know not w'at I believe. But It make ze blood chill to hear Tut tle tell w'at ho see down zare in ze cabin. Ze question not w'at I believe, monsieur: it Wat we do wiz him?" I struck the rail with my fist, vered at my own inability to take the initia tive. "Yes, that's the issue, De Nova." I returned quickly, "but I'm not the one to decide it I've knownwhat I would do from the first, if I had the power. Tuttle's insanity was not necessary to make me act his brutality to those women below, his shanghaiing me into this fool scheme, were enough. I am for taking possession of the vessel, even if we have to lash him to his berth." "Zat was not to be done, monslear." "And why not? Must we sail with a madman? fhis Is no regular voy age; not a man aboard has signed pa pers. Tuttle Is no better than a pirate, and to overthrow him and as sume control of the yacht would not be mutiny. We might sail straight back to Valparaiso-and not a thins could be done with us." The mate shuffled from one foot to the other, his black eyes hardening. "Now, see here, Moas. Stephens," he burst out, "zat was only ze half of It. Sure we not reglar crew, but we part ners. Zat was ze way it is. We take -e big chance for ze profit Zose sail You, Like He Would Hit You in Ze Back." or-men for'ard have nossing agains' zis Tuttle. Zey sink he tell truth. May be zey sink him a bit queer in zc head, maybe zey not like his praying, or-his talk of ze spirits, but so long he sail ze ship all right, zey stick wiz him. Zat all zey know how sail ze ship; dam ze rest! Zey believe w'at he tell, zey divide zose pesos every watch be low. Zat's it. ir we lay hand on ze mate, by gar. ze lads fight for him till zey drop. Zey will do it, monsieur, an' no pretty talk you put up will make zem sink anysing but zat you try rob zem or zeir share. I know sailor-men, an In case like 7ls, you got to go dam slow." "You are speaking for yourself and Anderson as well as the men, I take it?" "Maybe so, monsieur; w'y not? Wc have long voyage, an now we not so very far from zat place wc aim at. Zen w'y not take look 'long zat lati tude before we turn north again? W'y not, monsieur? Sure you not blame me for feel like zat?" "No. De Nova. I don't blame you." I replied, honestly, although disap pointed at his confession. "That's natural enough. Still, I hoped there was a little French girl down below who might be worth more to you than even that fantastic dream of money." He did not meet my eyes, his own gaze out over the gray tumbling wa ters. But he smiled good naturcdly. "I nevaire suppose. Mons. Stephens," he returned quietly, "zat a girl care less for man if he have plenty zc chink. A few days more not make much difference to ze ladies below. Zey have ze plenty eat, ze coal to burn. Maybe zare be truth in zc mate's story; anyway, it worth ze try. My share of ze pesos be bettaire as a sailor-man's pay. Oui, why not?" The man was undoubtedly right from his point of view, and I compre hended fully the utter uselessness of any further argument. I was still practically alone; yet now I had an understanding which greatly strength ened me. "Then why did you speak to me about Tuttle?" "To warn you take care of yourself, monsieur; to have you keep your eye on him." "That, then, is all you expect me to do?" "So I sink: zat will be all so long as he Fail ze ship right, an keeps away from ze ladies." Ay, but would he? The vagaries of Ample Measure of Revenge Time That Pat Got Gloriously Even with the Doctor. Pat had baa trouble wltli his eyes, and a friend having advised him to consult an oculist, he went a few days ago to see Dr. W . distinguished specialist, for relieL On his arrival at the doctor's office he found the usual large number of patients in the ante room awaiting attention, and though he was in a great hurry he was forced to wait several dreary hours before his turn came. He lost and regained his temper several times In 'the interim, but when all was over and he found himself out upon the street with the half day spent indignation over the loss of valuable time was the predomi nant note in his feelings. "But OI hsd me revlnge!" he ejacu lated with a broad smile, as he told his friend Mike about it afterward. "Oi a crazed man were beyond all guess ing, and to be cooped up in the con fines of a narrow cabin with one, and he in virtual command, was anything but a delightful position. I no longer doubted Tuttle's mental condition; in a way I had suspected it long before, but now I possessed positive proof. Even as I gazed down over the rail at tho white foam rushing past us, it was to perceive the appealing eyes of Lady Darlington. De Nova's voice aroused me. "Would you min' to giv me ze pres ent position of ze ship, monsieur?" I glanced around at him, startled by so unexpected a question. "Our position! Don't Tuttle prick off the day's run on the chart?" "Maybe he do, but he keeps ze map In his own room. He get ver mad w'en I ask him to see w'at it was. Zat was w'at he have agains' you zc takin' of ze observation. He not seem to want us to know. I understan not w'at he be up to, but I have to guess w'ere we was for maybe two week." I gave him our position according to my latest figures, and we went for ward to the charthouse. hunting among the maps there until we finally discovered an old one partially covering our course. By means of this I indicated with some accuracy about where we were, and the point toward which we were driving the Sea Queen. I left him studying over it and descended the conipanionsteps. unwilling longer bg remain out of sight of those I guarded. My lady met me in the dim light of the cabin, her lips smiling welcome. "I have just found the music you were so anxious to hear." she ex claimed, triumphantly. "Shall I play it for you now?" And so we sailed on into the piti less ice, through the cold, gray sens of the Antarctic, under a mad skipper, and I looked down at her smooth cheek, breathed the faint nerfume of her hair, and strove vainly to forget CHAPTER XV. In Which the Ghost Appears. Difficult work it was keeping sealed lips while wc conversed upon matters far away, each endeavoring to avoid any reference to present surroundings. I knew I could fully trust this woman, could safely confide in her. yet surely there was no Immediate necessity for telling her this latest development in Tuttle's case. Already she had bur den enough to bear, and the manner in which she Iiore it awoke my sincere admiration. Whatever of despair, of womanly shrinking her private calrin may have seen during those weeks of loneliness, she brought nothing out side its doors but courage and inspi ration. Once I remember she lingered beside the rail with me, clinging to my arm for support against the yacht's tumbling, her loosened hair flapping in the wind, her cheeks tin gling from the flying spray which oc casionally lashed our faces. It was my look of inquiry that unlocked her lips to confession. "I cannot help it. Mr. Stephens, but the spectacle of the sea awakens all that is divine within me." she said, her lips smiling, her eyes grave. "I must have been liom with the love of it in my heart. I know that sounds fanciful. like the speech of a school girl, yet lhat is the fascination the sea exerts upon me. I never tire of it, and it must be thnt I possess the soul of the sailor." "Was It because of your innate love for such things that Lord Darlington took lo yachting?" I questioned, cu riously, always eager to observe her swift changes in expression. She laughed, with a queer little indrawing of breath and uplifting of lashes. "Oh. no; far from it. He was an enthusiastic yachtsman long before we first met. but had contentedly confined his cruising to the English coast and the Mediterranean waters. No doubt it was my enthusiasm which induced him to attempt longer voyages and stranger seas. I lack interest In or dinary social life, and was far happier on board the yacht than in London drawing rooms. His lordship was. was always most considerate." (TO BK COXTINUKD.) Man's Fate in His Character. Mabie: A man's fate lies in his character, and not in his conditions. don't fink he'll keep me waitln again loikc thot" 'That did ye do to 'om?" asked Mike. '"Sure an Oi wint back th next day," said Pat "Oi got there at nolne by the clock an ivery tolme they said 'twas me tars to -go in Oi said Ol'd wait an let some other felly have me place, ontil the clock sthruck twilve. an thin 01 wint la. 'Well says he, 'phwat can OI do for yes this mornln. Pat?' 'NawthlnV says OI. lookln' him shquare In the eye as Oi turned on me heels and lift tbe room. Bedad, 01 don't believe he knows yit what sthruck 'urn! Harper's Weekly. Wrong. The Uon In the circuit Strict justice was denied They starved him while he was alive. And stud him w'icn he 4'ed! -Cleveland Leader. BAIilhGtri 13 l Oil t 44.w CHIEF ENGINEER OF RECLAMA TION SERVICE TESTIFIES. Secretary Wanted Power Sites Re stored Slowly So as Not to At tract Public Attention. Washington. A. P. Davis, chief e gineer of the reclamation service, gave testimony before the Ballinger PIncbot investigation Friday strongly against Secretary Ballinger. He said Mr. Ballinger bad directed him to gc slowly about restoring certain power sites on public lands to the public do main so as not to attract public at tentlon. Mr Davis declared that In prepar ing lists of lands to be restored by Secretary Ballinger be felt that be was acting; under mandatory orders from the secretary. These lands bad been withdrawn; witness said, by Secretary Garfield for the conservation of water power sites. Mr. Ballinger. according to Davis, repeatedly gave verbal orders that lands so withdrawn should be pre pared for restoration, as their with drawal had been In direct violation of law and could not be sustained. No written orders, however, were ever issued. Mr. Davis told In detail an Inter view he had with Mr. Ballinger at his hotel in March last. In which be criticised the conduct of the reclama tion service and declared illegal the withdrawal of large areas of power sites. Mr. Pepper brought out the fact that Mr. Davis in making his recom mendations for restoration of tbe land withdrawn was acting upon the mandatory order of Secretary Bal linger. This mandatory order was given orally by Mr. Ballinger. Of bis own volition Mr. Davis said be would have made no such recommendation. This evidence was of especial im portance because of the fact that Bal linger in bis defense to the president stated that he acted in making these restorations upon tbe recommendation of the reclamation service. Washington. James R. Garfield, former secretary of the interior, testi fied Thursday before the Ballinger Pinchot Investigation committee that he did not believe tbe $30,000,000 bond issue, recommended by President Taft to congress, was necessary for the proper forwarding of irrigation work in the west. He said this In defense of the co-operative agreements he entered into with water users' associations and of the "reclamation certificates" he is sued in evidence of work performed and which came to be known as "Gar field currency." Mr. Garfield said Attorney General Wickersbani and President Taft did not have the proper facts before them when they reached opinions adverse to the legality of the reclamation cer tificates, the use of which was stopped by Mr. Ballinger. BANKER PLACED ON TRIAL Former Cashier of Tipton, Ind.. Sank Is Charged with Embezzling $100,000. Indianapolis. Ind. Charged with embezzling $100,000 of tbe fusils oi the First National bank of Tipton, Ind.. William II. Marker, formerly cashier of tbe bank, was placed on trial before a jury in the United States court of this district Marker's brother, Noah R. Marker, former assistant cashier of the bank. Indicted jointly with him oa the charge of complicity In tbe embezzle ment, win have a separate trial. The United States district attorney, Charles W. Miller, in his opening ad dress to the jury said the government expected to prove. In addition to the embezzlement, that William II. Marker had misapplied thousands of dollars of the cash of the bank for the benefit ef several persons, including himself, and that be had made false reports of the condition of the bank to the comp troller of the treasury. KNOCK OUT COMMERCE COURT Interstate Commission Substituted for Trianal in Taft Bill by House Committee. Washington. The Interstate com merce commission was substituted for tbe proposed court of com merce In the administration raHroad bill by tbe house committee on inter state commerce. Or. Fritch Goes to Prison. Detroit Mich. Dr. George A. Fritch was sentenced to serve from IVt to 15 years In the state peniten tiary at Jackson for manslaughter In causing the death last August of May belle Millman of Ann Arbor. Senator Daniel Stricken. Daytona. Fla. United States Sena tor John W. Daniel of Virginia was stricken with paralysis here Wednes day. He is at a hospital and bis physicians say he will recover If an other stroke does not follow. Six Injured in a Collision. Seattle. Wash. Six persons were injured, two seriously. Friday, when a limited passenger train oa tbe Puget sound electric railway ran Into a freight train at Thomas station, two miles south of Kent Negress Boycott Street Cars. Muskogee. Okla. Negroes generally are boycotting tbe street cars of Muskogee aa a result of tbe placing of officers on the cars to prevent trouble in enforcing the "Jim crow' law. i. Jere F. Ullls Improving. Kansas City. Mo. Jere F. Lillis. president of tbe Western Exchange bank, who was assaulted by John P. Cudaby. the millionaire clubman, con tinued Thursday to show Improvement In his condition. Electric Wires Start Fire. Pittsburg. Pa. Fire Thursday caused by crossing electric wires destroyed the storage battery department of the Westinghouse Machine Company's plsnt at East Pittsburg, causing a loss of $75,000. i BETZVILTE TALES Orone McDooble and Andrus Gobble. By Ellis Parker Btftier. Author oFPijs is Pi ILLUSTRATED By Old Andrus Gooble, of Betzville, was one of the shrewdest men in town, but twice in his life he made mistakes. Once was when he lent money to Or one McDooble, and once was when he thought he could work the money out of Omne. It seems that a couple of years ago a syndicate of prominent Betzville ag riculturists decided to build a tele phone line, and when they went to Orone he said he would be glad to go into it, and he subscribed one hun dred dollars, but when the time came to pay up, he did not have the money, so he went to old Andrus Gobble and began talking a loan out of him. Old Andrus refused at first, but Orone has a harsh, grating; voice, like the rough edge of a rasp file, and after he had talked to old Andrus awhile Andrus felt his ear drums giving away. Ev ery time Oroae said a word it was like rasping a file across Andrus's ear drums, and in a few minutes his ear drums were rasped down so thin that they palpitated-painfully, and they were hardly any thicker than a sheet of tissue paper. Old Andrus saw that if Orone coaxed a few minutes more his ear drums would be worn quite through, so he told him to shut off his voice and he would lend him the money. So Orone did, and Andrus made the loan. Then he started right in trying to collect, but he had a hard job of it. Orone did not have any cash, nor any thing to attach. All he had was the 1 SI "I I 0r rSfl Htf-a y IBW ts MM s- Jixm n 9 W bLIIIU TMsLa' TJrT-"-r ' V 1 Vim II -Mi . VI J . - . " J l K MmmrmmmmL m aV I 1 iflsHCKT. fc -sw mm. S5!ot mmi Jills' As Soon as Orone's Grating Voice Struck the Horse Radish R-ots It Began Grating Them, and the Horse Radish Fell Like a Showver. right to have a telephone instrument in his house and connection with the Inter-farm Telephone line. Every time old Andrus Gobble telephoned him about the debt Orone would begin a bard-luck story about eighteen fur longs long, and his grating voice would file a little more off old An drus's ear drums, until the old man had to slap up the receiver in self-protection. But the telephone line was composed, part of the way, of the top wire of old Andrus's barb wire fence, and one day when old Andrus went out to look at the fence he found that every barb on the top wire had been filed off dose, and it did not take him an instant to realize that it was Or one's grating, rasping veice that had filed off the barbs as H passed over the wire. So old Andrus. who is a cute old codger, saw at once bow be could get even with Orone. and he got right to work and planted his ten acre south field in horse radish. As soon as the horse radish was ripe he dug a coupl of roots and went In to the telephone and called up Orone and asked him when he would pay up. When Orone began one of his long explanations, old Andrus took the receiver from his ear and held the horse-radish roots up in front of the receiver, and the result was like magic. As soon ss Or one's grating voice struck the horse radish roots It began gratlag them, and the ground horse-radish fell like : shower. So old Andrus knew the plan would work all-right From that oa. as fast as he due his crop of berse radish. old Andrus would take it in to the telephone and call up Oroae and ask him about that hundred dollars, and Orone would begin explaining, and old Andrus would turn the tele phone receiver oa the pile of horse radish roots, like the nozzle of a hose. and Orone's grating voice would grate up the horse-radish. Old Andrus Gobble used to stand by and weep, and he was never exactly sure whether he wept most for joy or whether he was weeping a plain horse-radish weep. He would stand there and the tears would run down his face in streams. The fact was that he was weeping a full quantity of horse-radish weep, and a full quantity of joy weep too. And that was why old Andrus Gob ble over-reached himself, as I said. The human body should consist of two thirds water, and an average Eic PETE IEWELL perspires two pints per day, but old Andrus hustled so over his horse-radish job that he was perspiring about a gallon a day right along, and he was weeping a gallon of joy tears and three gallons of horse-radish tears. and he was losing a good deal more water than any man could afford to lose. Even .the teeth, which are the dryest part of a man. contain ten per cent, of water. Old Aadrus began to feel that he was getting pretty dry. and he took to drinking water copious ly, but to save his life he couldn't drink five aallons of water a day. Three gallons was all he could possi bly manage, and that left hint two gal lons short every day. and no au of the age of old Andrus Gobble can af ford to shrink two gallons a day any length of time. In three weeks he was so dry that he rustled when he walked, like an autumn leaf, and he kept get ting dryer and dryer. Two or three times a spark from bis pipe fell on him and set him afire, and if it hadn't been that his hands were wet with tears he would probably have gone up like a flash. He was mighty careful about sparks after that By the ninth of November he was so dry that he could not weep any more. He had wept all the weeps out of him. There was no more moisture in old Andrus Gobble. On the tenth of No vember be was perfectly desiccated. Even the moisture in his ears, that made hearing possible, had dried up. and the old codger was as deaf as a bat. but he went richt on with his horse-radish job. He brought in a basket of horseradish and called Or one on the telephone and asked him when he meant to pay that money. aad Orone began answering; in Mi grating veice. but old Andrus could not hear a sound. He keptf yelling at Orone. and Orone kept talking, and all the while Oreae's grating voice wa getting in its work on old Andrus grating him down aad grating him down, and in five minutes old Andrus was all grated to a pile of white dust Then -he gave a last yelp at Orom and passed away entirely. (Copyright. 19CS. by W. G. Chapman.) Her Anklet. She put her slim feet on the fender, and the young man uttered a shocked cry: "An anklet!" For hor round ankles were extended from beneath her gown, aad ea tbr left one was an anklet In the farm of a great gold snake with ruby eyes On the slender ankle the snake gilt tered against the cobweb stocking oi black silk. "Do you like it?" she asked. "Yes," the young man admitted. "Sw do I," she said. "It's a Christ mas present from the countess my sister in Paris, you know. AH the smart young married women in Paris are wearing anklets this winter. I am not married, but an American girl is lulte aa free aad untrammeled as anj orelgn matron so my anklet.goes hat?" "It goes." said the youag Increased Use of Rat Skins. Use of rat skins in the manufacture of fancy articles is Increasing. Last year the trade in Great Britain alone amounted to $250,000, and supplies of brown rat skins are being sought ir lots of from 100 to 10.000. It is proposed to start a business in Calcutta for se curiag and preparing the skias of the brows rat, to be used, among a variety of purposes. In the binding of bookV and the making; of purses, gloves, and various articles for women's use and wear. The supply of rats in Calcutta Is said to he laexbaustlble. The Philosopher of Folly. "There's nothing in a name." says the Philosopher of Folly. "They have dog watches on other ships besides barks." 1 '-. - M A p i MMi1, -I'.jgv'fit1 '.wiyw g-ff ptw - mm. ii m nimM.aiir,